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6.170 Laboratory in Software Engineering, Fall 2001

Software programming.
Software programming. (Image courtesy of Photo ©

Highlights of this Course

This course features a complete set of lecture notes and extensive project-related files and implementation examples (the Gizmoball project). In addition, the tools section includes detailed instructions for all of the software tools used by students in the course.

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Course Description

This course is a a core electrical engineering computer science subject at MIT. It introduces concepts and techniques relevant to the production of large software systems. Students are taught a programming method based on the recognition and description of useful abstractions. Topics include: modularity; specification; data abstraction; object modeling; design patterns; and testing. Several programming projects of varying size undertaken by students working individually and in groups.



Prof. Daniel Jackson
Prof. Srinivas Devadas

Course Meeting Times

Four sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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