Technical Report 1358 1\41T Artificial Intelligence Laboratory I I I 4 0 0 C:) 0 JL %.-Ill 0T 11 -r, A A n -ex XI 7"'I 1 1 v m I a I 1 7:04 1 'IL I ff --4 5 It %I ILI a 0 1 %h.: 111%ja ILCLI Y v v 1113 I M-;,"m o MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LABORATORY A.I. Technical Report No. 1358 July 1992 Autornated Prograni Recognition by Graph Parsing Linda Mary Wills Abstract The recognition of standard computational structures cliche's) in a program can help an experienced programmer understand the program. Based on the known relationships between the cliche's a hierarchical description of the program's design can be recovered. We develop and study a graph parsing approach to automating program recognition in which programs are represented as attributed dataflow graphs and a library of cliche's is encoded as an attributed graph grammar. Graph parsing is used to recognize cliche's in the code. We demonstrate that this graph parsing approach is a feasible and useful way to automate program recognition. In studying this ap- proach, we have experimented with two medium-sized, real-world sim- ulator programs. There are three aspects of our study. First, we eval- uate our representation's ability to suppress many common forms of program variation which hinder recognition. Second, we investigate the expressiveness of our graph grammar formalism for capturing pro- gramming cliche's. Third, we empirically and analytically study the computational cost of our recognition approach with respect to the real-world simulator programs. Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992 The research described here was conducted at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology. Support for the laboratory's artificial intelligence research has been provided in part by the following organizations: National Sience Foundation under grants IRI-8616644 and CCR-898273, Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Naval Research contract N00014-88-K-0487 IBM Corporation, NYNEX Corporation, and Siemens Corporation. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as representing the policies, expressed or implied, of these organizations. Acknowledgments I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Chuck Rich, for his continual support ad encour- agement over a my years at MIT. He has provided valuable guidance and advice at crucial times and he has shared many interesting ideas with me. I admire his eergy, generosity, and integrity. I am thankful to Richard Waters for his constant encouragement and cheerfulness, and for providing many fresh insights. I am grateful to the members of my committee, David McAllester, Peter Szolovits as well as Chuck Rich and Richard Waters, for their patient and careful reading of my thesis. They offered valuable insights and suggestions for presenting t1lese ideas ad they have broadened my perspective. I appreciate Rudi Lutz's willingness to discuss the subtleties of his parsing algorithm. I ave also benefited from helpful discussions with Yishai Feldman, John Hartman, Stan Letovsky, and Dilip Soni. Several members of the Al Lab have provided encouragement and interesting discus- sions, especially Bonnie Dorr, Eric Grimson, Bob Hall, Ellen HildretE, Tomas Lozano-Perez, Howard Reubenstein, Monica Strauss, Tanveer Fathima Syeda-Mahmood, and Yang Meng Tan. I greatly appreciate the friendliness and exceptional helpfulness of Andrew Chien, Bill Dally, and Mike Noakes. The generosity, support, and encouragement of Christian Bauer, Avelino Gonzalez, and Soheil Khajenoori made it possible for me to finish this thesis. I am grateful to Ashok Goel, Janet Kolodner, Robert McCurley, and Spencer Rugaber for many interesting tecltnical conversations. I appreciate the moral support of my friends, Janet Allen, Anita illian, Auja Mari- wala Elizabeth Turrisi ad especially Jean Moroney. I am thankful to my family - Mom and Dad, Len ad Janet, Judy Ann and Jim, Diane, Tom, Stephen, Mark, Mom and Dad Wills, Kitty and Stevie - for providing many happy distractions. I am fortunate to have a wonderful husband, Scott, who gives me unfailing love and support, ad so mch happiness. Finally I am grateful to my parents for their constant love and their confidence 'in me. This thesis is dedicated to them. I 5 5 8 10 12 15 18 19 19 20 21 23 33 33 38 38 39 53 3 The 3.1 3.2 Flow Graph Formalism Flow G raphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flow Graph Grammars ............................. 3.2.1 Embedding Relation ........................... 3.2.2 Flow Graph Grammar Derivations ................... 3.2.3 Attribnte Conditions and Transfer RnIes, ................ 3.3 Motivations for Formalism: Program Recognition Application 3.3.1 The Partial Program Recognition Problem . . . . . . 3.4 Extensions to the Flow Graph Formalism . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Structure-Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 . . . . . . . . 73 . . . . . . . . 74 . . . . . . . . 76 80 59 60 62 62 64 65 2 -'on en s 1 Introduction 1. 1 M otivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Toward a Hybrid Program Understanding System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 What is Involved in Automating Program Recognition? . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Graph Parsing Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Goals and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Outline of Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Knowledge, Program Corpus, and Recognition Examples 2.1 What are the Cliche's? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Simulation Domain Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Informal Cliche' Acquisition Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Sequential Simulation Cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.4 The General-Purpose Cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Real-World Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Recognition Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Common Program Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Examples of Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Breadth of Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- ---- -- 3.5 Chart Parsing Flow Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 Recognizing Share-Equivalent Flow Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.2 Recognizing Aggregation-Equivalent Flow Graphs . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.3 Matching St-Thrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Related Graph Grammar Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 Classes of Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.2 Embedding Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.3 Graph Parsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Applying Parsing to Recognition 4.1 Expressing Programs ad Cliche's in the Flow Graph Formalism . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Attribute Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 The Plan Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3 Codifying Cliche's: Using the Plan Calculus as a Stepping Stone 4.1.4 Examples of Codifying Simulation Cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Architectural Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Translating Programs to Flow Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Additional Monitor to Handle Recursion Unfolding . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Paraphraser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 109 110 113 119 119 120 120 122 122 123 130 134 143 154 154 156 160 5 Capabilities and Limitations 5.1 Variations Tolerated . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Syntactic Variation 5.1.2 Organizational Variation . 5.1.3 Delocalized Cliche's 5.1.4 'Unrecognizable Code 5.1.5 Function-Sharing . . . . . . . 5.1.6 Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.7 Implementation Variation . 5.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Missing or Derived Dataflow 5.2.2 "Missing" Cliche' Parts 163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 ,e Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 d Event s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 .0gram s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Expressing Cliclie's with Loos Enqueuing New Messages a( Modifications to Example Pr( Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 6 Analysis 6.1 C ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Brief Algoritltm Description . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 3 6.2 Counting Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Item Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Constraints Prune Item Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3 Grammar Facilitates Reusing Sub-Searcli Space Exploration 6.2.4 Empirical Observations of Item Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.5 Modeling Constraint Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.6 Counting Zip-ups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.7 Partial Node Orderings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.8 Summary of Item Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Component Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Other Performance Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.1 Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 6.4.2 Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.3 Interleaved Decomposition and Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.4 Avoiding Unnecessary Copying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Conclusions 7.1 Empirical Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 196 197 208 208 213 214 216 222 222 225 225 227 227 228 229 231 232 233 233 233 234 237 240 243 244 248 254 255 259 7.2.1 Multiple Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.2 Interfacing with Other Recognition Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.3 Disambignating Data Structure Operation Instances 7.2.4 Side Effects to Mutable Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.5 Advising GRASPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Related W ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.2 Other Recognition Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 A pplications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Flow Graph Recognition 'is NP-Complete B The Example Programs C The Grammar Encoding the Cliche Library 289 4 n ro Uc ion Experienced egineers are able to quickly determine the behavior and properties of a com- plex device by recognizing familiar, standard forms in its design. These standard forms, which we call cliche's [110, 112, 115, 137, 117], are combinations of primitive mechanisms which engineers use frequently because the combinations have been found useful in prac- tice. From experience, the engineers have come to expect the cched forms to exhibit certain known behaviors. By relying on this "pre-compiled" knowledge, engineers are able to effi- ciently understand and build complex devices containing cliched components without always reasoning from first principles. Rich [110, 112, 117] has developed a model of egineering problem solving in which synthesis and analysis methods are based on the recognition and use of cliche's. He calls these inspection methods. This report deals with automating the recognition of cliche's in computer programs. Cliche's in the software engineering domain are stereotypical algorithmic computations and data structures. Examples of algorithmic cliche's are list enumeration, binary search, and quick-sort. Examples of data-structure cliche's are sorted list, priority queue, and ash table. Several experiments [58, 83 128, 142] give empirical data supporting the psychological reality of cliche's and their role in understanding programs. In trying to understand a pro- gram, an experienced programmer may recognize parts of the program's design by identify- ing cliche'd computational structures in the code. Knowing how these structures implement other more abstract structures, the programmer can build a hierarchical description of the program's design. We call this process program recognition. Program recognition is one technique, among several, used by programmers in the more general task of understanding programs. 1. 1 Motivations It is because hman software egineers recognize cliche's that we would like to automate program recognition. This gives us both theoretical and practical motivations. From a theoretical standpoint, automated program recognition is an interesting artificial 5 Chapter intelligence problem. It is an ideal task for studying how programming knowledge and experience can be represented and used. (However, in automating program recognition, the goal is not to mimic the cognitive process used by programmers to recognize cliche's, but to mimic only the use of experiential knowledge in the form of cliche's to achieve a similar result of understanding the program.) Our practical motivation stems from an interest in building automated systems tat assist software engineers with tasks requiring program understanding, such as specting maintaining, and reusing software. Such collaboration requires that the automated assistant be able to communicate with engineers in the same way as they communicate with each other when performing these tasks. They refer to instances of cliche's and assume knowledge of their well-known properties and behaviors. For example, they might discuss changing a program from using an ordered associative linked list to using a hash table to gain efficiency. They discuss the change at a hgh level of abstraction and 'ustify their design decisions using the established properties of the cliche's. They are also able to explain te design of a program to each other on multiple levels of abstraction. They can convince each other of the properties or behavior of a program by pointing ot the existence of cliche's in its design and then leveraging off the accumulated body of experience surrounding the cliche's. The known properties of the cliche's are used directly, rather than constructing formal proofs or performing formal complexity analyses to establish that the properties hold. If an automated assistant is to collaborate with human engineers in the same way, it must share the same knowledge of cliche's and their properties. It must be able to recognize instances of cliche's, without requiring the human engineer to explicitly identify and locate them in a program. This recognition ability would be a valuable component of automated software tools and assistants that perform tasks requiring program understanding. They would be able to explain their understanding of the program in terms familiar to a human engineer. They can respond to requests from the engineer that are phrased in terms of abstract computational structures in the program, rather than low-level commands that spell out actions to be performed on language primitives. (For example, Waters' KBEmacs 116, 117, 139 sows how an automated assistant can aid a human engineer while communicating at a high-level of abstraction. In KBEmacs, this model is constructed as the program is being built. A tool like KBEmacs can be used to maintain existing code (not written with the help of KBEmacs), if the cliche's from which the code is constructed are recognized.) Incorporating an automated recognition system into software tools and assistants yields more than just communications benefits for human-computer interaction. By mimicking the human engineer's "short-cut" to understanding a program's design, an automated recogni- tion system provides an efficient way to reconstruct design information. It bypasses complex reasoning about how beliaviors and properties arise from a certain combination of language primitives. The behaviors and roperties can be used directly by these tools. Collaboration between a person and an automated recognition system is mutually ben- 6 eficial. An automated recognition system provides capabilities which complement te per- son's abilities. An atomated system has significantly better memory capabilities than a person. These are valuable in maintaining multiple possible views of te program and in keeping track of details about w1tat has been found so far. Also, some cliche's may be easier for the computer to recognize because they are hidden or delocalized i the textual code representation, but are localized in the computer's 'Internal representation. On the other hand, people have some capabilities that can greatly aid the recognition system. They may have access to many different sources of knowledge about the program, beyond the source code, including its goals or specification, documentation, comments, execution traces, a model of the problem domain, and typical properties of the program's inputs and outputs. Even though some of this information can be incomplete ad inaccurate, it provides an important independent source of expectations about a program's purpose and design. These expectations can be used to guide the recognition system by focusing its search on particular parts of a program for particular cliche's. The person can also provide information not easily recoverable from the code which can help the recognition system to recognize more of te program. For example, the person can undo an optimization that takes advantage of an opportune dataflow equality. This may uncover a dataflow dependency that must exist for a particular cliche' to be recognized. (More concrete instances of the type of information that can help push the recognition of some cliche's through are described in Section 52.) Automated tools are also being developed to aid the human egineer in extracting design information and generating expectations from many different sources in addition to the code. An exemplary system is DESIRE, which i's being developed by Biggerstaff 12, 13]. A central part of DESIRE is a rich domain model, which contains machine-processable forms of design expectations for a particular domain as well as informal semantic concepts. It includes typical module breakdowns and typical terminology associated with programs in a particular problem domain. Techniques for recognizing patterns of organization ad linguistic idioms i the program are being developed to generate expectations of the typical concepts associated with these patterns. These expectations can be used to quickly draw attention to sections of the program where there may be cliche's related to a particular concept in the domain. Other more conventional techniques for reverse engineering large programs have focused on extracting a given system's module structure. This is typically done by sing clustering [62] and slicing 59, 140, 141] techniques, which bring together parts of a program based on identifier and procedure names, data dependencies, and call relationships, among other fea- tures 13, 19, 46, 51, 561 1237 1241 143]. Programming and maintenance evironments, such as MicroScope 7 Cleveland's system 20], and Marvel 66], provide tools for performing various types of dependency, dynamic, and impact analyses and for browsing the results in the form of call graphs, dataflow graphs, execution histories, and program slices. These techniques and evironments can contribute to a user's understanding of a pro- 7 gram. While they alone do not provide a deep understanding, they extract information that can help a person generate advice and expectations. Based on these the person can guide an automated recognition system, so that a deeper understanding may be obtained. The results of recognition can in turn enhance the capabilities of these automated techniques by providing a more abstract view of a program. For example, dependencies between more abstract data objects can be computed ad used to create more abstract dusters. 1.2 Toward a Hybrid Program Understanding System Because program understanding requires many different techniques besides program recog- nition, and draws upon various sources of knowledge besides the code, program under- standing systems of the future will be hybrid systems. They will 'integrate many different special-purpose components for extracting design information from a program and its asso- ciated documentation, domain model, etc. The components will communicate with human engineers, who can provide additional guidance and information. The benefits of such co-operation between specialists i solving complex problems that require several, diverse types of knowledge are well known. For example, research in black- board architectures 37, 63, 99] and hybrid knowledge representation systems 113] study ways of achieving co-operative problem solving. Figure 1-1 shows a model of a hybrid program -understanding system. It is roughly divided into two complementary processes: expectation-driven (top-down) and code-driven (bottom-up). The heuristic top-down process uses knowledge such as the program's goals, domain model, and documentation to generate expectations about the program's design. These can be used to guide the code-driven process, which can confirm, amend, or reject them by checking tem against the code. Since there are many different types of things a egineer or application tool might wish to understand about a program, the program understanding system can be directed by specific questions from the engineer or application. The details of this hybrid system have not yet been fleshed out. We believe that a key part of the code-driven component is an automated recognition system. The labels on the communication links between the expectation-driven and code-driven components are useful inputs and outputs to a code-driven system based on recognition. However, these do not entirely specify the communication between, or the nature of, these components. Also, the diagram is not meant to imply that all the techniques integrated into the hybrid system are either solely code-driven or expectation-driven. Some may themselves be hybrids. Some of the questions that must be answered in the design of such a hybrid system are what techniques should be incorporated and what is the appropriate division of labor between them? Tere are also managerial problems in the co-ordination of techniques and the integration of different types of knowledge ad representations 93]. Determining which techniques to icorporate and what their idividual responsibilities 8 Applications Bare Source Code Figure 1-1 A ybrid program understanding system. 9 are requires analyzing the candidate techniques to determine their relative strengths, mi- tations, and computational expense. Our research takes a step toward the long-term goal of a hybrid program understanding system by exploring the strengths and weaknesses of a particular program recognition technique. In particular, we develop and study a graph parsing approach to program recognition. This approach represents the program in a dataflow graph representation and the cche library in a graph grammar and then uses graph parsing to recognize cliche's 'in the code. The grammar rules capture implementation relationships between the cches. The parsing technique yields a hierarchical description of a plausible design of the program in the form of derivation trees specifying the cches found and their relationships to each otl-ter. We demonstrate that te flow graph parsing approach is a feasible and -useful way to automate program recognition. We also identify its shortcomings. This information will help us to make the appropriate division of labor between te integrated components of the hybrid program understanding system. To do this, we developed an experimental system that performs recognition on realistic, medium-sized programs. Given a program and a ibrary of cches, it finds all occurrences of the cches in the program ad builds a hierarchical description of the program in terms of the cches found. (In general, there may be several such descriptions.) We call or system GRASPR, which stands for "GRAph-based system for Program Recognition." 1.3 'What 'is Involved 'in Automating Program Recognition. To atomatically recognize interesting cliche's in real-world programs, a number of issues must be addressed. This section discusses the key issues. What are the cliche's? We must identify the cches that programmers use. These include both general programming ches that most programmers -use (e.g., those found in textbooks on programming 3 21, 76]) and domain-specific cches that are used to solve particular problems. For the results of recognition to be useful, we also need to collect the information that is associated with each cliche', such as its behavior, pre- and post- conditions, complexity, and common design rationale for choosing it. In general, cche library acquisition requires domain modeling, which is itself an entire area of active research [106]. How are cliche's and programs encoded? Once cches are identified, they must be ex- pressed in a machine-manipulable form which makes relationships between the cches ex- plicit. To facilitate recognition, the representation of cches and programs should suppress details that obscure the similarity between two istances of the same cliche'. A negative example is a textual representation of cches and programs. The program text contains details about how data and control flow is achieved in terms of programming language constructs. This introduces syntactic variation across programs that achieve the same data and control flow but use different constructs or different programming languages. Other 10 types of variation besides syntactic nclude variations 'in the 'Implementations of some ab- stract cliche', the organization of components, the amount of redundant computation, and the contiguousness (or localization) of cliche's. These are described further in Sections 23.1, 5.1, and 52. The representation should remove as much variation as possible between two instances of the same cliche'. How are cliche's recognized efficiently? The recognition technique must deal with vari- ation, allow partial recognition of a program, and have a flexible control strategy. To deal with the variation that the chosen representation cannot eliminate, the recognition tech- nique might view the program in multiple ways and at several levels of abstraction, or introduce transformations to reveal the similarities between programs and cche's. In addition to dealing with variation, the recognition technique should aow partial recognition of the program, since programs are rarely constructed entirely of cliche's. Unfa- miliar parts of the program must not deter recognition of the familiar parts. Finally, the recognition technique should have a flexible control strategy, particularly if it 'is expected to interact with other components in a hybrid system. There may be a range of possible inputs to the recognition system as well as a variety of types of outputs desired from it. The types of inputs to the recognition system that tend to vary are the advice given to guide the search for cliche's and the expectations and hypotheses generated from external knowledge sources. These vary depending on the amount of information that already exists about the program and its development (e.g., in its associated documentation). The input also changes as the recognition system and expectation-driven components interact. The task to which recognition is being applied also affects the type of iformation available as iput. For example, in debugging, verification, or program tutoring applications, a specification of the program 'is often available from which strong gidance can be generated, while this information is often lacking in maintaining old code. The application task can also place restrictions on the time and space allotted to the recognition system. For example, a real-time response may be required of the system if a person is using it interactively as an assistant in maintaining code. In this situation, it may be more desirable to quickly recognize cliche's that are more "obvious" rather than spending more time to un'cover cliche's that are more hidden (e.g., by an optimization which must be undone for them to be revealed). It should be possible to prioritize the search for certain cliche's so that obvious ones are recognized early, while still reserving a "try harder" phase in which te more hidden cliche's can be found. This allows us to gain efficiency without permanently sacrificing completeness. Not only 'is it important that the recognition system be responsive to directions and additional information besides the code, it must have a control strategy that is flexible enough to perform a variety of recognition tasks. There are many reasons a hman engineer or some application tool may want recognition to be performed, since they typically want to understand many different things about a program. The recognition task depends on what needs to be understood. For example, if the recognition system is going to be applied 11 'NWNN- to verification, it can -use a strategy that finds any complete recognition of the program. On the other hand, if it were applied to documentation generation, it would be better for it to produce all possible fll, as well as partial, analyses. For applications in which ear- misses of cliche's should be recognized, such as debugging te best partial aalysis m ht be desired. A flexible control strategy is needed that can be tailored to a variety of different recognition tasks. To summarize the main issues in automating recognition are: acquiring the cliche' i- brary, choosing a representation and ecient technique tliat tolerates variation, and provid- ing a flexible control strategy. This report deals primarily with the problems of tolerating variation and providing a flexible, efficient recognition technique. It deals secondarily with the cliche' acquisition problem by dscussing experiences in manually acquiring or cliche' library. It does not discuss aids for acquisition. 1.4 Graph Parsing Approach There are two key aspects of our approach. 1. Representation shift: Instead of looking for cliche's directly 'in the source code, GRASPR translates the program and cliche's into a language-independent, graphical representa- tion. The cliche's and the relationships between them are encoded in graph grammar rules. 2. Flexible recognition architecture: Recognition is achieved by parsing the program's graphical representation in accordance with the graph grammar encoding of the cliche's. A chart parsing algorithm is used which makes search and control strategies explicit, enabling them to accept advice and additional 'Information from external agents. Figure 12 shows GRASPR's architecture. In keeping with the bottom-up nature of the recognition process, the figure shows the program and cliche' library inputs at the bottom and the more abstract results of recognition at the top. The recognition process is to be read upward. This also makes it easier to see how GRASPR fits 'into te hybrid system shown in Figure I . GRASPR translates the program into a flow graph, which is a restricted type of directed acyclic graph (as is described in Section 3 Basically, the graph represents operations in its nodes and dataflow dependencies between them in its edges. It is annotated with attributes which represent additional information about the program, for example, its control flow. A program is translated into an attributed flow graph in two steps. The first step per- forms a data ad control flow analysis of the program to yield a Plan Calculus representation of it. The Plan Calculus is a program representation developed by Rich, Shrobe, and Wa- ters [110, 111, 112 117, 127, 137] in which a program is captured in an annotated directed 12 ,-,sign ,,, s) Advice - ----------------- -------i------ I I I --f )so (Flow Graph) Encode a Plan Translate It Source Code Attributes Figure 12: GRASPR's architecture. 13 --IWW -- + Constraints 0 ---- " "-30- (Flow Graph Grammar) Encode I ------- __j Cliche Library (Plans and Overlays) graph, called a plan. The structure of this graph explicitly captures both data and control flow, as well as aggregate data structure accessors and constructors, and recursion. The second step of the translation encodes the plan in a attributed flow graph representation. The Plan Calculus is used as a stepping stone in the translation of the program to an attributed flow graph. The main reason the program is not translated directly to the flow graph is that the attributes are easier to compute from te plan than to generate in one shot during the data and control flow analysis. A secondary reason is that GRASPR is intended as one component of an intelligent software engineering assistant, called the Programmer's Apprentice (PA) 117]. By being able to encode plans in its internal flow graph representation, GRASPR can more easily interface to other components of the PA, which all sare the Plan Calculus representation. The Plan Calculus is also a representation that has been found useful in representing the cliche' library. It aows relationships between cliche's to be captured in the form of overlays. These represent the kowledge that an instance of one cliche' can be viewed as an instance of another (e.g., a specification cche ad an implementation cliche'). Cliche's are translated from a Plan Calculus representation to an attributed flow graph grammar by a process similar to the encoding of plans 'in attributed flow graphs. The gram- mar rules encode the relationships specified in overlays. Each rule also places constraints on the attributes of any flow graph structurally matching the rule's right-hand side. These constraints explicitly encode the variations that are aowed 'in the values of attributes in cliche' instances. Once the program and cliche' library are encoded 'in an attributed flow graph and flow graph grammar, recognition is achieved by parsing the flow graph in accordance with the grammar. Constraint checking is interleaved with parsing for efficiency (as described in Sections 32.3 and 62.2). Essentially, graph parsing matches the dataflow structure of cliche's and constraint checking deals with the other details of cliche's that cannot be represented in te graph structure or are sources of too much variation if graphically represented. Parsing yields hierarchical descriptions of the program's design in te form of the possible derivations of the program's flow graph from the flow graph grammar that was extracted from the cliche library. These are called design trees. By shifting the representation of programs and cliche's from text to a flow graph, GRASPR is able to overcome man of the difficulties of syntactic variation and noncontiguousness. It abstracts away the syntactic features of the code, exposing the program's algorithmic structure. It concisely captures the data and control flow of programs, independent of the language in which they are written. Also, many cliche's that are delocalized in the program text are much more localized in the flow graph representation. The graph grammar captures relationships between cliche's so that the results of recog- nition can be given on multiple levels of abstraction. Grammar rules relate abstract cliche's to their implementations. This enables GRASPR to deal with implementation variation: two implementation cliche's can be recognized as the same abstract cliche'. The grammar also 14 captures commonalities between cliche's so that large numbers of cliche's can be encoded more compactly. In using a graph parsing approach, we are not trying to mmic the recognition process of human programmers. No claim is being made that formal parsing 'is a psychologically valid model of how programmers understand existing programs. For the present work, a grammar is simply a useful way to encode the programmer's experiential knowledge about programming so that parsing can be used for program recognition. 1.5 Goals and Contributions The goal of this research is to show that graph parsing is a good computational model for atomating program recognition, and to identify its capabilities and limitations We demonstrate t1te following: 0 We can encode many interesting programming cliche's and the relationships between them 'in a flow graph grammar. 0 The flow graph formalism provides an effective representation for tolerating many classes of variation. * Flow graph parsing can be -used to recognize the cliche's. The derivation trees that result provide a useful herarchical description of the program, over multiple levels of abstraction. e imitations in the power of te recognition system to recognize certain cliche's can be alleviated by accepting additional des n nformation from an external agent suc as a person), who is interacting with it. * ecognition by flow graph parsing can be performed efficiently in real-world situations. * The complexity of the recognition process can be controlled if the parser's control strategy is sufficiently flexible and responsive to advice from an external agent. We sow these things by experimenting with real-world program examples, which are medium-sized (in the 500 to 1000 line range) simulation programs written in Common Lp by members of a parallel-processing research group at MIT. (Section 22 describes them further.) We are able to express both general programming cliche's and cliche's from the simulation domain in a flow graph grammar. GRASPR recognizes these cches in the example programs efficiently. Our experimentation also reveals shortcomings in our graph parsing approach. Many of the limitations can be compensated for by other techniques and by using other sources of knowledge which may be available 'in the context of a hybrid program understanding system. 15 The specific contributions of this research are the following. (This list includes brief statements of how tese contributions advance the state-of-the-art of recognition research. More details on related research are given in Section 73.) * We develop ad se a flow graph grammar formalism in which programs and cliche's can be concisely represented so that much variation is eliminated and relationships between cliche's are encoded. This graph-based representation has significant advantages over the text-based rep- resentations sed by many other recognition systems, particularly in dealing with syntactic variation. * We present a recognition architecture with a general, flexible control structure that can accept advice and gidance from external agents. The trade-off between recognition power and computational expense can be explicitly controlled so that some cliche's are recognized quickly, while other more expensive recognitions are postponed to a try- harder" pase. The algorithm exhaustively finds all possible recognitions of cliche's and can generate mltiple views of a program as well as partial "near-miss" recognitions. This architecture forms a seed for a hybrid program understanding system,., Other recognition systems are committed to a rigid (often ad hoc) control strategy. Most search for a single best terpretation of the program, while permanently ctting off alternatives. They often build heuristics into the system for controlling cost t1lat are chosen on a trial-and-error basis. They cannot try harder later to incrementally increase teir power. They also cannot generate multiple views of the program when desired, nor provide partial information when only near-misses of cliche's are present. Some recognition techniques can use information obtained from one or two other techniques (e.g., theorem proving or dynamic aalysis of program executions) with which they are 'integrated. Many recognition techniques also take information about the goals and purpose of the program (in the form of a specification or model program). While these techniques show the -utility of these additional sources of information, they rely on this information being given as input, rather tan accepting it and responding to it if it becomes available. * We analyze the graph parsing approach to program recognition to determine how it would fit into the context of a hybrid program understanding system. We address the questions: - What types of variations is the technique robust under? What types of variations are a problem. What other techniques must be used to remove the variation? - Are graph grammars expressiveness enough to ecode programming cliche's? - Is the technique feasible for large programs.? How can the cost be controlled? 16 The observations we make 'in this analysis are based o our experiences in applying GRASPR to the recognition of two example programs. Tey do not represent com- plete lists of the capabilities and lmitations of the graph parsing approach. Further experimentation is needed with more programs and in multiple problem domains. Much of the early work in program recognition provides no analysis of te represen- tations or techniques used. More recent research icludes some empirical analysis, typically studying the accuracy of recognition and the recognition rates over sets of programs (usually student programs in program tutoring applications). With the exception of Hartman's work [55], discussions of limitations have focused mainly on practical implementational limitations, rather than on general limitations of the ap- proach. They also do not describe how additional information or guidance can help. Our recognition system is able to recognize programs and cliche's containing a wide range of types of program features. In particular, it is able to represent and recognize programs that contain conditionals, loops with any number of exits, recursion, ag- gregate-data structures, ad simple side effects due to assignments. (Suggestions for future work in dealing with side effects to mutable data structures are given in Sec- tion 72.4.) This allows GRASPR to recognize larger programs than existing recognition systems. It also enables encoding and recognition of domain-specific cliches as well as general-purpose ones, since many domain-specific licl-tes are aggregate data structure cliche's. This allows empirical study of our recognition technique on programs that are not contrived nor biased toward our work. With the exception of CPU 84], existing recognition systems cannot handle aggregate data structure cliche's and a majority do not handle recursion. Talus 95] heuristically handles some side effects to lists and arrays. The largest program recognized by any existing recognition system is a 300-line database program recognized by CPU. All other systems work with programs on the order of tens of lines. None deal with domain-specific cliche's, except Laubsch's system [81, 82]. A secondary contribution is a graph parsing algorithm which is an extension of the parsers of Lutz 90] and Brotsky [15] to handle a wder class of graph grammars. In particular, it i's able to parse graph grammars that encode aggregation, which hierar- chically groups graph edges, not 'ust nodes. This algorithm has potential applications in areas other tan program recognition, e.g., circuit verification and plan recognition. Section 72 discusses some applications. We do not contribute automated aids to the acquisition of the cliche' library. However, we do discuss our experiences in manually acquiring the cliche's. This type of discussion has not appeared in any other work on program recognition of which we are aware. 17 1.6 Outline of Report Chapter 2 describes the cliche' library and our experiences in acquiring it. It also demon- strates GRASPR's recognition of these cliche's in the example simulation programs. Chapter 3 describes the flow gra-Ph formalism which forms the basis of or representation shift. It also presents a flow grapIt chart parsing algorithm, which provides a flexible recognition control strategy. It includes a summary of related work in te general area of graph grammar formalisms. Chapter 4 gves details of issues that arise in applying flow graph parsing to program recogialRion and how GRASPR solves them. Chapter discusses te capabilities and limitations of te parsing approach in terms of the variations tolerated, and the expressive- ness of flow graph grammars. Chapter 6 studies the computational cost of our approach, both empirically and analytically. Finally, Chapter 7 concludes with a summary of the strengths ad weaknesses of the parsing approach, ideas for future work particularly in te context of a hybrid system),and a brief comparative summary of related work in program recognition. 18 ---- --- - Chapter 2 e novv e e, ro ranl /or us an eco ni ion xairn es An important part of automating program recognition is codifying the knowledge that experienced programmers use to recognize programs. This knowledge is in the form of algorithmic and data structure cliche's. It includes both general-purpose cliche's that occur1 in. in programs over a problem domains, as well as those spedfic to a particular doma' Our library must capture and express these cliche's at a level of abstraction that aows them to be recognized in a broad range of programs. The ideal is that the cliche's be concisely represented, but efficiently recognized i many forms. Recognition of a cche should be immune to many common syntactic and implementational variations. For example, the same cliche's should be recognized in programs that differ only in which syntactic binding and control constructs they use or in which programming languages they are written. Also, an abstract cched operation that exists 'in two programs should be recognized in both even if the programs differ in which standard implementation of the operation is used. This capter discusses the cliche's we have captured so far in our library. It also describes the corpus of programs we chose on which to base both our cliche' acquisition and our empirical study of recognition. Finally, it gives examples of the capabilities of GRASPR in recognizing these cliche's not only in our example corpus, but also in a range of variations of them. (Chapter 3 discusses the formalism we use to abstractly and concisely capture our cliche's to make this possible.) Our examples provide both a demonstration of what is feasible as well as motivation for our formalism and recognition technique. A 2.1 'What are the Cliches. Our cliche' library contains a core set of general-purpose, "utility" cliche's, along with a set of cliche's from the domain of sequential simulation. The domain-specific cliche's are built on top of the core utility cliche's (i.e., they use utility cliche's as components or implementations) The general-purpose cliche's are well-known, widely used algorithms and data structures, 19 sucli as tose described in introductory computer science textbooks (e.g., 3, 21, 76]). They are found in programs across all problem domains. They include common operations on priority queues, hash tables, lists, and first-in-first-out (FIFO) qeues, as well as basic iteration cliche's, such as sequence eumeration, fltering, umulat' , d counting. The domain-specific cliche's in our library are found in programs that sequentially simu- late parallel systems. More specifically, we have encoded the subset of common algorithms and data structures found 'in this domain that are used to sequentially simulate essage- passing parallel systems. A message-passing system contains a collection of processing nodes which communicate witIt each other via messages. Each processing node contains a processor, a network in- terface, and a block of distributed memory. The message-passing system takes a program in the form of a set of message handlers and a starting message. The program begins by sending the starting message to its destination node. The node executes the handler for that message's type. In addition to changing the state of the node, this can cause the node to send messages to other nodes (e.g., to request the value of some variable or to delegate some sub-tasks). When these messages are handled by their destination nodes, additional messages might be sent. It is possible for a message to be received by a node while it is handling another message. Therefore, each node has a local buffer which accumulates the messages received while the node is busy. When the node finishes handling a message, if its buffer is non-empty, the node plls a message from te buffer and handles it. The buffer is emptied in FIFO order. This is done to maintain the invariant that two messages received by the same node must be handled in the order in which they are received. The behavior just described is simulated by the programs in which our library's domain- specific cliche's are found. This is a subset of the actual behavior of a real message-passing system, which also includes routing messages through the network, for example. However, this simplified model is a typical one smulated in parallel architecture research. The simu- lation allows statistics to be gathered on such properties as the number of nodes busy over time (a measure of concurrency), average message execution times, and average message waiting times. 