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4.301 Introduction to the Visual Arts, Fall 2004

Picnic in a crosswalk.
A image from The Picnic, work from the Made Public assignment by Usman Akeju. (Image courtesy of Emily Gillmar.)

Highlights of this Course

This course features a full set of references discussed in class, and the projects that the students completed in response to the three assignments of the term.

Course Description

Introduction to artistic practice and aesthetic analysis through studio work and lectures. Students communicate ideas and experiences through various media such as sculpture, installation, performance, and video. Projects evolve through stages of conceptual and material development to final presentation. Lectures, visiting artist presentations, field trips, and readings supplement studio practice, providing an index to the historical, cultural, and environmental forces that affect both development of artistic vision and reception of works of art.

Technical Requirements

RealOne™ Player software  is required to run the .rm files found on this course site.



Prof. Andrea Frank

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
3 hours / session




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