HYDRODYNAMIC DRAG OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL BODIES BY MEANS OF A LASER DOPPLER WAKE SURVEY by JOHN RICHARD KNOBEL B. S. , Webb Institute of Naval Architecture (1973) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (February, 1978) . · SiQnature redacted A Signature of Author •• •t:f'T .- .. -.............................. .,.... ............... . I\ Department of Ocean Engineering, February 1978 · . . Signature redacted ~, Certified by ••••••••• Jr""•'• . -. . .-...................... ,..-.-. "Th~~;s· &!~~~~~~; . Signature redacted Accepted by •••••••••••.• ,.-~~":: ;:~~;;i:i~~~r:i~~;~~ ~~· ~~~d~~~~. ~~di~~ Archives HYDRODYNAMIC DRAG OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL BODIES BY MEANS OF A LASER DOPPLER WAKE SURVEY by JOHN RICHARD KNOBEL Submitted to the Department of Ocean Engineering in February, 1978 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING ABSTRACT An investigation of the application of Laser Doppler Anemometry to the determination of hydrodynamic drag by means of a wake survey is de- scribed. The experimental study, which was limited to viscous drag, is discussed. The particular objects studied were a MIT Series of yacht keels, with and without turbulence stimulation, at varying angles of attack, and varying Reynolds number. A discussion is given of the theory relating to the calculation of drag from a wake velocity survey. A series of guidelines are given for the use of the Laser Doppler Anemometer System for future studies in the MIT Water Tunnel facility. Graphs and tabulated results of the calculated drag coefficients versus Reynolds number are given, along with a commentary on the particular results. Name and Title of Thesis Supervisor: Justin E. Kerwin Professor of Naval Architecture ACKNOWLEDGE MENTS The author wishes to thank his thesis advisor, Professor J. E. Kerwin for his support and guidance in the writing of this thesis. He also wishes to express his gratitude to Dean Lewis and Peter Minh for their assistance with the experimental apparatus, and to Kathleen McGotty for assistance in pre- paring the manuscript. '1 CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1.2 Wake Survey 1. 3 Laser Doppler Anemometer 1. 4 Limitations of the Study 2. THEORY 2.1 Wake Survey (General Case) 2.2 Wake Survey (Laser Doppler Anemometer) 2.3 Turbulence Stimulators 3. EQUIPMENT 3.1 Water Tunnel 3.2 Models 3.3 Laser Doppler Anemometer System 4. TESTING 4.1 Preliminary Tests 4.2 Production Testing 5. RESULTS 5.1 Keels In Smooth Condition 5.2 Results With Turbulence Stimulators 6. CONC I USIONS AND RE COMMENDATIONS 6.1 Experimental Conclusions 6.2 Recommendations REFERENCES APPENDIX I APPENDIX II APPENDIX III APPENDIX IV Data Reduction Effect of a body on wake velocity in an ideal fluid using a Rankine Ovoid to simulate the keel Program Listing Equipment List 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 8 10 12 14 14 17 22 26 29 35 47 48 51 52 55 57 64 5I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Of considerable interest to all those engaged in the design of hydrodynamic vehicles is their motive power requirement. Whether one is transporting a pay- load from one point to another, or racing a sailboat, one is always concerned with getting the most distance traveled in the shortest amount of time, with a minimum expenditure of energy. This requires that the designer of any vehicle to have a good understanding of the nature of the forces acting upon his craft, so that he may in turn be able to predict their magnitudes and design the vessel accordingly. In this particular case we are concerned only with the hydrodynamic drag upon an ocean vessel, and the utilization of a fairly new tool, the Laser Doppler Anemometer, to determine it. 1.2 Wake Survey A well known and often used method of determining the drag of some vehicle, or part of some craft, is by means of a wake survey. Any object moving through a viscous fluid has in the region behind it an area where the flow is disturbed to some extent. This might be due to flow separation, cavitation, lift, or the existance of a boundary layer. A wake survey is a determination of some property of the fluid in motion behind the body such that the drag of the body in that condition of motion can be determined. In most cases this survey takes the form of the measurement of the pressure at a series of discrete points behind the form, and in this case the direct measurement of the velocity behind the body. 61. 3 Laser Doppler Anemometer The Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) is a device used to obtain the velocity of a fluid flow without inserting any physical probes into the fluid, which would in turn influence the flow patterns. The LDA device is actually a system of electronic units and laser optics. This system is comprised of the laser and its transmitting optics, the receiving optics, and the electronic tracker with its signal processors. The laser generates a beam of coherent light that is split into two beams, which cross at the point where you wish to measure the fluid flow, with a known angle of intersection. Where the beams cross they create interference bands, the size of which are determined by the wave- length of the laser light and by the angle of intersection. With a perfectly clear fluid these bands would not be visible, so the fluid is either seeded with small particles, or the matter already suspended in the fluid makes them visible. Each time a particle moving with the flow goes through these bands it in some way scatters light. The receiving optics pick up these disturbances of the light pattern, the frequency of which depends on the, velocity of the particle. The particle velocity is assumed to be the same as that of the flow. The electronic tracker is a device which determines the frequency of the particles crossing the interference bands and generates a voltage which is linearly proportional to this frequency, and thus proportional to the velocity of the flow. 1. 4 Limitations of this Study The original intent upon the start of this work was to obtain the total drag coefficient of a series of yacht keels, using the LDA, and to compare the values found to those found by previous tests on the same models with a normal dyna- 7mometer. During the initial months of study it was found that this would involve a number of points, and testing time so large as to be prohibitive. As this was the first attempt at a drag claculation based on a wake survey at the MIT water tunnel, the effort was directed towards finding out what measurements were feasible with the LDA, and to develop techniques to use the instrument. After becoming acquainted with the instrument, it was decided that with the present equipment the only suitable investigation at this stage was a study of the viscous drag to the keels, and to assume that in the mid-span they could be treated as two-dimensional sections. B 2. THEORY 2.1 Wake Survey(General Case) The underlying theory behind all wake surveys is the conservation of momentum. The survey consists of a set of measurements across the flow downstream of the object being studied. Assuming that the flow is relatively uniform before reaching the object, we hope to gain some information about the hydrodynamic characteristics of the object by examining the disturbances created by its passing. These can be either three-dimensional or two dimensional sur- veys. In this case we are working with a small section in mid-span of the keel, and are assuming it can be treated as two-dimensional. The drag hereafter discussed is the drag per unit span, and does not include any tip or edge effects. In this instance we are attempting to determine the viscous drag of a yacht keel by calculating the difference in momentum between the non-viscous and viscous flow pattern. Using Fig. 2.1 as an illustration we shall assume a streamlined body A _ _ with an axis of symmetry aligned with the flow. The flow into the control surface surrounding the body is through face "A", and it has a momentum flux of; I8 'P UJ2 dA, 9 The units of the momentum flux being ML/T 2 , mass per unit time multiplied by its velocity. The additional assumptions needed in this model are those of incompressible flow, and that the control surface boundaries are sufficiently removed from the body so that the pressure has returned to its free-stream value. The flow out of the control surface has a momentum flux of; As the flow is symmetric about the bodies centerline, the only other possible flow entering or leaving the control surface is through "S". By conservation of mass this flow must have a magnitude of; And, as it is leaving the control surface in the free-stream region, its momentum must be; These formulas deal only with the velocity and momentum components par- allel to the centerline of the object. They are all readily expanded to include the three-dimensional case. As "S" is far from the body it is assumed to have a constant velocity, Us. Summing the momentum flows into and out of the control volume we have a term for the drag of the object; DRAq =pS {(2- 2) - Us(UclJUj tA 10 In cases where the control surface "A" is very far upstream, and "S" is far from the object the equation can be further simplified by equating Ua and Us. This results in the form; DRAQ =4Ub(Us--U) JkA which is found in most texts, and even when all the assumptions required are not met exactly, can still give fairly good results. 