2.1.1 Simulation-Domain Context It is instructive to see how the domain we have chosen fits 'Into the larger world of simulation programs. It is a subset of the problem domain of sequential simulation, as opposed to par- allel simulation, of parallel systems. Our cliche' library contains only sequential algorithmic cliches. Within the domain of sequential simulation, there are two types of simulators: discrete- event and continuous. Discrete-event simulators model the behavior of a system over discrete points in time. Continuous simulators model behavior that is characterized by state t1tat 20 changes continuously. Continuous smulators typically solve a set of differential equations that express how the system's state changes over time. Continuous simulation is used for example, to study lieat dssipation in computer systems.) Our simulation cliche's are found in discrete-event simulators. The discrete points in time at which a message-passing system can be modeled are when a message is sent, received, or handled. Within the domain of discrete-event sequential simulation, our class of simulator pro- grams are most similar to simulators that model queueing systems 91]. In a queueing system, there is a collection of one or more servers which service tokens (sometimes called 44 customers"). There 'is a notion of arrival time and processing time of tokens; tokens et9 buffered 'in a ueue if they arrive while a server is busy. The queueing discipline is typically first-in, first-out, but it can be a different one 'if tokens need not be serviced in the order in which they arrive. A common real-world situation captured by te queueing system model is the servicing of bank customers by one or more tellers, where the customers wait in a single line. The queueing system model (using a FIFO queueing discipline) 'is similar to the message- passing mltiprocessor model. Servers are analogous to processing nodes and servicing a token 'is analogous to handling a message. However, there are two key differences. One is that in the queueing system, servicing a token does not create new tokens which feed back to the servers. In the message-passing machine model, handling a message .can cause new messages to be sent. The other key difference 'is that in the queueing system model, the waiting tokens are not targeted for 'a particular server to service. Whichever server is idle when a token 'is removed from the qeue is the one that gets the job. In the message- passing model, on the other hand, each message is sent to a particular node for handling. The message's destination is determined when the message is sent. Our class of simulator programs can be seen as modeling a multi-que-ue multi-server system with feedback (in which tokens are targeted for particular servers ad servers have local FIFO queues for buffering tokens when the server is busy)- 2.1.2 Informal Cliche' Acquisition Strategy In acquiring our domain-specific cliche's, we used an informal strategy. (Developing a do- main modeling methodology for cliche' acquisition is beyond the scope of this research.) We worked in two directions. One was bottom up by manually understanding two program examples in our domain. (These are described in Section 22.) This aowed us to identify concrete computational structures that were -used 'in the simulators' designs. The differences between the two programs in implementing the same high level operation helped -us to gen- eralize our cliche's. The similarities between the programs pointed out common components that some cliche's shared. We were fortunate in that the authors of the programs were ac- cessible for aswering our questions about the design of te programs. Their explanations helped us not only to understand the programs, but also to identify the cliche's since the 21 authors often referred to algorithms and data structures tat they considered to be typical. Our second direction was top-down. We read textbooks 'in the area of simulation, such as 91, 151], to pick up the vocabulary and descriptions of typical high-level computational structures that are used. We then mapped these down to portions of the example programs that embody them. In identifying the cliche's to be captured, we tried to 'Identify te most general form of each cliche and then express it in a way that canonicalized specializations of it. (This was done both by using an abstract representation and by providing mechanisms for viewing specializations as the more general form.) However, sometimes this canonicalization was not possible and we needed to include specializations of the cliche' in the library along with the generalized forms. In these cases, we relied on empirical frequency of occurrence of the specialized forms, to avoid enumerating all possible variations (which can be expensive and incomplete) This issue came up most frequently in trying to capture cliched operations on aggre- gate data structures. We encountered three distinguished ty-Des of parts of aggregate data structures: o Primary - a part that holds a piece of data directly. (For example, a Hash Table data structure contains a Buckets part which is usually an array). o Handle - a part that is used to look up a primary part. (For example, a data structure might contain a primary part Node that represents a processing node or it might contain an integer (an identification number) that is used to index into another data structure to retrieve the structure representing a node.) o Secondary - a piece of data that is an unnecessary part of a data structure in tat it can be computed from a primary part or a handle part of the data structure. These are usually cached values. (For example, a CircnIar-Indexed Sequence includes a sequence part, and two 'Indices which keep track of te bounds on the filled-in portion of the sequence. It can have an additional secondary part which keeps a running count of the number of elements in the Circular-Indexed sequence. This part 'is unnecessary because it can be computed from the size of the sequence ad the boundary indices.) If we were to capture a aggregate data cliche's in their general form - as aggregates of only primary parts - we would have trouble recognizing them in cases where handles are used and in cases where secondary (cached) parts are used to circumvent computation performed on primary parts. So, we capture these specialized forms, bt only if they are common. That is, we capture data cliche's that are common optimizations and common uses of handles. Sometimes an optimization of some generalized cliche' 'is possible in the particular context in which it is used, but this optimization is not a common one. Perhaps 'it takes advantage of a rare alignment with other cches or of opportune dataflow equalities. Since it is not 22 common it is not in the cliche' library. (Likewise for handles.) Unless we can undo the optimization or use of a handle, the recognition of the cliche' win be hindered. Section 5.1.5 describes a class of common optimizations which can be undone. Sections 5.2.2- and 52.1 discuss some optimizations and uses of handles that should be able to be undone, but which require advice from an external agent. 2.1.3 Sequential Simulation Cliches There are two common designs for sequential smulators of parallel systems. One is a synchronous simulation, which mimics the real system by maintaining a global clock and simulating the actions of the nodes in "lock-step." On each tick of the clock, the simulator 4 advances" each node by simulating what the node would do in te real system on that clock tck. In this type of simulation, all simulated nodes are synchronized to the global clock. At each clock tck te state of the simulated nodes gives a snapshot of te state of the system at the time represented by the clock tick. The other common sequential simulator design is event-driven. In this type of simulator, there is an agenda of events, which represent work to be done by the nodes. The simulator iteratively pulls an event from the agenda ad performs the work associated with it. This may cause new events to be generated, which are added to the agenda. The simulation ends when the agenda is empty. Unlike in synchronous imulation, the actions of the nodes are simulated asynchronously rather than all being in step with a global clock. The nodes each keep track of their own local time, which is updated when they process an event. Our cliche' library contains algorithmic ad data structure cliche's that make up the designs of event-driven ad synchronous simulators for message-passing systems. The next two sections discuss these designs and the cliche's from which they are constructed. A Common Synchronous Simulation Design A common design -used in synchronous simulators of message-passing systems has data structures representing processing nodes and messages. (In this discussion, we denote the data structure representing a node as SYNCH-NODE to distinguish it from the real processing node. Similarly, MESSAGE denotes the data structure representing a real message.) Each SYNCH-NODE contains a Local-Buffer part, whose value is a FIFO eue of messages, and a Memory part which represents the state of the node being represented. Each MESSAGE data structure contains a Destination-Address which specifies the node to which the message it represents was sent. It also typically contains a message Type, which 'is used to look -up a handler for the message, Arguments which are used 'in executing the handler, and Storage- Requirements which specify how much local memory space is need to store arguments and locals during handler execution. All SYNCH-NODEs are collected in a sequence, called an ADDRESS-MAP, which maps an nteger address to a SYNCH-NODE. The SYNCH-NODE indexed by an integer i is the one representing the 23 real node whose address is i in te machine being simulated A global buffer of MESSAGEs is also maintained to help model message delivery delay, as 'is explained below. A common algorithm -used for synchronous simulation proceeds as follows. The sim-u- lation is begun by adding a "start" MESSAGE, which is given as input, to the global MESSAGE buffer. On each iteration of the simulation, the following actions are taken. * A termination condition is checked ad if satisfied, the simulation stops. This condi- tion is that the global MESSAGE buffer ad a the Local-Buffers of the SYNCH-NODEs are empty. * The MESSAGEs in the global buffer are "delivered," which means each is placed in te Local-Buffer of te SYNCH-NODE to which they were sent (i.e., the SYNCH-NODE in the ADDRESS-MAP indexed by the MESSAGE's Destination-Address part). * Each SYNCH-NODE is polled to see if it has any work to do, i.e., if it has any MESSAGEs in its Local-Buffer. If so, a MESSAGE is pulled from the buffer maintaining FIFO order) and handled. If any new MESSAGEs are sent as a result, they are buffered in the global MESSAGE buffer. The global MESSAGE buffer is used to esure that delivery delay is modeled. Buffering the MESSAGEs sent during a clock cycle prevents a message from being sent and handled during the same cycle. The invariant that messages to the same node are handled in the order in which they are received is modeled by using a FIFO queue to locally buffer the MESSAGEs that a SYNCH-NODE must handle. A MESSAGE will not be handled by a SYNCH-NODE until all the MESSAGEs enqueued on the FIFO qeue ahead of it have been handled. What it means for a MESSAGE to be "handled" (or what action of a processing node is simulated) by the simulator varies across simulators. It depends on why a simulation is being performed and which aspects of a message-passing system are of interest. For example, some smulators might want to simulate the message handler execution on the node 'in order to gather statistics about operation frequencies or average message -execution time on each node. Other simulators might only want to simulate message sends that result from handler execution, in order to gather information about average message waiting times, typical size of buffers needed, and the number of nodes busy. In addition, the set of message handling actions that are simulated varies over the machines that are being simulated. Te machine architecture of a real node determines which actions 'it performs; only these can be simulated. We have begun to identify and capture some cliche's in the area of simulating node actions. These include algorithms for looking up and executing message handlers as wen as cliche's found in the domain of program execution. Below we discuss the cliche's we have captured so far and Section 52 describes the difficulties we encountered in acquiring them. 24 Although we have identified some cliche's 'in thi's area, it is unlikely that the code for simulating the actions of nodes will always be a cliche'. There is a wide variety of reasons to simulate a message-passing system, resulting in a wide range of node behaviors to mimic. This variation is reflected in the diverse code responsible for smulating a node's actions. So, we also look at the issues involved when an integral part of an algorithmic. cliche' for synchronous or event-driven simulation may be filled with unfamiliar, non-cliche'd code. It is difficult to encode such a cliche' in a flow graph grammar so that it can be recognized by graph parsing. This is discussed in Sections 41.4 and 52.3. There are many variations of the algorithm described in this section that still achieve synchronous smulation. For example, on each iteration, our algorithm performs three actions in the following order: test for termination, deliver messages, and poll and advance nodes by one step. The other variations of this algorithm in which a different ordering is used also perform synchronous simulation. However, the current cliche' library contains only the one given above as an algorithmic cliche'. Section 52 discusses the problems we face in trying to concisely encode and recognize the other variations. The algorithm and data structures used 'in this synchronous simulation design are cap- tured in our cliche library as cliche's. However, the cliche's are not flat structures, but are hierarchically built out of other cliche's. The hierarchical organization aows sharing of common sub-computations among cliche's, which helps us avoid redoing work during recog- nition. This also highlights the salient characteristics between two similar cche's which is useful in controlling recognition cost and choosing between near-miss recognitions of the cliche's. (However, no static organization can do this perfectly, since saliency is relative.) Figure 21 shows the names of the algorithmic cliche's upon which the Synchronous- Simulation algorithmic cliche' is built. Lines connecting the names indicate relationships between the named cliche's. (This is only a portion of the cliche' library. Figure 23 shows additional algorithmic cliche's used in a common event-driven simulation design which is described in the next section. Also, the fringe of the trees in Fgures 21 and 23 contain the names of general-purpose cliche's and small triangles to 'Indicate that the sub-tree of cliche' names upon which they are built is not shown. Refer to Figure 25 for these cliche' names and how they relate to the other general-purpose cliche's in the lbrary.) Figure 22 shows the aggregate data cliche's in our library and how they relate to each other. The trees of cliche' names are shown only to give a flavor of the structure of the cliche' library. More description of the cliche's and details of how they are encoded are given in Section 41. There are three types of relationships between the cliche's i the library. One type of relationship is composition: Cliche's may contain other cliche's as parts. (This relation is shown in the trees of Figures 21 and 22 as a set of branching lines, grouped by a circular arc. The root name represents a cliche' that is composed of the cliche's named by te branches.) For example, the aggregate data structure SYNCH-NODE consists of two parts a Buffer ad 25 Sequential-Simulation-of-Message-Passing-System Synchronous-Simulation Event-Driven-Simulation Synchronous-Simulation w-Global-Message-Buffer Queue-Insert Generate-Global-Buffers-and-Nodes Earliest-Simulation-Fnished x x Stack- FIFO- Priority-Queue Deliver-Messages-and-Step-Nodes Synchronous-Simulation-Fni. Push Enqueue. Insert Deliver-Messages Advance-Nodes Global-and-Local-Buffers-Err I I s-Empt ? Queue-E ty? tte-Nodes- Stack- FIFO- Priority- uffers Empty? Empty? Queue, Empty? Local-Buffers- Always-Empty? x Local-Buffer- Non-Empty? FIFO Y? ished? iTty? Enumerate-and-Deliver-Messages Destructive- Deliver- Queue-Enumeration Message- Accumulate x Deliver-Message Lookup-Node-and-Enqueue- and-Update Lookup- Local-Buffer- Record-at- Destination Enqueue Destination Select-Term FIFO- New-Term Enqueue Local-Bu Enumeral Bu I Poll-Nodes-and-Do-Work Sequence-and- Do-Work I I Index- Accumulate, Check-I Enumeration x Sequence- Do-Work Enumeration Accumulation Extract- and- Handle- Fifst-Message Local-Buffer- Local- New- Handle, None Buffer- Term Message D eue FIFO- FIFO- Empty? Dequeue, Figure 2- 1: Synchronous simulation cliches. 26 lExecution-Context Handler Node Integer FIF Cir Ind Sec NSequence...Integer Indexed- Link Sequence List ience Integer ,er Associative- Associative- List List Event Message Real Integer Sequence Symbol Integer Instruction Symbol Sequence Figure 22: Aggregate data cliches. 27 a Memory, each of which is another cliche': a Queue ad an Associative Set, respectively. A similar relationship can occur between algorithmic cliche's. The algorithmic cliche' of Synchronous Simulation using a Global Message Buffer is composed of three other cche's: Queue-Insert, Generate-Global-Buffers-and-Nodes, and Earliest-Simulation-Finislied. The second type of relationship that can occur between two cliche's is an implernenta- tion relationship: A cliche' may implement a more abstract cliche'. For example, a FIFO, Stack, or Priority Queue can implement a Queue. Poll-Nodes-and-Do-Work is an imple- mentation of Advance-Nodes. (Lines between cliche' names in Figures 21 and 22 that are not grouped or starred represent this relationship. Of two cliche's connected by a line, the upper one is implemented by the lower. Branching ungrouped lines represent alternative implementations of the root.) The third type of relationship occurs when one cliche' is a temporal abstraction of an- other. Temporal abstraction 'is a technique developed by Waters 117, 137, 138] and further extended by Rich and Shrobe [110, 127], in which a cliched fragment of iterative computa- tion is viewed more abstractly as an operation on a sequence of values - the sequence of values that are processed over time, one per iteration. For example, Sum is a temporally abstract operation that takes a sequence of numerical values and produces their total. This is a temporal abstraction of a loop fragment in which each iteration computes the sum of a new value and the result of the sum computed on the previous iteration. The temporal abstraction of this fragment views the sequence of new values accumulated in the sum as the input to Sum. (Lines marked with a asterisk in Figure 21 indicate tat the upper cliche' name is an operation that temporally abstracts the lower iterative cche.) In Figure 2-1, Generate-Global-Buffers-aiad-Nodes is an example of a temporally abstract operation. It takes the initial global MESSAGE buffer ad the initial collection of SYNCH-NODEs and creates a sequence of new global MESSAGE buffers and SYNCH-NODE collections. (This 'is a temporally abstract vew of the iterative computation performed on each iteration of the simulation in whicIt MESSAGEs are delivered and SYNCH-NODEs are stepped.) A Common Event-Driven Simulation Design This section describes a common event-driven smulator design for message-passing systems. It has data structures ASYNCH-NODE and MESSAGE, representing processing nodes and messages, respectively. It also has an EVENT data structure, which represents the arrival of a MSSAGE at an ASYNCH-NODE. Each ASYNCH-NODE data structure maintains its own local Clock. It also has a Memory part, holding its state. There is a sequence containing all ASYNCH-NODEs, called an ADDRESS-MAP, which maps each integer address to an ASYNCH-NODE (as 'in the synchronous simulation design). MESSAGEs typically have the same parts as those in the synchronous sim- ulation design (Destination-Address, Type, Arguments, Storage-Requirements). An EVENT contains an Object, which is a MESSAGE to be handled, and a Time at which the work to be done on the object (i.e., handling a message) was scheduled (i.e., when the MESSAGE arrives 28 at an ASYNCH-NODE) A global agenda, called the EVENT-QUEUE, keeps track of EVENTs that need to be processed. The agenda is implemented as a Priority Queue, in which the EVENT with the earliest Time has the highest priority. The event-driven simulator is given an initial EVENT, whose Object is a starting MESSAGE and whose Time is the MESSAGE's arrival time. This is added to the EVENT-QUEUE. On each step of the simulation, the highest priority EVENT is plled from the EVENT-QUEUE and processed. Processing an EVENT means simulating te handling of the MESSAGE in the EVENT's Object part. The simulated message handling is done in the context of the ASYNCH-NODE that -represents the real node that is the destination of the message. This 'is looked up using the Destination-Address part of MESSAGE as an index 'Into the sequence ADDRESS-MAP. (As we mentioned earlier, the portion of the simulator that simulates a processing node's message handling actions varies. Below we describe a initial set of cliche's that may be used. However, this portion of the simulator is not guaranteed to always be cliched.) When an EVENT is processed, the Clock of the destination ASYNCH-NODE for 'Its MESSAGE Object is updated: the ASYNCH-NODE's Clock becomes the maximum of its current time and the arrival time of the MESSAGE (i.e., EVENT's Time). (The ASYNCH-NODE's current time can be later than the arrival time if the simulator is mimicking a real situation in which the real node was busy when the message arrived. The arrival time can be later tha an ASYNCH-NODE5s current time if in the real situation being simulated, the real node is idle when the message arrives.) Handling a MESSAGE can cause other MESSAGEs to be sent. These are added to the EVENT-QUEUE. The event-driven simulation eds when the EVENT-QUEUE is empty. An important characteristic of this algorithm is that the MESSAGEs are handled non-pre- emotively, which means that once an ASYNCH-NODE starts to handle a MESSAGE, it will not be interrupted, e.g., by receiving another MESSAGE. Another property of the algorithm is that at each step, the globally earliest unprocessed MESSAGE received so far is chosen to be handled. Since the EVENT pulled from the EVENT-QUEUE is always the one with the earliest Time, and since Time is the arrival time of the MESSAGE in the EVENT's Ob'ect part, the MESSAGE chosen to be handled next 'is always t1le one with the earliest arrival time of the MESSAGEs that have not yet been handled. These two properties ensure that once a MESSAGE 'is chosen for handling, no MESSAGEs will subsequently be generated that have an arrival time earlier than the MESSAGE chosen. In other words, MESSAGEs are handled in the order they arrive. So the simulator models tlie invariant obeyed by the real machine: messages to the same node are handled in the order in which they are received. Figure 23 shows the structure of the portion of the cliche' library that contains the event-driven simulation cliche' and the cliche's it is built -upon. (For data cliche's, refer to Figure 22.) 29 Sequenfial-Simulafion-of-Message-Passing-System Event-Driven-Simulation Synchronous-Simulation Priority Q e-Insert Generate-Event-Queues-and-Nodes Co-Earfiest-EDS-Finished Dequeue-and-Process-Generation Co-Iteradve-EDS-Finished Pfiority-Queue-Extract Process-Event Priority-Queue-Empty? Lookup- Update- Record-at- Handle- Destination Node-Time Destination Message Select- Term New- Term Max Figure 23: Event-driven smnlation cliches. 30 Node Action Simulation Cliche's The two simulators for message-passing parallel systems contain a component that simulates some or a of the actions that a real processing node takes when handling a message. Which actions are smulated depends on the behavior of interest for the simulation We have begun to collect some cliche's that occur in simulators tat model message handler lookup and execution on a node. These cEche's are found in the broader domain of program execution in general, and the domain of program 'Interpretation (or evaluation) in particular [1]. Figure 24 sows the structure of this portion of the library. The cliche's we have collected so far are those for the following. 0 Looking p a handler based on a MESSAGE's Type, which is typically an Associative- Set-Lookup or Property-List-Looknp, depending on how the handlers are stored. * Loading the MESSAGE's Arguments into the Memory part of an ASYNCH-NODE or SYNCH- NODE (depending on whether the simulator is event-driven or synchronous). This in- volves looking p the ASYNCH-NODE or SYNCH-NODE indexed by the MESSAGE's Destination- Address, enumerating the Arguments, accumulating them in a sequence, and adding the sequence to the Memory part (typically an Associative Set). * Executing the handler on the input data given in the Arguments. An EXECUTION- CONTEXT data structure is used to keep track of the Node executing the handler (which is an ASYNCH-NODE or SYNCH-NODE), the Status of the execution (a Symbol), Bindings of variable names to Memory locations (in an Associative Set), and the Instructions being executed (which is an Indexed Sequence: a data structure with two parts: a Base sequence of INSTRUCTIONs and an integer Index which acts as an instruction pointer). An INSTRUCTION consists of an Operator (symbol), ad a set of Arguments typically in a list or an adjustable-length sequence), which may be other INSTRUCTIONs. The handler execution involves iteratively fetching the next instruction to be executed using the current value of the 'instruction pointer. A standard Lisp EVALUATE/APPLY recursion is then used to 'interpret the INSTRUCTION with respect to the current values of the variable names stored in Memory. The Operator part of the INSTRUCTION is used to look up a Common Lisp function for simulating the actions of the processing node in applying that operator type to arguments. The EVALUATE/APPLY recursion "evaluates" an INSTRUCTION by iterating through its Arguments, recursively evaluating each one, and then applying the function associated wth the INSTRUCTION's Operator to the results. We have made a first attempt at capturing the knowledge needed to recognize program execution cliche's. Our experiences in encoding these cliche's in the graph grammar elped us to understand both the strengths and weaknesses of the formalism for expressing certain types of programming ideas. This is discussed further in Chapter . 31 Handle-Message Lookup-and-Execute-Handler Lookup- Lookup- Load- Record-at- Fetch-Instruction Interpret- Running- Handler- Destination Arguments Destination Instruction Status? for-Message Load-Args- Load-Args- Indexed- X Lookup- Select- Synch- Asynch- New- Sequence- Evaluate- Running- Handler Term Node Node Term Extract Apply Test Load- Property-List- Associative- Arguments- Evaluate- Fetch-and Lookup Set-Lookup into-Memory Arguments Apply-Op List-to- Associative- Sequence Set-Add Enum-Eval-Collect Fetch-Op, apply List- Evaluate Cons- Property- Associative- Enumeration Ma Accumulate List-Lookup Set-Lookup Figure 24: Node action simulation cliches. 32 2.1.4 The General-Purpose Cliche's Figure 25 gives an abstract picture of the relationships between the groups of general- purpose cliche's that are contained in the library. Each box represents a set of algo- rithmic cliche's that represent either operations on some aggregate data structure cliche' (e.g., Priority-Queue) or basic iteration or computational cliche's (e.g., Snm, Sequence- Enumeration, Absolute-Value). Each box contains the names of some of the cliche's con- tained in the group it represents. The arows between the boxes indicate that the cliche's in the source group use the cliche's in t1te snk group as components, or the cliche's in the source group are abstractions of tose in the sink group. For example, the arrow from FIFO to Circular-Indexed-Seq-uence (CIS) indicates that cliched operations on FIFOs can be implemented as cliched operations on CSs. The arrow from CIS to Basic-Iteration-Cliche's indicates tat the operations of manipulating a CIS use basic iteration cliche's as components (e.g., the operation of enmer- ating a CIS uses a Bounded-Count operation as a component, which generates a sequence of integers within some interval). The cliche' library does not contain all existing algorithmic cliche's that operate on the data structures mentioned in Figure 25. We captured a fair number, but due to time limitations, we could not collect a complete set. 2.2 Real-'World Programs In studying program recognition, we focused on two programs which were written in Com- mon Lisp by researchers 'in a parallel architecture group at MIT. The programs sequentially simulate the parallel execution of programs by a fine-grain message-passing parallel machine (which is described in 26]). One program, called PiSim smulates the parallel execution0f programs in terms of te operations of a "parallel interface" PO 146, 147]. (A parallel architecture interface sepa- rates parallel programming model issues from machine hardware issues, 'in a way analogous to the von Neumann interface for sequential computers. For more details, see 146].) It uses the event-driven algorithm and the program interpretation cliche's that are in our library. The other simulator simulates the parallel execution of programs written in a language called Concurrent SmallTalk" 25]. We will refer to this smulator as CST. It -uses the synchronous simulation design. The CST simulator program is actually a module 'in a larger program which provides a programming environment for compiling, simulating, tracing, and gathering ad displaying statistics on the execution of Concurrent SmallTalk code. unctions that call the simulator are not analyzed, neither are the metering, tracing, and plotting functions that it calls. There are a few 'important points about the example simulators that are relevant to our study of recognition. One is that currently, GRASPR is unable to recognize cliche's 'in programs 33 10, -,% Ordered-Associative- List Extract Lookup Delete * Unordered-Associative- List Insert Lookup Delete * * Indexed-Sequence Extract Fetch+Update Insert Bump+Update Update+Bump 0 0 0 Linked- List Enumeration Cons-Accumulation Reverse 0 0 0 L 'I i Property-List Lookup Figure 25: General-purpose cliche's. 34 that contain operations that destructively modify mutable data structures. Our plan is to study the recognition of aggregate data structures independent of issues concerning Side ef- fects to them, and then attempt to tackle the problems of mutable data structures later. So, we manually converted the example programs to programs that contain only non-destructive versions of the data structure operations. For example, we replaced destructive alterations to data structures with canges to copies of the data structures. We also propagated these changes to the data structures that pointed to the altered data structure, and so on. We essentially routed the data-flow by hand so that a aliasing was taken into account. (Section 7.2.4 gives more details. Appendix contains the original versions of the two simulator programs, followed by their functional translations.) In doing the translation, we found that many of the translation steps are automatable. For certain types of side effects, it may be possible to automatically uncover straightforward types of aliasing patterns and replace them witli their non-destructive counterparts. The insights we gained should help us extend GRASPR 'in the future to deal with side effects to mut able ob ects as discussed in Section 72.4. All of the cliche's in our current library are "pure" in that they include no destructive operations (such as RPLACD, RPLACA, or SETF in Common Lisp). Another important point concerns how te programs simulate message handling. We mentioned earlier that we have only begun to ecode the clicl-le's found in code that is responsible for simulating a processing node's action of handling a message. We have experimented with recognizing these cliche's 'in Pisim , which contains them. However, we would also like to explore the issues that arise when a integral -part of a algorithmic cliche' can be filled with unfamiliar, perhaps loosely constrained code. The CST program allows us to explore these difficulties because it contains code for simulating a node's action that is not cliched (at least with respect to our current library of cliche's). Details of t1tese difficulties and suggestions for solving them are given in Sections 41.4 and 52.3. Our final point is that even though Pisim contains cliched node action simulation code, problems still arise in expressing and recognizing certain cliche's. This is because part of the information about how to simulate a node's action is given as mput, rather than being statically contained 'in the program. In particular, Pisim takes a set of message handlers as input. Each handler provides a set of instructions to be executed when handling a certain type of message. For example, Figure 26 gves a handler for a Factorial message, wich iteratively computes the factorial of a single argument (N). (The X is a local variable.) Te instructions in the handlers are written in a language of Machine Operations (e.g., Times, Branch-Zero). Each Machine Operation has a Common Lisp function associated with it that specifies how to simulate the actions of the processing node in executing that machine operation. They are defined in terms of simulator functions. For example, Figure 27 shows the functions that are associated with the operations Times and Branch-Zero. Like the set of handlers, the definitions of Machine Operations are inputs to PiSim. This means they are not available for analysis or recognition. The problem that this poses is 35 (define-handler Factorial (N) W (print-user `&running simple loop test-V) (write (self) X 1) Loop (branch-zero (read (self) N) Done) (write (self) X (times (read (self) X) (read (self) N))) (write (self) N (minus (read (self) N) 1)) (branch-zero Loop) Done (print-user `&the answer is -d-%" (read (self) X)) (destroy-segment (selfM Figure 26 A message handler for Factorial. that the data and control flow of the entire PiSim program cannot be statically computed. It depends on the iput for a particular simulation. The implication of this is that we do not have complete knowledge about who calls the simulator fnctions or how their inputs and outputs are connected. The problems we have encountered as a result are discussed in Section 52. Choice of Programs: Breaking Out of the Toy Program Rut In choosing programs to use in our study of recognition, our goal was to break out of the rut of automating the recognition of "toy" programs, 'in which most earlier recognition research has been caught. Both simulator programs isim ad CST) do this. Their sizes fall in the 500 to 1000 line range, rather than being on the order of tens of lines, which is the typical size of programs dealt with in previous recognition research. Program length is only a approximate indicator of the potential difficulty of recognizing a program. In addition to choosing larger programs, we have chosen programs not written by us (the designers of the recognition system). The simulator programs are not contrived examples. They were written, without bias, to solve a particular real-world problem. A key advantage of this is that it provides challenges to the recognition approach tat might not be anticipated by -us, as developers of it. Even tough we may need to change or simplify the original program to aow recognition to occur, we are aware of the limitation of our approach that requires this. We also are aware of the type of transformation that should be made or the advice that should be gven to help deal wth the shortcoming. (Section 5.2 discusses the limitations observed and Section 52.5 summarizes changes made to te original programs to yield the programs that GRASPR recognizes.) Additionally, the programs indicate which characteristics of programs are typical. This helps us in analyzing or recognition technique. For example, recognition by graph parsing can be expensive 'if there are excessive amounts of redundant computation, which causes 36 ------ - (Define-Operation Times (Active-Task X Y) (multiple-value-bind (New-Time Task-Node New-Task) (Increment-Time-Of Active-Task ) (values (* X Y) New-Task))) (Define-Operation Branch-Zero (Active-Task Test-Variable Label) (multiple-value-bind (New-Time Task-Node New-Task) (Increment-Time-Of Active-Task ) (if (zerop Test-Variable) (values Label (Make-Task :Handler (Task-Handler New-Task) :Node (Task-Node New-Task) :Segment (Task-Segment New-Task) :IP Label :Status (Task-Status New-Task))) (values nil New-Task)))) Figure 27: The definition of two Machine Operations. ambiguity. However, this characteristic 'is rare in the example smulator programs. Knowing which characteristics are typical or rare in real-world programs helps us determine which factors influence the practicality of our approach. Another aspect of te simulator programs which distinguishes them from the "toy" pro- grams studied previously is that they contain domain-specific cliche's. These go beyond general-purpose cliche's, such as operations on queues, stacks, and hash tables, which have been the focus of previous recognition research. The programs contain common simulation algorithms ad data structures. By recognizing these cliche's, GRASPR provides more useful program understanding capabilities than if it recognized te general-purpose cliche's alone. This allows us to explore the expressiveness of the graph grammar formalism as a repre- sentation. for domain-specific cliche's. (On the other hand, the current cche library has been acquired with the example programs in mind. More empirical studies are needed to evaluate the ability of the existing system to recognize new programs with te same library and to determine how much the library must change to recognize them.) The simulator programs also contain a fair amount of unfamiliar code mixed in wth cliched computational structures. In experimenting with them, we test GRASPR's abilities to perform partial recognition, which is required in dealing with any realistic non-trivial program. 37 Besides identifying the knowledge -needed to understand and construct programs, it is im- portant to capture this knowledge in such a way that it can be applied to a broad range of programs. In automating program recognition, our goal is to codify programming cliche's at a level of abstraction tat allows us to recognize them 'in programs that vary widely in such details as syntactic constructs used, programming language chosen, data structure and subroutine decomposition, ad implementational choices. In addition, we provide recogni- tion techniques that are robust under other types of variation, such as variation de to function-sharing optimizations ad unfamiliar code. This section gives examples of the recognition capabilities of GRASPR. This serves to demonstrate what GRASPR can do in terms of the classes of variation it can tolerate. It also provides motivating examples, of the goals we have for our representational formalism and recognition technique. 2.3.1 Common Program Variations Program recognition is difficnlt due to the wde range of possible variations among programs. An instance of a cliche' may appear in a variety of forms. The following is a list of some of the common types of variation found in programs. (This does not provide a complete list of the variations we encountered in our empirical recognition studies with Pisim and CST. Chapter discusses more variations, both those tolerated and not tolerated by our current system.) 9 Syntactic variation in control and binding constructs. There are typically many ways to achieve the same net flow of data and control. Variable, function, data structure, and part names vary widely. Also, syntax varies over programming languages. 0 Implementation variation. A given abstraction can often be implemented by a set of different concrete algorithms and data structures. * Delocalization. Parts of a cliche' are sometimes widely scattered throughout the text of a program, rather than being contiguous. * Unrecognizable code. Not all programs are constructed completely of cliche's. Recog- nition must be able to ignore an unpredictable amount of unrecognizable code. * Variation in the organization of components. Programs can be decomposed into sub- routines in a variety of ways. Also, data structures can aggregate pieces of data in a multitude of dfferent nested organizations. * Redundancy. Programs may vary in how much computation is repeated in te same instance of a cliche'. For example, when the result of some inexpensive computation 38 2.3 Recognition Examples is needed more than once the program may simply recompute the value each tme it is needed rather than caching the result in a temporary variable. e Optimizations. A great deal of variation occurs between optimized and unoptimized programs even though they may contain the same abstract cliche'. A common form of optimization introduces function-sharing in which the implementations of two or more distinct abstract structures are merged. 2.3.2 Examples of Capabilities GRASPR is able to recognize both CST and PiSim as sequential simulators of message-passing parallel systems. It recognizes the synchronous simulation design in CST and the event-driven simulation design in Pisim. It also recognizes the message-passing program execution cliche's in the portion of Pisim's code that simulates handling messages. The primary output of GRASPR 'is a forest of design trees. A design tree indicates te cliche's found in the program and how they are related to each other. Figure 28 shows a portion of the design tree produced in recognizing Pisim. Subtrees that are not sown are collapsed into small triangles below a cliche' name. The dashed lines at the tree's fringe are links to primitive operations in the source code, which indicate the location of a particular cliche' in te code. The drawing of te design tree is a simplified version of the actual description produced by GRASPR. The description is simplified (for presentation purposes) in that only operations are specified in the leaves of the tree, while the actual description includes information about the data involved in each cliche' instance. In general, GRASPR may produce several design trees, representing recognition of multiple, perhaps overlapping, cliche's in the code. (The design trees are graph grammar derivation trees, which are described in Section 3.2.2. In general, they may be graphs in that a recognized cliche' may be a component or implementation of two or more higher-level cches.) A secondary way to view the output of GRASPR 'is provided by a tool, called "Para- phraser," which takes the design trees produced during recognition and generates textual documentation based on them. Paraphraser knits together schematized textual fragments associated with the recognized cliche's, filling in slots with identifiers taken from the source code (e.g., *EVENT-QUEUE*). It bases the structure of the text on the relationships between the cliche's. Figure 29 shows some of the documentation generated for the design tree shown in Fig- ure 28. The documentation, althouah stilted, does describe the important design decisions in the program and can help a programmer locate relevant objects in te code (via the identifiers). One potential benefit of automated program recognition is to use such automatically produced documentation to maintain poorly documented or undocumented programs. A- tomatically produced documentation can be updated whenever the source code changes, 39 Sequendal-Simulation-of-Message-Passing-System Event-Driven-Simulation Priority- ueue-Insert Generate-Event-Queues-and-Nodes Co-Earliest-EDS-Finished X xOrdered-Associative- I List-Insert Dequeue-and-Process-Generation Co-Iterative-EDS-Finished 'act Process-Event Ordered-Associative-List-E List-Pop S el ect- Select- Head Tail car car Ordered-Associative- List-Empty? List mpty? null 'extract Handle- Message Lookup- Update- Record-at- Desfinafion Node-Time Destinadon Select- Max New- Term Term max copy-replace-elt aref Lookup-and-Execute-Handler Lookup- Lookup- 0 0 0 Handler- Destination for-Message Property- Select-Term List-Lookup get aref Figure 28: Design tree for PiSim. 40 Priority-Queue-Empty? I PISIM sequentially simulates a parallel message-passing system. It is implemented as an Event-Driven Simulation. 1: Event-Driven Simulation asynchronously simulates a collection of processing nodes handling messages, using an event-driven algorithm. An event-queue *EVENT-QUEUE* of events is maintained. To start, an initial event EVENT is inserted in the event-queue. On each step, an event is pulled off and processed, which may create new events to be added to the event-queue. The asynchronous nodes (which represent processing nodes) are collected in an address-map, called *NODES*. Event-Driven Simulation is composed of a Priority-Queue Insert, a Co-Earliest Event-Driven Simulation Finished and a Generate Event Queues and Nodes. 2: Priority-Queue Insert inserts EVENT in the priority queue *EVENT-QUEUE*. An element's priority P is higher than another's Q, if P < Q. If an element already exists in the priority queue with the same priority, then the new element is inserted into the queue after the existing element. Priority-Queue Insert is implemented as an Ordered Associative List Insert. 3: Ordered Associative List Insert inserts EVENT in the ordered associative list *EVENT-QUEUE*... 2: Co-Earliest Event-Driven Simulation Finished takes a sequence of event-queues and a sequence of address-maps and returns the address-map in the sequence of address-maps that corresponds to the first empty event-queue in the sequence of event-queues. Co-Earliest Event-Driven Simulation Finished temporally abstracts Co-Iterative Event-Driven Simulation Finished. 3: Co-Iterative Event-Driven Simulation Finished terminates the simulation when the current event-queue (*EVENT-QUEUE*) is empty, returning the current value of the address-map (*NODES*). The event-queue is implemented as a Priority Queue. The Event-Driven Simulation Finished Test is implemented as a Priority Queue Empty. 4: Priority Queue Empty tests whether the priority queue *EVENT-QUEUE* is empty.... 2: Generate Event Queues and Nodes generates event-queues and address- maps by repeatedly dequeuing the current event-queue and processing the event dequeued. Processing an event causes new events to be added to the event-queue and a new address-map to be created. The initial event-queue is *EVENT-QUEUE* and the initial address-map is *NODES* ... Generate Event Queues and Nodes temporally abstracts Dequeue and Process Generation.... Figure 29: Some of the documentation generated for Pisim. 41 solving te pernicious problem of misleading, out-of-date documentation. The current implementation of Paraphraser s heuristic and fragile. Documentation generation is not a primary focus of this research. The problem of applying recognitio to program documentation needs further study, perhaps borrowing techniques from natural language generation. Besides documentation, there are a variety of ways to present the results of recognition, depending on how the results will be used. Future work is needed to find the presentation appropriate for effective interaction with people and other automated tools. Syntactic Variation The design tree and documentation shown 'in Figures 28 and 29 were produced by GRASPR in recognizing Pisim. The top-level portion of Pisim 'is shown in Figure 210. (Ttle source code for data structure definitions ad some subroutines are not shown.) Inject is the top-level function which starts the PiSim smulator. It takes an initial start message type and the message's arguments. After some iitialization, it creates a Message data structure, based on information about storage requirements computed from the Handier that is associated with the message type. It randomly generates a destination address for the message and computes the message's arrival time from the destination Node's current time. Once the message is created, an Event is constructed, whose Object part is te Message and whose Time is the arrival time. The Event is placed on the event-queue *Event-Queue* and Execute-Events is run to iteratively extract and execute the highest priority event on the event-queue. Given a syntactic variation of this code, such as the code in Fgure 211, GRASPR is able to recognize the same cliche's to produce the same design tree and documentation (mod- ulo identifiers). Recognition is robust under variations in variable names (Length versus Memory-Needed), binding and control constructs (cond versus if), ad names of data struc- tures and their parts (Message versus Msg and Messa ge-Destination versus Msg-Dest-Addr). Start-PiSim also differs from Inject in the ordering of computations in the let binding clauses. It routes dataflow differently, using fewer local variables. It also passes the event queue around explicitly, rather than maintaining a global variable. Recognition robustness is achieved as a result of the representation shift performed by GRASPR which translates both programs into the same graphical representation. In this representation, syntactic details are suppressed. Organization of Components The representation used by GRASPR also suppresses details of how programs are decom- posed into subroutines and how aggregate data structures are organized. For example, the code in Figure 212 differs from the original Pisim code shown in Figure 210 in structural organization. It bundles up the initialization and storage requirement computations into 42 (defvar *Event-Queue* nil "this is the global event-queue") (defvar *Nodes* nil "this is the node array") (def struct Message (Destination nil) (Length ) (Type nil) (Arguments nil)) (defstruc t Event (Time ) (Object nil)) (defun Inject (Type &rest Arguments) (Make-Nodes) (Clear-Nodes) (Clear-Event-Queue) resets *Event-Queue* to NIL (let* ((Handler (Get-Handler Type)) (Length (Handler-Arity Handler) (Handler-Number-Of-Locals Handler) 2)) (Destination (random (Number-Of-Nodes))) (Arrival-Time (Node-Time (Translate-Node Destination))) (Message (Make-Message :Destination Destination :Length Length :Type Type :Arguments Arguments)) (Event (Make-Event :Time Arrival-Time :Object Message))) (Enqueue-Event Event) (Execute-Events))) (defun Equeue-Event (New-Event) (if (or (null *Event-Queue*) (< (Event-Time New-Event) (Event-Time (first *Event-Queue*)))) (setq *Event-Queue* (cons New-Event *Event-Queue*)) (setq *Event-Queue* (Insert-Event New-Event *Event-Queue*)))) (defun Execute-Events 0 (cond null *Event-Queue*) *Nodes*) (t (Execute-Next-Event) (Execute-Events)))) Figure 210: Top-level portion of Pisim code. 43 (defvar *P-Nodes* nil "collection of nodes") (defstruct Msg (Dest-Addr nil) (Storage-Length ) (Type nil) (Args nil)) (def struct Event (Time ) (Object nil)) (defun Start-PiSim (Start-Msg-Type Args) (Make-Nodes) (Clear-Nodes) (let* ((Address (random (Number-Of-Nodes))) (Msg-Handler (Get-Handler Start-Msg-Type)) (Memory-Needed ( (Handler-Arity Msg-Handler) (Handler-Number-Of-Locals Msg-Handler) 2)) (Pending-Events (Enquene-Event (Make-Event :Time (Node-Time (Translate-Node Address)) :Object (Make-Msg :Dest-Addr Address :Storage-Length Memory-Needed :Type Start-Msg-Type :Args Args)) nil))) (Execute-Events Pending-Events))) (defun Enqneue-Event (New-Event'Event-Queue) (if (or (null Event-Queue) (< (Event-Time New-Event) (Event-Time (first Event-Quene)))) (setq Event-Queue (cons New-Event Event-Queue)) (setq Event-Queue (Insert-Event New-Event Event-Queue))) Event-Queue) (defun Execute-Events (Pending-Events) (if (null Pending-Events) *P-Nodes* (Execnte-Events (Execute-Next-Event Pending-Events)))) Figure 211 A syntactic variation of the portion of Pisim. shown in Figure 210. 44 (defvar *Message-Queue* nil "this is the global message queue") (defvar *Nodes* nil "this is the node array") (defstruct Msg (Destination nil) (Arrival-Time ) (Data nil)) (def struct Handler-Data (Type nil) (Length ) (Arguments nil)) (defun. Initialize-Simulator O (Make-Nodes) (Clear-Nodes) (Clear-Message-Quene)) ;; resets *Message-Queue* to NIL (defun Compute-Storage-Rqmts (Type) (let ((Handler (Get-Handler Type))) (+ (Handler-Arity Handler) (Handler-Number-Of-Locals Handler) 2))) (defun Inject (Type &rest Arguments) (Initialize-Simulator) (let* ((Length (Compute-Storage-Rqmts Type)) (Destination (random (Number-Of-Nodes))) (Arrival-Time (Node-Time (Translate-Node Destination))) (Handler-Data (Make-Handler-Data :Type Type :Length Length :Arguments, Arguments)) (Message (Make-Msg :Destination Destination :Arrival-Time Arrival-Time :Data Handler-Data))) (Enqueue-Message Message) (Process-Messages))) (defun. Equeue-Message (Message) (if (or (null *Message-Queue*) (< (Msg-Arrival-Time Message) (Msg-Arrival-Time (first *Message-Queue*)))) (setq *Message-Queue* (cons Message *Message-Queue*)) (setq *Message-Qneue* (Insert-Message Message *Message-Queue*)))) (defun Process-Messages (cond ((null *Message-Queue*) *Nodes*) (t (Process-Next-Message) (Process-Messages)))) Fignre 212: An organizational variation of the top-level portion of Pisim. 