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13.49 Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles, Fall 2004

ORCA-1, a fully autonomous submarine.
ORCA-1, a fully autonomous submarine which was entered in the First Annual International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Contest. (Image courtesy of MIT Project ORCA.)

Highlights of this Course

This course features a full set of lecture notes, presented as the textbook, Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles. The textbook is co-written by Prof. Triantafyllou.

Course Description

This course is about maneuvering motions of surface and underwater vehicles. Topics covered include: derivation of equations of motion, hydrodynamic coefficients, memory effects, linear and nonlinear forms of the equations of motion, control surfaces modeling and design, engine, propulsor, and transmission systems modeling and simulation during maneuvering. The course also deals with stability of motion, principles of multivariable automatic control, optimal control, Kalman filtering, and loop transfer recovery. We will also explore applications chosen from autopilots for surface vehicles; towing in open seas; and remotely operated vehicles.


Prof. Michael Triantafyllou

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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