2.2 Wake Survey (Laser Doppler Anemometer) In previous wake surveys of airfoil shapes, with the measurements of drag as the intent, the pressure was measured at a series of points downstream of the object. For practical reasons it was usually found difficult to measure the flow sufficiently far from the object so that all the previously mentioned assump- tions could not be met. This gave 'ise to a number of correction formulas, notably those of Jones and Betz, as found in Schlichting. As pressure was the quantity measured, these formulas list the drag coefficient of the object directly in pressure terms, without ever finding the velocities. The Laser Doppler Anemometer gives us the capability to measure the fluid velocity at any point behind the object being studied without affecting the flow. Thus the pressure terms are no longer needed to find the drag coefficient if one can satisfy the assumptions of the pressure returning to free stream values. If we were to attempt to measure the total drag of the keel being studied we would again need corrections for the pressure field created by the foil if the survey was done close behind the trailing edge. In this study we are concerned only with the viscous drag of the keel. The reasons behind this specialization ii are discussed under "Preliminary Testing", Section 4.1. For zero angles of attack the pressure drag for a streanlined body is small compared to the viscous drag. For a fifteen percent thickness section the pressure drag is roughly three percent of the viscous drag. If one is interested solely in the viscous drag one can look at the momentum difference between the viscous and non-viscous case. At this point we make the simplifying assumption that, at the point where we are measuring the viscous flow behind the body, the observed flow outside the wake is not significantly affected by the presence of the wake. If this was so then the velocity difference in the wake, and the corresponding difference in momentum between the experimental situation and the ideal case of non-viscous flow would be the viscous drag. Rather than risk this possibly unwarranted assumption, we will define the viscous drag found here to be that found by the wake survey when comparing the momentum in the wake to the flow that would have been in the wake if the actual pressure distribution (boundary layer included) was present but no viscous forces. This is equivalent to adding the momentum thickness to the outside of the foil and then treating it as a case of ideal flow. If we are considering a small region through the wake it appears reasonable to assume that the pressure through the section remains r oughly constant. This assumption is supported by Prandtl, as reported in Abbot and Von Doenhoff in the simplification of the "Navier-Stokes Equations". The finding was that the pres- sure was transmitted essentially unchanged through the boundary layer. Within a wake the same considerations should still apply. A check of the velocity varia- tions induced by a source-sink pair representing the foil is included in the Appen- 12 dix. The keel was modeled on a Rankine Ovoid, a "worst case", and the velocity differences were calculated. They were less than one percent of the flow velocity and are believed to be low enough to ignore in the present study. With these assumptions we can consider a non-viscous wake profile to be similar to "A" in the previous example, and our viscous profile as boundary "B". As the two profiles are the same outside the wake region the integral need only be evaluated over the wake. The assumption is still made that the flow leaving the boundary transversely, through "S", leaves at axial velocity Us. 2.3 Turbulence Stimulation As previously discussed, the drag of an object in a mixed laminar and turbulent flow is dependent on the extent of the laminar region. The NACA 66 series of foil shapes tries to maximize this region by delaying the location of the increase in pressure on the surface of the foil. As the extent is also dependent upon the Reynolds number and the surface roughness these items have to be taken into account when expanding model tests to full size. Not only must the Reynolds number of the model match that of the full size section, but the regions of laminar and turbulent flow should be as close to identical as possible. It is widely believed that yacht keels operate in an almost full turbulent fashion on any but extremely small craft. In order to simulate this in testing facilities for keels and hull shapes, it is common practice to install some kind of turbulence stimulator to the forward edge of the body being tested. It is hoped that this device, which could be a wire, or a row of pins, or sand grains, would cause turbulent flow to exist over the same region on the model as is experienced by the full size shape. Any of the devices mentioned do this, but also add their 13 own drag forces. They may be located in such a fashion that the laminar flow ahead of them will cancel the effect of the increased drag, or the estimated added drag may be subtracted from the tesL results. The precision of the LDA should make it possible to see what effect these devices have upon the drag. 6 14 3. EQUIPMENT 3.1 Water Tunnel The testing was done in the MIT Department of Ocean Engineering Water Tunnel. This is a recirculating flow, variable pressure, variable speed twinel with a constant cross section through the test area. With no object in the test section the flow through that section is usually quite uniform. The models of the yacht keels were mounted on a dynamometer that could vary their angle of attack. The test section incorporates a splitter plate to minimize the effects of the upper boundary layer of the flow on the flow at the model. The test section arrangement is shown in Fig. 3.1. 3.2 Models The models tested were an MIT series of yacht keels. These were devel- oped under sponsorship of SNAME. Previous testing with these keels was done at the MIT water tunnel and is reported in "Water Tunnel Tests of a Series of Yacht Keels with Varying Reynolds Numbers", by Kerwin and Lewis. This is an unpublished paper for SNAME research panel H-13. The illustrations of the test section and the keels are taken from that report. Their platform, which was the same for all of the models tested for this work, is shown in Fig. 3.2. The models were mounted in the same fashion as the previous study, so that the results would be directly comparable. All three keel models were tested in the smooth condition, and model one was tested again with the addition of turbulence stimulators. The turbulence stimulators consisted of number 20 carborundum grit. 15 SPLITTER PLATE \KE FLOW BOTTOM WALL SIDE VIEW OF TEST SECTION KEEL CROSS SECTION 17-3/4" 20" Test SectionFig. 3. 