45 subroutines. It also aggregates data differently. The original code defines an Event data structure with two parts: an Object and a Time. The Object part is fined by a Message data structure, which has te parts Destination, Length, Type, and Arguments. Pending Events containing messages to be handled) are queued in an *Event-Queue*. In the variation of this code shown in Figure 212, there is no Event data structure. Instead Msg data structures are placed directly 'in an event-queue, called *Message-Queue*. Each Msg contains a the data that is in a Message in the original code and additionally has an Arrival-Time part, which plays the role of the Time part of Events in the original code. Some of the data aggregated in Msg is aggregated further into a sub-structure, called Handler-Data. This structure contains the parts Length, Type, and Arguments found in message originally and it is nested inside the Msg data structure, under the Data part. Despite these differences, GRASPR recognizes the same cliches in this code as in the original code in Figure 210. It is 'Important that recognition be robust -under organizational variations because te cliche's 'in the current library are themselves organized herarchically. It is crucial that the program need not mirror this same organization for the cliche's to be recognized 'in it. This is because the library organization is not necessarily based on the typical way these cliche's are organized in programs. There are two reasons it 'is not. One is that there is not always exactly one "typical" or common decomposition of cliche's into subroutines or nesting of aggregate data structures. The second is that it may be better to base the library's organization on other criteria besides what is typical. For example, the organization might be chosen to emphasize salient parts of cliche's to facilitate recognition performance improvements or to help choose the best partial analysis during near-miss recognition. On the other hand, information about typical decompositions may provide aluable expectations about the location of cliche's in a program. This can considerably narrow down te search for cliche's, as discussed in Section 64.1. Our representation does not eliminate information about the boundaries of subroutines and user-defined data structures within the program. It merely suppresses it, so that the or- ganizational variation does not hinder recognition. It places this information in annotations on the graphical representation of the program. So, although in general we do not require that a program's function and data structure organization match the organization of the cliche's in our library, it is possible to impose constraints on the cliche's being recognized, requiring that they occur within certain boundaries. These boundaries can be heuristically defined based on information, such as subroutine or data structure decomposition. (See Section 64.1 for more details.) Delocalized Cliche's and Unfamiliar Code Programs are rarely constructed entirely of cliche's. Non-trivial programs are usually a mix of cched computational structures ad unfamiliar code. In addition, the cliclie's are 46 (defun cst-start (init-msg) (send-msg init-msg) (shell-go)) (defun send-msg (msg) (setq *step-queue* (enquene *step-queue* msg))) (defun shell-go O (cond ((step-done) nil) (t (step-nodes) (shell-go)))) (defun step-nodes O (when *Profile* (profile-step)) ? (when *log* (log-step)) (when *trace* (record-traced-selectors *trace-selectors*)) ? (deliver-msgs) (when *meter-message-queues* ? (record-message-queue-data)) (iteratively-step-nodes 0) (setq *step-nr* 1 *step-nr*)))) (defun iteratively-step-nodes W (if >= x (array-total-size *nodes*)) nil (step-node x) (iteratively-step-nodes 1 x)))) (defun step-node (node-nr) (let* node (get-node node-nr)) (q (node-quene nodeM (if (queue-empty? q) nil (multiple-value-bind (msg new-queue) (dequeue q) (setq node (make-node ueue new-queue :objects (node-objects node) :contexts (node-contexts node) :bnsy-count 1 (node-busy-count node)) ? :method-cache (node-method-cache node))) ? (setq *nodes* (copy-replace-elt node node-nr *nodes*)) (multiple-value-bind (new-nodes new-step-queue) (process-msg msg *nodes* *step-qneue*) (setq *nodes* new-nodes *step-queue* new-step-queueMM Figure 213: Top-level portion of CST. Question marks indicate ufamiliar code. 47 often interleaved with unfamiliar computation as well as with each other. This means that parts of a cliche' may be scattered throughout the text of a program. Both of these factors make recognition difficult not only to atomate, but also for people to do correctly. GRASPR is able to ignore ufamiliar code to partially recognize the program. It also addresses the difficulty of recognizing delocalized cliche's by employing a program represen- tation shift from source text to flow graph. Cche parts that are separated by unrelated expressions in the text become neighboring nodes in a flow graph. For example, Figure 213 shows the top-level portion of the CST program, which uses the synchronous simulation design. (The source code for data structure definitions and some subroutines are not shown.) In addition to the simulation algorithm and data tructures, this code contains calls to functions that perform various metering, logging, and statistics- gathering operations. These operations are not cliched, at least with respect to our current library. The figure indicates unfamiliar portions of the code with question marks. The cliche's in the program are not found in one contiguous section of program text, but are interrupted with unrelated computations. Not only are there unfamiliar computations interleaved with tlie algorithmic cliches, but there are also parts of data structures that are not recognizable as part of any data ccl-le'. For example, the data structure node consists of a Queue part (which acts as the local FIFO buffer in the SYNCH-NODE data cliche) and a Contexts part (which contains a data structure that has a part corresponding to the Memory part of the SYNCH-NODE). The rest of the parts of node b'ects, Busy-Count, and Method-Cache) are novel, specific to this program. They are used for gathering statistics and smulating the action of handling a message. Despite the delocalization of the cliche's and the unfamiliar code, GRASPR is able to recognize cliched parts of this program. The design tree and documentation produced are shown in Figures 214 and 215 (in abbreviated form). Implementation Variation Often, there is more than one cched implementation of an abstract operation or data type. This can introduce variability between programs tat on a high level of abstraction perform the same abstract operation or use the same abstract data types. It is 'important that GRASPR be able to recognize the same abstract cliche's in these variations. For example, the CST program uses a FIFO queue to implement the queue of messages collected on each cycle of the synchronous simulation and then delivered on the next. The FIFO queue is implemented as a Circular Indexed Sequence, as shown in Figure 216. However, anotlier possible implementation of the queue is a LIFO queue (or stack), as shown in Figure 217. GRASPR produces the design-tree shown in Figure 218 for the code that ses this 'imple- mentation. It differs from the tree in Figure 214 only in the subtrees that are hghlighted by dotted boxes in the figure. The rest of the tree, including the high-level description of 48 - " - I Sequential-Simulation-of-Message-Passing-System Synchronous -Simulation Synchronous-Simulation w-Global-Message-Buffer Queue-Insert Generate-Global-Buffers-and-Nodes Earliest-Simulation-Finished X X Deliver-Messages-and-Step-Nodes Synchronous-Simulation-Fnished? Enqueue Deliver-Messages Advance-Nodes Global-and-Local-Buffers-Empty? Enumerate-and-Deliver-Messages Poll-T.-des-and-Do-Work Local-B s-Empty? Queue-Empty? ive- Deliver- Sequence-and- Do-Work Enu -Nodes- FIFO- Message- Index- Accumulate Check-Buffers Empty? Accumulate Enumeration X Sequence- Local-Buffers- Ork Deliver-Message Accumulation Enumeration Always-Empty? X "" X Destructi Queue-E- jell, Lookup-Node-and-Enqueue- and-Update Lookup- Local-Buffer- Record-a- Destination Enqueue Destiuati4 -1.,,t-Terrn FIFO- IerI Enqueue I I II ar f copy-replace Local-Buffer- Non-Empty? Y_ Circular-Indexed- Sequence;K7ty? % Commutative- %% Binary-Function null-test IExtract- and- Handle- Fifst-Message it- [on Local-Buffer- Local- New- Handle- None y- Buffer- Term Message queue )-elt FIFO- FIFO- COPY- Empty? Dequeue replace-eft Circular-Indexed- Sequence-Extract Select-Term Bump- mod Decrement Index aref Increment 1+ Figure 214 A portion of design tree produced in recognizing CST. 49 --ll I------ , t! I man - - - I -1- - -1-1-- --,.-------NNNININMNIIml----- CST sequentially simulates a parallel message-passing system. It is implemented as a Synchronous Simulation. 1: Synchronous Simulation synchronously simulates a collection of processing nodes handling messages. The synchronous nodes (which represent the processing nodes) are collected in an address-map, called *NODES*. Each node maintains a local buffer of pending messages to handle. Synchronous Simulation is implemented as a Synchronous Simulation using Global Message Buff er. 2: Synchronous Simulation using Global Message Buffer iteratively advances each synchronous node in *NODES* by handling one message a piece. It uses a global message buffer to ensure that nodes advance in lock-step. The global buffer's initial value is *STEP-QUEUE*. The simulation starts by adding an initial message INIT-MSG to *STEP-QUEUE*. The simulation ends when no node has work to do (i.e., no more messages to handle) and the global message buffer *STEP-QUEUE* is empty. As messages are handled, new messages are created which are buffered on the global message buffer. Synchronous Simulation using Global Message Buffer is composed of a Queue Insert, an Earliest Simulation Finished and a Generate Global Message Buffers and Nodes. 3: Queue Insert equeues INIT-MSG on the Queue *STEP-QUEUE*, which is implemented as a FIFO. Queue Insert is implemented as a FIFO Enqueue. 4: FIFO Enqueue enqueues INIT-MSG on the FIFO queue *STEP-QUEUE*, which is implemented as a Circular Indexed Sequence .... 3: Earliest Simulation Finished takes two input sequences: a sequence of address-maps, starting with *NODES*, and a sequence of global message buffers, starting with *STEP-QUEUE*. It outputs the first address-map in the input sequence of address-maps that satisfies the predicate that all nodes in the address-map have empty local buffers and the corresponding global message buffer is empty. Earliest Simulation Finished temporally abstracts Synchronous Simulation Finished?. 4: Iterative Synchronous Simulation Finished tests whether a synchronous simulation is finished by testing whether the global buffer and all of the nodes' local buffers are empty.... 3: Generate Global Message Buffers and Nodes generates address-maps and global message buffers by repeatedly delivering all messages in the global message buffer *STEP-QUEUE* and advancing the synchronous nodes in *NODES* by one step each.... Figure 215 A portion of the documentation generated for CST. 50 the program as a sequential simulation, remains te same. It is impractical to eumerate all possible implementational variations of an abstract cliche in the cliche' library. The hierarchical organization of the clicl-te' library aows imple- mentation variation to be represented compactly. Function-Sharing Programs can vary widely, depending on which optimizations they make. A type of opti- mization that occurs frequently in programs is one in which two abstract cliche's share some functional part. In this case, the implementations of the cliche's overlap. GRASPR is able to recognize the two cliche's in a program whether or not their implementations overlap. For example, one of the things the CST program does 'in gathering statistics is tat it iterates through the nodes ad computes the average length of their FIFO queues before it delivers messages on each clock cycle. Suppose we added te cliche' to our library that performs this operation: it polls the SYNCH-NODEs, keeps a running total of their local buffer sizes, and divides the sm by the number of SYNCH-NODEs. This cliche' is found 'in the current CST code 'in the function avg-queue-length, which is called by prof ile-step 'in step-nodes, as shown 'in Figure 219. The recognition of this cliche' results 'in the design tree shown in Figure 220. (This tree is generated by GRASPR in addition to the design tree shown in Figure 214.) Figure 221 shows a variation of the CST code in which the function-sharing optimiza- tion has been introduced. In this code, the average qeue length computation has been moved into the iteration in iteratively-step-nodes that polls nodes and advances each one in lock step. This function is already iterating through the nodes. So, 'in addition to stepping each one, it has been made to keep a running total of their local queue lengths. Its caller, step-nodes, finishes off the averaging computation. This optimization increases the program's efficiency by enumerating the nodes only once.GRASPR is able to recognize both the queue averagin Clich' and the advance nodes clich' e e in this optimized program, even though the implementations of the cche's overlap. The resulting design trees share a sb-tree, as shown in Figure 222. Redundancy Sometimes a part of a cliche' might appear more than once in the same instance of a cliche'. The repeated part is most often some 'inexpensive computation whose result is needed more than once. The program may simDIV repeat this computation, rather tan caching the result in a temporary variable. An example of this occurs in the fnction Splice-in-Bucket shown in Figure 223, which is used by a hash table insertion function contained in Pisim. Splice-in-Bucket creates ad iserts a entry into a hash table bucket, called Bucket-List, which 'is an ordered associative list. It does tis by "cdr'ing" down the Bucket-List, looking for a place to insert the new entry so that the entries remain ordered with respect to their 51 (def-an cst-start (init-msg) (send-msg init-msg) (shell-go)) (defun deliver-msgs 0 (cond ((queue-empty? *step-qneae*) nil) (t (multiple-valne-bind (msg new-step-queue) (dequeue *step-queue*) (setq *step-q-ueue* new-step-quene) 111) (deliver-msgs)))) (defstruct qeue (head ) (tail ) (length ) (data-size *defan1t-queue-size*) (data (make-array *default-queue-size* :adjustable t))) (defun queue-empty? ueue) (= (queue-length queue) OM (defun enqne-ue (queue obj) (let* length (queue-length queue)) (old-size (quene-data-size queue)) (big-enough-queue (if < length (1- old-size)) queue (grow-quene queueM) (enqueue-base big-eno-ugh-queue obj))) (defun enquene-base (ueue obj) (let ((old-size (quene-data-size ueue))) (make-queue :head (queue-head quene) :tail (mod (queue-tail qeue)) old-size) -. (queue-length queue)) :data-size (queue-data-size queue) :data (copy-replace-elt obj (queue-tail queue) (quene-data ueneM)) (defun dequene queue) (let ((elt (aref (quene-data queue) (q-aeue-head uene)))) (setq qeue (make-queue :head (mod (quene-head queue)) (queue-data-size qeue)) :tail (queue-tail queue) :length (1- (queue-length queue)) :data-size (queue-data-size queue) :data (queue-data ueue))) (valnes elt queue))) Figure 216: Buffer queue implemented as a FIFO, which in turn is implemented as a CIS. 52 (defun queue-empty? (queue) (null queue)) (def un enqueue (queue obj) (cons obj queue)) (defun dequeue (queue) (values (car queue) (cdr queueM Figure 217: Buffer qeue implemented as a stack (LIFO). Key parts. If an entry exists with the same Key as the new entry (Key), then the existing entry's Value part is changed to the new Value. Number-Entries keeps track of the number of entries in the hash table. It is incremented only if the new entry is inserted not if an existing entry is changed. This function repeats the computation of accessing the first element of Bucket-List, us- ing car, as indicated 'in the figure by asterisks. However, the cliche' for Ordered-Associative- List-Insert contains only one part corresponding to these expressions. It matches more closely the program shown in Figure 224. GRASPR is able to recognize Ordered-Associative- List-Insert in both variations. 2.4 Breadth of Coverage The cliche's captured in our library cover a broad range of programs. The domain-specific cliche's occur in programs in the domain of sequential simulation of message-passing parallel systems, while our general-purpose utility cliche's are found in programs across all domains. However, the library's coverage is not absolute. Our "example-driven" cliche' acquisition was based on an extremely small sample set of programs in a particular domain. We make no claims of fully modeling the simulation domain or eveia the subset of it that deals with message-passing systems. Also, our library does not contain a utility cche's used by experienced software engineers. Despite these limitations, our library demonstrates the kinds of algorithms and data structures that can be expressed within a graph grammar formalism. This formalism cap- tures these cliche's at a level of abstraction that enables recognition by graph parsing to be robust under many common types of program variations. 53 Sequential-Sirnulation-of-Message-Passing-System Synchronous-Simulation Synchronous-Sinmlation-w-Global-Message-Buffer Queue-Insert Generate-Global-Buffers-and-Nodes Earliest-Simulal X OLMAI,-Push Deliver-Messages-and-Step-Nodes Synchronous-Si cons Deliver-Messages Advance-Nodes Global-and-Loc..................... Enumerate-and-Deliver-Messages Poll-Nodes-and-Do-Work Local-Du -Empty? uctive- Deliver- Sequence-and- Do-Work Enui -,-Nodes- numeration Message- Index- Accumulate Check-Buffers Accurnalate Enumeration Numeration X rork Sequence- Local-Buff Wiver-Message Accumulation Enumeration Always-En .meration X ition-Finished x imulafion-Finished? uffers-Empty? ............. 0 eue- mpty? Stack Empty? 'fers- ............ ....... mpty? Local-Buffer- Non-Empty? FEFO-Ermty? Circular-Indexed- Sequence- ty? ive- % notion null-test I p I I .0 Commutati Binary-Fur I I 11 Destn : Queue-Er : Stack-En : List-Enuna f x : Lookup-Node-and-Enqueue- ................ and- e Lookup- Local-Buffer- Record-al Destination Enqueue Destinati< Select-Term FIFO- I en 11 Enqueue II aref copy-replace. Extract- and- Handle- First-Message Lt- .on Local-Buffer- Local- New- Handle- None Buffer- Term Message M. D eue 1elt FIFO- 10- copy- Empty? Dequeue replace-elt Circular-Indexed- Sequence-Extract Select-Tenn Burnp- mod Decrement Index aref Increment 1+ Figure 218: Design tree for implementational ariation in which the buffer 'is a stack. 54 - (def un step-nodes (when *Profile* (profile-step)) (iteratively-step-nodes 0) (defun profile-step (avg-queue-length) (defun avg-queue-length O (let ((tql 0)) (setq tql (sum-queue-lengths 0 tql)) U tql (array-total-size *nodes*)))) (defun sum-queue-lengths (x tql) (if >= x (array-total-size *nodes*)) tql (sum-queue-lengths (1+ X) (+ tql (queue-length (node-queue (get-node XMM) (defun iteratively-step-nodes W (if >= x (array-total-size *nodes*)) nil (step-node x) (iteratively-step-nodes 1 x)))) Figure 219: Portion of CST that averages node queue lengths. Average-Local-Buffer-Size Enumer Nodes+ Compute-Average Sum Sequence-and- ivide sequence-sizeI Index-Enumeration X Summing array-total-size Figure 220: Design tree for queue length averaging computation. 55 (defun step-nodes (when *profile* (profile-step)) (iteratively-step-nodes 0 0) U *total-queue-length* (array-total-size *nodes*)) (defun iteratively-step-nodes (x tql) (cond ((>= x (array-total-size *nodes*)) (setq *total-queue-length* tql) nil) (t (step-node x) (iteratively-step-nodes (1+ X) (+ tql (queue-length (node-queue (get-node XMM) Figure 221: Optimization 'in which averaging is performed while advancing nodes. 56 Delive essages Advance-Nodes ....................................... ........................... ............................................................ I.... ........................... i.....................I -- ----- --------------- --------------------- II A,,?,ftrnn I N,,nl 1D,,ffar II p II II II II II II GloW-and-Local-Buffers-Empty? Local-B s-E ? Queue- ty? Enumerate-Nodes- FIFO- Check-Buffers Empty? x Sur array- Itotal- size SummingI II I I I .............................................................................................. !I Figure 222: Design tree for optimized code, with shared sub-tree. 57 Sequenfial-Simulation-of-Message-Passing-System Synchronous-Simulation Synchronous-Simulation-w-Glob -Message-Buffer Queue-Insert Generate-Global-Buffers-and-Nodes Earliest-Simulation-Finished x x FIFO- Deliver-Messages-and-StqNodes Synchronous-Simulation-Fhshed? Enqueue A (defun Splice-In-Bucket (Value Key Bucket-List Number-Entries) (cond ((Empty-or-Low-Priority-Head? Key Bucket-List) (values (cons (Make-Entry :Key Key :Value Value) Bucket-List) (1+ Number-Entries))) Ustring= Key (Entry-Key (car Bucket-List))) (values (cons (Make-Entry :Key Key :Value Value) (cdr Bucket-List)) Number-Entries)) (t (multiple-value-bind (New-Bucket-List Num-Entries) (Splice-In-Bucket Value Key (cdr Bucket-List) Number-Entries) (values (cons (car Bucket-List) New-Bucket-List) Num-Entries))))) Figure 223: Code containing a redundant CAR computation. (defun Splice-In-Bucket (Value Key Bucket-List Number-Entries) (cond ((Empty-or-Low-Priority-Head? Key Bucket-List) (values (cons (Make-Entry :Key Key :Value Value) Bucket-List) (1+ Number-Entries))) (t (let ((This-Entry (car Bucket-List))) (cond string= Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) (values (cons (Make-Entry :Key Key :Value Value) (cdr Bucket-List)) Number-Entries)) (t (multiple-value-bind (New-Bucket-List Num-Entries) (Splice-In-Bucket Value Key (cdr Bucket-List) Number-Entries) (values (cons This-Entry New-Bucket-List) Num-Entries))))))))) Figure 224: Code i which te result of CAR is cached and reused. 58 Chapter 3 e o-vv xra lrbi na isna GRASPR is able to tolerate many of the common types of program variations mentioned in Section 23.1 by using a dataflow graph representation for programs ad by -using a flow graph grammar to encode programming cliches. Program recognition is achieved by parsing the dataflow graph in accordance with the flow graph grammar. There are several advantages to sing a graph grammar formalism to represent programs and cliches: * Quasi-canonical form. Dataflow graphs abstract away irrelevant syntactic details and give the representation programming-language independence. 0 Localization. Dataflow graphs make dataflow dependencies explicit, imposing a partial ordering on the program's operations (rather tha te linear total ordering imposed by text). The effect is that patterns that are textually delocalized. (oncontignons) can often become localized in a flow graph where only essential dataflow relationships are captured. 0 Compact representation. Only primitive operations ad dataflow between them are represented by the graph. * Fragmentary patterns can be represented without including unnecessary details. * Hierarchical relationships can be drawn between graphs, with the graph grammar formalism providing a firm mathematical basis. In this chapter, we define the flow graph grammar formalism used to represent programs and cliches. We present the basic formalism first and then describe extensions to it that allow us to deal with variations de to redundancy versus structure-sharing, and variations in aggregation organization. We then present a chart parser for flow graphs in this formalism. Interleaved with the description. of the formalism are sections that ground the description in the concrete application of program recognition. These may help clarify and motivate the restrictions on flow graphs and graph grammar rules. These sections are unnecessary for understanding the general description of the formalism, which has a broad range of 59 applicability to other problem domains besides program recognition (as discussed in Section 7.4). In the final section, we summarize related graph grammar research. 3.1 Flow Graphs A flow graph 'is a attributed, drected, acyclic graph, whose nodes have ports - entry ad exit points for edges. Flow graphs have the following properties and restrictions: 1. Each node has a type which is taken from a vocabulary of node types. 2. Each node has two disjoint tuples of ports, called its inputs and outputs. Each port has a type, taken from a vocabulary of port types. All nodes of the same type have the same number and type of ports in their 'input and output port tuples. The size of the input port tuple of a node is called the input arity of the node, while its output arity 'is the size of the node's output port tuple. 3. A node's iputs (or outputs) may be empty, in which case the node is called a source (or sink, respectively). 4. Edges do not merely adjoin nodes, but rather edges adjoin ports on nodes. AR edges run from an output port on one node to an input port on another node. The ports connected by an edge must have the same port type.' (An exception to this is that a port of te special designated tpe Any can connect to ports of ay type.) 5. More than one edge may adjoin the same port. Edges entering te same input port are called fan-in edges, while edges leaving a common output port are called fan-out edges. 6. Ports need not have edges adjoining them. Any input (or output) port in a flow graph that does not have an edge running into (or out of) it is called an input (or output) of that graph. 7. Each flow graph has a vocabulary of attributes, which is partitioned into two disjoint sets of node attributes and edge attributes. Each attribute has a (possibly infinite) set of possible values. Associated with each node type is a finite sbset of the node attributes. These are the only attributes for which nodes of that type can hold values. AR edges hold a value for each of the edge attributes. Flow graphs were first defined by Brotsky [15], drawing -upon the earlier work on web grarnrnars 27, 94, 102, 105, 119]. Wills 144, 145] extended Brotsky's definition so that flo' graphs can include sinks and sources (item 3 above), fan-in ad fan-out edges (item 5), and attributes (item 7. 'In the future, a type hierarchy system may be used to allow ports to be connected if one port's type is a subtype of the other's. 60 e color red Ne , color: red age: 5 size: 60 Figure 31: An example attributed flow graph. Figure 31 shows an example flow graph. We refer to nodes by their node type. If there are two nodes with the same type, we precede the node type with a unique label. Ports are identified using numeric annotations on the nodes. Each numeric port identifier is followed by a colon and the port's type. The edges of the flow graph have been labeled with subscripted "e"s. Edge e connects two ports of typet3 while edge e4 connects a port of typet4with one of type Any. Edges el and e2 fan out of port 2 on node b, while edges e3 and e6 fan into port of node g. Node d is a sink. Port of node b is an input of the graph and ports 2 and 3 of node g are otputs of the graph. (Pictorially, we emphasize iputs ad outputs of the graph by drawing edge stubs adjoining them.) In the figure, attribute-value pairs (in the form attribute:value) are shown in italics near the node or edge which holds a value for te attribute. In this example, all node types have t1te node attribute color. The node type g additionally has the attributes age and ize and te node of type g in this particular graph has values 1 ad 60, respectively, for these attributes A edges have the attribute distance. Useful Defini'tions A flow graph H is a sub-flow graph of a flow graph G if and only if H's nodes are a sbset of G's nodes, and H's edges are the subset of G's edges that connect only those ports found on nodes of H. Isomorphism can be defined between flow graphs using a variation of its standard def- inition, which accounts for edges adjoining ports, rather than nodes. Two flow graphs F, and 2 are isomorphic if and only if there is a one-to-one mapping of the nodes of F, onto the nodes of 2, such that adjacency is preserved - i.e., the ith output of a node ni isconnected to te jh input of a od F, if and only if the ih e n2 In output of the node 0(ni) is connected to the jh input of the node 0(n2) in 2. 61 3.2 Flow Graph Grammars A flow graph grammar is a set of rewriting rules (or productions), each specifying how a node in a flow graph can be replaced by a particular sub-flow graph. All rules in a flow graph grammar rewrite a single left-hand side node to a right-hand side flow graph. Te grammar specifies which flow graphs are in a particular set of flow graphs, called the language of the grammar. In addition, the flow graph grammar may be attributed: Each rule can specify how to compute attribute values of the rule's nodes from te attributes of other nodes in the rule. Each rule can also impose constraints on the attributes of the rule's nodes. Every flow graph 'in the language of an attributed grammar has attribute values that satisfy the constraints of the rules generating te flow graph. More precisely, a flow graph grammar G has four parts: two disjoint sets N and T of node types, called non-terminals and terminals, respectively, a set P of productions ad a set of distinguished non-terminal types, called the start types of G. (By convention, non-terminal types are denoted by capital letters, while terminal types are in lower case.) Each production in P consists of the following five parts: * A flow graph L, called the left-hand side, containing a single node having a non- terminal type. * A flow graph R called the right-hand side, containing nodes of non-terminal or ter- minal types. * An embedding relation C which specifies the correspondence between the ports of L and R. * A set of attribute conditions, which 'impose constraints (in the form of relations) on the attribute values of nodes and edges in R. * A set of attribute transfer rules, each of which specifies the value of a attribute of L's node in terms of the attributes of the nodes and edges i R. Sections 32.1 and 32.3 discuss the embedding relation ad the attribute conditions and transfer rules in more detail. 3.2.1 Embedding Relation The embedding relation is necessary in flow graph grammar rules (unlike string grammar rules) to provide connectivity information when an occurrence of a left-hand side is rewritten during a derivation. It specifies how the ports connected to the left-hand side should be connected to the right-hand side flow graph,- and possibly to each other, when te left-hand side is replaced by the right-hand side. (It is used 'in an aalogous way in the reverse process 62 of reducing an occurrence of a rule's right-hand side to its left-hand side during recognition or parsing.) The embedding relation C is a binary relation on f, x R UC, where C denotes the set of left-hand side ports and R denotes the set of right-hand side ports of a rule. A left-hand side port 1i and a right-hand side port or another left-hand side port pj are said to "correspond" if pj) E C. The embedding relation is restricted in the following ways. 1. If a left-hand side port corresponds to a right-hand side port, then both ports must be of the same direction input or output). If two left-hand side ports correspond to each other, they must be of opposite directions. 2. More than oe right-hand side port and/or left-hand side port may corr espond to the same left-hand sde port. However, more than oe left-hand side port may not correspond to the same right-hand side port. 3. Each left-hand side port corresponds to at least oe right-hand side or left-hand side port. (A right-hand side port need not correspond to some left-hand side port.) The rght-hand side ports corresponding to ports o te left-hand side ode need not be inputs or outputs of the right-hand side graph (i.e., they may be connected to other ports in the graph). The definition of the embedding relation is extended (as described in Section 34.2 to encode aggregation 'Information. However, the extended relation still obeys these restric- tions. When a left-hand side port 11 corresponds wth another left-hand side port 12, the rule is said to contain a straight-through (abbreviated "st-thru"). We discuss the sgnificance of st-thrus in the next section, where we describe how the embedding relation is used in the derivation of flow graphs. Figure 32 shows a example flow graph grammar. In this example, ports are referred to as subscripted node types (e.g., a, refers to the port labeled I on the node with type a- Port types are not shown. The port correspondences of each rule are indicated pictorially by matching Greek letters. For example, left-hand sde port Al corresponds to right-hand side port a,. (This grammar does not have attribute conditions or attribute transfer rules, so they are not shown. See Section 32.3 for the details of attribute handling and Figure 3-5 for a complete picture.) By convention, when a port correspondence involves an 'Internal right-hand side port (not an input or output of the right-hand side graph), we draw an edge stub coming into or out of that port. We annotate the edge stub with te port correspondence label. For example, this is done in drawing the rule for non-terminal A in Figure 32. Also, when two or more right-hand side ports correspond to the same left-hand side port, the edge stubs from the right-hand side ports are drawn as if they are merged with each other. This abbreviated notation is used, for example, in depicting the rule for B. (This makes it easier 63 (X ot M+ x A F 4 y Rp ot A 14 (X p , I M+ ly. 8F - x Figure 32: An example flow graph grammar. to visualize how the right-hand side of a rule is embedded into a graph when the left-hand side i's expanded during derivation.) Similarly, st-thrus are depicted as lines which do not adjoin any port, but which may be merged with an edge stub and/or aother st-thru. In drawings, they are anotated with the pair of correspondence labels associated with the left-hand sde ports that correspond. The rule for F contains a st-thru, since ports F and 4 correspond. 3.2.2 Flow Graph Grammar Derivations A flow graph is derived from a start type S, of a flow graph grammar by starting wth a flow graph contaiing a single ode of type S, and repeatedly applying the grammar's rewrite rules (productions) to the non-terminals in this graph until no non-terminals are left. Each rewrite rule specifies how an isomorphic occurrence of the rule's left-hand side L can be replaced by the rule's right-hand side graph R. The embedding relation C of the rule is used to embed R in the graph once L has been removed. In particular, for each right-hand side port ri and left-hand side port 1i related by C, ri is connected to all of the ports that were connected to 1i before L was removed. In addition, if a left-hand side input port 1i corresponds to a left-hand side output port 1j, then edges are drawn connecting each of the ports connected to i to each of the ports connected to j. I other words, when a rule contains a st-thrii, the embedding relation 64 between te ports involved, li ad j, imposes the constraint that the ports adjacent to i and li become connected directly to each other when the left-hand side is rewritten. For example, a sample derivation of a graph from the grammar of Figure 32 is shown in Figure 33. WI-ten the non-terminal node A is expanded in the second step of the derivation, A is removed from the graph, along with the edges adjoining its ports. Then the right-hand side of the rule for A is added to the graph. Finally, edges are drawn between the right-hand side ports a,, B2, and a2 and te ports to which Al, A2, and A3 (respectively) had been connected (i.e., X3, 2, and F3). In string grammars, the derivation tree is used as a canonical representation of equivalent derivations, which abstracts away from the order in which productions are applied in the derivations. It is useful to make use of a similar representation for flow graph derivations. As in the string case, a derivation tree has vertices labeled with the node type of a non-terminal that was expanded during the derivation. However, unlike the string case, the children of each vertex are related in a partial ordering. The right-hand side graph in the production for the vertex's label defines this partial ordering. (Derivation trees are normally shown without the edges between the nodes of tte tree to reduce clutter.) For example, the derivation sequence of Figure 33 is represented by the derivation tree of Figure 34. 3.2.3 Attribute Conditions and Transfer Rules So far, we have discussed the aspects of flow graph grammars tat impose structural con- straints on the flow graphs 'in their languages, for example, by constraining teir node types and edge connections. This section describes how the non-structural aspects of a flow graph are constrained. Attributes are used to represent information that cannot be adequately expressed in the structure of a flow graph. Attribute conditions 'in grammar rules impose constraints on these attributes. The concept of an attributed string grammar was formalized by Knuth 77] as a way to assign semantics to strings in a context free language. Attribute values are computed from other attribute values within a rule. This is called attribute evaluation. Te attributes t1lat are computed represent some aspect of the meaning" of the string being parsed (e.g., the decimal value of a binary number). Since then, attribute grammars have been used extensively in such areas 'as pattern recognition 16, 17, 39, 48, 86, 135], compiler technology 40, 41, 47, 68, 74, 78, 79], pro- gramming environments 6 28], software specification and development 38, 97, 98, 101, 131], and test case generation 30]. Raiha 107] gives a bibliography of the early papers. These systems use attribute grammars to deal with nonstructural, semantic properties of a pat- tern and to reduce te complexity of the grammar. Much of the theoretical work in this area has focussed on developing efficient attribute evaluation strategies 28, 68, 73, 109], the complexity of checking that attribute grammars are well-formed 64], and assisting the writing of attribute grammars which contain complex dependencies among the attributes 65 4- 2 F 4 x 2 F Y 2 Figure 33: An example derivation sequence. 66 S .0 X A F Y a B e f h d Figure 34: An example derivation tree. [29]. Our flow graph grammars ae attributed grammars in the sense that their productions contain attribute transfer rules for computing attribute values from the attribute values of other nodes and edges within the rule. (These are also called "semantic rules" 77], 44 attribute transfer functions" 16], or "attribute transfer specifications"[145].) In general, attribute transfer rules ca-n associate the attribute of some node or edge on either side of a rule with a function for computing its value from the attributes of the other nodes and edges (on either side) of the rule. Attributes that are computed for the left-hand side node from the attributes of te right-hand side are called synthesized atributes. Those that are computed for a right-hand side node or edge from the attributes of te left-hand side node and/or other nodes and edges in the right-hand side are called nherited attributes. Currently, te flow graph grammar used by the recognition system uses only synthesized attributes. This is because our attributed flow graph grammars are not used so much for computing attribute values, as for imposing constraints on the attributes of the flow graph being parsed. Inherited attributes are useful if the value of an attribute involves complex dependencies across the derivation tree. However, the attribute values computed in the current system are based on simple relationships among attributes. Synthesized attributes are adequate. Constraints are imposed on attributes in the form of attribute conditions on grammar rules. Attribute conditions are relations on the attribute values of the nodes ad edges of a flow graph grammar rule's right-hand side. They specify constraints that must be satisfied by te attributes of a flow graph if it is in the language of t1le grammar. (These are also called "context conditions" 68], "constraints" 145], and "applicability predicates"[16].) The attribute conditions and attribute transfer rules of a production are used primarily during parsing. Tey can be used during generation to produce a set of conditions tat must be satisfied by the attribute values of the flow graph generated. However, this is not how they are typically used.) A parser for an attributed grammar engages in the following three activities when given 67 Attribute-Conditions: p p Color(b = Color(A = Color(g)a S 04 I 1 9 Attribute-Transfer Rules: x Size(S):= IOSize(g)lAge(g) Color(S):= Color(A) (X p 14 Attribute-Conditions: Distance( < Distance()2 Attribute-Transfer Rules: Color(A) = ftColor(a), Color(h)) Figure 35: An example attributed flow graph grammar. a string (or graph, in the case of attributed graph grammars) x: 1. Structural aalysis - recover a derivation of x from a start type of the grammar ad create a derivation tree to represent the derivation. If no derivation tree is found, reject x for membership in the language of the grammar. (This is the usual activity performed by recognizers for non-attribnted grammars.) 2. Attribute evaluation - propagate attribute values throughout the derivation tree in accordance with the attribute transfer rules. Values for synthesized attributes move upward as a function of the attribute values of the descendants of a node, while inherited attribute values move downward from the ancestors. 3. Attribute condition checking - maintain the invariant tat if all attribute values are known for the attributes related by an attribute condition, then the condition must hold. If a condition fails to hold, reject x. If the recognizer finishes with a attributed derivation tree for x and all attribute con- ditions of all productions involved are satisfied, then x is recognized as a member of the language. For example, Figure 36 shows the derivation tree that would result from parsing the attributed flow graph in Figure 31 in accordance with the grammar of Figure '3-5 Te edges are drawn between the leaves of the derivation tree to show the edge attributes t1tat are involved in the parse. Dashed arrows show the propagation of attribute values. The three parsing activities can be interleaved. The interleaving is particularly simple in our parser, since only synthesized attributes are used. All attribute values of a derivation node depend only on the attributes of the node's descendants. Attribute conditions can be checked as soon as the right-hand side of a rule is recognized. Attribute values can 68 color: size: 40I- I - -age: 5 1 size: 60 color: red e, Figure 36: An attributed derivation tree. be computed and transferred to the left-hand side node during the reduction of the right- hand side to the left-hand side. Because the attribute condition checking is folded into the structural parsing process (i.e., conditions are checked each time a reduction is attempted), invalid parses can be cut off early. In the future, if inherited attributes are needed, a more sophisticated attribute evaluation and condition checking strategy will need to be employed (for example 28, 68, 73, 109]). 3.3 Motivations for Frmalism* Program Recognition Ap- plication So far, the basics of the flow graph formalism have been described. There are two major extensions to this formalism that increase the class of flow graphs and grammars that can be succinctly expressed in it. However, before they are described, this section briefly shows how the basic formalism is used in a particular application domain. This provides some rationale for the restrictions on the grammar formalism that have been described so far. (This section is not needed to understand the extensions. It may be read after the extensions have been discussed.) We apply the flow graph formalism to the representation of programs and programming cliche's. In particular, flow graphs serve as graphical abstractions of programs, flow graph grammars encode allowable implementation steps between abstract operations and lower- level operations, ad the derivation trees resulting from parsing give the program's top-down design. 69 (DEFUN RIGHTP (HYPOTENUSE SIDEi SIDE2) (LET* ((HYP-SQ (SQ HYPOTENUSE)) (DIFF (- HYP-SQ (+ (SQ SIDE1) (SQ SIDE2M) (DELTA (IF < DIFF 0) (NEGATE DIFF) DIFFM (IF <= DELTA (* HYP-S 002)) T NIL))) Figure 37: Testing whether the three input sides form a right triangle. The flow graph 'is used to represent the operations of a program and the dataflow between them. Each non-sink node in a flow graph represents a function, with ports on the node representing distinct iputs and outputs of the function. The ports' types ae determined by the signature of the function. Sink nodes represent conditional tests. The edges of a flow graph represent dataflow constraints between the functions and tests. When the result of a function is consumed by more than one function, te edges representing the dataflow fan out. Edges that fan in represent the conditional merging of more tan one dataflow. For example, Figure 38 shows te flow graph representing t1le code shown in Figure 3-7. RIGHTP determi nes whether the inputs could be the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. It checks whether the square of HYPOTENUSE is approximately equal to te sum of the squares of SIDE ad SIDE2. Two special nodes of type $B$ and $E$, which are not in N U T cap the ends of te flow graph. These hold ports that represent the input and output values of data consumed or produced by the code. These odes make it easy to represent the fan-out of input data to more than one function and the conditional fan-in of output data. For example, port I on $E$ receives fan-in representing te conditional output of either constant T or NIL. Attributes on nodes and edges are used to capture characteristics of a program that cannot be adequately expressed in the structure of a flow graph. Control flow information is stored in the attributes of the flow graph representing a program. Each ode has a control environment attribute whose value indicates -under which conditions the operation represented by the node i's executed. Nodes in the same control environment represent functions that are a executed under te same conditions. (Section 41.1 describes the vocabulary of attributes and attribute conditions used by the recognition system in more detail.) Sink nodes, representing conditional tests, carry two additional attributes, success-ce 'The function RIGHTP is taken from Problem 39 (p.42) in 148]. 70 Figure 38: Attributed flow graph for RIGHTP. and failure-ce. These specify the control evironments whose operations are execnted when the conditional test succeeds or fails, respectively. Each edge holds a ce-from attribute which indicates the control environment in which the edge carries dataflow. (In Figure 38, only ce-from attributes of edges that fan-in are shown, to reduce clutter. The edges that do not fan-in a have ce, as their ce-from attribute value.) Each edge also carries a constant-type attribute whose value is either a constant suc as T, NIL, 0) or undef ined, depending on whether the edge represents dataflow from a constant. For edges whose source is not a port on node $B$, the constant type is always undef ined. This attribute is not shown in Fgure 38 for edges for which its value is undef ined. Program cliche's are encoded 'in flow graph grammar rules. Informall a rule can be seen as specifying how an abstract operation, represented by the rule's left-hand side node, is im- plemented in terms of lower-level operations, represented by the right-hand side flow graph. (Section 41 gives more details of how this 'is done, as well as other relationships between cliches, besides implementation relationships, which are captured in grammar rules.) Figure 39 shows a grammar containing a rule that represents te common cliche' of testing whether two nmbers are within some "epsilon" of each other. The rules representing two common implementations of the Absolute Value cliche demonstrate that te grammar allows us to modularly specify implementation variations. The rules have typical embedding relations. In the rule for Negate-if-Negative, two right-hand side ports <, and negate,) correspond to the same left-hand side port. This represents the constraint that the input to an isomorphic 'Instance of the rght-hand side must come from a source that fans out to both <1 and negate,. The rule for Negate-if-Negative also has a right-hand side port <2) that does not correspond to any left-liand side port. This right-hand side port represents the input coming from the constant 0. It is important that in our formalism a right-hand side port is not required to correspond to a left-hand side port, since otherwise we would have to add an input to Negate-if-Negative to orrespond to <2. This would destroy the modularity of te 71 04 Attribute-Transfer Rules: ce = ce(n WI- test). su ccess- ce = fa ilu re- ce(n ull- test). failure-ce:= success-ce(null-test). a so ute- 4 alue Attribute-Transfer Rules: ce:= ce(Negate-if-Negative). cc qu14 1 Root- e a so ute- alue Attribute - Transfer Rules: ce:= ce(Square-Root-of-Square). (ap) Attribute- Conditions: I . -- - t- . , --- -.-1. econd input to -< receives constant type = U. 2. Dataflows outfrom "negate" infailure-ce(null-rest). 3. Data flows straight-throughfrom input to output in success-ce(null-test). Attribute-Transfer Rules: ce:= e(null- test). a Square- Root- 4 (X 1 Attribute-Transfer Rules: ce:= ce(SQRT). Figure 39: Flow graph grammar encoding cliche's ound in RIGHTP. .. 72 grammar, since te extrainput must be propagated up through t1te rules that use Negate-if- Negative. We would need to add an put to the Absolute-Value node, but this extra iput would be meaningless for Absolute-Value's other implementation as Square-Root-of-Square. The rule for Negate-if-Negative also shows how st-thrus are used to represent cched operations in which some of the input data is not acted upon, but passes directly to the outpnt. This grammar also shows typical attribute conditions and attribute transfer rules. (These are stated informally in English in Figure 39. Section 41.1 gives a more formal description of te actual attribute language used in encoding cliche's.) A typical attribute condition placed on an edge's attribute in a grammar rule is that it must carry dataflow in a particular control environment (e.g., the failure-ce of some test). Attribute conditions and transfer rules may refer to attributes of nodes and edges of the rule's right-hand side. In addition, they may refer to edges 'in the input graph whose sources or sinks match the inputs or outputs of the rule's right-hand side, or to edges matching st- thrus. For example, the rule for Negate-if-Negative constrains the iput t <2 to come from a constant source of type 0. It also constrains the ce-from attribute of edges whose sources match negate2 and of edges matching the st-thru. 3.3.1 The Partial Program Recognition Problem We formulate the problem of recognizing cche's in programs in terms of solving a parsing problem for flow graphs. This section defines these problems. The parsing problem for flow graphs is: Given a flow graph F and a flow graph grammar G if F is in te language of G then produce all possible parses for F (i.e., au possible derivation trees that yield F). The subgraph pool for flow graphs s Given a flow graph F and a flow graph grammar G find all possible parses of all sub-flow graphs of F that are in the language of G. There are two types of program recognition: total, in which the entire program is rec- ognized as a single cliche', and partial, in which the program may contain unrecognizable parts but as much of the program as possible is recognized as one or more cches. The total recognition problem for programs is.