ECONOMIC-TECENOLOGICAL MODELING AND DESIGN CRITERIA FOR PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY MACHINES by PAUL MICHAEL LYNCH S. B., M3. ssac husetts Institute of Technoloqy ( 19 70) S.M., MasS3chusetts Institute of Technology (1972) MECH.E., M3.ssachusetts Institute of Technology (19 75) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1976 Signature redacted Signature of Author .• ·• ; . ;" .,. l't.--;-.-.--.-. ~ ••• ,'• ••• <· ........... . Department of Mechanical Eng~n~ring, June 8, 1976 Signature redacted Certified by •••• _., •• ,,~·;.:··---...,.\. ••• ,. _hb;~i~. s~~;;~i~~; Signature redacted k cepted by •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••. Chairman, Dep:1.rtment Committee on Gra.duate Students 2ECONOMIC-TECHNOLOGICAL MODELING AND DESIGN CRITERIA FOR PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY MACHINES by PAUL MICHAEL LYNCH Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on June 8, 1976, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT Programmable assembly is a new industrial production technology in which one piece of equipment may be programmed by computer or other means to assemble many different parts to one or more products. The versatility of programmable assembly equipment will allow it to compete with alternate assembly methods--manual and- special purpose mechanized methods--under certain cir- cumstances. These circumstances typically include those where the required production volume of a product is too low to allow economical special purpose automation or where variation between different styles of the same product produces assembly problems that are difficult to solve by special purpose automation. Manual and special purpose automation assembly have certain characteristics and limitations which determine their economic and tech- nological applicability. Programmable assembly shares some of the characteristics of each. In this thesis the properties of all three assembly methods are modeled using a common base of assumptions and modeling techniques. Sources of costs and benefits are identified and- quantified where possible. This model: 1) Allows programmable assembly methods to be compared to the other two methods. 2) Is extended to hybrid systems consisting of manual and special purpose stations together as 3well as programmable and special purpose stations together. 3) Leads to the derivation of a numerical measure of the economic performonce of a programmable assem- bler' This numerical measurO is the product of the average assembly time for a single part and the total cost of the assembler (the price- time product). 4) Permits estimation of bounds on the price-time product that should be met so that designs of programmable assemblers will be economic in comparison to the alternative assembly methods and permits study of how these bounds are affected by important parameters. 5) Establishes a design criterion for programmable assemblers in terms of the price-time product. Under the given assumptions, the model not only predicts that programmable assembly has economic promise, but also identifies key research needs to fulfill that promise. An example assembler design process is presented to show how the price-time product may be used to resolve tradeoff issues when used with models for the cott and performance of an assembler. A sensitivity study based on this example is used to show how areas for further research with maximut potential impact on the price-time product may be identified. Finally, the economic modeling can be used as a basic component of the assessment of the impact of programmable assembly on the national economy. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Daniel E. Whitney Title: Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering 4ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My sincerest appreciation to my thesis committee: Dr. Daniel E. Whitney, for patience, guidance, encouragement, and support; Prof. Richard S. Sidell, for help and expertise; Prof. Albert L. Hopkins, Jr., for ideas and perspective; and Dr. Nake M. Kamrany, for his experience and perspective from a different discipline. My thanks to Anthony Kondoleon, whose companion work was very helpful, to my wife Kay for her long support, help in preparing and editing the draft and doing the preliminary typing. I also thank Mrs. Betty Laurie and Mrs. Fay Greenberg for the typing of the final draft. The work of this thesis was supported by NSF contract number APR74-18173 A02. Publication of this thesis does not constitute approval by the Draper Laboratory or the National Science Foundation of the findings or conclusions contained herein. It is published for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. 5TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE.. ..............................----. 1 ABSTRACT...........................................--.2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT.......................................4...4 TABLE OF CONTENTS........ ............................ 5 LIST OF TABLES............. . ....................... 11 LIST OF FIGURES...... ............................... 12 1. INTRODUCTION............ . .... ........... ...... 16 2. BACKGROUND OF ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY................22 2.1 Present Assembly Technology...................22 2.1.1 Manual Assembly....................... 22 2.1.11 The Human Assembler...............22 Time and Motion Study............. 23 The Cost of Manual Assembly........25 2.1.2 Transfer Assembly Machines.............26 Description of Transfer Machines.................. 26 The Design and Manufacture of Transfer Assembly Machines........39 The Cost of Transfer Assembly Machines.............................42 2.2 Highlights of Programmable Assembler Technology Research at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory....................... 46 6 2.3 Review of the Literature ..•................• 51 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSEMBLY PROCESS .•.•......... 55 4. EMERGING PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY ...•.•• 67 4.1 Basic Concepts of Programmable Assembly Systems •..•..........•••..........•...•..... 68 4.2 Economic Advantages of Programmable Assembly .•...........•.••................... 71 4.2.l Multipart Assembly ..•••.•.••.......... 72 4.2.2 Multiproduct Assembly ...•............• 75 4.2.3 Adaptive Assembly •••.•................ 76 4.2.4 Reduction of Engineering Time ......... 78 4. 3 Sununary.. . . . . . . • . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • 79 5. CONFIGURATIONS OF PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY. . • . • . • • • • . . • • . • . . • . • . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . • • 81 5.1 Programmable Assembler Configurations .....•. 82 5.1.1 Degrees of Freedom of Motion Device •.. 83 5.1.2 Principal Assembly Directions and Axes. . . . . • . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 5.2 Programmable Assembly System Configurations.. • • • • . • • . • . • • . • • • . • . . . . . • . • • . 89 5.2.1 Principal Configuration Modes •••.•.••• 90 5.2.2 Operating Characteristics of the Principal Modes •.••••••••••.••...••••• 94 5.2.3 Combinations of the Modes •••..•••••.•• 98 5.3 System Efficiencies ......................... 99 75.3.1 Assembly Station Capacity..............101 5.3.2 Configuration Efficiency...............103 5.3.3 Utilization Efficiency.................106 5.3.4 Net Station Efficiency.................106 5.3.5 Example Calculation of System Efficiencies...........................108 5.4 Summary..................................... 113 6. SIMPLE ECONOMIC MODELS OF ALTERNATE ASSEMBLY METHODS...........................................115 6.1 Simple Alternate Economic Models.............116 6.1.1 Modeling Manual Assembly Costs.........116 6.1.2 Modeling Transfer Machine Assembly Costs................................. 117 6.1.3 Modeling Programmable Assembly Costs................................. 122 6.1.4 A Comparative Example..................127 6.1.5 Product Volume Analysis................136 6.2 Hybrid Alternate Models..................... 143 6.2.1 Modeling Hybrid Transfer- Programmable Assembly...................144 6.2.2 Modeling Hybrid Transfer- Manual Assembly....................... 157 6.3 Improved Simple Economic Models..............163 6.3.1 Manual Assembly with Equipment Costs............................... 164 86.3.2 Transfer Assembly with Labor Costs....165 6.3.3 Programmable Assembly with Labor Costs...........................168 6.3.4 A Comparative Example Using the Improved Models.......................172 6.4 Summary..................................... 177 7. CONSEQUENCES OF THE ECONOMIC MODELS.............179 7.1 Variation of Parameters of the Comparative Example........................180 7.2 Significance of the Price-Time Product......186 7.3 Programmable Assembler Station Design.......188 7.3.1 Choosing Between Alternate Assembler Designs.....................188 7.3.2 Parallelism and the Price-Time Product...............................192 7.3.3 Minimization of the Price-Time Product with Integral Station Number................................194 7.3.4 Ways of Reducing the Price-Time Product................................201 7.4 Maximization of Configuration Efficiency....205 7.5 Summary............................... ...... 207 8. EXAMPLE DESIGN PROCESS FOR A THREE AXIS PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLER..........................210 8.1 Introduction.................................210 8.2 Physical Description.......................212 8.3 Actuator Selection Process....................215 8.3.1 Selection Process Outline..............215 8.3.2 Motion Cycle for Single Part Assembly Time..........................216 8.3.3 Torque Requirements for a Single Degree of Freedom.......................218 8.3.4 Torque Limitation of Electric Actuators...............................226 8.3.5 Model for Single Part Assembly Time.................................. 233 8.3.6 Empirical and Assumed Relationships... 237 8.4 Modeling Station Price.......................245 8.4.1 The Basic Model....................... 245 8.4.2 Empirical Price Relationships..........251 8.5 Sample Results................................257 8.5.1 Sample Price-Time Curves...............257 8.5.2 Sensitivities of Price-Time Product to Component Variation.................261 8.6 Summary: Consequences for Research and Development of Assembler Stations and Components.................. . .............. 269 9. ECONOMIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: BACKGROUND AND APPLICATION TO PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY........ 272 9.1 Introduction......................... 272 9.2 Types of Economic Impact.................... 273 9.3 Economic Impact Analysis.................... 275 9 I 10 9.3.1 General Description................... 9.3.2 Example of Economic Impact Analysis... 9.3.3 Inclusion of Dynamic Factors......... 9.4 Economic Impact Analysis of Programmable Assembly...................................... 9.4.1 The Impact Analysis Process........... 9.4.2 Extension of Impact Analysis to Product Families...................... 9.4.3 Identification of Impact Costs........ 9.5 Summary...................................... 10. CONCLUSIONS OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH........................................ REFERENCES.. APPENDIX 1: APPENDIX 2: APPENDIX 3: 275 277 280 283 283 293 294 296 297 3fA LIST OF VARIABLE DEFINITIONS............307 ANNUAL RATE OF RETURN AS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE RETURN ON INVESTMENT.......................... 316 THE I.C. INSERTION MACHINE: A CURRENTLY AVAILABLE PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLER...........................319 BIOGRAPHY....................a'a.-a ''''aaa -*a -'*.a -'0 321 11 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.1 Fraction of Production Workers in Assembly in Sample Industries ............•........•..... 18 2.1 Cost Breakdown for Transfer Assembly Machine ..• 44 2.2 Cost Ranges for Typical Hardware CompGnents of a Transfer Assembly Machine Station ..••..... 45 3.1 Breakdown of Assembly Task Steps for Washer Gearcase. • . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . . . . 59 3.2 General Task Definitions .••.......•..•......•.. 60 3.3 Breakdown of "Accommodation" Task Steps for Washer Gearcase •.•••.••.••.•....•.•.•....•. 62 3.4 Accommodation Task Definitions ........••.••..•. 63 8.1 Three Axis Assembler Design Sequence •.••......• 236 8. 2 Variable Component -costs·· for Example Three Axis Assembler Design ••••.•••..•.•....•.••••••. 248 8.3 Components with Assumed Constant Costs ••••••.•. 250 8.4 Values for Constant Price for Example Three Axis Assembler Design ••••.•••••.••••••••• 256 8.5 Example Design State for Three Axis Assembler Design--Physical Data ••••.•••••••••.• 263 8.6 Example Design State for Three Axis Assembler Design--Price Breakdown ...••••••••..• 264 8.7 Major Price-Time Product Sensitivities for Example Three Axis Assembler Design •••••••••••• 266 12 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 Rotary Index Table............................ 28 2.2 In-line Indexing Machine........................29 2.3 Schematic of Transfer Assembly Machine Components.................................... 32 2.4 Vibratory Bowl Feeder...........................34 2.5 Transfer Machine Size and Time to Build.........47 2.6 Transfer Assembly Machine Cost per Part versus Product Dimension...................... 48 3.1 Gear Case Assembly..............................57 4.1 Example Design for Programmable Assembler Motion Device................................. 69 4.2 Multipart Assembly..............................74 5.1 Assemblers with Various Degrees of Freedom.... 84 5.2 Product Assembly Axes and Directions...........87 5.3 Principal Configuration Modes...................91 5.4 Serial versus Parallel Modes.................. 96 5.5 Example Configuration Efficiency Calculation.. 109 6.1 Simple Variation of System Configuration for Assembly of One Product....................... 124 6.2 Comparison of Assembly Costs as a Function of Annual Volume ............................... 129 6.3 Comparison of Assembly Costs as a Function 13 of Annual Volume with Integral Station Number....................................... 134 6.4 System Volume Boundaries versus Station Price for Assembler Part Assembly Time of 3 sec..................................... 139 6.5 Example System Volume Boundary Chart..........142 6.6 Comparison of Hybrid Transfer-Programmable Assembly Systems................................150 6.7 Example of Savings of Hybrid Transfer- Programmable System on Product Family..........154 6.8 Comparison of Hybrid Transfer-Manual Assembly Systems................................160 6.9 Comparison of Unit Assembly Costs Using Improved Model..................................173 7.1 Comparison of Unit Assembly Costs with Price-Time Product Equal to 90,000 $-sec..... 181 7.2 Comparison of Unit Assembly Costs with Price-Time Product Equal to 200,000$-sec......182 7.3 Comparison of Unit Assembly Costs with Price-Time Product Equal to 50,000 S-sec..... 183 7.4 Price-Time Product Data for Hypothetical Set of Assemblers............................ 189 7.5 Example Assembler Design Problem to Minimize Price-Time Product.................. 191 7.6 Parallelism of Programmable Assembly Stations 193 14 7.7 Price-Capacity Chart...........................196 7.8 Price-Capacity Comparison for Optimal versus Suboptimal Assembler Designs............199 7.9 Comparison of Assembler Price-Capacity Curves for Individual Assembler Design Problems...................................... 202 8.1 Sketch of Example Three Axis Assembler.........213 8.2 Modeling Gross Motion..........................219 8.3 Model of Single Assembler Axis.................222 8.4 Torque Requirements for Single Part Assembly Cycle......................................... 227 8.5 Gross Motion in Part Assembly Cycle............229 8.6 Torque History with Gravitational Component..................................... 231 8.7 Motor Torqie Versus Motor Power................238 8.8 Motor Mass versus Motor Power................. 240 8.9 Motor Length versus Motor Power............... 241 8.10 Motor Rotor Inertia Versus Motor Power........ 242 8.11 Motor Cost Versus Motor Power................. 252 8.12 Amplifier Cost versus Motor Power..............253 8.13 Ball Screw Price versus Length................ 255 8.14 Price-Time Curves for Example Three Axis Design.. . ....................-............. 259 9.1 Economic Impact Analysis Method............... 276 9.2 Simple Example of Economic Impact Analysis. Using a Hypothetical Automobile Engine........ 278 15 9.3 Graphical Derivation of Impact Function.........286 9.4 Cost-Volume Distribution Function...............289 9.5 Application of Impact Function to Distribution Data...............................291 16 1. INTRODUCTION Programmable assembly is a new production technology in which one piece of equipment may be programmed by com- puter or other means to assemble many different parts to one or more products. The anticipated virtues of program- mable assembly stem from its ability to be taught different assembly tasks, in contrast to conventional automatic as- sembly equipment. The latter is built to do one assembly task for all of its economic life. Programmable assembly equipment can assemble different products at different pha- ses of its economic life. Thus, the economic and techno- logical characteristics of programmable assembly can be ex- pected to differ from current automatic or manual assembly methods. This thesis work relates the performance of program- mable assembly equipment to the economics of its application in order to develop a criterion for design and research in programmable assembly technology. The need for design and research in programmable assembly technology is related to the national need for increased assembly productivity. Some economists have noted the recent decline in the rate of increase of productivity in the United States and have associated with it many .of the present economic trou- bles. Productivity can be defined as the total output of goods and services provided by a cuuntry divided by the 17 total quantity of labor, capital, and material resources used to produce those goods and services. The rate of increase of productivity measures the speed with which an economic system is learning to make more and better products from a given quantity of resources; it is an important factor in the economic health of an industrialized country and has been an important factor in the rise of real wages of the people in this country. Long term trend data over the period since 1900 indicates that the fraction of the total national output that goes to wages has remained relatively constant (1). However, the total national output has grown faster than the labor force in large part due to improved productivity of'production technology and methods. The result has been a steady increase in the real wages for each worker over the long term. Improving econoinic produc- tivity is an important process, and improving assembly pro- ductivity is a par& of it. At the present time assembly is a labor intensive pro- cess, and a significant fraction of the direct labor in many industries is occupied in the assembly process. Table 1.1 lists a number of industries of widely divergent type show- ing the fraction of direct production workers that are in- volved in assembly. For these industries assembly took a larger share of the total direct labor than any other manu- facturing process. Thus, the rewards for improving assembly productivity are potentially very great. 18 Table 1.1: Fraction of Production Workers in Assembly in Sample Industries Industry Motor Vehicles Aircraft Telephone and Telegraph Farm Machinery Household Refrigerators and Freezers Typewriters Household Cooking Equipment Motorcycles, Bicycles and Parts Source: 1967 Census of Manufactures, U.S. Bureau of the Census Assembly Worker Fraction 45 .6 % 25.6% 58.9% 20.1% 32.0% 35.9% 38.1% 26.3% 19 On the level of individual firms, increased assembly productivity means reduced production costs, especially if assembly is a.large fraction of the direct labor. Hence, if new methods are developed which improve assembly productiv­ ity, then they will be readily accepted by those firms. Previously, assembly has been a difficult process to automate from a technological point of view. The difficulty in automating assembly stems mainly from two sources. First, the assembly process jtself is complex, involving a number of fairly complicated motions and decisions. These complex motions are often necessary because of the inherent va�ia­ tion in the dimensions and quality of the parts that must be assembled. Second, the human assembler is very well adapted to the requirements of the assembly process (including in­ spbction and testing), making it difficult for automated assembly to compete directly with manual assembly, except in certain limited cases. The emergence of programmable assembly means that man­ ufacturers will be able to choose among three principal types of assembly: manual, automated by mechanical equip­ ment, and automated by programmable equipment, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. How should the supplier of programmable assembly equipment design it so that it has the best possible chance in competition with the other meth­ ods of assembly? How can the purchaser of programmable as­ sembly equipment choose among competing types? What are 20 the principal economic factors influencing the application of programmable assembly? The fundamental way in which a firm will choose among the three alternatives will be to analyze each alternative and then to apply an economic criterion to indicate which method will maximize the firm's profits. This selection may take the form of choosing the system with the lowest assem- bly cost per unit, or the highest "return on investment." These methods are not the same, but they are intended to have the same result -- maximization of the profits. To evaluate the operation and application of program- mable assembly, it is necessary to understand what variables of the alternate assembly technologies, especially program- mable assembly, will influence the results of the selection process. The results can be influenced by economic vari- ables, such as wage scales, tax rates, cost of equipment, and cost of capital; by technological variables, such as time to complete an assembly, accuracy of assembly motions, and reproducibility of the assembly process from one assem- bly to the next; and by product variables, such as size, weight,. part clearances, number of styles of product, and life of the product. The problem of understanding the implications of this selection process for programmable assembly will be attacked by developing a consistent set of models and assumptions for the three alternative methods of assembly. This framework 21 of models and assumptions will have two sides: an economic side and a technological side. On the economic side will be models and assumptions concerning labor rates, capital rates, tax rates, cost of equipment needed, and so on. On the technological side will be models and assumptions con- cerning what is required to accomplish assembly by each of the different methods in terms of equipment, capacity, num- ber of man-hours, and so on. The topics of this thesis are organized as follows: The motivation and purpose for the research is discussed in Chapter 1. Background material concerning present assembly technology and research work related to programmable assembly is contained in Chapter 2, along with a review of the liter- ature. Chapters 3 through 7 develop the medel of program- mable assembly, beginning with the assembly process (Chap- ter 3), and proceeding to the nature of programmability (Chapter 4), models of programmable assembly system config- urations (Chapter 5), economic models of assembly methods (Chapter 6), and the development of a design criterion for programmable assembly equipment (Chapter 7). The use of the design criterion developed in Chapter 7 is illustrated by example in Chapter 8. The extension of the economic modeling of Chapter 6 to a national impact analysis of programmable assembly technology is discussed in Chapter 9, and the con- clusions and recommendations for further research are given in Chapter 10. 22 2. BACKGROUND OF ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY 2.1 Present Assembly Technology This section examines the principal methods of assem- bly today -- manual and transfer machine methods. These methods are first described, the important characteristics of each are detailed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed. Finally, a general outline of the factors affecting the cost of each method is presented. 2.1.1 Manual Assembly Manual assembly was the first method of assembly and was the first method to be studied scientifically. This section describes the characteristics of the human assem- bler, the time and motion study approach for manual assem- bly, and the cost of manual assembly. The Human Assembler When the human assembler assembles a product, he by nature performs more than simple assembly; he also performs inspection of the parts being assembled and inspection of the quality of the completed product. If two parts are to be assembled and the human assembler finds that one is 23 faulty and cannot be assembled, then he can quickly reject that part and try a new one. To make this decision, the human assembler uses inputs from his senses -- touch, sight, and sound -- and he applies judgment, using what his senses tell him. The human assembler can adapt easily to small changes in the assembly process. For example, if a new part is added to the product design, it is easy to retrain the as- sembly worker to add that part. This is conscious retrain- ing. The human assembler also adapts in an unconscious way when he adjusts his assembly motions to accommodate drift in the part dimensions and other slowly varying influences on the assembly process.. However, the assembly worker is subject to errors and variations to which assembly machines are not subject. He may occasionally "forget" to perform part of his task se- quence without realizing it. His performance is influenced by a host of factors that affect his state of mind and his individual assembly times will vary from one unit to the next. The very versatility of the human assembler gives him the ability to make errors that a machine cannot. Time and Motion Study Manual manufacturing processes of all kinds, including manual assembly, have been analyzed by means of time and 24 motion studies since the early part of this century. Prob- ably the most widely used and freely published method of this type is the Methods - Time Measurement (MTM) approach developed in the late 1940's. For a detailed description of MTM see Karger and Bayha (2). The basic assumption of MTM and the methods like it is that any manual operation or process can be separated into basic motions, that each basic motion can be assigned a pre- determined execution time, and that these basic motion times can be used to compute an overall manual operation time. Some of the basic motions include reach, move, turn, crank, apply pressure, grasp, release, position, and disengage. The execution time of each basic motion is assigned based on certain important variables describing that motion. For example, one of the important variables influencing the MTM estimate for a "reach" motion is the length of the reach. Another example concerns the MTM operation "position0 which involves placing one object in a specific position relative to another. Some of the important variables that affect the MTM estimate of position time would be the tightness of fit of the parts, the degree of symmetry, and the ease of han- dling. These variables do not all have scientific, quanti- fiable definitions. Hence, application of MTM and similar methods depends on judgment to some degree. 25 The Cost of Manual Assembly Any particular manual assembly task will take a fairly predictable amount of time to be accomplished by an average assembly worker. Since direct labor is usually paid by the hour, the cost of manual labor for a simple manual operation can be estimated by multiplying the labor rate by the total man-hours required. The labor rate is the cost incurred for one worker for a given time period. This rate is greater than the wages received by the worker because it must include other pay- ments the company makes, such as those to Social Security, pension funds, and fringe benefits, for the benefit of that worker. The number of man-hours necessary for the assembly of a product unit is roughly proportional to the number of parts being assembled. This means that, generally, a prod- uct with ten parts will take approximately twice as long to assemble as a product with five parts (assuming products and parts of comparable size and assembly difficulty). This is a rough model, which will be used throughout this thesis. It must be used with caution, however, and it is best used in combination with similar mouwls for the alternate assem- bly methods to assess relative differences in assembly meth- ods for the same product. For example, factors which will tend to affect the assembly difficulty for a particular 26 product will tend to affect the absolute assembly costs for all three methods in a similar way. Therefore, the relative costs of the three assembly methods will be less affected. Other labor payment systems, such as a piece rate sys- tem, may not explicitly be related to the assembly time. However, even in these systems the labor cost per unit of product is relatively constant and ist related to the nominal assembly time for the product. 2.1.2 Transfer Assembly Machines Transfer assembly machines represent the currently available technology for replacing manual assembly labor. In this section their physical construction and method of design will be discussed and the cost of the transfer ma- chine will be related to the design and construction process. Description of Transfer Assembly Machines In current transfer machine technology the assembly process is divided into a series of simple motions of ap- proximately equal duration. Simple mechanisms are built to accomplish each of these motions and are arranged in sequence as stations along a tradsfer mechanism. This transfer mech- anism carries each product unit in an indexing motion past every station where each simple assembly task is performed 27 in sequence. Examples of transfer machines are the rotary index table (see Figure 2.1) and the in-line indexing table (see Figure 2.2). Current transfer assembly machines are special purpose devices, usually one of a kind. They may be partially con- structed of standard components, but the total machine is unique to the product being assembled. The fine division of assembly tasks of the transfer machine is an important factor in its high rate of produc- tion. Because all the assembly motions are performed si- multaneously, each at a separate work station, a completed product unit is produced at the end of the machine every index cycle -- the time from the beginning of bne operation at a station to the beginning of the same operation on the next product unit. Index cycle times between one and five seconds are very common. There are two categories of transfer machines: syn- chronous and non-synchronous. The conveying system of a synchronous transfer machine moves all of the product units in process from one station to the next simultaneously, while in a non-synchronous machine the products move from one sta- tion to the next independently. The two types of synchronous transfer machines are the rotary index (or "dial") table and the in-line indexing table. General descriptions of these two machines and of a non-synchronous machine are given following: 28 Figure 2.s Rotary Index Table (1) Six station index table (2) - (6) Work stations (7) Parts feeding equipment (8) Pallet or nest 29 Figure 2.2a In-line Index Machine Part Feeder Work Station Pallet N%% Chassis 30 Rotary Index Table The size of the rotary table varies from one to five feet in diameter. The chief factor limiting the size of the table is its rotary inertia. As the diameter of the table increases, the inertia also increases and eventually becomes too large for rapid indexing rates. The indexing motion of the table is usually provided by a cam drive. The positioning accuracy of the indexing equipment is such that accuracies of + .001 inch can be maintained at the outer radius of the table, and the indexing device can provide a range of index angles allowing from four to thirty-six index positions around the circumference. In- dex times from one half second to two seconds are common. In-Line -Indexing Table The in-line indexing table may vary in length from a few feet to several yards. Often the driving mechanism and chas- sis structure of the transfer machine are made up of standard components. The products.being assembled are mounted on pal- lets fixed to a chain or steel band which is moved by the cam drive. The pallet size, which usually runs from four to eight inches, is fixed in the original design of the set of standard components from which the individual machines are constructed. These individual machines are then restricted to that pallet size.' However, any one machine may be designed with many or few stations by using the appropriate number of chassis modules, or "bays", and a corresponding length of 31 pallet chain. The positioning accuracy for a pallet at a station is usually about +.003 inches, although methods exist for ob- taining greater accuracy. Index times from one to five seconds are common, although much shorter times are possible. Non-Synchronous Machine In non-synchronous transfer machines the parts are mounted on pallets which travel along conveyors connecting the individual stations. Each station contains its own in- dexing mechanism. When the station is finished with its as- sembly operations on a particular product unit, the indexing mechanism ejects that product unit and brings in the next product unit waiting in line at the station. The major components of a transfer assembly machine for the assembly of a single part to the subassembly are shown schematically in Figure 2.3. Their function and interaction will now be discussed. 1) Nest The nest is the space that is provided to hold the par- tially completed assembly on the index device; for example, it may be a jig which holds the base part of the product. In the case of rotary index tables, the nest is sometimes cut directly out from the metal of the dial. 2) Pallet. In non-synchronous systems and in-line systems the nest is part of or connected to a pallet. The pallet is connected 32 Figure 2.3 s Schematic of Transfer Assembly Machine Components Part Feeder Feed Track (Vibratory Bowl Feeder) Part Placement Part Devi*e Gripper part Sensor Part Escapement Nests Index DeviceHolding Section * 0Devoted to This Part Pallet. 33 to the indexing chain or band in the in-line system, and rides on a conveyor path in the non-synchronous system. 3) Parts Feeding Equipment The parts feeding equipment may vary greatly in its sophistication and may incorporate a wide variety of de- vices. The function of the feeding equipment is to move part units from storage positions near the machine to a presenta- tion site at the station where the part assembly is to take place. Other equipment takes the part unit from the presen- tation site and assembles it. There are two main approaches to parts feeding. In one approach parts are taken in a bulk form with random orienta- tions in boxes or bins. -These parts are then dumped into de- vices that orient them and then present them to the assembly equipment. In the other approach the parts are stored in an oriented form, such as in egg crates, on tapes, or in maga- zines or stacks. In this case all the parts feeding equip- ment must do is hold the stored parts or perhaps move them serially toward the station. The problems of designing feed- ing equipment to orient the parts is avoided in the second approach, although this savings in equipment may be offset by the additional expense of storing the parts in a preori- ented fashion. The most common example of parts feeding equipment for small parts is the vibratory bowl feeder, shown sketched in Figure 2.4. The bowl is vibrated in a helical fashion so 34 Figure 2.4a Vibratory Bowl Feeder Direction of Parts Movement Track Parts Exit Bowl Nero and Enter Food Track Bowl Base Containing Vibration Equipment 35 that the parts "dance" up the inclined spiral tracks on the inside of the bowl. The parts begin at the bottom of the bowl disoriented. Special metal shapes, or "tooling," mounted along the spiral track cause the parts to emerge oriented from the top edge. The feeding of screws and fas- teners is a typical application of a bowl feeder; an opera- tor will pour a box of screws into a bowl feeder which then orients the screws and feeds them to automatic screw driving equipment. The feeder must not only be provided with special features to orient the screws, but to reject or divert sub- standard parts and foreign bodies that are often mixed in with the good parts. Although very significant progress has been made by Boothroyd (3) and others in the analysis of the performance of bowl feeders, the practice of bowl feeder de- sign is more of an art than a science at present. The vibratory feeder track operates on a principle simi- lar to the vibratory bowl feeder. It is typically used to move the oriented parts from the exit of the bowl feeder to the part escapement equipment described below. 4) Escapement The escapement is a device that discharges one (or more) parts at a time from the feeder track. It is a gating mech- anism that separates the one part that is needed from the rest lined.up behind it in the part unit queue. It also lo- cates the part in a precise position so that the assembly equipment can take it. 36 5) Part Gripper The part gripper grasps the part that is gated by the escaperrent. The gripper is often specially tooled so that its "fingers" conform to the shape of the part so that the part is held precisely while it is being assembled to the product. 6) Placement Device The placement device carries the part gripper and the part that the gripper is holding on a predetermined trajec- tory. A typical placement, or "pick and place," unit exe- cutes a trajectory in the shape of an inverted U: a sequence consisting of a lift, swing, drop, lift, swing back, and drop again. One end of this trajectory corresponds to the location of the part held in the escapement, and the other end corre- sponds to the assembled position of the part in the product. The path of the device is controlled by cams, links, and cer- tain adjustments. Some devices have no adjustment; the only way to change the path is to cut a new cam to replace the old one. Other units allow some adjustment of certain segments of the path without requiring replacement of the cam. 7) Sensor It is good assembly machine design practice to install a sensor to check for the successful assembly of the part. Al- though this can sometimes be done at the same station that does the assembly, usually it is done at an inspection station following the assembly station. 