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Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering

Temperature profile of a Newtonian fluid flowing through a pipe.

Temperature profile for heat conduction and convection of a Newtonian fluid with known velocity profile flowing through a pipe. The right axis is pipe length in meters; the left axis is radius in centimeters; and the vertical axis is temperature in Kelvin. This solution was generated in MATLAB using a finite difference method. See Problem Set 8 for an explanation. (Image courtesy of Professor Green.)


MIT Course Number


As Taught In

Fall 2006



Course Description

Course Features

Course Description

Numerical methods for solving problems arising in heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, chemical reaction engineering, and molecular simulation. Topics: numerical linear algebra, solution of nonlinear algebraic equations and ordinary differential equations, solution of partial differential equations (e.g. Navier-Stokes), numerical methods in molecular simulation (dynamics, geometry optimization). All methods are presented within the context of chemical engineering problems. Familiarity with structured programming is assumed. The examples will use MATLAB®.


The instructor would like to thank Robert Ashcraft, Sandeep Sharma, David Weingeist, and Nikolay Zaborenko for their work in preparing materials for this course site.

Other Versions

Related Content

William Green Jr.. 10.34 Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering. Fall 2006. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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