- Given a program and library of cliche's, determine which cliche's 'in the library are instantiated by te program as a whole. (Usually a single program is recognizable as an instance of only one cliche', but this general definition includes cases in wich a program can be viewed in more than one way.) The partial recognition problem is: Given a program and a library of cliche's, find all instances of the cliche's in the program (i.e., determine which cliche's are in the program and their locations). In this work, we are more interested in the partial recognition problem for programs. (The total recognition problem is subsumed by 'It.) When we say "program recognition" we 73 Equality-within-Epsilon Absolute- null- Value test Negate-if- Negative < null- negate test Figure 310: Cliche's recognized in RIGHTP. mean partial program recognition. The partial program recognition problem is solved by ormulating it as a subgraph parsing problem: Given a flow graph F representing the program's dataflow ad a cliche library encoded as a flow graph grammar G (with all non-terminals that represent cliche's as start types), solve the subgraph parsing problem on F and G. The derivation trees that are produced are called design tees. The root of the tree identifies a particular cliche' that was recognized and the yield of the tree indicates where the cliche was found. Intermediate non-terminals in the tree indicate the subcliches that implement the cliche' that was found. Thus, casting partial program recognition as a parsing problem yields as output not only the set of cliche's ad their locations, but also relationships between the cliclie' instances. For example, Figure 310 shows the design tree produced by partiaRy recognizing the program RIGHTP, represented as the flow graph in Figure 38 and using the graph grammar of Figure 39. When a program is partially recognized, one or more sub-flow graphs of the program's flow graph encoding are recognized as members of the language of the graph grammar which encodes the cliche' library. From the definition of a sub-flow graph, we can see that it is poss'ble to ignore portions of a flow graph before and after a recognizable sub-flow grapl-1, as well as portions that fan out from or into a internal port in the sub-flow graph. 3.4 Extensions to the Flow Graph Formalism The next two sections discuss two major extensions to the flow graph grammar formalism described so far. The first extension foRows closely an extension made by Lutz 90] to a graph formalism similar to ours, while the second is novel to or research. The extensions are the following. 74 1. We expand the language of a flow graph grammar to include all flow graphs derivable not only from a start type of t1te flow graph grammar, but also from flow graphs that are 4 share-equivalent" to a sentential form3 of the grammar. The notion of share- equivalence captures the types of variation de to structure-sharing tat the extended formalism abstracts away. In a structure-sharing flow graph, a node plays the role of more than one node of the same type by generating output that fans out or by receiving input that fans in. 2. We extend the expressiveness of the flow graph grammar to allow it to capture the rewriting of a single iput (or output) of a non-terminal node into an aggregation of inputs (or otputs) of a sub-flow graph. We then further expand the language of a flow graph grammar to include all flow graphs that are "aggregation-equivalent" to the flow graphs derivable from the grammar. The notion of aggregation-equivalence defines the variation tolerated in how aggregates are organized. In the program recognition application, the first extension is needed to deal with varia- tion due to the common engineering optimization of function-sharing. The second extension is important in being able to represent ad recognize cliched operations on aggregate data structures. These extensions to the formalism are described in this section. However, the mecha- nisms by which the parsing problem is solved for flow graphs in the extended formalism are described in Section 35, after the parsing process for the basic extended formalism is presented. We make these extensions to remove some forms of variation between semantically equiv- alent programs that are not abstracted away by the graph representation alone. We essen- tially do this by imposing an equivalence relation on the graphs representing the programs. Alternatively, we could 'impose the equivalence relation at the source text level by trans- forming program expressions directly. For example, a great deal of work has been done in the term rewriting area 60, 61, 75]. These techniques are good for canonicalizing localized parts of a program (e.g., by algebraic simplification and normalization). However, if the expression that we want to rewrite is delocalized and interleaved with unrelated expres- sions, we need to first apply subexpression shuffling and copying transformations to localize it. This is avoided in the graph representation which tends to localize elated operations. Expression-based techniques also fall prey to syntactic variation. It would be useful to combine the expression-based rewriting techniques with graph-based parsing. One way is to canonicalize the text as much as possible first and then convert to the graph-based repre- sentation and parse. Another is to interleave the two (maintaining multiple representations) so that expression-based smplifications ad normalizations can be done to aid recognition and the graph-based representation can localize expressions to rewrite and abstract away 3A sentential form of a graph grammar is any flow graph that is derivable from a start type of the grammar by the application of zero or more productions of the grammar. 75 bD 2 'Y F3 Figure 311 Tese flow graphs should a be seen as equivalent. syntactic differences. 3.4.1 Structure-Sharing Flow raphs can be used to represent collections of components having inputs and outputs that are produced or consumed by each other. In using this representation, we would like to be able to view a flow graph in which two or more components of te same type are collapsed into a single shared component as being equivalent to a flow graph in which te two components are not collapsed. See Figure 311. This is important in dealing with variation due to function-sharing, in engineering ap- plications of the formalism. Function-sharing is a common egineering optimization made during design, in which oe component fulfills more than one purpose. For example, in an optimized program, two or more functions may be applied to the result of a single (shared) function application. We employ a notion of share-equivalence to capture the relationship between flow graphs, such as those in Figure 311. This notion was introduced by Lutz 90] for graphs similar to ours. Sliare-eqnivalence is defined in terms of a binary relation collapses (denoted < on flow graphs. Flow graph F collapses flow graph 2 if and only if there are two nodes nj and n2 of the same node type t in 2, having iput arity I ad output arity 0, such tat all of these conditions hold: 1. Either one or both of the following are true: (a) Vi = ... 1, the ih iput port of nj is connected to the same set of output ports as the ih iput port of n2 (b) V = 1-0, the jth Output port of nj is connected to the same set of input ports as the jth output port of n2- 2. F can be created from 2 by replacing nj and n2 with a new node n3 of type t with. the ih input (resp., output) of n3 connected to the uion of the ports connected to 76 (X (X 01 a b -OX D--.O- C Figure 312: a) A grammar. b) Its core language. c) Some flow graphs in its expanded language. the ith inputs (resp., outputs) of ni and n2- 3. The attribute values of n ad n2 can be "combined." This is done by applying an attribute combination function, which is defined for each attribute, to te attribute values of nj and n2. The attribute combination functions may be partial fnctions If the unction is not defined for n and n2's attributes, then the attribute values cannot be combined (and F does not collapse 2). For example, in Fgure 311, F collapses 2 which collapses 3. Performing the trans- formation in condition 2 from 2 to F is called "zipping up" 2. Its inverse 'is referred to as unzipping The reflexive, symmetric, transitive closure of collapses, ,*, defines the equivalence relation share-equivalent. (In Figure 311, F, 2, and 3 are all share-equivalent.) The directly derives relation ( ,) between flow graphs is redefined as follows. A flow graph F directly derives aother flow graph 2 if and only if either 2 can be produced by applying a grammar rule to F1, F New-Time (Event-Time (car Event-Queue))) is part of a program for inserting a user-defined data structure, called an Event, into a Priority Queue which is 'Implemented as a Ordered Associative List. The Event has parts Time (an integer) and Object (a Message, which is a user-defined type). The Event is treated as a priority queue element, whose pority is the Time part. This code fragment is testing whether the first element of the 'Input list, Event- Queue, has a Time part less tan the value of New-Time (which is the Time of the event being inserted). The attributed flow graph representing this code fragment is shown in Figure 320. Its CAR has an output of type Any. (Ratlier than numeric port labels, te Spread in this example uses mnemonic names, such as Time, for clarity.) No Aggregate Port Types on Terminals This section shows how the actions of a recognizer for the core language are interleaved with aggregation-intro'duction transformations in a formalism tat does not allow ports of aggregate type on terminal nodes. Since minimally-aggregated graphs have no Spreads or Makes, the Spreads and Makes in the right-hand sides of rules cannot be matched. Only a sub-flow graph of the right- hand side can be matched to nodes in the input graph. This snb-flow graph, called the 89 ---- Nwmw --- - - non-aggregated rhs, consists of the subset of nodes that are not Spreads or Makes and the subset of edges connecting their ports. Since right-hand sides of rules are assumed to contain no iternal Spreads and Makes, the non-aggregated rhs is the rght-hand side graph minus its boundary Spreads and Makes. These boundary Spreads and Makes contain valuable information about how the iputs and outputs of the non-aggregated rhs should be aggregated to recognize a left-hand side that has aggregate port types. We move'this information into the embedding relation. We remove the boundary Spreads and Makes so the right-hand side of each graph grammar rule becomes the non-aggregated rhs. Recall that the embedding relation, as described so far, relates left-hand side ports to right-hand side ports and other left-hand side ports. (That is, C is a binary relation on ,C x R UC, where C and are the sets of left- and right-hand side ports, respectively.) A single left-hand side port can correspond to a non-empty set of right-hand side and left-hand side ports, while a single right-hand side port can correspond to at most one left-hand side port. We extend this embedding relation to relate each left-hand side port to a tuple of right- hand side and left-hand side port sets, where the position in the tple is significant. More precisely, the embedding relation C is now on C x (2R`C)' where n varies. (A left-hand side port and each right-hand side port in the tuple related to it are still said to "correspond" with each other.) The right-hand side ports are tupled and related to the left-hand sde ports based on the fringe Spread and Make nodes that are removed from each rule's right-hand side. When a Spread node of output arity is removed, the left-hand side input port corresponding to its input port becomes related to a tuple in which Vi = I-, the i1h element of te tuple is te set of right-hand side ports (if ay) connected to the i1h output of the Spread. Similarly, when a Make node of input arity 'is removed, the left-hand side output port corresponding to its output becomes related to a tuple, in which Vi = 1., , the i1h element of the tuple is the set of right-hand side ports (if any) connected to the ih iput of the Make. The rule for A in Figure 3-21a. becomes the rule shown in Figure 3-21b when Spreads and Makes are removed. Left-hand side port Al is related to te tuple of right-hand side ports < a,, d, , b > This is shown by tupling the Greek annotations associated with each left-hand side port to reflect the aggregation of right-hand side ports corresponding to the left-hand side port. (For smplicity, elements of tuples that are singleton sets degenerate to the single element of the set in drawings. Tnples containing one element degenerate to that one element.) If any Spread node has an output j that connects directly to an input k of a Make node, then a st-thru results between the left-hand side ports (11 and 12) tat originally corre- sponded with the input of the Spread ad the output of the Make, respectively. Specifically, the j1h element of the tuple corresponding with 11 contains 12 and the k h element of the 90 (X p 14 (a) I:x A cc x 04 :x a :x 0 I:y :y 5 <(CP> 5> (b) Figure 321: (a) A rule which aggregates port types. (b) The same rule with aggregation information moved to the embedding relation. triple corresponding with 12 contains 11. This is illustrated in Figure 322 where the rule 'in part (a) is converted to the rule of part (b) which contains a st-thru. Al corresponds with A2 in part y of aggregate port type P. Relation To Concrete Application Domain-. St-Thrus in Data Aggregation This case arises quite frequently in the program recognition domain. Operations on ag- gregate data structures in which all parts of the data structure are used and/or changed are rare in te simulator programs. Most operations work on only a subset of the parts. For example, the operation for removing the first element from the cched aggregate data structure Circular Indexed Sequence (abbrev. CIS) accesses oly four of its five parts and changes only two parts. As shown in Figure 323, the CIS data structure has a Base, which is a sequence, a Size, which is an integer, a Fill-Count, which is an integer count of the number of elements in the CIS, and two index pointers (First and Last), which ae positive integers that specify the indices of the first and last elements in the CIS. The removal op- eration uses the CIS's First part as an index into its Base part to retrieve the first element. Then the First part is updated by being incremented or decremented (depending on the direction of growth), modulo the Size part. The Fll-Count is also decremented. The Last part is not used or changed. Also, the Base and Size parts are used but not changed. So, 91 :x 2: et 0,., 2:x 1:x 91.4 p 0, 1:p m :.,, a :x L 3:P ---w-t) 0I C 43:ycn 5 L 1:y 2: a 2: p - No X 1:P 2: Boo (b) Figure 322: (a) A edge connects a Spread and Make. (b) This edge becomes a st-thru when aggregation information is moved to the embedding relation. there are three st-thrus in the rule for CIS Extract, representing t1te Last, Base, and Size parts. The rule for CIS Extract is shown in Figure 324. (The CIS part names correspond- ing to the elements of the tuples of correspondence labels are shown in the lower left-hand corner.) Using the Embedding Relation in Reduction The embedding relation plays a key role in reduction which is at the heart of the recognition process. A flow graph is recognized if it can be reduced to a single node having a start type. Reduction steps are analogous to rewriting (or generation) steps. Rather than rewriting an occurrence of the left-hand side of a rule to a sub-flow graph isomorphic to the rule's rigl-tt-hand side, we reduce an isomorphic occurrence of the right-hand side to an instance of the left-hand side. In both cases, the embedding relation is used to determine how to connect the replacement sub-flow graph to the rest of the graph, called the host graph. The following i's only a conceptual description of the reduction mechanism. While a recognizer can be implemented to perform exactly these actions, it is not necessary that it do so. In most generators, recognizers, and parsers, the flow graph is not destructively transformed at each derivation or reduction step. The rewriting or reduction is simulated in the state of the generator, recognizer, or parser. This allows backtracking and multiple results to be formed (e.g., for ambiguous grammars). Recall that the uextended embedding relation is used as follows. When a sub-flow graph R is reduced to an istance of a rule's left-hand side L, an edge is created between a port pi in the host graph and a port L of L, if and oly if pi was connected to a port in R3 92 Base: Last - First - E el 1. Integer Decrement 2: Integer . J (8 t i 310 Size F il I - Count Figure 323: Circular Indexed Sequence data tructure K 93 Fill- Count 'K r, "IN CIS- 2: Any 10 1: CIS Extract 1* t, 3: CIS <0,7"nt,(P> Mnemonic tuple element names: Figure 324: The rule for Circular Indexed Sequence Extract. t1-tat corresponds to L, according to the embedding relation. Reduction using the extended embedding relation is more complicated. Several right- hand side ports may correspond to the same left-hand side port, but we do not want all ports in the host graph that are connected to these right-hand side ports to become connected to the left-hand side port when the right-hand side is replaced with the left-hand side. Instead, before we connect the left-hand side instance up to the ports of the host graph, we insert Make and Spread nodes into the graph surrounding the left-hand side to bundle -up the inputs and outputs coming from or going to the ports of the host graph. More specifically, for each left-hand side input port Lj having an aggregate port type, a Make node is inserted. Its output 'is connected to L - and its i1h iput i connected to3 the host graph ports that are connected to the right-hand side ports in the i1h element of the tuple corresponding to Lj. Likewise, for each left-hand side otput port Lk having an aggregate port type, a Spread ode is inserted. Lk i connected to the Spread's input and tlie ith output of the Spread is connected to the host graph ports that are connected to te right-hand side ports in the i1h element of the tuple corresponding to Lk- The Make and Spread nodes specify how the minimally-aggregated flow graph should be aggregated to recognize it as the left-hand side of the rle. When the reduction result- in a Make-of-Spread composition, the composition is simplified. (Note t1lat Spread-of-Makes are never created by this action.) For example, the flow graph grammar of Fgure 315, which expresses aggregation using Spreads and Makes, is converted to the flow graph grammar of Figure 325, which expresses aggregation 'in the embedding relation. A sample reduction sequence using the rules of this grammar is shown in Figure 326. A flow graph is recognized if it is reduced to a flow graph consisting of node of a start type of te grammar, with (possibly empty) trees of nested Makes and Spreads, whose roots are connected to the start type node's inputs and outputs, respectively. The reduction transformation described here is simulated by our parser. Spreads and Makes are not actually added to the graph being parsed just as the graph being parsed is not destructively reduced). Section 35.2 gives details of how the parser does this simulation. No Aggregate Port Types on Terminals Except "Any" We now sghtly relax the restriction on our formalism that no terminal nodes have ports of an aggregate type. We aow ports of type Anyon terminal nodes to take on any port type, including an aggregate port type. In this formalism, the minimally-aggregated flow graphs in a graph grammar's language might contain Spreads and Makes which are flat and internal. We call these residual Spreads or Makes. Each residual Spread node must have its input aggregate port connected to a port of type Any. Likewise, the output aggregate port on each residual Make node must connect to a port of typeAny. The main difference this makes to the reduction mechanism is that the simplification 94 (X "I . p A.. -I:Q 2: I:Q E 2 p (X x . IT :w 4: 8 cc xT p 8- w C :w ot x:x a :x - 8- 1:y :y cx 8:x A < 5>1:Q E : 14 <(XP> 5> :Q 2: M# <(XP> <7 8> 2: 14 <5,F-> T B :w Figure 325: The grammar of Figure 315 with aggregation ecoded in the embedding relatioll. 95 I 11, I loll IN I II III, III 11 - - Ir 1T 1T Figure 326 A reduction sequence using the grammar of Figure 325. 96 opmoolmr- ,". ",- (a) (b) 1: V g 2, 2: (C) cc g 1: Q 2: Any h 2: (d) Figure 327: The reduction of a sub-flow graph using the rule for D from Figure 3-25. of Spreads and Makes is not as straightforward. When a snb-flow graph isomorphic to the right-hand side is reduced to a left-hand side with surrounding Makes and Spreads, t1le Makes and Spreads may become connected to residual Spreads and Makes. A composition of a Make with a Spread node may arise. However, the Make ad Spread will not usually be of corresponding type. The residual Make or Spread may even become connected to a tree of nested Spreads or Makes, respectively. The usual, straightforward Make-of-Spread simplification cannot be applied to thi's composition. For example, the sub-flow graph containing nodes a, b, and c in Figure 3-27ais reduced to a on-terminal node of type D, surrounded by Makes ad Spreads, using the rule for D from Figure 325. The result of the reduction is sown in Figure 3-27b. There are two solutions to this. One is built on the other and is more powerful in that it allows a useful form of partial recognition to be done. The basic solution 'is to perform a special-case simplification to the composition. In particular, if all of the otputs of a residual Spread are connected to inputs of a Make or tree of nested Makes (as they are 97 in Figure 327), then we can simplify this composition by drawing an edge from each port connected to the residual Spread's input to each port connected to the output port of the Make or of the root of the Make tree. We can simplify compositions involving residual Makes 'in a analogous way. For example, the flow graph in Fgure 3-27b would simplify to the one in Figure 3-27c, which can be recognized as an S, whose rule is in Figure 3-27d. The main limitation of this basic solution is that 'it does not enable us to handle a form of partial recognition that we find crucial in performing partial program recognition. In particular, we would like to be able to recognize aggregate port types that aggregate only a subset of te parts that are aggregated by a port type used in the input flow graph. For example, sppose we have the flow graph shown in Fgure 3-28a and we want to recognize an in it whose rule is shown in Figure 3-28b. (Perhaps the flow graph in Figure 3-28a represents a program in which some cched op eration is being done to some parts (of type x and y) of a user-defined data structure F where these parts compose a cched data structure P. At the same time, the user-defined data structure might contain additional parts (of type and n) that are keeping track of some statistics, such as how many times the parts of type x and y are accessed. The operations (p and q) to the statistics-keeping parts are unfamiliar and need to be ignored when partially recognizing the program.) The key to partial recognition of flow graphs is the ability to separate recognizable portions of a flow graph from unrecognizable portions. For partial recognition of a flow graph F to succeed, the recognizable section must be a sub-flow graph of F. (Recall the discussion of Section 33.1.) The problem here is that residual Spreads and Makes keep the urecognizable portion of te input flow graph connected to te recognizable portion, preventing simplification and recognition of a sub-flow graph of the input flow graph. The reduction of te flow graph using the rule for A yields the flow graph in Figure 3-28c. We cannot simplify the composition of the residual Spread (Spread-F) with the Make (Make-P) as we do in te first solution because not all of the residual Spread's outputs are connected to t1te Make's inputs. The same is true for compositions involving residual Makes. (Note that if tere are no aggregate port types on terminal nodes, there are no residual Spreads or Makes. So this form of partial recognition 'is handled easily in the more restricted formalism.) To solve this, we make use of the fact that fan-in and fan-out facilitate partial recognition in that unrecognizable portions of a flow graph that fanont from or into ports internal to recognizable portions can easily be ignored simply by not being included n the sub-flow graph matched. The idea is to break up residual Spreads into two Spreads, one of whose outputs connect to the recognizable portion while the other's outputs connect to the unrecognizable portion. (The input port types of the two Spreads become some brand new type.) The inputs to the Spreads are connected to edges which fanout from the port(s) of type Any that connected 98 (a) 14 An h (b) < 14 (d) Figure 328: (a) A flow graph only partially recognizable as the Ron-terminal S, whose rule is i (b). (c) Result of reduction. (d) Breaking up residual Spreads ad Makes to facilitate partial recognition. 99 to t1te input of the original residual Spread. Residual Makes are broken -up into two Makes analo ously. Thus, we 'Isolate the recognizable portion from the nrecognizable portion by inserting a fan-in or fan-out. For example, the sub-flow graph enclosed in a dashed line in Figure 3-28d can be recognized as an once the residual Spreads and Makes are broken up. How a residual Spread or Make 'is to be broken up is determined by which connections we are trying to make with ports of type Any. In other words, the decomposition is not guessed. It 'is determined by what we are trying to connect together. It may be broken -up in more than one way, depending on how many subsets of parts of an aggregate port type can be partially recognized as distinct aggregate port types. As is the case with the rest of the reduction mechanism discussed so far, this is all simulated in the state of the parser. No graph operations are actually done. See Section 3.5.2 for more details. 3.5 Chart Parsing Flow Graphs GRASPR uses a new graph parser which has evolved from Brotsky's flow graph parser 1]. It also has been influenced by a chart-based flow graph parsing algorithm developed by Lutz 90]. See Figure 329. Brotsky's parsing algorithm generalized Earley's string parsing algorithm 32] to flow graphs. Kay 71, 72] and Thompson 132, 133] also generalized Earley's parser to create string chart parsing. This was a generalization of the control of Earley's algorithm to aow flexibility in the rule-invocation and search strategies employed. Lutz then generalized string chart parsing to a type of flow graph that is a sghtly restricted form of te flow graphs defined 'in this report. (Section 36 explains the difference.) The flexibility of control in Lutz's flow graph chart parsing algorithm as been adopted by the flow graph parser presented here. An earlier version of our parser (described in 144, 145]) was an extension of Brotsky's parser that allowed it to handle flow graphs that contain edges that fan-in or fan-out. It also dealt with some variations due to structure-sharing (in particular, for parsing flow graphs in which the derivations of two non-terminals overlap). Lutz independently devel- oped more techniques for dealing with structure-shariffig variations. These techniques ave been incorporated into our parser. Our formalism further extends that of Lutz and our earlier formalism to include graph grammars that encode aggregation information. Our parser also extends the class of flow graph variations that are tolerated to include variations due to aggregation organization. The main characteristics of the parser are: * It deterministically smulates a non-deterministic parser. 0 It finds all possible parses and keeps track of a partial analyses. * It can handle ambiguous grammars. 100 Earley 69 generalized to generalized control flow graphs Bro ky 84 Kay '80, Thompson '81 extended class of flow neralized to flowgraphs, structure-sharinggraphs and grammars Wills'87 Lutz 89 generalized control, tended class of flow extended class of flow graphs and grammars, graphs and grammars, (aggregation) (aggregation) Wills 92 Figure 329: Flow graph parser evolution. 9 It reuses previously found parses so that it can avoid re-doing work (i.e., it shares subderivations). * It has a flexible control structure. Its rule ivocation strategy (top-down vs. bottom- -up) and its search strategy can be specified as part of its inputs. * The order in which parses are constructed does not matter. (This is useful in being able to incrementally construct parses and to advise the parser to focus on certain parts of its search while postponing others.) * It is able to make use of analyses it has obtained while parsing to create alternative views of the iput graph. This can in turn allow more analyses to be constructed. o During reduction, it can aggregate not only a set of right-hand side nodes into a single left-hand side non-terminal, but also an aggregation of inputs (or outputs) of a right- hand sde flow graph into a single input (or otput) of a left-1-tand side non-terminal. The Basics of Chart Parsing Chart parsers maintai a database, called a chart, of partial and complete aalyses of the input. This is shown in Figure 330. The elements in the chart are called items. (in string chart parsing, they are called "edges." Lutz 901 calls them "Patches.") An item might be either complete or partial. Complete items represent the recognition of some terminal or non-terminal in the grammar. Partial items represent a partial recognition of a non-terminal. A complete item for a terminal node is created for each node in the iput graph during initialization. A complete item for a non-terminal node 'is created when there are complete 101 Chart: ............................... 3 ........................................... I......................................................................... .......................................................................... ,-.m" : 5 4 6 ......................................................................... I .0 I I Grammar: 4 Input: -+ - C.0 4 x+ Figure 330: Graph chart parsing. 102 Itcomplete item" 44,( Irpaitial item"----------- 7 ----------------- 4 i 2 2 "fiinclnmi,ntA -ZwGyi-w-- 3 BP 7 I items for each of the constituents of the right-hand side of some rule for the node's type, a-Rd the locations of the constituents satisfy the right-hand side's edge connection constraints. Each complete item keeps track of the location in the iput graph at which the instance of the node type has been found. It also contains pointers to the snbitems on which it depends, as well as other information. Partial items, on the otlier hand, contain information about how much of a rule's right- hand side. has been recognized so far. It contains a dotted rule, which specifies the on- terminal being recognized, the rule used to recognized it which constituents have been found, and which constituents are still needed. Fundamental Event The most basic operation of a chart parser is to create new items by combining a partial item with a complete one. This is called the fundamental etyent. If there is a partial item that needs a non-terminal A at a particular location and if there is a complete item for non-terminal A at that location, then the partial item can be extended with the complete item. During extension, a copy of the partial item is created and augmented. This results in a new item which is added to the chart. When a partial item is extended with a complete one, they are said to be "combined.") Duplicate items are never added to the chart. This avoids redoing work. (Also, items are never removed from the chart.) In the string cart parsing literature, the chart is described as a graph. The nodes represent locations in the string being parsed and the edges represent the partial or complete recognition of some terminal or non-terminal between two locations. In string chart parsing, the retrieval of pairs of edges to participate in the fundamental event is based primarily on location. Whenever a partial and complete edge meet (i.e., satisfy the adjacency criterion), the pair becomes a candidate. The set of pairs are then further refined by an extendibility criterion which typically checks terminal or non-terminal types). In string chart parsers, it makes sense to use the adjacency criterion as the frst filter in retrieving pairs of edges to be combined. It only requires looking up the edges that start at a particular node in the chart (graph). Then the extendibility criterion can be applied to these edges. However, in graph parsing, the "edges" (items) are between sets of ports. The adjacency criterion now requires that the inputs and outputs of the completed item be a subset of the outputs and inputs (respectively) of the partial one. Since there can be many possible pairs of items that satisfy this criterion, we use part of the extendibility criterion to help retrieve pairs of items to combine. Additional constraints have been added to the extendibility criterion as a way of narrowing down the search for analyses. For example, some of the non-structural constraints on attributes have been incorporated into the criterion. The choice of which constraints to include depends on the cost of checking the constraints at this point in the parsing. (See Section 62.2.) 103 -M1111 -- -- I I -.m. - Agenda Agenda Chatt t. Nk".) (b) Figure 331: (a) Adding a complete item to te cart. (b) Adding a partial item to te chart. Agenda-Based In chart parsers, an agenda is used to queue up the items to be added to the chart. Items are continually pulled off the agenda and placed in the chart. As an item is added, it is paired with other items with which it can be combined. If the item being added is a complete item, then it is paired with partial items that need it. On the other hand, if the item added is a partial item, then it is paired with any complete items for the non-terminals it needs. These two cases are iustrated in Figure 331. The agenda makes it easy to control which things are added to the chart and wen they are added. This explicit control can be used to enforce a particular rule invocation strategy or search strategy. For example, we can make the parser adopt a bottom-up parsing strategy, as shown in Figure 332. Whenever a complete item is added to the cl-tart, new empty items ca be added to the agenda for each rule that needs the complete item to get started (i.e., the rule has a minimal right-hand side node that is of the same type as the type derived by te complete item). The new item is instantiated at a location that depends on the location of the complete item. Likewise we can achieve a top-down parsing algorithm. First, during initialization, empty items must be added for each rule that derives a start type of the grammar. (An 46 empty" item is a partial item that needs complete items for all of its rule's right-hand side constituents.) For each such rule, a empty item must be istantiated at each of the possible matchings of the inputs of the input graph to the inputs of the rule's left-hand side. Second, whenever a partial item is added to the chart, a new empty item must be added to 104 Agenda bottom-up Kuie invocation strategy: new items I I i i I . -1 %wassommussif :08mumummusewa Fe a on a a am Ea a am. v W I -j I -j % a a au a a a a ago a Mama a a.? I ::j % a as a an owns anew v mm 0... v : %a an* was Eamesa M a v or amp new partial items I - Me I r I %wasummummul spossmosommuz Ml Combination complete item Invocation monitor: monitor: .................................. .... .................. "Which rules need "Who needs this item to get this complete started?" item?" Homogeneous ...... Grammar%Bonuses Chart Figure 332 A bottom-up rule invocation strategy affects adding a complete item to chart. the agenda for each rule that derives a non-terminal needed by the partial item. The new item must be instantiated at a location that depends on where the partial item needs te non-terminal constituent. (In the current program recognition system, we use only a bottom-up strategy, since this facilitates partial recognition. This also makes it easier to recognize non-terminals for which there are rules witli mismatching arity between the left-hand and right-hand sides. This is necessary in handling rules whose right-hand sides have inputs (representing constants) that do not correspond to left-hand side input ports. Alowing a right-hand side to have more inputs and outputs than the left-hand side is also crucial in allowing the type of embedding relation that encodes aggregation relationships. A top-down strategy would require that we predict the organization of aggregation when each empty item is first instantiated (before the item's rule's right-hand side is matched). In other words, it requires searching for the appropriate sequence of aggregation-introduction transformations needed to recognize the flow graph, as discussed in Section 34.2.) The way in which the agenda is maintained determines not only the rule invocation strategy, but also the parser's search strategy. While we can control whether the parsing algorithm proceeds top-down or bottom-up by controlling what gets added to the agenda, we can choose a particular search strategy (e.g., depth-first or breadth-first), simply by controlling the order in which items are pulled off of the agenda. The agenda might be maintained as a first in, first out (FIFO) queue to achieve breadth-first search, for example. The strategy for maintaining the agenda can be given by the user. It is one of the ways D-++-- - D-1- 105 I I I :1 Vowasommommuffamosom: %goof Boaass Sam a an an IF I -- % a OR am a as a a a a a as NO % a a a a***** amass kp ........... %m nummosommoso %monsoon Chart Figure 333: Search strategy as input to parser. advice from an expectation-driven component or a human user can be 'incorporated into the code-driven component. See Figure 333. The parser is guaranteed to find every parse exactly once, no matter which rule invoca- tion or search strategy is used. Additional Monitors One final aspect of the architecture of the parser i's that it contains additional monitors that watch te chart. See Figure 334. These detect the existence of certain kinds of items or collections of items in the chart which can be used to generate other items. In particular, they look for opportunities to view part of the input graph in an alternative way in order to yield more parses. The graph is not explicitly changed to the alternative view. Instead, new items are created which represent the alternative views ad these are added to te agenda. An example of this is employed in simulating the zipping -up of an input grap as explained in Section 35.1, which describes how share-equivalent flow graphs are recognized. Selectively Trying Harder We do not necessarily want the parser to generate all of the alternative views '' of the i- put graph. So, the opportunities for generating new items representing these views are queued on an agenda. Tese opportunities can be selectively pulled from the agenda and performed. The parser can be given advice from an external agent about how and when to make the selection. The parser can be made to incrementally try harder. It can report Agenda 106 Agenda - I I I I --- % a II* mm no a a gasp I I %as a a an a mg ass *ma Sp Vanamommommummummum: I %a a aseams sow Oa a awn IF I New ItemGenerator I b-.. " Al I I......Ik "I Additional agendasI I I2 A 4 1 -jL v 1 -7 F I 1 71 :...........1 :wwassommessums: :......11 %a nowassommusso %womosso I Chart Figure 334: Additional monitors. easy recognitions early, and then be given more tme later to generate alternative viewse without sacrificing that uncover the obscured clich's. So, qick results can be obtained, completeness in the long run. The parser can also be directed to generate alternative views only within a certain area of te input graph. For example, if no cliche's were found 'in a particular area of the input graph, the parser could try generating alternative views in that area in case this would aow more cche's to surface. Asking for Advice The monitors might also detect question-triggering patterns in the chart. These are patterns that indicate that a particular constraint is likely to hold. This is useful if the constraint is costly for the parser to check. When such a pattern is found, the recognition system can ask whether the constraint 'is satisfied. The question might be more easily aswered by some other source such as a expectation-driven component in a hybrid recognition system). Now that the basic operation of the chart parser for flow graphs has been described, the next three sections give details of how the extensions to the formalism and st-thrus are handled. Motivations for Copying Before Extension Each time a partial item is extendable by a complete one, a copy of the partial item is created and the copy is extended. There are three reasons that the parser extends a copy of partial item, rather than the original. One 'is that the parser is leaving itself ope to 107 the possibility of ambiguity. It might be possible in the future for the partial item to be extended with another complete item for the same right-hand side node. By ot changing the original partial item, the parser continually has a partial item that can accept alternative derivations for its immediately eeded nodes. The alternative complete item need not be a duplicate of the first. If both satisfy the constraints of the partial item, with respect to its matching so far, then both can extend the partial item. For example, the two complete items might have overlapping locations, but if the partial item only constrains the location that is shared by the two items, both can extend the partial item. So the parser is using copying to deal with partial ambiguity. The second reason is that copying facilitates partial recognition. When a complete item is recognizing a partial item's immediately needed node that is on the left fringe, then extending a copy of the partial item aows the partial item to be extended with a different complete item, representing a instance of the left-fringe node at a different location in the input graph. (This is a special case of ambiguity.) A third reason to copy before extending is that this facilitates incremental analysis [149]. There are two forms of incremental analysis. One is incrementally analyzing a static input graph. This is achieved in chart parsing by iteratively adding complete items for each of the input graph's nodes to the chart. A depth-first retrieval of items from the agenda can ensure that a partial analyses of the input graph considered so far are created before another node of the 'Input graph is considered (i.e., the complete item for the node is added to the chart). The other type of incremental aalysis is useful to do when the input graph is changing. (This might happen when the recognition system is being used to aid maintenance, for example.) It 'involves updating the results of a previously parsed input graph to account for a modification to the input graph. This type of incremental analysis requires 1) creating analyses of the new sub-flow graph and 'incorporating them into the existing analyses, and 2) retracting analyses that depend on the old sub-flow graph tat has changed. Augmenting existing analyses based on the new information is another case of the first type of incremental analysis. Retracting analyses that are no longer valid involves first finding the items to retract and then doing the retraction. Copying before extension makes doing the retraction of an item easy. AR partial items whose copies were extended with the item are still around, unmodified. They represent intermediate states in the search for an analysis, before the complete item advanced the search. Retraction of an item can be done by "killing" the item in the chart and each partial item it extended, as well as their item tree descendants. The original partial item will remain. Finding the 'items to retract requires keeping track of dependencies between the input graph's structure (and attributes) and the items that represent recognitions of it. Most of this dependency 'Information is contained in the 'item's structure in the form of links to sb- items tat represent 'Its components. The leaves of these links are the items for terminal 108 S A -3b b D C (a) (b) (C) Figure 335: Sharing a sub-derivation. nodes in the input graph. However, more dependency information mst be maintained than is in the current implementation. If any edges are added or attributes are changed, constraints might no longer be satisfied. The information of how items depend on the nodes, edges, and attributes of the input graph is important not oly i deciding which items to retract, but also wich previously failing items or item combination attempts might now be valid. So this dependency information is also relevant in the incremental addition of analyses and the augmentation of existing analyses. 3.5.1 Recognizing Share-Equivalent Flow Graphs Recall from Section 34.1 tat a recognizer or parser for a structure-sharing flow graph grammar may work by interleaving zipping and unzipping transformation steps with the usual reductions steps. Our chart parser imulate,5 this introduction in two ways. First, unzipping the input graph is simulated by allowing sub-derivations, in the form of sub-items, to be shared. For example, suppose we give the paf ser te input flow graph shown i Figure 3-35a with the grammar of Figure 3-35b. Once the parser creates a complete item for D, it is sared between te items for A and B. Parsing yields te derivation graph sow in Figure 3-35c. Second, zipping up the input graph is simulated using a "zip-up" monitor. For example, an input flow graph might redundantly contain two instances of the same non-terminal A, where the inputs and/or the outputs of the two instances fan out from or into the same port(s). (See Figure 3-36b.) The right-hand side flow graph that we are ooking for might maximally share a single instance of the non-terminal (as does the rule for in Figure 3-36a). We would like to view the input program as maximally sharing the two instances of A, so that the right-hand side flow graph will match. This is done by generating an item for A that "zips up" the two items for A that were created. (See Figure 3-36c.) The location and sub-items of the new zipped up item is the union of the locations and sub-items (respectively) of its zip-up components. 109 ON-Oll milli I-- Also, the attribute values of the zipped -up item's left-hand side are computed based on those of the zip-up components. The attribute combination function associated with each attribute held by the zip-up components' left-hand sides is used to compute a new value of the attribute. In particular, for each attribute ai associated with the left-hand side's noiri-terminal type, ai's combination function 'is applied to fl-te attribute values held for ai by the left-hand sides of the ip-np components. (The attribute combination functions may be partial functions. If the function is not defined for the attributes of some left-hand sides whose 'items are being zipped up, then te zip-up attempt fails.) 3.5.2 Recognizing Aggregation-Equivalent Flow Graphs Following the discussion of Section 34.2, this section describes the recognition of aggregation- equivalent flow graphs first for the restricted formalism in which no terminal has an aggre- gate port type and then for the less restrictive formalism. Recall that the recognition process for the restricted formalism included "inserting" Spread and Make nodes whenever an isomorphic occurrence of a right-hand side is reduced to a left-hand side Ron-terminal node with aggregate ports. The Spread and Make nodes serve to bndle up the edges surrounding the non-terminal node. The recognition process also smplified" any Make- of-Spread composition that results from the insertion of Spreads and Makes. These actions are simulated by the flow graph chart parser. In particular, 'items keep track of where the right-hand side is found, using a set of location pointers, which indicate which edges correspond to te iputs and otputs of the right-hand side of the item's rule. To represent the addition of a Make or Spread, the location pointers are placed in tuples, which are nested 'in tree structures. The nested triples reflect the organization of the aggregation of the edges to which they refer. An element of the t-uple can be either another tuple or a set of location pointers. (A set of more than one location pointer represents fan-in or fan-out.) Wen items are combined, their location pointers are compared to see if they represent a Make-of-Spread that simplifies correctly. The corresponding parts of the tuples are compared. If both parts are tUples, they are compared recursively. If both are sets, the sets must ave a non-empty intersection for the comparison to succeed. If one is a set and the other a tuple, the comparison fails. For example, Figure 3-37a shows the flow graph in tlie language of the gramma in Figure 325, whose reduction is shown in Figure 326. Location pointers are shown as integers annotating te edges and edge stubs. Figure 3-37b shows the items created by the parser in parsing this graph. The nested t-uple on the iput in the 'item for D, for istance, represents the nested Make nodes "inserted" dring the reduction sequence of Figure 326. The creation of the complete item for shows the comparison between the nested tuples on the otput of D and the input of E. Note that the simulation method used by the parser relies on using a bottom-up rule invocation strategy. It compares the tuples of location pointers that are organized based 110 .q.."Pow" Of I III 01001 M+ m+ au M+ mm (a) ...................... Ia ...................... I ---------------------- I I ..................... :A (b) (C) Figure 336: (a) A graph grammar that maximally shares the non-terminal A. (b) An iput flow graph containing two edundant instances of A. (c) An alternative view created by C zipping up" the input graph. ill <4,5> <7,8> B2 4:w 11 < 12> 1:P 2 <<1,2>,3> <<4,5>,6> 1 1:Q 2 2: :Q %............ ........................... Compare Soit Derivations: <<1,2> 3> 8> 1 :QS (b) Figure 337: (a) A flow graph wth location pointers. (b) Items created during parsing. 1 4 7 :x a :x :x 'X 2 5 8 :y 2:y : e :z 3 6 lwc w f :z 10 3:z IN- (a) ,, -A ;,, A . 112 on t1te recognition of a rule's right-hand side, rather than predicting the organization and then verifying it by trying to match the right-hand side at the predicted location. We now consider recognizing flow graphs i the less restrictive formalism in which there still are no aggregate port types on terminal nodes, but the type Any is a nion type of aggregate and non-aggregate types. Recognition involves a special-case simplification of compositions of residual Makes (or Spreads) with the nested Spreads (or Makes) that are "inserted" dring reduction. Recall that to perform partial recognition, in which parts of an aggregate port type used in the input graph are ignored, we need to "break up" te residual Spreads (or Makes) so that recognizable portions of the flow graph are separated from -unrecognizable portions. This is simulated in the state of the parser, using operations on the location pointers of items. Residual Spreads and Makes are removed from the iput flow graph. They are replaced with fan-out and fan-'in, respectively. (As is discussed in Section 42.3, some of the information found in residual Spreads and Makes is useful for generating documentation about which data structure cliche's were found in a program and how their parts relate to user-defined structures' parts. This information is placed in attributes on the fan-out or fan-in edges that replace a Spread or Make.) In the combination operation, a -nested tuple of location pointers "inserted" during reduction of a rule's right-hand side may be compared with a flat, unordered set of location pointers, representing the fan-ont or fan-in edges that replaced a residual Make or Spread. The combination is valid if for each Est L of location pointers in the fringe of the tree formed by the nested tuple, at least one location ointer in L is a member of the flat set of location pointers. Not all of the pointers in the flat set of location pointers need to be members of some list of location pointers within the nested tuple. For example, the input flow graph generated from the example of Figure 328 is sown in Figure 338. In creating a complete item representing the recognition of S, the flat set of location pointers representing the residual Spread, 2 3 4 51, is compared with te tuple of location pointers, < 23 > representing the aggregation of types x and y into A's input port type P. (See Figure 3-38b.) Likewise, the tuple < 6 7 > is compared with the flat set of pointers 6 7 8 9. Both comparisons succeed. 