1 8.0" Root Chord-1 40 Sweep TC~ Fig. 3.2 Keel Planform Models 1,2 & 3 Model 1 632-015 Model 2 662-015 Model 3 63-010 Fig. 3.3 Keel Model Sections 8.0" Tip Chord-"I I I These particles were epoxied to the surface of the keel. The keel was first tested with the addition of one row of the stimulators ten millimeters behind the leading edge, and then later with another row added five millimeters further back. In both cases the spacing of the individual grains was roughly three grains per centimeter. It was originally planned to add a third row and test the model again, but this was not done due to a lack of available time in the water tunnel. The keel cross sections are shown in Fig. 3. 3, and additional information on their development can be found in the report by Kerwin and Lewis. 3. 3 Laser Doppler Anemometer System The Laser Doppler Anemometer System is composed of two optics groups with their individual power supplies, and an electronics gaoup which converts their output to a voltage. A list of the individual items of equipment is included in the appendix. Referring to the pictorial and wiring diagram, Fig. 3.4, the following is a brief descriptinn of their set-up and operation. The laser and transmitting optics are mounted together on a single baseplate. The transmitting optics take the single beam of light produced by the laser and split it into two parallel beams. In the set-up used for this test the beams were then passed through a frequency shifter. This device consists of a set of prisms and a Bragg cell. The Bragg cell operates on a piezeo-electric principle, and shifts the frequency of one of the beams a selected amount. The selection of what frequency to be used is determined by the speed of the flow being measured, the particle size, and the optics being used. The frequency shift used throughout this Receiving Optics -- Photo- detector Power Supply Keel Frequenc Shifter Bragg ceL y Laser iLL Laser Power Supply Counter (Impeller) Tracker & Signal Conditioner Voltage to Frequency Converter C Counter (Velocity) Fig. 3. 4 Pictorial/Wiring Diagram IC 19 work was one megahertz. There are adjustments on the transmitting optics to adjust the relative brightness of the two beams, and the alignment of the shifted and the unshifted beam. After the frequency shifter the beams pass through a lens of known focal length. When property adjusted, the shifted and unshifted beams should intersect at the point where one wishes to measure the fluid velocity, with a known angle of intersection. The velocity will be measured normal to the line that bisects their crossing point. In the test set-up at the MIT water tunnel the beams travel through the plexi- glass wall of the test section before intersecting in the flow. Any imperfections in the walls will deflect and/or obscure the laser beams. Any deflection from their intended path will induce an error in the ultimate velocity reading, while if one of the beams is partially blocked it will decrease the usable signal, which could cause the electronics to track noise rather than the proper signal. The plexi-glass walls used were the best of those presently available at MIT but are still considered to be only marginally adequate. The imperfections were essen- tially random and no attempt was made to correct the data for these effects. The receiving optics are mounted on a separate baseplate on the opposite side of the test chamber. They were adjusted to be parallel to the transmitting optics. As the receiving lens does not send any light through the walls, but rather collec ts the light scattered by the intersection of the two laser beams, the wall imperfections are only important as far as blockage is concerned. The optics focus the light upon a photo-detector. The induced voltages in the detector are then transmitted to the electronics. 20 The electronics are based around a tracker, or frequency following device. This unit senses the frequency of the signal from the photo-detector, which is that of the particles going through the beam intersection. The tracker generates a voltage directly proportional to that frequency, as the frequency is directly proportional to the velocity the voltage is proportional to the velocity as well. The electronics package also contains a signal conditioner to eliminate noise effects from the output and to bring the output voltage into a region where the re- cording maters were most sensitive. The values of the adjustments on the signal conditioner and the tracker for all the tests were; one volt output per megahertz of the input signal, a five kilo- hertz low pass filter on the output, and a one volt suppression to eliminate the voltage induced by the frequency shifting. The low pass filter was used to elimi- nate transients and noise from the output. As we are averaging the flow over ten seconds it seems reasonable that any fluctuations in the flow greater than five kilohertz could be ignored. The output from the tracker is in discrete voltage levels. The tracker will sense the input frequency, match that with its output voltage, and electronically verify the result. This results in the output of a square-wave type, centered around the voltage which would represent the average velocity. Viewing this output on an oscilloscope was found to be very useful in adjusting the various opti- cal stages and the electronics. In order to average the frequency over ten seconds the output of the tracker was then fed to a voltage to frequency converter, whose output was in turn fed to a frequency counter reading over ten seconds. It is felt that this is not the best 21 way to get numerical results, as each instrument added to the system introduces some error, but it was the only system available. 22 4. TESTING 4.1 Preliminary Tests Whenever a new instrument is developed and put into use in the laboratory, there is inevitably a period of familiarization necessary before the tester can have confidence and expertise in its use. The LDA system is a new concept in flow measurement, and this particular study was the first of its type at the MIT water tunnel. Throughout the summer months of 1977 preliminary tests and wake surveys were done using the LDA and keel number one. The initial experiments were not intended to yield numerical values, but to explore what regions of investigation would be open to this device. The original intent was to develop a method to calculate the total drag of a three- dimensional object, in this case a yacht keel, by means of a wake survey. This would be the sum of the viscous drag, tip and root drag, induced drag, and form drag. In order to accomplish this it would be necessary to have a wake survey that covered the entire test cross section behind the model. To account for effects caused by the wall boundary layers, and keel and wall interactions, it was thought that it would probably be necessary to do at least a partial survey in front of the keel model. From the initial work, and the time it took to make a single traverse and record the data, it was obvious that there would not be enough time to do this type of survey for all the models in the MIT keel series. Within the allowable time the available options were to do a complete study of one keel at a limited number of Reynolds numbers, or to investigate one component of the flow around a greater number of models at different speeds. A factor that influenced the decision was the results of an earlier study done on these models 23 at the water tunnel, with the standard dynamometer. Those results were drag coefficients substantially greater than those expected. It was decided to investigate the viscous drag component of a number of models at different Reynolds numbers to compare with this earlier data. It was thought that a survey of one keel, even if much more extensive, would not be as useful. Once it was decided that the wake surveys were to be limited to the viscous effects the assumption was made that near the midspan of the section the flow was not seriously effected by tip and root effects, and could therefore be treated as two-dimensional. As the models are of keels with a forty degree sweep, this assumption may not be made lightly. It was thought that limiting the angle of attack to small values would necessarily follow this assumption. A considerable portion of the early tests were devoted to checking this assumption. With the admittedly crude data reduction method in use at that time it was decided that above six centimeters from the keel tip that the two-dimensional assumption was not