37 This concludes the listing of the major assembly machine components. In practice, the components vary in the specif- ics of size, use, and complexity depending on the type of machine -and the type of assembly operation. Transfer ma- chines, in general, have their own advantages and disadvan- tages, and these are now discussed briefly. If a transfer machine is used two or three shifts per day, annual production volumes in the millions are easily ob- tained. For example, a transfer machine with a two second cycle time can assemble roughly three million parts per shift per year. However, the transfer machine is expensive. This expense is partially due to the fine division of tasks, which means that hardware and design work are needed for each of many simple assembly motions. The cost of a single work sta- tion can be tens of thousands of dollars. As a result, trans- fer machines are an economic alternative to manual assembly only for products which require a high production volume. When a high production volume exists, the cost of the entire machine is spread out over enough product units to bring down the assembly cost per unit to a level competitive with manual assembly. For a simple example, a transfer machine with a two second cycle time working two shifts for two years could assemble about 12 million units. If the itiachine were re- quired to "pay for itself" in those two years, then, even if the machine cost one million dollars, the assembly cost for one product unit, excluding operating expenses, would be only 38 about eight cents. (In Chapter 6 a more quantitative model for the unit assembly cost for a transfer machine will be developed along these lines.) Transfer machines have certain drawbacks. First of all, they are not easily changed to accommodate significant chan- ges in the product design. This means that the transfer machine is not a good investment if the product design is not stable for a sufficient number of years to repay the cost of the machine. This important issue, calculating repayment, is discussed in detail in Chapter 6. Secondly, they are re- stricted to products in which the individual assembly motions are sufficiently simple. The recognition of this fact has led to the design of the assembly machine and product to- gether as a system in some firms. However, designing trans- fer assembly machines for existing products is often diffi- cult or impossible because the product design does not lend itself to mechanized assembly and, for other reasons, this design cannot be changed. In short, transfer machines make good economic sense in many applications, especially for high volume products for which the product assembly process can be accomplished by existing transfer machine technology and where the product design is relatively stable over time. However, as will be discussed in later chapters, where the production volume is not high, where the needs of the product assembly process tax the presently available transfer machine technology, or 39 where the product design is subject to change, programmable assembly may be competitive with the transfer machine. The Design and Manufacture of Transfer Assembly Machines The transfer assembly machine design and manufacturing process has three distinct phases: first, the initial plan- ning and engineering stage; second, the assembly of the basic equipment; and, third, a testing and debugging process that may involve redesigning parts of the transfer machine. A typical design and manufacturing process is described below: The initial planning and engineering stage is a layout process in which the basic components of the system are cho- sen and arranged. The designers of the transfer machine are supplied with drawings of all of the parts in the product to be assembled which provides them with nominal dimensional information. Using their experience they may be able to make reasonable assumptions concerning the type of part variations to expect because explicit data is rarely available -- even the manufacturer does not have this information. The de- signers then develop an assembly task sequence for the assem- bly of the product and lay out the arrangement of the trans- fer machine stations using an appropriate indexing device. If the transfer machine is to be built on a synchronous 40 indexing chassis such as an in-line indexing table or a rotary index table, then the allocation of the stations on the index device is fairly routine. The initial station is usually the loading station for the base part of the assem- bly. It is good practice to allow two stations for the as- sembly of each additional part -- one station to assemble the part and the second station to check to see that the as- sembly operation was completed satisfactorily. It is also good design practice to leave some station locations empty to allow room for future modifications of the machine. Usu- ally, the last station is allocated for the unloading of the finished product unit, but sometimes one more station is used to unload rejects. The initial planning and engineering stage may take anywhere from two weeks for a very simple assembly machine to several months for a more complex system. The second stage is the construction of the machine from basic components. Depending on many factors, this may be a straightforward process that can often be done within a matter of weeks, frequently a fraction of the time re- quired to design the system. The third stage is the tryout and debugging stage. This stage begins with a trial run of the machine. This trial run identifies the problems of the completed machine which must be corrected for proper operation. The principal difficulties lie in the valiation of the 41 parts that must be assembled. These supposedly identical parts actually vary slightly one from the next in dimension, or they can have rough edges, flashing, and dirt attached. Occasionally, there are foreign bodies mixed in with the good parts. All of these irregularities can affect the per- formance of the equipment that must feed and assemble the parts. It is this unpredictable irregularity that makes reliable parts feeding and assembly so difficult to analyze -- it is nearly impossible to predict and plan for the many possible types of irregularities. In practice experimenta- tion is the only way currently in use to discover which variations of the parts will actually affect the performance of an assembly machine. Once the problems are idel .fied, the process of analyzing the difficulties and redesigning can begin. The time necessary for this debugging and re- design process is highly variable, but it can easily take six months for an in-line synchronous machine that assembles six to ten parts. Transfer assembly machine builders are roughly divided into three classes. First are the standard chassis manufac- turers who construct their machines from a stock chassis and standard components. This reduces the amount of design time and machine shop effort, but there is still a considerable amount of special engineering and debugging left to be done. The second class is the non-standard chassis builders. Their designs may vary greatly from machine to machine. The third 42 class consists of the in-house automation groups of the major manufacturing companies. Of the independent makers of automatic assembly ma- chines, or transfer assembly machines, eighteen belong to the assembly machines group of the National Machine Tool Builders Association. These represent most of the large assembly machine makers, but it is difficult to determine exactly what fraction of the transfer assembly machine mar- ket they represent. Their total orders for automatic as- sembly machines for calendar 1975 were between $10 and $15 million. This contrasts to an estimated purchase of $839.9 million worth of assembly equipment of all kinds (including manual equipment) in calendar 1976 (4). This means that automatic assembly machines account for only a small frac- tion of the total assembly equipment business. The Cost of Transfer Assembly Machines The cost of a transfer machine (its purchase price) can be broken down into two components: hardware costs and labor costs associated with the design and construction of the ma- chine. This section first discusses the typical breakdown of these costs. Then, the effect of number of product parts and product size on these costs is considered. Data concerning the major costs of a transfer assembly machine was collected in discussions with various firms 43 presently making automatic assembly machines. This data is summarized in Table 2.1. The data is in rough agreement with similar data from Prenting (5) who reported component costs from 25 to 35 percent; engineering, machine shop, and system building at 40 to 50 percent; and debugging expense anywhere from 10 to 50 percent of the total cost. The engineering design cost is a significant fraction of the total cost because each transfer assembly machine is designed for a specific product. This means that each trans- fer assembly machine is unique, and therefore the full en- gineering design cost is charged to only one machine. Like the engineering design cost, debugging costs also are applied to only one machine. However, debugging costs are hard to predict because debugging is, by definition-, the solving of unforeseen problems. The breakdown of hardware costs for one type of trans- fer machine (an in-line indexing table) is given in Table 2.2. Because the cost ranges of several of the components are large, and because any given part assembly may not use all of the components listed, the hardware costs for the assem- bly of two different parts assembled on one machine may vary greatly. The number of parts being assembled into the product unit affects the total cost of both the hardware and the de- sign and construction labor. A machine that assembles a product with twice as many parts as the product of a second 44 Table 2.1 Cost Breakdown for Transfer Assembly Machine Component Costs Engineering Labor Machine Shop Labor Machine Assembly and Tryout (Debugging) Nominal Percentage 40 20 20 20 Percentage Range_ 30 - 50 15 - 25 15 - 25 15 - 25 45 Table 2.2 Cost Ranges for Typical Hardware Compo- nents of a Transfer Assembly Machine Station (assumes in-line indexing table -- product size up to eight inches) Section of index table (for one part assembly) Bowl feeder (tooled) Feeder track Vibratory feeder track (tooled) Part escapement Placement device Part detector Pick up device Control wiring $535 - $4770 $1800 - $7000 $165 - $300 $500 - $700 $100 - $200 $860 - $3290 $50 - $200 $115 - $125 $100 - $500 machine will have approximately twice as many work stations and will cost approximately twice as much as the second ma- chine (assuming comparable product and part sizes). There- fore, it is reasonable to consider the cost of a transfer machine on a per part cost basis. The cost of the assembly machine is also a function of the size of the product. As product parts become larger, larger and more expensive equipment is required to handle them, and longer periods of time are required to design, build, and debug them. Rough data on machine design, build, and debug time versus machine size (obtained by surveying machine builders) is given in Figure 2.5. The cost per part of the assembly machine as a function of the size of the product is illustrated in Figure 2.6. As indicated, different types of assembly machines are used de- pending upon the size of the product. Rotary index tables are the cheapest transfer machine method, followed by in-line indexing machines, and finally by non-synchronous systems. 2.2 Highlights of Programmable Assembler Technology Research at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory During the assembly process there is a large amount of information processing required for the assembly motions. This information processing is handled very easily in manual assembly by the human assembler. Transfer assembly machines 46 47 Figure 2.5e Transfer Maahine Size and Time to Build 101 0.11- n'0i Ut Nonsynchronous a-.. 00 ,- 00 o 0 0i Standard Rotary Small Rotary 10 100 1000 Machine Size (ft) Sourcest Survey of Machine Builders I* I -O e4 I I II 48 Figure 2.6. Transfer Machine Cost per Part versus Product Dimension 64 a 4,v 5r4 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 Product Dimension (in) Sources Survey of Machine Builders 106 1 .m.. -. - -- I IVr tIlII I I I- JI '1l Nonsynchronous - S I I I I I I I i I n-line : i4j:i31111i111 LL i I I I I I III~~ I I I 1 TII I I - o o 0 " 0000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- -- f-l-r - - - -n r -0 0 0i a0 0 r fr'aT --0o00_00000000 C i II inirrn Standard Rotary Small Rotary 1 I- 1111111 1 1 111111 49 are constructed so that the part motion information is stored in the geometry of the cams and levers of the ma- chine itself. The advent of relatively low cost and phys- ically compact computing equipment offers a new approach for handling this information processing; the result is program- mable assembly. Besides the availability of microcomputers and micro- processors, programmable assembly requires the availability of suitable assembler technology; that is, equipment that can be directed to do assembly under computer control. Re- search on assembler technology has been conducted at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory for the past several years, and this section will report some of the highlights of this research. For more detail concerning this work see Nevins et al (6), (7), and (8). The research at Draper Lab in this area greP out of an investigation of manipulators being used in the space pro- gram. A manipulator is an arm-like structure which is usu- ally controlled by a person from a remote position. How- ever, when manipulators in space are controlled from the ground, the transmission delays caused by the long distances involved often make manipulation difficult. Therefore, the concept of supervisory control was introduced -- a certain level of intelligence is assigned to the remote manipulator so that continuous control between earth and space is un- necessary. From this research grew an appreciation for 50 quantitative definition of manipulation tasks and of the sensory information and control algorithms required to carry them out. This appreciation has been applied to the industrial assembly problem for the last four years. Work has since been carried on in the development of computer control of assembly hardware. The design of a high performance six axis hydraulic assembler was carried out on paper and provided information on the potential performance capacity of a range of assembler hardware. A force sensor design which mounts at the "wrist" of an assembler device and provides strain gage readings which are "resolved" into three force components and three torque components within a computer has been developed. The concept of resolution of motions and forces into appropriate coordinate systems is an important problem for remote manipulators. General purpose manipulators usually have at least six degrees of freedom of motion. They are usually constructed so that a simple straight line of motion of the end point, or "hand," of the manipulator may require various motions by all of the axes. D. E. Whitney (9) developed "resolved motion rate con- trol" as a means of controlling remote manipulators by com- mands to be interpreted in a coordinate system fixed to the hand of the remote manipulator. Thus, in order to achieve forward motion of the hand, the operator of a remote manip- ulation system need only issue a command to move forward, 51 rather than attempt to issue many commands to the various joint actuators of the remote manipulator. Resolved motion rate control requires computer processing in order to ac- complish the coordinate transformations. Resolved motion rate control can be combined with "wrist" force sensor information resolved in the same hand coordinate system to guide the assembler hand motion. This process has been designated "accommodation" and can be used to control the manipulator when contact is made with a fixed object. Frequently in the assembly of parts, such as a peg into a hole, force information obtained in this way can be used to modify the motion of the assembler so that smoother and more effective assembly motions take place. Work is currently being done to develop computer soft- ware systems with expanded capacity for dealing with the different aspects of information processing in programmable assembly. 2.3 Review of the Literature There is very little literature in the area of economic criteria for the design of programmable assembly systems or component assembly equipment. There has, however, been work done in related areas that is well worth mentioning. Boothroyd has done work in the area of automatic assem- bly. In particular, his 1968 book Mechanized Assembly, with 52 co-author A. H. Redford (3), discusses many of the compo­ nents of transfer assembly machines. The strength of the book is the detail of analysis of the construction and per­ formance of the important components of the transfer assem­ bly machine, particularly the parts feeding and orienting equipment. He discusses the performance and economics of transfer assembly machines insofar as they are dominated by the quality of the parts being assembled. The cost/perfor­ mance process he models is the effect of downtime associated with machine stoppage caused by poor quality parts, and he addresses the problem of how much of the assembly process to mechanize based on the part quality and machine perfor­ mance at a given part quality. There is no general economic model or analysis, however. An Introduction to Mechanical Assembly, by Tipping (10), is a descriptive book about the major components of transfer assembly machines. The book is particularly oriented toward the user of the transfer assembly machine and emphasizes that a detailed feasibility study and economic analysis be done for the particular installation to determine the best way to mechanize the assembly process. It does not address models that relate cost and performance. T. o. Prenting has addressed the economics of transfer assembly machines in a series of papers and articles in the 1960's. In particular, "Automatic Assembly the Economic Considerations" (5) describes the cost sources in construe- 53 ting a transfer assembly machine and provides some data on the cost composition. With co-author M. D. Kilbridge in the article "Assembly: Last Frontier of Automation," (11), Prenting discusses in general terms principal characteris- tics of transfer assembly machines and their economics. A series of reports from the Stanford Research Insti- tute entitled "Exploratory Research in Advanced Automation", (12), (13), and (14), concern work on automation based on programmable computer controlled manipulators. The work concerns the use of vision systems to locate and identify parts and products in random positions, the development of end effectors and sensors to aid in the manipulation, and the development of hardware and software to aid in the teaching and controlling of the manipulators by various means such as joysticks and voice control. Their work does not include any analysis of the potential economics of these experimental systems. Work at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Computer Science Department of Stanford University has included the development of a programming language for programmable assembly raported in "AL: A Programming System for Automation" (15). This work assumes the existence of very general purpose assembly manipulators and an unstruc- tured assembly environment. The purpose of the development of this language is to aid in the programming and set up of assembly tasks, thereby reducing the time and cost of imple- 54 mentation of individual assembly processes. The scope of the work does not include an analysis of the economic im- pact of the reduced set up time. Heginbotham (16) has considered the problem of the economics of the application of industrial robots, but did not specifically include the performance of the robots in his analysis. Heginbothim is chief editor of and a regular contributor to "The Industrial Robot"(17), a journal published in Great Britain which reports developments in the field of industrial robot technology including assembly applications. Abraham, Yaroshuk, and Beres (18) have analyzed the problem of selecting suitable products for a hypothetical programmable assembly system. Their method depends on cer- tain key variables related to the candidate product and hy- pothetical assembly system. These variables include man- hours per unit of assembly, batch size, number of different styles, annual volume per style, automation equipment cost, setup time, and setup cost. Their analysis includes the de- velopment of graphical aides to help identify candidate products for assembly on flexible automated assembly systems. At the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory a programmable assembly automation project sponsored by the National Science Foundation is in progress. The reports issued to date from the project cover a range of work relating to programmable assembly systems. The reports are titled "Exploratory .9p 55 Research in Industrial Modular Assembly" (6), (7), and (8). All three reports cover work progress in the areas of the description of the assembly tasks and analysis of task geometry; the development of control systems for program- mable assembly hardware; the development of sensor technol- ogy suitable for assembly tasks and programmable hardware control; and the development of computer software to control the programmable assembler equipment, to organize the execu- tion of the assembly task sequence, and to teach the assem- bly task sequence to the system. Both theoretical and ex- perimental work has been done in these areas. Progress in the analysis of the economics of programmable assembly sys- tems -- part of the work -leading to this thesis -- has also been described in these reports. In general, assembly is not an area where there is much ongoing research. What there is tends to be technical in nature, with technical feasibility, rather than economic viability, being the guide. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSEMBLY PROCESS Assembly is the process by which a collection of parts is transformed into a product unit. It is a process in which objects are moved in relation to each other and often in contact with each other. The assembly process can be viewed in terms of assembly tasks and an assembly sequence. I- 56 An assembly sequence is an ordered set of steps which, when executed in order, will assemble the parts into the final unit. Each of these steps is the execution of an assembly task. Examples of assembly task steps are: Place a part in a specified position, push part A against part B with specified force; and, insert part A into.part B. Examples of assembly tasks are: position, push, and fetch. The function of an assembly task is ssentially the same each time it is performed, but the exact details of its .xecu- tion may vary from time to time, and the identity of the parts involved will change. In general, an assembly se- quence is not unique because one can think of more than one way of assembling most products. To investigate the nature of assembly tasks, a case study was performed with a washing machine gearcase (see Figure 3.1). The objective of the study was to go through the process of specifying an assembly sequence for the gear- case that could conceivably be done by a programmable as- sembly machine. No attempt was made to optimize the assem- bly sequence. Two conditions were imposed: First, the sequence was restricted to one which could be executed by a "one-armed" assembly device. The purpose of this constraint was to force consideration of the simpler one-armed assembler rather than some device that was more complex (and there- fore more distant in the future). Second, any tools were 57 Figure 3.1. Gear Case Assembly 42 44-70 7 5 707 4146 73 45 58 >46N 58 72292 3230 -7 33 __J52\ 55 56 64 6 ~6L 58 allowed so long as they could be used by a single arm assem- bler. The intent of this assumption was to avoid the prob- lem of having to conceive of a universal part gripper that could be used to manipulate all the parts. The purpose of the study was to examine assembly tasks; the design details of the tools used in the tasks was of lesser importance. There were a total of 34 parts involved, and the part size ranged from about 1/4 inch to 1 foot. The resulting assembly sequence contained a total of 221 steps. There were a total of 17 different tasks used. Of the 17 tasks usc'd, 9 were very similar in their method of execution. Specifically, they used "accommoda- tion," a process which uses contact force to modify the motion of the parts in such a way as to facilitate assembly. These 9 tasks have been lumped together under the title "Accommodation" in Table 3. . This table shows the fre- quency of the tasks in the assembly sequence as a count, a percentage of total steps in sequence, and also as a count normalized with respect to the number of parts in the assem- bly. On the average, 6.5 task steps were performed per part. The corresponding task definitions are given in Table 3.2. Certain tasks such as "fetch" and "position" have nor- malized frequency counts approximately equal to one, which means they are performed an average of once for each part. Therefore, these particular tasks are probably required in 59 Table 3.1 Breakdown of Assembly Task Steps for Washer Gearcase (34 parts) Number of Steps Percent of Total Operations per Part Fetch Grasp Position Interface Release Return Cycle Detect "Accommodation" Total Task 33 21 36 33 17 34 15 1 31 221 14.9 9.5 16.3 14.9 7,7 15.4 6.8 .5 14.0 100.0 .97 .62 1.06 .97 .50 1.00 .44 .03 .91 6.50 61 the assembly of each part regardless of the specific part identity. This means that they are essential functions of any general assembly operation, and any programmable assem- bly machine would be required to perform them. Table 3.3 shows a breakdown of the accommodation tasks used in the sequence specification, and Table 3.4 provides brief definitions of the tasks. "Complex accommodation" refers to relatively complicated motions using accommodation that were hard to name. The other accommodation tasks were simpler motions that were more specific and consequently easier to name. There were 36 tools, jigs, and fixtures needed for the prccess, approximately one tool or fixture per part. Many of the tools were special shapes that allowed accurate loca- tion and gripping of parts. The tools used fell into three general categories. The first category contained tools with grasping sur- faces that were designed to grasp parts in a particular way. These grasping surfaces were designed to locate the part accurately in the gripper or hand because the assembly pro- cess will be simplified if the part is held accurately. A second tool category was one of special, rigid, one- piece jigs designed to reduce the degrees of freedom of assembly. These tools were "invented" when a subassembly of loosely connected parts had to be fitted to the main as- sembly. This tool would hold the various connected parts 62 Table 3.3 Breakdown of "Accommodation" Task Steps for Washer Gearcase (34 parts) Task Complex Accornoda te Insert Rotate Depress Search motion Slide Seat Move Remove Total Number of Steps 8 11 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 31T Percent of Total. 25.8 35.5 9.7 3.2 6.5 6.5 3.2 3.2 6.5 100.0 Operations per Part .23 .32 .09 .03 .06 .06 .03 .03 .06 .91 63 Table 3.4 Complex Accommodate: Insert: Rotate: Depress: Search motion: Slide: Seat: Move: Remove: Accommodation Task Definitions Accommodation executed during a complex motion. No convenient name to describe motion. Pushing a shaft-or-peg-like part into a hole. Nominal trajectory is a straight line. Rotation of part about an axis with accommodation. Deflect a part in its compliant direc- tion. Move along surface while maintaining contact force normal to it. Move part along grooved or channeled surface in direction of channel. Place very wide peg-like part in very shallow hole. Insertion or similar accommodation executed over very long trajectory. Withdraw a peglike part or tool from a hole. I 64 rigid so that the assembly would become easier for a one- armed assembly machine. The third tool category was currently available auto- matic feeding tools. These tools include feeding mechanisms which automatically supply the tool with the parts. An ex- ample is a power screwdriver with automatic feeding of the screw fasteners. Based on the experience of this case study, the same general procedure is used for the assembly of each part, as- suming a special tool must be used for each part. This pro- cedure is: 1) Assembler moves to location of tool storage site. 2) Assembler engages tool. 3) Assembler carries tool to part storage or pre- sentation site. 4) Tool engages part. 5) Assembler carries tool with part to assembly site. 6) Assembler with tool assembles part to subassembly. 7) Tool releases part. 8) Assembler carries tool to tool storage site. 9)- Assembler releases tool. The motions of the assembler can be divided into two types: gross and fine. During a gross motion the assembler arm travels from one location to another, usually without being in contact with the product being assembled. For example, a gross motion occurs in step 3 above. During a fine motion 65 the assembler arm makes small movements in a localized area and is usually in contact with either the product or the parts feeding unit. For example, fine motions occur when a part is actually being assembled to the product unit or when a part is being grasped initially. Step 6 above re- quires a fine motion. Using a different tool for each part represents one ex- treme in the specialization of tools for assembly. The other extreme is to specify as few tools as possible, or even to require the use of only one general purpose tool. This general purpose tool would need to be quite complex in order to satisfy the requirement for versatility, and there- fore, it would probably be more expensive than any of the other tools used for only one part. However, if it were not necessary to change tools for every part, then a great deal of time can be saved. Then, the general procedure for as- sembling a part would look like this: 1) Assembler with gripper makes a gross motion to part storage or presentation site. 2) Assembler with gripper engages part. 3) Assembler with gripper carries part to assembly site in gross motion. 4) Assembler with gripper assembles part to subassem- bly in a fine motion operation. 5) Gripper releases part. The extra expense and complexity of a general purpose tool 66 may or may not be rewarded by the time saved. This is only one of many technical issues which can be resolved only by the ultimate economic test. Summary The assembly sequence is an ordered set of steps, each of which is the execution of an assembly task. Two inter- esting facts concerning these tasks are: 1) Several tasks are similar in their execution; they use contact force to modify their motion during assembly. Such tasks are designated "accommodation" tasks. 2) Certain tasks, such as "position," are necessary for the assembly of each part, and, therefore, are a necessary function for any programmable assembler. A range of options exists in the use of assembly tools, with the following two extremes: a special tool can be de- signed for each individual part assembly, or a universal part gripper which can perform each assembly step for each part can be designed. The first extreme would require as many as four extra steps in the assembly sequence for a single part, but the individual tool cost would probably be lower than the cost of the universal part gripper. There are two types of assembly motions: gross and fine. The gross motions are "traveling" motions, such as a motion used for the assembly task "position." The fine 67 motions are used, for example, during the actual assembly of the part to the product unit. The concepts of assembly tasks and tools are important because they play a part in the economic evaluation of a programmable assembly system. Gross and fine motions are necessary functions in assembly, and each requires a certain amount of time to be performed by the assembly equipment. Task execution time will influence production rates which, in turn, influence the economic evaluation. Tools, whether general purpose or specialized, cost money and will also in­ fluence execution time; hence, the fools also will affect the economic evaluation. In the next chapter a closer ex­ amination of these and other characteristics of programmable assembly systems that will influence the economics of their application is begun. 4. EMERGING PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY In this chapter the application of programmability to assembly technology will be discussed. First, the basic definitions and concepts of a programmable assembly syscem as they are applied in this research are presented. The remainder of the chapter discusses the economic advantages that are possible with programmable assembly. Since programmable assembly iE not, in fact, a prac­ ticed reality, it should be kept in mind that these advan- 68 tages are projected advantages, and their truth will be proven or disproven only after programmable assembly is actually put into use. 4.1 Basis Concepts of Programmable Assembly Systems The words "programmable assembly" have been used in this thesis to refer to the general concept of assembly equipment that can be programmed to execute a sequence of assembly tasks. In this section the specific concepts of programmable assembly as they are applied in this research are presented. It is important to define specifically the terms pro- grammable assembler, programmable assembly system, program- mable assembly station, and programmability and to discuss their interrelations. Programmable Assembler A programmable assembler is a device which assembles products and which consists of 1) a motion device capable of positioning a part in many different positions and 2) a control unit that directs the motions of the motion device and which may be programmed. The motion device may resemble a remote manipulator, but that is not necessary. One con- ceptualization of the motion device of a programmable as- sembler is shown in Figure 4.1. The motion device hardware consists of an end effector (part gripper or tool) and po- I- 69 Figure 4.1u Example Design for Programmable Assembler Station Programmable Assembler Motion Device WorkArea Pallet or Conveyor Feeding LII F m- ,IL7- ENIMMEMOMMMM 70 sitioning equipment (the links and axes) to move and orient the end effector. The programmable control unit may be a minicomputer or microprocessor, or it may be a device of less sophistication. The control unit must be capable of storing enough informa­ tion to execute the necessary tasks. The degree of sophis­ tication required of the programmable control unit depends on the capabilities of the motion device and the require­ ments of the application of the assembler. A programmable assembler includes not only the program­ mable control unit and the motion device, but also sensory equipment that is required for the completion of the assem­ bly task. Position sensors located on the motion device provide information about the location of the part carried by the assembler. These sensors are also used in the servo control of the motion device. Force sensors may be included to monitor contact forces between parts during assembly. Other sensors may be used in more sophisticated systems. For example, visual sensors may be used to locate parts and assembly sites, or tactile sensors located in part grippers may be used to identify just where the part is being held in the gripper. Programmable Assembly System A programmable assembly system is a collection of pro­ grammable assemblers working together on the assembly of a product. The system includes not only a set of assemblers 71 but also a conveying system which moves the in-process as- semblies from one assembler to the next; and a set of parts feeding equipment, which presents parts to the assemblers in known orientation and position. Programmable Assembly Station A programmable assembly station consists of a program- mable assembler and the portion of the conveying system as- sociated with that assembler. Programmabi1ity "Programmability" as used here is the ability of a de- vice to be taught different tasks. This is in contrast to the methods of conventional assembly technology in which a task is defined by the geometry of the hardware and is not easily changed. This kind of programmability does not re- quire a computer, but the use of a minicomputer or micro- processor is an easy way to implement it in assembly tech- nology. 4.2 Economic Advantages of Programmable Assembly As reported in Chapter 2, presently employed assembly technology consists of manual assembly and transfer machine assembly. Each of these methods has its own strong points; circumstances exist where one method is clearly preferred over the other. What are these circumstances for program- mable assembly? In particular, in which cases will program- 72 mable assembly prove to be economically superior to manual assembly and transfer machine assembly and why? This sec- tion discusses in general terms some of the assembly situa- tions where programmable assembly is seen to be potentially advantageous. The advantages of programmable assembly are discussed for multipart assembly, multiproduct assembly, and adaptive assembly. The possible reduction in engineer- ing time associated with setting up a programmable system instead of a transfer assembly machine system is also dis- cussed. 4.2.1 Multipart Assembly The chief economic measure by which different assembly methods are compared is the assembly cost per unit of prod- uct. When capital equipment is built to assemble a product, the assembly cost per unit is proportional to the cost of the capital equipment divided by the number of units made on the equipment. (Modeling and calculating costs will be discussed in Chapter 6). The assembly cost per unit can be reduced either by reducing the cost of the equipment or by increasing the number of product units that are assembled on the equipment. A distinction is drawn here between the terms product and product unit and the terms part and part unit. A prod- uct is a set of identical product units. Hence, a pump is 73 an example of a product, and there are many units of the pump made per year. Similarly, a part is a set of identical part units. For example, a bowl feeder is designed to handle a single part, but it may have a certain feeding rate of so many part units per minute. Finally, the term volume, or annual production volume, is used to mean the number of prod- uct units that are assembled in one year. Because a programmable assembler can execute more than one assembly task, it can assemble a number of different parts. This multipart assembly capability of a programmable assembly station is in direct contrast with the transfer as- sembly machine station where one part at most is assembled per station (some stations may be used for nonassembly func- tions). A single programmable station may be more complex and expensive than a single trdnsfer machine station, but the fact that fewer programmable stations may be required for a system to assemble a given product raises the prospect of an assembly system whose original cost is less than that of the corresponding transfer machine. This comparison is illustra- ted in Figure 4.2. However, as the number of parts assembled per station increases, the maximum production rate of a pro- grammable system decreases. This means that a programmable system in which each assembler performs multipart assembly can be designed with the appropriate number of stations for the needed production volume. If the cost of programmable stations is comparable to that of transfer machine stations, 74 Figure 4.2. Multipart Assembly Assumes product with six parts Programmable Systems Two Assemblers Pal Six Sets of Parts Feeding Equipa let Stream tent Transfer Machine Systems Six Transfer Stations and Six Sets of Parts Feeding Equipment Transfer Station 0 0 %001 0 -0 r ] C]Pallet Stream Palle t Str eam 75 then, in general, programmable systems will be economically more attractive than transfer machines for lower production volumes. 4.2.2 Multiproduct Assembly We have seen that the versatility of a programmable as- sembler allows it to assemble more than one part of a product and that this can lead to unit assembly cost savings by re- ducing the number of assembly stations required. This ver- satility can also be used to spread the cost of the system over many product units in another way. One programmable assembly system can be designed to assemble the parts of different products. For multiproduct assembly, versatility is required not only for the assemblers, but also for the other parts of the system, i.e., the conveying system and the parts feeding equipment. For example, programmable assembly systems may be designed to assemble product families -- groups of products that have common or related parts and assembly processes. One product may have a "deluxe model" which requires the as- sembly of extra parts, and this would require versatility in the conveying system so that the deluxe model product unit could be routed to extra assemblers. Or, one product may differ from another simply by the size of one of its parts. This would require versatility in one set of parts feeding 76 equipment so that it could handle two different size parts. The degree of specialization or generalization of such programmable assembly systems in specific cases will be the result of a trade-off decision between the expense of the added assembly generality and the unit assembly cost savings this generality introduces as a result of the application of the system to a larger number of product units. 