3.5.3 Matching St-Thrus When two left-hand side ports of a rule correspond with each other in the embedding relation, the rule contains a st-thru. Because st-thrus are part of the embedding relation rather than the right-hand side flow graph, they are not matched in the same way as nodes and edges of the right-hand side. They can possibly match any edge in the input flow graph. St-thrus impose a global constraint. Suppose a rule for a non-terminal A contains a st-thru ivolving ports labeled I and 3 on A, as in Figure 339. If an item completes for A and is combined with a partial item, the complete 'item places a constraint on te locations 113 2 6 1 10 (a) 1 10 v 2:v M+ 10 v 9 2:P h :v , 45} <2,3> <6,7> 16,7,8,91 0 (b) Figure 338: Simulating the break up of residual Spreads ad Makes. of non-terminals that are connected to A at ports I and 3 in the partial item's rule. The constraint requires that these adjacent non-terminals be located at edpoints of the same edge. The st-thru essentially imposes a constraint that the non-terminals connected to A at ports and 3 be connected to each other. (See Figure 340.) St-thrus differ based on whether or not they are structurally constrained and whether or not they are optional. A st-thru is structurally constrained if the embedding relation restricts it to matching edges that fan out (or in) with edges coming into (or out of) an isomorphic occurrence of a right-hand side. In other words, a st-thru is constrained if one or both of the two corresponding left-hand side ports also correspond to some right-hand side port. Structurally unconstrained st-thrus are not restricted in this way. They exist when two left-hand side ports correspond to each other and no other right-hand side port. These types of st-thrus often arise when a right-hand side with Spreads and Makes is translated to a non-aggregated right-hand side. If te otput of a boundary Spread connects directly to an input of a boundary Make and neither port connects any other ports, a structurally unconstrained st-thru arises. We refer to structurally constrained st-thrus as simply "constrained" st-thrus (and struc- turally unconstrained ones as "unconstrained"), with the understanding that this is refer- ring only to structural constraints. Most st-thrus including unconstrained ones, have non- structural constraints (in the form of attribute conditions) imposed upon them by their 114 (C p Figure 339: Grammar containing a rule with a st-thru. 0..........................................................................4 I;------------------------------------------ - - IIII i i 0 0I 0 1 I-0.( 1+ 0 00 II.......................................................................... Actual constraint: .............................. --------------------------------------------------------------------------'6 ........................................................................... Figure 340: Constraint on combination imposed by st-thrus. 115 (C p M* 1 A4 D (u.,x) M* Do p 8 00 0-0.( m+ 011 is. 0*#. - Mh---i rule. Constrained and unconstrained st-thrus are both matched to a set of edges, which is then narrowed down, based on the context in which its rule's right-hand side is reduced to its left-hand side. An unconstrained st-thru iitially matches the set of all edges, while the constrained st-thru. matches the subset of edges that satisfy the restrictions imposed by the embedding relation. These sets of matching edges are shrunk as non-structural constraints are checked and the reduction of higher-level non-terminals in the parse tree occurs. For example, suppose a Circular Indexed Sequence Insert and a Circular Indexed Se- quence Extract non-terminal were recognized in the input graph, as sown in Figure 341. When the locations of the Insert and Extract non-terminals are compared during combina- tion, the location pointer tples are compared element-by-element. The First part of te output of CIS Insert represents an unconstrained st-thru and is initially matched to all edges (shown pictorially by a wild-card *). During combination, this First part is matched with the Frst part of the input to the CIS Extract instance. This arrows down its matching set of edges to those indicated by location pointers 10 and 13. The Size part of the CIS Insert output also comes straight through CIS Insert's right-1-tand side, but because it fans out with te iput to MOD, it is constrained to be matched to a small number of edges (those 'indicated by location pointers and 6. Global constraints represented by the st-thru are imposed by propagating reductions in sets of matching edges across non-terminals and across edges. For example, once the item for CIS Extract extends the partial item of Figure 341, the wild-card matches can be reduced to a small set of matches. Figure 342 shows the result of propagation of st-thru match reduction. Now CIS Extract's output constrains the location of its Last part (to location 9 restricting the location at which the second CIS Insert should be found. Constrained ad unconstrained st-thrus can additionally be described as either optional or required. Required st-thrus must be assigned a match, while optional st-thrus need not. Optional st-thrus are useful in the program recognition domain, where it is often the case that there is no edge matching a st-thru. This occurs if no operation makes use of the data represented by the st-thru. For example, the edge indicated by the location pointer 8 in Figure 341 might not exist if no operation foRowing the CIS Extract uses the Base part of the output CIS. St-thrus representing data structure parts are optional. An example of a required st-thru 'is that of the rule representing the Negate-if-Negative implementation of the Absolute Value cliche'. (See Figure 39.) The only difference this designation makes is in what it means if the reduction of sets of matching edges results 'in a empty set of possible matches. If the st-thru 'is required, this empty set means the recognition of the rule's left-hand side failed. Otherwise the set of possible matches of an optional st-thru can become empty without causing the recognition t o fail. 116 14 <(17,18),*,9,(5,6),2> <(17,18),(10,13),*,(5,6),2> 19 ert rac <16,*,(15,7),(4,5,6),I> <18,12,* 3> 1 I I I lb- 11 It, 11I 2 IIs .1 Partial item: a .................................................................................................................. 1 II NI., Is .01- ol <16,*,(15,7),(4,-"'1 6....................................................................................................---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete Items for non-terminals found in input graph: See Next Figure 4% ,;p *4 0 I 0 I I 1 -. i-. 0 0 0* 14 q, 11 3 No 5 117 Input Graph Figure 341: Constrained and unconstrained st-thrus. :........................................................................................................ I I SS 11-0, II <16,*,(15,7),(41 1 i 'L ............................................................................................................... : <17,18),(10,13),*,(5,6),2> 19 - Ex rac <18,12,* 3> d................................................................................................................ 0 4 I,9 14 <17,18),(10,13), 0 a "IsII., 0 ( 6 I . af NA 9I 11-11 ,Q),z; IN 110 19 a MD..;n .01, < I Zs, Z,9,:),i > -,11, < 16,(10,13),(15,7),(4,5,6), 1 > .................................................................................................................. Compare Sort Derivations: <17,18), *, 9,(5,6),2> 1 1 1 1 1 <17,18),(10,13),*)(5,6))2> Resulting partial item. Notice that the location pointers have been propagated to replace the wild-cards. Figure 342: Propagating matches of st-thrus. 118 3.6 Related Graph Grammar 'Work Graph grammars have been used widely in automatic circuit uderstanding and verification, pattern analysis, compiler technology, and in software development environments. (See [34, 35, 134] for several examples in these areas.) There are many varieties of graph grammar formalisms. They vary both in the classes of graphs that are generated and by the embedding mechanisms used. In this section, we briefly discuss the classes of graphs commonly studied and relate our flow graphs to them. Then we discuss typical embedding mechanisms. Finally, we describe interesting graph parsers related to ours. 3.6.1 Classes of Graphs Early graph grammar work focused on traditional graphs, 'in which odes do not have distinct entry and exit points (44 ports"). This includes work on webs and web grammars [27, 94, 102, 105, 119]. These traditional types of graphs are also generated by node-label controlled (NLC) graph grammars 120] and by the algebraic rewriting approacl-les 23, 33]. (NLC grammars are controlled by node labels (i.e., our node types) in that labels are important in choosing a node to rewrite and in that the embedding relation is -defined in terms of labels, rather than specific nodes in a rule's right-hand side or in the host graph. Edge-label controlled graph grammars 52, 92] are closely related in that they can simulate NLC grammars.) NLC grammars and algebraic rewriting is discussed further in Section 3.6.2. Their relation to each other is studied by Kreowski and Rozenberg 'in [80]. Traditional graphs are a special case of graph classes in which nodes have ports. These more general graph classes include Lutz's flowgraphs 90] and hypergraphs 53], as wel as our flow graphs. Lutz's 90] "flowgraphs" are a special type of our flow graph. They contain, in addition to nodes, ports, and edges, tie-points which are intermediate points through which ports are connected to each other. Since each port is connected to exactly one tie-point, fan-in and fan-out are not captured to the same level of granularity as is captured by flow graphs. For example, they cannot express the following situation an output port p, fans out to input ports P3 and P4, while output port P2 is only connected t P4- Hypergraphs can be seen as flowgraphs (in Lutz's sense), where nodes in a hypergraph correspond to tie-points and hyperedges correspond to flowgraph nodes. Engelfriet and Rozenberg 36] and Vogler 136] study the relationships between hypergraph grammars and boundary NLC graph grammars. (In boundary NLC grammars, no two non-terminal nodes are neighbors in any right-hand side 121].) 119 3.6.2 Embedding Mechanism Our basic flow graph formalism makes use of a smple embedding relation to specify the connectivity of te right-hand side with the host graph when a left-hand side is expanded during derivation. This type of embedding mechanism is quite common. However, 'in some formalisms, embedding is more complicated. In NLC rewriting, the connectivity of the right-hand side odes with the odes i the 44 embedding area" (i.e., those nodes adjacent to the left-hand side node being expanded) is determined by a connection relation on node labels (types). In particular, a right-hand side node is connected to a node in the embedding area if their node labels are related by the connection relation. (For example, if label 11 is related to label 12 a right-hand side nodes having label 11 become connected to aR nodes of label 12 in the embedding area.) In set-theoretic approaches 96], the embedding can involve nodes that are not in te immediate neighborhood of the left-hand side being replaced. The nodes to which the right-hand side nodes are connected are specified by path expressions, sch as "all nodes that can be reached from the left-hand side node by following an otgoing edge of label k and then an incoming edge of label i." These complicated embedding transformations are used mainly 'in graph generation (e.g., for specification prposes in software development environments 98, 97]). Part of eachpToduction in the algebraic approach 38] is a set of gluing points, which can be edges as weR as nodes. Both the left- and right-hand sides of the productions can be graphs containing more than one node. The gluing points are two sets of nodes and/or edges, one for each side of the production. These sets are in bijective correspondence with each other. They remain when the left-hand side is removed and form an anchor for the right-hand side that replaces it. In other words, the embedding relation 'is captured in the sets of corresponding gluing points. 3.6.3 Graph Parsers Work on applications of graph grammars has focused mostly o graph generation, rather than analysis. However, recently there has been more interest in developing graph parsers. Bamji [8 9 developed a special case of a chart parser for graphs equivalent to Lutz's flow graphs. The interesting aspect of BamJi"s graph grammar formalism is that his grammar rules have an embedding relation in which each left-hand side port can be related to a set of right-hand side ports. Unlike tuples in our embedding, these sets are not ordered and the riglit-hand side ports aggregated in them are homogeneous in that they have the same type and are not dstinguished by position in the set. The chart parser imposes simple set-intersection conditions between the port sets of adjacent non-terminals in right-hand sides of rules. Bamji developed this formalism for the purposes of representing and verifying circuit designs. His parser's efficiency is gained by using only deterministic grammars and using 120 a straightforward rewriting: whenever a right-hand side matches a subgraph, replace it (destructively) with the left-hand side. Bamji's parser does not try to obtain all possible parses, just one is sufficient for verification. Franck 44 ad Kaul 69, 70] study precedence graph grammars. They both present a precedence graph parser which is a straightforward extension of string precedence parsing using the well-known Wirth-Weber precedence relations. Graphs can be parsed in linear time with these parsers. However, precedence graph grammars a-re restricted to be unam- biguous, and uniquely invertible. Precedence techniques may be useful to use on subsets of our graph grammar that have these properties. Bunke and Haller [18 ad Peng, et al. 103] have both developed a parser for plex grammars which are generalizations of Earley's algorithm similar to Brotsky's. Wittenburg, et al. [150] give a -unification-based, bottom-up chart parser which is similar to Lutz's and our chart parser. Grammar rules place a strict (total) ordering on the nodes in teir rght-hand sides. This ordering determines the order in which items are extended. This creates fewer partial analyses, which is advantageous in terms of efficiency, bt is a drawback in terms of generating partial results when the graph contains -unrecognizable sections. 121 014.4. in -1arsin 0 ceco ni* ion Chapter 2 described the cliche's that we ave collected in our library and Chapter 3 described the basics of the parsing technique that we apply to recognize them in a wide range of programs. This chapter fills in the details of encoding programs ad cliche's in the flow graph formalism and of applying the flow graph parser to the partial program recognition problem. Sections 33 and 34.2 gave glimpses of how programs and cliche's are encoded in the flow graph formalism. In Section 41, we review and fill in more details of this encoding. Then in Section 42, we complete the picture by providing details of GRASPR's architecture. 4.1 Expressing Programs and Cliche's 'in the Flow Graph Formalism We use the flow graph formalism to represent programs and programming ciches. In partic- ular, flow graphs serve as graphical abstractions of programs, flow graph grammars encode allowable implementation steps between abstract operations and lower-level operations, and the derivation trees resulting from parsing give the program's top-down design. The flow graph is used to represent the operations of a program and the dataflow between them. Each non-sink node in a flow graph represents a function, with ports on the node representing distinct 'Inputs and outputs of the function. The ports' types are determined by the signature of the function. Sink nodes represent conditional tests. Te edges of a flow graph represent dataflow constraints between the functions and tests. When the result of a function is consumed by more than one function, the edges representing the dataflow fan out. Edges tat fan in represent the conditional merging of more than one dataflow. For example, Figure 38 sows the attributed flow graph representation of the program RIGHTP, given in Figure 37. Information about a program's control flow, recursion, and data aggregation is captured in the attributes of the flow graph representation of the program. Section 41.1 describes the key attributes and conditions used 'in representing programs and programming cliche's. Attributed flow graphs and grammar rules can become difficult for people to read. For 122 Chapter 4 presentation purposes, we make use of a macro-notation called the Plan Calculus (developed by Rh, Shrobe, and Waters 110, 114,117,127, 137]), which graphically summarizes some classes of attributes and conditions, making them more readable. Section 41.2 introduces this notation. The Plan Calculus is used here only as a visual aid; the primary representation used by GRASPR is the flow graph. The Plan Calculus aided us 'in building the cliche' library. It formed a representational stepping stone between English descriptions of cliche's ad their encoding as attributed flow graph grammar rules. It facilitates the capture of relationships between cliche's, such as implementation relationships and temporal abstractions. Section 41.3 discusses this further. Section 41.4 demonstrates how the event-driven simulation cliche' and the cliche's it is built upon are expressed in the flow graph formalism. It goes from the English description of the cliche's to teir Plan Calculus rendering ad then to the flow graph grammar rules that GRASPR actually uses to recognize Pisim. 4.1.1 Attribute Language Attributes on flow graphs store control flow, recursion, and data aggregation information about a program. In particular, each node has a control environment attribute which specifies when the operation represented by the node 'is executed, relative to when other operations in the program are executed. Nodes in the same control environment represent operations that are performed under the same conditions (so they are each performed the same -number of times). These nodes are said to co-occur. Nodes that represent conditional tests have two additional attributes, success-ce and failure-ce. Operations in the success-ce (resp. failure-ce) control environment are executed when the conditional test succeeds (resp. fails). Control environments form a partial order. A control environment cei 'is less than or equal to another control environment ce (denoted ce E ce iff nodes in cej are performed at least as many times as those in cei. For example, the success-ce of a node representing a conditional test is less than or equal to the control environment of the same node, because operations on a conditional branch are performed less often than the conditional test. A flow graph representing a recursive function F contains a node whose type is F. This is called the recursive node. We assume our recursive functions always have at least one eX't test and are singly recursive. (Section 72.1 discusses extensions for modeling multiple recursion in the future.) Figure 42 shows the flow graph representing the program HT-Insert given in Figure 41. (This is a simple hash table program in which structure is an array of buckets. Each bucket is a list of strings, ordered lexicographically.) The recursive node is the one labeled "Splice-In-Bucket." We distinguish three control environments in flow graphs representing recursive func- tions: 123 (defun HT-Insert (Element Structure) (let* ((Key (Hash Element Structure)) (Bucket (aref Structure Key))) (copy-replace-elt (Splice-In-Bucket Element Bucket) Key Structure)))) (defun Splice-In-Bucket (Element Bucket) (if (null Bucket) (cons Element Bucket) (let ((Entry (car Bucket))) (if (string> Entry Element) (cons Element Bucket) (let ((Rest (cdr Bucket))) (if (string= Entry Element) (cons Element Rest) (cons Entry (Splice-In-Bucket Element Rest)))))))) Figure 41: A recursive function with multiple exits. e recur-ce - the top-most control environment of the flow graph representing the recur- sive function. It is te control evironment of the node representing the first operation performed by the recursive function I Fgure 42, this is ce2. * feedback-ce - the control environment of the node representing the recursive can within the body of the recursive function. In Figure 42, this is ce8. * outside-ce - the control environment i which the recursive fnction is called and into which 'it exits. In Figure 42, it is cel. (If the recursive function is analyzed independent of any callers, a new control environment is created to be the otside- ce.) The feedback-ce and the outside-ce are always the recur-ce. Operations performed before the exit test i.e., in the recur-ce) are always performed more times than the recursive call or the operations done -upon exit, since they are performed when the recursion exits as well as when it repeats. If there is only one exit, then the node representing the exit test as the recur-ce as its control environment, the feedback-ce as its failure-ce, and the outside-ce as its success-ce. (If a new control environment had been created to represent the outside-ce, then it becomes equal to the success-ce of the test.) Summing Incomparable Control Environments Some subsets of control environments are said to be incomparable. In particular, if ce, and ceb are the snccess-ce and failure-ce of the same node, then the set f Cea eb} is incomparable. 124 ce: cel ce: e8 Figure 42: Flow graph representing HT-Insert. ce 125 In addition, the set of control evironments in which a recursion is exited are incomparable. (There will be more than one such control environment if the recursion has multiple exits.) These are the set of control environments of the nodes that are executed in the base cases of the recursion. For example, in Figure 42, the set f ce3, ce5, ce7l is incomparable. We define a partial function ,, as the ollowing. If a set of control environments is not incomparable, then ,,(S) is undefined. Otherwise, if is a success-ce/failure-ce pair for the same node, then ,,(S) is the control environment of that node. If is a set of control environments i which a recursion is exited, then ,,(S) is the ontside-ce of that recursion. In Figure 42, ,,fce3,ce5,ce7 = cel, while ,jce3,ce5j is undefined. (Intuitively, the result of ,, can be viewed as the control environment in which operations are performed as many times as the combined number of times operations in the control environments of the incomparable set are performed.) Another function E,, on sets of control environments is defined recursively in terms of +ce as: 6 If S = 2 then E,, = +e(s). * If there is a set S' C which is incomparable, then E,, = Ec,(+,,S'U ( - S)). * Otherwise, E,, S is undefined. In other words, if a single control environment can be obtained by recursively reducing (using ce) all 'incomparable subsets of the put set S, then that control environment is the result. Otherwise, Ec, is undefined. For example, in Figure 42, Ecj ce3, ce5, e7, ce8} Ecjce3,ce5,ce6} Ejce3,ce4 = e2. Also, Ecjce3,ce5,ce8 = undefined, while Ecf ce3, ce5, ce7j cel. This summing function is used as the attribute combination function for control en- vironment attributes. Recall from Section 35.1 that when two items are zipped up, the attribute values of the resulting 'Item's left-hand side are computed based on those of the zip-up components. Each attribute has an attribute combination function associated with it. This is used to compute a new value of an attribute, based on the values of that attribute held by the zip-up components' left-hand sides. For all control environment attributes, the attribute combination function is E, This is a partia fnction. If the sum is not defined for the set of control evironments being combined, the zip-up of the items ivolved fails. Partial Order Graph of Control Environments We represent the partial ordering of control environments in an annotated partial order graph which facilitates the operations of checking and computing c, and E, The annotated partial order graph has nodes representing control environments. An edge is drawn from one node representing cei to aother representing cej iff cei E: cej. This edge is annotated with the set of control environments that together with the source cei form an incomparable set. 126 Recursion information: [recur-ce: ce2, feedback-ce: e8, outside-ce: cel] Figure 43: Annotated partial order graph representing the relationships between the control environments of HT-Insert. Associated with this graph 'is a set of triples, one for each recursive function call rep- resented by the flow graph. (There may be more than one if the flow graph represents a program that calls more tan one recursive function, icluding nested recursions.) Each triple contains te recur-ce, feedback-ce, and outside-ce of te flow graph representing the recursive function. For example, Figure 43 shows the anotated partial order graph for the control envi- ronments of the flow graph in Figure 42. One triple of recursion information is associated with the graph. Edge Attributes Besides attaching control environment attributes to nodes, control flow information is con- tained in attributes on edges. Each edge holds a ce-frorn attribute, which indicates the control environment in which the edge carries dataflow. For example, in Figure 42, the ce- from attribute on the edge from the top-most cons (in the figure) to the copy-replace-eit indicates that the operation copy-replace-elt receives dataflow only in the control environ- ment ce3 which 'is the success-ce of the first null-test node. (Edges that fan in represent conditional merging of dataflow.) Each edge also carries a constant-type attribute whose value is either a constant suc as T, NIL, 0) or undef ined, depending on whether the edge represents dataflow from a constant. Flow graphs for programs containing user-defined aggregate data structures hold at- tributes that represent the aggregation information. Each edge holds an accessor attribute that describes how the data it carries results from the destructnring of some data struc- 127 ture. Each edge also holds a constructor attribute that describes ow the data it carries becomes part of some data structure. (The value of these attributes is undefined if the edge is not carrying data involved in some aggregation.) The attributed flow graph can be seen as the flow graph that results from 1) making a flow graph that icludes Spreads and Makes to represent aggregation ad then 2 transforming it into a minimally aggre- gated flow graph using aggregation-removal transformations, and 3 replacing any residual Spreads and Makes with fan-out and fan-in edges, respectively. As these nodes are removed, the naming information tey contain is placed 'into at- tributes. This information is useful 'in presenting the results of recognition ad can be a source of guidance for the recognition system, as discussed in Section 42.3 64.1 ad 72.3. Because these attributes are primarily used by the Paraphraser, we defer describing them -until Section 4.2-3. Input and Output Correspondences In addition to control environment attributes, flow graphs for recursive fnctions have at- tributes which represent the relationship between the 'inputs (resp. outputs) of the flow graph and the inputs (resp. outputs) of the node representing the recursive call. In par- ticular a output port p, input-corresponds to an input port pi iff p, is connected to the jth iput of the recursive node and p represents an input to an operation that receives dataflow from the jth input of the recursive function.' Similarly, an iput port pi output- corresponds to an output port po iff pi 'is connected to the kth output of the recursive node and p, represents an output that sends dataflow to the kth output of the recursive function.) The inp-tit-corresponds and outp-ut-correspoiads relations are not symmetric, transitive, or reflexive. For example, in te flow graph representing HT-Insert, shown in Figure 42, the output port on the cdr ode input-corresponds with each of the input ports of null-test, car, cdr, and the second input of each of the cons's in control environments ce3 and ce5. (Input and output correspondences are iustrated by subscripted asterisks and stars , respectively.) The second input of the cons in the feedback-ce output-corresponds with the output port of each of the cons nodes. Because recursions can be nested within each other, it is necessary to be more specific about te conditions under which a pair of ports input- or output-correspond (i.e., in which recursion does the correspondence occur). This is done by associating with each correspondence relation the feedback-ce of the recursion in wich the ports correspond. An correspondences in this flow graph have the feedback-ce e8 associated wth them. 'The input-corresponds relation was previously called feeds-back 145] in flow graphs representing tail- recursive functions, but it was renamed in the current representation which is generalized to represent regular recursion, as well as tail recursion. 128 - -- --- -- - (X I egate- 2 1* Attribute-Conditions: I I-- I ) I i. source-e p> < 2 u) 2. (e= (ce-from (e> negate 2 Negate-If-Negative 2) (failure-ce (n> null-test))) 3. (ce= (ce-from (st-thru> 2) (success-ce (n> null-test))) Attribute-Tfansfer Rules: 1. ce = ce (n> null-test)) Figure 44: Flow graph grammar rule for Negate-if-Negative, with actual attribute condi- tions. Attrl'bute Conditi'ons and Transfer Rules Graph grammar rules impose constraints on the attributes of the flow graphs to which their right-hand sides match. The attribute conditions and attribute-transfer rules are expressed in terms of: 0 Functions that map a port, node, or edge in a rule's right-hand side or a rule's st- thru to t1te port, node, or edge in the input graph to which it is matched when the right-hand-side (and st-thru) are recognized. These are p>, >, e>, and st-thruX 0 Attribute accessor functions which when given a node or edge return the value of that attribute of the node or edge. For example, ce-from computes the ce-from attribute value of an edge. Tese accessor functions are both primitive accessor retrieval func- tions and functions built on top of them, such as control environment computations involving ,,. * Relations on the attribute values, such as _ and predicates on nodes and edges that are defined in terms of these primitive relations and the attribute accessor functions. For example, co-occur is a predicate that takes two nodes and checks whether their control environments are equal. For example, Figure 44 gives the rule for Negate-if-Negative a common implementation of the Absolute-Value cliche'. (This rule is repeated from Figure 39, where the attribute conditions were given informally.) In the first condition, (p> < 2 refers to te input graph port matching the port labeled 2 on < source? tests whether this port receives dataflow from a constant equal to . 129 (a, ) I 1* Attribute Conditions: 1. (input-corresponds? (p> 2 (p> 1 1) (feedback-ce (innermost-recur (n> 1))) 2. (ce= (ce-from (st-thru 2) (recur-ce (innermost-recur (n> 1))) Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce = ce (n> 1) Figure 45: Grammar rule for counting-up cliche. In te second condition, e> is used to refer to an edge in te input grap wose source matches an output of te rule's right-hand side. It constrains tis edge to leave a ce-from attribute tat is equal to the failure-ce of the node that matches null-test. The third condition uses st-thru> to refer to an edge t1tat matches te st-thru It constrains this edge to have a ce-from. attribute that is equal to the success-ce of the node that matches null-test. The attribute-transfer rule computes the control environment of the left-hand side node to be the control environment of te node matching null-test. Attribute accessor functions are provided to compute the recursion information for te innermost recursion containing a particular node. These are used in many constraints for iterative cches. A typical constraint is that two ports input-correspond or output- correspond in the feedback-ce of the innermost recursion containing some node. For example, Figure 45 shows the grammar rule representing the iteration cliche, counting-up, which repeatedly increments the value of its 'input, which starts with some initial value and is subsequently the result of the increment performed on the previous it- eration. The rule constrains the input graph ports matching the output and input ports of to input-correspond in the feedback-ce of the innermost recursion in which the input graph node matching + occurs. 4.1.2 The Plan Calculus Flow graphs annotated with the attributes ad conditions described in t1le previous section can become difficult for people to read. For presentation purposes, we make use of a graphical notation, called the Plan Calculus [110, 117], which aids people in viewing flow graphs with 130 certain classes of constraints pertaining to programming. However, althoug te Plan Calculus is -used as a visual aid, te underlying attributed flow graph representation is conceptually primary to our recognition approach. The Plan Calculus is a graphical ormalism for representing programs, cliche's, and relationships between cliche's. In the Plan Calculus, both cliche's and idividual programs are represented as plans. The relationships between cliche's are captured in overlays. This section briefly describes plans and overlays as they relate to our attributed flow graph formalism. (For more details, see Rich [110, 117].) A plan graphically represents the operations of a program and the data and control flow constraints between tem in what 'is called a plan diagram. (Plans also specify preconditions and postconditions in a separate logical language.) A plan dagram is a hierarchical graph structure composed of boxes and arrows. Boxes denote operations and tests, while arrows denote control flow and dataflow. Plan diagrams can be seen as graphical depictions of flow graphs with certain classes of attributes and conditions - those that pertain to control flow and data aggregation. Plan diagrams and flow graphs share the same dataflow structure in that boxes represent operations and arcs denote dataflow between them. However, plan diagrams also have arcs that denote control flow and join boxes that represent the merging of control flow. A control flow arc from a box A to a box denotes that eventually (not necessarily immediately) follows A. A branch 'in control flow is represented by a test box. The rejoining -of control flow is represented by a join box. It has two sets of incoming dataflow arcs, one for each case of the corresponding test that caused the control flow to branch out. The set of dataflow arcs leaving the join carry the data of the set of inputs on either the T or the F side of the join, depending on whether the T or the F branch (respectively) of the conditional is taken. Like flow graph edges, dataflow arcs may fan out (which means the result of an operation is used by more than one operation). However, they cannot fan into the same input, as edges can in flow graphs. Instead, tey are merged by join boxes. Control flow arcs may fan in or out. Figure 46 shows an example of a plan diagram, representing the following code fragment. (let tax 0.0)) (when > gross min) (setq tax (* percent grossM gross tax)) Solid arcs denote dataflow; cross-hatched arcs denote control flow. Each box 'in the Plan has a label, composed of a part name and a type. For instance, the label "multiply:*" specifies that the plan in Figure 46 has a part amed "multiply" of type The part names serve to distinguish between boxes i the plan that have the same type. The part names in a given plan diagram must be distinct. The part "test" is a test box. Although in this example, "test" has no data otputs i general, data may flow ot of a test box from either the side labeled T or the side labeled F, depending on whether the output is produced 131 Figure 46: The plan diagram for a code fragment. when the test succeeds or fails, respectively. The box named "end" is a join. Its outgoing dataflow arc carries the data coming from "multiply" when GROSS>MIN (and the F branch of "test" is executed), and 0.0, otherwise. The control flow arcs, test, and join boxes represent the control flow information that is in the control environment attributes. Boxes that represent operations tat are tied together by control flow arcs correspond to nodes that are all in the same control environment in our flow graphs. The relationships between control evironments are reflected in the structure of the control flow arcs. Te ce-from attributes and conditions on dataflow edges are represented by dataflow routed through joins, which explicitly specify 'in which case of a conditional branch data flows from a particular operation to another. Control flow arcs are sometimes omitted when there 'is no conditional structure (i.e., all operations are in the same control environment). For example, in Figure 46, the control flow arcs between "compare" and "test" and between "end" and "subtract" can be omitted. Plans may contain other plans as parts. If the type of a plan and a subpla-n within it are the same, then the plan i's recursively defined. An example is given in Figure 47. This is the plan diagram representing the following code fragment which iterates over a list L, counting the number of elements i it. A dashed box delimits the recursive subplan, with enough details filled in to show the iput- and output-corresponds relations. (LET ((COUNT 0)) (LOOP (WHEN (NULL L) (RETURN COUNT)) (SET L (CDR L)) (SETQ COUNT COUNT)))) 132 I I I I I I I II 0 com cdr-and-cc Figure 4- 7: A recursively defined pla-n. a sequence s . integer -coun integer r I integer St integer Circular-indexed-sequence Figure 48: Data plan for Circular Indexed Sequence. 133 Ol& Circular-Indexed-Sequence I------------------------------------- IL -------------------------------- I II se: Seqtwnc rst., J e: eger t: er unt: In er II I a II I I--------- ----------- ------------ ----------- i - - - i CIS-Extract Figure 49: Plan for extracting an element from a Circular Indexed Sequence. Plan diagrams can contain data as parts. A data plan 'is a plan whose parts are all either data or (hierarchically) data plans. For example, Figure 48 sows a data plan diagram representing the Circular Indexed Sequence (CIS) data structure. Figure 49 sows a hierarchical plan tat contains both data and computational parts. It is te plan diagram for the familiar computation of extracting an element from a CS. The two data subplans, which represent te aggregation of data, depict te accessor and constructor information that we encode in accessor and constructor edge attributes on flow graphs. 4.1.3 Codifying Cliche's: Using the Plan Calculus as a Stepping Stone Plans are used in the Plan Calculus both to represent programs ad to define cliche's. Relationships between cliche's are represented by overlays. A overlay is a pair of plans and a set of correspondences between their parts. They show how an istance of one cche can be viewed as an instance of another. Overlays provide a general facility for representing common shifts of viewpoint, such as implementing specifications and data abstractions, and temporally abstracting iterations. As grammar writers, we found it easier to express cliche's in the Plan Calculus first and tl-ten to translate the plan definitions and overlays into graph grammar rules. This section describes overlays and shows examples of how relationships between cliche's are captured in them. It then describes how overlays and plan definitions of cliche's are 134 -------------------------------- IL -------------------------------- s e: coun se, nce integ integ intege integer ------ --- ------- ------- ----- CIS-Extract CIS-Extract-as-FIFO-Dequeue Figure 410: Implementation overlay showing how FIFO-Dequeue can be implemented by CIS-Extract. encoded in attributed flow graph grammar rules. Implementation Relationships Recognizing cliche's on multiple levels of abstraction requires being able to view some cliche's as implementations of more abstract cliche's. In tte Plan Calculus, implementation overlays capture these relationships. The plan o the right of a implementation overlay is the plan definition for a abstract operation or data structure. The plan on the left of the overlay is the plan definition of a correct implementation of the abstract operation or data structure represented on the right. For example, Figure 410 shows an implementation overlay that expresses the relation- ship between the abstract cliched operation FIFO-Dequeue and one possible implementation 135 Of it, which is as a CIS-Extract cliche'. The correspondences between the two sides of the overlay show how the inputs and outputs of the abstract operation are related to those of the implementation. They may be labeled with names of data overlays, as is the cor- respondence between the iput FIFO on the right ad the iput CIS on the left. The CIS-Extract-as-FIFO-Deqneue overlay represents an implementation of the FIFO-Dequeue operation, in which the FIFO 'is 'implemented as a Circular dexed Sequence. The old ad new FIFOs of the FIFO-Dequene operation correspond to the old and new Circular Indexed Sequences of the mplementation plan. These correspondences are labeled with the name of the Circular-Indexed-Sequence-as-FIFO data overlay, which means that tile old (resp. new) CIS of CIS-Extract, when viewed as a FIFO correspond to the old (resp. new) FIFO of FIFO-Dequeue. Encoding Implementation Overlays in Grammar Rules Our grammar formalism was developed to make it easy to represent shifts of viewpoint from both abstract operations and abstract data structures to their implementations. It is specifically able to encode the relationships expressed 'in 'implementation overlays, including those in which te left-side plan definition contains data plans for aggregate data structures as subplans. Each plan definition of the algorithmic cliche's is encoded in a flow graph grammar rule. The type of the left-hand side node of the rule is the plan's name. The right-hand side is the flow grapti encoding of the plan, in which the control flow constraints summarized in the structure of the plan are listed in attribute conditions. If the inputs or outputs of the plan definition are data plans, the aggregation they represent is encoded in the embedding relation of the rule. In particular, suppose an 'input (or output) of a plan definition is an aggregate data structure of type D, represented by a data subplan. The rule encoding of the plan definition will have a left-hand side port whose type is D which corresponds to a tuple of right-hand side and left-hand sde ports. For each part pi of the data plan, the ith element of the tuple is the set of right-hand side ports (if any) that encode the iputs or outputs of boxes to which the part is connected. If the part is connected drectly to a part in another data plan in the plan definition, then the tuple will include the left-hand side port that encodes that data plan. (One way to see this encoding is: the ports in the tuple are determined as if the input (or output) data plan were replaced by a fringe Spread (or Make) node. The embedding relation that results from removing these fringe nodes (as described in Section 34.2) is the same as the embedding resulting from this encoding.) For example, Figure 411 shows the flow graph grammar rule encoding of t1le CIS- Extract plan definition of Figure 49. (This figure is a repeat of Figure 324.) Attribute conditions and transfer rules are not shown. 136 - ------ ) c 1: Integer Decfement 2: Integer 910 - __j -- ----- 30 K CIS- 1: --- 1: CIS Exftxt 10 3: CIS__j 437nt1q> Mnemonic tuple element names: dase, First, Size, Last, Fill-Count> D. 11 K 0 11 Figure 411: Rule encoding plan for CIS-Extract. Currently, we are limited to encoding only those plans that contain data subplans only at its inputs or outputs. However internal data subpla-ns can be represented by collapsing a sub-flow graph of the flow graph that represents the left side of the overlay into a on- terminal. This sub-flow graph can have the data plan as its input/output. In addition to plan definitions of cches, each implementation overlay is encoded as a flow graph grammar rule. These rules contain single nodes on both sides. The left-hand side node's type is the type of the abstract operation on the right side of the overlay. The right-hand sde node's type is the name of the implementation plan on the overlay's left side. The embedding relation encodes the correspondences between the two sides of te over- lay. If there is a correspondence between an iput (or otput) of the abstract operation on the right side of the overlay and an input (or output) of the 'Implementation plan, then flie left- and right-hand side ports that encode t1tem in the grammar rule correspond to each other 'in the rule's embedding relation. For example, Figure 412 shows the grammar rule encoding of the overlay of Figure 410. Sometimes a correspondence is labeled with the name of a data overlay that ma-Ds an abstract data tpe to a concrete one. This mapping information is associated with the corresponding ports in the rle. Different ports may have different data mappings associated with them, even if tey are of the same type. When a rule that encodes an overlay 'is used 'in a parse, it uncovers a design decision to implement a certain abstract operation or data structure as another operation or data 137 FIFO- 2: Any cis- 2 An 1: FIFO Dequeue 1: CIS Extract 3: FIFO 3: CIS Data Overlays: a: Circular-Indexed-Sequence-as-FIFO X: Circular-Irdexed-Seqwnee-as-FIFO Figure 412: Rule encoding the CIS-Extract-as-FIFO-Dequeue overlay. structure. The overlay mapping information is used to generate documentation of this design decision. Temporal Abstraction In recognizing an iterative program, it is often useful to vew cliched fragments of itera- tive computation as operations on a sequence of values. This technique is called temporal abstraction. (See [110, 117, 127, 138].) For example, a common computation that occurs 'in iterative programs is: on each iteration a fnction is applied to the result of the previous application of the fnction (or to an initial value on the first iteration). This is called the generation cche. The plan diagram for this iteration cliche' is shown on the left 'in the overlay of Figure 413. A common stance of generation is counting-up, in which te generating function is . The temporally abstracted view of generation is as an operation Generate that takes an initial value and a generating function and creates a sequence of values - the values processed over time, one per iteration. For example, the temporal abstraction of the counting-np cliche' is the operation Count, which takes an initial value (i) and produces the sequence of values + 1 ( + 1) + 1 ... 