unreasonable. Items of particular inportance that came to light during this trial period were the following: The output voltage readings of the instruments were to some extent depen- dent upon the gain level set on the tracker. That is, turning the gain above a certain level in order to obtain higher data rates, resulted in picking up large amounts of background noise. This noise was for the most part thought to be stray light from the laser and which showed up on the oscilloscope as zero velocity readings. Thus with the gain turned up one could run the water tunnel at any velocity and still have a reading of zero velocity. The means used to avoid this 24 condition were to observe the output of the tracker on the oscilloscope. A gain setting that was too high would show the output jumping towards zero voltage. A plot was made of data rate versus output at a constant water tunnel speed. The. point where this deviated from a straight line corresponds closely with the abnor- malities seen on the oscilloscope. It was found that with the model in place the flow across the tunnel was fairly uniform, except for the wake of the model and the tunnel wall boundary layers. The most significant departures from this being at high velocities with large angles of attack. For this reason it was decided to do a survey of the keel wake that only covered a transverse distance large enough to determine the "free stream" velocity on both sides of the wake. This allowed the use of a transmitting optics lens of a smaller focal length, and reduced the required number of data points on each run. In a survey of this type time is one of the limiting factors. The periods when the water tunnel is available are limited, and a survey with many discrete point data readings requires large amounts of time. As the testing was to be done over a range of Reynolds numbers, the tunnel speed as well as the transverse position of the laser had to be varied. In the preliminary period the method of changing velocity at a constant location, and that of holding the speed constant while moving the laser from point to point were tried. It was found that working at a constant speed was slightly faster, as well as wliminating some concerns about the transient speed response of the water tunnel. The facility at present has no method of changing the streamwise location of the laser, which is the location of the survey. For these tests with sept back keels, the tip of the keel was used as a reference point. The distance behind the keel was varied by changing the height of the laser. As the velocity in the tunnel was not truly constant over the time it took to make a traverse, it was averaged over ten second intervals. The drive motor RPM was averaged and recorded over those same ten seconds. By varying the speed of the drive impeller, and reading the laser voltage while at a "free stream" position it was found that for practical purposes the flow in the tunnel was linear with the impeller RPM. This was used to normalize the recorded data in the laser wake surveys. 26 4.2 Production Testing Keels number one, two and three were tested in sequence, the primary nurveys being done at eight centimeters above the tip of the trailing edge. The laser was aligned with the tip of the keel while at zero angle of attack, and then raised to whatever height was being investigated. This resulted is the survey being slightly over six point seven centimeters behind the trailing edge of the keel at zero angle of attack. This distance increased with increasing angle of attack as the laser was left in a constant position and the keel rotated away from perpendicular to its axis. This should have no effects on the results as they should be independent of streamwise position. Keel number one was later retested with the addition of turbulence stimula- tors as previously described. The tracker experienced some difficulty with the highly turbulent flows. It was much harder to obtain a high data rate, and losing track of the data was much more frequent than in the other tests. Possible reasons for this are the mixture of fluid flow velocities and directions and unsteady flow. If the flow contains fluid moving at different velocities, or at the same velocity but in different directions, it is possible that the bandwidth of the tracking elec- tronics is being exceded. If this were the cause then a switch to manual tracking might help. If this effect is caused by the unsteady nature of the flow, the solution would be to average the flow over a greater period of time, or to complete the entire traverse much more quickly. Switching the tracking unit to manual in this instance would result in a bias of the data obtained. As these problems were encountered at the very end of the test period it was not possible to determine which of these, or some other influence was causing the misbehavior. A switch to a different frequency shift, in view of the high frequency components of the turbulent flow, might be of some help but it was not found possible to try this in the test period. The procedure used to take one data "point", which consists of the voltage, impeller, RPM, and position was the following: a) Check the RPM as shown on the counter and adjust to within one RPM b) Posit ion the Laser and Tracking optics on the desired point. c) Check the output of the tracked and the input signal to the tracker on the oscilloscope. In this way one can tell if the optics are focused, if one is receiving a noisy signal, or if one is tracking one of the noise signals. d) Reset the voltage and RPM counters at the same time. As these were both ten-second counters, one can then read them simultaneously. e) Plot the point thus obtained to check if it agreed with previous points. In some cases the tracker would lose the signal part way through a ten-second cycle. In this case the error would be small enough that it could slip through unnoticed if the data were not graphed. Most of the testing consisted of measurements wither inside or adjacent to the wake. The spacing between data points across the wake was usually one millimeter, and outside the wake from one to four millimeters. In most cases the data was taken in two traverses, one for odd numbered data points, and another traverse in the opposite direction taking, 'the even data points. In this fashion it was hoped that any irregularities caused by temporary misalignments or malad- justments would be quite visible on the graph. 27 28 The LDA system is a device for precise, and literally pinpoint velocity measurements. One of the chief drawbacks with the present installation for this type of study is the time required to make these measurements. With everything running smoothly the typical time for a traverse would depend on the number of data points being taken. The time required for each data point is approximately one minute. If one is receiving a weak signal from the optics, which could be caused by any number of factors; misadjustments in the equipment or flow conditions, one could expect to spend two minutes or more per data point until this condition is corrected. The data was reduced by the use of a computer program, written in FORTRAN, for use on the MIT 370/168. The program is based on fitting a polynomial through the wake velocity profile and calculating the difference in momentum between the viscous and non-viscous flow. A program listing and further explanation are found in the Appendix. 29 5. RESULTS 5.1 Keels in Smooth Condition As can be seen from the graphs of drag coefficient versus Reynold's number ( Fig. 5.1, 5.2, 5. 3 ) all the keels exhibit generally decreasing values of drag coefficient for increasing Rn at low angles of attack. The two keels with fifteen percent thickness exhibit this tendency to a greater extent than the keel with a ten percent of chord thickness. (Keel no. 3) At six degrees angle of attack one starts to see a rise in the drag coefficient at increasing Reynold's number, this tendency also exhibited by Keels nos. 1 and 2 greater than number three. A quick look at the ITTC correlation line, of the ATTC friction line will indicate that these keels were not operating in a fully turbulent manner. As the drag coefficients here are based on the chord of the keel, they would have to be divided by two to get an equivalent flat plate friction coefficient. This would put 6 typical values at about 0. 