4.2.3 Adaptive Assembly Adaptive assembly is the use of a sensor system to mon- itor and modify the progress of the assembly task. Adaptive assembly requires one or more sensors which collect force, touch, or image information during the assembly and a proces- sor which can use this information to modify the fine assembly motions. Adaptive assembly may be used in combination with a programmable assembly system, and it has many advantages. Much of the downtime of the present transfer machines is associated with clearing jams of parts in the assembly mech- anism caused by variations in part dimensions and quality. A_ programmable assembler with adaptive assembly can detect the onset of certain kinds of jams and could immediately repeat the assembly operation either with the same part or with a new one. Because the system could automatically recover from assembly jams, there is a corresponding reduction in downtime. Quick recovery from potential jams is only one of the 77 uses for adaptive assembly. Force and position readings ob- tained from the sensors attached to the assembler can be used in fine motion assembly tasks. In other words, the assembler station could use the sensor information to feel its way through the assembly process. This can be particularly help- ful in two cases: first, when the part dimensions have large variation and secondly, when the part tolerance is very small. Generally, present assembly machines work best when there is relatively little part dimensional variation and the part clearance is greater than .005 in. Adaptive assembly can re- duce the required quality and expense of the supporting equip- ment. For example, transfer machines must be made very ac- curately in order to reduce the chances of jamming the parts during assembly. The dimensional variation that the machine must overcome results from both the parts and the machine it- self. Transfer machines are made very accurately to reduce some of this variation. Programmable adaptable assembly can be specifically designed to correct for variations in the part positions and dimensions as they appear to the assem- bler from one assembly operation to the next. Using adapt- able assembly to deal with variations in part dimension and tooling dimension can allow looser standards for both the parts and the supportive machine system tooling, such as the conveyors and pailets. These lower standards mean that cheaper system tooling can be used, and part manufacturing costs may be reduced. 78 Finally, by taking readings over a series of units, pro- duction data can be developed on the value and drift rate of important dimensions, the number of faulty parts, the average assembly rate, and other important production variables. This data can then be used to improve the system and make it more economic. At present almost no data, of even the most rudi- mentary kind, is available to assess assembly processes and machine performance. 4.2.4 Reduction of Engineering Time The fact that the programmable assembler is programmable means that the trajectory of its motions is controlled by easily changed data in the processor memory. This simplifies the engineering problems in developing a system to assemble a product and will result in a cost savings in building the system. The programmable assembler can be used as a standard component in the construction of an assembly system but in a wider sense than the "standard" components of a transfer sys- tem. The standard component in the construction of a trans- fer machine system can perform only a limited set of tasks, and it must be mounted accurately with respect to other equipment on the system (such as the pallet position). A programmable assembler can perform a much wider range of tasks and motions, and these motions need not be accurately The basic concepts of programmable assembly systems are 79 specified until after the system is assembled. This relieves many of the requirements for accurate relative positioning of the components and the corresponding design and machine shop time. The wide applicability and ease of incorporation of a programmable assembler raise the assembler salvage value because it can be easily converted to use in a new system. Programmable assembly could reduce the costs of debug- ging. In the development of a transfer machine, the motions of the assembler equipment are determined by the physical geometry of the hardware. It is much more difficult to ad- just and modify these motions during the debugging process than it is to modify the motions of a programmable assembler. This means that the debugging time for the programmable sys- tem is greatly shortened with a corresponding decrease in this portion of the cost of the system. This can represent a considerable savings since, as reported in Chapter 2, the cost of debugging the system can be almost half the total price of the transfer machine. If the programmability of the system includes adaptive asse:nbly, then the information from the force sensors can be used to speed the debugging process by helping to identify the troublesome assembly tasks. This will also help to reduce the debugging time and cost. 4.3 Summary 80 important ideas which are used in the modeling of later chap- ters: 1) A programmable assembler consists of a motion device and a control unit. 2) A programmable assembly system is a collection of programmable assemblers working together on the assembly of a product and includes a conveying sys- tem and a set of parts feeding equipment. 3) A programmable assembly station consists of the programmable assembler and a portion of the conveying system. 4) Programmability is the ability of a device to be taught different tasks. The potential advantages of programmable assembly in- clude multipart assembly, multiproduct assembly, adaptive assembly, and a reduction in engineering time for the set- up of the system. The versatility of the programmable assembler leads to its ability to assemble more than one part, while the versatility of the programmable assembly system leads to its ability to assemble more than one prod- uct. Adaptive assembly may be used in combination with pro- grammable assembly and will add advantages, such as the ability to clear certain jams, the ability of the assembler to "feel" its way through the assembly process, and a reduc- tion in equipment expense. Because a programmable assembly system does not require accurate.positioning of the assem- 81 blers in many cases and because the assembly motions and tasks are easy to change, the system will require less en- gineering time for setup than a similar transfer machine assembly system. Next, in Chapter 5, the modeling process begins with an examination of the characteristics and requirements for programmable assemblers and assembly systems. Then, certain of the economic advantages of programmable assembly that have been discussed in this chapter will be quantified in the economic model to be developed in Chapter 6. 5. CONFIGURATIONS OF PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY In Chapter 4 the economic advantages of programmable assembly were presented in general terms. In Chapter 6 the economic advantages of programmable assembly are investigated from a different, more quantitative, point of view: Economic models of programmable assembly systems, transfer machine systems, and manual assembly are derived and compared. This chapter presents the characteristics of programmable assembly systems upon which the modelinq of Chapter 6 is based. The programmable assembler is the "center" of the pro- grammable assembly system. This chapter begins with a dis- cussion of programmable assembler configurations: What are some of the possible designs of programmable assemblers and what are their characteristics? 82 The second section of the chapter is concerned with the possible configurations of prcgrammable assembly systems. The principal components of a programmable assembly system are programmable assemblers, a conveying system, and a set of parts feeding equipment. The possible types of arrange- ments for the programmable assemblers in the system and the characteristics of each arrangement are discussed. The economic model developed in Chapter 6 for program- mable assembly systems depends partially on the "efficiency" of the system configuration. The concept of system efficiency is discussed in the third section of the chapter. 5.1 Programmable Assembler Configurations The specific configuration of the programmable assem- bler is now considered in greater detail. How versatile should a programmable assembler be? Should every program- mable assembler be able to position a part in any arbitrary location? This section shows that there can be a wide range of versatility for an assembler (in particular for the mo- tion device), and that due to the existence of principal assembly axes on many products the less versatile (and there- fore less costly) assemblers may have many applications. 81 blers in many cases and because the assembly motions and tasks are easy to change, the system will require less en- gineering time for setup than a similar transfer machine assembly system. Next, in Chapter 5, the modeling process begins with an examination of the characteristics and requirements for programmable assemblers and assembly systems. Then, certain of the economic advantages of programmable assembly that have been discussed in this chapter will be quantified in the economic model to be developed in Chapter 6. 5. CONFIGURATIONS OF PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY In Chapter 4 the economic advantages of programmable assembly were presented in general terms. In Chapter 6 the economic advantages of programmable assembly are investigated from a different, more quantitative, point of view: Economic models of programmable assembly systems, transfer machine systems, and manual assembly are derived and compared. This chapter presents the characteristics of programmable assembly systems upon which the modeling of Chapter 6 is based. The programmable assembler is the "center" of the pro- grammable assembly system. This chapter begins with a dis- cussion of programmable assembler configurations: What are some of the possible designs of programmable assemblers and what are their characteristics? 83 5.1.1 Degrees of Freedom of Motion Device A programmable assembler device must have the ability to move a part unit through space over a range of motions. The number of degrees of freedom of this motion is an impor- tant measure of the versatility of the assembler. Figure 5.1 shows a set of potential assembler motion de- vice configurations illustrating the concept of the number of degrees of freedom. (They are sketched so that the loca- tion and action of each degree of freedom is plainly visible.) A single degree of freedom device has motion along a path in space or rotation about a single axis. A two degree of free- dom device may be designed to move in two independent direc- tions (and so move over a surface in space), or it may be designed to move along a path and rotate about an axis, or it may be designed to rotate about two independent axes. All two degree of freedom devices are not equivalent or even sim- ilar. One possible three degree of freedom device might move a part unit to any point in its working volume but not con- trol the angular orientation of that part unit at that point. The position of a part can be completely described by six numbers: for example, three numbers indicating its dis- placement in three dimensional space and three numbers indi- cating its angular orientation about the three major axes. Therefore, to position an object to an arbitrary location and orientation an assembler motion device would require six in- 84 Figure 5.1. Assemblers with Various Degrees of Freedom (a) 1 dof (d) ( 3do (g) 4 dot (b) 2 dof (e) 3 dof & 5 dof 2 Work Piece (j6dot 42 Work Piece (C) 3 dot (t) 4 dot 6 dot 00,2 85 dependent degrees of freedom. However, in order to control part assembly positioning it is not necessary to hold the basic assembly fixed and to position the part with six degrees of freedom. The assem- bler motion device may actually consist of two motion de- vices: one to hold the product unit and one to position the part. For arbitrary relative positioning of part and prod- uct unit the two motion devices must have six degrees of freedom between them. For example, an assembler may have its degrees of freedom divided as in assembler (j) of Fig- ure 5.1 where three displacements and one rotation are con- trolled by the assembler mechanism that carries the part and the two remaining rotations are controlled by the table that holds the product assembly. More degrees of freedom for the assembler necessitate more complex and costly equipment. Consequently, when de- signing a programmable assembler or assembly system, it is important to determine the minimum number of degrees of free- dom required to accomplish the necessary assembly tasks. 5.1.-2 Principal Assembly Directions and Axes Many products have principal axes along which many of their parts- are assembled. These axial alignments occur partly for functional reasons and partly because manufactur- ing processes tend to create them. Fdr example, the use of 86 simple three axis milling machines tends to create parts that have three principal directions at right angles to each other. Turning and drilling equipment tends to create parts that interface with axial symmetry. We now define axis and direction with respect to a prod- uct. Imagine the product attached to a fixed reference frame. An axis is defined as a directed straight line passing through the product (see Figure 5.2). The direction of an axis is simply the angular orientation of the line in space without regard to its physical displacement with respect to the co- ordinate frame. Thus, several axes may have common direc- tions. An axis of assembly is an axis along which a part is moved to assemble it to the product. The actual assembly process may involve general large scale motion along the axis of assembly plus much smaller ac- commodation motions in other directions. An assembler must have the appropriate degrees of freedom to move the part along the principal assembly axes. The small accommodation motions must also be made, but they may or may not be made with a controlled degree of freedom. For example, if the part is held with a certain compliance in the part gripper, then the small accommodation motions may be made passively under favorable conditions. Kondoleon (19) has found for a small set of products consisting of rigid machined or molded plastic parts that roughly two thirds of the parts of these products are assem- 87 Figure 5.2s Product Assembly Axes and Directions Direction I Assembly Assembly Axis I Axis 2 - B Time Product Interval = A Time Parallel Modem o o:3 Part A d Part B A Time A B Time B - Index - A Time A B Time B - - Index - A Time > B Time Time Time Time Time Product Interval SA TIme + B Time 2 I Time 1I I 97 them, then the parallel arrangement would suffer because of the extra time the assemblers must devote to the tool chang- ing. In the serial arrangement where each assembler must handle a smaller variety of parts, the amount of tool chang- ing would be reduced. In the parallel arrangement the need to assemble a greater number of parts at one station may require more com- plex and expensive assemblers. For example, extra degrees of freedom may be required in the assembler motion device. In the example given here only two assemblers operate in parallel, and the two share the same parts feeding equip- ment. As the number of assemblers operating in parallel in- creases, the requirement for shared parts feeding equipment becomes more difficult to satisfy. In order to have three or four assemblers operating in parallel, it would probably be necessary to modify portions of the parts feeding equip- ment, at extra expense. For five or more assemblers it would probably be necessary to duplicate the feeding equipment of the parts, at even greater added expense. In the overlap mode, two or more assemblers add parts to a single product unit simultaneously. Under ideal condi- tions this mode could be as efficient a use of individual assemblers as the.serial or parallel modes. However, it is likely that a large fraction of waiting time would occur in this arrangement because of the sequential nature of assembly and because geometric interference will prevent true simul- 98 taneous operation of the assemblers. However, an advantage of the overlap arrangement is that it allows the execution of two-handed assembly tasks. Typi- cally, parts that require two-handed assembly are not stable in their final assembled position until succeeding parts or fasteners are added. For example, a bolt will not hang un- held upside-down in a hole waiting for a nut to be attached. The unstable part must be held in position with one assembler while the other adds the next part or fastener. Serial and parallel modes are generally restricted to single-handed operation. An assembly system may be constructed according to one. of the principal configuration modes or a combination of them. Each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages. These were outlined generally above, but which of these are most important in the design of a particular assembly system will depend on the individual constraints of the application. These are discussed more completely in the next section. 5.2.3 Combinations of the Modes An entire system need not be completely of the serial, parallel, or overlap type. Combinations of these modes may be used throughout the assembly system. The mode actually used at any particular point in the system will depend on special considerations peculiar to the part, the product, 99 and the production volume. The system configuration may be designed to take advan- tage of part subsets. As noted in Section 5.1.2, product parts are often oriented in a few specific directions, and this is one example of how the parts of a product may be grouped into natural subsets. Another natural subset may occur when several of the parts are identica], such as fas- teners. It may prove to be convenient to have an entire subset of parts assembled by the same assembler. However, 'f the subset is a large fraction of the total number of p ts, it may prove most efficient in terms of the balance of the sys- tem to have parallel assemblers handling the large subsets and single assemblers handling the subsets with fewer parts. Such a system would be parallel at some points and serial at others. If some of the tasks are two-handed -- requiring two assemblers simultaneously -- then certain portions of the system may be configured in the overlap mode and the two- handed tasks assigned there. The potential configurations of even a few assemblers are many. 5.3 System Efficiencies A designer who wishes to build a programmable assembly system wishes to reduce the cost of assembly per unit as 100 much as possible. Therefore, he will want to build as in- expensive a system as he can, which means using a minimum number of programmable assemblers. However, he must also fulfill the production requirements of the product to be wX assembled, and the fewer the programmable assemblers in a system, the lower the maximum production rate of that system. This is because each assembler must assemble more parts on the average so that the average time between completed as- semblies is longer. Since the available production time is limited (for a given number of working shifts and working days per year), the total annual production volume of a given system configuration is also limited. The fewer the stations in the system, the longer the average product assembly time, and the lower the maximum production volume. In order to estimate the cost of programmable assembly, it is important to be able to estimate the number of program- mable assemblers required in a system that is designed for a given product. The net station efficiency of a system, which will be defined in this section, can be used to determine the number of assemblers required by the system and, therefore, to determine the capital equipment cost of that system. The net station efficiency is found by using the configuration efficiency and the utilization efficiency of the system. These terms will be defined precisely in this section, but, briefly, the configuration efficiency of the system is a measure of how well the system is balanced. It is low if 101 an assembler spends a lot of time waiting for other assem- blers or if assemblers are performing nonassembly tasks. The utilization efficiency is a measure of the use of the system. It compares the actual production volume with the potential production volume of the system. First, the concept of assembly station capacity, which is necessary in the definition of configuration efficiency, is discussed. Then, the configuration, utilization, and net system efficiencies are defined; and the expression for find- ing the number of assemblers needed is developed. Finally, an example is presented showing the calculations of the ef- ficiencies. 5.3.1 Assembly Station Capacity Assembly time is the time spent grasping parts and moving them to the assembly site, time spent retrieving and storing tools, and time spent during assembly fine motion. The discussion in the previous section concerning assem- bly system configurations showed that some of the time of an assembler may be nonassembly time -- time spent waiting for another assembler to complete an assembly task. There is a second way for an assembler to have nonassembly time; when - an assembler is assigned a nonassembly task, such as trans- porting a part from one point to another point without as- sembling the part, the time spent is nonassembly time because 102 it was not spent on an assembly task. The capacity of an assembler, CAP, is defined as the number of parts that it can assemble during a period of time equal to the yearly operating time of the assembly system in which it will be installed. The assembler capacity is com- puted assuming that it is operating by itself before it is installed in the system and does not have to wait idlely on any other equipment (as it may have to do when it is in- stalled). Hence, the assembler capacity represents what the assembler could do if it were not limited in any way by the configuration or line balance of the system. The amount of yearly operating time for the assembly system will depend on the number of shifts worked, the num- ber of working days in the year and the amount of downtime for the system. Therefore, the capacity of assembly sta- tion i, CAP., is the number of part assembly tasks that sta- tion i could accomplish in one year in the allowed working time assuming that the working time of station i consists entirely of assembly time (no nonassembly tasks and no wait- ing). The sum of the assembly station capacities is Y CAP. i I The capacity of a single station i can be expressed in terms of working seconds in the year (the yearly operating time of the system in seconds) and the single part assembly time of the ith station as 103 CAP. NSPY (5.1)1 PARTTIME. where CAP. = number of parts that can be assembled annually by the ith station NSPY = number of working seconds per year (yearly operating time of the systea in seconds) .th PARTTIME . = single part assembly time for 1 assembler as defined in section 5.2 (A list of variable definitions is contained in Appendix 1.) NSPY can be expressed analytically as follows: NSPY = UT*DY*HD*3600 (5.2) where UT = uptime fraction DY = number of days worked per year HD = number of hours worked per day The uptime fraction is simply one minus the downtime fraction; it is the fraction of the time that the system should be pro- ducing that it actually is producing. If the uptime fraction is .8, there are 250 days worked per year, and 16 hours worked per day (2 shifts), then the value of NSPY is 1.152 x 107 sec/yr. 5.3.2 Configuration Efficiency The configuration efficiency is defined as the potential number of parts that the system could assemble per year di- 104 vided by the sum of the assembly station capacities. NPART * MAXVOL (5.3) CEF = ,CAP. where CAP = configuration efficiency NPART = number of parts in the product MAXVOL = potential production volume of the system (number of product units per year) The potential production volume of the system is the number of product units that can be assembled during the yearly operating time of the assembly system. It is usually determined by a particular pacing station or sequence of such stations because the other stations must spend some time waiting on the pacing station to complete its tasks. The configuration efficiency is a measure of the amount of nonassembly time that the assemblers are forced to spend as a result of the assembly system configuration. This will be illustrated by example in section 5.3.4. For the special case in which the single part assembly time for all the assemblers in the system is the same, the configuration efficiency can be shown to be equal to the total time the assemblers are actually performing assembly operations during one index period divided by the total assem- bler time available in that index period as follows: The capacity of a single station is: NSPY (5.4) CAP.= PARTTIIME 105 Now, the sum of the assembly station capacities can be expressed as follows: ECAP =NSTA * NSPY (5.5) i1 PARTTIME where NSTA = number of programmable stations in the system. The index time for one product unit in terms of the num- ber of working seconds per year and the maximum production volume that the system can achieve during those working seconds is INDEXTIME = NSPY (5.6)MAX VOL where INDEXTIME = average time between completed product units (in seconds) Notice that the assumption is made here that the index time corresponds to the maximum production. rate. It is assumed that the system will operate at its maximum pro- duction rate even when less than the maximum production volume is required. Then, to achieve reduced production volume, the system will be operated for a reduced amount of time during the year. Equations 5.3, 5.5, and 5.6 can be combined together to form an alternate expression for the configuration efficiency for the case of equal single part assembly times. =-NPART * PARTTIME CEF =NSTA * INDEXTIME (5.7) 106 Notice that the numerator of the expressian--in. equation 5.7 is equal to the number of station-seconds that must be devoted to the actual assembly motions for a single product unit, whereas the denominator is equal to the number of station-seconds tied up in the index period during which one product unit is made. Hence, the config- uration efficiency represents that fraction of the index period that is actually spent in assembly task execution. 5.3.3 Utilization Efficiency The utilization efficiency of an assembly system is defined as the ratio of the actual annual production volume divided by the potential annual production volume. PUEF = VOL (5.8) MAXVOL where PUEF = utilization efficiency of the programmable system VOL = actual production volume of the product. Essentially, the utilization efficiency is the fraction of the capability of the system that is actually being used. 5.3.4 Net Station Efficiency Finally, the net station efficiency is defined as follows: where NSEF = NPAR'l' * �CAP. i l. 107 VOL (5.9) NSEF = net station efficiency of the system. It can be seen by comparing equation 5.9 to equations 5.3 and 5.B that the net station efficiency is also equal to the product of the utilization efficiency and the con­ figuration efficiency. NSEF = PUEF * CEF (5.10) The net station efficiency includes not only the effects of the imbalance b8tween the stations but also the degree of use of the system: How closely does the potential produc­ tion volume of the system match the production voJ.ume re­ quirements of the product? In the special case of identi­ cal assemblers used in a system, the net station efficiency is the ratio of the number of stations needed under "ideal conditions" to the number of stations actually used. Ideal conditions consist of perfect configuration balance (config­ uration efficiency = 1.0) and equality between the potential production volume and the production volume requirements (utilization efficiency = 1.0). For any particular assembly system design, the net sta­ tion efficiency cannot be specified or estimated in advance. The system must first be designed and then the net station efficiency calculated. However, in later modeling it will be necessary to be able to estimate the number of stations required in a typical system for a product with a specified 108 production volume. In this case a net station efficiency must be estimated that is representative of the range of net station efficiencies that would occur in the actual systems designed for products with that production volume. Combining equations 5.5 and 5.9 gives NSTA = VOL*NPART*PARTTIME (5.11) NSPY*NSEF This equation can be rewritten in terms of the configuration efficiency and the utilization efficiency. NSTA = VOL*NPART*PARTTIME (5.12) NSPY*PUEF*CEF Thus the number of assembly stations needed in an assembly system can be estimated from the production volume of the product, the number of parts in the product, the single part assembly time, and estimates of the configuration and utilization efficiencies. 5.3.5 Example Calculation of System Efficiencies To show how configuration, utilization, and net station efficiencies would be calculated for a simple system, consider the pair of assemblers illustrated in Figure 5.5. They are to be used in a system to manufac- ture a product with a total of eight parts. This product has two principal directions of assembly with five of the parts assembled in one direction and threa assembled in the I109 figure 5.5 let can*# Example Configuration Efficiency Calculation Station 1 5 Parts EaJ Station 2 3 Parts C1[ Station I Tim Part I 2 31 5 Station 2 8a 1wait Assembly Interval 0 5 Units Configuration Efficiency - 0.8 2nd Station I 1 Parts C:0 Station 2 4 Parts s Sf nia Station I Time Part 2 3 'Im Station 2 Turn verj 7 81 17 AsaenblInterral m 4 Units Configuration Efficiency 1.0 r - 110 other. The assemblers both have a single part assembly time equal to PARTTIME. Assume- that each assembler is aligned with a princi- pal direction of assembly. The first assembler will have five parts to assemble and the second will have three. Since the first assembler will pace the system, its rate will determine the system rate and capacity. MAXVOL - NSPYMAXVOL =5 *NPARTTIME Here it is assumed that the first assembler spends all of its time in assembly motions--there are no nonassembly mo- tions and no waiting time. The sum of assembly station capacities for the pair of assemblers is just twice their individual capacity. 2CAP.. =2 * NSPY , =PARTTIME - The configuration efficiency is, according to equation 5.3, CEF = 8 * NSPY * PARTTIME _ 5 PARTTIME 2 * NSPY The utilization efficiency depends on the actual volume demanded in the market. If the actual volume VOL produced were 750.,000 but the potential production volume MAXVOL were 1,000,000, then the utilization efficiency PUEF would be .75 111 The, net station efficiency of this arrangement is, according to equation 5.10, the product of the configura- tion and utilization efficiences. NSEF = .8 * .75 = .6 To continue the example, we now attempt to improve the configuration efficiency of the system by adding a device to the second assembler station to rotate the work pallet so that both principal directions are accessible from the second assembler. (It is assumed that the rotation is accomplished while the assemblers are reaching for tools or parts.) Now, four parts can be assembled at each assem- bler. Since each assembler is being used constantly for assembly tasks only in this new arrangement, the configura- tion efficiency is now equal to one. Both stations are now equal and limiting, and the potential production vol- ume of the system has been increased. MAXVOL - NSPY 4 * PARTTIME This represents a 25 percent increase in the potential production volume of the system; that is, from 1,000,000 to 1,250,000. If the actual production volume of the 112 system does not change, there is a reduction in the utilization efficiency of the system. PUEF = 750,000 = • 6 1,250,000 The net station efficiency of this arrangement is NSEF = 1. * .6 = .6 This example illustrates that improving the balance of the system (i.e., the configuration efficiency) will not improve the overall net station efficiency if there is no reduction in the nwnber of assemblers. The second configuration of the example was a much better balanced system, and because of its higher production rate, it will be able to satisfy the annual production requirements in less operation time. This means that other expenses asso­ ciated with the length of its annual operation time (such as labor and maintenance) will be less. However, since the cost of the assembly system is the same as in the first configuration, that portion of the unit cost of assembly attributable to the capital investment in the system remains the same. (In fact, the capital investment cost will go up due to the cost of the reorientation device at the second station.) Another alternative is available if there is another assembler on the market with longer assembly time and lower price. If a system constructed with a lower cost-longer time assembler and a rotation device can meet the production • � .- I 113 requirements, then the balancing of the system does lead to reduced unit assembly cost. 5.4 Summary This chapter presented the characteristics of pro- grammable assembly which are necessary as a basis for the modeling done in Chapter 6. The configuration of a programmable assembler refers to the degrees of freedom of the motion device and the way in which they are implemented. In general, six degrees of freedom are required to position a part in an arbitrary location. However, due to the existence of principal as- sembly axes on a large number of products this number may be considerably reduced for part assembly on any particular product. In addition, the assembler motion device may ac- tually consist of two motion devices: one to position the product unit and one to assemble the part onto that product unit. The total number of degrees of freedom required may be split between the devices so that each motion device is less complex than if all the degrees of freedom were con- tained in one device. The configuration of a programmable assembly system refers to the arrangement of the assemblers and feeding equipment in the system and also the organization of the assembly sequence. The three principal arrangements 114 (configuration modes) for assemblers in an assembly system are serial, parallel, and overlap. There are advantages and disadvantages to each mode depending on the specific circumstances involved. One assembly system may use any combination of the modes. When the designer plans an assembly system, he would like to minimize the cost while still accomplishing the targeted production volume. He therefore needs an estimate of the minimum number of assemblers required to do that. One way to find this is through a priori estimation of the system efficiencies--configuration efficiency and utiliza- tion efficiency. The configuration efficiency is a measure of how well the system is balanced; utilization efficiency is a measure of how well the system is matched to the re- quired production volume. Their product is the net station efficiency. By making estimates of these efficiencies, the designer of a system can combine them with other factors he knows--the number of parts in the product, the single part assembly time, and the production volume--to obtain an es- timate of the number of assembly stations he will need, and, consequently, the number of parts assembled at each station. This serves as a starting point in the system, design process. The designer can then begin to design a system with approximately that number of assemblers in the combination of configuration modes which best fits the particular product assembly sequence. 115 6. SIMPLE ECONOMIC MODELS OF ALTERNATE ASSEMBLY METHODS In this chapter simple economic models of alternate assembly methods are developed. The purpose of these models is to gain an understanding of the programmable assembler characteristics that play a major role in the economics so that more effective assemblers can be de- signed. It is also a goal of this modeling to determine some criteria for indicating the circumstances in which programmable assembly is most applicable. In the first section of this chapter very simple models of the major alternate assembly methods-- manual, transfer, and programmable--will be developed. While these models are much too simple to provide an accurate estimate of the cost of assembly in any specific situation, the form of the equations does provide some insight into the circumstances under which each of the alternate methods is best used and also suggests a criterion for the design of individual programmable assembler stations. It is im- portant to note that it is the cost to the user of the programmable system that is being modeled. In the second section two hybrid combinations of the major methods a e considered. In one the assembly opera- tions are divided between manual stations and transfer stations and in the other between programmable stations and transfer stations. Again, the form of the equations 116 leads to some understanding of the circumstances under which the hybrid systems are most applicable. Finally, in the third section, the simple models pre- viously developed are improved somewhat in their accuracy at the cost of increased complexity of the equations. Labor costs are added to the models of transfer machine and programmable system assembly, and equipment costs are added to the model for manual assembly. An example is used to compare these rrore complex equations to the equa- tions of the simple model to see if there are any signifi- cant differences. Certain differences will appear, but the basic results will still hold. 6.1 Simple Alternate Economic Models 6.1.1 Modeling Manual Assembly Costs The manual assembly cost per unit will be modeled as follows: MCPU = MATP * LABCST * NPART (6.1) where MCPU = manual assembly cost per unit, $/unit MATP = manual assembly time per part, sec LABCST = cost rate of labor, $/sec The concept is that the manual assembly time, and therefore cost per unit, is proportional to the number of parts. Furthermore, the manual assembly cost per unit is indepen- dent of the annual volume. To increase his production vol- ume, the manufacturer pays for more worker time. The manual assembly time per part MATP refers to the average time be- 117 tween the start of the assembly of one part to the start of the assembly of the next. Hence, the manual assembly time per part includes any slack time between part assem-- blies. 6.1.2 Modeling Transfer Machine Assembly Costs The system cost for the transfer machine configura- tion is modeled as proportional to the number of parts it assembles; that is TSCST = NPART * TMCPP (6.2) where TSCST = system cost for transfer machine TMCPP = transfer machine cost per part This is reasonable because transfer machines are organized so that a given portion- of the equipment is dedicated to the assembly of one part only. The transfer machine cost per part, TMCPP, is dependent on the size of the part and the type of machine, as was discussed in Chapter 2. We now must translate the original investment cost of the transfer machine into a unit assembly cost. This means that somehow the cost of the machine must be allocated to the units that it produces. We will use an allocation model that can be related to the discounted cash flow (DCF), or return on investment (ROI), method of evaluating capital investments. For descriptions of this and other capital in- vestment-evaluation methods see Swalm (20) and Van Horne (21). 