1. The temporal abstraction of iteration cliche's is formalized 'in the Plan Calculus using temporal overlays. These relate a temporally abstract operation (on the right side of the overlay) to the plan for an iteration cliche' (on the left side). Figure 413 shows a temporal overlay formalizing te temporal abstraction of generation as a Generate operation. The correspondence labeled wth an asterisk is called a temporal correspondence. This denotes the relationship between the left side data part (the input to apply) and the right side temporal sequence (the otput of Generate). It specifies that the first term of the temporal output sequence of Generate 'is equal to the initial put to apply; the second term is equal to the same part of the recursively defined plan; and so on recursively. Temporal overlays always contain at least one temporal correspondence. Temporal abstraction allows an iterative program that is composed of iteration clicl-te's 138 aput: Icontinue: I Igeneration I I I I I I II II 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 & I I I---------- I ut: I I I I I I I I I generation Figure 413: Temporal overlay showing the view of Generation as a Generate operation. to be seen as a composition of functions on sequences. This makes the program as easy to understand and reason about as a non-iterative (straight-line) program. Temporal abstraction also enables GRASPR to undo common function-sharing optimiza- tions within iterative programs, such as loop-jamming, using the same techniques it uses to deal with function-sharing due to common s-abexpressioirt elimination. (These are the tech- niques for parsing str-ac ture-sharing flow graphs, as is discussed further in Section 5.1.5.) Also, it is easy to encode cliche's by building them out of temporally abstract operations, rather than expressing them as large, flat iteration patterns. Additionally a composition of abstract operations is easier to describe than a combination of overlapping, interleaved iteration cliche's. Encoding Temporal Abstractions 'in Grammar Rules As with implementation relationships, flow graph grammar rules are able to capture tem- poral abstractions by a straightforward encoding of temporal overlays. Like any other algorithmic cliche', the plan diagram for an iteration cliche' is encoded in a grammar rule whose left-hand side is a node whose type is the name of the cliche'. The right-hand side is the dataflow structure of the plan diagram. The relationships between the inputs (resp. outputs) of the recursively defined plan and the iputs (resp. outputs) of the recursive subp1an a-re captured in "input-corresponds?" and "outp-ut-corresponds?" conditions. For example, the rule for generation is. show in Figure 414. It has attribute conditions that constrain the output of f to input-correspond 139 ((XP) e -Ia 0 1 generation2no %. J Node-Type Constraints: f: (lambda (node-type) T) Attribute Conditions: 1. (input-corresponds? (p> f 2 (p> f 1) (feedback-ce (innermost-recur (n> f)))) 2. (ce= (ce-from (st-thru 2) (recur-ce (innermost-recur (n> f)))) Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce = ce (n> f)) 2. generating-function = (node-type (n> f)) Figure 414: Grammar rule encoding te plan for Generation. to te input of f. This rule's right-hand side 'is not exactly te dataflow structure of generation's plan definition. Te plan definition takes a function as input which is iteratively applied, but the right-hand side flow graph does not explicitly represent this functional input and application. Instead, the right-hand side node has a generalized node type, which means the rule imposes a constraint on the types of input graph nodes or non-terminal instances that can match this node. In the rule for generation, the node type constraint is loose: any node type matches. So any instances of a cliched unary operation or a unary primitive operation that satisfies te input-corresponds relationships wl be recognized as a instance of generation. (Generalized node types are used as a shorthand for several rules that I-lave the same left- and right-hand sides, except for variation in the node types of the right-hand side nodes.) The reason the apply operation is not encoded directly in the grammar rule as a node of type "apply" is that there would not be an 'input graph node to match it. Also, this grammar rule cannot be used to recognize generation in programs in which the generating function is an abitrary composition of functions. This limitation i's discussed in more detail in Section 52.3. The type of the input graph node matching the right-hand side is transferred to te left- hand side's generating-function attribute. This can be constrained in attribute conditions of rules that use generation. Control flow constraints captured in the iteration cliche's plan are encoded in attribute conditions referring to the control environments of the recursion (recur-ce, feedback-ce, and ontside-ce). For example, the plan diagram for the cliche' iterative-search is shown on the left i the overlay of Figure 415. This iteration cliche' is the familiar pattern of repeatedly 140 Continue: : iterative- search I IIII II I iterative-search Iterative-Search-as-Earliest Figure 415: Temporal overlay relating the plan for Iterative Search and the operation Earliest. applying some test ntil it is satisfied by some value. When the test succeeds, the iteration is terminated and the value is made available outside the iteration. This iteration cliche' is encoded 'in the flow graph grammar rule shown in Figure 416. (In the figure, e<= stands for 1: and ce= is the equality relation between control environments.) The first condition in this rule encodes the constraint summarized by the control flow arcs, test, and join: the test must be an exit test of the iteration. This constraint translates to a condition on how te control environments of the test and the recursion relate. In particular, the recursive call should occur in the failure-ce of the test and te recursion should be exited in te success-ce of the test. The attribute condition actually loosens this constraint slightly to allow for other exit tests of the recursion. The two parts of the condition are: 1. It must be possible for the recursive call to occur in the failure-ce of the test (but another exit test may occur in the failure-ce wich can prevent this from happening). This is expressed as: the feedback-ce of the innermost recursion containing the test must be the failure-ce of the test. 2. Te success-ce of the test is one possible way to eit the recursion but there may be another exit test 'in whose success-ce the recursion is also exited). This 'is expressed as the success-ce must be the ontside-ce of the recursion. This constraint occurs in the encoding of many iteration constraints, so we defined a 141 a Iterative- No P ,, Search U Node-Type Constraints: P: (lambda (node-type) (predicate? node-type)) Attribute Conditions: 1. (and (ce<= (feedback-ce (innermost-recur (n> P))) (failure-ce (n> P))) (ce<= (success-ce (n> PH (outside-ce (innermost-recur (n> P))))) 2. (ce= (ce-from (st-thru> 2) (success-ce (n> P))) 3. (ce= (ce-from (output-edge (recursive-node (innermost-recur (n> P))) (edge-sink (st-thru> 2)) (feedback-ce (innermost-recur (n> P))) Attribute Transfer Rules: 1. ce = ce (n> P)) 2. search-predicate = (node-type (n> P)) 3: success-ce (success-ce (n> P)) 4. failure-ce (failure-ce (n> P)) Figure 416: Grammar rule for Iterative Search cliche. predicate, exit-predicate, that takes a terminal or non-terminal test node and checks these conditions. So the abbreviate form of the first condition in Figure 416 is (exit-predicate (n> P)). For example, te top-most null-test terminal node in Figure 42 is an exit- predicate. The second attribute condition in the rule for iterative-search constrains the otput to carry dataflow in the success-ce of te test. This expresses the constraint that the output of the iterative-search cliche' is the first element to pass the test. The third condition encodes the constraint that is depicted by the data and control flow edges from the recursive sub-plan to the exit join in the plan diagram of Figure 415. This constraint is that the output dataflow of the recursion that merges with the st-thru must carry dataflow in the feedback-ce of the innermost recursion containing the test. This ensures that there 'is no additional computation being performed on the way up out of te recursion. The function recursive-node finds the input graph node that represents the recursive call of the reCUTSiORcontaining the exit test. The function output-edge finds the edge from some output port of a recursive node to an input port. This function is only used when te recursive node is expected to have only one output port that connects to the input port. (The constraint fails if this is not true.) In this case, output-edge finds te edge that shares its sink with the edge matching the st-thru. This rather awkward type of condition is iposing a structural constraint (as well as the ce-from constraint) which cannot be expressed in the structure of the rule's right-hand 142 a a Iterative-1 Earliest 2 2 W Search Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce = outside-ce (innermost-recur (n> Iterative-Search))) 2. search-predicate = (search-predicate (n> Iterative-Search)) Figure 417: Grammar rule encoding the temporal overlay Iterative-Search-as-Earliest. side flow graph. It requires that there be an edge from a recursive node directly to the output that merges with the st-thru. This constraint is expressed in attribute conditions rather than in the structure of the right-hand side of the rule because there is no way to represent the edge from the recursive node to the output without including the recursive node in the right-hand side. The edge cannot be expressed as a st-thru, since its source is not an nput to the non-terminal. If we did include the recursive node, we would have to specify its arity. This would severely restrict the programs in which it can be matched to only those with recursive nodes of the specified arity. The attribute-transfer rules shown in Figure 416 specify that'all of the control envi- ronment attributes of the exit predicate are transferred to the non-terminal representing 'iterative-search. A temporal abstraction of iterative-search is the Earliest operation. This operation takes a sequence of values and a predicate and finds the first term in the sequence satisfying the predicate. This relationship is shown in the overlay of Figure 415. A temporal overlay is ecoded 'in a grammar rule in the same way as implementation overlays. Figure 417 shows the rule for Earliest. When an iteration cliche' 'is viewed as a temporally abstract operation, the operation is seen as being in the control evironment from which the iteration is called (i.e., its outside-ce). This is expressed in the attribute-transfer rules of the rule encoding a temporal abstraction: the control environment of the temporally abstract operation is the outside-ce of the inermost recursion containing the iteration cche. 4.1.4 Examples of Codifying Simulation Cliche's We used the Plan Calculus as a stepping stone 'in capturing our cches and then encoding them in a flow grapli- grammar. This section gives a flavor for how we did this. It shows the plan definitions and overlays that capture some of the cliche's that were described in English in Chapter 2 It then gives the grammar rules GRASPR uses in recognizing these cliche's. Encoding Event-Driven Smulation Cliche's Recall from Section 21.3, that the event-driven simulation algorithm consists of the follow- ing key steps: 143 Event-Queue: Input: ority-Queue Event Address-Map: Se uence Start: Priority-Queue Insert IF I I Step: Generate-Event- Queues-and-Nodes _J End. Co-Earliest- EDS-Finished Event-Driven Simulation Figure 418: Plan definition for Event-Driven Simulation cliche'. * The event-driven simulator is given a initial EVENT, whose Object is a starting MESSAGE and whose Time is te MESSAGE's arrival tme. This is added to the EVENT-QUEUE. * On each step of the simulation, the highest priority EVENT is pulled from te EVENT-QUEUE and processed. * Processing an EVENT means simulating the handling of the MESSAGE in the EVENT's Object part. This involves: - looking p the ASYNCH-NODE in the ADDRESS-MAP that is idexed by the Destination- Address part of the MESSAGE. - updating the ASYNCH-NODE's Clock to be the maximum of its crrent time and the Time part of the EVENT. This creates a new ASYNCH-NODE. - creating a new ADDRESS-MAP in which MESSAGE's Destination-Address part 'is mapped to the new ASYNCH-NODE. - handling MESSAGE in the context of the ASYNCH-NODE. * The event-driven simulation ends wen the EVENT-QUEUE is empty. The event-driven smulation algorithm is encoded as a composition of two temporally ab- stract operations, called Generate-Event-Queues-and-Nodes and Co-Earliest-EDS-Finished, and a Priority-Quene Insert. The Priority-Queue Insert 'is the operation performed on the first step of the simulation, which is to add a starting EVENT to the EVENT-QUEUE. The temporally abstract operations embody the following temporally abstract view of the iterative actions of the simulator. The simulator generates two sequences: one is a Imlow 1 1 - 144 sequence of EVENT-QUEUEs and the other is a sequence of ADDRESS-MAPs, using an operation called Generate-Event-Queues-and-Nodes. It does this by repeatedly applying a function that extracts the highest priority element an EVENT) from the EVENT-QUEUE and processes it. These two sequences feed into a temporally abstract operation called Co-Earliest-EDS- Finished. This operation returns the ADDRESS-MAP in the iput sequence of ADDRESS-MAPs that corresponds to the first empty EVENT-QUEUE in the other iput sequence of EVENT-QUEUEs. (These two operations are described further below.) Temporal abstraction allows us to express this cliche' as a simple composition of tempo- rally abstract operations. The complexity of how data feeds back during iteration and how the output relates to the exit predicate is pushed down into the encoding of the individual operations. Generate-Event-Queues-and-Nodes Generate-Event-Queues-and-Nodes is a temporal abstraction of theiteration cliche' Dequelle- and-Process-Generation, as shown in the overlay in Figure 419. This iteration cliche' is a special case of the generation cliche'. The generating function is a composition of Priority- Queue Extract and Process-Event. This is slightly more complicated than the generation cliche' described in Section 41.3 in that it generates two sequences, rather than one. On each iteration, the generating function is applied to the two results of the function's application on the previous iteration. Co-Earliest-EDS-Finished Co-Earliest-EDS-Finished is a special case of a more general temporally abstract operation, called Co-Earliest, which is related to the Earliest operation described in Section 41.3. Co- Earliest takes two input sequences, Si and S2, and a predicate and it returns the term Of 2 that corresponds to the first term of satisfying the predicate. Co-Earliest-EDS-Finished is an instance of Co-Earliest in which the predicate is a test for whether the simulation is finished. It is a temporal abstraction of the Co-Iterative-EDS-Finished iteration cliche', as shown in the overlay of Figure 420. This iteration cliche' is the iterative fragment that terminates the smulation when the current EVENT-QUEUE is empty, returning the current value of the ADDRESS-MAP. The temporally abstract operation Co-Earliest-EDS-Finished views the sequences of EVENT-QUEUEs and ADDRESS-MAPs processed over the iterations as its two inputs. It returns the ADDRESS-MAP in the sequence of ADDRESS-MAPs that corresponds to the first empty EVENT-QUEUE in the sequence of EVENT-QUEUEs. The grammar rules in Figures 421 ad 422 encode the information in the plan def- initions and overlays discussed so far. A legend specifies port type abbreviations used in the figure. (The plan definitions, overlays, and the corresponding grammar rules for the 145 I I I Icontinue: Dequeue- Process- Generation -------------- Dequeue-Process-Generation EDS-Generate-as-Dequeue-Process-Generation Figure 419: Overlay showing the temporal abstraction of the iteration cliche' Dequene-and- Process-Generation. 146 I Continue: Co-Iterative- EDS- Finished Add Seqi Co-Iterative-EDS-Finished Co-Iterative-EDS-Finished-as-Co-Earliest-EDS-Finished Figure 420: Overlay showing the temporal abstraction of the iteration cliche' Co-Iterative- EDS-Finished. 147 ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... -4-2:s Dequeue- 4:S 3:S Process- Process- 5:SPrioritY 3 P 2:PQ TQ 3:P U. Q Event-7;V l P GeneraliQn- QJV-a-- 1:PQ Queue- 2:E 1: E 4:PQ 0- EX Attribute Conditions: Attribute Conditions: [AR nodes co-occur] Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce = ce (n> Priority-Queue-Insert)) ((XX)1. (input-corresponds? (p> Process-Event 4) (p> Priority-Queue-Extract 1) (feedback-ce (innermost-recur (n> 2. (input-corresponds? (p> Process-Event ) (p> Process-Event 3) (feedback-ce (innermost-recur (n> 3. (co-occur (n> Priority-Queue-Extract) (n> Process-Event))) Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce = ce (n> Process-Event)) Priority-Queue-Extract)))) Priority-Queue-Extract)))) Legend: E--Event PQ=Priority-Queue S=Sequence A=Any AN=Asych-Node M=Message I=Integer Figure 421: Grammar rules for some Event-Driven Smulation cliches. 148 x r I - *h 3:S Event-Driven --"' 2:PQ 5p Simulation 4:S --P. .--w .I:E a 0 F, --) 8 F, I -,_ Is Generate- 4:S -10' Im. 2:s Dequeue- 4:S, ---W Event-Queues- 0 Process- -al., IN and-Nodes --"" ':PQ Qeaag 3-PQ(X ML X Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce = outside-ce (innermost-recur (n> Dequeue-Process-Ceneration))) :s Co-Earhest- EDS- 3: S --w I Is xa Finished I AMbute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce : (outside-ce (innermost-recur (n> Co-iterative-EDS-Finished))) ............................................................................................................................................. 2:S Co-Iterafive- EDS- 3:S Priofi - --Pt NFinished I:PQ Queue- Efflp ? Aft6bute Condifions: 1. (exit-predicate (n> Priority-Queue-Empty?)) 2. (ce-- (ce-from (st-thru> 2 3) (success-ce (n> Priority-Queue-Empty?))) 3. (ce= (ce-from (output-edge (recursive-node (innermost-recur (> Priority-Queue-Empty?))) (edge-sink (st-thru> 2 3)))) (feedback-ce (innermost-recur (n> Priority-Queue-Empty?)))) Aftfibute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce : (ce (n> Priority-Queue-Empty?)) 2. success-ce, (success-ce (n> Priority-Queue-Empty?)) 2. failure-ce (failure-ce (n> Priority-Queue-Empty?)) Figure 422: Grammar rules for cliche's used by Event-Driven Simulation cliche'. 149 Priority-Qneue operations of Empty?, Insert, and Extract are not shown here, since they do not iustrate any new points.) Process-Event The plan definition for the Process-Event cliche' is shown in Figure 423. This cliche' consists of the four operations that are performed when a event 'is processed (as described at the beginning of this section): looking -up a destination ASYNCH-NODE, updating'its Clock, updating the ADDRESS-MAP, ad handling the MESSAGE. This plan contains a hierarchical data plan within it, which represents the EVENT data cliche'. It has two parts: an Object (a MESSAGE) and a Time (an integer). The Object part is a MESSAGE data plan, which has four parts. Te Destination-Address part (an integer) is -used to index into the ADDRESS-MAP sequence to look up the destination ASYNCH-NODE. This ASYNCH-NODE is then given as iput to the pdate-Node-Time cliche', along with the Time part of the EVENT. A new ASYNCH-NODE is returned and NEW-TERM is used to insert it into a copy of the input ADDRESS-MAP, using the Destination-Address part of the MESSAGE as an index. Finally, a Handle-Message operation is used to simulate the handling of the MESSAGE in the Object part of EVENT. This operation takes the new ADDRESS-MAP ad the EVENT-QUEUE as inputs, as well as the MESSAGE, ad returns an ADDRESS-MAP and EVENT-QUEUE. Figure 424 shows the rule that encodes the Process-Event cliche', plus two rules tat derive the non-terminals Lookup-Destination and Record-at-Destination. These two ad- ditional rules are needed because we cannot directly encode the hierarchical data plan for EVENT in the embedding relation of one grammar rule. Grammar rules can only represent oe level of aggregation at a time. (This is a limitation of the crrent implementation of GRASPR. It does not appear to reflect an inherent difficulty with the graph parsing approach.) To get around this limitation, we decompose the dataflow graph structure of the plan so that we separate those parts that access parts of the MESSAGE from tose that access the EVENT. We then create rules taking the non-terminals Lookup-Destination and Record-at-Destination to the s-ub-flow graphs representing those parts that access the parts of MESSAGE. T1te rules for Look-up-Destination and Record-at-Destination contain embedding rela- tions in which a left-hand side port is mapped to a tuple containing some emptv elements (denoted by asterisks). This represents the fact that not a of t1le parts of the MESSAGE data structure are used by the operations represented by nodes on the rule's right-hand side. Part of the Process-Event cche is the Handle-Message operation. We have grammar rules that encode one possible cliched implementation of this operation. Tese are not shown here, snce they are more of the same type we have seen already.) However, we would also like to allow Process-Event (and the rest of the Event-Driven Simulation cliche') to be recognized in simulators in which the Handle-Message operation is non-cliche'd. That is, we would like to think of this as applying a on-cliche'd function to the MESSAGE which simulates the handling of a real message by a real processing node. 150 Address-Map: Sequence I F iIA a I I II I r, Get-Node: Select-Tenn v Synchronize: Update-Node- Time I . 11 I I I I Update-Addren New-Tenn Process: Handle-Message I 6 L -------------------------------------------------------------------- Object: MessageI ------------------------------------------------------ I II torage I Type: rgu es nation- I Time:Requireme) IS: Svmbol J Seauenc Address: Intege Inte2er; ;I1 1L------------------------------- I I II- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- i .. "', Iv) fo mo V -01, I 'I-- Z a 1-1 ;I ----------------------- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I II I I I - - - - - -j if New-Event-Queue: New-Address-Ma : Priority-Queue Sequence Process-Event Figure 423: Plan definition for the Process-Event cliche'. 151 V..ILI ve t-Queue: Priority-Queue S: -------s i ...... - I- Attribute Conditions: [AR nodes co-occur] Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce : (ce (n> Lookup-Destination)) Mnemonic tuple element names: n p I:s Lookup- x I3AN Destinafion ," .1. .I 4 - I Auribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce = e (n> Select-Term)) Mnemonic tuple element names.- 7 p Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce : (ce (n> New-Term)) Mnemonk tuple element names: Fignre 424: Rules for Process-Event cliclie'. 152 ,""NM -- I., 4 .. pi P. ------ Old: Asynch-Node put:reger ------ ----------------- -------- mory: Associative- Set --------------------------------- New: Asynch-Node Update-Node-Time Figure 425: Plan definition for te Update-Node-Time cliche'. Unfortunately, it is difficult to do this within the graph parsing framework. It would require the Handle-Message non-terminal in the rule for Process-Event to derive an arbitrary flow graph. In general, it is difficult to express and match a cliche' that is parameterized over non-primitive, non-cliche'd functions. (This is the same problem we ran into in codifying the generation cliche' 'in Section 41.3. See Section 52.3 for more discussion of this problem.) Update-Node-Time Update-Node-Time is a cliched operation that synchronizes an ASYNCH-NODE's Clock to te current "simulated time which is the time of the most recent EVENT pulled from the EVENT-QUEUE. Te operation takes a ASYNCH-NODE and the simulated time (an integer) and returns a new ASYNCH-NODE whose Clock is either the simulated time or the time of te input ASYNCH-NODE's Clock, whichever is later. The plan definition of this operatio is shown in Figure 425. An ASYNCH-NODE has two parts: a Memory (an Associative Set) and a Time (an Integer). This cliche' takes an ASYNCH-NODE ad an integer and creates a new ASYNCH-NODE whose Time part 'is the maximum of the iput integer and Time part of the input ASYNCH-NODE. The Memory part of the output is the same as that of the input ASYNCH-NODE. The rule tat encodes this plan definition is shown in Figure 426. Enqueuing New Events One of the actions of a processing node that is simulated as part of the simulation of message handling is the creation and sending of new messages. One of the constraints on the event- driven simulation algorithm is that whenever a message send is simulated, a new EVENT 153 1: Asynch- Update- 2: IntegerNode <8,F-> max Node- 1: Asynch- 2: Integer -- o. Time Node Integer 2:lnteger J Mnemonic tuple element names: Figure 426: Grammar rle encoding the pdate-Node-Time plan. must be created and added to the EVENT-QUEUE. (Similarly, in the synchronous simulation algorithm, when the message handling simulation simulates the sending of a message, the MESSAGE that represents it must be added to the global MESSAGE bnfrer.) Unfortunately, this constraint is difficult to express in the grammar rule encoding and to check in the simulator code. Partly this is because the node action simulation code is not guaranteed to be cched, so we have no context in which to express the constraint. Another reason is that the part of the simulation code that performs the activity of equeuing new EVENTs (or MESSAGEO is typically given as input to the simulator. So, 'it is not available for analysis. (As discussed in Section 22, PiSim takes as input a set of functions each of which. specifies how to simulate the actions of a node in executing some machine operation. Some of these functions create new EVENTs and equeue them.) These problems are discussed further in Section 52.4. Although this constraint is difficult to express and check within the current graph parsing framework, it is not a hard constraint for a person to check. It might be easier to just ask the user whether the constraint holds. This question can be asked with reference to the particular locations in the program, corresponding to locations in the iput graph were the Handle-Message operation is likely to occur. (This can be based on where the rest of Process-Event has been found.) 4.2 Architectural Details This section fills in details of how flow graph parsing is used to solve the partial program recognition problem. Section 42.1 describes how textual source code is translated into an attributed flow graph. Section 42.2 discusses an additional monitor that tailors the parser to deal with a type of graph variation that is specific to the program recognition application. Section 42.3 describes how the Paraphraser presents the parser's results. 4.2.1 Translating Programs to Flow Graphs A program is translated from source code to attributed flow graph in two stages. First, a plan representation of the source code is created. Then, an attributed flow graph is com- 154 pnted from this intermediate representation. Creating the 'intermediate plan representation of the code facilitates the computation of attributes for the flow graph. Source Code to Plan Diagram The plan creation stage is itself composed of two stages: macro-expansion, followed by symbolic evaluation. The macro-expander translates the program into a simpler language of primitive forms. It does this by expanding any macro calls in the source program and by using a set of additional macro-like definitions to expand each complex construct in the source into a set of simpler forms. In particular, all of the control constructs are converted to simple conditional and unconditional branches. AR of the data constructs a-re converted into bindings of or assignments to simple atomic variables. The macro-expanded code is then symbolically evaluated. Te evaluator follows al possible control paths of the program, starting with some topmost ( 44 main") fnction of the program. It converts operations to boxes and places arcs between them, corresponding to data and control flow. Whenever a branch in control flow occurs, a test box is added. Similarly, when control flow comes back together, a join box is placed in the graph and all data representing the same variable are merged together. Boxes for user-defined functions are replaced with the plans for their definitions, except for those within recursive functions. This flattening allows variability in the way programs to be aalyzed are broken down into subroutines. The user may also advise that certain calls not be expanded for efficiency reasons. (Any unexpanded function whose name happens to be a non-terminal 'in the grammar is systematically renamed, unless the user specifies that the function is an instance of the cliche named by the non-terminal.) The symbolic evaluator inserts explicit selector and constructor boxes into the plan diagram for each user-defined accessor and constructor. The plan representation may be used as the target representation for many different languages. The flow analyzer used by GRASPR translates Lisp programs into plans. Similar analyzers were previously written not only for Lisp ([114, 137, 139]) bt also for subsets of Cobol 42], Fortran 137], and Ada 139], but are not used in this system. Plan Diagram to Attributed Flow Graph Once the plan representation for the program is created, it is encoded as an attributed flow graph. The dataflow structure of the plan is retained in the flow graph. Control environment attributes are computed from the control flow structure. Joins are replaced with edges that fan in, annotated with ce-from attributes. Explicit accessors and constructors are also replaced by attributed edges. Eacl-t accessor and composition of accessors is treated as a Spread node and each constructor as a Make node. These Spreads and Makes are removed using the aggregation-removal transformations described in Section 34.2. The residual Spreads and Makes are then replaced with attributed fan-out and fan-in edges. 155 (defun Insert-Queue (Entry) (cond ((Empty-or-Low-Priority-Head? Entry *Event-Queue*) (push Entry *Event-Queue*)) (t (let ((Next (cdr *Event-Queue*)) (Previous *Event-Queue*)) find spot to splice Entry in: (loop do (when (Empty-or-Low-Priority-Head? Entry Next) (return)) (setq Previous Next) (setq Next (cdr Next))) perform the splice: (rplacd Previous (cons Entry Next)))))) Figure 427: Code that side effects the mutable data structure *Event-Queue*. 4.2.2 Additional Monitor to Handle Recursion Unfolding One of the types of variations that can arise in recursive programs is that a loop in one can be unrolled in aotl-ter, or more generally, a recursion can be unfolded. This variation arises in our program examples when we convert the impure programs to pure ones (leaving no side effects to mutable objects). In this situation, special cases of a recursion sometimes translate to the general recursive case. This means that the general case is redundantly performed once, before the recursion is called. For example, the code in Figure 427 destructively inserts Entry 'into the ordered asso- ciative list *Event-Queue*. It first tests for the special case in which Entry belongs on the front of the list (either because the list is empty or its first element has a lower priority than Entry). In this case, it destructively places Entry on the front of *Event-Queue* using push. Insert-Queue then performs the general case in which *Event-Queue* is searched for the place to insert Entry and then Entry i's spliced in at that place. When this program is translated 'into its non-destructive version, shown in Figure 428, the special case head insertion becomes the same as the normal splice-in operation. Insert-Queue-Pure can be rewritten as Folded-Insert-Queue, shown n Figure 429, in which the recursion is folded back up. To deal with this type of variation, we provided an additional monitor to the flow graph parser, which looks for an opportunity to view a program that contains an nfolded recursion as one in which the recursion is folded back up. By generating this alternative view, the parser is then able to recognize the program as if it did not have a unfolded recursion. This augmentation of the parser with a new monitor tailors it to solve a problem specific to its application to the program recognition problem. This section describes the new monitor and how the new view is generated. 156 (defun Insert-Queue-Pure (Entry) (setq *Event-Queue* (cond ((Empty-or-Low-Priority-Head? Entry *Event-Queue*) (cons Entry *Event-Queue*)) (t (cons (car *Event-Queue*) (Splice-in Entry (cdr *Event-Queue*))))))) (defun Splice-In (Entry Next) (cond ((Empty-or-Low-Priority-Head? Entry Next) (cons Entry Next)) (t (cons (car Next) (Splice-In Entry (cdr Next))M) Figure 428: Functional version of Insert-Queue. (defun Folded-Insert-Queue (Entry) (setq *Event-Queue* (Splice-In Entry *Event-Queue*))) (defun Splice-In (Entry Next) (cond ((Empty-or-Low-Priority-Head? Entry Next) (cons Entry Next)) (t (cons (car Next) (Splice-In Entry (cdr Next)))))) Figure 429: Version of Insert-Queue-Pure in which recursion is folded up. 157 ,,e: ce: cel success-ci failure-ce - - .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - -. i Figure 430: Flow graph representing Isert-Queue-Pure. I ce: ce2 ce-from: ce2 158 [ce3j Recursion information.- [recur-ce.- ce5, feedback-ce.- ce4, outside-ce.- ce3l Figure 431: Partial ordering relationships between the control environments of Insert- Queue-Pure's flow graph. Figure 430 shows the flow graph representation of Insert-Queue-Pure A dashed box is drawn around the boundary of the sub-flow graph representing its recursion. GRASPR generates an alternative view of this flow graph in which the recursion boundary is expanded outward and the redundant computation is collapsed together. The way it works is based on the observation that when GRASPR tries to recognize an unfolded program, most of the constraints (structural as well as attribute conditions) are satisfied. Te only ones that are not are those that refer to the program's recursion in- formation (e.g., those constraining two ports to 'input-correspond or those referring to the feedback-ce of the recursion). So, constraints are placed into two classes: regular ad recursion. When an item fails only its recursion constraints, it is suspended, which means it is placed in a holding data structure used by the new monitor. The monitor watches for another complete item, called a partner, to be added to the chart that can collapse with the suspended 'item. An item 1, can collapse with another item 1. if they are recognizing the same non-terminal type in control environments that are analogous. (This relation is defined below.) Collapsing two items means creating a new item which is the same as te sspended item, but whose constraints are checked in te context of the partner item. Intuitively, two control environments are analogous if they contain operations that would collapse together if the recursion were folded back up. For example, Figure 4- 31 shows the partial ordering of the control environments and recursion information for Insert-Queue-pure. The analogous pairs of control environments are el, ce5), (ce2, ce3), and (e3, ce4). The aalogy relations are symmetric, but not reflexive, or transitive. Analogy relations between control environments are computed from the surface plan during its translation to an attributed flow graph. Once a suspended item is collapsed with a partner, the new "collapsed" item is added to the agenda. Its constraints are satisfied because they refer to attributes of the sub-flow 159 graph matched by the partner item. The collapsed item's left-l-land side control environment attributes are computed by applying the rule's attribute-transfer rules in the context of the partner item and then translating them to the analogous control environment. Attribute- transfer rules that use recursion information in their computation are handled specially. In particular, if the rule computes the outside-ce of the innermost recursion containing some node, the control environment analogous to the recur-ce of this recursion is transferred.) When a collapsed item is used to extend another item, it imposes new edge connection constraints on the items for adjacent non-terminals. Suppose a collapsed item I havi g partner IP extends another item to create an item IC, where IA is representing the derivation of non-terminal A in the right-hand side of IC's rule. If an item 1B for a non-terminal adjacent to A as a partner 1q, then p and Iq should be connected together in t1le same way as IA and IB. The suspend-collapse-resume mechanism for recursion folding can be generalized to a "try-liarder" technique for handling more types of near-misses besides those that fail recur- sion constraints. More classes of constraints can be 'identified. When an item fails certain classes of constraints, something might be done to cause them to be satisfied (e.g., changing an attribute) or weakened (e.g., changing a co-occurence condition between two nodes to a F condition). Then the item can be resumed simply by putting it back on the agenda. Te changes can be reported as conditions or assumptions under which some cliche' is recognized in the program. 4.2.3 Paraphraser The output of the recognition process is a forest of design trees, representing the cliche's found and how they relate to each other. One way to use this output is to automatically generate documentation for the program recognized. Paraphraser is a tool which takes the forest of design trees produced by GRASPR and generates textual documentation for each. Each cliche' in our library has an associated schematized textual explanation fragment wose slots may be filled in with identifiers in the program. (This is based on earlier work by Cyphers 24] and Frank 45].) Paraphraser starts at the root of a design tree and traverses it depth first, generating a hierarchical description based on the explanation fragments associated with each cliche' en- countered. It reports the relationships between each cliche' in the tree and those immediately below it (e.g., Queue-Insert is implemented by FIFO-Enqueue, Sum temporally abstracts Summing). If an implementation relationship exists between two cliche's and a data abstrac- tion is uncovered, this is reported as well (e.g., The Queue is implemented as a FIFO.). Variable names are included in the text to indicate the location of the cliche'. Also, some slots 'in the explanation fragments are filled in with primitive operation types, sch as < in An element I s priority P is higher than another I s Q if P < Q. This often happens when generalized node types are used. In this case the generalized node type matched 160 any primitive predicate that was a comparator. Paraphraser is also able to compute some mappings from user-defined data structure part names to the part names of aggregate data cliche's that are recognized. This 'is described below. The user can select which design trees to document. By default, Paraphraser documents all of them, starting with those whose roots are at the highest level in the library. Currently, all cliche's recognized are reported, including those that represent multiple views of some part of the program. No single best interpretation is preferred. We view the job of selecting views of the program and focusing on particular results of the recognition as the responsibility of a higher-level control mecl-tanism which has information about how the results will be used and which view of the program is most useful. Mapping Cliche'd Aggregate Names to User-Defined Data Structure Names Paraphraser heuristically computes mappings from the names of user-defined data structures and their parts to those of a gregate data cliche's that are recognized in the program. However, the current implementation is not robust. The mappings are often incomplete and ambiguous. (This is a area requiring further work.) The names of user-defined data structures and their parts are associated with edges in the program's flow graph in the form of accessor and constructor attribute values. Each accessor attribute has a value that describes how the data it carries to the edge's sink is a part of the data structure at the edge's source. Because data structure accesses and constructions can be composed, the values of these attributes are sets of ordered it of tuples of the form , where the order corresponds to the order of composition of te accesses or constructions. They are sets of ordered lists because an edge can represent dataflow from more than one output of a selector to more than one input of a constructor. For example, in the flow graph representing (queue-length (node-queue (aref *nodes* i)))), the edge from the output of "aref" to the input of 1+" has an accessor attribute of value ( ). Each ordered list can be seen as a "path" that describes ow the source data structure is destructured to result in the piece of data at the sink. The path may be of arbitrary length, since the piece of data may be nested deeply within several data structures. Similarly, each edge holds a constructor attribute that describes ow the data it carries becomes part of some data structure. The value of the accessor and constructor attributes is nndefined if the edge is not carrying data involved i some aggregation. The edge attributes are used to create the mappings between names in cliched structures and in user-defined ones. When an operation on a cliched aggregate data structure is recognized, the parser has matched each part of the structure to an edge (or recursively to a tuple of sub-part matchings, if the part itself is an aggregation). This creates a tree representing the cliched aggregate data structure's organization, "With the leaves matching edges in the flow graph representing the program. Those accessor and constructor values 161 FIFO Dequeue is implemented as a Circular Sequence Extract. The FIFO is implemented as a CIS. Circular Indexed Sequence Extract extracts the first element from the Circular Indexed Sequence. The First part: ( ) The Fill-Count part: ( ) The Size part: ( ) The Base part: ( ) Figure 432: Documentation containing a cliche'd-to-user-defined name mapping. that are defined are combined to form trees that represent the portions of the user-defined data structure organization. (There may be more than one if the recognition involves parts from more than one -user-defined data structure.) The fringes of tese trees are matched to the fringes of the cliched organization tree. This generates mappings between the part names of the lowest level structures involved. Mappings between higher level nodes of te trees are heuristically computed. For example, if a parts of a cliched data structure map to a parts of a user-defined structure, then the two data structures map to each other. Equality constraints are imposed locally by the rules for cche' data structure operations. These require that each cliched part name map consistently to the same programmer-defined part name (or set of names, if there is ambiguity in which attributes match)- Figure 432 gives an example of a mapping computed from the recognition of a CIS- Extract. The mapping is included in the documentation of this cliche'. This mapping 'is incomplete in that the "Last" part of the Circular Indexed Sequence is not mapped to anything. This is because in the program, the optional unconstrained straight-through rep- resenting the "Last" part was not matched. Because not a of the parts of the cliched data structure are mapped, the mapping cannot be refined. If Last were mapped to ( ) then since the user-defined data structure QUEUE as no more parts, QUEUE can be mapped to CIS and each of the part mappings can be reduced from ( ) to (). if "Last" were mapped to (), and NODE had only parts "Queue" and "Max-Index," then NODE would be mapped to CIS and the mappings would remain the same (i.e., not be reduced). Ambiguity arises when an accessor or constructor attribute has a set of values that are mapped to some cliched part. It also occurs when some part of a program is recognized as more tan one data structure operation. In addition to these local refinements to the mappings, global constraint propagation should be used to refine them further. Future research will focus on this. The results can be valuable not only in presenting te results of recognition, but also as a source of expectations which can be used to further guide ad refine data structure recognition. (See Section 72.3.) 162 Chapter 0 0 0 * 01 'a a i i ies an inli a ions There are two parts of our analysis of te graph parsing approach. One is identifying its practical capabilities and limitations in the context of real-world programs. The other is studying the computational cost of this approach. This chapter discusses the first aspect, while Chapter 6 deals with the second. In this chapter, we consider both the robustness of our recognition technique under common program variations and the expressiveness of our graph grammar formalism for encoding programming cliche's. 5.1 Variations Tolerated Automated recognition of cliche's must be robust under a wide range of variations in pro- grams. We employ three basic strategies for achieving this goal. First, we use an abstract representation for programs and cliche's. This representation suppresses many details which can vary across programs but which do not constitute significant differences between the cliche's that exist in the programs. Our representation exposes the algorithmic and dataflow structure of the program, while abstracting away syntactic and organizational differences. When some unimportant details are not suppressed by our representation (i.e., when two or more program variations are not represented the same), we try a second strategy. We provide ways for GRASPR to generate cheap alternative views of the program representation. These views are created by additional chart monitors during parsing, sch as those that deal with redundancy. It is possible to also handle this in a preprocessing stage (rather than during parsing) by choosing one variation as canonical and applying cheap transformations to canonicalize other variations with respect to this one. However, sometimes seeing the transformation opportunity requires performing recognition. For example, zipping -up two instances of an abstract operation that each involve a different 'implementation requires recognition to view the redundant code as performing the same operation. When a cliche' exists in two programs that are not represented the same in our represen- tation or cannot be cheaply viewed as the same, we fall back on our third strategy. This is 163 to enumerate te variations in our library. For example, we use this tactic to deal with im- plementation variation. However, when enumerating variations, we rely o our knowledge of the empirical frequency of occurrence of the variations. We do not collect every variation of a cliche' we can think of, only tose that are common. Te hierarchical structure of the cliche' library helps to make the enumeration concise. These three tactics allow us to automate program recognition so that it is robust under the common program variations described in Section 23.1. Our abstract representation eliminates syntactic and organizational variation, as well as variation de to delocalization, unfamiliar code, and some function-sharing optimizations. This is discussed in more detail in Sections 5.1.1-5-1.5. By generating alternative views cheaply, GRASPR is able to deal with variation due to redundancy, as is discussed in Section 5.1-6. Because implementation variations are concisely enumerated in the cliche' library, GRASPR is able to recognize the same abstract cliched operation in programs tat contain different implementations of the operation. This is discussed in Section 51.7. 5.1.1 Syntactic Variation In Section 23.2, we showed two programs (in Figures 210 and 211) which GRASPR recognized as containing the same cliches, even though they differ syntactically. This is due to the fact that both programs are represented as the same flow graph, shown in Figure 5-1. The figure does not show the complete flow graph. Some function cans are depicted as nodes for brevity. However, they are sub-flow graphs in the actual representation Tese nodes are drawn with dotted lines to show that they hide some detail. Also, dashed lines are drawn around te sub-flow graph representing the recursive function Execute-Events. (Small fiRed-in circles indicate fan-in and fan-out. They are not special vertices in the flow graph. They are used to distinguish edges that share sinks or sources from those that merely cross each other.) - Accessor and constructor attributes on edges are not shown 'in the -figure because they differ for the two programs. Instead, the edges for which these attributes have defined values (i.e., not undefined) are labeled , ... . Figure 52 lists the actual attribute values for these edges for the programs of Figures 210 211, as well as Figure 212. The flow graph representation abstracts away syntactic differences between programs. Attributed dataflow edges explicitly represent the net effect of binding ad control con- structs, abstracting away such details as which constructs are used, which variables are bound, and whether data is passed through nested expressions or via bindings to interme- diate variables. Information concerning the names of user-defined data structures and their parts is relegated to edge attributes, so tliat differences due to explicit accessor and constructor functions do not arise in the structure of the graph. Also, the representation captures only "essential" orderings of operations, which are 164 0 i II .ceO null ce: ce3-fnilure-ce: ce3 ce: ce3 Figure 5-1: Flow graph representing the code in Figures 210 211, and 212. 165 : Accessor.- Constructor: : Accessor.- Constructor: : Accessor.- Constructor: : Accessor.- Constructor- : Accessor.- Constructor: : Accessor.- Constructor: : Accessor.- Constructor: undefined [( )] undefined (( )] undefined [( )] [()] [()] undefined f( )] f()J undefined f()J undefined undefined f( )] undefined [( )] undefined [( )] [()] f()] undefined [( )] f()] undefined [()] undefined b : Accessor.- Constructor- : Accessor.- Constructor- : Accessor.- Constructor- : Accessor.- Constructor- : Accessor.- Constructor- : Accessor.- Constructor- : Accessor.- Constructor- undefined [()] undefined [()] undefined ft )] [()] [()] undefined [()] (()j undefined f()] undefined c Figure 52: Attribute values for accessor and constructor attributes annotating te' flow graphs representing the programs in Figures 210 (column a), 211 column b), and 212 (column C). 166 those determined by dataflow dependencies. Dataflow graphs make dataflow dependencies explicit, imposing a partial ordering on the program's operations (rather than the linear, to- tal ordering imposed by text). So programs which vary only in their ordering of independent computations will. have the same flow graph representation. The attributed flow graph representation also captures constraints on data and control flow, independent of the language in which they are expressed. This means the same library of cliche's can be used to recognize cliche's regardless of the language in which te program containing them is written. If the data and control flow of a program can be statically determined, then the program can be represented as an attributed flow graph. This is true for most imperative, sequential programs written '111 onventional languages sch as Fortran, Cobol, Lisp, and Ada. Some examples of programs for which this is not true are those that contain nondeter- ministic or concurrent language features. Also, programs that take other programs as iput cannot be fully modeled by our dataflow graph representation because part of teir data and control flow information is hidden in their input. (This is discussed further in Section 5.2.) The abstraction properties of the flow graph representation enable cliche's to be rec- ognized in programs without having to anticipate (and eumerate) all, possible syntactic variations of each cliche and without relying on so-urce-to-source transformations to canon- icalize the code. 5.1.2 Organizational Variation The flow graph representation is also the key to dealing with variation in how programs are decomposed into subroutines and how aggregate data structures are organized. In this representation, the subroutine structure is flattened. Each call to a sbroutine is represented by te flow graph of the subroutine's body. In essence, te program is seen as completely open-coded. The key benefit of this is that instances of cliche's which cross subroutine boundaries are recognized as easily as those tat are within a boundary. Te hierarchical organization of cches built pon other cches need not be reflected in the program's decomposition for the cliche's to be recognized. Of course, flattening a sbroutine calls is not always advantageous. When a subron- tine is used in several places throughout the code and contains cliche's entirely within its boundaries, flattening it unnecessarily creates a large input flow graph and causes GRASPR to repeat work. For example, utility subroutines for basic data structures often contain general-purpose cliche's entirely within their boundaries ad they are usually called by sev- eral higlier-level functions. In this case, the subroutines should be reco nized independently. The results of recognition should then be duplicated and used wherever the subroutine was called. For example, if a sbroutine is recognized as a cliche', caRs to it in the program should be represented as an already-reduced non-terminal, which can be used in te recognition of 167 higher level cliches. Tis involves smply adding complete items to te chart, representing already-reduced non-terminals. Besides eliminating variation due to subroutine decomposition, GRASPR also deals with variation in data structure organization. It does this by representing accessors and con- structors as attributed edges, rather than as explicit nodes in the flow graph, as are other operations in the program. If the accessors and constructors were represented explicitly as odes, then the representation would fail to eliminate variation between programs that aggregate the same data, but -use different orderings of parts or different nesting of aggrega- tions. (The problems with explicit representation of accessors and constructors as Spread and Make nodes were discussed in more detail in Section 34.2.) The flow graph formalism was specifically designed to allow aggregation-equivalent flow graphs to be recognized. Programs are represented as minimally-aggregated flow graphs, with any 'internal residual Spreads and Makes replaced with attributed fan-out and fan-in edges. Cliche's involving aggregate data structures are expressed in grammar rules in which the aggregation is specified in the embedding relation. The cliche's are then recognized in programs by using the embedding relation to introduce the cliched aggregation organization into the parsing process. In Section 23.2, two organizational variations of Pisim are pointed out (in Figures 210 and 212). In one, the initialization and storage-requirements computations are found within Inject, while te other separates these computations out into the fnctions Initialize- Simulator and Compute-Storage-Requirements. The first aggregates four pieces of data into a Message data structure and then nests this inside an Event data structure, along with a Time part. The other aggregates three pieces of data into a Handler-Data data structure and then nests it inside a Msg data structure, along with a Destination and Arrival-Time part. Both aggregate the same pieces of data, but using different nesting organizations, ordering of parts, and names for structures and parts. However, these two programs have the same basic flow graph representation, which is shown in Figure 5-1. The only difference between the two is in their edge attributes, as shown in Figure 52. (One program, Inject, iteratively calls a function Execute-Next-Event, while the other, Start-Pisim, calls Process-Next-Message. The flow graph representations of tese two calls is the same for both. This flow graph is hidden in the dotted node labeled "Execute-Next-Event." Likewise, the dotted node labeled "Enqueue-Event" represents calls to the functions Enquene-Event (by Inject) and Enquene-Message (by Start-Pisim), which each have the same flow graph representation. Also, the recursive node shown in Figure 5-1 is labeled "Execute-Events," but in the flow graph for Start-Pisim, the recursive node is labeled "Process-Messages." This difference is not significant, since the recursive nodes are never expected to match ay right-hand side node dring parsing.) 