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15.053 Introduction to Optimization, Spring 2002

Image of optimization application in radiation therapy.
Image of optimization application in radiation therapy. (Image courtesy of Prof. James Orlin from lecture notes 2.)

Highlights of this Course

There are a set of tools and the tool manuals that allow the user to understand some of the software applications for optimization. Also, there are lecture notes, assignments and practice exams.

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Course Description

15.053 is an undergraduate subject in the theory and practice of optimization. We will consider optimization models with applications to transportation, logistics, manufacturing, computer science, E-business, project management, finance as well as several other domains. This subject will survey some of the applications of optimization as well as heuristics, and we will present algorithms and theory for linear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, and non-linear programming.

One way of summarizing a subject is a lecture by lecture description of the subject, or a description of the methodologies presented in the subject. We do list a lecture by lecture description, but first we describe several cross cutting themes.



Prof. James Orlin

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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