118 We will not derive the DCF method here. Only the important points of the method as they pertain to this modeling will be discussed. The discounted cash flow method is used to compute a return on investment (ROI) for a specific project involving capital investment. It requires that a projection be made of the cash payments and receipts (the "cash flows") of a project over the life of the project. The ROI iLself is the "interest rate" that these cash flows appear to have over the life of the project. Every firm has a required minimum return on investment for its projects. This minimum return on investment is partially set by company policy and partially set by the ease with which the company can borrow money to finance its projects. When a firr has a selection of potential projects from which to choose, only those projects with ROI's above the minimum return on investment will be :onsidered. The DCF method is most commonly used to examine re- placement projects. For example, if a firm were consider- ing replacing a manual assembly li.e with a transfer as- sembly machine, then the cash flow projection upon which the ROI would be calculated would represent the differences of the absolute cash flows of the manual and transfer ma- chine alternatives over the life of the transfer machine. The ROI calculation then depends as much on the absolute cash flows of the manual assembly method as on the cash flows of the transfer machine method. Hence, the 119 L same new assembly method when used to replace different old methods will result in different ROI's. The use of the ROI does not result in measurement of either the new assembly method or the old assembly method themselves; the value of the ROI only describes the com- parison of the two. The evaluation method used in this thesis is first to compute an assembly cost per unit product for each method of assembly and then to compare these costs. The unit assembly cost for one assembly method is not functionally related to the unit assembly cost of another method. This approach simplifies the com- parison between alternate assembly methods, especially when more than two alternate methods are involved, For assembly methods involving capital investment, the cost of assembly per unit product will be based on the min- imum required return on investment of the firm. When the unit assembly cost is defined in this way then the requirement that a replacement project ROI be above the minimum ROI is the same as the requirement that the unit assembly cost of the replacement method be less than the unit assembly cost of the old method. For example, consider the replacement problem in which a firm is contemplating replacing a manual assembly line with a transfer assembly machine. If the manual unit as- sembly cost is equal to the transfer machine unit assembly cost calculated using the minimum rate of return, then this 120 is the same as saying that the ROI of the replacement project is equal to the minimum rate of return. The firm would be indifferent to the two assembly methods. But, if the transfer machine assembly cost per unit so defined is less than the manual unit assembly cost, then the replace- ment ROI is actually greater than the minimum rate of re- turn. Then, the firm will prefer the transfer machine method. We now seek to derive a unit assembly cost for the transfer machine based on the minimum return on investment of the firm. We will use the "after tax rate of return" approximation to the ROI. CAT R =CA (6.3) where R = after tax rate of return CAT = net annual cash flow after taxes I = initial investment This approximation to the ROI is a commonly used one. For all but the simplest problems, there is no simple expiession for the ROI. In almost all practical cases, the value of the ROI is difficult to calculate, and usually a computer is used to obtain a solution. It is important to this ana- lysis that a simple expression for ROI (even though only ap- proximate) be used, and the after tax rate of return suits this purpose. See Appendix 2 for an example illustrating the accuracy of the approximation. ( 121 We now assign a unit assembly cost for each unit of product made and will derive an expression for this cost. The cash flow after taxes will be modeled as CAT = TCPU * VOL - TAX (6.4) where TCPU = unit assembly cost for the transfer assembly machine VOL = actual annual production volume TAX = taxes on income allocated to the transfer machine The first term above, TCPU*VOL, represents the gross an- nual "wages" of the assembly machine; that is, the cost it must charge for each unit times the total annual production volume. The taxes, TAX, are computed on the annual income after a depreciation deduction is subtracted. If a straight line depreciation method is assumed, then we may model the tax as TAX = T*(TCPU*VOL-DPTM*TSCST) (6.5) where T = tax rate DPTM = annual depreciation rate for the transfer machine TSCST = original investment cost of the transfer machine. Substituting equation (6.5) into equation (6.4) gives CAT = (1-T)*TCPU*VOL+T*DPTM*TSCST (6.6) Now, by analogy with equation (6.3) using the minimum rate 122 of return R, we have R = (1-T)*TCPU*VOL + T*DPTM*TSCST (6.7) TSCST Solving for TCPU gives TCPU = TSCST*(RT*DPTM) (6.8)TCTVOL*(l-T) Finally, substituting for the value of the transfer machine from equation (6.2) gives TCPU = TMCPP*NPART*(RTDPTM) (6.9)VOL* (l-T) 6.1.3 Modeling Programmable Assembly Costs A programmable assembly system will be assumed to con- sist of two types of component equipment: programmable assembly stations and their associated equipment; and parts feeding tooling and its associated equipment. Because they are programmable, the assembler stations can be used for many different kinds of parts. Any given set of parts feeding equipment usually is specially made for a specific product; then, within cartain limits, the design of the feeding equipment is relatively unaffected by the number and configuration of the programmable stations. If ten parts must be assembled, then ten sets of parts feeding equipment are required, one for each part, regardless of the number of assemblers in th system. However, the num- ber of assembler stations used in the programmable system may vary depending on the number of parts assembled at each 123 station. There may be cases where several identical program- mable assembly systems might be used for the assembly of one product. The economics of such duplicate systems are not considered explicitly in this modeling. A simple method of extending the modeling derived here to duplicate systems will be discussed later. Figure 6.1 illustrates how the configuration of pro- grammable assembly systems may vary. A system for assem- bling ten parts into a product will need to have ten sets of parts feeding or presentation equipment, each set specific to a particular part, no matter what the assembler configuration. However, the system will have ten stations if one part is assembled at each station, five if two parts are assembled at each station, or two stations if five parts are assembled at each station. We may model the total cost of a system as follows: PSCST = NSTA * STAP + NPART * TOLPP (6.10) where PSCST = programmable system cost NSTA = number of assembly stations STAP = single station price TOLPP = price of parts feeding tooling per part. The important simplifying assumptions behind this model are that all the programmable assembly stations are assumed to have equal cost. Also, the sets of parts tooling and presentation equipment are assumed to have equal cost. 124 Figure Simple Variation of System Configuration for Assembly of One Product 10 Assemblers n 0 0 000 0 0 0 0d dd d dd d d did 5 Assemblers D D 0D 0 0b cb dbdb dco Interval between completed products a PARTTIME Interval between completed product. - 2 i PARTTIME 2 Assemblers Q /P QZO9 c56 Interval be tween completed products a5 x PARTTINE Assumes a Product has 10 parts All assemblers are identical Single part assembly time, PARTTINE. is the same for all parts and all assemblers Each assembler assembles the same number of parts O | E'D 125 Clearly, in a realistic system this is not the case, but if average numbers are used for the price of a station and for a set of parts feeding tooling, then an average estimate of the cost of the programmable system will result, The station price per part includes all the costs to the user of the programmable system associated with the par- ticular station. This includes the cost of the program- mable assembler itself, all dedicated processors and sen- sors, and an appropriate portion of the conveying device or index table between stations associated with that sta- tion. The station price also includes the engineering cost of integrating that station into the system. The parts feeding tooling price per part includes the cost of the basic feeding mechanisms--bowl, bowl feeders, hoppers, magazines, or eggorate table--feed tracks or qhutes, and placement or escapement devices that bring the parts LO the assembly stations or the conveying mechanism that links them together. The parts feeding tooling considered here may range from relatively sophisticated bowl feeders to a simple table where parts in eggcrates are placed within reach of the assembler. The assembler controller can be given the information describing the eggcrate pattern so that the assembler can pick parts directly from the egg- crate. One possible feeding method would involve the parts presentation equipment "handing off" the part to the assem- bler directly. Another method might involve placing the 126 oriented part in some sort of pallet from which the sta- tion assembler picks the part. For a special pallet system the pallets should be considered part of the tooling cost but the pallet conveying or index system should be part of the station costs. By analogy to the method of allocating the capital investment of the transfer machine to the unit assembly cost, equation (6.9), the programmable assembly cost per unit will be modeled as follows: PCPU = NSTA*STAP* (R-T*DPPA)+NPART*TOLPP* (R-T*DPTL) VOL*(l-T) (6.11) where PCPU = programmable system cost per unit DPPA = annual straight line depreciation rate for the programmable assembler stations DPTL = annual straight line depreciation rate for the parts feeding tooling T = tax rate. Here we have assumed separate straight line depreciation rates for the parts feeding tooling and the reusable pro- grammable assemblers. We now address the problem of specifying the number of assembler stations for the programmable system. We wish to design the minimum cost system that meets the production requirements. Therefore, it is important to use the minimum number of assemblers. (Since we are working under the as- sumption of a single programmable system to satisfy the 127 entire production requirements, then we are already using a minimum number of sets of parts feeding equipment.) In Chapter 5, equation (5.121.was derived to estimate the number of stations required in a system based on the capacity of the stations; that is, NSTA = VOL*NPART*PARTTIME (5.12)NSPY*CEF*PUEF where CEF = configuration efficiency PUEF = programmable utilization efficiency Now, equation (5.12) is substituted into equation (6.11) for the programmable unit assembly cost to obtain -=NPART FSTAP*PARTTIME* (R-T*DPPA)(1-T) *1 NSPY*CEF*PUEF +TOLPP*(R-T*DPTL) VOL (6.12) In this equation the number of stations is no longer fixed but is free to adjust to different volume require- ments or assembler capacities. It allows one to estimate the programmable unit assembly cost from a knowledge of the production volume and number of parts in a product, the assembler part assembly time, and assumed values for the configuration and utilization efficiencies. It assumes that a single system is constructed to produce the entire production volume of the product. 6.1.4 A Comparative Example The simple models of the manual, transfer, and pro- 128 grammable methods show that the unit assembly cost for each of these methods is proportional to the number of parts in the product. This means that the number of parts does not effect the relative cost of assembly per unit be- tween the three methods. The important product variable is the volume. An example plot of cost of assembly per unit against annual volume is shown in Figure 6.2. For the purposes of illustration the following values of the parameters have been assumed. NPART = 10 parts STAP = $30,000 PARTTIME = 3 sec R = .25 DPPA = .125 (8 year life) U TOLPP = $7500 DPTL = .25 (4 year life) TMCPP = $30,000 DPTM = .1 (10 year life) MATP = 7 sec LABCST = .0020833 $/sec (= $7.50 $/hr) NSPY = 1.152 x 10 sec/year CEF = .8 PUEF = .95 The above are simply round figures that are meant to be plausible, not definitive. Better data could be obtained 129 Figure 6.2. Comparison of Assembly Costs as a Function of Annual Volume Assumes hypothetical product with 10 parts 1 111111 I Transfer Machine Programmable Savings Region I 1 Manual - 1.0 .1 C :5 'r4 c uit I m I I a I I nII mmmlm I I 4 --1 I I i . I I I 10 . - 5 - - a L -- _ 0.2 0.5 1.0 I I I I I I N 2.0 5.0 10.0 Annual Production Volume (millions) rma trd-srf-e. r " 1 11' Fri Z; [Ir '11 .A ro "J lot g. Cbo Ape-,, -It's - J. J,- 0 15 2, 4 4 ) le, . F4L @ e13,b c oc a ca NMI ds amw ra MEW Progr bl"s AI 0.01 owI or EF w v w m w - Arl 130 for more specific examples. However, for more accurate answers a very detailed cost model is required. The figures are meant to represent plausible values for an assembly system assembling products limited to 8 inches in size. The station price of $30,000 and part assembly time of 3 seconds are rough figures meant to represent-a small assembler (about one foot reach and lift) with dedi- cated processor and mounted on a conveyor section. The station price must include the engineering cost of incor- porating the station into the system. The transfer machine price per part of $30,000 is a round figure representative of transfer machine assembly systems for this product size range. The parts feeding tooling price per part of $7500 for the programmable system represents a rough estimate based on the price of feeding tooling equipment for the corresponding transfer machine ($2600 to $5500) plus an additional engineering expense for integrating the tooling to the system. The configuration efficiency has been set at .8 Kondoleon (19) has found by a series of simple paper studies on assembly system layouts for real products that configur- ation efficiencies ranged from about .7 to .9 for a simple layout procedure he developed. An estimate of CEF equal to .8 represents an average value. An estimate of programmable utilization efficiency PUEF of .95 represents a management rhw 131 decision to have only a small amount of excess capacity in order to bring down the system cost. The required rate of return of 25 percent after taxes is a common value. Depreciation rates of .1 per year (10 year life) for the transfer machine, .125 per year (8 year life) for the programmable assemblers, and .25 per year (4 year life) for the programmable system parts feed- ing tooling were assigned. The labor cost rate of $7.50 per hour is also representative of a range of labor cost rates currently running from $5 to $10 per hour ($10,000 to $20,000 per year). The assumption of a manual assembly time of 7 seconds per part is a result of observation of certain manual assembly lines where operators assembled roughly two parts in a fifteen second station period. Manual assembly time per part varies considerably in prac- tice. Often the actual operation time for the assembly does not completely fill the station time allowed so that there is some built-in idle time. Nevertheless, the idle time must be included in this model. The number of working seconds per year NSPY represents two shift operation for 250 days per year with 80 percent uptime fraction. In Figure 6.2, the vertical axis represents the assem- bly cost per unit assuming ten parts in the product. Since the assembly cost for all three methods is proportional to the number of parts, the vertical axis can be easily scaled 132 to any other number of parts in the product. The intersection of the transfer machine line and the manual line represents the boundary between economic appli- cation of manual and transfer machine assembly if program- mable assembly is not considered. In this case it occurs at about 800,000 units per year. With the addition of program- mable assembly machines, a range of production volumes that would have been handled by manual assembly or transfer machines is now more economically done by programmable sys- tems. The region of cost swings is shaded and extends from annual volume of 1.73 * 105 to 2.60 x 106. This range ex- bends from the boundary between manual and programmable assembly at the low end and programmable and transfer ma- chine assembly at the high end. This range will depend on the relative values of the costs used in the equations, and as labor rates, capital costs, and equipment costs change, the range will also change. Also, even if accurate average values of the costs were used in the equations, the resulting unit as- sembly costs are still only average costs. The true unit costs for all three methods would actually form a distri- bution about the mean lines shown in Figure 6.2, Hence,, there will be cases in the manual or transfer ranges where programmable assembly is most economic and vice versa. These cases will represent deviations from the average and will therefore be less frequent. 133 The shape of the programmable unit assembly cost curve approaches a horizontal asymptote at very high volume and a minus 450 asymptote at very low volume. This is be- cause the number of programmable stations will vary along the curve according to the volume requirements. Hence, at low volume, few stations are needed and most of the price of the system is in the fixed cost of the parts feeding tooling equipment. This dominance of the fixed costs makes the cost curve parallel to that of the fixed cost transfer machine. At higher volumes most of the cost is in the pro- grammable assemblers because more of them are needed to meet the production requirements. Their total cost is propor- tional to the volume and so the unit assembly cost approach- es a constant. Figure 6.3 shows what happens to the unit cost curve if +he number of stations is forced to be an integer as of course it must be in practice. Essentially the number of stations used in the system is taken to be the next integral number above the value given by equation 5.12. This does not model all of the quantization problems. For example, this model would still assume that the number of parts assem- bled per station could be non-integral. For example, if 10 parts were assembled by 7 stations then this model assumes that 1 3/7 parts are assembled at each station. Rather than attempt to deal with all the quantization effects explicit- ly, we will describe them with the use of configuration 134 Figure 6.3s Comparison of Assembly Costs as a Function of Annual Volume with Integral Station Number Assumes hypothetical product with 10 parts 1 1 P 11111 1 1 1 1 -D I 1m Transfer Machine Ma Prograwtable Number of Programmable Stations 2 4 6?8 10 10,9876 5 4 3 2 1 Numbir of Parts per Station ~1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2*0 Annual Production Volume (millions) 5.0 %1w 10.0 nual 1.o 0.1 W.4 C C 0.011 0. - ow - - I I I I F-I -pr 135 efficiencies less than one. Figure 6.3 shows graphical- ly that the number of programmable stations will vary with the production volume and that for the values of the example data the station quantization effect does not drastically alter the unit cost curve. There is a way in which there may be more assemblers than number of parts; that is, for the number of parts per station to be less than one. This is the case where parallel assemblers are used to assemble the same part. For example, if there were a product with ten parts, then such a system would be one which had two assemblers for each part sharing the parts feeding equipment for that part. Such a system would have twenty assemblers and ten sets of parts feeding equipment and would have twice the production rate of the system with one assem- bler per part. For the example shown in Figure 6.3, such a system could not compete with a transfer assemb- ler machine. However, later in this chapter in the dis- cussion of hybrid programmable-transfer systems, it will be shown that parallel assemblers for single products may be a part of competitive system designs. Finally, it has been implicitly assumed that the product has a fairly stable production volume require- ment. This is a realistic assumption for some products but not for others. The question of the life cycle of 136 a product is an important one. Often a product begins with low volume and manual assembly. If the ultimate production volume. of a product is expected to rise to the transfer machine range, then it must be decided whether it is wise to build a programmatle system when the volume is in the programmable range and climbing. The answer should depend on the rate of climb. If the production volume is increasing rapidly, then the period of time in the programmable volume range may not be long enough to pay for the feeding equipment and the depreciation on the assemblers. If the climb is slow, then it makes sense to build the programmable system when the volume is sufficient and in several years sal- vage it and build a transfer system. However, if the anticipated ultimate volume of the product is not high enough to be in the transfer range but is in the program- mable range instead, then the programmable system can be built with greater confidence when the volume require- ments are met. 6.1.5 Product Volume Analysis It is possible to solve for the annual volumes rep- resenting the boundaries between the regions economical- ly dominated by manual, programmable, and transfer machine assembly. For the programmable-transfer boundary we have 137 = (TMCPP* (R-T*DPTM) -TOLPP* (R-T*DPTL) ) *NSPY*CEF*PUEF OLPT =STAP*PARTTIMF* (R-TDPPA) (6.1.3) where VOLPT volume boundary between economic pro- grammaile and transfer machine systems. For the programmable-manual boundary it is = LPM TOLPP* (R-T*DPTL) VOLPM MATP*LABCST* (l-T) - STAP*PARTTIME* (R-T*DPPA) NSPY*CEF*PUEF (6.14) where VOLPM = volume boundary between economic manual and programmable systems. Finally, for the manual-transfer boundary, it is TMCPP* (R-T*DPTM) VOLMT = MATP*LABCST*(l-T) (6.15) where VOLMT = volume boundary between economic manual and transfer machine systems. These volumes VOLPT and VOLPM will be called the system volume boundaries because they refer to the limits of the volume range in which a programmable system is economic. Notice that the system volume boundaries are not a function of the number of stations in a system (although the number of stations is a function of the volume) but are a function of the product of the individual station price and the single part assembly time of the stations that make up the system. consequently, these volume boundaries apply to products with any number of parts. More parts in, the product mean longer transfer machines, more stations in the programmable 138 systems, and more workers in the manual lines, but the economic production volume ranges remain the same. In Figure 6.4 is a plot of system volume boundary versus station price assuming asseablers with single part assembly time PARTTIME equal to 3 sec. (The manual assem- bly time remains at 7 seconds for this example.)- Notice that the lower programmable-manual volume boundary in- creases with programmable station price while the upper programmable-transfer volume boundary decreases unt-l finally they intersect at a station price of $98,000. Notice that they intersect at the level of the manual- transfer boundary.' The three boundary curves divide the graph into programriable, transfer, and manual regions. For single programmable station prices higher than $98,000, any programmable system composed of a set of those stations will be uneconomic compared to one of the other two methods. In Figure 6.2 this corresponds to the pro- grammable assembly cost curve being above the corner formed by the manual and transfer machine curves. This condition may be solved for a bound on the product of the single station price and the single station part assembly time. This bound is STAP*PARTTIME [TMCPP*(R-T*DPTM)-TOLPP*(R-T*DPTL) TMCPP* (R-T*DPTM) * MATP*LABCST*(l-T)*NSPY*CEF*PUEF (R-T*DPPA) (6.16) 139 Figure 6.4, System Volume Boundaries versus Station Price for Assembler Part Assembly Time of 3 Seconds Progr8111111able•Transfer Boundary I I I I I I I Manual-Transfer l Boundary I Progr1U111able•Manual Boundary o.11.....��----1�_..JL........L--1.--1....L.J...1..1...���-'-�..L.__JL....J.-.L..JL...L..u 10 100 1000 Prograamable Assembly Station Price ($1000'a) 140 This is a general solution; the assumptions concerning the values of the parameters have been removed. If this constraint is not satisfied for an individual assembler, then assembly systems made from sets of thac assembler will not be economic compared to manual or transfer machine methods, on the average. Furthermore, the lower the station price-time product is below this constraint, the larger the range of economic applicability. This is an important result because it relates properties of an assembler to the economics of systems composed on that assembler compared to both manual and transfer machine methods. This single result bridges the gap between individual assembler design and assembly systems, it describes the effects of competition with both manual and transfer machine assembly, and it does this for products with different numbers of parts. Later in this thesis STAP*PARTTIME, the "price-time product," will be used as a measure of assembler design. The inequality expressed in equation 6.16 forms a bounding criterion for economically acceptable designs, and the minimization of the price-time product will be used as an assembler design objective. Using the data of the example we find STAP*PARTTIME < 2.93*10 5 $-sec (6.17) In other words, if the product of the programmable sta- 141 tion price and the part time were greater than 2.93*105 $-sec, then the programmable system could not com- pete with a manual line or a transfer machine or maybe both. If stations cost $125,000 each then they would have to assemble parts at least at the rate of one every 2.34 sec to be economic compared to manual or transfer machine assembly or both. (Of course, it should be remembered that the numbers used here are only plausible example numbers and, at that, only apply to a product size range of about eight inches. Actual values in specific situations will vary.) In Figure 6.5 is a plot of constant system volume boundaries for different combinations of individual pro- grammable station price and part assembly time for the example. Individual station price is plotted on the ver- tical axis and single part assembly time is plotted hori- zontally. Any combination of station price and part assem- bly time corresponds to a certain point in the plane. Once the point is plotted, interpolation between the lines of constant boundary volume will give estimates of the upper and lower system boundary volumes. The line corresponding to the constraint on station price - part time product, equation (6.16), is indicated. Points above this line rep- resent uneconomic programmable assembly. This constraint line occurs where the programmable to manual boundary vol- ume is equal to the programmable - transfer boundary volume. 142 Figure 6.5i Example System Volume Boundary Chart - - - VOLPM w Programmable-Manual Volume Boundary VOLPT - Programmable-Transfer Volume Boundary n. ww 50 20 10 5F 1I 11 I - 1 -L I I I III I iZa 2 5 to 20 I III 50 100 Assembler Single Part Assembly Time (seconds) \no-044 e\ Upper Bound for Economic K \ ProgrammableO- \Assembly +- 4 - - \O- %PO N A lp IV n o 0 .4 wI 21 142 To illustrate how to use the chart, notice that a programmable assembly system constructed of stations needing 5 sec.per part and costing about $24,000 each would be economic for a range of production from 200,000 to 2,000,000 per year. Also notice that a system having stations with 5 sec assembly time costing $100,000 each is not economic. Remember that this analysis applies to products with.any number of parts. Figure 6.5 contains purely economic analysis, assuming all conbinations of station price and part assembly time are possible. Of course, there are engineering constraints and relationships that relate the station price to the part assembly time, the size of the station and its number of degrees of free- dom, and so on. There may be lower practical bounds on the part assembly time. A chart like Figure 6.5 can help to assess the economic consequences of these technological relationships. 6.2 Hybrid Alternate Models In the previous sections we have examined the "pure" alternate methods of assembly. There are two important combinations of these methods that have special interest. In the hybrid programmable-transfer system, some parts are assembled by programmable technology and others with transfer technology. This is of interest especially 144 where the transfer assembly technology is almost capable of handling the assembly economically except for certain tasks.which require programmability. Hybrid transfer-manual assembly represents a cur- rently common method, especially in non-synchronous index- ing systems. In the design of a transfer-manual system for a product, the assembly of each part is evaluated with respect to manual or transfer machine assembly and then the most economic method is used for that part. Both of the hybrid approaches will be evaluated from the viewpoint of the simple model to determine conditions of economic applicability. 6.2.1 Modeling Hybrid Transfer-Programmable Assembly There are three distinct sections of the hybrid transfer-programmable assembly system as modeled here. 1. Programmable assembly stations. Each station may assemble one or more parts to the product. 2. Transfer machine assembly stations. Each of these stations assembles one part to the product and is not programmable. 3. Parts feeding tooling. Each part has a set of parts feeding tooling associated with it. The tooling may be connected to a transfer machine station or a programmable station. A program- 145 mable station will have tooling for as many parts as it assembles sequentially; a transfer machine station will have the parts feeding tooling only for the one part associated with it. These sections form the major components of the orig- inal cost of the hybrid system. This cost may be modeled as follows: HCST = NSTA*STAP + NPPRT*TOLPP + (NPART-NPPRT)*TMCPP (6.18) where HCST = hybrid system cost NSTA = number of p.ogrammable stations STAP = programmable station price NPPRT = number of parts assembled by Programmable stations TOLPP = parts feeding tooling price per part TMCPP = transfer machine cost per part It will be assumed that the assembly rate will be governed by the programmable stations. This is because the programmable station will probably have a longer single part assembly time than a transfer station. Even a dual program- mable station--one in which two single stations are operat- ing in parallel--will probably have a longer effective single part assembly time than a transfer station. The transfer station times are quick because the motions are short and simple and identical. Because the programmable station will have a more complex mechanism and control 146 function to increase its versatility, it will very like- ly take longer at any specific task than a transfer machine station specifically designed for it. If the programmable stations are allowed to pace the entire system, then in some sense the transfer stations are not working at their maximum production rate and the system is not balanced. However, the simple model for the unit assembly cost by transfer machine does not take into account the production rate of the transfer machine except to assume that it is sufficient to meet annual production requirements. The unit assembly cost is obtained by direct- ly charging the cost of the machine to the units actually produced. As far as determining the unit assembly cost (due to the capital investment) is concerned, the actual production volume is the only volume that matters. To know that cer- tain stations or even the entire system could operate fast- er does not change their contribution to the unit assembly cost. The unit assembly cost for a hybrid system may be di- vided into two parts: One part of the cost comes from the programmable stations and the other part comes from the transfer machine stations. The hybrid system may be re- garded as a programmable assembly system interwoven with a transfer machine system. To compute the total unit assembly costs we may add the unit assembly cost from 147 both parts. HTPCPU = HPCPU + HTCPU (6.19) where HTCPU = hybrid transfer-programmable cost per unit HPCPU = unit assembly cost component due to programmable assembler stations and associated feeding equipment HTCPU = unit assembly cost component due to transfer machine stations. The unit assembly cost component due to the programmable stations is HPCPU = NPPRTSTAP*PARTTIME*(R-T*DPPA) + TOLPP*(R-T*DPTL)(1-T) L-NSPY*CEF*PUEF VOL J(6.20) where HPCPU = unit assembly cost component due to programmable assembly subsystem Here the variables are defined as they were for the purely programmable system. The unit assembly cost component due to the transfer stations is HTCPU = TMCPP*(NPART-NPPRT) * (RT*DPTM) (6.21) VOL* (l-T) where HTCPU = unit assembly cost component due to transfer machine stations. Here, it is assumed that the number of parts assembled by transfer machine stations is equal to the total number of parts in the product minus the number of those parts assem- 148 bled by programmable stations. The rest of the variables are defined as they were for the pure transfer machine assembly system. -However, the hybrid unit assembly cost can also be related to the unit cost for a pure program- mable system that assembles all the parts and the unit cost for a pure transfer machine system that assembles all the parts by substituting equations (6.20) and (6.21) into (6.19) and then isolating the pure programmable and pure transfer system costs. HCPU = NPPRT*PCPU + 1 - _____ * TCPU 6.22) Notice that the weighting factors NPPRTand 1 - _____NPART N1 A / are less than or equal to one and also sum to one. Equation (6.22) can be reduced somewhat by defining a programmability ratio; that is HCPU = PRATIO*PCPU + (1-PRATIO) * TCPU (6.23) where PRATIO = NPPRT/NPART = programmability ratio (6.24) PRATIO is the number of parts assembled at programmable stations divided by the total number of parts. If PRATIO = 1 then the hybrid system corresponds to a purely program- mable one. If PRATIO = 0 then the hybrid system is a transfer machine. An initial examination of equation (6.23) might lead one to conclude that a hybrid system could never be econom- ic because either a purely programmable system or a pure 149 transfer machine system would produce a lower assembly cost. This would be true so long as the production volume VOL in the equations represented a single uniform product. But if VOL represents a family of products which have some common parts but some different parts, then a single transfer machine may not be technically feasible for the entire product family. Specifically it may not be possible to build the transfer machine to handle the parts that are different from member to member in the product family. But this part variation between product family members does not affect the application of the purely programmable system. Within the limits of its programmability, it can handle the varying parts. A hybrid system could also handle the entire product family if programmable stations are used to handle the parts that vary between membeirs of the pro- duct family. The parts that are the same for all the mem- bers of the product family could be assembled by transfer machine stations or programmable ones, whichever is more economical. A plot of assembly cost per unit versus production volume, VOL, for different methods is shown in Figure 6.6. The numerical values correspond to the example previously developed in section 6.14. It should be remembered that the following values simply represent plausible numbers for illustrative purposes only and are not necessarily accurate estimates of the true mean values. 150 Figure 6.6. Comparison of Hybrid Transfer-Programmable Assembly Systems Hybrid Assembly Systems. Programmability Ratio 0 Transfer Machine 1.0 0.5. +31 0.2 +-0 0.1 .450 10 0.15 04 -1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 Annual Production Volume (millions) I I I 1 U1 '- manual Programable Programmability o Ratio 10.0 0 T- AF-- I I I I 151 NPART = 10 STAP = $30,000 TOLPP = $7500 TMCPP = $30,000 PARTTIME = 3 sec/part unit LABCST = $7.50/hour = 2.0833 x 10-3 $/sec/worker MATP = 7 sec/part unit NSPY = 1.152*107 sec/yr (2 shifts, 250 days/yr, uptime = .8) DPPA = .125 per yr DPTL = .25 per yr DPTM = .10 per yr T = .48 R = .25 per yr Cost curves for manual, programmable, hybrid, and transfer machine production are shown. For the hybrid configuration, curves for different values of program- mability ratio are shown. It can be seen that a region where manual assembly is best extends up to a certain production volume, 1.73x105 . Between this boundary volume and a higher boundary volume at 2.60x106, the purely programmable system is most economical. It is even more economical than a hybrid system. This program- mable range is the same one that would exist if the pro- grammable system were competing with only manual and pure transfer machine methods. The reason is that the total 152 cost of the pure programmable system is less than the transfer machine cost in this range. This is primarily due to the fact that programmable stations are used to assemble more than one part, resulting in fewer total number of stations. If transfer machine stations were used to replace some of the stations of the purely program­ mable system, the total system cost would increase be­ cause more transfer machine stations would have to be added than the number of programmable stations replaced. Beyond the upper bound of the programmable range any hybrid system (i.e., 0 5_ PRATIO �l) is better than the purely programmable system. This is because the higher volume requirements limit the number of parts that can be assembled at each programmable station, bringing up the programmable system cost per part above the transfer machine cost per part. Systems with low programmability ratio are the most economical because they have fewer of the more expensive,able stations -they are more like the transfer machine. The production volumes are high in this region where hybrid systems form the most economic alternative. This means that the programmable stations in a hybrid system will have relatively few parts per station. In fact, in certain circumstances, it may be necessary to use parallel stations for the programmably assembled parts in order to meet the production requirements. 153 For lower assembly costs, as much of the hybrid system as possible should consist of transfer machine technology in this volume range. In fact, if a transfer machine can be built to handle the product, it will be the most econom- ical alternative. It is the characteristics of the pro- duct or product family that will determine whether a trans- fer machine is technically feasible, or whether program- mability is required and how much. The required degree of programmability of the appro- priate hybrid system would depend on the variation between members of the product family. If only a small fraction of the parts actually vary between members then only a small degree of programmability is needed because only certain assembly operations need it. The potential cost saving resulting from hybrid and purely programmable systems for product families is illus- trated by an example shown in Figure 6.7. The system parameters for this example are the same as for Figure 6.6. The example product family has four members, each with an- nual volume of 1.x106 . The number of parts in the product is ten, and the programmability ratio of the product family is assumed to be .5, that is, one-half of the parts in the product differ in their assembly operations between the four members. The dashed lines in Figure 6.7 point out the assembly costs of different assembly methods for this example. These 154 Pigure 6.7, Bxaaple ot Savings of Hybrid 'l'ranafer-Prograaaable System on Product P'aaily Aasuaea hypothetical product with 10 parts Hybrid (PRATIO-o5) Transfer Machine (PRATIO • 0) Manual 1--������'"'c---'�r-��----'IC.-.�,--��---1.145 _____ _j ____ .111 � 0.1 II I � 0.05 II II " � � ,pf c 0.02 Progra11Rabl1t (PRJ.TIO • 1.0) Member 1 X Volume I 106� I I I I ->...:>-..-- -1- --- .055 Jl'a111lly Volume I 4 X 106 , I I - .042 -- -- o0J5 o.otL-��-L.�.,L__J__J__...L..L.JL...LIL--��-'-��_,__._ ........................ o.t 0.2 1,0 2.0 ,;.o 10.0 Annual Production Volume (millions) Product family has tour members, each with annual volume• t x 106 • Progr9.lllll&billty ratio aaaumed equal to 0.5. L II f-• i • - -- 155 costs are: Manual assembly .]45 S/unit Four pure transfer machines, .111 $/unit one for each member Four pure programmable systems, .055 $/unit one for each member One pure programmable system .042 $/unit for all members One hybrid system, PRATIO = .5, .035 $/unit for all members These costs represent only those due to the capital equipment investment in the assembly machinery or the pure labor rate in manual assembly. In a real system that assembles more than one product in a product family, there will be costs associated with the changeover process when production of one member is halted and another begun. The labor cost of production workers who must tend the machines and are idle during changeover and the labor cost of the workers who effect the changeover are some of the changeover costs. Since the capital equipment does not change with every changeover, and since the annual produc- tion volume does not change with the changeover, that com- ponent of assembly unit cost due to the capital investment is not affected by the individual changeover process. (Since changeover time is a non-productive time, it might be considered a form of "non-assembly time." Therefore, I , 156 its effects on system design may be approximated by reduced configuration efficiency as described in section 5.3.) For all five of the systems tabulated above, there will be change- over costs. Typically the changeover costs should be least for the manual assembly, greatest for the transfer machine assem- bly, and intermediate for the programmable and hybrid systems. The annual changeover costs will depend heavily on other fac- tors not considered yet such as the number of changeovers per year. To evaluate the effect of changeover costs would require a much more detailed examination and so will not be treated in this simple model. To estimate the potential savings for hybrid and pro- grammable systems, it is necessary to know or estimate the present assembly cost. In the case of the example, assuming programmability were not available, the obvious choice is four transfer machines since this alternative is cheaper than manual assembly. With programmability, the obvious choice is the hybrid system. The savings of the hybrid over the four transfer machines is .076 $/unit, or 68 percent. If the product family had been fragmented into more than ten members so that each member had less than .6x106 annual volume, then manual assembly would have been the obvious non-program- mable choice. Then the savings with the hybrid system would be .11 $/unit, or 76 percent. (This assumes PRATIO = .5 as before.) 157 Under the assumption of the simple model the source of cost savings for hybrid programmable-transfer systems is different than for pure programmable systems. In the volume range where it is most economic, the hybrid system represents a greater initial investment than a transfer machine, but it obtains unit assembly cost savings by extending the applicability of the assembly system over a larger volume of production than a simple transfer machine would be technologically capable of. The appropriate pro- duction volume is the volume of the product family and not of just a uniform product. 6..2.2 Modeling Hybrid Transfer-Manual Assembly Another important hybrid assembly method is the com- bination of manual assembly and transfer machine assembly. This combination can be modeled by the same method that was used in the modeling of the hybrid transfer-programmable assembly. The parts of the product are divided into those that are assembled manually and those that are assembled by transfer machine stations. The cost of assembly for each subset is computed and added together to obtain the total cost of assembly per unit. The cost of the transfer machine stations can be modeled as where 158 TSTCST = NPT * TMCPP (6.25) TSTCST = total cost of the transfer stations NPT = number of parts assembled by transfer stations. The assembly cost per unit for the subset of parts assem­ bled by the transfer machine stations is obtai�ed by ana­ logy with equation (6.9) of section 6.12. where TSCPU = NPT*TMC.PP* ( R- T*DPTM) VOL1(1-T) ( 6 • ;; TSCPU = the unit assembly cost for the parts assembled by the transfer stations The manual cost per unit is simply the manual cost of assembly for the remaining parts in the product. where MSCPU = MATP * LABCST * (NPART - NPT) (6 .27) MSCPU = unit assembly cost for the parts assembled manually. The total unit assembly cost for the hybrid system is the sum of the manual and transfer station costs. where HTMCPU = MSCPU + TSTCPU (6 .28) HTMCPU = unit aRsembly cost for the hybrid transfer-manual system. We now seek to relate the unit assembly cost of the hybrid transfer-manual system to the unit assembly costs for a pure programmabls system and a pure transfer system operating at the same production volume. First, it is convenient to define a transfer ratio 159 as the number of parts assembled by the transfer stations divided by the total number of parts in the product. TRATIO = 1PT (6.29) NPART where TRATIO = transfer ratio We now combine equations for the manual and transfer machine unit costs with the definition of the transfer ratio to obtain an expression for the unit assembly cost for the hybrid transfer-manual system. HTMCPU = NPART* (TRATIO*TCPU+ (I.-TRATIO) *MCPU) (6.30) whexe TCPU = unit assembly cost for a transfer.machine operating at the desired production vol- ume MCPU = unit assembly cost for a manual assembly line operating at the desired production volume. Figure 6.8 shows an example of curves of unit assembly cost plotted against production volume for the variable values used in the examples of the previous sections. The values are merely plausible estimates of the typical values. The model is not sufficiently detailed to predict costs in individual cases. The curves indicate that there is a critical value of production volume. For products with volumes below this value, pure manual assembly is the cheapest method, 160 Figure 6.8 Comparison of Hybrid Transfer-Manual Assembly Systems Hybrid Transfer-Manual s . Transfer Ratio Transfer Machine 0.0 X Manual 1.0 0.5 0.2 rt 0.1 0. rq 0.05 0.02 + C I I I 1I i ii 1 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 Annual Production Volume (millions) I I I I I1 I 5 0.0 - *025- 0-50_ Programmable Critical Volume (VOLMT) TZar1 fTrans Ratio I. 0.01 0.1 0.2 3 a m S I - I I -I -I L I 1 161 even cheaper than the hybrid transfer-manual method. Above this critical value, a pure transfer machine is the most economic -alternative. This critical value is the manual-transfer volume boundary derived in section 6.1.5: TMCPP* (R-T*DPTM) VOLMT = MATP*LABCST*(1-T) (6.31) where VOLMT = volume boundary between economic manual and transfer machine systems. For the example values of the parameters, VOLMT = .799xl06 product units/year (6.32) Since for any production volume under consideration either pure manual assembly or pure transfer machine assem- bly seems most economic, then it appears that hybrid trans- fer-manual assembly would never be most economic. But, this conclusion depends on certain assumptions of uniform- ity that are inherent in this "average" model; for example, that a transfer machine actually can be built to assemble any product, that the manual assembly cost per part is the same for all parts, and that the transfer machine cost per part is also the same for all parts. However, assembly tasks vary in their susceptibility to transfer machine assembly. Some tasks are either im- possible to do by transfer machine methods or would re- quire very expensive equipment. With a knowledge of transfer machine technology and an examination of the product, one could estimate the minimum number of parts 162 that should be assembled by hand and the corresponding maximum number of parts that could be assembled by the transfer machine.stations. This defines a practical up- per limit on the transfer ratio TRATIO of the transfer- manual system. If we now examine Figure 6.8 we see that for products with production volumes less than the criti- cal value, manual assembly remains the most economic al- ternative. This is because manual assembly of any of the parts, including the ones that could be assembled by a transfer machine station, is the cheapest method. For products with production volumes greater than the critical value, the hybrid transfer-manual system with the highest feasible transfer ratio is the most economic alternative. This result is true for classes of products with the same transfer ratio; that is, the model predicts that products with a given transfer ratio, say .5, will, on the average, be assembled most economically by pure manual methods for production volumes less than the critical volume VOLMT. For production volumes above the critical value, hybrid systems with transfer ratio equal to .5 are the most eco- nomic, on the average. In practice other factors will influence the design of individual transfer-manual systems. The modeling pre- sented here is intended to describe average costs and to identify general classes of applications. Individual system designs will deviate one way or another from the I163 average depending on the particular circumstances. 6.3 Improved Simple Economic Models The simple economic models developed in the pre- ceding sections have been especially useful in that they have led to the identification of the price-time product as a measure of assembler economic performance. Con- straints and system economic volume boundaries have been analyzed and expressed in terms of this measure. The concept of the assembler price-time product will be devel- oped more fully in the next chapter. In the following section certain improvements are made to the simple economic model. Many improvements could have been made, but the ones made here represent what the author feels are the most important additions that sacrifice a minimum of model simplicity. These im- proved models will be used to repeat quickly the volume and constraint analysis of section 6.1.5 to see if signi- ficant changes in the form of the equations will result and to see if significant numerical differences occur in the results of the example model. The improved model will give results which are somewhat less favorable to program- mable assembly but which on the whole reinforce the-results of the simple model. 164 6.3.1 Manual Assembly with Equipment Costs Only rarely will people be used to assemble a product with no tools or support equipment. Consequently, the unit assembly, cost formula for manual assembly from the simple model gives an estimate lower than the actual assembly costs. We now add the cost of the manual assembly equip- ment to the basic manual assembly labor cost. This improved model of the manual assembly cost per unit is meant only to provide a more accurate estimate of the true unit assembly cost by including the effects of the equipment that is used. It does not refer to improved manual assembly performance because of the addition of better equipment. It will be assumed that the cost of the manual assem- bly equipment is roughly proportional on the average to the number of parts in the product. This is plausible because the support equipment is likely to be different for each part and probably can be used as rapidly as the operator can use it. The manual equipment cost is modeled as follows: MECST = MECPP * NPART (6.33) where MECST = total manual equipment cost MECPP = manual equipment cost per part To allocate the equipment cost to the production units the same rate of return is used that was applied in the simple model to the programmable and transfer machine 165 systems. zcpu = EP(R-T*DPME) (6.34)MECPP*NPART+VOL*(l-T) where MECPU = manual equipment cost per unit R = required rate of return T = tax rate DPME = annual straight line depreciation rate for the manual equipment. Now, the manual equipment cost per unit, equation(6.34), is combined with the manual labor cost per unit, equation (6.1), to obtain the improved estimate of the manual unit assembly cost. MCPUI = NPART* MATP *LABCST+MC*(R-T*DPME)CIVOL*(lT) (6.35) where MCPUI = manual unit assembly cost, improved model. Notice that the unit assembly cost is still proportional to the number of parts in the product, but now the manual cost is not independent of volume. A comparative example will be presented in a subsequent section. 6.3.2 Transfer Assembly with Labor Costs No transfer machine can run entirely by itself. It must be tended, perhaps only occasionally, by one or more workers. In the case of transfer assembly machines, 166 these workers are responsible for supplying some or all of the parts to the feeding equipment on the machine. They must also clear the jams in the feeding equipment and the actual assembly equipment. The number of workers assigned to a transfer machine varies widely and does not depend solely on the character- istics of the machine. Sometimes the local work agreements will influence the assignment. The stockman who refills feeding devices may be a different worker from the one that actually performs assembly or operates assembly equipment. Also, there is a tendency to have at least one whole worker assigned to a new type of machine. Hence, one new assembly machine may have one whole worker assigned to it even though it requires only a half or a quarter of a worker's atten- tion (i.e., only one job of a worker who has more than one job). But, if more similar machines are added, that same single worker will tend them all until he reaches a true load limit (or a work rule limit). This may have the ef- fect of using more labor than necessary at small assembly system installations. For the purposes of this model it will be assumed that the number of workers required is proportional on the average to the number of parts in the product. NWRKR = NPART * NWPP (6.36) where NWRKR = number of workers assigned NWPP = number of workers assigned per part 167 The total annual labor cost depends on the number of hours that the system transfer machine must be run in or- der to meet the required annual production volume. This time must take into account the effect of downtime. The first step is to model the total annual operational time. TTIME*VOL TOPT = (6.37)UT where TOPT = total annual transfer machine operational time, sec TTIME = average time between the production of single product units, sec UT = uptime ratio of the transfer machine Here, TTIME represents the average time between the assem- bly of single product units on a transfer machine, and so it corresponds to the INDEXTIME variable used in section 5.3.2 to describe the time between product units on the programmable system. For the purposes of this model, the same uptime ratio will be assumed for the programmable and transfer machine systems. (This assumption is a matter of convenience. The programmable system should have greater uptime than the transfer machine as discussed in section 4.2.3). The annual labor cost is obtained by multiplying the total operational time by the number of workers and the labor cost rate per worker per second, LABCST. ATLCST = NPART*NWPP*TTIME*VOL*LABCST(6.33)UT 168 where ATLCST = annual labor cost for transfer machine operation. This annual cost must be allocated over the annual pro- duction volume of the product. TLCPU = ATLCST (6.39)VOL where TLCPU = transfer machine labor cost per unit. Equation (6.39) may be combined with equation (6.38) to obtain TLCPU = NPART * NWPP * TTIME * LABCST (6.40)UT Finally, the improved estimate of the transfer machine cost per unit is obtained by adding the unit cost due to the equipment investment from the simple model, equation t6.9), to the labor cost per unit, equation (6.40) above. TCUI= PAT*TMCPP* (R-T*DP M) NWPP*TT IME*LABCSTTCPUI = NPART*[T{VOL*P(T-T)UT L S 6.41) where TCPUI = imprOved estimate of the unit assembly cost for the transfer machine. This improved estimate of the transfer machine unit assem- bly cost is still proportional to the number of parts in the product. An illustrative example will be presented in a subsequent section. Programmable Assembly with Labor Costs6. 3. 3 169 Just as in the case of the transfer assembly machine, no programmable assembly system will be able to operate without human.intervention. The workers that tend the programmable system will be performing many of the same functions as the workers that tend the transfer machine system. They will be clearing jams in the parts feeding equipment and also will be supplying some or all of the parts to the parts feeding equipment. Because of the pro- grammability, the assemblers should have the ability to sense certain jams at the assembly site before signifi- cant damage is done and take appropriate clearing action on their own in many cases. This will act to reduce the total downtime. In order to model the labor cost in operating a programmable assembly system, it will be assumed that the attending workers will be paid during both uptime and downtime just as in the case of the transfer machine system. Recall from Chapter 5 that the programmable util- ization efficiency PUEF is the amount of time (including downtime) that a system requires to meet the production volume divided by the total amount of time that the system has available in the year. The programmable utilization efficiency can be used to model the total annual opera- tional time for the programmable system. POPT = DY * HD * 3600 * PUEF (6.22) 170 where POPT = total yearly operational time for the programmable system DY = number of working days in the year HD = number of working hours in the day PUEF = programmable utilization efficiency This equation may be simplified by using the variable NSPY representing the effective number of working seconds in the year. It was defined in equation(5.2)in the simple configuration modeling of Chapter 5. NSPY = UT * DY * HD * 3600 (5.2) where NSPY = the effective number of working seconds per year. Using equation(5.2)in equation (6.42) above results in a simplified equation for the total annual operating time. POPT = NSPY*PUEF (6.43) UT Following the example of th- labor analysis of the transfer machine, the number of workers assigned will be modeled as proportional to the number of parts in the product. NWRKR = NWPP*NPART (6.44) where NWRKR = number of workers assigned NWPP = number of workers assigned per part. This is reasonable since these workers would be performing many of the same tasks that the workers who tend transfer machine systems would do--restocking the feeding equipment and clearing any jams of parts that may occur. 171 The total annual labor cost for the system is the product of the number of workers, the total work time, and the labor cost rate per second. APLCST = NPART*NWPP*NSPY*LABCST*PUEF (6.45) UT where APLCST = the annual labor cost for a programmable system The labor cost attributed to each product unit is the annual labor cost divided by the annual volume. NPART*NWPP*NSPY*LABCST*PUEF (6.46) PLCPU = UT*VOL where PLCPU = the programmable system labor cost per unit of product. Finally, we may combine the labor cost per unit of the programmable system, equation (6.46), with the pro- grammable equipment cost per unit, equation (6.12), to ob- tain an improved estimate of the unit assembly cost of the programmable system. STAP*PARTTIME*(R-T*DPPA) TOLPP*(R-T*DPTL) PCPUI = NPART NSPY*CEF*PUEF + VOL(1-T) NWPP*NAPY*PUEF'LABCST](6.47) UT*VOL where PCPUI = programmable cost of assembly per unit product for the improved model. Notice in this formulation that the unit assembly cost is still proportional to the number of parts in the product. An example illustrating this equation follows in the next 172 section. 6.3.4 A Comparative Example Using the Improved Models An example plot of unit cost of assembly against production volume for the three improved models of the production methods is shown in Figure 6.9. The values used for the variables in this example are illustrative only. They are meant to be plausible values but not- necrssarily accurate estimates of the true average values of the variables. The assumed values of the variables are NPART = 10 parts STAP = 30,000 $/station PARTTIME = 3 sec/part unit/station NSPY = 1.152 x 10 sec/year PUEF = .95 CEF = .8 TOLPP = 7,500 S/part NWPP = .1 worker/part UT = .8 LABCST = .0020833 $/sec ( = 7.50 $/hour) TMCPP = 30,000 $/part MATP = 7 sec/part unit/worker MECPP = 2000. $/part TTIME = 2 sec/part unit 173 Figure 6.9, Coapariaon of Unit Assembly Costa using I,aproved Model Assumes hypothetical product with 10 �arts Transfer Machine 0.5 ...... � .... 0.2 Manual r-1 ... 0 't:I ..... Progralftlllable .. 0.1 Programmable Savings Region II 0 0 >, 0.05 II < � .... 0.02 Oo01'--�� ...... ��.__ ....... -L-L....&.....&...1L...L���-L-�....a....�.___,__..__L..L...J...J 0.1 0.2 1.0 2.0 5.0 to.o Annual Production Volume (millions) 174 DPTM = .1 per year DPPA = .125 per year DPME = .25 per year DPTL = .25 per year T = .48 R = .25 per year The variables presented above are essentially the same as the example variables discussed in section 6.1.4 with the exception of certain new variables introduced in the improved model. The assignment offoneworker for every ten parts being assembled both in the programmable and transfer systems is a guess; the actual numbers may vary widely depending on the work rules and the number of programmable systems in- stalled in the factory. A transfer machine index time TTIME of 2 seconds is typical, although many transfer systems can operate at twice this speed. Finally, a manual assembly equipment cost per part of $2000 represents only a rough estimate of the cost of hand and power tools, work area, convey segment, and installation costs. Notice that the general shape of the curves in Figure 6.9 is the same as those in Figure 6.2 for the simple model, except that the region in which programmable assembly is most -economic is somewhat smaller. This comparison will be made more quantitative below with volume boundary anal- ysis using the improved model. 175 When the improved model is used, the expressions for the volume boundaries and price-time product criterion are more complex, harder to handle, and harder to grasp intui- tively. Consequently, only a compact set of volume boundary equations is presented here. The improved model for the programmable, manual, and transfer cost per unit may be expressed in the following compact form: PCPUI = NPART*[AP+ (6.48)KBM1 MCPUI = NPART* AM+OL(6.49) TCPUI = NPART*[AT+ (6.50) where the stants are defined as follows: AP = STAP*PARTTIME*(R-T*DPPA) (6.51)NSPY*CEF*PUEF*(l-T) BP =TOLPP*(R-T*DPTL),NWPP*NSPY*PUEF*LABCST(1-T) UT (6.52) AM = MATP*LABCST (6.53) BM= MECPP* (R-T*DPME) (6.54)(1-T) AT= NWPP*TTIME*LABCST (6.55) UT BT = TMCPP*(R-T*DPTM) r (6.56)(1-T) The volume boundaries that divide the ranges of economic assembly as defined in section 6.1.5 for the simple model can now be expressed in terms of these constants here in the improved model. 176 VOLMTI = BT-BM (6.57)AM-AT VOLPMI = BP-BM (6.58)AM-AP = BT-BPVQLPTI \AP-AT (6.59) where VOLMTI = v blume boundary between economic manual and transfer machine assembly, improved model VOLPMI = volume boundary between economic program- mable and manual assembly, improved model VOLPTI = volume boundary between economic program- mable and transfer machine assembly, improved model. Finally, the constraint on the price-time product for an assembler can be determined in the case of the improved model. If an assembler has a price-time product above this value, then it cannot be used to create programmable systems that are economic compared to manual or transfer machine as- sembly, on the average. This was expressed in the simple model in equation (6.16). Following the same reasoning with the improved model, the constraint is NSPY*CEF*PUEF*(1-T) STAP*PARTTIME( (R-T*DPPA) * (AT* (BP-BM) +AM* (BT-BP)) (6.60) BT-BM Using the example values for illustration, the system volume boundaries and the price-time product constraint 177 have the following values in both the simple and improved models: Quantity Improved Model Simple Model Manual-transfer .793x106 units/yr .799x106 units/yr volume boundary 6 6 Programmable-manual .390x10 units/yr .173x10 units/yr volume boundary Programmable-transfer 2.14x106 units/yr 2.60x106 units/yr volume boundary Price-time product 2.23xl05 $-sec 2.93x105 $-sec upper bound At least for the example values, the effect of the improved model is to tighten the constraint on programmable assembly by slightly reducing the range in which programmable assem- bly is on the average most economic, and to lower the upper bound on the assembler price-time product. In general, however, the results are very similar to those of the simple model. 6.4 Summary The economic modeling provides a framework which per- mits a number of results based on a consistent set of assum- ptions. Hence, not only does it model the three principal methods of assembly, but also it allows a comparison among them to understand how the applicability of programmable assembly depends on the economics of the other two methods 178 as well as its own. The model also provides a means of examining hybrid methods of assembly--combinations of the principal methods. The model identifies distinct volume ranges where the various alternate methods are each most economic and provides a way of examining the sensitivity of the economic production volume range of programmable assembly to general economic parameters, such as wage scales or the required rate of return. The principal result of the economic modeling has been to identify the assembler price-time product as an important measure of assembler performance. The price- time product directly affects the unit assembly cost of programmable systems. The price-time product was also shown to affect directly the range of production volume for which programmable systems composed of a given assembler would be applicable. The economic analysis also provided a way of estimating bounds on the price-time product for economic assembler designs--designs which could compete with manual and transfer machine assembly. An example showed how this might be calculated for a specific case; other cases could be easily examined. The nature of the price-time product as a measure of assembler design will be examined more closely in the next chapter. 179 7. CONSEQUENCES OF THE ECONOMIC MODELS Both the simple and improved models of the pre- ceding chapter were developed to gain an understanding of how the general characteristics of assemblers influ- ence the economics and application of programmable assem- bly systems. The modeling framework provides a way of investigating the sensitivity of the economic applicability of program- mable assembly to various economic parameters as well as the properties of an assembler. In the first section of this chapter we will examine how alternate values for the labor wage rate, the required rate of return, and the assembler price-time product affect the applicability of programmable assembly. The chief measure of economic performance of an assem- bler to emerge from these models is the assembler price- time product. Having used the simple model to identify Lne price-time product as a measure of assembler economic per- formance under the severe simplifications of the simple model, we now examine the price-time product as a measure under less restrictive assumptions to see under what.con- ditions it remains valid. Finally, the relationship of the configuration effi- ciency to assembly system design will be examined. I- 180 7.1 Variation of Parameters of the Comparative Example One use for the modeling framework developed in the previous chapter is to examine how the relative economics of the alternate assembly methods change with changes in important parameters. We now take a brief look at how changes caused by variations in the required annual rate of return, the labor rate, and the price-time product will appear in the context of the simple example developed in the previous chapter. All values for the variables used in this example are the same as in the example developed in the previous chap- ter. However, the required minimum annual rate of return is allowed to have the values of .3 and .2 in addition to the value of .25 used before; the labor rate is allowed to have the value of $10 per hour in addition to the value of $7.50 per hour used before; and the price-time product is given the values of 50,000 $-sec and 200,000 $-sec in addition to the value of 90,000 S-sec used in the example. The results of the comparison are shown in Figures 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3. In Figure 7.1 are shown results for dif- ferent rates of return and wage rates for assemblers with price-time product equal to $90,000 $-sec. As can be seen, 181 Figure 7.1. Comparison of Unit Assembly Costs with Price-Time Product Equal to 90,000 $-sec Assumes hypothetical product with 10 parts LOV STransfer Mae hine- 0.5 - 0.2 Manuai ,N$1 O/hr _ $7.50/Ar 0.05- Programmable 0.01 0.1 0.2 o.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 Annual Production Volume (millions) R - required annual rate of return 0.4C N U H0 +2 U CC, >2 H .0U U U 4 4' "4C 182 Figure 7.2a Comparison of Unit Assembly Costs with PriceeTime Product Equal to 200,000 $-sec Assumes hypothetical product with 10 parts - 4 0 Transfer Machine 0 Mam% *j0 I I-I TI I]1-2 al $10/hr i $7.50/hr Programmable 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 Annual Production Volume (millions) R m required annual rate of return 1.0 0.5F E O.2 0.1 "4 C-0 "4 0.051- 0.02k- 00011 0.1 5.0 10.0 I - - --- IF- . Ev we - i -0 A a 183 Figure 7.3 Comparison of Unit Assembly Costs with Price-Time Product Equal to 50,000 $-vec Assumes hypothetical product with 10 parts 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 Annual Production Volume (millions) 10.0 R a required annual rate of return 1.0 0.5 ., .4 C Oo 0.02 0.01 - # - Transfer Machine Manual $1P/mr $7 -50/hr Prograamable 184 the required annual rate of return and the labor rate can drastically affect the range of applicability of the program- mable assembly systems. For a manual rate of $7.50 per hour and a required annual return of .3, the range of applicabil- ity of programmable assembly is only between production volumes of 270,000 to 2.4 million per year. On the other hand, if the labor rate were $10 per hour and the required annual return were .2, then the applicable production vol- umes range from about 75,000 to about 2.8 million. The upper end of the volume range does not change much because it is the boundary between to two automated methods subject to the same required annual rate of return: labor rates are not involved. The lower end of the volume range is drastically affected because it is a boundary between a labor method and a capital method; changes in labor rate or required return will affect one and not the other. The same type of results for assemblers with price- time product equal to 200,000 $-sec, a slower and/or more expensive assembler, are shown in Figure 7.2. Such assemb- lers are only marginally competitive if the required annual rate of return is .30 and the labor rate is $7.50 per hour. Then the production volume is only from about 650,000 to about 1.1 million. At the other extreme, if the labor rate were $10 per hour and the required annual rate of return were .20, then this assembler would have a production volume range from about 90,000 to about 1.2 million. 185 Finally, these same results are shown in Figure 7.3 for assemblers with price-time product equal to 50,000 $-sec. This corresponds to a cheap and/or fast assembler. Such an assembler product produces competitive systems for volumes from 210,000 to 4.4 million if the manual labor rate were $7.50 per hour and the required minimum return were .30 . On the other hand, if the labor rate were $10 per hour and the required annual return were .20, then the competitive volume range would be from about 70,000 to 4.9 million. The results of these comparisons show that price-time product, labor rate, and required annual return are signi- ficant influences on the competitive relation between pro- grammable assembly and manual or transfer machine assembly. The labor rate and the required annual rate of return will change over time, largely due to national economic condi- tions, but the model provides a framework to take these changes into account. The price-time product of the pro- grammable assembler is a measure of the state of the techno- logy. It is a variable whose value can be reduced by fur- ther research and development. Reducing the price-time pro- duct will improve the competitive range of programmable assembly for any set of economic conditions represented by labor rate and required annual return.,Accordingly, we now examine the price-time product as a measure of assembler design to see how it may be used. 186 7.2 Significance of the Price-Time Product In the simple economic model, the equation for progranunable assembly cost per unit is a function of the product of the price and part assembly time of the pro­ grammable station, not price or time individually. This equation is where PCPU NPART*[STAP*PARTTIME*(R-T*DPPA)+TOLPP*(R-T *DPTL)l (1-T) NSPY*CEF*PUEF VOL j ( 6 .12) PCPU = programmable assembly cost per unit STAP = price of the programmable station PARTTIME = part assembly time for one part, sec This functional dependence on the price-time product has the following implications: 1. Assuming the other parameters, such as parts feeding tooling costs, are held constant, design of assembly stations for minimum assembly cost per unit is achieved by minimizing the product of the station price and the part assembly time, not price or time individually. 2. Programmable assembler designs with different prices and assembly times but the same price-time pro- duct will result in systems having the same assem­ bly cost per unit, on the average. 3. The sensitivities of the cost of assembly to frac­ tional changes in price and part assembly time are 187 equal �n the following sense: reducing the price of the programmable station by a certain fraction will result in the same cost savings as reducing the part assembly time by the same fraction. These implications make sense intuitively. By reducing the price of the programmable stations the unit assembly cost can be reduced. By reducing the assembly time per part, fewer programmable stations are needed to meet the required annual production volume of the product. (We are assuming that the amount of parts feeding tooling remains the same.) This means lower system price and consequently lower assembly cost per unit if the station price is constant. A station design that is twice as fast as another but has twice the price gains no advantage. It will replace two of the slower stations in performance but for exactly the same price. The equivalent relative sensitivities of assembly cost to station price and part assembly time can be seen from equation (6.12). A reduction of ten percent in the price of a programmable assembler station will produce the same ultimate reduction in assembly cost per unit as a ten per­ cent reduction in average part assembly time. The reduction in assembly cost per unit will decline by less than ten per­ cent because the cost of parts feeding tooling has remained the same. 188 7.3 Programmable Assembler Station Design 7.3.1 Choosing Between Alternate Assembler Designs To develop the concept of the minimization of the price-time product in the choice of an assembler for a system or in the design of an assembler, it is helpful to take the position of a designer of a particular programmable system. Because of the nature of the product for which the system is to be designed, the designer has certain con- straints on his choice of programmable assemblers from which to build his system. The size and weight of the parts will place a lower bound on the size and force capabilities of the assemblers that he can consider. The groupings of the parts, the nature of the assembly directions and axes, and the production volume will influence the choice of number and kind of degrees of freedom needed. Given these basic constraints, the designer can now collect price and time data on all of the acceptable assemblers. In theory, he could display this data on a price-time chart such as Figure 7.4 where points for several hypothetical assemblers are plotted. In Figure 7.4 the curved line represents the price- time frontier for all assemblers that meet the designer's constraints for his particular application. The dotted line is a line of constant price-time product for the assembler 189 Figure 7.4. Price-Time Product Data for Hypothetical Set of Assemblers Price Proc Fro: Di Stat i-Time luct itier .A c B 0 F. ,GH ual I J ion "KI K , Minimum Price-Time Product Constant Price-Time Product Decreasing Price-Time Product Log Part Assembly Time 40 0 #4 I 190 with the minimum price-time product. The points plotted in Figure 7.4 represent many different assembler technolo- gies (electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic) and degrees of freedom (so long as the right degrees of freedom are in- cluded for the designer's needs). The price-time product criterion enables the designer to choose among the assem- blers of widely varying technologies, costs, and single part assembly times. By choosing the assembler or assem- blers with the lowest price-time product, he can then proceed to design a minimum cost system for the pro- duction constraints. The price-time product criterion can also help to op- timize a tradeoff in the design for a particular kind of assembler. Suppose that for other reasons an assembler design is almost fixed with respect to its size, force, capacity, and number and arrangement of degrees of freedom. Yet to be determined are the part assembly time for this design and the corresponding actuator power requirements necessary to move the assembler fast enough to meet this part assembly time. Increasing the speed of the assembler requires increased power in the actuators which leads to an increased price for the assembler. Figure 7.5 illus- trates the range of prices and speeds for this particular assembler design as the actuator power is varied. The price-time product minimization criterion can be used to 191 Figure 7.53 41 40 Example Assembler Design Problem to Minimize Price-Time Product High Power, High Speed, High Price Dual Optimal \ Station Low Power, Low Speed, Low Price Minimum Price-Time Product Constant Price-Time Product2 Decreasing Price-Time Product Log Part Assembly Time \ /*t 192 pick the best choice of power and part assembly time to give the most economic assembler performance. 7.3.2 Parallelism and the Price-Time Product If assemblers that are optimal in the price-time sense are too slow for a given application, then the price- time advantages of the optimal design can be had at twice the speed by using dual parallel station assemblers. It can be shown that a given programmable station, when used in a parallel manner, will result in a dual station with exactly the same price-time product. If, for a given application, the assembly rate of a station is too low, a higher assembly rate can be obtained by operating two such stations in parallel sharing the same parts feeding equipment. The arrangement is illustrated in Figure 7.6. The pair of stations can be regarded as a dual station with twice the price but half the time. Hence, the price-time product for the dual station is exactly the same as the individual sta- tion. A system configured from these dual stations for a given maximum production volume would have half as many dual stations as individual ones in the conventional arrange- ment. The cost of assembly per unit would remain the same because the total cost of the system has not changed. As was noted in section 5.2.2, there may be practical upper limits to the number of assemblers that can share the 193 Figure 7.6s Parallelism of Programmable Assembly Stations Single Station PARTTIME w x Station Price s y Price-Time Product - xy Dual Station PARTTIME - x/2 Station Price - PriceeTime Product - xy L . I_ . j "art A Part B Feeder Feeder 2y Part A Part B Feeder Feeder Each Individual Station Handles Every Other Assembly i i I 194 same part feeder. However, to have several assemblers sharing one feeder would likely correspond to a high volume production--circumstances under which transfer assembly tends to have an economic advantage. Hence, there may be relatively few situations in which one would want to have several assemblers share one part feeder. When used to create a dual station, a slower assembler station design can compete with a faster one if it is cheap enough. It need not be restricted to lower production volumes because of its longer part assembly time. Figures 7.4 and 7.5 show where the price-time point for a dual optimal station is located relative to the other assembler designs. 