168 5.1.3 Delocalized Cliche's Using the flow graph representation also addresses the problem that parts of a cche may be scattered throughout the text of a program. Many cliche's become much more localized in the flow graph than in the program text because only essential dataflow relationships are captured. For example, in Figure 213 a portion of the CST code is sown. Even though parts of a smulation cliche' are separated by unrelated expressions in the source text they are translated into neighboring nodes in the flow graph representation of the program. This representation is shown in Figure 53. The nodes that are unrelated to the simulation cliche' are shaded. 5.1.4 Unrecognizable Code GRASPR is able to recognize cliche's despite the presence of unrecognizable code in te pro- gram. This is partly due to GRASPR's cliche' localization abilities which helps to separate the familiar from the unfamiliar parts of the program. The cliched sections of a program tend to become localized 'in sub-flow graphs of the program's flow graph representation. The other aspect of GRASPR's approach that makes partial recognition possible is the bottom-up parsing strategy it uses. It recognizes and reports low-level cliche's, even if it cannot reconstruct the higher level design that puts them together. AR non-terminals are treated as start-types of the grammar, so that each instance of ay non-terminal is reported. GRASPR has been specifically designed to solve the partial program recognition problem, which is defined in Section 33.1: Given a program and a ibrary of cliche's, find all instances of the cliche's in the program (i.e., determine which cliche's are in the program- and their locations). It formulates this problem in terms of the subgraph parsing problem, which is: Given a flow graph F and a flow graph grammar G find a possible parses of all sub-flow graphs of F that are in the language of G. In other words, when a program is partially recognized, one or more sub-flow graphs of the program's flow graph encoding are recognized as members of the graph grammar which encodes the cliche' library. It follows from the definition of a sub-flow graph, t1lat it is possible to ignore portions of a flow graph before and after a recognizable sub-flow graph, as well as portions that fan ot from or into an internal port in the sub-flow graph. What this means in terms of partially recognizing programs is that GRASPR can recognize a cliche' in te presence of unrecognizable code or code that belongs to other cliche's, as long as the cliche' is localized into a sub-flow graph of the program's flow graph representation. It must be possible to separate the cliche' from the rest of the flow grapl-t by disconnecting a set of edges. GRASPR is able to ignore unfamiliar code that "surrounds" a cliche' (in that it sends dataflow to it and/or receives dataflow from it). See Figure 5-4b. It is also able to ignore unfamiliar code that is done conditionally assuming that te control flow constraints do not require co-occurrence relations to hold between the component operations). See Figure 169 ..A ........ I.... Shell-Go: . Enqueue I ce: ceO --------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I--- I Figure 53: Flow graph representing the CST code of Figure 213. 170 2 I I a c b Figure 54: a) Average cliche'. b-c) Some cases in which a program can be partially recog- nized. 5-4c. GRASPR can partially recognize a program that not only has unfamiliar algorithmic frag- ments, but also has data structures that aggregate -unfamiliar parts. It is able to ignore computation on unfamiliar parts of an aggregate data structure. This is a direct result of the parser's techniques-for recognizing aggregation-equivalent flow graphs, as described in Sections 34.2 and 35.2. These techniques aow recognition of a cliched data structure in a user-defined data structure even when the cliche' aggregates only a subset of the parts aggregated by the user-defined structure. For example, suppose the cliche' library contained a cliche' called Extract-Message, which is the common computation of looking up a SYNCH-NODE in an ADDRESS-MAP, given a integer index, deqneuing its Buffer part and updating the ADDRESS-MAP so that the integer index points to the new SYNCH-NODE. The rules encoding Extract-Message and the Local-Buffer- Dequene cliche' it contains as a part are shown in Figure 5-5. This cliche' is found in the program shown in Figure 56 which operates on a ser-defirted node data structure. The node consists of five parts, oe of which Queue) corresponds to the Buffer part of a SYNCH-NODE. The value of *nodes* corresponds to the ADDRESS-MAP In addition to performing the Extract-Message operation, this program increments te Bsy- Count part of the new node created. It also calls process-message on te msg dequeued, the ADDRESS-MAP, and *step-queue* (which is the global MESSAGE bffer). GRASPR partially recognizes the node data structure as well as te program step. The flow graph representation of step is stiown in Figure 5-7. (The dotted node labeled "Dequeue" is an abbreviation for a flow graph that 'is derived by the FIFO-Deq-ueue non-terminal.) The destruct-uring and construction of the user-defined node data structure is represented 171 <(XP> r -% F- ---O Local-Buffer- 2,:M 1:SN Dequeue so3:S Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce = ce (n> FIFO-Dequeue)) Mnemonic tuple element names: (P18) -30. p 8 2:1 ExtraCt_ 4:M Message 3:S_)-,,,,,, cx x so Attribute Conditions: [AU nodes co-occur] Attribute-Transfer Rules: 1. ce, = ce (n> Select-Term)) F, (X FIFO- 3: A IT x Dequeue 2-F - -k, -in Legend: I=Integer F=FIFO S=Sequence A=Any SN=Synch-Node M=Message Figure 5-5: Rules for Extract-Message and Local-Buffer-Dequene cliche'. (def un step (node-nr) (let* ((node (get-node node-nr)) (q (node-queue node))) (multiple-value-bind (msg new-queue) (dequeue q) (setq node (make-node :queue new-queue :objects (node-objects node) :contexts (node-contexts node) :busy-count 1 (node-busy-count node)) :method-cache (node-method-cache node)))) (setq *nodes* (copy-replace-elt node node-nr *nodes*)) (multiple-value-bind (new-nodes new-step-queue) (process-message msg *nodes* *step-queue*) (setq *nodes* new-nodes *step-queue* new-step-queue))))) Figure 56: Code containing a partially recognized data structure. 172 $E$ Figure 57: Flow graph representation for step. 173 in attributed fan-out and fan-'in edges. This facilitates the separation of the -unfamiliar computation (the increment of the node's Busy-Count) from the familiar. It allows GRASPR to recognize Extract-Message by parsing the sub-flow graph that results from disconnecting the shaded portion of step's flow graph from the rest of the flow graph. 5.1.5 Punction-Sharing The derivations generated for programs by te flow graph parser do not have to be strictly hierarchical. This means that GRASPR is able to recover the design of a program, even when parts of the implementation of two distinct abstract operations overlap as a result of an optimization. In effect, GRASPR "undoes" the optimization. For example, in Section 23.2, Figures 219 and 221 show two programs that differ only in that one optimizes the other by enumerating the array nodes once instead of twice. The enumeration is shared between the two cliched operations of advancing each node in nodes and computing the average length of their Queue parts. GRASPR is able to recognize these two cliche's in both programs, even though they overlap in one. GRASPR does not destructively reduce te input flow graph representing the program. It allows the recognition of a part of the flow graph to be seen as part of more than one higher-level cliche'. The resulting design trees share a sub-tree, as is shown in Figure 222. 5.1.6 Redundancy GRASPR is able to deal with variation due to redundancy which occurs when some part of a cliche appears more than once 'in the same instance of a cliche'. There are two types of redundancy that we encountered in dealing witIt real programs. One type is the repetition of some computation on the same set of iputs and/or produc- ing outputs that are conditionally merged into the same consumer operation. An example of this is discussed in Section 23.2 and shown in Figure 223. In this example, the compnta- tion of accessing the first element of Bucket-List using car is performed twice. The parser's ability to recognize share-equivalent programs allows GRASPR to tolerate the variatio de to this type of redundancy. In particular, the parser zips up the flow graph representation of the program, allowing it to recognize the cliche'. Ordered-Associative-List. That is, it generates an alternative view of the program in which the redundancy is removed. The second type of redundancy occurs when a loop is nrolled or, more generally a recursion is unfolded. This arises in our example programs when we convert the original programs, which contain destructive operations (causing side effects to mutable data struc- Wres), to their nondestructive versions. As described in Section 42.2, this is handled by an additional chart monitor tat creates an alternative view in which the recursion is folded back up. 174 5.1.7 Implementation Variation GRASPR is able to recognize two programs that perform the same cliched abstract operation, even though they may use two different implementations of that operation. Thisis because the cliche' library is encoded 'in a grammar that explicitly captures implementation rela- tionships between the cliche's. So GRASPR is able to view and describe structures on various levels of abstraction. This enables it to produce te same high-level description of the two versions of the CST program shown in Figures 216 and 217 of Section 23.2, even though tey differ on a lower level of abstraction in their implementation of the global message queue. GRASPR produces the design-trees shown in Figures 214 and 218 for the two versions. They differ only in the subtrees that are highlighted by dotted boxes in Fgure 218. It is impractical to enumerate all possible implementational variations of an abstract cliche' in the cche library as flat structures. However, the hierarchical organization of the cliche library aows implementation variation to be represented compactly. 5.2 Limitations Our recognition approach is based pimarily on dataflow graph matching and control flow constraint cecking. The success of this approach depends on being able to: 1. faithfully capture the program's dataflow in our flow graph representation and the program's control flow in the attributes, and 2. express a programming liche in an attributed graph grammar rule in terms of its data and control flow constraints (i.e., operation types and arity, dataflow connections, control environment relationships). In general, the limitations of our approach arise when one or both of these are not possible to do. The first criterion is not possible when the dataflow or control flow of the program cannot be completely captured by static analysis or the dataflow is not made explicit (in that it is derived from intermediate computations). The second criterion is not satisfied for cliche's that have loosely constrained data and control flow or tat are defined by characteristics other than data and control flow. This section gives specific situations in which we encountered these limitations in ex- perimenting with the recognition of our example programs. It also suggests ways of dealing with these problems, e.g., by collaborating with other mechanisms or eliciting and accepting advice from a person. (There are additional limitations to te current recognition system that represent open research problems, rather than inherent difficulties with the approach. These are discussed in Section 72.) 175 5.2.1 Missing or Derived Dataflow Our cliche's are basically expressed as dataflow graphs. A cliche' can be recognized only if a sub-flow graph of the flow graph representing the program is isomorphic to the cliche"s flow graph representation. Unfortunately, sometimes a cliche exists in a program, but GRASPR fails to find 'it because dataflow links are derived or missing. The principal cause of missing dataflow (and control flow) information in or example simulator programs is that they accept functions for simulating individual machine oper- ations as input. This prevents data and control flow from being completely determined statically. We ound three common causes of derived dataflow links in our example programs. One is that a primary part of a cliched data structure may correspond to a part of a data structure in the program that is a handle. The handle is used to look up the piece of data that actually corresponds to the cliches primary part. For example, our Execntion-Context data cliche' contains a sequence of INSTRUCTIONs as a primary part. In the CST program, on the other hand, the corresponding data structure, called context, has a "Code" part that is a symbol. This symbol is used to look up a Block, which is a sequence of INSTRUCTIONs, in a pooling structure containing a existing Blocks. The problem with non-cliche'd uses of handles is that they ntroduce 'Intermediate com- putation which interrupts data flowing from one primitive operation to another. This computation looks p a piece of data using a handle into a pooling structure. Unsimplified code is a second cause of obscured dataflow links. For example, in (F (Abs-val (G x))), where (G x) is always positive, there is always direct dataflow from G to F. A third cause is that a program may implicitly aggregate heterogeneous pieces of data, rather than explicitly aggregating the data into a structure with named parts, rising a struc- turing primitive such as DEFSTRUCT in Common Lisp). In implicit aggregation, a primitive data structure, such as a list (in Common Lisp) or an array, is used to aggregate heteroge- neous pieces of data, where the position in the data structure matters. For example, Pisim creates ad uses an array whose first two elements cache iformation about a MESSAGE (Type and Storage-Requirements), while the rest of the array holds the MESSAGE's Arguments. This array should be treated as an aggregate data structure with three parts: Type (a symbol), Storage-Requirements (an integer), and Arguments (an array Implicitly aggregated data structures are accessed and constructed with primitive op- erations (such as aref) on the data structures at fixed indices. These operations are not converted to attributed edges, as are selectors ad constructors for explicit aggregations. There are two problems with this. One is that with explicit aggregation, the data from one operation to another is represented as a direct edge annotated with accessor and constructor attributes, but with implicit aggregation, this dataflow is interrupted by primitive operations that access or update at a fixed index. In other words, the explicit 176 dataflow link is replaced by a "derived" dataflow link. The other problem is that it loses the benefit of our representation for explicit aggre- gation which facilitates the separation of familiar and unfamiliar computations on parts of a data structure. This separation allows partial recognition of the data structure and t1le computation on it. (This capability is discussed in Section 51.4.) The underlying difficnIty is that implicit aggregation hides the information that a certain primitive access or update at a fixed location 'is actually a selector or constructor involving a certain data structure and its parts. When data is-explicitly aggregated (e.g., using DEFSTRUCT), the structuring primitive serves as a machine-readable comment that specifies that some pieces of data are aggregated and are only accessed and constructed using certain functions. It also provides information about which user-defined data structure and parts are involved in the selection or construction. Additionally, it represents the intent of the programmer to only use these accessors and constructors to manipulate the aggregation and never deal with it directly using primitive operations. (Note that people find it hard to deal with mplicit aggregation as well. It requires knowing how fixed locations in the data structure translate to the particular pieces of data being aggregated. It requires effort to perform this mapping during recognition.) Solution Suggesti'ons To deal with the variation due to missing or derived dataflow, GRASPR would profit from advice from a user or collaboration with other automated techniques. For example, classical rewriting or partial evaluation techniques can be applied to simplify parts of the program. (See Letovsky 84] and Murray 95], for example.) By interleaving recognition wth these other techniques, alternative views of the program can be generated to facilitate recognition. Recognition in turn can provide a more abstract view of the program and generate assertions about parts of it, based on the known properties associated with the cches that ave been recognized so far. One way for GRASPR to ecit advice is by looking for "q-uestion-triggering" patterns (in addition to cches) which point to the possibility that some dataflow is derived. For example, by looking for standard look up and update operations (such as associative-set cliche's), GRASPR might uncover a use of a handle. Recognizing that each node created during initialization is put into *NODES* triggers asking the user if *NODES* always contains a the NODEs ever created. A fixed-position array or Est access suggests an implicit aggregation is being used. These ypotheses can then be presented to the user or some expectation- driven component for confirmation. Once the use of a handle or an implicit aggregation is -uncovered, GRASPR can generate an alternative view of the flow graph in which the derived links are made ex licit attributed edges. It can be more difficult for GRASPR to confirm its ypotheses on its own than for a human user to confirm them, since the user can take advantage of expectations generated 177 from the mnemonic names and documentation. For example, it can be easy for a person to tell whether a particular data structure is a pooling structure, just by its name: *Nodes* contains all Node data structures in PiSim, *Blocks* contains all Block structures in CST. (Alternatively, the user can give GRASPR advice about which structures are pooling structures up front, without waiting for GRASPR to ask for it). A special (and common) case of implicit aggregation for which it is easy for a person to give advice is manual abstraction. In this case, functions are explicitly defined which perform te accesses and constructions involving fixed indices in an implicitly aggregated data structure. In other words, the programmer manually defines the accessor and con- structor functions for an implicitly aggregated data structure. (These functions are defined automatically by explicit aggregation primitives such as DEFSTRUCT).) This is distinguished from general implicit aggregation in that the aggregation is ex- plicit to people, even though it "looks" the same as implicit aggregation to GRASPR. The aggregation is expressed in the aming conventions the manual abstraction functions use. They also express the programmer's intent not to violate the abstraction by manipulating the aggregate directly using primitive operations. Since GRASPR does not take naming con- ventions into account, these functions are flattened just Eke any other function. However, a person can easily give GRASPR the information that certain functions should be seen as accessors and constructors for an aggregate data structure. 5.2.2 "Missing" Cliche' Parts Another common reason for an algorithmic cliche' not to be recognized is because part of the cliche is replaced in t1te program by a special-case optimization. This optimization is not a cliche'd one; it happens to be possible in the context 'in which the cliche' is used. A common instance of this occurs when some computation is avoided by using a value that equals the result of that computation. Tis can be an opportune equality or an intentionally cached value. For example, the cliche' for polling the smulated nodes and stepping those that have work to do contains an enumeration of the collection of simulated nodes. The che for enumeration when the collection is implemented as a equence has a part that computes the size of the sequence and then uses it to determine how many elements to enumerate. The istance of this cche 'in the CST code does not compute the size of *NODES* bt instead uses *NUMBER-NODES* which 'is a global variable specifying the size of *NODES*. This variable is used during initialization to create *NODES*. Sometimes part of a che is missing in the program because the general case represented by the cliche has been simplified in the context of the program. For example, a part of the Event-Driven Simulation cliche' is a Priority-Queue Insert which adds an initial EVENT to the Event-Queue. Because the Event-Queue is empty at this point, te general case of this cliche'd operation can be reduced to the computation done when the priority queue is empty. (For example, if the priority queue is 'Implemented as an ordered associative list, the isertion 178 would simply cons the event onto the empty priority queue without testing whether it is empty or providing actions for splicing 'it in if its not empty.) If the special-case version of the cliche' is a common optimization, then 'it is included in the library along with the general case. However, when it i's not, recognition of the cliche' fails. (We cannot expect all possible optimizations in the context of use to be cliched ad we do not want to enumerate them a in the library.) Solution Suggestions What is needed for recognition to succeed 'in these cases is for the special-case computation and the general-case cliche' to be seen as equivalent. In general, this cannot be done. However, it may be possible to apply limited reasoning techniques to ucover dataflow equalities or conditional simplifications i simple cases such as those discussed above. Non-cliche'd special-purpose optimizations often cause some, bt not all of a cliche' to be recognized. ne way to elicit advice on whether some computation is a special-case opti- mization is to fd maximally-sized near-misses (partial recognitions) of the cliche' and then generate a hypothesis that te cached value used is equal to the result of the computation in the part of the cliche' not yet matched. Recognizing maximaRy-sized near-misses is costly (as is discussed in Section 62.7). However, we can generate them only for particular cches and at particular locations in the program in order to reduce the cost. For example, we can choose only promising cliche's, such as tose for which some salient part has been recognized, ad we can look for them only 'in the areas of te program that have not already been recognized as part of other unrelated liche's. 5.2.3 Expressing Cliche's wth Loose Constraints In encoding cliche's as constrained dataflow graphs in graph grammar rules we are required to specify exactly which operations (or classes of operations) make up a cliche', how dataflow connects them to each other, and their arity. For some cliche's tat we identified i our simulator domain, this is difficult to do. There are three different cases in which we encounter difficulties Oe is in expressing cliche's that have as an 'Integral part the application of an arbitrary, non-cliche'd and on- primitive function. A second case is 'in compactly representing possible variations in the implementation of an algorithmic cliche' whose parts may be combined in several possible valid configurations. The third case is in capturing a cliched data and control flow pattern in which the operations and tests are not tightly constrained to be of particular types. The dataflow between tem 'is only loosely constrained as well. 179 Arbitrary Function Application We encountered two examples of types of cliche's that are difficult to encode because a part of them 'is the application of an arbitrary function. They are second-order patterns, in that they are parameterized over arbitrary functions, which are non-cliche'd and non-primitive. One example arises in encoding iteration cches, as discussed in Section 41.3. These cliche's a contain applications of arbitrary functions or predicates in an iteration. However, we cannot encode these cliche's without requiring the functions or predicates to be primitive operations (terminals) or cliched functions (non-terminals). For example, it is not possible to recognize the generation cliche' in the following code. (def u f (1) (f (cdr (cdr 1M) This is because the generating function is an arbitrary composition of primitives (i.e., the generating function is (lambda (cdr (cdr x))). Another example of this problem arises in trying to capture the simulation cliche's witli- out requiring that the code for simulating message handling be cliched. In particular, we wanted to express the cliche' for processing an event (in event-driven simulation) or ad- vancing a node (in synchronous simulation) as aving a part that applies some non-cliche'd message handling smulation function. Solution Suggestions What is needed is a special-purpose mechanism (separate from the graph parser) to bundle up the sub-flow graph that satisfies certain constraints. This mechanism can make use of information about how much of the cliche' has already been matched to focus on certain locations. It can also make use of information available in the cliche"s constraints. For example, in the iteration cliche's, the input and output correspondence constraints place restrictions on which sub-flow graph can be bundled up. Waters 138] has developed general-purpose dataflow-based techniques for decomposing a program into temporally ab- stract fragments. It would be useful to incorporate these decomposition techniques into the recognition process to help bundle up possible functions. For instance, bundling up te composition of cdrs in our example above can be done by grouping togetlier the sub-flow graph that is bounded by input and output ports that input-correspond. In the case of bundling up message handling simulation code when no cliched function for it is recognized (as in CST), it might be possible to ask for advice on which part of the program achieves this purpose. Also, based on the location of the rest of the cliche' and which nearby parts of the program are unrecognizable, GRASPR miglit be able to hypothesize approximately which part of the program should be bundled up. 180 Implementational Variations As we mentioned in Section 21.3, there are many variations of our synchronous simulation algorithm. O each iteration, the algorithm we described performs three actions in the following order: test for termination, deliver messages, and poll and advance nodes by one step. The other variations of this algorithm in which different ordering 'is used also perform synchronous simulation. However, each of these variations is represented by a different dataflow graph. For example, the algorithm described in Section 21.3 has the form sown in Figure 5-8a. (This is a sentential form of our current grammar which encodes the algorithm.) Two other valid configurations are shown in Figure 5-8b ad 5-8c. In fact, all six permutations of the three actions are valid configurations. The problem i's that we must deal with these variations by enumerating them in the cliche library. This is because the flow graph encoding forces us to specify the exact dataflow connections between the three operations and therefore a particular ordering. It is an open question whether there is a more compact representation for algorithmic cliches that vary in this way. (For example, reasoning about a program's functional seman- tics, as is done by Allemang's DUDU 4 5], may help tolerate this variation.) In addition, more experience with encoding cches is needed to tell how severe this problem is and how frequently 'it occurs in practice. General Data and Control Flow Pattern Because our formalism forces -us to specify many details of dataflow, operation types, etc., it is sometimes hard to express some common data and control flow patterns that are not tightly constrained. One cche we had difficulty expressing is a common type of conditional dispatch which occurs in program interpreters (particularly for the Lisp-like languages). This cliche' 'is the Evaluate" part of an EVALUATE/APPLY recursion for interpreting state- ments in a language. The standard algorithm for this dispatches on the type of a expression to code for handling that expression. For some expression types, there are standard com- p-atations to perform. For example, for expressions that are constants, the expression is simply returned. For expressions that are applications of some operator to a set of argu- ments (which are themselves expressions), each argument is recursively evaluated and te operation is applied to the set of evaluated arguments. However, instances of this cche vary with the types of expressions that can be evaluated, which depends on the language of the program being 'Interpreted. The mber ad ty-De of test cases in the conditional dispatch vary. The actions that are dispatched to also vary. The dataflow connection constraints are flexible. The problem is that in our formalism, we must specify the number and types of tests and actions, and the exact dataflow between them. A more abstract language for expressing abstract data and control flow patterns is needed. 181 b c Figure 5-8: Some valid variations of Synchronous Simulation algorithm. 182 i The point of this section and the previous is that athough the flow graph formalism allows s to encode cliche's on a high level of abstraction, the level of abstraction is still limited by the amount of detail that must be specified. Perhaps there are ways of com- bining this formalism with even more abstract formalisms that will aow looser dataflow constraints. For example, perhaps we can encode and recognize parts of cliche's within the dataflow graph formalism, and then use a different encoding to express constraints on how these parts fit together. 5.2.4 Enqueuing New Messages and Events This section deals with a problem that arises both as a result of not being able to fully determine the data and control flow of the example programs and of not being able to express and efficiently check certain constraints. As mentioned in Section 41.4, one of the actions of a processing node that is simulated as part of the simulation of message handEng is the creation and sending of new messages. One of the constraints on both simulation algorithms is that whenever a message send is simulated, a new EVENT or MESSAGE must be created and added to te event-quene or global message buffer, respectively. We did not include this constraint in the grammar rule encoding of the rles for te synchronous and event-driven simulation cliche's. There are three obstacles to expressing and checking this constraint within our graph parsing framework. One is that the computation involved (enqueuing new EVENTs or MESSAGEs) is buried within the code for simulating a processing node's action. This code is not guaranteed to be cliche'd, so we do not have grammar rules that derive a possible flow graphs representing this code. This means that we have no context in which to express the constraint. Suppose it is ched, we still have a second problem which is that the part of the simulation code that performs the activity of enqueuing new EVENTs (or MESSAGEs) is typically given as input to the simulator. So, 'it is not available for analysis. The cliche models te application of functions for simulating a processing node's actions during an instruction execution. Since these functions are not part of wat is analyzed te exact data and control flow connecting the enqueuing operation to the rest of the cliche' are not explicitly represented. Finally, suppose we had the code available. That is, rather than accepting functions to simulate the actions of a processing node 'in executing some machine operation, suppose the simulator program contains a large conditional which dispatches on machine operation types to the code simulating operation execution. We encounter yet a third problem which is tat in the crrent parsing framework, it is difficult to express and check the constraint that each time a message send is simulated, - i.e., a new EVENT (or MESSAGE) is created, - the new EVENT (or MESSAGE) is added to the event-queue (or global message buffer). It requires expressing and checking constraints that are quantified overinstances of some computation. 183 44M - - A special-purpose global mechanism is needed to check this constraint snce the parser is currently oly able to ceck constraints on individual instances. In addition, it requires some means of finding a instances of creating whatever user-defined data structure that corresponds to our cliched aggregate EVENT (or MESSAGE). Tis requires -unambiguous infor- mation about the mapping from cliched data structures to user-defined ones. Also, since aggregate data structure creation is encoded in edge attributes, finding the instances of user-defined data structure creation cannot be done by recognizing a flow graph. Instead it must focus on patterns in edge attributes. In summary, problems arise when: * an integral part of cliche' is non-cliche'd and the constraint we want to express refers to this non-cliche'd part, 9 the data and control flow relating the constrained part of the cliche' to the rest of the cliche' are not completely and statically determined (e.g., because part of the program is read in as input), or te constraint quantifies over istances of some computation, particularly if te com- putation is a data structure creation or access, not the application of some primitive operations. Solution Suggestions Although the equeuing constraint is difficult to express and check within the current graph parsing framework, it 'is not a hard constraint for a person to check. The person has the avantages of understanding memonic names which give clues about the purposes of machine operations. A person might also have expectations about which machine operations cause message sends, based on knowledge of the machine being Simulated. Rather than requiring that more code be given to GRASPR for analysis or extending the parser to quantify constraints over instances, it might be easier to just ask the user whether the constraint holds. The constraint should be expressed more generally as a condition on the code that simulates a node's action. If we are already eciting advice on which part of the program handles a message (as suggested in Section 52-3), then we could also ask whether this general constraint holds. GRASPR might also ask for the simulator function that is called to perform the enqneuing and then can analyze tat code to understand better how the event-queue (or global message buffer) is implemented. 5.2.5 Modifications to Example Programs To eable GRASPR to recognize the example simulator programs, we made 'the following changes to te programs. Some avoid the inherent limitations of the graph parsing approach discussed in this section. Others help GRASPR deal with difficulties in the current system, which we expect to be addressed by extensions to GRASPR in the future. (For example, 184 these iclude recognizing programs that are multiply-recursive or that perform side effects to mutable objects. See Section 72). Appendix contains the original versions of the two simulator programs, as well as their translations. * We translated instances of implicit aggregation icluding manual abstractions) to explicit aggregations. For example, we defined a Task-Segment data structure in PiSim to explicitly aggregate the Type, Storage-Requirements, and Arguments of a MESSAGE. In CST we replaced the manual abstraction for MS9 with a msg structure definition. o We simplified conditionals and. canonicalized conditions ivolving NOT, OR, and AND. (See step-done and enqueue i CST, for example.) o We manually undid special-case (noncliche'd) optimizations that take advantage of an opportune dataflow equality or a cached value. That is, we restored the computational part of a cliche' tat 'is avoided by an optimization. For example, in CST's step-nodes function, which enumerates and steps the simulated nodes, the use of *number-nodes* is replaced by a call to array-total-size. o To deal with the problem of encoding and recognizing loosely constrained cliche's we provided advice to GRASPR about where these cl-iche's were located. (In a future hybrid system, we expect this advice to come from other recognition techniques that can deal with these types of cches. See Section 72.2.) During the translation of the PiSim program to a plan, we advised the symbolic evaluator that the box representing the call to te function valuate not be expanded. This avoids a limitation 'in the current implementation of GRASPR which prevents it from translating multiply-recursive pro- grams into meaningful attributed flow graphs. (See Section 72.1.) We also specified that te expanded call to Evaluate is an instance of the "Evaluate" cliche'. (See Section 72-2.) Similarly, during the translation of the CST program, we specified that the process-msg function not be expanded and that it represents an instance of the Handle-Message non-terminal. WI-ten the symbolic evaluator creates the plan representation of a program (which is then translated to an attributed flow graph), it starts with some topmost fnction and recursively expands calls to user-defined functions into their plan representations. Only plans for functions whose calls are reached by the evaluator are included in the plan representation. This means the flow graphs for some fnctions in the example programs are not included as sub-flow graphs of the input graph parsed. particular, those that are only called by Evaluate in PiSim and process-msg (or its subfunctions) in CST are not included. Also, functions in Pisim called by the Machine-Operation functions given as input to PiSim cannot be expanded into the program's plan repre- sentation. In addition, some logging and tracing functions in both programs are not expanded. 185 0 We translated, the programs into their functional versions by replacing destructive operations with their non-destructive counterparts. (See Section 72.4 for ideas on partially automating this translation.) 9 All iterative computations are treated as tail-recursions by GRASPR. Currently, the translation from iterative to tail-recursive procedures is done manually, but it is well- known that this translation is straightforward to automate. * Program breaks, errors, and non-local program exits are currently ignored in that they are treated as ordinary calls to primitive operations. The non-local control flow they cause is not modeled in our control flow attributes. Further researcl-I is needed to determine how best to model non-local flow. See 117], Section 34, for further discussion of this problem. 5.2.6 Conclusion We ave made observations of difficulties encountered in recognizing two programs. These might be relatively rare problems or they might be common. There is currently no natural partitioning of programs based on the difficult features they contain wth respect to recogni- tion. This report starts to point ot some features that might distinguish programs that are hard to recognize from others (at least within the realm of recognition based on dataflow and control flow). Much more research is needed to map out this space of recognition difficulty. 186 --- n a I S Our flow graph parsing algorithm is worst-case exponential in both space and time. For each rule of the grammar, the parser is searching for a way to match each node of tte rule's right-hand side to an instance of the node's type in te iput graph. This search is inherently exponential. In fact, t1te flow graph recognition problem for flow graphs - given a flow graph F and a grammar G, determine whether or not F is in the language of G - is NP-complete. (Appendix A gves one proof of the NP-completeness of this problem.) The flow graph recognition problem is simpler than the flow graph parsing problem for flow graphs, so it is -unlikely that there is a flow graph parsing algorithm that is not exponential in the worst case. Nevertheless, we apply our flow graph parsing algorithm to the problem of partial recog- nition of programs and do not encounter the exponential behavior 'in practice. The reason is that we take advantage of constraints specific to the program domain which are strong enough to reduce the complexity and prevent the worst case from happening. (The appli- cation of the parser to other problem domains requires similar use of strong constraints.) Efficiency is also gained by using a graph grammar that captures mch of the common- ality among the flow graphs the parser is searching for. This enables the parser to reuse results of exploring parts of the search space. This chapter gives an expression for the time requirements of the parser, showing that they depend on the number of full and partial analyses the parser generates. It points out how the algorithm can be made to exhibit exponential behavior in the worst case. It ten explains how constraints make it feasible for us to apply this inherently exponential process to practical program recognition. Weak constraints can ase in the general flow graph parsing case in the form of ambiguity and disconnected right-hand sides of graph grammar rules. However, additional program domain-specific constraints compensate for these weak structural constraints. Empirical evidence supports these arguments and shows the effectiveness of the con- straints used. The empirical results were obtained by experimenting with the recognition of the two example simulator programs, referred to as CST and isim. (These programs have 187 Chapter 6 -I been modified from their original form (see Section 52.5) to get around the limitations of the current system that are discussed in Sections 52 and 72. Even with these''modifica- tions, the programs provide a realistic base for experimentation in that the modifications did not significantly affect the strength of constraints.) Further experimentation on more programs is needed to broaden our understanding of which constraints are crucial and which programs are inherently difficult to understand. This chapter concludes with a few suggestions for improving the performance of the parser. 6.1 Cost This section presents a expression for the time requirements of the parsing and constraint checking process which is at the heart of the recognition system. We first briefly describe the particular instantiation of the general chart parsing algorithm, which is -used by the recognition system. The instantiation fixes the rule invocation strategy to be bottom-up. (This is the strategy used by the current recognition system for reasons described in Section 3.5. The top-down version of the algorithm for grammars with a simple embedding relation which encodes no aggregation relationships, is equivalent to Brotsky's graph parsing algo- rithm. See [15], for an analysis. For the top-down string parsing case see Earley's analysis [31 32].) We derive a formula for the average-case complexity of the bottom-up algorithm. The cost depends on the number of items that are created by the parser. Section 62 characterizes this umber and shows ow the worst-case exponential growth in the number of items is prevented by domain-specific constraints in practice. In the complexity expression, the numbers of various types of items created by the parser are weighted by the costs of the parser's actions. Section 63 gives details of what the costs of these actions depend upon. 6.1.1 Brief Algorithm Description For the purposes of or aalysis, we need to describe a few additional details about the structure of items and graph grammars, so that we can refer to them. Each rule in the grammar has an associated node ordering. This is a reflexive ati- symmetric relation, that need not be transitive. We denote it as ,,. We distinguish node orderings in which all nodes are related in a chain, as strict node orderings. In these, there is exactly one minimal node nj (i.e., no other node is 6 0 > 6 0 Table 66: Distribution of zip-up count over Eeiglit of node-type in grammar. zip-ups are created from each subset of te group (for subsets of size greater than one). So, for a group g of items that can be zipped up, 2191 - gI - I items a-re created. Empirical Observations Zipping p is actually a rare occurrence in practice. The reason is that programmers tend not to write redundant code. Function-sharing is a common optimization employed to avoid redoing work - for the programmer in writing the code and for the machine in executing it. (Optimizations usually add to the complexity of recognition, but in this case, the. function- sharing optimization actually helps.) The need for zip--ups does occur, but relatively infrequently. Programmers cannot (or do not want to) share a common sub-computations. One reason is that sometimes it is cheap to recompute some value whenever it is used ad the programmer does not want to go to the trouble of defining a local variable to hold the shared result. Another situation in which redundancy can occur is in writing conditionals in which some but not a of the branches contain common computations. The code is sometimes more understandable, and easier to write correctly if the computation is repeated, rather tha sared. This situation is rare, since it is usually possible to combine the conditional cases that have the same consequence into a single case. Both of these situations normally involve small expressions, containing primitive functions. So the complete items that are typically zipped up are for terminals in the input graph or low-level non-terminals. In the CST example, only 12 zip-ups were created (out of 991 total items) and they all were zip-ups of low level non-terminals. In PISIM oly 22 zip-ups were created (out of 1224 total items). In both cases, they all were zip-ups of items for terminals or low-level non-terminals, as the dstribution of zip-up count over node-type height shows 'in Table 66. (Terminal node types have height 0.) In both examples, the size of the group of candidate items being zipped -up was either 215 two or three, wth an average of 21 and a median of 2. (Both examples were run with strict node orderings on the rules and match-interleaved co-occurrence and port-precedence constraints.) 6.2.7 Partial Node Orderings When node orderings are not restricted to being strict, partial items can have more than one immediately needed node. This causes more partial items to be created. It also causes duplicate 'items to arise, which are worthless and are not added to the chart. In terms of item trees, partial node orderings increase the branching factor of the trees. A partial item can be extended more than once with complete items for the same node (if there is ambiguity) and/or with complete items for more than one node (if the item has more than one 'immediately needed node). Section 62 explored the effect of ambiguity on the branching factor of item trees. This section discusses the effect of using partial node orderings. The worst case partial node ordering is no ordering at a: no pair of right-hand side nodes is related. In this case, the number of different (non-duplicate) items created in recognizing a rule's right-hand side of size k nodes is at least 2 k. There is a partial item for each member of the power set of the rule's right-hand side nodes. (More than 2 k items are created if there is any ambiguity.) Contrast this with strict ordering in which only k items will be created if there is no ambiguity. With no node ordering, there will be m - dplicates of an item of size m. To see this, consider an item I, of size m. 11's parent is one of m possible parents since there are m ways of choosing a subset of size - of 1i's already matched nodes). All possible parents have been created, since there is no node ordering. One is te parent of 11. The other m - I are parents of duplicates of 1. So with no node ordering, the total number of dplicate items created in recognizing a right-hand side flow graph of size k is k kE ( - 1) M=1 M This section gives some empirical observations of the recognition of our example pro- grams under the conditions of three different node orderings. It then discusses te advan- tages of using partial node orderings versus using strict node orderings, in terms of efficiency and recognition power. Finally, it discusses ways of choosing a rule's node ordering. Empirical Results To get a feel for how partial node orderings affect recognition performance, we perform recognition on our two example programs, using two different partial node orderings and compare the results to those obtained using strict node orderings. 216 One partial node ordering is edge-based in that a node nj is W 1-0 c) An input string. I The flow graph it is translated into. Figure A-1: Reducing fixed-UCFG recognition to flow grapl recognition. 257 trying to recognize an entire program as a single cliche and even if we did not need to deal with fan-in or fan-out, we can still encounter exponential behavior. Readers famffiar witli Brotsky's algorithm might contrast flow graph parsing (not sb- graph parsing and not dealing with fan-in or fan-out or aggregation) with the parsing Brotsky's algorithm does in polynomial time. The same types of flow graphs are parsed, using t1te same types of flow graph grammars; no extension to the flow graph formalism is necessary. The crucial distinction 'is that Brotsky's parser takes an additional iput besides the input flow graph ad the flow graph grammar, which is a specification of how the iputs of te input graph match to the inputs of the start type of the grammar. This information is used to predict the start type at a particular location (e.' a particular matching of inputs of the iput graph to inputs of the start type). Our parser, on te other hand must figure out all the possible locations at which a non-terminal can be found. This increases t1le computational complexity of the problem. 258 ,kppendix B I e xairn e -ro rarns This appendix contains the original Pisim and CST source code, as well as their functional versions. Section 52.5 lists the changes made in translating between the original ad functional versions. The original isim code is listed on pages 260 to 265. Its functional version is found on pages 266 to 274. The original CST code is on pages 275 to 280 and its functional version 'is on pages 281 to 288. 