003 at a Rn of 1. 0 x 10 . The Blasius solution for the drag coefficient of a flat plate in laminar flow is: 1 Cd = 1. 328/(Rn)2 The corresponding drag coefficient for a flat plate at Rn =10 6 is 0. 0013, so one is clearly operating in a region of partial laminar flow. In this case the drag coefficient is directly dependent on the extent of the laminar boundary layer. The transition point from laminar to turbulent flow will depend upon the pressure distribution in the flow. The laminar region can not exist to any extent in areas of increasing pressure. Comparing the results to those of Squire & Young, again 3 0 in Schlichting, at Rn of 106 and using a ten percent thickness ratio, the drag coefficient is seen to vary from .012 at no laminar flow, to 0.008 at a transition point of 0.4 chord. The values obtained in this study were a good bit lower than these predictions, which would seem to indicate a greater region of laminar flow. The results agree with those published in Abbot & Von Doenhoff for keels numbers one and two within the limits of experimental error. While their figures are at a considerably higher Reynolds number, the drag coefficients are substan- tially the same. Abbot & Von Doenhoff do not list figures for keel number three, the 632-010 section, but the data agree fairly well with that on the 632-009 section. It should be mentioned that the data in Abbot & Von Doenhoff was obtained by wake surveys of the pressure type. A comparison with the results Kerwin & Lewis shows that the values ob- tained in this work were approximately one-half of the drag coefficients obtained with the dynamometer. The data follows the same trends as observed in their work, but a decrease in drag coefficient from low values to about 1. 0 x 10 6 and then a leveling off with increasing Reynolds numbers. C"j 0D Keel No. 1 0.0 deg. angle of attack 4.0 cm above tip 6.0 deg. angle of attack 8.0 cm above tip 4.0 deg. angle of attack 8.0 cm above tip j I I I 1 . I - 2.0 deg. angle of attack 8.0 cm above tip * 0.0 deg. -angle of attack 8.0 cm above tip 1 I I I I I .2 .4 .6 . .0 12 1.4 .6 Reynold's No. (x. 10 -6) Fig. 5.1 81 C4 C%4 C%4 C'4 Keel No. 2 6.0 deg angle of attack 8.0 cm above tip 4CM' _____ I I I I I I I I I A I ti 4.0 deg. angle of attack 8.0 cm above tip I . _ . I .. ... I I -.-- I - 2.0. deg. angle of attack 8.0 cm bove tip 1 1 I I I I I I . 0.0 deg. angle of attack 8.0 cm above tip .2 .4 .6 .8 /0 1.2 1.4 /.6 Reynold's No. (x 10-6) Fig. 5.2 0 0 Cl 0 r-I 0 - - 4ci 4-1 Q) 0 c-) to p cl Cl 0 0 0 33 Keel No. 3 -- 4 6.0 deg. angle of attack: 8.0 cm above tip r-4 0- '-A.. I I 4.0 deg. angle of attack 0 8.0cm above tip 0o 44 0 U CI4 2.0 deg.,angle of att ack -8- 0' cm above tipC) 0.0 deg. angle of attack 8.0 cm above tip _4 _ _ .L '8 1.0-1. .2 .4 .6 .8 /.0 1.2 /.4 1.6 Fig. 5.3Reynold's No. (x 10-6) Comparison of Keels 1,2 & 3 c Lm 0 C) Lfl r-4 0 0 04 0 0) cv,) x KEEL NO..I 02- 'I j6 3 6.0 Deg. Angle 8.0 cm above tip A .&. -A - .. a i & e a A a I a . 4.0 Deg. Angle 8.0 cm above tip -A .i . 1 I I I - 2.0 Deg. Angle -8.0 cm above tip. ... I I L 2 I . I- 0.0 Deg. Angle 8.0 cm above ATTC Line 7;? .2 .4 .6 .8 /.0 1.2 .4 /.6 Reynold's No. . (x 10 -6) 34 04 -0 04 0 C-, 4-) mr4 4-4 a) 0 0 0 0 Fig. 5. 4 :i35 5.2 Results with Turbulence Stimulators The graphs, Fig. 5. 5, presents the results of the testing of keel no. I with the addition of the carborundum turbulence stimulators. There is consid- erably more scatter in this data than in the data for the keels in the smooth con- dition. It is believed this is a result of the electronics of the system having greater difficulty in tracking a turbulent flow. As the wakes for smooth keels are also turbulent it is conjectured that this might be unsteady rather than turbu- lent effects. As this testing was not completed until shortly before this writing there was no time to investigate the source of these effects. Plotted on the zero degree angle of attack graph is the ATTC friction line, as developed by Schoenherr. The general trend of the data appears to be a gradual decrease in drag coefficient with Reynolds number, but with less slope than predicted by the ATTC line. The difference in drag coefficient produced by the addition of the second row of turbulence stimulators is slight. There is not enough data to develop a good estimate of the drag of a row of stimulators. The results do tend to indicate that the turbulence stimulators add a roughly constant increase in drag coefficient when compared to the keel in smooth condition. An interesting effect is that the drag coefficient does not appear to be influenced a great deal by the angle of attack when the turbulence stimulators are added. This is thought to be a scale effect, which unfortuneately was not inves- tigated further, as it might have some significance in other model tests. 36 Keel No. 1, The Effect of Turbulence Stimulators .. *. -'0.D77D V7Aii;j - -- -__ - -- 4 . -c- -t -ta -- ---.------ - -- *- - -- *-_-- -- 4 -.. ... ... .. - one--row : -two-rows -7.- - -.- . -.-. - .- - 1 - ---- -"- - - -' - .-- - 6.0 Deg. Angle of ett-aek o : .n-7r.I- -- a O - - - 7- __ .. p i . .t . a a I U 4 0 Deg. Angle of attack 8-czrabovEt: C)C 7 --... .-. -- 0+ - -- egQ. Angle of attack o -... r - - -t-- - ---z -r ---1- -'C .2 . 6 . ... .IA-- - -,1.- 16-- -- Reynol d' N. C- 10-6)-Fi - --- - - - -- - " -T . .--- k e .2 .4 .6 .8 /.0 1.2 1.4 /.6 Reynold's No. (x 10 -6) Fig. 5.5 Table 5.1 Keel No. 1,- Smooth condition Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. Rn Cd Cd(S) (OF) (deg) (cm) (cm/sec) (x1-5) 1_1 _ __ I IIIIII " 11-1 2-77 "f " "' "1 11-1 3-77 "1 11-11-77 " - ?? .0 "U "' "1 "I 78.5 IV 21". "' 77.0 "3 "l 78.0 50 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200 300. 50 100 150 200 300 50 4 8 .0 so " " 0.0 I" "' "U "U 0.0 "U "' "' " 2.0o '3 "' '3 "U 4.0 a - a & 101.2- 203.4 298.3 4oo.8 603.3 99.5 205.7 306.6 407.4 61o.6 101.5 205-7 306.7 407.7 609.8 101,7 2.29 4.61 6.76 9.08 13.7 2.30 4.80 7.08 9.41 14.' 2.30 4.66 6.95 9.24 13.8 2.33 0.01381 0.00927 o.oo605 0.00695 0.00621 0.00636 o.o0684 0.00604 0. 00568 0.00514 0.00839 0. 00715 0.00639 0.00688 0.00579 0.01136- 0.01440 0.0939 0.00653 0.00701 0. 00627 0.00664 o.o0694 0.00679 0.00571 0.00516 o. o0867 O.00720 o.oo646 0.00691 0.00587 0.01178 "U 8.o '3 "f "9 "s 8.o "' "' "U 11-13-77 Table 5.1 (continued) Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. JCdCd(S) (OF) (deg) (cm) (cm/sec) ( x10-5) 11-13-77 "t 4.69 7.02 9.31 14.0 2.26 4.64 6.89 9.21 13.8 9.00678 0.00621 0.00581 0.00453 0.00911 0.00808 o.oo639 0.00652 0.00869 0.00684 o.oo644 0.00595 0.00457 0.0101 0.00813 o.o0661 0.00662 0.00844 I I -- cc "f 11 "' -14-77 "3 78.0 "3 3' 3' 77.0 'S "' "I '3 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200 300 8.o '3 "I "I 8.0 ", "' 4.0 " " ", 6.0 to is", "I 3' '3 "' 204.7- 305.8 405.5 608.2 99.5 204.8 304.0 406.0 608.1" S .3 .& '. Table 5.2 Keel No. Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. [Cd [ Cd(S) (_F) (deg) (cm) (cm/sec) ( x 10-5) 11-15-77 ", "f ", "1 11-17-77 "o of "U "U 11-18-77 "9 "' "' " 11-19-77 ________________I I .1 1~ 'S 77o it ", "' "' 77.0 "' "' "' "' 77.0 "9 "' "1 "' 77.0 50 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200 300 50 2 000 2.0 of of it It 4.0 -of "t "90 8.o "U "U "' "U 8.0 1 of 8.0 8.0 98.5- 204. 3 304.1 407.5 608.4 102.1 203.0 303.4 404.4 604.7 10089 203,. 1 303.5 404.1 605.4 100.5 2.23 4.63 6.90 9.24 13.8 2.31 4.60 6.88 9.17. 13.7 2.29 4.6o 6.88 9,.16 13.7 2.28 0- 00805 0-00762 o. 00437 O.00554 0.o0489 0. 01265 0. 00759 0. 00726 o.oo6os 0. 00457 0901020 0. 00703 0. 00708 0.00546 0.00458 0.00902 0.01086 0.00871 o. 00652 09 00563 0.00492 0 901305 0.00838 0. 00728 0 .0060 2 0.00482 0.01163 0 .00789 0.00699 0.00566 o.oo469 0*00978 I, v Table 5.2 (continued) Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. J1 CdI Cs(S) (OF) (deg) (cm) (cm/sec) x10-5 _______ ( x 1o0 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11-19-77 11-19-77 11-19-77 -I 77 .0 Is 77 0 77.0 100 150 200 300 50 50 6.0 "' "' 6.0 4.0 8.0 ", '3 4.o 4.0 201.5- 300.9 402.3 6o1.6 100.4 100.4 4.57 6.82 9.12 13.6 2.28 2.28 0.00705 O.00727 0.00744 O.00709 0.01226 0.01659 0 .00758 0.00818 0.00788 0.00725 0.