7.3.3 Minimization of the Price-Time Product with Integral Station Number The concept of minimizing the price-time product was developed from the simple model for a restrictive set of assumptions, but it now can be shown to be a valid and useful criterion under a much less restrictive set of assumptions. To develop the general concept, it is helpful to take again the point of view of a designer of individual program- mable systems. This designer uses programmable assemblers to create assembly systems for specific products or product 195 families. He is given a product with a certain production volume requirement and a specific number of parts. Suppose for the moment that there is a three axis assembler on the market that he could use in the construction of his particu- lar system. To continue the example, suppose that his product has two distinct directions of assembly and that one direction has more parts to be assemnuled than the other. Our designer considers the problem and decides that he wishes to use one or more three axis assemblers aligned with one of the direc- tions of assembly and also one or more three axis assemblers aligned with the other direction of assembly. He now must choose the number of assemblers needed for each direction to meet the production volume requirements. He should consi- der a chart such as Figure 7.7. In Figure 7.7 is a plot of the price and capacity of a given assembler design used by itself and in parallel. The capacity is the number of parts that could be assembled per year. Assume that the basic assembler unit has a given price STAP and a given capacity CAP. Then CAP can be ex- pressed as follows (as in equation (5.1)) CAP = NSPY PARTTIME (7.1) For any situation in which the number of parts that must be assembled by a single station is less than CAP, one station is required with a corresponding cost equal to STAP. When 196 Figure 7.71 Price-Capacity Chart 4r3TAP *3*gflp 0 +31 4) Ac%a.S - -- /00 STAP*PARTTIME _____ insT NSPY Number of Assemblers Needed A2 CAP 2*CAP 3*CAP 4*CAP Number of Parts Assembled per Year STAP - programmable station price CAP - capacity of station, parts per year PARTTIMZ w part assembly time NSPY w number of seconds per year 197 the number of parts that must be assembled per year is be- tween CAP and 2 * CAP, then two stations are required with a corresponding price of 2 * STAP. Because integral numbers of stations are used, the chart has a stairstep appearance. Next our designer must determine the annual capacity that is required for each principal direction of assembly of his product. The required capacity for each direction is the number of parts assembled in that direction times the required production volume of the product. This gives the number of parts units per year that the assembler (or assemblers) aligned in that direction must assemble per year. By examining Figure 7.7, the designer can determine how many assemblers will be needed for each direction and how much they will cost. Only rarely will any assembler on the market be used to its maximum capacity. This full capacity utilization will occur only when the required number of parts per year in a particular application happens to be an exact multiple of the capacity of one assembler and no extra capacity is purchased. The busiest assembler-the one with the most parts to assemble-will be the one which paces the entire system, but even it may not be working at its maximum capa- city. If the number of parts that must be assembled by the system in one direction is, say, only half of the capacity of the available assembler on the market, our designer may 198 well wish that another assembler were available with less capacity but at a cheaper price. This would allow him to reduce the cost of the system that he is designing and consequently reduce the unit assembly cost of the product. In fact, our designer may wish that there were a range of assemblers available so that he could buy just the capacity that he needs and no more if future flexibility were not important to him. In this simple model, the optimal assembler design is defined as the one which minimizes the price-time product. It can be shown that the slope of the staircase in Figure 7.7 is proportional to the price-time product. The slope is the ratio of the individual station price STAP to the annual capacity of the individual station: SLOPE = STAP (7.2) CAP where SLOPE = the slope of the staircase. Substituting from equation (7.1), we obtain SLOPE = STAP * PARTTIME (7.3) NSPY The assembler which minimizes the price-time product also has the lowest slope. See Figure 7.8. A non-minimum design in which both the capacity and the price were less would create the second stairstep pattern in Figure 7.8. Notice that the steps of the stairs are smaller but the slope of the stairs is larger. (Another kind of non- 199 Figure 7.8a ID C 0 mu' 4J U) Price-Capacity Comparison for Optimal versus Suboptimal Assembler Designs Suboptimal t.-. Savings.r:-.-a-.- :.a Region :.-.-y- ::.Slope of As -.. ..-.. a .-....'MW ith Mmi .. ,,Price-Time Pi Regions Where Suboptimal Assembler Is More Expensive I __ Ii embler mum roduct Number of Parts Assembled per Year 200 minimum design would have higher price and higher capacity with larger stairsteps and also larger slope.) Regions where the non-minimum design represents a savings in assembler price compared to the minimum design are shown shaded. It can be seen that the non-minimum design does lead to a savings in price of over the minimum design in some ranges of required capacity. However, it is more costly where its reduced capacity means that more of them have to be used than would be necessary of the optimal design. Tf it is assumed that the distribution of the number of potential applications for such an assembler in industry over the range of required capacities is uniform, then the industry wide savings for the non-minimum assembler is pro- portional to the area of the shaded boxes in Figure 7.8. This savings is more than offset by a much larger area representing the additional expense of the non-minimum assem- bler in this example. If only the non-minimum assembler were on the market, then the average programmable cost of assembly would be higher than it needs to be. If only one design is to be built and marketed, it should be a minimum price-time product design. But, whether only one design should be built or more depends on other factors not yet considered. One of the important factors is the shape of the price-time function. If there is a well-defined point at which the minimization of the price- time product occurs, then only the minimum design would 201 probably be justified. This is because for a well-defined minimum there must be a sharp bend in the price-capacity curve, or, equivalently, the price-time curve. For capaci- ties below the minimum point, relatively little additional price reduction is possible; for capacities above the mini- mum point, significantly greater prices are necessary. If, on the other hand, the location of the minimum is not well-defined, then significant reductions in capacity will result in almost as great a fractional reduction in the price. Greater prices will result in almost as great an increase in capacity. In either case, the price-time product is nearly the same over a wide range of designs, which means that very little price penalty is paid for the suboptimal assemblers. Figure 7.9 illustrates the well-defined and the ill-defined cases. If the minimum is ill-defined then a range of assembler capacities and prices would make sense because it would allow significantly lower average programmable system costs. 7.3.4 Ways of Reducing Price-Time Product There are two primary ways of reducing the price-time product: First, reducing the number of degrees of free- dom; and, second, reducing the overall physical size. Both have the effect of reducing the number and size of the parts in the assembler equipment and the power required to move 202 Figure 7.9s Comparison of Assembler Price-Capacity Curves for Individual Assembler Design Problems Well-Definsd Minimum Price-Time Products "4 d 4P Moe 0 de minimum Annual Part Capacity Minimum Log Part Assembly Time Ill-Defined Minimum Price-Time Products Minimum Range / Annual Part Capacity C, -4 A: CC -4 (/, C '4 Minimum Range Log Part Assembly Time Each curve represents a range of design alternatives assuming certain parameters, such as size and number of degrees of freedom, are held constant. Curves are assumed monotonic, i.e., greater capacity costs more. 64 41 In -4 4 V), 203 that equipment through its motions for any given part p assembly time. Reducing the number of degrees of freedom is particu- larly effective. Each additional degree of freedom in an assembler design requires an additional actuator, position sensor, control circuit, and perhaps tachometer.' For hydraulic systems, additional hydraulic capacity is required as well as another control valve. For electric actuators an additional driving amplifier is required. When another degree of freedom is added, the control strategies for the entire assembler must be expanded in capability to deal with the extra dimension. For the same part assembly time, a six axis assembler will certainly cost significantly more than a three or four axis one. When the number of degrees of freedom increases, not only is more hardware needed for the extra degrees of free- dom, but also some of the degrees of freedom will have to increase in size, power, and expense. The reason is that the degrees of freedom located relatively nearer the base will have to be stronger and more powerful to carry the additional degrees of freedom distributed out along the assembler if the part assembly time is to remain the same as that for the reduced degree of freedom device. Of course, a six axis assembler is more versatile than a three axis one. It may be argued that this versatility combined with economies of scale would allow the six axis U 204 assembler price to be reduced significantly. The six axis assembler could certainly handle all the jobs the three axis assembler could do and more. The argument is that this versatility leads to a larger production volume of six axis assemblers which by the economies of scale leads to a reduc- tion in price and then more demand and so on. However, the fact is that a significant fraction of assembly can be done by a three or four axis device. As has already been discussed in Section 5.1.2, Kondoleon (19) has found for a small set of products that roughly two thirds of the parts are assembled in one principal direction and over 80 percent are assembled in only two principal direc- tions. A three or four axis device aligned with a principal direction could do almost all of these tasks. Kondoleon has also found that many products have only one or two principal directions of assembly so that three or four axis devices generally aligned with these directions would be adequate. Since the three axis assembler is cheaper than a six axis one of equivalent speed, the three axis assembler should be preferred when it can do the required tasks. If the num- ber of assemblers required by production volume of the pro- duct is equal to or greater than the number of principal assembly directions anyway, then a system configuration using three axis devices aligned with the principal assembly directions would be more economic than using an equivalent number of six axis assemblers of equivalent speed. 205 Since system configurations based on three axis assemb- lers could handle a large fraction of all the programmable assembly applications, and do it cheaper than the six axis devices, the demand for three axis assemblers would be such that at least the same economies of scale would apply to them as apply to the six axis type. Consequently, the three axis assembler will always be cheaper than the six axis, and should be the economic choice whenever it can do the required tasks. The six axis assembler will find use where its extra versatility is required -- jobs which assemblers with fewer degrees of freedom cannot do. In particular, the six axis assembler might be most useful where the following condi- tions exist: 1. Complexity of assembly motions 2. Large number of parts assembled in different directions at one station, perhaps associated with products with low production volume where relatively few stations are needed to satisfy productions requirements. 3. Large uncertainty of future assembly tasks, perhaps due to volatile product design or job shop operation. The price of versatility is the premium paid for the extra degrees of freedom. 7.4 Maximization of Configuration Efficiency The configuration efficiency indicates how well balanced the work is among the assemblers in the system. 206 If one assembler must wait idly for another assembler to complete its work, or if an assembler is not performing assembly tasks and instead is transferring parts or some- thing else, the configuration efficiency is reduced. The configuration efficiency enters in the first term in the expression for the programmable unit assembly cost, equation 6.12. NPART*_TAP*PARTTIME*(R-T*DPPA)+ TOLPP* (R-T*DPTL) U(-T) NSPY*CEF*PUEF VOL I Since the configuration efficiency appears in the denomin- ator of the term, reductions in configuration efficiency lead to increases in unit assembly cost. The reason is that reduced configuration efficiency means that more assemblers will be required to build a system to achieve the required production volume. Also, since the configuration efficiency appears in the denominator of the term related to total assembler investment in the system, the portion of the unit assembly cost that comes from the cost of the assemblers is inversely proportional to the configuration efficiency. Configuration efficiency should be maximized to achieve lower unit assembly costs. Maximization of configuration efficiency in the design of an assembly system is accomp- lished by two methods. First, the assembly work should be balanced among the assemblers so that no station is slower to complete its cycle of tasks than the others thereby forc- ing the others to wait for it. Secondly, stations should 207 devote as much of their time as possible to assembly operations, and pacing stations especially should avoid doing non-assembly tasks (such as part transport, part loading and unloading ). Such functions should be performed by other devices, such as conveyors or the pallet indexing system. 7.5 Summary This chapter dealt with three consequences of the simple economic model. First, the economic model can be used to examine the sensitivity of the economic applica- bility of programmable assembly to important parameters such as labor wage rate, required annual return, and assembler price-time product. Each of these factors can have a significant influence on the economic applicability of programmable assembly, but the assembler price-time product is a variable representing the state of programmable assembly technology, and may be improved by further research and development. The second, and primary, implication concerned indivi- dual assemblers: minimization of the price-time product as a means of selecting among competing assemblers and as a means of resolving tradeoff issues in the design of assem- blers. The third implication, concerned with assembly sys- tems, was the maximization of the configuration efficiency 208 as a means of reducing the number of assemblers required and thereby reducing the unit assembly cost. As a means of choosing between competing assembler designs, minimization of the price-time product is useful to the user of programmable assemblers as well as the designer of assemblers. The user of course must select between competitive brands; the assembler designer must resolve design tradeoff issues in a way that produces an economic and competitive product. In the design of an assembler, the tradeoff issues will produce a range of design options that may have a sharp, well-defined price-time product minimum or a shallow, ill-defined minimum. In the case of the well-defined minimum, one design is significantly more economic than the others. In the case of the ill-defined minimum, a range of designs are "nearly" best. Then, other considerations will be necessary to resolve the assembler design tradeoff. Alternatively, the builder of assemblers may decide to offer a range of assembler designs of near-minimum price- time product to the user so that he may choose the design that best fits his system needs. The price-time product criterion, having been ob- tained from the simple economic model in which continuous station numbers were permitted, can be shown to be valid for integral station numbers when examined from the point of view of the assembly system designer. 209 Configuration efficiency as a measure of assembly system design was examined. Configuration efficiency should be as high as possible because this leads to a requirement for fewer assemblers in the assembly system, which will ul- timately reduce system cost. Configuration efficiency may be improved by balancing the assembly tasks so that there is as little waiting time as possible for any assembly assem- bler and by reducing the number of nonassembly tasks that are performed by the assemblers. 210 8. EXAMPLE DESIGN PROCESS FOR A THREE AXIS PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLER 8.1 Introduction It has been shown in the previous chapter that the minimization of the price-time product provides a means to choose between assemblers of very different configuration and technology with respect to application in specific assembly systems. The minimization of the price-time product is also helpful in the design of a specific type of assembler. An example of such a design process will be given in this chapter. It will be concerned with only one important design tradeoff. The designer of an assembly system has specific re- quirements for the assemblers he uses in his system in 211 addition to the need for them to be economic. Because of the product and its assembly sequence, the system designer may require a certain payload capacity, a certain number and arrangement of degrees of freedom, and/or a minimum range of motion. Assemblers with less payload capacity, fewer degrees of freedom, and/or smaller size will almost certainly have lower price-time products, but will just as certainly be inadequate for the system designer's specific application. This chapter concerns the design of a particular three axis assembler in which the arrangement of the axes is fixed. The problem is formulated so that the size of the assembler can be fixed at any value within a size range. Once the size of the assembler is fixed, the torque capacity of the actuators remains to be chosen. Suppose that we have selected a nominal choice of actuator torque capacity. If actuators with greater torque are chosen, then the assembler may have a shorter part assembly time. However, these stronger actuators will certainly cost more, and so the station price will increase. The price-time product will probably change, but because the factors move in opposite senses, it is not clear whether their product will increase or decrease. Minimization of the price-time product can be used as a way to choose the actuators to achieve an economical design. In this chapter it will be shown that, as actuator power is varied, there is 212 a region of actuator power where the price-time product is a minimum. The design process described in this chapter requires the ability to model the actuator power needed for a cer- tain single part assembly time and the assembler station price as a function of the actuator power as well as the other components. These two functions will allow us to plot curves on the price-time chart showing how price and time vary as actuator power is varied while assembler size is held constant. The remainder of the chapter includes a description of the assembler and the design process for the actuators, the development of the assembler station pricing model,- sample results of the design process, and an analysis of these sample results with respect to consequences for research and development of programmable assembly. 8.2 Physical Description The device is illustrated in Figure 8.1. It is a three axis assembler with cylindrical symmetry. A part gripper is carried at the end of a horizontally moving degree of freedom. This horizontal degree of freedom is rotated about a vertical axis by a rotary actuator. Finally, both.the horizontal and rotary degrees of freedom are raised and lowered by a vertical degree of freedom. 213 Figure Re Sketch of Example Three Axis Assembler Rotary Axis Motor' Horizontal Axis Motor Horizontal Axis Ball Screw 4$ Stiffening Shaft Part Gripper Vertical Axis Ball Screw Stiffening Shaft vertic Axi s motor 214 This arrangement of actuators was chosen because of the simplicity of construction it offers. Another arrangement would have been to switch the positions of the rotary and vertical axes, so that the rotary axis carries the other two. The actuators for all three axes are electric. Motion for the vertical and horizontal axes is accomplished by means of ball screws. Certain limitations on ball screw design, such as maximum critical speed, are not considered here. it is assumed that the ball nut is preloaded to eliminate backlash. The moving frame carrying the part gripper is assumed to be made of aluminum, and its mass is estimated from its size. Resolvers are assumed for measuring the axes' positions. One resolver converter will be multiplexed to read all three resolvers. Each axis is also assumed to have a tachometer to provide velocity informasion to the servo electronics for that axis. A processor will be dedicated to each assembler and will be responsible for issuing position and/or velocity commands to each axis servo system. The processor will also contain the programming necessary for the assembler to execute its specific assembly task sequence. The assembler is mounted on a segment of an index table or conveying device. This device carries subassemblies to and from the assembler itself. Together the assembler and the segment of conveying device upon which it is mounted form the assembly station. 8.3 8.3.1 215 Actuator Selection Process Selection Process Outline In the actuator selection process the single part assembly time is regarded as a fixed value. Once this part assembly time is given, the design procedure will choose a consistent set of actuators for the three axes. It will be assumed that the requirements of the gross motion will largely determine the motor require- ments and that the time the assembler spends in gross motion will be a certain fraction of the total part assembly time. With these assumptions a given part assembly time implies a given gross motion time which will in turn be used to estimate the actuator power requirements. Specifically,-the power requirements are determined for a certain nominal gross motion trajectory completed within the given gross motion time. The sequence for determining the actuator power is as follows: 1. Estimate the power required for the horizontal axis. This is the axis farthest from the base. 2. Estimate the corresponding mass for the horizon- tal actuator. h L 216 3. Estimate the required actuator power for the rotational axis including the mass of the horizon- tal motor. 4. Estimate the mass of the rotary axis actuator. 5. Estimate the required actuator power for the vertical axis including all of the moving hardware mass including the horizontal and rotary actuators. Hence, each actuator is automatically chosen to move its axis and any attached load. A procedure will be developed to estimate the power and torque required to move a single axis if its load mass and required gross motion time is known. This procedure will then be used to estimate the power and torque requirements for each of the three axes in the design sequence described above. 8.3.2 Motion Cycle of the Single Part Assembly Time The microeconomic analysis of the previour chapters treated the single part assembly time as a basic parameter, but actually it is made up of a series of individual opera- tions. For the purpose of this analysis the following sequence of operations will be assumed to occur during one part assembly cycle: 1. Assembler moves to part presentation site (gross motion). 217 2. Assembler grasps part from part presentation device (fine motion). 3. Assembler carries part in gross motion to assembly site (gross motion). 4. Assembler fits parts together (fine motion). 5. Assembler releases part (fine motion). Notice that there are no tool changes involved. It is assumed that one part gripper will be satisfactory for all parts handled by any one assembler, which means that it is not necessary to consider any time devoted to ch jing tools or the part gripper. This is a favorable assumptuon since it tends to increase the production rate of the assembler station. This same analysis could also be done assuming that the assembler must change tools or grippers for every part and so would represent the other extreme. The total part assembly time is composed of two gross motions and three fine motions. Accordingly, we may model the single part assembly time as follows. PARTTIME = 2*TGM + FMT (8.1) where PARTTIME = average single part assembly time TGM = average time for one gross motion FMT = total time for all fine motions during the single part assembly cycle. We now make the additional assumption that the total fine motion time FMT is proportional to the time for one gross 218 motion TGM. We make this assumption by reasoning that an assembler with fast gross motion capability will also be able to execute the small fine motions quickly. This assumed proportionality will be expressed by defining the ratio of the total gross motion time in a part assembly cycle to the total part assembly time as follows: GRATIO = 2 * TGM (8.2) PARTTIME where GRATIO = fraction of part assembly time in gross motion 8.3.3 Torque Requirements for a Single Degree of Freedom A gross motion is a large displacement of one or more assembler axes, perhaps from one extreme of its travel range to the other. This motion should be made in minimum time. We will make the assumption that principal limitation of the actuator that drives an axis is with respect to its torque. To obtain minimum time, gross motion trajectories will be generated by applying maximum torque in the forward direction for the first half of the motion, then maximum re- verse torque for the second half. A roughly triangular velocity profile would result for a single gross motion, as shown in Figure 8.2. 219 Figure 8.92s Modeling Gross Motion >2 seeTriangular Area sesameRepresents Distance gos@Traveled (DIST) seasns oom* ease 0*.* * . *a eases*s* *so a 0 a am, . . * :oes 0 .. Ti a0me a0,1 0001 TGMTa TOM Settling Time 220 Notice that two forms of the motion are shown in Figure 8.2: First, a triangular shape with sharp corners representing the ideal motion, and, second, a smoother shape with rounded corners and longer duration representing the way the axis will actually move under servo control. The duration of the theoretical motion will be designated TGMT, and the longer duration of the servo motion will be designated TGM. Similarly, the duration of the theoretical single part assembly time will be called PARTTIMET; the actual single part assembly time, PARTTIME. The analysis will proceed using the theoretical motions as the bases for the modeling. Later, a correction factor will be applied to estimate the lengthening effects of the settling time of the motions. It will be assumed that the actual motions are longer than the theoretical ones by a fixed fraction. SETLF = TGM-TGMT (8.3)TGMT where SETLF = fractional duration of the actual gross motion time beyond the theoretical time, i.e., the settling time fraction TGMT = theoretical gross motion time. We will assume that the same correction factor applies to fine motion time. Hence, by extension, the factor applies to the entire single part assembly time. 221 SETLF = PARTTIME - PARTTIMET (8.4) PARTTIMET where PARTTIMET = theoretical single part assembly time Finally, it can be shown that the gross motion ratio can also be expressed in terms of the theoretical times defined above. GRATIO = 2 * TGMT(8.5) PARTTIMIET We now seek to derive a simple model for the torque requirements for a single assembler axis assuming that a desired gross motion time and a desired gross motion dis- placement are given. Later this relation will be combined with a model of electric motor thermal limitation and the previously developed model relating single part assembly time to gross motion 'time. The result will be a model estimating the electric motor capacity needed for a given assembler axis. The physical model of one degree of freedom is shown in Figure 8.3. A mass M, consisting of supporting beam, part gripper, and part, moves along dimension x. This is driven through ball screw or rack and pinion gearing by a motor or rotary actuator. The rotary parts have combined inertia J in the rotary displacement direction 6. The rela- tionship between x andO is Ax = CAG (8.6) where Ax = small change in x AO = small change in 6 222 Pigure 8.J, Model of Single Aaeeabler Axis Rotary Inertia J Torque Tran .. ieaion Inefficiencies Motor + Tachometer + Resolver Linear Moving Mass M .. X Rotary-Linear ConYeraion Relation, �x • C �8 223 C = conversion constant The ideal relationship between torque about axis 6 and force F in direction x is TORQ = C * F (8.7) where TORQ = torque about axis 6 F = force in x direction This relationship ignores torque transmission inefficiencies, which will be dealt with later. For a given gross motion, the maximum velocity is a function of the length and the time of the gross motion. VMAX =2*ST (8.8) TGMT where VMAX = peak velocity in x direction DIST = distance of gross motion TGMT = time of gross motion, theoretical The magnitude of the equal and opposite initial and final accelerations is a function of the motion time and maximum velocity. VMAX ACC =TMT/(8.9)(TGMT/2) where ACC = magnitude of required acceleration The required acceleration as a function of distance and motion is given by combining equations 8.8 and 8.9. 4*DIST ACC = TGMT(8.10) TGMTt The iner tia tha t mus t be ac ce lera te d is a c ombina tion 224 of the linear moving mass (supporting beam, part, part gripper, and other axes) and the rotary inertia (motor rotor, gear, and shaft). This effective mass is modeled here. EM = M +(8.11) C where EM = effective mass to be moved in x direction M = linear moving mass J = rotary inertia The mass M will vary in practice for two reasons. First, the paylcad of the assembler will vary as different parts are assembled. As parts change and the load varies, the mass that must be moved by every axis will vary. Secondly, certain axes may interact in such a way that the position of one axis will affect the load or inertia on another axis. For example, the extension of the horizontal axis will affect the rotary inertia seen by the rotary axis motor: If the horizontal axis is fully extended, the rotary inertia on the rotary axis is large. If the hori- zontal axis is retracted, the rotary inertia is less. We now have both effective mass and required accelera- tion in the x direction. Using Newton's law we may express the required force as FR M+J 4 * DISTFR -IST(8.12) C TGMT where FR = required force in x direction 225 The ccrresponding torque required from the motor is ob- tained by combining equation 8.12 with equation 8.7. TR = C* M+ 4*DIST (8.13) TGMT where TR = torque required on load The derivation so far has assumed that there are no losses in the system. It is now assumed that there are losses that result in a torque transmission efficiency less than one. The torque at the motor must be greater than the required torque to account for this. TR = TEF * TORQ (8.14) where TORQ = torque that motor must deliver TEF = torque transmission efficiency (less than one) Here the torque transmission efficiency is used to describe the losses that occur in the mechanism of the axis. Frequently motion transmission and conversion de- vices such as gearboxes and ball screws are described with efficiencies defined in terms of power. For example, ball screws are described as about 90 percent efficient, meaning that 10 percent of the input power is lost. A constant tor- que transmission efficiency corresponds to a constant power efficiency and has the same value. The actual loss pro- cesses are usually functions (often nonlinear) of the velo- city of the device, and the true power efficiency varies 226 accordingly. However, in keeping with the level of modeling established for this analysis, we will assume the torque transmission efficiency to be a constant and will choose a representative value. Combining equations 8.14 and 8.13 we have TORQ = 4*DIST*C * (M+- (8.15)22TEF*TGMT2C Solving for time of gross motion gives TGMT = 2 * DIST*C * M + - (8.15) TEF*TORQ C2 8.3.4 Torque Limitation of Electric Actuators We have developed models for the single part assembly cycle and the torque requirements of a single gross motion. A model must now be developed for the torque an electric motor can deliver for the gross motions in a single part assembly cycle. The torque requirements of a single part assembly cycle (assuming constant load mass) are illustrated in Figure 8.4. During the gross motions the torque history has a square wave character because tne axis is undergoing maximum acceleration and deceleration. During the rest of the .part assembly cycle it will be assumed that the torque will be at comparatively low levels, or essentially zero when compared to the maximum values. During these fine 227 Figure 8.4. TMAX 0 -TMAX Torque Requirements for Single Part Assembly Cycle Time Gross -Motion- TGMT Gross Motion TGNT Cycle Period PARTTIMET-I[4 I I I 228 motion times only very small movements are taking place. (The effect of a constant gravitational loading will be discussed later). The common limitation on electric motors is electrical resistance heating of the windings. At any moment the power dissipated as heat is proportional to the square of the current through the device. Since the torque of a DC motor is proportional to the current through the winding, then the instantaneous power lost as heat is proportional to the square of the instantaneous torque. This proportion- ality also applies to the time averages; that is, the average power lost as heat is proportional to the average of the square of the torque. For mechanical systems such as this one where the periodic motions are much faster than the thermal time constant of the motor (about half an hour), temperature deviations about the mean values due to the part assembly cycling are small. Therefore, the following analysis will be concerned only with average thermal effects. One of the parameters with which electric motors are rated is their maximum continuous torque. This essentially represents the thermal limit of the motor. The square of the maximum continuous torque is priportional to the maximum aver- age power that the riotor can safely dissipate as heat. We now model the average of the square of the torque for the single part assembly cycle illustrated in Figure 8.5. 229 Figure 8.5, Gross Motion in Part Assembly Cycle ____ L ______________ I.Li I I I I I I --K - - - +TORQ -- -TORQ 40 4-) W.4 go Gross Motion to Part Site TGMT P. a e 842if. Gross Motion to Assembly Site TGNT Fine Motion at Assembly Site Single Part Assembly Time (Theoretical PARTTINET I I i 1 I I S 0 t ) b -u-- - - m -- I I Ml I w - 230 This is easy to do because of the square = ve character of the torque history. AVTSQ = (��!;;iMET) * TORQ 2 (8.17) where AVTSQ = average value of square of torque TORQ = 11Bgnitude of torque during gross motion If we wish to operate the electric motor at its 11Bxi- mum capacity, then the average value of the square of the torque AVTSQ should equal the square of the continuous torque �ating of the motor. where AVTSQ = CONTRQ 2 (8 . 18) CONTRQ = IIBximum continuous torque rating of the the motor Equation 8.17 and equation 8.18 may be combined to produce an expression far the gross motion maximum torque. -!,; TORQ = ( PARTTIMET )2*TGMT * CONTRQ (8.19) Finally, the definition of the gross motion ratio GRATIO, equation 8.5, can be used to simplify this last expression. TORQ = GRATIO-J,, * CONTRQ ( 8. 20) The case when there is a constant gravitational load on the electric motor is illustrated in Figure 8.6. In this case there are two components of the torque history the inertial component as before and a constant gravitation­ al component. The average square of the torque can be 231 Figure 8.6. Torque History with Gravitational Component fl .- Time Single Part Assembly Time (Theoretical) J PARTTIMET ri TG = gravitational torque component S vS - - 1 -1 I 232 expressed as r PARTTIMET 2 AVTSQ = PARTTIMET] (TG+TI) dt where TG = constant gravitational torque TI = "square wave" inertial torque t = time This integral may be expressed as follows: 2 (PARTTIMET AVTSQ =PARTTIMET dt (8.21) fPARTTIMET 2+TG TI dt PARTTIMETATj + PARTTIMET TI 2 dt (8.22) The first integral in the sum above reduces to TG2. The second integral is equal to zero because the average value of the ,inertial torque is zero. The third integral corres- ponds to the average va lue of the square of the torque without gravity, equation 8.17. This results in the following expression for the average squared torque: AVTSQ = TG2- + GRATIO * TORQ2 (8.23) Here TORQ still represents the amplitude of the square wave of the inertial torque without the gravitational torque. In order to operate the motor at its maximum capacity, we specify that the average squared torque should equal the square of the maximum oontinuous torque rating of the motor. CONTRQ 2 = TG2 + GRATIO * TORQ (8.24) 233 The amplitude of the inertial torque becomes 2 _ 2 (.5TORQ = (CONTRQ - TG ) * GRATIO2 (8.25) 8.3.5 Model for Single Part Assembly Time Now the models developed in the previous sections can be combined to develop a model for the motor requirements for a single assembler axis. The single part assembly time can be expressed as a function of the theoretical gross motion time from equation 8.5. PARTTIME = (l+SETLF) 2*TGMT (8.26)GRATIO This expression may be combined with equation 8.20, an expression for the time for a single gross motion. PARTTIME = 4*(1+SETLF)(/DIST*C * M+-2 (8.27) GRATIO \EF*TORQ( C,2 (2 Finally, the expression for the torque that the electric motor can deliver, equation 8.25, can be substituted above. PARTTIME=4*(l+SETLF)* ,/DIST * C M+- *GRATIO-3/4 TEF*(CONTRQ2 -TG2 I2 C2 (8.28) There are still some functional relationships to be determined. For example, the distance of the gross motion DIST an the mass M of the assembler axis may be related to the size of the unit. The motor rotational inertia will be related to the motor power. The torque transmission effi- ciency TEF will be related to the type of gearing used. 234 These relationships are dependent upon the specifics of the design and upon empirical relationships, such as those relating power to rotor inertia. The empirical and design relations have been kept separate in this analysis so that in future work different relations could be substituted and examined. The equation for the single part assembly time (8.28) is used three times in the design process for the three axis assembler--once for each axis--according to the out- line given in section 8.3.1. The values for moving mass M and effective gravitational torque TG will vary depending upon which axis is being considered. For example, in the configuration of the example, there is no gravitational torque on the horizonL L or rotary axis actuator,. but there is such a torque on the vertical axis actuator. This ver- tical axis torque will depend on the weight of the other axes including their actuators. In order to estimate the inertial load of the rotary axis, the horizontal axis was considered to be extended to one half of its length. The linear/rotary conversion constant C for each axis will depend on the lead length of the ball screws used. (For the rotary axis no conversion is necessary.) In this analysis the ball screw lead length is chosen as a fixed fraction of the ball screw diameter. The ball screw diameter is chosen to provide a certain deflection of the horizontal axis endpoint under the assembler payload. The deflection 235 is computed by assuming that the structural members of the horizontal and vertical axes consist of the ball screw and a stiffening shaft of the same diameter (sce Figure 8.1), and that the direction of the applied force is perpendicu- lar to the plane formed by the ball screw and the stiffen- ing shaft. Therefore, the axis is twice as stiff as the ball screw alone. Finally, the required payload is estimat- ed from a power law based on the size of the assembler. The design sequence is shown in Table 8.1. Table 8.1 236 Three Axis Assembler Design Sequence 1. Choose assembler size and desired single part assembly time. 2. Specify payload corresponding to assembler size. 3. Choose ball screw diameter for acceptable deflection of horizontal axis. 4. Estimate horizontal axis moving mass and ball screw lea 5. Estimate necessary horizontal actuator torque rating. 