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21F.107 Chinese I (Streamlined), Fall 2002

Pinyan syllable for light.
Pinyan syllable for 'light.' (Image courtesy of Carrene Tracy.)

Highlights of this Course

Downloadable assignments and sample quizzes are available for this course.

Course Description

This course is an introduction to modern standard Chinese, colloquially called Mandarin. It is intended for students with some conversational ability, but little or no reading (or writing) skills. The emphasis of the course is on standard pronunciation (and accurate tones); standard usage and grammar; and reading and writing characters in context.

Technical Requirements

Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.0+) on Microsoft Windows:
From VIEW menu select Encoding... Auto Select... or
Chinese AutoSelect.

Netscape (version 7.0+) on Microsoft Windows:
From VIEW menu, select Character Coding...
AutoDetect… Chinese.

Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.0+) on Macintosh OS 9 or X:
From VIEW menu select Character
Set… Chinese(auto-detect)

Netscape (version 7.0+) on Macintosh OS 9 or X:
From VIEW menu select Character Coding...
AutoDetect… Chinese.

Safari on Macintosh OS X:
From VIEW menu select Text Encoding... Chinese



Prof. Tong Chen
Prof. Jin Zhang

Course Meeting Times

Three sessions / week
1 hour / session




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