-01255 0.01728 .1______________ ___________ L I Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. Rn Cd Cd(S) (OF) (deg) (cm) (cm/sec) ( x 10-5) of "U "' 11-20-77 of to"' " 11,-20-77 "t I I 77*.0 "' "U "' "' 78.0 1U U, "U "U 78.0 19 79.0 50 100 150 200 300. 50. 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200 300 50- 0.0 it "U "' " 2.O go of I" of 4.0 "1 "U "' 6.0 8.0 , I "' 8.o 11 If t' it 8,o "' "' "U "' 8.0 102.7 205.9 307.4 408.5 613.7 102.7 206.4 307.3 408.4 611.9 102.9 206.5 306.9 407.8 610.3 101.9 11 2.33 4.67 6.97 9.26 13.9. 2.36 4.74 7.05 9.38. 14.0 2.36 4.74 7.05 9.36 14.o 2.37 -20-77 " 0.00671 0.00525 0.00510 O.00430 o. oo431 0.00595 0.00538 0 900521 0.00470 0.00447 0.00623 o.00605 0.00581 0. 00535 0900514 o.00634 0.00686 0.00542 0.00517 o.oo464 0.00436 0.00636 0.00560 O. 0526 0.00478 0.00451 0.00664 o.o0610 0.00584 0.00541 o o0520 0.00704 "0 "U U' 11-20-77 S & 1. I pIll -1 I I I " m HTM Table 5.3 (continued) Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. .[ Cd Cd(S (OF) (deg) (cm) (cm/sec) x10-5)I1C-(S 11-20-77 it i,"' 799.0 11 ", "S 100 150 200' 300 6.0 "' '3 "I 8.0 "' "U "I 205.1 305.9 407.3 608.7 4.77 7.11 9.47 14.1 0.00744 0.00751 0 .00732 o.00665 Sm~9 t b U .~ ~ ft 0.00756 0.00758 0.00741 0.00675 Table 5.4 Keel No. 1 With one row of turbulence stimulators Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. Rn Cd Cd(S) (OF) [I _ I(deg) I(cm) [I(cm/sec) (x10-5) [ [ 12-17-77 I "3 12-1 9-77 3, "f i" "3 12-20-77 1" '3 12-21-77 79.0 so to '3 if 79.0 "3 " '3 "3 79.5- 9. 80. 50 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200 300 50 0.0 31 ", "I 1 2.0 "' "' '3 " 4.0 4.0 "l 't .0 "' "' '3 3f .0 " "' "3 "3 8.0 98.1 202.8 298.9 400.2 .598.9 102.4 20-2.8 306.7 405.8 607.3 102.7 203.7 303.9 404.7 606.0- 99.7 2.28 4.71 6.95 9.30 13.9 2.38 4.71 7.13 9.43 14.1 2.40 4o75 7.11 9.46 14.2 2.35 0.01818 0.01737 0.01508 0.01748 0.01412 0.01415 0. 01271 0 s01358 0.01253 0. 01171 0. 01598 0.01404 0. 01330 0.01275 0.01174 0.01460 I M ~ I ~ ~'. A 0.01859 0.01747 0. 01557 0.01781 0.01439 0.01442 0. 01311 0.01354 0.01259 0.01176 0. 01604 0.01414 0. 01347 0.01289 0.01185 0.01483 "-'" I 8 8 Table 5.4 (continued) Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. Cd Cd(S) (OF) (deg) (Cm) (cm/sec) x 10-5) 12-21-77 "e 12-21-77 I i, "1 " 80.0 "f i , 80.5 ", "' 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200 300 4.0 "U El EU 6.0 U, U, EU "U 8.0 EU ", U, 8.o of tU"t "t 201.3 300.5 402.7 604.6 100.7 202e5 303.6 402.6 602.3 4.74 7.07 9.47 14.2 2.37 4.76 7.19 9.53 14.3 0.01407 0.01694 0.01342 0.01242 0.01311 0. 01442 0.01425 0. 01338 0.01285 0.01450 0.01708 0.01356 0.01247 0.01340 0. 01472 0.01431 0.01372 0.01300 a & MR I Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg. Rn Cd Cd(S) (OF) (deg) (cm) (cm/sec) ( x 10-5) 12-24-77 "3 "3 "' 12- 25-77 I "3 " "5 12-25-77 " "3 "3 "u 12-26-77 80.0 '3 "3 ", "' 80.0 to "3 "3 '3 80 0 ", '3 " "3 80 .0 50 100 150 200 300 50 100 150 200, 300 50 100 150 200 300 50 0.0 "3 ", ", ", 2. 0 "3 3' ", -33 6.0 8.0 3' ", 3, ", 8.0 80-0 11 "0 8.0 99.1- 203.4 304.1 404.2 605.1 101.9 204.4 302.1 400.9 604.5 99.4 203.1 302.7 403.2 603.5 98.7 2o-33 4.79 7.15 9.51 14.2 2.40 4. 81 7.11 9.43. 14.2 2.34 4.78 7.12 9.49 14.2 2.32 0.01652 0.01488 0.01376 0.01313 0.01233 0.01457 0.01416 0.01329 0.01393 0.01297 0.01564 0. 01422 0.01363 -0.01327 0.01331 0.01540 .1 ___________ I ___________ L I. 0.01653 0.01498 0.01392 0.01325 0.01248 0. 01500 0.01436 0. 01375 0.01405 0.01321 0.01632 0.01434 0.01391 0.01343 0.01341 0.01581 a Table 5.95 Keel No . 1 With two rows of turbulence stimulators Table 5.5 (continued) Test Date Water Temp. RPM Angle Hgt. V avg- Rn Cd Cd(S) (OF) - (deg) (cm) (cm/sec) ( x 10-5) 12-26-77 "3 "U "' 12-26-77 80.0 ' "3 "' 80.0- 100 150 200 300 50 6.0 "' "o "' 0.0 8.0 " ", "3 4.0 201.5 301.0 400.8 602.1 100.0 4.74 7.08 9.43 14.2 2.35 0.01509 0.01422 0.01565 0.01331 0.02001 I * L L A N A 0.01520 0.01453 0.01596 0.01341 0.02037 I 47 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Experimental Conclusions As can be seen in the results section, all the numerical values claculated from the data appeared quite reasonable. In fact, for the first testing done in the facility using the LDA device in this type of study, the agreement with published data in Abbot & Von Doenhoff is remarkable. In view of the crudeness of some of the data reduction, and the possible errors in collecting data it must be assumed that this device is quite forgiving as regards to its operation. This would tend to indicate that the LDA can be expected to give extremely accurate results if a large scale, well planned study is to be done. Conversely, one can quite possibly develop a technique to obtain drag coefficients to a level suitable for most non-critical engineering which would be very simple and easy to use. Other possibilities for use of the instrument not touched upon in this study - were the use of a frequency spectrum analyzer, and a wake survey with the intent of calculating lift. As the existance of the turbulent layer was quite visible on the oscilloscope, and to the LDA's capabilities, this layer constitutes an extensive region, investigations of the internal motions of wakes and boundary layers do not appear unreasonable. Another feature of the device is its comparative freedom from ranges of greater or lesser accuracy. With the addition of a carriage capable of streamwise motion, one should be able to measure drag from one to thirty feet per second in the MIT water tunnel with a constant level of accuracy. This is not possible to do with any of the presently ava ilable dynamometers. 48 6.2 Recommendations Assuming that there will be a continued interest in the study of wakes, boundary layers and flow patterns using the LDA, in view of the excellent results obtained by all the users of the instrument so far, it is felt that the following are possible methods for improving the facility. The present carriage for the laser and the receiving optics was designed to move only vertically and transversely, as the propeller tunnel has the capa- bility of moving the propellers axially. In order to check on the assumption that the pressure variations across the wake are not effecting the survey, the mounting should have a freedom of motion parallel to the flow in the tunnel. Aside from this it would also greatly simplify the initial setup of the unit. With this capability one would only need to align the unit so that it is perpendicular to the flow, with- out the added difficulty of trying to aim it at a specific location at the same time. The present system has a handwheel and screw method for trnsverse motion. The transverse scale used was graduated in millimeters, and readings and adjustments were done by hand. As the water tunnel will only accept rather small models, the size of the wakes in this study was typically two or one centi- meters across. A system that could be adjusted to a tenth of a millimeter would at times be useful. T he LDA system can easily detect the changes in velocity that occur over a distance of one millimeter, and for high speed flow.measured closely behind the keel these changes can be sizable. It is thought that the system of a pointer and a graduated scale for transverse position location is not in keeping with the accuracy of the LDA. More important -19 perhaps is the time required to adjust the position by hand. The time required for each survey (one transverse at a constant flow) is not that large, approxi- mately one-half hour. When the time of the data preparation is added on to this it grows considerably. Any wake survey which was to look at a keel as a whole, without the simplifying assumption of a two-dimensional section, would require a very large number of data points. As a result of these two effects, inaccuracy of positioning the unit, and time for data reduction, it is recommended that for any extensive study serious consideration be given to the installation of an auto- mated carriage and data acquisition system. A unit which could traverse the tunnel, and automatically record the impeller RPM, the velocity of the flow, and the location (in three dimensions) on some medium capable of direct computer input would make extensive, and extremely accurate, drag