6. Estimate horizontal actuator mass, power, and size. 7. Estimate rotary inertial load for rotary axis actuator. 8. Estimate necessary rotary axis actuator torque rating. 9. Estimate rotary axis actuator mass, power, and size. 10. Estimate mass load of vertical axis. 11. Estimate necessary vertical actuator torque rating. 12. Estimate vertical actuator power. d. 237 It is important to the economic analysis to estimate an average single part assembly time. To do this a test motion for each axis was chosen to be two thirds of the range of motion of that actuatcr. This will result in a single part assembly time that is average under the assump- tion that a grcss motion of any given length is just as likely as any other length. The factor two thirds is a result of the fact that gross motion time is a functicn of the square root of the motion distance. 8.3.6 Empirical and Assumed Relationships Several empirical relationships are needed to complete the modeling of the dynamics of the example three axis assembler design. Among them are relationships between motor power and motor mass, rotor inertia, continuous torque capacity, and motor length. (Motor length of the horizontal axis motor was used to compute a rotational inertia seen by the rotary axis motor.) Data for the empirical relationships for the motors was obtained from catalogs for DC torque motors. Additional assumed relationships were developed re- lating ball screw lead length to ball screw diameter, bali screw diameter to axis deflection, and payload to assembler size. These relationships will be treated briefly below: 1) Continuous torque vs. actuator motor power. This relationship is shown in Figure 8.7. The manually 9 AM I (944VA) Vtq4TV JOAGd 2040M 000601 001 010001 Too x a ft 0 n C+ 0 001 0 9 re two A 0,601 :3 0 C+ 0 na%we9001 JGAOd JCjOjf OnDJOA enbacl jw ojj oLog gin2li 8CZ 239 fitted curve. used to represent the relationship is CONTRQ = 6.372*10~4 * P.357 (8.29) where CONTRQ = continuous torque rating, newton- meters P = motor power rating, watts 2) Motor mass vs. motor power. This relationship is shown in Figure 8.8. Here, the manually fitted curve is MM = 6.76*10 -2 875 (8.30) where MM = motor mass, kg P = motor power rating, w 3) Motor length vs. motor power. The data and the following manually fitted relationship are shown in Figure 8.9. ML = 2.34 * 10 *2,P-4(8.31) where ML = motor length, m P = motor power rating, watts 4) Motor rotor inertia vs, motor power. The following relationship was fitted to the data shown in Figure 8.10. JM = 3.2 * 10-6 *P (8.32) where JM = motor rotor inertia, nt-m-sec 2 P = motor power rating, watts. 5) Ball screw lead length vs. diameter. Ball screw lead length (that is, the distance the ball nut travels down 240 Figure 8.8. Motor Mass versus Motor Power 100.0 0W 01 10 100 1000 10,000 Notor Power Rating (watts) 241 ?igure 8.9. Motor Length versus Motor Power .1- 01 t I I I 111111 1 1 I I trl I I I iii 0L 10 100 Motor Power 1000 Rating (watts) 109000 I o 4 A 0 64 0*0 242 Figure 8.10u Motor Rotor Inertia versus Motor Power 10-41L 10 1111 I I li I ' 10,000100 1000 Mtsr Power Rating (watts) 10 l 40a: Ito 0 I I I I 1 1111 e0 i i i i10 MMMIS& - I I I I I 1 1 A-L 243 the long axis of the screw during one screw rotation) may be modeled as proportional to the diameter of the ball screw. However, the proportionality constant way vary through a range from .1 to 1.0 - 6) Ball screw diameter and axis stiffness. The diameter of the ball screw was specified so that the vertical deflection of the horizontal axis (ball screw and stiffener) was less than a certain maximum amount when carrying the payload. This deflection was set at 5 * 10- inch. The diameter of the vertical axis ball screw was specified so that the vertical axis (ball screw and stiffener) would meet the same deflection criterion if the assembler were rotated so that the vertical axis was horizontal. 7) Payload scaling law. A power law was used to specify payloads for the different sizes of assemblers. Thi: power law was PL = 10 * DH1.301 where PL = payload, kg DH = length of horizontal axis, i The effect of this law is to specify a 10 kg payload for an assembler with a reach of 1 m, and a 0.5 kg payload for an assembler with a reach of .1 m. This scaling law was used as a sp'ecification rule, and was not meant to describe current industrial manipulator 244 design. Furthermore this scaling law is not meant to describe absolute maximum payloads, but rather pay- loads for the purpose of computing power requirements for gross motions. 8) Gross motion ratio. A gross motion ratio GRATIO of .4 has been assumed. This is really an estimate based on several different estimates of the time breakdown in a part assembly cycle. One such breakdown is given below. It was generated by examining performance data for an industrial robot currently under development. a) Gross motion to pick up part -- 1.0. sec b) Grasp part -- .5 sec c) Gross motion to assembly site -- 1.0 sec d) Assembly fine motion -- 2.0 sec e) Release part -- .5 sec Total -- 5.0 sec The total average assembly cycle time is about 5 sec for this device, and, since a single gross motion time is roughly 1 sec, the gross motion ratio for the cycle is about .4. 9) Settling time fraction. A settling time fraction SETLF of .2 was assumed. This number was cbtained from observations of the motion of certain currently available industrial robots. 245 8.4 Modeling Station Price Until now we have concentrated on describing the per- forrance of a degree of freedom in terms of the physical parameters of the hardware and the characteristics of the motor. We now turn to estimating the costs associated with the assembly station. 8.4.1 The Basic Model A basic assumption of the microeconomic modeling work was that the station price should include all costs associated with the station. Therefore, the station price must include 1) The cost of the assembler itself. 2) The cost of all system equipment directly related to the assembler, such as the cost of the portion of the conveying or indexing device on which the assembler is mounted. 3) Cost of engineering, building, and debugging the station. These costs must all be measured from the point of view of the user of the programmable assembly system. For the purpose of modeling station price, all station costs can be divided into variable and constant costs. 246 Variable costs are functions cf the parameters that are allowed to vary in a particular design study; constant costs are rot. In the present analysis of the three axis assem- bler, motor power and the size of the assembler are the principal parameters that are allowed to vary and are de- termined by the part assembly time specification. Costs that are not a function of motor power or assembler size will be assumed constant. In this station price model the variable costs will be developed as functions of motor power and assembler size. The assumed model for the station price is as follows: STAP = ASMPRC + IDXCST + INTCST (8.33) where STAP = total station price ASMPRC = purchase price of assembler IDXCST = cost of portion of index or conveying device dedicated to the assembler (assumed constant) INTCST = cost of engineering, building, and debugging station (assumed constant) Of the terms composing the station price, only the assembler price will be assumed variable. The assembler purchase price ASMPRC is not the same as the manufacturing cost cf the assembler. The firm that makes the assembler must charge a price higher than its direct costs to cover the indirect costs of doing business and to make a profit. Therefore, we assume 247 ASMPPC = PFCTR * ASMCST (8.34) where PFCTR = price factor ASMCST = direct manufacturing costs of the assembler In the industrial robot and manipulator industry, the most common value of the price factor is two, and this is the value we will use in this example. We now turn to the modeling of the direct manufacturing cost of the assembler, ASMCST. Some component costs will be considered constant and some will be considered as functions of motor power or assembler size; that is, ASMCST = EVARIABLE COSTS + ECONSTANT COSTS (8.35) The items which will contribute to the variable costs are listed in Table 8.2. Power laws were used to model the parameters of the physical model of assembler performance, but linear models will be used to model the cost relationships. The reason is that the cost data is fitted better by linear relationships, at least in the area of interest. In particular, the cost function of an assembler component is often the sum of a constant, fixed cost and a variable cost that is linear with respect to the cost function. When plotted on log-log scales, the constant cost component produces a horizontal asymptote at the low end of the curve resulting in a curved plot. 248 TLble 8.2 Variable Component Costs for Example Three Axis Assembler Design Horizontal Axis Motor Horizontal Axis Amplifier Horizontal Axis Hardware (inchudes ball screw) Rotary Axis Motor Rotary Axis Amplifier Vertical Axis Motor Vertical Axis Amplifier Vertical Axis Hardeare (includes ball screw) I 249 Table 8.3 lists the components whose cos�s will be considered constant for this analysis. Notice that a direct labor cost for assembling the components is included. 250 Table 8.3: Components with Assumed Constant Cost Horizontal Axis Tachometer Horizontal Axis Resolver Rotary Axis Tachometer Rotary Axis Resolver Rotary Axis Hardware Vertical Axis Tachometer Vertical Axis Resolver Assembler Base Gripper Resolver Converter Processor Miscellaneous Components Direct Labor Index Device Segment System Integration Cost 251 8.4.2 Empirical Price Relationships Empiral price relationships have been developed for DC motors and their driving amplifiers as a function of the motor power. Also, an approximate price relationship has been assumed for the ball screw axes as a function of their length. Nominal values have been assumed for the remaining constant costs and will be presented here. 1) Motor price vs. motor power. The data and the fitted empirical relationship are shown in Figure 8.11. The relationship is MOTCST = 580. + .446 * (P-1118.55) (8.36) where MOTCST = motor cost, dollars P = motor power rating, watts This relationship gives a reasonable estimate for motors up to about 2000 watts. 2) Amplifier cost vs. motor power. The data and the manually fitted relationship are shown in Figure 8.12. The relationship is APCST = 180. + .2667 * (P-500) (8.37) where APCST = driving amplifier cost, dollars P = motor power, watts The amplifier power capacity is usually higher than that of the motor with which it is matched. The pricing function for the driving amplifiers must take this into account. 252 Figure 8.11 Motor Cost versus Motor Power 0 500 1000 1500 Motor Power Rating (watts) 2000 800, 60 .4 *C 0 4. 253 Figure 8.12. Amplifier Cost versus Motor Power 800 6001 4001 2001 0 - - 0 500 1060 1500 Motor Power Rating (watts) I 2000 U '4 C '0 'a, 43 U C C, '4 S wE '4 wE 254 3) Ball screw Cost vs. ball screw length. The data and empirical relationship for the cost of the ball screws is shown in Figure 8.13. This relationship is approxinntely BSCST = 24 * D (8.38) where BSCST = ball screw cost, dollars D = length of ball screw, m Given the variation among ball screw prices, this relation can only be a rough approximation at best. Fortunately, the cost of the ball screw is not a large fraction of the total assembler cost. 4) Constant costs. A list of constant costs is given in Table 8.4. These costs do not vary as the actua- tor power or size is varied. The assumptions leading to one of the constant costs-- the system integration cost--are important and should be discussed. The system integration cost is the engineering, debugging, and machine shop labor that is devoted to the integration of the programmable assembler into a station of the programmable system. It does not include similar labor devoted to the implementation of parts feeding equip- ment surrounding the station. It is assumed that both the assembler and the conveying or indexing chassis are pur- chased complete from suppliers. The assembly station in- tegration task consists of mounting the assembler on the 255 Figure 8.13a Ball Screw Price versus Length 50 0 40 410- 01 0 0 005 160 105 2.0 Ball Screw Length (motors) R 256 Table 8.4: Values for Constant Prices for Example Three Axis Assembler Design Tachometer $150 Resolver $50 Rotary Axis Hardware $50 Assembler Base $100 Gripper $200 Resolver Converter $600 Processor $4000 Miscellaneous Components $1000 Direct Labor $500 Index Device Segment $2000 System Integration Cost $4000 257 conveying device in a location so that it is positioned properly with respect to the product and the part presen- tation devices. The programmability of the assembler means that its location need not be specified particularly accurately although angular alignment accuracy for a three axis device way be important. After the assembler and the parts feeding tooling are mounted on the chassis, the assembler must be programmed (using stock routines) to execute its assembly task sequence. This programming process may go through a few cycles be- fore a satisfactory program is developed. The system in- tegration cost estimate of $4000 per station is roughly one man-month of an engineer's time plus supporting technician labor. Both the variable and constant costs presented in this section should be considered as examples only. They should be viewed as merely estimates of unit costs for quantity purchases of the components. They are certainly not meant to represent the best available prices. 8.5 Sample Results 8.5.1 Sample Price-Time Curves The design process described in the previous sections has been used to develop a set of price-time curves shown 258 in Figure 8.14. Each curve represents a different assembler size. The assembler size is defined by the length of the horizontal axis. The vertical axis is assumed to have the same length as the horizontal one. The rotary axis is assumed to have nearly 360 degrees of motion range, but most of the motions made by the rotary axis are assumed to be less than 90 degrees. The curves in Figure 8.14 show how the station price for an assembler increases with requirements for shorter single part assembly time. The curves are plotted using dashed lines where an individual actuator power was spec- ified in excess of 3000 watts to show how power requirements increase with assembler size. The actuators become very heavy and bulky for large power, and so then the practi- cality of the design becomes questionable. In cases for the larger assemblers, the price-time product minimum occurs in the region where an individual actuator power exceeds 3000 watts. The constant cost components begin to dominate for the longer part assembly times where the price-time curves become very flat. Station assembler designs in this region have nearly the same price but widely varying speeds and, therefore, widely varying price-time products. The spacing of the price-time curves shows that, for this three axis configuration, the effect of assembler 259 Figure 8.14t Price-Time Curves for Example Three Axis Design 10001 20, 10, 000 - I t I I I 0.7m 000 -~ ~\ 0.1 000- Priee-Time e+++ ProductV+ 0*ire 00 ($-sec)o 000 1 2 3 4 5 6 78910 Single Part Assembly Time (seconds) Price-time curves for example three axis designs in which horizontal and vertical axes are both .1 *, .4 m, .7 a. and 1.0 m respectively. Dashed lines indicate that at least one actuator is over 3000 watts. r-4 0 40 V)4 50.1 260 size on price-time product is less for the smaller assem- blers (less than .4 m). Considering the set of minimum price-time product designs, the increase in price-time product from the .1 m assembler to the .4 m assembler is relatively small compared to the increase from the .4 m to the .7 m assembler, or from the .7 m to the 1.0 m assem- bler. Hence, for the assembler design represented by this model, the size of the assembler is a more important in- fluence on the price-time product if the assembler is large than if it is small. The design of an assembler is a complicated process involving rany kinds of constraints. The price-time curves of Figure 8.14 represent the results of a very simple model of assembler cost and performance for one type of assembler. Their use in this thesis is to examine general trends and to obtain some estimate of what price and performance may be possible for a three axis assembler of this particular type. In the following section, the "sensitivity" of this design to various important parameters will be defined and discussed as an aid to identifying areas of further research work in assembler design. However, if the price-time curves of Figure 8.14 are used as part of a design process for a specific assembler, then it is important that the curves be re- fined at sUcceeding stages of the design process. These 261 initial curves should be used only to narrow the range of possible designs under consideration rather than to pin- point an exact one. Once such a range is defined, then the various design relations and assumptions should be reeval- uated to be more accurate in the narrower range. The designs should be more thoroughly checked to see if there are constraints not accounted for in the simple formulation that would affect the design in the local range. For example, the physical size of a 3000 watt motor would make it impractical to use with a small assembler (say .1 m assembler as defined above). The size of the motor was not considered for all the axes in the simple formulation. This is not a problem for the larger assemb- lers but it is a problem for the smaller ones. Hence, for small assemblers of this type, one of the new design con- straints that shoulc be added for specific designs is motor size. Similar reformulation may have to be repeated several times as the design becomes more specific. 8.5.2 Sensitivities of Price-Time Product to Component Variation We now examine a particular design point selected from the price-time curves of the previous section corresponding to horizontal and vertical axis length of .4 m and part 262 assembly time of 1.8 sec. The important physical design statistics are given in Table 8.5. The price breakdown of the assembler station is given in Table 8.6. This is nearly a minimum-price-time product design. By examining the price breakdown we can see that there are certain large components of the station cost; such as the system integration cost, the processor cost,, and the cost of the index device. The average hardware cost of each axis is about $1000, but, because of the price factor of two, the cost per axis to the system user is about $2000. These large price components are primary targets for further work to develop economic programmable assembly stations. In order to develop a procedure for assessing the importance of further work in economic assembler design, we define a price-time product sensitivity as follows: A(STAP * PARTTIME) PTS. (STAP * PARTTIME) (8.39) J AP. P. J where PTS. = price-time product sensitivity of parameter j ) STAP*PARTTIME = price-time product P. = parameter j J A(STAP*PARTTIME) = snall change in price-time product AP. = small change in parameter j ) Essentially, the price-time product sensitivity is Table 8.5 Example Design State for Three Axis Assembler Design -- Physical Data DESIGN STATE AXES HORIZONTAL: MOTOR- SHAFT- HARDWARE- ROTATE: MOTOR- ROTATION- HARDWARE- VERTICAL: MOTOR- SHAFT- HARDWARE- MASS LENGTH DIAM PITCH POWER KG 22.2 3.3 1.0 M,RAD M 0.336 0.400 M/RAD WATT 750.0 0.026 .0041 41.8 0.449 0.0 1.571 38.7 12.5 3.0 0.434 0.400 0.050 .0079 1550.0 1417.7 CONTINUOUS ROTOR TORQUE INERTIA NT-M KGM**2 5.08 0.002400 13.60 0.004960 9.61 0.003840 264 Table 8.6: Example Design State for Three Axis Assembler Design -- Price Breakdown AXES HORIZONTAL: MOTOR- AMPLIFIER - TACH- RESOLVER- HARDWARE- TOTAL- ROTATE: MOTOR- AMPLIFIER- TACH- RESOLVER- HARDWARE- TOTAL- VERTICAL: MOTOR- AMPLIFIER- TACH- RESOLVER- HARDWARE-- TOTAL- 415.63 246.67 150.00 50.00 59.60 772.43 460.03 150.00 50.00 50.00 713.41 424.75 150.00 50.00 59.60 BASE- GRIPPER- RESOLVER CONVERTER- PROCESSOR- OTHER COMPONENTS- DIRECT LABOR- TOTAL ASSEMBLER DIRECT COST INDIRECT BUSINESS COSTS- ASSEMBLER PRICE- INDEX DEVICE SEGMENT- SYSTEM INTEGRATION COST- 100.00 200.00 600.00 4000.00 1000000 ___50000 10202.12 10202.12 20404.24 2000.00 __4000.0s TOTAL STATION PRICE- 921.90 1482.46 1397.76 26404.24 265 the fractional change of the product divided by the cor- responding fractional change of the parameter that caused the product change. All other parameters are held constant. For example, in this analysis, the price-time product sensi- tivity to processor hardware cost is about one third. There- fore, fractional changes in the processor costs will result in the price-time product of one third the size. This definition allows us to rank the relative effectiveness of similar fractional improvements or modifications in any input parameters. The major sensitivities, for this example, are listed in Table 8.7. When examining these sensitivities it should be remembered that the single part assembly time is a design parameter, and so sensitivities for the other para- meters are estimated under the condition that part assembly time is held constant. Major ones are discussed below: Gross motion ratio. The gross motion ratio is the frac- tion of the assembly cycle that the assembler spends in gross motion. Increasing the gross motion ratio increases the time allowed for grossmotion, keeping the total assembly time constant. The corresponding reduced acceleration re- quirements mean that smaller, lighter cheaper actuators may be chosen. The practical constraints from fine motion re- quirements on assembler design are not now sufficiently well understood to model this tradeoff. MaNjor Price-Time Product Sensitivities for Example Three Axis Assembler Design Design Parameter Gross Motion Ratio Torque Transmission Efficiency for Horizontal Axis Processor Cost Range of Motion for Rotary Axis * Single Part Assembly Time System Integration Cost Horizontal Axis Length Torque Transmission Efficiency for Vertical Axis Vertical Axis Length Horizontal Axis Deflection Specification Other Fixed Costs Index Device Segment Cost Resolver Converter Costs Price-Time Product Sensitivity -. 376 -. 372 .301 .243 .161 .149 .128 -.111 .106 .104 .0752 .0746 .0451 *Sensitivity to Single Part Assembly Time is nonzero because this design point is not at the minimum price-time product. Table 8.7 266 267 Tornue transmission efficiencies for the horizontal and vertical axes. These efficiencies directly affect how much torque is delivered to the load on the axes. How- ever, there is not much room for improvement since ball screws are very efficient. The model assumes a torque transmission efficiency of 0.9 (1.0 is the maximum possible). Processor Cost. In this example the processor hard- ware cost, estimated at $4000, represents a dedicated pro- cessor with 20K words of memory. The processor hardware requirement is a rough estimate based on current experimen- tal work. The price estimate correspcnds to currently available equipment, and, since computing hardware costs are dropping, corresponding decreases in the price-time product can be anticipated. Horizontal axis length. Increasing the length of the horizontal axis increases its inertia. This occurs not only because inertia depends directly on the axis length, but also because the axis ball screw must increase in dia- meter to maintain the deflection criterion, and because larger paylcads are specified for larger horizontal axes in this model. The increased inertia and motion distance require a more powerful, and therefore heavier, actuator. The sensitivity of the horizontal axis length also includes the effects of increases in the other two axes which are necessitated by the increase in the horizontal axis length. The increased inertia from the horizontal 268 axis and the larger horizontal actuator require a larger and more powerful rotary actuator. The accumulated inertias of the horizontal and rotary axes require a larger and more expensive vertical actuator. The larger rotary and vertical actuators and the larger driving amplifiers that they require add to the sensitivity of the horizontal axis length. Range of motion for rotary axis. The most powerful, and expensive, motor in the design is the rotary axis motor. Accordingly, among the three axes the range of the rotary axis has the greatest sensitivity. In addition, if the range of motion of the rotary axis is increased, it neces- sitates an increase in the size of the vertical axis actua- tor, similar to that described for the sensitivity of the horizontal axis length. Vertical axis length. An increase in the vertical axis length does not affect either the horizontal or the rotary axis. Therefore, the sensitivity of the vertical axis length depends only on changes in the vertical axis and actuator. Single part assembly time. At the true minimum price- time product design this sensitivity is zero. However, tlre value here is nonzero because this design is close to, but not exactly on, the true minimum. System integration cost. The system integration cost is a large fraction of the total station price. It will be 269 reduced if the ease of integrating the station is improved, perhaps by creating standard mounting schemes using stan- dard assembler base frames and standard indexing chassis frames. All of the remaining sensitivities listed in Table 8.7 should be used as an approximate guide to design refinement work. They indicate only the degree of "leverage" of a parameter or component. However, components may differ in their present state of refinement; it may be "easier" to develop a certain fractional, improvement in one component than another. A combination of engineering judgment con- cerning the state of development of a component and an estimate of the component sensitivity should be used to guide design refinement work. 8.6 Summary: Consequences for Research and Development of Assembler Stations and Components An example design process has been presented to illus- trate the use of the price-time product in the design of a programmable assembler. Minimization of the price-time pro- duct is a means of resolving tradeoff analyses in favor of the most economic designs. Sensitivity analysis using the price-time product may be used to assess the potential im- provement in assembler performance resulting from improved cost/performance of an assembler component. 270 The example presented in this chapter is only one possible formulation of a design tradeoff issue. Many dif- ferent formulations could be made for different axis con- figurations, different numbers of axes, different types of actuators, and so on. As models become available for other aspects of assembler performance, they may be incorporated into similar price-time product analyses. More research in the area of fine motion is required. The gross motion ratio sensitivity indicates that reduced fine motion time would be significant. Current estimates of fine motion time are based only on limited experience. Research should be directed toward identifying fine motion options and modeling their cost and performance. Then these models could be used in price-time product studies. The sensitivity of the integration cost indicates more research work is needed here. This is another case in which better models are needed. In particular, how is the integra- tion cost for a programmable assembler affected by: 1) Standardization of assemblers and indexing chassis? 2) Availability of a range of stock assembly task pro- grams from which to choose? 3) Ease with which different programs may be tried in the debugging process? One way to obtain this modeling information would be to execute a series of experiments in which an assembler 271 station is set up for a range of products or subassemblies, keeping track of time spent in the various phases of the integration. The processor sensitivity is large, and, even though processor costs are declining, it is still important to strive for minimum cost processor designs. Delegation of certain cumputing chores to microprocessors is one way of reducing overall computing costs, and so identification of candidqte functions for microprocessors becomes an import- ant research goal. Finally, both the size of the assembler and the number of axes it contains have a strong influence on the price- time product. Experimental work using real products would provide data relating the lower limits of the practical size of an assembler in relation to the subassembly and would provide practical information about the number and arrange- ment of degrees of freedom that are required. 272 9. ECONOMIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: BACKGROUND AND APPLICATION TO PROGRAMMABLE ASSEMBLY 9.1 Introduction We live in a complex and interrelated society. Techno- logical innovations impact the society in a process that develops over time and spreads throughout the society as the new technology eventually becomes a part of it. The societal changes which can be brought about by the new technology include many which are economic. This chapter will first discuss these changes, or impacts, and then will develop the concept of an economic impact analysis. Next, this general economic impact analysis will be discussed with respect to programmable assembly technology. Adequate data bases in a suitable form do not exist yet for a thorough impact analysis of programmable assembly systems, but a procedure for making such a study will be presented. I 273 9.2 Types of Economic Impact Several different types of economic impact are listed below: Cost savings Conservation of scarce resources Job displacement Changes in the balance of payments Changes in business patterns Although these results of technological change can be identified individually, they are all interrelated. These impacts and their interrelations are discussed in this section. 274 The most obvious impact is the direct cost savings that occurs when new technology is substituted for old methods. Fewer inputs such as capital, labor, material, or energy are required to produce the same goods. The cost savings in these inputs that occur when a new tech- nology is applied result in an increase in the national wealth, or, alternatively, in conservation of scarce re- sources. If a new technology reduces labor requirements, then job displacement can be a problem even though the per capita national wealth has increased. The distribution of the wealth has changed. Certain jobs have been elimin- ated and others created by new technology; for example, frequently, the new technology reduces unskilled labor requirements and produces fewer jobs requiring greater skill. This can bring industries back to the United States that have moved overseas in search of cheaper un- skilled labor. If new technology can produce the goods cheaper than they can be made overseas, then skilled jobs are created in this country, the per capita rational wealth is increased, and the balance of payments is improved. However, although the net effect of certain technologies may be the creation of employment in the long run, those workers-who are displaced will be adversely affected unless compensatory measures are taken. New technology can affect business patterns, particu- 275 larly if it affects the ease with which manufacturing lines can be set up and modified. Inflexibility of present manu- facturing processes has often blocked product improvements, so that if the new technology increases manufacturing flex- ibility, modifications can be made more easily in the process and the product. Products can then be improved without substantial modifications to the production equip- ment, and product improvement will become more routine. 9.3 Economic Impact Analysis 9.3.1 General Description Economic impact analysis is a study of the economic impact of a new technology upon society. One method for such an analysis is illustratec in Figure 9.1. First, the method will be described in general, and then an example will illustrate the use of the method. The impact study of a specific new technology must begin with a thorough understanding of the basic techno- logical processes (Level 1 in Figure 9.1). The next step is a microeconomic analysis in which the technical performance is related to its costs (Level 2). Then the microeconomics of the new technology is compared to the microeconomics of the present methods to determine under what conditions the new technology is economically superior and, if so, I 276 Figure Economic Impact Analysis Method Level Engineering Model Old Process Microeconomic Model Microeconom!fodal Old Process I I New Proc . _ I .v Economic Criterion Impact Function [ Macroeconomic Impact Analysis Techniques I Net Assessment Estimate I I Engineering ModelNew Process 2 3 4 5 Product and Process Distribution Data (Distribution Function) FInltial Impact Estimaterfor Affected Industries6 7 8 jL-I I- 277 how superior it is (Levels 3 and 4). These conditions may be espressed as an "applicability rule" or impact function for the new technology. This impact function expresses impact variables as a function of product and/or process variables. An example of an impact variable is manufac- turing cost per unit, and examples of product or process variables are size of product and number of product units made per year. Next, the impact function should be applied to industrial or national data concerning the important product or process variables (in the form of a distribution function) to determine the extent of application of the new technology and its direct economic impacts throughout the entire economy (Level 8). 9.3.2 Example of Economic Impact Analysis A simple example show in Figure 9.2 will serve to illustrate this process. Suppose that a new type of automobile engine is developed. First, the performance of the new engine design must be well understood, especially the relationships between weight, power, fuel consumption, types of exhaust gases, serviceability, type of fuel required, and so on (Level 1). The microeconomic analysis would include relating the technological design parameters such as operating cost, manufacturing cost, servicing cost, and ultimate user cost (Level 2). If we assume that ultim- 278 Figure 9.2. Example of Economic Impact Analysis Using a Hypothetical Automobile Engine Level Engineeri Model Engineeririf Model Old Engn I New Eng no Nicroeconomic Model if Old Engine Usage Microeconomic Model of New Engine Usage Lowest User Cost Criterion Impact Functions Savings*3 M~d~~~~~M M rMOt on 1 2000 3000 Automobile Weight (lbs) Distribution Functions Utiate User Cost (dollars) I I Weight (lbs) 2000 Automobile istimate of Savings in User Cost Assessment of User Cost Savings on Entire Economy I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bL- M acroeconcoic Invact Amalysio Techniques MM "- - - i EL 279 ate user cost is the important cost parameter that governs the acceptance of the new engine design, then the ultimate user cost of the new engine design should be compared to the ultimate user cost of conventional engines in similar automcbiles. Minimum ultimate user cost is the selection criterion. The comparison between the new technology and the old will then yield the impact function. The form of the impact function will depend on the important variables in the comparison. For example, a conceivable result of the comparison might be that the new engine results in a 30 percent savings in ultimate user cost in automobiles weighing between 2000 and 3000 pounds and no savings for other weight ranges (Level 4). The impact function then relates percentage savings of ultimate user cost to automo- bile weight. The function is equal to zero for all engine weights except those between 2000 and 3000 pounds, where it is equal to .3 . The direct economic impact esti- mate is obtained by applying this function to distribution data for the total national user cost (Levels 5 and 6). This data would be in the form of a distribution function representing the total national user cost for all automo- biles in different weight ranges. Finally, macroeconomic techniques (Level 7) are used to estimate the way this savings in cost stimulates the rest of the economy (Level 8). 280 9.3.3 Inclusion of Dynamic Factors The example presented above is a static analysis be- cause it does not directly take into account the dimension of time. A static analysis shows the impact that would occur if a new technology were instantly applied to all the processes in the economy. However, conversion from an old technology to a new technology is not, in general, in- stantaneous. Alternatively, the analysis can be perceived as an approximation of the current state of the economy if the new technology had been available for a sufficient length of time so that it had been fully integrated into the society. Another problem of a static analysis is that it does not take into account trends which may affect the impact of the new technology. For example, in the case of the hypothetical automobile engine analysis presented in section 9.3.2, a better impact analysis would result if the impact function were compared to the predicted future distributions of automobile weight. If cars are growing smaller, then the fraction of new cars in the relevant weight range will become smaller so that the actual resulting impact is less. The impact analysis should not be just a static estimate but shoul& incorpor- ate any dynamic factors. Some examples and a discussion of each are given below: 281 1) Changes in Product Demand Impacts estimated using recent industry data must be adjusted in light of the overall trends of product demand leading to a growth or decline of the industry, especially if the growth or decline is fast. Growing industries may realize the benefits of the new technology as a means of production growth and cost savings with fewer of the job displacement problems than a more stable or declining industry would experience. Declining indus- tries contemplating a conversion to new technology face a potentially greater risk of job displacement problems be- cause they would be losing jobs even without the introduc- tion of the new technology. Therefore, the reasons for the decline have to be examined in order to perform an accurate impact analysis. If the product of an industry has simply become obsolete for many uses, as vacuum tubes did when transistors were introduced, then reduced costs of production would not materially affect the decline. But, if the industry has declined because of cheaper foreign competition, then reduced production costs in the United States may well revive the industry and create new jobs here. 2) Changes in Manufacturing Technology Technologies are continually emerging which profoundly affect existing industries. Therefore, an important initial part of an impact study is a technological forecast both within the industry and outside of it. The purpose 282 would be to identify dominating trends which would affect the fate of the industry beyond the influence of the new technology considered for assessment. For example, it is possible that changes occurring now will eventually elimin- ate the process for which the new technology was intended. If a product that was assembled from a few pieces is being replaced by a similar product that is molded in one piece, then not only will the assembly jobs be eliminated, but the entire assembly process will be eliminated as well. The process being considered for improvement by the introduction of one new technology may be changed indirectly by another new technology in such a way that the planned improvement is no longer applicable. For example, a change in the material of a product from metal to plastic may require a change in the final inspection procedure for plastic parts. 3) Changes in Product Technology Most new technologies do not last forever-they are eventually replaced by improved technologies. Realistic impact analysis should take into account a reasonable life cycle for the new technology. The history and traditions of the industry could be used to help make this estimate as well as any knowledge of advanced work in research lab- oratories. 