calculations possible. Without such a system only two-dimensional studies are feasible, if only for the reason that test time in the water tunnel is not unlimited. As this study found, the two-dimensional drag is only a fraction of that measured on the dynamometer. The system should, ideally, have the transmitting and receiving optics mounted on the same baseplate. This would help eliminate noise in the system caused by vibration, and misalignment between the two. Mis-ligned optics were probably the greatest cause of delay in the testing. The system should also include some system for establishing a reference point with the tunnel or the model. In this study the aft end of the model was adequate as a reference point, but on other shapes that point might not be. The plexiglass walls on the test section leave a great deal to be desired as 50 far as use with this instrument. Any imperfections on the tansmitting side intro- duces as error in the data that could not be reasonably detected or corrected. The present method of mounting the models on the dynamometer and splitter plate is fairly cumbersome. It has the advantage that one can compare the drag measured with the dynamometer and the wake survey directly. With the dynamometer and splitter plate setting up the system takes a good deal of time, as does changing from one model to the next. The present mounting also restricts the LDA to the bottom two-thirds of the keel. For these reasons it is recommended that any new work with this equipment be preceeded by the design and installation of a n ew splitter-plate or mounting body that would permit more rapid changes of models, and give an unrestricted view of them to the LDA. 51 REFERENCES Abbott, Ira H. and Von Doenhoff, Albert E. : "Theory of Wing Sections", Dover Publications, Inc. , New York, 1949. Goett, Harry J.: Experimental Investigation of the Momentum Method for Determining Profile Drag. NACA Rept. No. 660, 1938. Kerwin, Justin E. and Lewis, Dean: Water Tunnel Tests of a Series of Yacht Keels with Varying Reynolds Number. Unpublished Report for SNA ME, panel H-13. Milne-Thomson, L. M., C. B. E.: "Theoretical Aerodynamics", Dover Publica- tions, In., New York, 1958. Schlichting, Dr. Hermann: "Boundary- Layer Theory", McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968. APPENDIX I Data Reduction The data reduction program that was used for this report is based on the fit of a poynomial to the experimental wake velocity survey. There were two variations of this program, the one listed herein was used to calculate the results. This version was probably slightly less rigorous than the other, but it was much easier to prepare the input data for it. This program also relies less on the assumption that you can get a good fit with a polynomial to the wake survey data. The program requires input of the date of the test run, the water tunnel impeller RPM, the angle of attack, and the height of the laser above the tip of the keel. These values served merely to identify the computer run and the data at a later time. The approximate center of the wake is required. This value is input so that the curve fitting routine will have the data roughly centered, and so give a better fit with the polynomial. This value was usually obtained by eye from the graph of the wake survey data. The actual data of wake velocity, transverse posistion,was split into two groups. These were the data points inside the visible wake region, and the free- stream flow outside the wake. Generally these were also obtained from the - graph. Obviously, this is a point where different operators will make different choices as to the extent of the wake region. The program fits a separate polynomial to each of these data groups. The degree of the polynomial used is also left up to the operator, with an upper limit of a ninth order term. For the fairly smooth flows that can be assumed to exist outside the wake a low order polynomial is all that should be required. As the function for the drag is based on the difference 5) 3 I. (continued) between these two polynomials, it is felt that the lower the order of the polynomial that can be used and still represent the flow the better. Higher order polynomials tend to introduce a number of "humps and hollows" which would probably not exist in a real flow. Once the polynomials are established, the value of the integrand in the drag function is calculated for each of the points in the wake. The drag function for a keel with span "b" is; DpS U-U,(UU 6) IA Ua is the extrapolated free stream flow, Ub is the viscous flow, and Us is the free stream flow at the edge of the wake region. A polynomial is fitted to this function and integrated between the limits of the wake region to calculate the drag. The program calculates the two-dimensional section drag coeficient based on the chord of the keel section. The value of the chord was a data point inside the program, as is the programs conversion from volts to cm/sec. As all of the keels tested had the same chord, and used the same optics and settings on the tracker this was a convenient method. The values are on lines twenty and twenty-one of the program. The second variant of the program operated in exactly the same manner as the first, with the exception of the extent of the region of the wake polynomial. Here one polynomial is fitted to the free-stream points, and the other is fitted to all of the data . If a good fit can be obtained to the data by the polynomials then once outside the wake they should be substantially the same. Thus the end points chosen by the operator should make little difference to the integral, and so do not require the care in their choosing that the other variant should have. 5r I. (continued) The difficulty encountered with this program was that if required more keypunching of input data, or the development of a routine that could recognize a "wake". As the function being integrated has comparatively very small values at the points where the wake and the undisturbed flow intersect, it is felt that the operator estimates involved in the first variation were adequate for the purposes of this work. In view of the very small forces and low drag coeficients being measured, small errors that might be induced by the operator are probably overshadowed by other physical effects. These effects might be scale effects, tip effects, imperfections on the optical surfaces, and calibration defects in the electronics. The following is a table of the variation of the calculated drag coeficient as the operator parameters were varied over a wide range. The table is based on the test data of 11-13-77, Keel No. One, at two degrees angle of attack , the survey being done eight centimeters above the tip of the model. Degree of Wake Degree of Free- Uavg. Cd Cd (S) polynomial Stream polynomial 8 2 205.8 0.007140 0.007169 3 2 205.8 0.007398 0.007427 8 6 205.6 0.006972 0.007084 4 2 205.8 0.007177 0.007206 6, 5 205.7 0.007146 0.007197 Uavg. is in centimeters per second, and is the calculated velocity at the edge of the wake based on the free-stream polynomial. This value was used to determine the Reynolds Number. Thus, over a wide range of parameters the drag coeficient is essentially constant at a value of 0. 0071, and as most engineering practice would use only two digits, this method should be adequate. 55 APPENDIX II Effect of a body on wake velocity in an ideal fluid using a Rankine Ovoid to simulate the keel. We are assuming the existance of an ideal two-dimensional fluid flow. The wake survey is done through a line some distance behind a body. Modeling the body, in this case a keel, as a Rankine Ovoid we will investigate the effect the body has on the Ovoid so that it has the same thickness as the keel models, and the same overall length, and lies on the "X" axis. As this is not nearly as streamlined a body as our keels it should exaggerate the difference in velocity in the wake. A We will consider a two-dimensional body of length 2L and of breadth 2B, with a source located at -A on the X axis, and a sink at +A on the X axis in a free stream flow of U. The formula for the velocity around the ovoid thus formed is: + 4(X+0A) -/I (X -A) T21((x+A) 2 + y<) 2 (rX-A) 2 , y 2) At X=L, and Y=O. 0 there should be a stagnation point and so at this point u would equal zero. Substituting these values and rearranging terms yields: 21 (-A) 2f(1A We know the flow inside the body must equal the strength of the source M. This h yields: H -_ , M(xA)_ - M x-A) Cy 22" (xrA)zt ye) 2'((x-A)+y') 56 Which after integrating and rearranging terms becomes: / ~-TAM' 8 t /-r j-/ 28 21n A d2fbA U Equating these two terms for M, and substituting our values of L and B of 10. 16 U and 1.524 cm respectively we can solve numerically and obtain a value for M of 0.2953203. For our test case of 100 RPM at 2 degrees angle of attack of 11/13/77, where U = 205. 7 cm/sec., M equals 696. 5319. As the keel is swept back at 40 degrees, and we are 8 cm above the tip the distance behind the keel is 6.7128 cm. Substituting these values into the formula for velocity u, the difference in velocity across a typical half width of a wake of one crr is about 0. 3 cm/sec. or less than two tenths of one percent of the flow speed. As this was for a "worst-case" body it was believed that at this distance behind the keel the pressure terms could be neglected. 57 APPENDIX III Program Listing C PROGRAM TO REDUCE T-lE LASER DPPLER ANEMOMETER WAKE SURVEY C TO A DRAG COEFICIENT C C PROGRAM WRITTEN BY JOHN KNOBEL ROCM 5-330B COURSE 13 C DIMENSION XW(40),VW(40),UW(40),CW(40) DIMENSION XFS (20) ,VFS (20) ,UFS(20) ,CFS(20) DIMENSION D(40),CD(10),DS(40),CDS(10) INTEGER MOsAYYRRPMALPHAHGT C C X IS THE TRANSVERSE DIMENSION IN CM C V IS THE ADJUSTED VOLTAGE PEALING C U IS THE VELOCITY C C IS THE CCEFICIENT OF THi PCLYNCMIALS C IN ALL CASES THE SUFFIX 'w' REFERS TC WAKE ELGICN C AND 'FS' REFERS TO THE FREE STREAM C C NC IS THE NUMBER CF COEFICIENTS IN THE POLUNOMIAL C CU IS THE VELOCITY CALCUIATID FROM TUE POLYNOMIAL C VTOC IS THE VCLTS TO CY/SEC CONVERSION VTOC=408.7 CHORD=20.32 C C C 333 IS THE PESTAPT FCINT FC? AEDITIONAL DATA 333 CONTINUE C C SFT ALL ARRAYS TO INITIAL VALUE ZERC CALL ERASE (XW,20,VW,2C,UW,20,CW,20) CALL ERASE (XFS,20,VFS,20,UW,20,CW,20,D,20,CD,1C) C DATA INPUT SLCT.ON o SET U? AN ID SYSTEM FOR DATA C FIEST 312 FCP VONTH DAY YEAR, THEN 2X THENI3 FOR RPM 2X C THEN 12 FOER ANGLE OF ATTACh AND 2X AND 12 FCR HT AECVE TIP READ(5,310) MO,DAY,YF,,PM4ALPHA,iGT LDA 10001 LDA10002 LDA10003 LDA10004 LDA10005 LDA10006 LDA 10007 LDA1000d LDA 10009 LDA10010 LDA 10011 LDA 10012 LEA10013 LDA 1001 4 LLA10015 LDA 10016 LDA10017 LDA 10018 LDA10019 LDA10020 LDA10021 LUA10022 LDA 10023 LDA10024 LDA10025 LDA10026 LDA10027 LDA10028 LDA10029 LDA1003C LDA 1003 1 LDA10032 LDAl0033 LDA10034 LEA10035 LDA10036 CC C C C "C C C C C C C C C 11 CCNTiNUIE 102 FCF71AT(2F12.6) ECHO OF INPUT EATA 310 FOR-tAT(3I2,2XI3,X,12,2XI2) PEAD(5,103) CL 103 FORMAT (F12.6) CL IS THE APPROXIMATE CENTER OF THZ WAKE IT IS INPUT IN AN ATTEMPT TC GET A BETTER CURVE FIT 01/25/78 DTATA FOR THE WAKE AND FREE STREAM IS INPUT SEPARTATELY THE WAKE VALUES ARE ALWAYS REAE FIRST VALUES OF XW MUST FE ENETERED SEQUENTIALLY READ (5,101) NWNCW 101 FCRMAT(12,2X,12) DO 10 i=1,NW FEAD (5, 102) X W (I) ,VW(I) XW (I)=XW (1)-CL IW (I) =VW (I) *VTCC IC CONTINUE PEAD (5,101)NFS,NCFS DC 11 1=1,NFS EEAI(5,102) XFS(1),VFS(I) XFS (I)=XFS (1) -CL UIFS(I)=VFS(I) *VTOC I LDA10037 LDA10038 LDA10039 LDA10040 LDA 100141 LDA10042 LDA10043 LDA10044 LDA10045 LDA1C046 LDA10047 LDA10048 LDA 10049 LDA10050 LDA 10051 LDA10052 LDA10053 LDA10054 LDA10055 LDA10056 LDA10057 LDA 10058 LDA10059 LDA10060 LDA 10061 LDA10062 LDA10063 LEAl0064 LDA10065 LDA10066 LDA10067 LDA10068 LDAl0069 LDA10070 LDA10071 LDA 10072 C C C WPITE (6,208) MO,DAY,YRRPM,ALPHA,HGT 208 FORMAT(2X,' DAlE AND RUN ',616) WRITE(6,200) 200 FORMAT (10X,'THIS IS THE LDA WAKE SURVEY DATA REDUCTION') WRITE(6,313) NWNCWNFSNCFS 313 FORMAT('NWNCW= ',214,' NFS,NCFS= ',214/) WRITE(6,201) 201 FCRMAT(10X,'XFS',7X,'VFS',7X,'UFS') DO 41 I=1,NFS WRIT E(6,202) XFS (I),VFS (I),U F S(I) 202 FORMAT(3F12.6) 41 CONTINUE WRITE(6,203) 203 FORMAT (1OX,'XW',7X,'VW',7X,'UW') DO 42 I=1,NW W RIT E(6,v20 2) XW (1),VW (I),vUW (I) 42 CONTINUE WRITE(6,207) Cl 207 FORMAT('XW=XDAIA-CL, CL= ',F12.6//) CC C FIT A POLYNOMIAL THFU THE WAKE AND FREE STREAN REGIONS C A SEPARATE POLYNCMIAl FCR EACH C CALL LSFIT(NFSNCFSXFSUFS,CFS) C CALL LSFIT(NW,NCWXWiUW,CW) C CALCULATE THE US FCR USE IN THE MGMENTf1M TRANSFER AVGFS1=CFS (1) AVGFS2=CFS(1) C AVFRAGE FREE STREAZ VELOCITY = AVGFS DC 40 I=2,NCES C 12=1- 1 AVGFS1=CFS(I)= (XW (1).I2)+ AVGFS1 LDA10073 LDA10074 LDA10075 LEA10076 LDA10077 LDA10078 LDA10079 LDA1C080 LDA 10081 LDA10082 LDA 10083 LDA10084 LDA10085 LDA10086 LDA10087 LEAl0088 LDA10089 LDA1 0090 LDA10091 LDA10092 LDA10093 LDA10094 LDA10095 LLA1009b LDA10097 LDA1G098 LDA10099 LDA10100 LDA10101 LDA 10102 L D A10 10 3 LDA1 C104 LDAlo105 LDAl lb LDA 10107 LDAl10136 C AVGFS2=CFS (1) * (XW (NW) **I2) +AVGFS2 C 40 CONTINUE AVGFS=(AVGFS1+ AVGFS2)/2.0 C C C CALCULATE, AT EACH WAKE POiNT, THE VELOCITY PBEDICTED BYT C THE FREE STRIAP CURVE FIT C WRITE (6,210) 210 FORMAT(5X,'AT XW, THESE ARE THE VALUES OF CUW,CUFS') C DC 20 I=1,NW C CUFS=CFS (1) CUW=CW(1) C DC 21 K=2,NCFS C K2=K-1 CUFS=CFS (K) * (XW (I) **K2) +CUFS C 21 CONTINUE C C CALCULATE WAKE VELOCITY FROM THE POLYNCIAL C DC 22 K=2,NCW K2=K-1 CUW=CW (K)I (XW (I) **K2) +C[JW C 22 CONTINUE C WPITE(6,211) XW (I),CUJW,CUFS 211 FCPrAT(4X,F12.6,4X,F12.6,4X,F12.6) C D (I) = (CUFS* (CU6S-AVGFS))-(CUW*(CUW-AVGFS)) LDA10109 LDA10110 LDA10111 LDA10112 LDA10 113 LDA10114 LEA10 115 LDA10116 LDA10117 LDA10118 LDA10119 LEA 10 12C LDA 10121 LDA10122 LDA 10123 LDA10124 LDA 10125 LDA 10126 LEA10127 LDA10128 LDA10129 LDA10130 LDA10131 LDA10132 LEA10133 LDA10134 LDA10135 LDA10136 LDA1O137 tEA1 C138 LDA 10139 LDA1r140 LDA10 141 LDA10142 LEA10143 LDA 10144 DS (I) =CUW* (AVGFS-CUW) 20 CCNTINUE C C C C C C C C C C WRITE(6,212) 212 FCRMATi(//) D(I) IS NOW THE EATA SET FOR THE CURVE OF X VERSUS U(UFS-U) JAN 22 DRAG TERM IS 01**2-U2**2-US(U1-U2) WE CAN INTEGRATE THIS TO GET THE DRAG CALL LSFIT(NWNCWXWD,CE) THE POLYNOMIAL IS INTEGRATED TO GET THE DRAG THE WAKE END PCINTS ARE THE LIMITS FOR THE INTEGRAL DRAG COEFICIENT = DC DC=0.0 DC1=0.0 DC2=0.0 DO 30 I=1,NCW DC=CD(I)* ((W (1) **I)/I) +DC1 DC2=CD(I)*((XW(NW)**I)/I)+EC2 30 CONTINUE DC=2. 0* (DC2-DC1) /(AVGFS*AVGFSxCHCRD) C C CALCUTATION OF SIMPiIFIED EAG CCEFICIFNT CALL LSFlT(NW,NCW,XW,D.,CDS) Ds2C=3.0 DSC1=U. DSC2=.0 C I LDA10145 LDA 10146 LDA1O147 LDA10148 LDA 10 149 LDA10150 LDA 10151 LDA10152 LDA10153 LDA10154 LDA 10155 LDA 10156 LDA10157 LEA 10158 LDA10159 LEA1C160 LDA 10161 LDA10162 LDA10163 LJEA10164 LDA 10 165 LDA10166 LDA10167 LDA10168 LDA10 169 LDA 10170 LDA10171 LEA 10172 LDA 10173 tEAl0174 LDA 10175 LDA10176 LDA 10 177 LDA10178 LDA 10179 LDA10183 C C C C C I DO 32 I=1,NCW DSC1=CDS (I)*((XW (1) **I) /1) +DSC1 DSC2=CDS (I)* ( (XW (NW)**I)/I)+DSC2 32 CONTINUE DSC=2. OlvDSC1-DSC2) / (AVGFS*AVGFS*CHOP D) OUTPUT SECTION WHITE(6,209) AVGFS 209 FORMAT (5X,'AVGFS AT WAKE BCUNJ2ARY= ',F12.6/) C C C C C C C C C c PESTART SECTICN READ(5,300) INDEX 300 FORM AT (12) l IF (INDEX.EQ. 1.0) GO TO 333 END LDA10181 LDA 10182 LDA10183 L EA 10184 LDA10185 LDA10186 LDA 10187 LDA10188 LEA 10189 LDA10190 LDA10191 LDA10192 LDA10193 LDA 10 19 4 LDA10195 LDA10196 LDA 10197 LDA10 198 LDA10199 LDA10200 LDA 1020 1 LDA1 0202 LDA10203 LDA1020 4 LDAlC205 LDA10206 LDA10207 LDA10208 LEA10209 LDA 10210 LDA1021 1 LDA10212 LDA10213 LEA 10214 WRITE (6,204) 204 FORMAT (5X,'COEFICIFNTS CF FSWAKE') DO 43 I=1,NCFS WRITE(6,205) CFS() 43 CONTINUE DO 44 I=1,NCW WRITE(6,205) CW(I) 44 CONTINUE 205 FCRMAT(5X,E12.5) WRITE(6,206) ECLSC 206 FORMAT(5X,'DRAG CCEF =',F12.6,' SIMPLIFIED DC =',F12.6) WRITF(6,312) 312 FCRMAT (iH1) APPENDIX IV EQUIPMENT IST 1. "Laser Doppler Anemometer Signal Processor", (Tracker), Thermo-Systems Inc. Model 1090 2. "LDA Frequency Shifter", Thermo-Systems Inc. , Model 985 3. Laser, Helium-Neon, Spectrophysics Model 124A 4. "Spectra-Physics Laser Exciter", (Laser Power Supply) 5. "Photo-multiplier", (Photo-detector), Thermo-Systems Inc. Model 962, Optics 310 mm focal length. 6. "Photo-multiplier Power Supply", Thermo-Systems Inc. , Model 965 7. "Signal Conditioner", Thermo-Systems Inc., Model 1057 8. Oscilloscope, Tektronax,Model 561B 9. Frequency Counters, Hewlett Packard,Models 5381A & 5321B 10. Voltage-to-Frequency Converter, Dymec Model,2210 11. Bragg Cell and Optics, Thermo-Systems Inc., Model 976, Focal Length 309 mm.