283 9.4 Economic Impact Analysis of Programmable Assembly The discussion up to this point has been about impact analysis of technological production innovation in general terms. We now turn to impact analysis of programmable assembly systems. A thorough study cannot be done at this time because of the lack of adequate date on the industrial or national level that is suitable for use in the impact analysis described in this chapter. However, a simplified impact analysis is presented in section 9.4.1, and the remaining sections of the chapter discuss the important issues of programmable assembly impact analysis. 9.4.1 The Impact Analysis Process We now examine how an impact analysis appropriate for the level of modeling presented in previous chapters could be performed for programmable assembly automation. The engineering modeling of the alternate assembly technologies (Level 1) and the microeconomic modeling (Level 2), the first steps of the impact analysis, have already been performed in previous chapters. The compari- son of the alternate assembly methods using an economic criterion (Level 3) has also been discussed. The economic criterion used was to choose the assembly method that yields the lowest assembly cost per unit. (It was from ... ................................. �� ....................................................................... ll!Sllllllll� ...... .,.:l!l:l!leil�oii;l'i;; 284 this comparison criterion that the design criterion of minimizing the price-time product was chosen.) The next step in the impact analysis is to develop an impact function. This function should represent the savings that occur witlc programmable assembly as a func­ tion of product and process variables. In the analysis of the preceding chapters, there are several variables that affect the application 'Jf programmable assembly as a function of product and process variables. Ir, the analysis of the preceding chapters, there are several variables that affect the application of programmable assembly, but the two most important variables are the required pre­ duct production volume and the physical size of the product. The production volume is used explicitly in the examples and the equations, but the influence of the size of the product is implicit in the values of the parameters of the equations. For example, the price of a programmable assembler must increase as its size increases to handle larger products. The average cost of the parts feeding tooling will also increase with an increase in product size. As was shown in Chapter 3, the transfer machine cost per part increases with product size. Finally, the average manual assembly time, and therefore cost, will also increase with product size. We will assume that all products will be divided into a set of product size classes. The smallest size class 285 will be perhaps a maximum of four inches in dimension and would correspond to the limits of the smallest trans- fer assembly machine-the small rotary table. The largest size class would perhaps be for products up to 30 inches in length and would correspond to the size limits for the non-synchronous transfer assembly machines. A few inter- mediate size classes could correspond to the limits of intermediate transfer assembly machine methods. The impact analysis process will be repeated for each product size class and the results will be summed for the total impact. By choosing the set of product size classes to correspond to the set of the major different types of transfer machines or programmable methods, the results can then have specific meaning for these major different types, as well as contribute to the overall impact analysis. Within the impact analysis for a particular size class, the remaining important variable is production volume. Figure 9.3 illustrates the derivation of the impact func- tional relationship with product volume. The set of curves at the top represents the unit assembly costs for the major alternate methods of assembly as developed in Chapter 6. If we assume that assembly methods are chosen to obtain the lowest assembly cost per unit, then the savings attri- butable to programmable assembly over manual and transfer machine assembly are represented by the impact function in the lower part of Figure 9.3. The impact function can be 286 Figure 9.3a Graphical Derivation of Impact Function Unit assembly costs as a function of annual production volumesi Transfer \\)nual --- Best Alternate Assembly Cost Programable II Annual Production Volume (log scale) Impact Function' M4 000 41 o hC 1.0- 'In w o 4 en Impact Function Annual Production Volume (log scale) r4 . em' U ONE-MMEMM-1 \S 287 expressed as follows: BACPU.(VOL) - PCPU.(VOL) FCS.(VOL) BACPU.=(VOL)J BACPU. OLJ if BACPU.(VOL) -PCPU.(VOL) > 0) J FCS.(VOL) = 0 if BACPU.(VOL)-PCPU.(VOL)< 0J ] J (9.1) where FCS.(VOL) = fractional cost savings as a functionJ of volume for product size class j BACPU. (VOL) = unit assembly cost for the best J alternate method as a function of volume for product size class j PCPU. (VOL) = unit assembly cost for a programmable system as a function of volume for product size class j Here, FCS .(VOL) is the impact function. The best alternate) assembly cost per unit is either manual assembly or transfer machine assembly, whichever is cheaper at a given production volume. We are making the assumption that the best alter- nate assembly function describes the present day, average unit assembly costs. The savings that programmable assem- bly bring must be calculated in relation to the unit assembly costs of the best alternate assembly'function. Next, the impact function may be used in combination with a distribution function of the assembly costs incurred at different production volumes to estimate the total cost 288 savings 'in an industry due to the introduction of program- mable assembly. For the purpose of this analysis an indus- try is defined as a collection of establishments or firms which manufacture a similar type of product. Examples of industries would include all manufacturers of motor vehicles, "the motor vehicle industry," and all manufactur- ers of farm machinery, "the farm machinery industry." Different industries will be denoted by a subscript i, and different product size classes by a subscript j. A sample distribution is illustrated in Figure 9.4. A point on the horizontal axis represents products of a specific produc- tion volume. The total area under the curve represents the total assembly cost for industry i for all eligible pro- ducts in product size class j. (The concept of the eligible products will be discussed later.) The area under the curve between two vertical lines representing two different production volumes VOL1 and VOL2 represents the total assembly cost for products which are made in that range of production volumes. For any specific product the production volume is measured with respect to the firms making the product, not the total number of similar products made throughout the industry. For example, assume there are two firms making motorcycles -- Firm A and Firm B. The annual motorcycle production for Firm A is 20,000 while that for Firm B is 30,000. The assembly cost of motorcycles 289 Figure 9.41 CostaVolume Distribution Function Applies to industry i and product size class J %of %e %iW W W %%., %#,%%%r%,R% %d dfW WWWW t~ W x% dfe% m-V- VOL1 VOL2 V Anuiaj Produotion Volume (linear scale) Area represents total assembly cost throughout industry i for products in site class j S*"Avg 'ho -p40 ~0 boMo e4 . '.n. V 290 would then be represented in the cost-volume distribution function for two separate production volumes, 20,000 and 30,000, rather than combined under the industry total of 50, 000. The only products that should be counted in these distribution functions are the eligible products -- those that can physically be assembled by programmable assembly methods. In this way products that cannot be assembled programirably are eliminated from the impact analysis. The rules that determine eligibility should be broad for ease of data manipulation; for example, rigid machined parts should be considered ineligible. It is not necessary for these broad rules to be absolutely correct in all cases; there may be exceptions to them, and, as research progres- ses in this area the concept of eligibility can be more accurately and precisely defined. The impact function and the distribution function can be multiplied to obtpin a cost savings distribution function for industry i and product size class j. (See Figure 9.5). Then, the cost savings distribution function is integrated over its volume range to obtain the total assembly savings for industry i in product size class j. SAV1 . =fFCS.(VOL)ACDi.(VOL)dVOL (9.2) .th th where SAV.. = savings in the i industry for the j product size class thACD. .(VOL) = assembly cost function for i 1) 291 Figure 9.5# Application of Impact Punction to Distribution Data Applies to industry I and product size class S r.O 0O4 as UP C3 M Annual Production Volume (log scale) * Area represents total savings for industry I and product size classj P 0 nulPouto Vlm lgsae 292 industry in product size class j Then, this procedure may be repeated for all industries with assembly processes and the results summed for a total industrial sector impact for the prcgrammable assembly automation for that particular product size class. SAV. = E SAV. (9.3) J i IJ where SAV. = total industry impact for the jth . J size class The entire foregoing procedure may be repeated for pro- ducts of different size classes and these results summed to obtain an estimate of the total impact of programmable assembly systems for all product size classes. SAV = E SAV. (9.4) where SAV = total direct cost savings Now the techniques of macroeconomic analysis, parti- cularly input/output analysis, can be used to study how the effects of these costs savings on certain industries spread throughout the economy. These techniques have been developed quite well by others and can be used in their present form 4n connection with the impact analysis of programmable assembly systems. This completes the major steps of the impact analysis. Two comments concerning the preceding analysis should be made at this point. First, this impact analysis is concerned only with the use of pro- grammable assembly in the manufacture of uniform products; 293 that is, this is not an assessment of the impact of pro- grammable assembly on the manufacture of product families. Second, even though this was a restricted, simple assessment process, the amount of data required is large. Distribution data of the assembly cost by product size and industry is required for the entire economy. To obtain this distribu- tion data would require large amounts of data obtained originally at the level of the firm and then aggregated by industry over many industries and then repeated for a few different product size classes. 9.4.2 Extension ot Impact Analysis to Product Families To assess the impact of programmable assembly on the manufacture of product families would require detailed in- formation obtained at the level of the firm and aggregated to the industry level. Distribution data would be needed relating the total assembly cost in an industry to the annual volume of product families for a given product size. It may be necessary to define a set of product family classes in which the members of each class have roughly the same degree of variation. At one extreme would be a product family class in which only a small fraction of the parts of a product varied between family members. At the other extreme a large fraction of parts may vary between family members. A microeconomic and engineering analysis of 294 programmable and hybrid systems applied to product families such as described in Chapter 6 could be used to develop a set of impact functions for products of different sizes which belong to product families with different degrees of differentiation. 9.4.3 Identification of Impact Costs A thorough impact analysis of programmable assembly systems should include as many affected costs as possible. However, a simplified analysis such as that just presented which looks at only the major costs is much easier to work with and points out the major trends. The analysis of earlier chapters has been based on only the major costs of capital equipment and labor, but in specific circumstances other costs nay determine whether or not the system is economically justifiable. These other affected costs include the following: 1. Production material costs. If the programmable system results in lower material wastage, production materials costs may be reduced. 2. Inventory costs. A programmable system can allow very fast changeover of assembly from one product to another, and, therefore the assembly system can respond very quickly to variations in orders for a product. This means that less product need be maintained in stock to meet the orders se 295 (lower inventory), and this means there are lower inventory costs because less company captial is tied up in nonproduc- tive form. This savings can be particularly important if the product unit is expensive. 3. Individual part costs. Programmable systems with adapt- ability will sometimes be able to assemble lower quality parts than transfer machine methods because the transfer machine requires tighter tolerances on the part dimensions than is necessary for proper functioning of the product. The tighter tolerance parts are more expensive either be- cause they are made more carefully or because they are inspected to weed out the out-of-tolerance parts, and thus individual part costs are lower for the programmable system. 4. Part design costs. Programmable assembly may lead to in- creased part design costs because of necessary modifications in the des.ign and manufacture of the incoming parts. How- ever, the required modifications are often either simplifi- cations of the parts or redesicn of the product to reduce the number of parts. Consequently, the part redesign for the assembly system may also reduce the manufacturing cost of the parts. Whether or not the part redesign is ultimate- ly an additional expense or savings depends on the circum- stances. 5. Energy costs. Programmable systems will almost certainly use more energy than manual assembly support equipment, but whether they will use more energy than transfer machine 296 assembly is unknown at this time. These non-capital and non-labor costs should be examined in the justification of any particular program- mable installation to see if they represent any significant effect. However, because they are less important than the principal capital and labor costs, they have been omitted in the simple economic impact analysis of section 10.3.2 and from the preceding discussion of a method for program- mable assembly impact analysis. 9.5 Summary As our modern society becomes increasingly complex and interrelated, it becomes more important for the economic effects of a new technology to be assessed prior to its introduction into the economy. One possible method for such an assessment has been presented here. The outline of this economic impact analysis is as follows: 1) A technical and microeconomic analysis of the new technology is made. 2) From this technical and microeconomic analysis an impact function is derived. 3) The impact function is used with industrial statistical -data to estimate the direct impact of the new technology. 4) Traditional macroeconomic methods of assessment are used to estimate the effect of the direct impact on the economy 297 as a whole. The application of economic impact analysis to assess the effect of the introduction of programmable assembly systems has been demonstrated by use of a simplified analysis because at the present time an adequate data base does not exist for a thorough analysis. The type of data required includes data showing the distribution of industry assem- bly costs as a function of parameters such as production volume and product size. Although the simplified analysis considered only the major impact costs of capital equipment and labor, other important impact costs should also be considered in a thor- ough analysis. These are listed below: 1) Production material costs 2) Inventory costs 3) Individual part costs 4) Part design costs 5) Energy costs These costs should all be considered in the justification of any individual programmable installation. 10. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH Programmable assembly offers an alternative to manual and transfer machine assembly. Modeling both the perform- ance and the costs of a programmable assembly system can 298 help define design and research goals for programmable assembly systems and to identify the circumstances under which programmable assembly offers an economic alterna- tive to manual and transfer machine assembly methods. This research used microeconomic analysis to provide a framework for comparison of programmable assembly to manual and transfer machine assembly methods, three widely varying assembly technologies. A common base of assump- tions was used so that the assembly alternatives could be compared consistently. The economic model that was devel- oped for programmable assembly is simple and general, so that many different technical approaches to programmable assembly can be compared on the same grounds. An important measure of programmable assembly performance -- the price- time product -- was identified, and the minimization of the price-time product was presented as a criterion to achieve reduced assembly cost. The type of microeconomic analysis used here can also provide a means to estimate critical values of price-time product that form boundaries between competitive designs and non-competitive ones. The microeconomic analysis pro- vides a framework in which the sensitivity of the competi- tive advantage of programnable assembly to various economic factors--such as labor cost, required annual rate of return, and price-time product-,-can be examined. The formulation of the economic analysis identified 299 certain noneconomic, sometimes difficult to quantify, factors which influence the economics. For example, the configuration efficiency, a measure of the "line balance" of the programmable assembly system and the utilization efficiency, a measure of the extra production capability of the system, both play important roles in the economics. Their presence in the model raises questions about how they may be related to other properties of programmable assembly systems and so identifies certain natural areas for further resea rch. The price-time product is a useful means of evaluating alternative assembler designs. It is not dependent upon the way that the assemblers are organized into an assembly sys- tem. It can be used to compare assemblers with widely varying numbers and configurations of axes and widely vary- ing component technologies. The price-time product is use- ful to the designer of an assembly system because it helps him to choose cost effective assemblers. It is useful to the designer of an assembler because it can help to resolve design tradeoffs in favor of an economic design. Finally, sensitivities defined in terms of the price-time product can be used to assess directions for further research and devel- opment for classes of assembler configurations. The research of this thesis has been primarily involved with the development of the price-time product as an assem- bler criterion and the ways in which it and the supporting 4300 analysis can be used to study programmable assemblers. Two classes of further research work are apparent: First, work directed toward developing improved models of assembler cost and performance; and, second, areas of research that will be identified by the price-time product sensitivities. More work is necessary to model the cost and performance of the fine motions of assembly. The modeling of gross motion for a given assembler configuration can be quite straightforward, as was illustrated in the example design process that was presented earlier; but the fine motion process is not yet sufficiently well understood to lead to a useful price-time product model. Research in assembly fine motion should be directed at understanding not only the basic processes but also the cost and performance of the hardware implementation. Better models of assenIbler fine motion requirements and performanme are necessary to analyze the trade-off between the cost and performance of special jigs to aid in fine motion as opposed to the cost and performance of more sophisticated strategies to be im- plemented by the assembler. Accurate models for both gross and fine motions can lead to better price-time models for assembler configurations. Research should also be directed toward producing better models for system integration costs and processor costs and requirements. Just how programmability will influence 301 the system integration process is only speculation now, although it certainly should be an improvement over transfer machine integration. Similarly, the functions necessary to the processor dedicated to an assembler are not sufficiently well under- stood to permit an accurate model. The existence of such processor models is necessary to price-time tradeoff analysis between processor capacity and special tooling. Further research can also be done in developing a more complete model of the economics of programmable assemblers. This analysis was limited to assemblers in system configura- tions that were dedicated to a particular product or product family. The costs of tearing down a system and reusing the assemblers in a new system was not analyzed explicitly, al- though different useful lives for assemblers and assembly feeding tooling were modeled. The price-time product would survive such an analysis as one measure of assembler performance, but new measures may emerge that describe the cost effectiveness of the assembler with respect to the system reconfiguration process. More work can be done to verify or modify the assump- tions used in the economic modeling. Is the tooling price per part really independent of production volume? Is con- figuration efficiency related to the number of parts per station and thereby to the production volume? Is station price related to the number of parts per station (because 302 of the number of degrees of freedom required) and, conse- quently, to the production volume? A logical next step in the development of the economic model would be to reformulate the model without constraining the assumptions to allow for easy symbolic maniphlation. Such a model would be largely limited to numerical analysil4 by computer. It could be more complete by including many more cost factors than were practical here. It could use the actual return on investment instead of the annual rate of return as an approximation to it, and could allow the results obtained in earlier chapters to be obtained more accurately. However, most of the results of such a model would have to be expressed only graphically rather than symboli- cally and so would be somewhat more difficult to study. This more complete model could be used to identify circum- stances in which other economic factors besides the basic equipment or labor costs would be important considerations in the application of programmable assembly. The simple model presented here was sufficient to identify the price- time product as a useful measure of assembler performance; the more complex model can be used to obtain better estim- ates for the critical values for it. As an assembler price-time model is developed, price- time prcduct sensitivity analysis ca.. be used to identify assembler components that have the greatest potential 303 influence on the price-time product. Research applied in these areas can have the greatest impact on improving pro- grammable assembly technology. The assembler design process of Chapter 8 provides an example of identification of research areas by sensitivity analysis. The processor and system integration components were identified as important areas of research. Also, it was shown that the assembler size and number of degrees of freedom are important factors in the price-time product. This means that it is important to understand, for real products, how the minimum assembler size is related to the product size as well as the required number and arrangement of the degrees of freedom. As programmable assembly actually comes into use, it will also be important to verify the modeling concepts pre- sented here empirically. These results can then be used as a basis for further study. 304 REFERENCES 1 Samuelson, P.A., Economics: An Introductory Analysis, tGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1964, p. 735. 2 Karger, D. W., and Bayha, F. H., Engineered Work Measurement, Industrial Press Inc., New York, 1966. 3 Boothroyd, G., and Redford, A.H., Mechanized Assembly, McGraw-Hill Book Company, London, 1968. 4 Production, Production's Manufacturing Planbook: 1976, p.25. 5 Prenting, T.O., "Automatic Assembly -- The Economic Considerations," ASME Paper No. 65-WA/PROD 5, 1965. 6 Nevins, J. L., et al., "Exploratory Research in Industrial Modular Assembly," Report No. R-800, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass., March 1974. 7 Nevins, J. L., et al., "Exploratory Research in Industrial Modular Assembly," Report No. R-850, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass., November 1974. 8 Nevins, J. L., et al., "Exploratory Research in Industrial Modular Assembly, " Report No. R-921, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass., August 1975. 9 Whitney, D. E., "The Mathematics of Coordinated Control of Prosthetic Arms and Manipulators," ASME Paper No. 72- WA/Aut-4, 1972. 10 Tipping, W. V., An Introduction to Mechanical Assembly, Business Books Limited, London, 1969. 305 11 Prenting, T. 0., and Kilbridge, M. D. , "Assembly -- The Last Frontier of Automation, " Management Review, February, 1965, pp. 16-18. 12 Rosen, C., et al., "Exploratory Research in Advanced Automation, First Semi-Annual Report," SRI Project 2591, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, December 1973. 13 Rosen, C., et al., "Exploratory Research in Ad- vanced Automation, Second Report," SRI project 2591, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, August 1974. 14 Rosen, C., et al., "Exploratory Research in Advanced Automation, Third Report," SRI Project 2591, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, December 1974. 15 Finkel, R., Taylor, R., Bolles, R., Paul, R., and Feldman, J., "AL. A Programming System for Automation, " Memo AIM 243, STAN-CS-74-456, Stanford Artificial Intelli-( gence Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1974. 16 Heginbotham, W. B., "Factors Affecting the Success- ful Application of IR Technology," The Industrial Robot, Vol. 1, Sept. 1973, p.6. 17 The Industrial Robot, published by International Fluidics Services, LTD., Carlton, Bedford MK43 7JS, England. 306 18 Abraham, R., Yaroshuk, N., and Beres, J., "Requirements, Analysis, and Justification of Intelligent Robots," Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Industrial Robots, IIT Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois,, Sept. 22-24, 1975, p. 89. 19 Kondoleon, A. S., "Application of a Technological- Economic Model of Assembly Techniques to Programmable Assembly Machine Configuration," SM Thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., June 1976. 20 Swalm, R., "Which Justification Method Gives the Right Answer?", Metalworking,September 1962, pp. A14-A25. 21 Van Horne, J. C., Financial Management and Policy, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971. Appendix 1. ACC ACDijVOL) APCST APLCST ASMCST ASMPRC ATLCST ATU AVTSQ BACPU. (VOL) BSCST C .4 307 List of Variable Definitions Mgnitude of required acceleration Assembly cost function for ith industry in product size class j Driving amplifier cost, dollars Annual labor cost for a programmable system Direct manufacturing costs of the assembler Purchase price of assembler Annual labor cost for transfer machine operation Assembly time per unit, sec. Average value of square of torque Unit assembly cost for the best alternate method as a function of volume for product size class j Ball screw cost, dollars Conversion constant from rotary to linear motion 308 CAP. Number of parts that can be assembled annually by the i th station CAT Net annual cash flow after taxes CEF Configuration efficiency CONTRQ Maximum continuous torque rating of the motor, newton-meters D Length of ball screw, meters DH Length of horizontal axis, meters DIST Distance of gross motions DPME Annual straight line depreciation rate for manual equipment DPPA Annual straight line depreciation rate for the programmable assembler stations DPTL Annual straight line depreciation rate for the parts feeding tooling DPTM Annual straight line depreciation rate for the transfer machine DY Number of days worked per year EM Effective mass to be moved in x direction 309 F Force in x direction FCS. (VOL) FMT FR GRATIO HATU HCPU HCST HD HPCPU HTCPU HTMCPU HTPCPU Fractional cost savings as a function of volume for product size class j Total time for all fine motions during the single part assembly cycle Required force in x direction Fraction of part assembly time in gross motion Hybrid transfer-programmable assembly time per unit, sec. Hybrid system assembly cost per unit Hybrid system cost Number of hours worked per day Unit assembly cost component due to program- mable assembler stations and associated feeding equipment Unit assembly cost component due to transfer machine stations Unit assembly cost for the hybrid transfer- manual system Hybrid transfer-programmable cost per unit IIDXCST INDEXTIME INTCST J JM LABCST M MATP MAXVOL MCPU MCPUI MECPP MECST MOTCST ML 310 Initial investment Cost of portion of index or conveying device dedicated to the assembler (assumed consta nt) Average time between completed product units Cost of engineering, building, and debugging station (assumed constant) Rotary inertia Motor rotor inertia, newton-meter-second2 Cost rate of labor, dollars/second Linear moving mass Manual assembly time per part, seconds Potential production volume of the product Manual assembly cost per unit, dollars/unit Manual unit assembly cost, improved model Manual equipment cost per part Total manual equipemnt cost Motor cost, dollars Motor length, meters n MM MSCPU n NPART NPPRT NPT NSEF NSPY NSTA NWPP NWRKR P -P. PARTTIME 311 Motor mass, kilograms Unit assembly cost for the parts assembled manually Number of years of investment project Number of parts in the product Number of parts assembled by programmable stations Number of parts assembled by transfer stations Net station efficiency of the system Effective number of working seconds in the years, including the effects of-downtime, number of shifts, and so forth Number of programmable stations in the system Number of workers assigned per part Number of workers assigned Motor power rating, watts Parameter j Single part assembly time for one assembler PARTTIMET PCPU PCPU. (VOL) J PcPUI PECPU PFCTR PL PLCPU POPT PRATIO PSCST PTS. ) PUEF 312 Theoretical single part assembly time Programmable assembly cost per unit Unit assembly cost for a programmable system as a function of volume for product size class j Programmable cost of assembly per unit product for the improved model Programmable equipment cost per unit Price factor Payload, kilograms Programmable system labor cost per unit of product Total yearly operational time for the programmable system NPPRT/NPART, Programmability ratio Programmable system cost Price-time product sensitivity of parameter Utilization efficiency of the programmable system RROI SAV SAV. SAV. 1) SETLF SF SLOPE STAP STAP*PARTTIME T TAX TCPU TCPUI 313 After tax rate of return Return on investment Total direct cost savings .thTotal industry savings impact for the j size class th .thSavings in the i industry for the j pro- duct size class Fractional duration of the actual gross mo- tion time beyond the theoretical time; i.e., the settling time fraction Salvage fraction The slope of the. staircase of the price- capacity chart Single station price Price-time product Tax rate Taxes on income allocated to the transfer machine Transfer machine assembly cost per unit Improved estimate of the unit assembly cost of the transfer machine 314 TEF Torque transmission efficiency (less than one) TG Constant gravitational torque TGM Average time for one gross motion TGMT Theoretical gross motion time TI "Square wave" inertial torque TLCPU Transfer machine labor cost per unit TMCPP Transfer machine cost per part TOLPP Price of parts feeding tooling per part TOPT Total annual transfer machine operational time, seconds TORQ Torque about axis 0 TR Torque required on load TRATIO Transfer ratio TSCPU The unit assembly cost for the parts assem- bled by the transfer stations TSCST System cost for transfer machine TSTCST- Total cost of the transfer stations TTIME Average time between the production of single product units, seconds 315 UT Uptime fraction VMAX Peak velocity in x direction VOL Actual production volume of the product VOLMT Volume boundary between economic manual and transfer machine systems VOLMTI Volume boundary between economic manual and transfer machine assembly improved model VOLPM Volume boundary between economic manual and programmable systems VOLPMI Volume boundary between economic programmable and manual assembly, improved model VOLPT Volume boundary between economic program- mable and transfer machine systems VOLPTI Volume boundary between economic program- mable and transfer machine assembly, im- proved model 316 Appendix 2. Annual Rate of Return as an Approximation to the Return on Investment In the economic modeling work of this thesis the annual rate of return, defined using the annual cash flow after taxes by equation 6.3, was used as part of the method of computing unit assembly costs for programmable and trans- fer machine assembly methods. This rate of return is an approximation to the return on investment, ROI, that is most commonly used in capital allocation analysis. Unfor- tunately, the return on investment is often difficult to work with and is more complex to calculate. The annual rate of return is simple to work with and calculate, but is only an approximation. In exploratory work such as this, the ease of manipulation was more important, and so the annual rate of return was used. In future work in this area, true ROI should be used in all capital allocation analyses. In this appendix an example is provided to indicate the accuracy of the annual rate of return as an approxima- tion to the ROI. In general, the annual rate of return is a better approximation when the rate of return is lower and the life of the project is longer. The annual rate of return is not affected by the salvage value of a project (except insofar as the annual depreciation rate affects taxes) nor is it affected by the life of the project. In fact, the annual rate of return is simply the inverse of the "payback period," the time required for a 317 project to earn an amount of money equal to its original investment. To formulate an example, we consider a project in which the original investment, at time equal to zero, is I. This project earns an annual cash flow after taxes of CAT at the end of each year, extends for n years, and recovers a sal- vage fraction SF of the original investment at the end of the nth year. The ROI of the project is that discount rate for which the present value of all cash flows over time is zero (21). n CAT SF*I o = -I + E +SI(A2.1) i=1 (1+ROI) (l+RQI)n where ROI = return on investment In general, this expression mu3t be solved -_numerically, to find the value of the ROI. However, this expression can be used to relate annual rate of return as defined by equation 6.3 to the ROI. Equation A2.1 can be rewritten SF CAT 1 - (1+ROI)(A2.2) I n 1 il (1+ROI)' using equation 6.3 and simplifying the summation gives R = ROI*(1+ROI)n -SF (A2.3)(l+ROI) -l where R = annual rate of return Examination of equation A2.3 reveals that the annual rate 318 of return R will equal the return on investment if the salvage fraction is one; i.e., no loss of value on the original equipment, an unrealistic situation. As an example calculation, consider the programmable assembly example of Section 6.1.5. Assume a production life of 4 years over which the parts feeding tooling is fully depreciated but the programmable assemblers are de- preciated to half of their original value. All other variable values remain- the same is in Section 6.1.5. We consider two different 'systems; one designed to operate at 100,000 units per year (with few assemblers) and one de- signed to operate at 1 million units per year (with more assemblers). We assign an ROI of .25 and then compute the corresponding annual rate of return required to give that ROI for these two systems. System Production Salvage Fraction R Volume after 4 Years 0.1 x 106 .06 .41 1.0 x 106 .289 .37 As can be seen, there can be a 50 percent difference between the ROI and the annual rate of return. If the tooling lasted for eight years, as long as the assemblers are assumed to last, then the entire system will fully depreciate after 8 years (SF = 0). In this case a 25 percent ROI would require an annual return of only 30 percent. 319 Appendix 3. The I.C. Insertion Machine: A Currently Available Programmable Assembler The I.C. insertion machine is a currently available, but highly specialized, programmable assembler that inserts elec- trical components into printed circuit boards very quickly (2300 to 19000 per hour). There are actually two types of machines--those for assembling axial lead components and those for I.C.'s (DIP's). The systems that insert axial lead components have the following parts: 1. Insertion machine (about $49000). The insertion speed is about 8000 per hour with one work head, but 16000 with two workheads working on two identical boards. 2. Controller (about $14,000, but one controller can handle up to 5 insertion machines). 3. Sequencer (about $31,000). The sequencer prepares a tape containing the components in the proper sequence at about 16000 per hour. Thus, the sequencer is bal- anced with a dual workhead insertion machine. The systems that insert DIP's have the following parts: 1. Insertion machine (about $48,000). The insertion speed is about 2800 to 3600 per hour. 2. Controller (about $14,000, but one controller can handle up to 5 insertion machines of either type.) These machines do their own sequencing. I 320 In these assembly systems, the feeding hardware is really incorporated into the assembly station; this can be done because the nature of components assembled is highly restricted. In order to interpret these machines in terms of the model developed in this thesis, the sequencer should be considered part of the assembler. For example, counting a single dual head axial insertion machine, one fifth of a controller, and a sequencer, the price time product of the axial lead system is 18,630$-sec. The price time product of the DIP system ranges from 50,800$ -sec to 65,500$-sec depending on the speed. Using the price-time bound of equation 6.16, with some information about manual insertion rates (i.e., labor cost $8500 per year, 1.67 people opera­ ting collectively at 200 to 800 insertions per hour) and some other assumptions (R=.25 , T=�48, DPPA=.125, CEF=.8, PUEF=l.O� the upper bound on the price-time product becomes 2.2xl0 5 to 8.9xlo 5 $-sec depending on the manual rate. Hence, the component insertion �achines have price-time products well below the upper bound. - - 321 BIOGRAPHY Paul Michael Lynch was born in Laramie, Wyoming, on April 15, 1948. Most of his public school education was in Richardson, Texas. He entered MIT in the fall of 1966, receiving a Bachelor's Degree in 1970, a Master's Degree in 1972, and an Engineer's Degree in 1975, all in Mechanical Engineering. In his senior year he won a Wunsch Foundation Design prize for outstanding student design, and during his undergraduate years was active in the student section of the ASME and the MIT Concert Band. As a graduate student he was a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow (1970-1973) and a research assistant (1973-1976) working at the C. S. Draper Laboratory. He is a member of Pi Tau Sigma and Tau Beta Pi. His publications include: P. M. Lynch and D. E. Whitney, "Active Force Feedback Rate Control of Manipulators," Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference on Manual Control, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 17-19, 1972, pp. 221-226. D. E. Whitney, W. J. Book, and P. M. Lynch, "Design and Control Considerations for Industrial and Space manipulators," Joint Automatic Control Conference, June 18-21, 1974.