259 Global variables (defconstant *Machine-Dimensions* 1(4 4 4) ,this is the machine dimensions') (defvar *Event-Queue* nil Othis is the global event queue') (defvar *Nodes* nil ,this is the node array') (defvar *Global-Bindings* (Make-Hash-Table) ,these are the bindings for nodals, constants, etc.') (defvar Nodal-Count* 'This is the number of defined nodals-) (defvar *Debug-Level* ,this is the debugging lvel,) (defvar *Log* nil ,this is the logging information') Structures (defstruct Node (Time (ID (segments (ake-Hash-Table)) (Nodals nil)) (defstruct Segment (Type nil) (Data nil) (size 0)) (defstruct Task (Handler nil) (Node nil) (Segment nil) (IP ) (Status 'New)) (defstruct Message (Destination nil) (Length ) (Type nil) (Arguments nil)) (defstruct Event (Time ) (object nil)) (defstruct Handler (Name nil) (instructions nil) (Arity 0) (Number-of-Locals 0) (Bindings (Make-Hash-Table))) (defstruct D-Sync (suspended-Tasks nil)) (defstruct B-Syno (Count 0) (Suspended-Tasks nil)) (defstruct Log (Type 'All) (Task-Status-Profile (ake-Hash-Table)) (Task-Type-Profile (Make-Hash-Table)) (Instruction-Type-Profile (Make-Hash-Table)) (Operation-Type-Profile (Make-Hash-Table)) (Concurrency-List nil) (old-Logs nil)) (defstruct Delta (Time (value 0)) ;; This translates a node ID to a node. (defun Translate-Node (Node-TD) (aref *Nodes* Node-ID)) This function returns the number of nodes. (defun Number-of-Nodes () (array-total-size *Nodes*)) This function creates the node array according to the dimension constant. (defun Make-Nodes (loop with Number-of-Nodes = (apply #* *Machine-Dimensions*) with Nodes = (make-array Nurnber-of-Nodes) for ID from below Number-Of-Nodes for Node = (Make-Node :ID ID) for Nodals-Segment = (Create-Read-Write-Segment 100) do (setf (aref Nodes ID) Node) do (setf (Node-Nodals Node) _(Add-Segment Nodals-Segment Node)) finally (setq *Nodes* Nodes))) This function resets the node time and clears the node segment. (defun Clear-Nodes (loop for Node being the array-elements of *Nodes* for Nodals-ID = (Node-Nodals Node) for Nodals = (Translate-Segment-On-Node Nodals-ID Node) doing (setf (Node-Time Node) doing (Clear-Hash-Table (Node-Segments Node)) doing (Hash-insert (Node-Segments Node) Nodals-ID Nodals) doing (loop with Data = (Segment-Data Nodals) for Index from below (array-total-size Data) doing (setf (aref Data Index) 'Unbound)))) Segments This adds a segment to the node's segment translations. It returns the unique segment ID. (defun Add-Segment (segment Node) (let ((Segment-ID (gensym 'Segment-'))) (Hash-Insert (Node-Segments Node) Segment-ID segment) Segment-ID)) This removes a segment ID from the node's segment translations. (defun Delete-Segment (Segment-ID Node) (Hash-Delete (Node-Segments Node) Segment-ID)) This translates a segment ID to a segment on the specified task's node. (defun Translate-Segment (Segment-ID Task) (Translate-Segment-On-Node Segment-ID (Task-Node Task))) This translates a segment ID on a specified node. (defun Translate-Segment-On-Node (Segment-ID Node) (let (Segment (Hash-Lookup (Node-Segments Node) Segment-ID))) (if (null segment) (break PiSim error: missing segment,)- Segment))) This function creates a read-write segment. (defun Create-Read-Write-Segment (Size) (Make-Segment :ize Size :Type 'Read-Write :Data (make-array Size))) This function creates an associative set segment. (defun Create-Associative-set-Segment (Size) (Make-Segment :ize Size :Type 'Associative-set :Data (Make-Hash-Table Size))) This function creates a cache segm&nt. (defun Create-Cache-Segment (Size) (Make-Segment :ize Size :Type 'Cache :Data (make-array Size))) ;;; -*- Syntax:Common-Lisp; Mode:LISP; Base:10; Package:USER -*- P i S i m u 1 a t o r -- original version (in-package user) (proclaim (optimize (compilation-speed 0) (safety 3 (speed 3)) 260 (defun Match-Cache (Key Segment) (let* ((Index (Cache-Hash Key (Segment-Size Segment))) (Entry (aref (Segment-Data Segment) Index))) (if (and (not (equal Entry 'Empty)) (equal (first Entry) ey)) (rest ntry) ,miss))) This function writes an entry in the cache, possible overwriting another value. (defun Insert-Cache (Key Segment New-Value) (setf (aref (Segment-Data Segment) (Cache-Hash Key (Segment-Size Segment))) (cons Key New-Value))) This function removes a key from a cache. If the key is not present, no action is taken. (defun Remove-Key-Cache (Key Segment) (let* ((Index (cache-Hash Key (Segment-size Segment))) (Entry (aref (Segment-Data Segment) Index))) (when (and (not (equal Entry 'Empty)) (equal (first Entry) Ky)) (setf (aref (segment-Data Segment) Index) 'Empty)))) This function clears a cache. (defun Clear-Cache (Segment) (loop with Data = (Segment-Data Segment) for index from below (array7total-size Data) doing (setf (aref Data Index) Empty))) Tasks This returns the node ID of the specified task's nodes. (defun Node-of (Task) (Node-ID (Task-Node Task))) This returns the time of a task. This is defined as the node time for the specified task. (defun Time-Of (Task) (Node-Time (Task-Node Task))) This sets the time of the specified task (i.e. the time of the node of the specified task). (defun Set-Time-of (Task New-Time) (setf (Node-Time (Task-Node Task)) New-Time)) This increments the task time by the specified delta. (defun Increment-Time-of (Task Delta) (incf (Node-Time (Task-Node Task)) Delta)) This returns the handler type of the task. (defun Handler-Name-Of (Task) (Handler-Name (Task-Handler Task))) This function creates a new task segment of the specified length. The number of arguments and message length values are compared with the handler arity and arity plus number of locals respectively. Two is added to the arity and number of locals to account for the message length and type information stored'in the segment. The segment is then initializes with the supplied arguments. (defun Create-Task-Segment (Length Task-Type Arguments Handler) (let ((New-Segment (Create-Read-Write-Segment Length))) (when (not = Handler-Arity Handler) (length Arguments))) (break PiSim error: arity mismatch,)) (when (not = Length (+ (Handler-Arity Handler) (Handler-Number-of-Locals Handler) 2))) (break Pisim error: length/ handler storage msmatch,)) (Write-Segment New-Segment Length) (Write-Segment New-Segment Task-Type) (loop for Argument in Arguments for Index from 2 doing (write-segment New-Segment Index Argument)) New-Segment)) This function creates a new task for a message. The handler and node are determined. A new segment is created and initialized. After the new task is created, its segment is added to the task's node. Finally the new task is returned. Caches In PiSim, caches are implemented as direct mapped arrays. A hash function computes an index into an array. Array entries are cons cells are of the format: (Key Value). This is the hash function for caches. (defun Cache-Hash (Key Size) (when (numberp Key) (setq Key (format nil '-a' Key))) (loop with String = (string Key) for Character being the array-elements of string summing (char-int Character) into Value finally (return (mod Value Size)))) This function attempts to match a key in a hash table. If the key is found, the corresponding value is returned. Otherwise, 'Miss is returned. This function reads a read-write segment. (defun Read-segment (segment offset) (unless (equal (Segment-Type Segment) 'Read-Write) (break PiSim error: incorrect access operation for segment type,)) (aref (segment-Data Segment) Offset)) This function writes a read-write segment. (defun Write-Segment (Segment Offset New-Value) (unless (equal (Segment-Type Segment) 'Read-Write) (break OPiSim error: incorrect access operation for segment type,)) (setf (aref (Segment-Data Segment) Offset) New-Value)) This function attempts to match a key in an associative set or cache segment. (defun Match-Segment (Segment Key) (case (Segment-Type Segment) (Associative-Set (Hash-Lookup (segment-Data Segment) Key)) (Cache (Match-Cache Key Segment)) (otherwise (break PiSim error: incorrect access operation for segment type,)))) This function inserts a key in an associative set or cache segment. (defun Insert-Segment (Segment Key New-Value) (case (Segment-Type Segment) (Associative-set (Hash-Insert (Segment-Data Segment) Key New-Value) (cache (Insert-Cache Key Segment Nbw-Value)) (otherwise (break Pisim error: incorrect access operation for - segment type,)))) This function removes a key from an associative set or cache segment. (defun Remove-Key-Segment (Segment Key) (case (segment-Type Segment) (Associative-set (Hash-Delete (segment-Data Segment) Key)) (Cache (Remove-Key-Cache Key Segment)) (otherwise (break PiSim error: incorrect access operation for - segment type,)))) This function clears an associative set or cache segment. (defun Clear-Segment (segment) (case (segment-Type Segment) (Associative-set (Clear-Hash-Table (Segment-Data Segment))) (Cache (Clear-Cache Segment)) (otherwise (break PiSim error: incorrect access operation for - segment type")))) 261 (defun Create-Task (Message) (let* ((Handler (Get-Handler (Message-Type Message))) (Node (Translate-Node (Message-Destination Message))) (New-Segment (Create-Task-Segment (Message-Length Message) (Message-Type Message) (Message-Arguments Message) Handler)) (New-Segment-ID (Add-Segment New-Segment Node)) (New-Task (Make-Task :Handler Handler :Node Node :Segment New-Segment-ID))) New-Task)) This function executes a task. It executes instructions which change a task's status. If the status is 'Running, another instruction is executed. (defun Execute-Task (Task) (loop doing (Execute-Next-Instruction Task) while (equal (Task-Status Task) 'Running))) Events This function enqueues an event in the global event queue. Events are enqueued in order on increasing event time. ** Note that when 2 events have the same time, the one sent to Enqueue-Event first has higher priority. (defun Enqueue-Event (New-Event) (if (or (null *Event-Queue*) (< (Event-Time New-Event) (Event-Time (first *Event-Queue*)))) (push New-Event *Event-Queue*) (Insert-Event New-Event *Event-Queue*))) This function is used to enqueue events inside the event queue. it is part of a recursive, priority queue insert algorithm. (defun Insert-Event (New-Event Event-Queue) if (or (null (rest Event-Queue)) (< (Event-Time New-Event) (Event-Time (second Event-Queue)))) (push New-Event (rest Event-Queue)) (Insert-Event New-Event (rest Event-Queue)))) This function dequeues and returns a event from the global event-queue. If the queue is empty, nil is returned. (defun Dequeue-Event () (pop *Event-Queue*)) This function clears the event queue. (defun Clear-Event-Queue () (setq *Event-Queue* nil)) This function dequeues and executes the next event in the event queue. If the event is a message, a new task is created. The node time is adjusted if the event time is later than node time. If a event is executed, t is returned. (defun Execute-Next-Event (let* ((Event (Dequeue-Event)) Task) (setq Task (Create-Task (Event-object Event))) (Set-Time-Of Task (if > (Event-Time Event) (Time-of Task)) (Event-Time Event) (Time-Of Task))) (Debug-Print ,[start: task -a node -d time -d old status -a]-&' (Handler-Name-Of Task) (Node-Of Task) (Time-Of Task) (Task-Status Task)) (Log-Task Task) (setf (Task-Status Task) 'Running) (Adjust-Concurrency-List (Time-Of Task) (Execute-Task Task) (Adjust-Concurrency-List (Time-Of Task) -1) (Debug-Print [stop: task -a node -d time -d status -a]-&' Handler-Name-Of Task) (Node-Of Task) (Time-of Task) (Task-Status Task)))) This predicate tests if a statement is an instruction. (defun Instruction? (Statement) (listp Statement)) This function inserts a binding into a handler's bindings. If the specified handler is 'Global, the binding is inserted in the global bindings. (defun Insert-Binding (Name Value Handler) (if (equal Handler 'Global) (Hash-Insert *Global-Bindings* Name Value) (Hash-Insert (Handler-Bindings Handler) Name Value))) This function looks up the binding of a symbol in the handler. If it is not found there, the global bindings are checked. (defun Lookup-Binding (Name Handler) (or (Hash-Lookup (Handler-Bindings Handler) Name) (Hash-Lookup *Global-Bindings* Name))) This function returns the number of instructions in a handler. (defun Number-of-Instructions (Handler) (array-total-size (Handler-Instructions Handler))) This function returns the handler object for the handler name. if the handler does not exist, an error message is printed. (defun Get-Handler (Name) (let ((Handler (get Name 'Handler))) (if (null Handler) (break PiSim error: unknown handler') Handler))) This function determines the number of instructions in a sequence of statements and builds a instruction array of the correct size. It then reads each statement. If it is an instruction, it is inserted into the array. If it is a label, the label and statement index is inserted into the handler's bindings. (defun Make-Instructions (Statements Handler) (let (Instructions) (loop for Statement in Statements unless (Label? Statement) count Statement into Number-Of-Statements finally (setf Instructions (make-array Number-of-Statements))) (loop with Index = for Statement in Statements when (Label? Statement) do (Insert-Binding Statement Index Handler) when (Instruction? Statement) do (setf (aref nstructions Index) Statement) (incf Index)) (setf (Handler-instructions Handler) Instructions))) This function indexes the parameters and locals in a handler. This includes assigning a each parameter and value an index in the handler segment. These assignments are included in the handler's bindings. The arity and number of locals parameters are also set. (defun Index-Parameters-And-Locals (Parameters Locals Handler) (loop for Parameter in Parameters for Index from 2 doing (Insert-Binding Parameter Index Handler)) (loop for Local in Locals for Index from (length Parameters) 2) doing (Insert-Binding Local Index Handler)) (setf (Handler-Arity Handler) (length Parameters) ) ,(setf (Handler-Number-of-Locals Handler) (length Locals))) This function reads a handler from an expression. The resultant handler is stored on the property list of the handler name. (defun Read-Handler (Expression) (let ((Name (first Expression)) (Parameters (second Expression)) (Locals (third Expression)) (Statements (nthcdr 3 Expression)) (New-Handler (Make-Handler))) (setf (Handler-Name New-Handler) Name) (Index-Parameters-And-Locals Para neters Locals New-Handler) (Make-Instructions Statements New-Handler) (setf (get Name 'Handler) New-Handler))) This allows the definition of handlers. This should be part of a more general reader. Handlers ;; This predicate tests if a statement is an instruction. (defun Label? (statement) (symbolp Statement)) 262 (defun Define-Handler (rest Expression) (Debug-Print 0 4&loading handler -a-&' (first Expression)) (Read-Handler Expression) nil) Nodals This allows the definition of nodals (node variables). An index is assigned (using the number of existing nodals) A new global binding is added. (defun Define-Nodal (Name) (Debug-Print -&defining nodal -a-&, Name) (cond Hnot (null (Hash-Lookup *Global-Bindings* Name))) (format t .-&Warning: -a has already been defined globally-&, Name)) (t (insert-Binding Name *Nodal-Count* 'Global) (incf *Nodal-Count*)))) Constants This allows the definition of global constants. The binding is added to the global bindings. (defun Define-Constant (Name Value) (Debug-Print -&defining constant -a-&' Name) (Insert-Binding Name Value 'Global)) Instructions This function returns the next instruction of the handler to be executed. The current instruction pointer (IP) is obtained from the task. The instructions are obtained from the handler. The task instruction pointer is incremented. Note: the instruction pointer is incremented AFTER the next instruction is fetched. (defun Next-Instruction (Task) (let ((IP (Task-IP Task))) (when >= IP (Number-Of-Instructions (Task-Handler Task))) (break Pisim error: IP out of range')) (incf (Task-IP Task)) (aref (Handler-Instructions (Task-Handler Task)) IPM This function executes a single instructions. it first locates the next instruction using the task instruction pointer. The instruction pointer is incremented. Then it applies the operation to the arguments. (defun Execute-Next-instruction (Active-Task) (let ((Instruction (Next-Instruction Active-Task))) (Debug-Print 2 (executing instruction -a]-&, (first Instruction)) (Log-instruction Instruction) (Apply-operation (first Instruction) Active-Task (rest Instruction)))) operations This function applies a processor operation to a list of arguments. Each argument is evaluated before the operation is applied. The apply only takes place if the task status is 'RUNNING. (defun Apply-operation (Operation Active-Task Arguments) (let ((Argument-List (loop for Argument in Arguments collecting (Evaluate Active-Task Argument)))) (when (equal (Task-Status Active-Task) 'RUNNING) (Log-Operation Operation) (push Active-Task Argument-List) (apply (Get-operation operation) Argument-List)))) This function evaluates the expression and returns the results. This is an evaluator appropriate for the limited expressions in a Pi program. Expressions are only evaluated if the task status is 'RUNNING. The following expression types are possible: A number or string returns the value of the number or string. A symbol is looked up in the handler bindings. If it is present, the corresponding value is returned. Otherwise, the symbol is returned. Debugging This prints debug messages depending on the debug level. (defmacro Debug-Print (Level Format rest Arguments) ,(when <= Level *Debug-Level*) (format t Format Arguments))) This function sets the debug level. (defun Set-Debug-Level (New-Level) (setq *Debug-Level* New-Level)) Logging This predicate starts a new log, saving the current log. (defun Start-New-Log (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Old-Logs *Log*))) This is used in a counting profile. The category count is incremented, or created, if non-existent. (defun Collect-Profile (Category Profile) (if (Hash-Lookup Profile Category) (Hash-Insert Profile Category (1+ (Hash-Lookup Profile Category))) (Hash-Insert Profile Category 1))) This predicate tests if logging is enabled. If the log is nil, logging is on. (defun Logging? (not (or (null *log*) (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'None)))) This function logs the specified task. Presently, profiles of task types and status' are maintained. (defun Log-Task (Task) (when (Logging?) (Collect-Profile (Task-Status Task) (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*)) (when (equal (Task-Status Task) 'New) (Collect-Profile (Handler-Name-of Task) (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*))))) This function collects statistics on instruction types. (defun Log-instruction (instruction) (when (Logging?) (cond ((not (equal (first Instruction) 'Write)) ----------- - A nested expression (a list) is in the form (symbol argl arg2 ... In this case, Apply-Operation is recursively called. (defun Evaluate (Active-Task Expression) (when (equal (Task-Status Active-Task) 'RUNNING) (typecase Expression ((or number string) Expression) (symbol (or (Lookup-Binding Expression (Task-Handler Active-Task)) Expression)) (list (Apply-operation (first Expression) Active-Task (rest Expression))) (otherwise (break Pisim error: unknown expression,)M) This function returns the operation function for the operation name. If the operation does not exist, an error message is printed. (defun Get-Operation (Name) (let ((Operation (get Name operation))) (if (null operation) (break PiSim error: unknown operation') Operation))) This is used to define processor operations. (defmacro Define-operation (Name rest Rest) (setf (get ',Name 'Operation) I (lambda , Rest) 263 finally (return (loop for source-Component in Source-Components for Destination-Component in Destination-Components summing (abs (- Source-Component Destination-Component)) into Distance finally (return Distance (- Length 1))))))) This function injects a starting message into the machine. It starts calculating the message length and destination. The message is then enqueued, and events are executed until the event queue is empty. (defun Inject (Type &rest Arguments) (Make-Nodes) (Clear-Nodes) (Clear-Event-Queue) (let* ((Handler (Get-Handler Type)) (Length (+ (Handler-Arity Handler) (Handler-Number-of-Locals Handler) 2)) (Destination (random (Number-of-Nodes))) (Arrival-Time (Node-Time (Translate-Node Destination))) (Message (Make-Message :Destination Destination :Length Length :Type Type :Arguments Arguments)) (Event (make-Event :Time Arrival-Time :Object Message))) (Enqueue-Event Event) (loop (cond ((null *Event-Queue*) (return)) (t (Execute-Next-Event)))))) Hash Table Functions (defconstant MINLHASH-TABLE-SIZE 11) (defstruct Entry (Key nil :type symbol) (value nil :type any)) (defstruct HashTable (Num-Buckets nil :type integer) (Number-Entries nil :type integer) (Buckets nil :ype array)) This function inserts a entry into the hash table. If a bucket collision occurs, the entry is inserted in the list in increasing key order. If a key collision occurs, the older entry is overwritten. This function also increases the hash table size if necessary. (defun Hash-Insert (Table Key Value) (let* ((Index (Hash-Function Key (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table))) (Bucket-List (aref (HashTable-Buckets Table) Index))) (cond ((or (null Bucket-List) (string< Key (Entry-Key (car Bucket-List)))) (push (make-Entry :Key Key :Value Value) (aref (HashTable-Buckets Table) Index)) (setf (HashTable-Number-Entries Table) (1+ (HashTable-Number-Entries Table)))) (t (let ((This-Entry (car Bucket-List))) (cond (string= Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) if Key = key of This-Entry, then overwrite older bucket entry. (New bucket has same Key as older Bucket entry, but new entry value.) (format t '-&Bashing older bucket entry -A.' This-Entry) (setf (Entry-value This-Bntry) Value)) (t (Splice-In-Bucket Key Value Bucket-List Table))))))) (if (HashTable-Number-Entries Table) (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table)) (Hash-Resize Table) Table))) (defun Splice-in-Bucket (Key Value Bucket-List Table) (let* ((Next-List (cdr Bucket-List)) (cond ((or (null Next-List) (string< Key (Entry-Key (car Next-List)))) (rplacd Bucket-List (Collect-Profile (first Instruction) (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*))) ((not (listp (fourth nstruction)) (Collect-Profile 'Initialize (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*))) ((equal (first (fourth Instruction)) 'Read) (Collect-Profile 'Move (Log-instruction-Type-Profile *Log*))) (t (Collect-Profile (first (fourth Instruction)) (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*)))))) This function creates an operation profile. (defun Log-operation (operation) (when (Logging?) (Collect-Profile Operation (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*)))) This function searches down a sorted list of deltas looking for an entry at a specified time. If such an entry is found, its value is adjusted by change. if no such value is found, a new delta is created an inserted at the correct position in the list. (defun Adjust-Concurrency-List (Time Change) (when (Logging?) (let ((Con'urrency-List (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*))) (cond ((or (null Concurrency-List) Time (Delta-Time (first Concurrency-List)))) (push (Make-Delta :Time Time :Value Change) (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*))) Time (Delta-Time (first Concurrency-List))) (incf (Delta-Value (first Concurrency-List)) Change)) (t (Adjust-Rest-Of-Concurrency-List Time Change Concurrency-List)))))) This is the recursive part of Adjust-Concurrency-List. (defun Adjust-Rest-Of-Concurrency-List (Time Change Concurrency-List) (cond or (null (rest Concurrency-List)) (< Time (Delta-Time (second Concurrency-List)))) (rplacd Concurrency-List (cons (Make-Delta :Time Time :Value Change) (rest Concurrency-List)))) Time (Delta-Time (second Concurrency-List))) (incf (Delta-Value (second Concurrency-List)) Change)) (t (Adjust-Rest-Of-Concurrency-List Time Change (rest Concurrency-List))))) This function prints the information from the current log. (defun Print-Log-Information (when (or (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'All) (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'Profile)) (Print-Profile-Data)) (when (or (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'All) (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'Plot)) (Plot-Concurrency))) Randoms This function estimates the delivery delay of a message. It should be better than it is now. (defun Delivery-Delay (source Destination Length) (when (or >= Source (Number-of-Nodes)) (minusp source) (>= Destination (Number-of-Nodes)) (minusp Destination)) (break PiSim error: illegal node number,)) (when (or (minusp Length) (zerop Length)) (break PiSim error: illegal message length,)) (loop for Dimension in *Machine-Dimensions* collecting (mod Source Dimension) into source-components doing (setq source (floor Source Dimension)) collecting (mod Destination Dimension) into Destination-Components doing (setq Destination (floor Destination Dimension)) 2 6 4 (cons (Make-Entry :Key Key :Value Value) Next-List)) (setf (HashTable-Number-Entries Table) (1+ (HashTable-Number-Entries Table)))) (t (let ((This-Entry (car Next-List))) (cond Hstring= Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) if Key = key of This-Entry, then overwrite older bucket entry's value. (format t '-&Bashing older bucket entry -A., This-Entry) (setf (Entry-Value This-Entry) Value)) (t (Splice-Tn-Bucket Key Value Next-List Table)))))))) This function resizes the hash table and rehashes the entries. The hash table size is approximately doubled. (defun Hash-Resize (Table) (let* ((Old-Buckets (HashTable-Buckets Table)) (old-Size (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table)) (New-size (Determine-Hash-Table-Size (* (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table) 2)) (setf (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table) New-Size) (setf (HashTable-Buckets Table) (Make-Hash-Buckets Nw-Size)) (setf (HashTable-Number-Entries) 0) (Copy-Over-Buckets Old-Size Old-Buckets Table) Table)) (defun Copy-Over-Buckets (Index old-Size old-Buckets Table) (cond >= Index old-size) Table) (t (let ((Bucket-List (aref old-Buckets Index))) (Copy-Over-Bucket Bucket-List Table) (Copy-Over-Buckets (1+ index) Old-Size Old-Buckets Table))))) (defun Copy-Over-Bucket (Bucket-List Table) (cond ((null Bucket-List) Table) (t (let ((This-Entry (car Bucket-list))) (Hash-Insert Table (Entry-Key This-Entry) (Entry-Value This-Entry)) (Copy-Over-Bucket (cdr Bucket-List) Table) This function creates a hash table having the specified of buckets. Since the size of a hash table must be a prime number, the specified number of buckets is rounded up to a nearby prime. The new table'is then initialized. (defun Make-Hash-Table (&optional Num-Buckets) (let ((Size (Determine-Hash-Table-size (or Num-Buckets MINLHASH-TABLE-SIZE)))) (Make-HashTable :Num-Buckets Size :Buckets (Make-Hash-Buckets size) :Number-Entries 0))) ;;This function creates and initializes a bucket array. (defun Make-Hash-Buckets (size) (make-array Size)) This function looks up a key in the hash table. If it is found, the entry pointer is returned. otherwise, nil is returned. (defun Hash-Lookup (Table Key) (let* ((Index (Hash-Function Key (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table))) (Bucket-List (aref (HashTable-Buckets Table) Index))) (loop (cond ((or (null Bucket-List) (string< Key (Entry-Key (car Bucket-List)))) (return nil)) ((string= Key (Entry-Key (car Bucket-List))) (return (Entry-value (car Bucket-List)))) (t (setq Bucket-List (cdr Bucket-List))))))) This function deletes an entry in the hash table. (defun Hash-Delete (Table Key) (let* ((Index (Hash-Function Key (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table))) (Bucket-List (aref (HashTable-Buckets Table) Index))) (if (null Bucket-List) Table (let ((This-Entry (car Bucket-List))) (cond ((string> Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) (Splice-Out-Bucket Key Bucket-List Table)) ((string= Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) (setf (aref (HashTable-Buckets Table) Index) (cdr Bucket-List)) (setf (HashTable-Number-Entries Table) (1- (HashTable-Number-Entries Table)))) (t ;; Key string< key of This-Entry, so Key isn't found Table)))))) (defun Splice-Out-Bucket (Key Bucket-List Table) (let ((Next-List (cdr Bucket-List))) (if (null Next-List) Table ;; fell off end of bucket list, Key not found (let ((This-Entry (car Next-List))) (cond ((string> Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) (Splice-Out-Bucket Key Next-List Table)) ((string= Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) (rplacd Bucket-List (odr Next-List)) (setf (HashTable-Number-Entries Table) (1- (HashTable-Number-Entries Table)))) (t ;; Key tring< Key of This-Entry, Key not found Table)M) This function clears for all entries in the specified hash table. (defun Clear-Hash-Table (Table) (let ((Size (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table))) (setf (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table) Size) (setf (HashTable-Number-Entries Table) (setf (HashTable-Buckets Table) (Make-Hash-Buckets Size)))) This function picks the first prime number greater then or equal to the specified size estimate. The minimum hash table size is enforced here. (defun Determine-Hash-Table-Size (Size-Estimate &aux Size) (if < Size-Estimate MINLHASH_TABLE_SIZE) (setq Size MIN-HASHLTABLE_SIZE) (setq Size Size-Estimate)) (if = (mod Size 2 (setq size Size))) (loop (if (null (Prime-Number-Test Size)) (setq Size Size 2) (returnM Size) (defun Prime-Number-Test (Number) (let ((Index 3) (cond Number 2 t) (mod Number 2 0) nil) (t (loop (cond ((<= (square index) Number) (if = (mod Number index) (return nil)) (setq index Index 2) (t (return t)))))))) (defun Square (n) n n)) This function calculates a hash table index from a key (symbol->string) and the hash table size. (defun Hash-Function (Key Size) (let* ((Sum (Key-string (string Key)) (Length (1- (string-length Key-String)))) (loop (cond ((< Length 0) (return)) (t (setq Sum (+ Sum (char-int (aref Key-String Length)))) (setq Length 1- Length))))) (mod Sum Size))) 265 Global variables (defconstant *Machine-Dimensions* 1(4 4 4) ,this is the machine dimensions') (defvar *Event-Queue* nil ,this is the global event queue') (defvar *Nodes* nil ,this is the node array') (defvar *Global-Bindings* (Make-Hash-Table) ,these are the bindings for nodals, constants, etc.') (defvar *Nodal-Count* 'This is the number of defined nodals-) (defvar *Debug-Level* ,this is the debugging level,) (defvar *Log* nil ,this is the logging information') (defvar *Global-Plist* nil 'The global property list.,) Structures (defstruct Node (Time (ID ) (Segments (Make-Hash-Table)) (Nodals nil)) (defstruct Segment (Type nil) (Data nil) (size 0)) (defstruct Task (Handler nil) (Node nil) (Segment nil) (IP 0) (Status 'New)) (d6fstruct Message (Destination nil) (Length ) (Type nil) (Arguments nil)) (defstruct Event (Time (object nil)) (defstruct Handler (Name nil) (Instructions nil) (Arity 0) (Number-of-Locals 0) (Bindings (Make-Hash-Table))) (defstruct D-Sync (Suspended-Tasks nil)) (defstruct B-Sync (Count 0) (Suspended-Tasks nil)) (defstruct Log (Type 'All) (Task-Status-Profile (Make-Hash-Table)) (Task-Type-Profile (ake-Hash-Table)) (Instruction-Type-Profile (Make-Hash-Table)) (Operation-Type-Profile (Make-Hash-Table)) (Concurrency-List nil) (old-Logs nil)) (defstruct Delta (Time (Value 0)) (destruct Task-Segment (Storage-Rqmts 0) (Type nil) Nodes This translates a node ID to a node. (defun Translate-Node (Node-ID) (aref *Nodes* Node-ID)) This function returns the number of nodes. (defun Number-Of-Nodes () (array-total-size *Nodes*)) (defun Copy-Replace-Node (New-Node ID Nodes) (Copy-Replace-Elt New-Node ID Nodes)) This function creates the node array according to the dimension constant. (defun Make-Nodes (let* ((Number-of-Nodes (apply #* *Machine-Dimensions*)) (Nodes (make-array Number-of-Nodes)) (ID 0) (Node nil) (Nodals-Segment NIL)) (Make-Nodes-1 Number-of-Nodes Nodes ID Node Nodals-Segment))) (defun Make-Nodes-1 (Number-of-Nodes Nodes ID Node Nodals-Segment) (cond Hnot < ID Number-of-Nodes)) (setq *Nodes* Nodes)) (t (setq Node (Make-Node :ID ID)) (setq Nodals-Segment (Create-Read-Write-Segment 100)) (setq Nodes (Copy-Replace-Node Node ID Nodes)) (multiple-value-bind (Sgmt-ID Intermediate-Node) (Add-Segment Nodals-Segment Node) (setq Node (Make-Node :Time (Node-Time Intermediate-Node) :ID (Node-ID Intermediate-Node) :Segments (Node-Segments Intermediate-Node) :Nodals Sgmt-ID)) (setq Nodes (Copy-Replace-Node Node (Node-ID Node) Nodes))) (Make-Nodes-1 Number-of-Nodes Nodes (+ ID 1) Node Nodals-Segment)))) This function the node time and clears the node segment. (defun Clear-Nodes (let ((Node nil) (Nodes-index ) (Nodals-Id nil) (Nodals nil) (End-index (array-total-size *Nodes*))) (Clear-Nodes-1 Node Nodes-Index Nodals-Id Nodals End-Index))) (defun Clear-Nodes-1 (Node Nodes-Index Nodals-Id Nodals End-index) (cond not < Nodes-Index End-Index)) nil) (t (setq Node (aref *Nodes* Nodes-index)) (setq Nodals-Id (Node-Nodals Node)) (setq Nodals (Translate-Segment-On-Node Nodals-Id Node)) (setq Node (Make-Node :Time ;; (setf (Node-Time Node) :ID (Node-ID Node) :Segments (Node-Segments Node) :Nodals (Node-Nodals Node))) (setq *Nodes* (Copy-Replace-Node Node (Node-ID Node) *Nodes*)) (setq Node (Make-Node :Time (Node-Time Node) :ID (Node-ID Node) :Segments (Clear-Hash-Table (Node-Segments Node)) :Nodals (Node-Nodals Node))) (setq *Nodes* (Copy-Replace-Node Node (Node-ID Node) *Nodes*)) (setq Node (Make-Node :Time (Node-Time Node) :ID (Node-ID Node) :Segments (Hash-Insert (Node-Segments Node) Nodals-ID Nodals) :Nodals (Node-Nodals Node))) (setq *Nodes* (Copy-Replace-Node Node (Node-ID Node) *Nodes*)) (let* ((Data (Segment-Data Nodals)) (index 0) (Data-Size (array-total-size Data))) (Clear-Nodes-2 Data Index Data-Size)) (setq Nodes-Index Nodes-index)) (Clear-Nodes-1 Node Nodes-Index Nodals-Id Nodals End-Index)))) ;; * Syntax:Common-Lisp; Mode:LISP; Base:10; Package:USER -*- i S i m u 1 a t o r -- functional version (Arguments nil)) (defstruct instruction (Op nil) (Args nil)) 266 Segments This adds a segment to the node's segment translations. It returns the unique segment ID. (defun Add-Segment (Segment Node) (let* ((Segment-ID (gensym 'Segment-')) (New-Segments (Hash-Insert (Node-Segments Node) Segment-ID Segment)) (New-Node (Make-Node :Time (Node-Time Node) :ID (Node-ID Node) :Segments New-Segments :Nodals (Node-Nodals Node)))) (values Segment-ID New-Node))) This removes a segment ID from the node's segment translations. (defun Delete-segment (Segment-ID Node) (let* ((New-Segments (Hash-Delete (Node-Segments Node) Segment-ID) (New-Node (Make-Node :Time (Node-Time Node) :ID (Node-ID Node) :Segments New-Segments :Nodals (Node-Nodals Node)))) New-Node)) This translates a segment ID to a segment on the specified task's node. (defun Translate-Segment (Segment-ID Task) (Translate-Segment-On-Node Segment-ID (Task-Node Task))) This translates a segment ID on a specified node. (defun Translate-Segment-on-Node (Segment-ID Node) (let ((Segment (Hash-Lookup (Node-Segments Node) Segment-ID))) (if (null segment) (break Pisim error: missing segment') Segment))) This function creates a read-write segment. (defun Create-Read-Write-Segment (Size) (Make-Segment :Size Size :Type 'Read-Write :Data (make-array Size))) This function creates an associative set segment. (defun Create-Associative-Set-Segment (Size) (Make-Segment :Size Size :Type 'Associative-Set :Data (Make-Hash-Table size))) This function creates a cache segment. (defun Create-Cache-segment (Size) (Make-Segment :Size Size :Type 'Cache :Data (make-array Size))) This function reads a read-write segment. (defun Read-Segment (segment offset) (unless (equal (Segment-Type Segment) 'Read-Write) (break 'PiSim error: incorrect access operation for segment type,)) (aref (Segment-Data Segment) Offset)) This function writes a read-write segment. (defun write-Segment (Segment Offset New-Value) (unless (equal (Segment-Type Segment) 'Read-Write) (break 'PiSim error: incorrect access operation for segment type')) (values New-value (Make-Segment :Size (Segment-Size Segment) :Type (Segment-Type Segment) :Data (Copy-Replace-Elt New-Value offset (Segment-Data egment))))) This function attempts to match a key in an associative set or cache segment. (defun Match-Segment (Segment Key) (case (Segment-Type Segment) (Associative-Set (Hash-Lookup (segment-Data Segment) Key)) (cache (Match-Cache Key Segment)) (otherwise (break PiSim error: incorrect access operation for segment type,)))) This function inserts a key in an associative set or cache segment. (defun Insert-Segment (Segment Key New-Value) (case (Segment-Type Segment) (Associative-Set (values (Make-Segment :Type (Segment-Type Segment) :Data (Hash-Insert (Segment-Data Segment) Key New-Value) :Size (Segment-Size Segment)) New-Value)) (Cache (Insert-Cache Key Segment New-Value)) (otherwise (break Pisim error: incorrect access operation for segment type,)))) This function removes a key from an associative set or cache segment. (defun Remove-Key-Segment (Segment Key) (case (Segment-Type Segment) (Associative-Set (Make-Segment :Type (Segment-Type Segment) :Data (Hash-Delete (Segment-Data Segment) Key) :Size (Segment-Size Segment))) (Cache (Remove-Key-Cache Key Segment)) (otherwise (break PiSim error: incorrect access operation for segment type')))) This function clears an associative set or cache segment. (defun Clear-Segment (Segment) (case (Segment-Type Segment) (Associative-Set (Make-Segment ype (Segment-Type Segment) :Data (Clear-Hash-Table (Segment-Data Segment)) :Size (Segment-Size Segment))) (Cache (Clear-Cache Segment)) (otherwise (break Pisim error: incorrect access operation for segment type,)))) caches In PiSim, caches are implemented as direct mapped arrays. A hash function computes an index into an array. Array entries are cons cells are of the format: (Key Value). This is the hash function for caches. (defun Cache-Hash (Key Size) (when (numbers Key) (setq Key (format nil '-a' Key))) (let* ((String (string Key)) (Character nil) (Value (Index (End-Index (array-total-size String))) (Cache-Hash-1 String Character Value size index End-Index))) (defun Cache-Hash-1 (String Character Value Size Index End-Index) (cond Hnot < Index End-Index)) (mod Value Size)) (t (setq Character (aref String Index)) (setq value (char-int haracter) Value)) (setq index Index)) (Cache-Hash-1 String Character Value Size Index nd-Index)))) This function attempts to atch a key in a hash table. If the key is found, the corresponding value is returned. otherwise, 'Miss is returned. (defun clear-Nodes-2 (Data Index Data-Size) (cond not < Index Data-Size)) nil) (t. (setq Data (Copy-Replace-Elt 'UNBOUND Index Data)) (setq Index Index)) (Clear-Nodes-2 Data Index Data-Size)))) 267 (defun Match-Cache (Key Segment) (let* ((Index (Cache-Hash Key (Segment-Size Segment))) (Entry (aref (Segment-Data Segment) Index))) (if (and (not (equal Entry 'mpty)) (equal (first Etry) Key)) (rest Entry) 'Miss))) This function writes an entry in the cache, possibly overwriting another value. (defun insert-Cache (Key Segment New-Value) (let* (alue (cons Key New-value)) (New-Segment-Data (Copy-Replace-Elt Value (Cache-Hash Key (segment-size Segment)) (Segment-Data Segment)))) (values (Make-Segment :Type (Segment-Type Segment) :Data New-Segment-Data :Size (Segment-Size Segment)) Value))) This function removes a key from a cache. If the key is not present, no action is taken. (defun Remove-Key-Cache (Key Segment) (let* ((Index (Cache-Hash Key (Segment-Size Segment))) (Entry (aref (segment-Data Segment) Index))) (if (and (not (equal Entry 'Empty)) (equal (first Entry) Key)) (values (Make-Segment :Type (Segment-Type Segment) :Data (Copy-Replace-Elt 'Empty index (Segment-Data Segment)) :Size (Segment-Size Segment)) 'Empty) (values Segment nil)))) This function clears a cache. (defun Clear-Cache (Segment) (let* ((Data (Segment-Data Segment)) (Index ) (End-Index (array-total-size Data))) (Clear-Cache-1 Data Index End-Index Segment))) (defun Clear-Cache-1 (Data Index End-Index Segment) (cond ((not < Index End-Index)) Segment) (t (setq Data (Copy-Replace-Elt IF24PTY Index Data)) (setq Segment (Make-Segment :Type (Segment-Type Segment) :Data Data :Size (Segment-Size Segment))) (setq Index Index)) (Clear-Cache-1 Data Index End-Index Segment)))) Tasks This returns the node ID of the specified task's nodes. (defun Node-of (Task) (Node-ID (Task-Node Task))) This returns the time of a task. This is defined as the node time for the specified task. (defun Time-Of (Task) (Node-Time (Task-Node Task))) This sets the time of the specified task (i.e. the time of the node of the specified task). (defun Set-Time-Of (Task New-Time) (let ((Task-Node (Task-Node Task))) (setq Task-Node (make-Node :Time New-Time :ID (Node-ID Task-Node) :Segments (Node-Segments Task-Node) :Nodals (Node-Nodals Task-Node))) (values New-Time Task-Node (Make-Task :Handler (Task-Handler Task) :Node Task-Node :Segment (Task-Segment Task) :IP (Task-IP Task) :Status (Task-Status Task))))) This increments the task time by the specified delta. (defun increment-Time-Of (Task Delta) (let* ((Task-Node (Task-Node Task)) (New-Time (+ (Node-Time Task-Node) Delta))) (setq Task-Node (make-Node :Time New-Time :ID (Node-ID Task-Node) :Segments (Node-Segments Task-Node) :Nodals (Node-Nodals Task-Node))) (values New-Time Task-Node (Make-Task :Handler (Task-Handler Task) :Node Task-Node :Segment (Task-Segment Task) :IP (Task-IP Task) :Status (Task-Status Task))))) This returns the handler type of the task. (defun Handler-Name-of (Task) (Handler-Name (Task-Handler Task))) This function creates a new task segment of the specified length. The number of arguments and message length values are compared with the handler arity and arity plus number of locals respectively. Two is added to the arity and number of locals to account for the message length and type information stored in the segment. The segment is then initializes with the supplie l arguments. (defun Write-Arguments (Arguments Index New-Segment) (cond ((null Arguments) New-Segment) (t (multiple-value-bind (New-Value Written-Segment) (Write-Segment New-Segment Index (car Arguments)) (write-Argurnents (cdr Arguments) (1+ Index) Written-Segment))))) (defun Create-Task-Segment (Length Task-Type Arguments Handler) (let (New-Segment (Create-Read-Write-Segment Length))) (when (not = Handler-Arity Handler) (length Arguments))) (break PiSim error: arity ismatch,)) (when (not = Length (Handler-Arity Handler) (Handler-Number-Of-Locals Handler) 2))) (break 'PiSim error: length/ handler storage mismatch,)) (Make-Task-Segment :Storage-Rqmts Length :Type Task-Type :Arguments (Write-Arguments Arguments 2 New-Segment)))) This function creates a new task for a message. The handler and node are determined. A new segment is created and initialized. After the new task is created, its segment is added to the task's node. Finally the new task is returned. (defun Create-Task (Message) (let* ((Handler (Get-Handler (Message-Type Message))) (Node (Translate-Node (Message-Destination Message)))) (Make-Task :Handler Handler :Node Node))) This function executes a task. It executes instructions which change a task's status. If the status is 'Running, another instruction is executed. (defun Execute-Task (Task) (multiple-value-bind (Value New-Task) (Execute-Next-Instruction Task) (setq Task New-Task)) (if (equal (Task-Status Task) 'Running) (Execute-Task Task))) Events This function enqueues an event in the global event queue. Events are enqueued in order on'increasing event time. ** Note that when 2 events have the same time, the one sent to Enqueue-Event first has higher priority. (defun Enqueue-Event (New-Event) (if (or (null *Event-Queue*) (< (Event-Time New-Event) (Event-Time (first *Event-Queue*)))) (setq *Event-Queue* (cons New-Event *Event-Queue*)) (setq *Event-Queue* (Insert-Event New-Event *Event-Queue*)))) This function is used to enqueue events inside the event queue. It is part of a recursive, priority queue insert algorithm. 268 Handlers ;; This predicate tests if a statement is an instruction. (defun Label? (Statement) (symbolp Statement)) ;; This predicate tests if a statement is an instruction. (defun Instruction? (statement) (listp Statement)) This function inserts a binding into a handler's bindings. If the specified handler is 'Global, the binding is inserted in the global bindings. (defun insert-Binding (Name Value Handler) (cond ((equal Handler 'Global) (setq *Global-Bindings* (Hash-Insert *Global-Bindings* Name Value)) (values Value Handler)) (t (setq Handler (Make-Handler :Name (Handler-Name Handler) :Instructions (Handler-Instructions Handler) :Arity (Handler-Arity Handler) :Number-of-Locals (Handler-Number-of-Locals Handler) :Bindings (Hash-Insert (Handler-Bindings Handler) Name Value))) (values Value Handler)))) This function looks up the binding of a symbol in the handler. If it is not found there, the global bindings are checked. (defun Lookup-Binding (Name Handler) (or (Hash-Lookup (Handler-Bindings Handler) ame) (Hash-Lookup *Global-Bindings* Name))) This function returns the number of instructions in a handler. (defun Number-of-Instructions (Handler) (array-total-size (Handler-Instructions Handler))) This function returns the handler object for the handler name. If the handler does not exist, an error message is printed. (defun Get-Handler (Name) (let ((Handler (get Name 'Handler))) (if (null Handler) (break Pisim error: unknown handler.) Handler))) This function determines the numbe of instructions in a sequence of statements and builds a instruction array of the correct size. It then reads each statement. If it is an instruction, it is inserted into the array. If it is a label, the label and statement index is inserted into the handler's bindings. (defun Make-Instructions (Statements Handler) (let (instructions) (let ((Temp-Stmts Statements) (Statement nil) (Number-Of-Statements 0)) (setq Instructions (Make-Instructions-1 Instructions Temp-Stmts Statement Number-of-Statements))) (let ((Index (Statement nil) (Temp-Stmts Statements)) (multiple-value-bind (Instructions New-Handler) (Make-Instructions-2 Instructions Temp-Stmts Statement index Handler) (setq Handler New-Handler)) (setq Handler (Make-Handler :Name (Handler-Name Handler) :Instructions Instructions :Arity (Handler-Arity Handler) :Number-of-Locals (Handler-Number-of-Locals Handler) :Bindings (Handler-Bindings Handler))) (values Instructions Handler))) (defun Make-instructions-1 (Instructions Temp-Stmts Statement Number-of-Statements) (cond ((null Temp-Stmts) (setq instructions (make-array Number-Of-Statements))) (t (setq Statement (car Temp-Stmts)) (setq Temp-Stmts (cdr Temp-Stmts)) (cond ((not (Label? Statement)) (if Statement (setq Number-Of-Statements (1+ Number-Of-Statements)M) (Make-Instructions-1 Instructions Temp-Stmts Statement Number-of-Statements)))) (defun Make-Instructions-2 (Instructions Temp-Stmts Statement Index Handler) (cond ((null Temp-Stmts) (values instructions Handler)) (t (setq Statement (car Temp-Stmts)) (setq Temp-Stmts (cdr Temp-Stmts)) (cond ((Label? Statement) (multiple-value-bind (value New-Handler) (defun insert-Event (New-Event Event-Queue) (if (or (null (rest Event-Queue)) (Event-Time New-Event) (Event-Time (second Event-Queue)))) (cons (car Event-Queue) (cons New-Event (rest Event-Queue))) (cons (car Event-Queue) (Insert-Event New-Event (rest Event-Queue))))) This function dequeues and returns a event from the global event queue. If the queue is empty, nil is returned. (defun Dequeue-Event (let ((Event (car *Event-Queue*))) (setq *Event-Queue* (cdr *Event-Queuefl) Event)) This function clears the event queue. (defun Clear-Event-Queue () (setq *Event-Queue* nil)) This function dequeues and executes the next event in the event queue. if the event is a message, a new task is created. The node time is adjusted if the event time is later than node time. If a event is executed, t is returned. (defun Execute-Next-Event () (let* ((Event (Dequeue-Event)) Task) (setq Task (Create-Task (Event-object Event))) (multiple-value-bind (New-Time Task-Node New-Task) (Set-Time-Of Task (if > (Event-Time Event) (Time-Of Task)) (Event-Time Event) (Time-Of Task))) (setq *Nodes* (Copy-Replace-Node Task-Node (Translate-Node (message-Destination (Event-object Event))) *Nodes*)) (setq Task New-Task)) (let* ((Message (Event-object Event)) (Node (Translate-Node (message-Destination Message))) (New-segment (Create-Task-Segment (Message-Length Message) (Message-Type Message) (message-Arguments Message) (Task-Handler Task)))) (multiple-value-bind (New-Segment-ID New-Node) (Add-Segment New-Segment Node) (setq Node New-Node) (setq *Nodes* (Copy-Replace-Node Node (Message-Destination Message) *Nodes*)) (setq Task (Make7Task :Handler (Task-Handler Task) :Node Node :Segment New-Segment-ID :IP (Task-IP Task) :Status (Task-Status Task))))) (Debug-Print 1 '[start: task -a node -d time -d old status -a]-&, (Handler-Name-of Task) (Node-of Task) (Time-Of Task) (Task-Status Task)) (Log-Task Task) (setq Task (Make-Task :Handler (Task-Handler Task) :Node (Task-Node Task) :Segment (Task-Segment Task) :IP (Task-IP Task) :Status 'Running)) (Adjust-Concurrency-List (Time-Of Task) (Execute-Task Task) (Adjust-Concurrency-List (Time-Of Task) -1) (Debug-Print '[stop: task -a node -d time -d status -a]-&, (Handler-Name-Of Task)'(Node-Of Task) (Time-of Task) (Task-Status Task)))) - (Index-Parameters-And-Locals Parameters Locals New-Handler)) (multiple-value-bind (Instructions Newer-Handler) (Make-Instructions Statements New-Handler) (setq New-Handler Newer-Handler)) (setq *Global-Plist* (Update-Plist Name 'Handler New-Handler)))) This allows the definition of handlers. This should be part of a more general reader. (defun Define-Handler (rest Expression) (Debug-Print -&loading handler -a-&, (first Expression)) (Read-Handler Expression) nil) Nodals This allows the definition of nodals (node variables). An index is assigned (using the number of existing nodals). A new global binding is added. (defun Define-Nodal (Name) (Debug-Print -&defining nodal -a-&' Name) (cond Hnot (null (Hash-Lookup *Global-Bindings* Name))) (format t -&Warning: -a has already been defined globally-&, Name)) (t (multiple-value-bind (Value Handler) (Insert-Binding Name *Nodal-Count* 'Global)) (setq *Nodal-Count* *Nodal-Count*))))) Constants This allows the definition of global constants. The binding is added to the global bindings. (defun Define-Constant (Name Value) (Debug-Print -defining constant -a-&' Name) (multiple-value-bind (Value Handler) (Insert-Binding Name Value 'Global))) Instructions This function returns the next instruction of the handler to be executed. The current instruction pointer (IP) is obtained from the task. The instructions are obtained from the handler. The task instruction pointer is incremented. Note: the instruction pointer is incremented. AFTER the next instruction is fetched. (defun Next-Instruction (Task) (let HIP (Task-IP Task))) (when >= IP (Number-of-Instructions (Task-Handler Task))) (break Pisim. error: IP out of range')) (setq Task (Make-Task :Handler (Task-Handler Task) :Node (Task-Node Task) :Segment (Task-Segment Task) :IP (1+ (Tabk-IP Task)) :Status (Task-Status Task))) (values (aref (Handler-instructions (Task-Handler Task)) IP) Task))) This function executes a single instructions. It first locates the next instruction using the task instruction pointer. The instruction pointer is incremented. Then it applies the operation to the arguments. (defun Execute-Next-Instruction (Active-Task) (multiple-value-bind (instruction New-Task) (Next-Instruction Active-Task) (setq Active-Task New-Task) (Debug-Print 2 [executing instruction -a]-&' (Instruction-Op Instruction)) (Log-Instruction nstruction) (multiple-value-bind (Value New-Task) (Apply-operation (Instruction-Op Instruction) Active-Task (Instruction-Args instruction)) (setq Active-Task New-Task) (values Value Active-Task)))) Operations This function applies a processor operation to a list of arguments. Each argument is evaluated before the operation is applied. The apply only takes place if the task status is RUNNING. (defun Apply-operation (operation Active-Task Arguments) (Insert-Binding Statement Index Handler) (setq Handler New-Handler))) ((Instruction? Statement) (progn (setq Instructions (Copy-Replace-Elt Statement Index Instructions)) (setq Index index))))) (Make-Instructions-2 Instructions Temp-Stmts Statement Index Handler)))) This function indexes the parameters and locals in a handler. This includes assigning a each parameter and value an index in the handler segment. These assignments are included in the handler's bindings. The arity and number of locals parameters are also set. (defun Index-Parameters-And-Locals (Parameters Locals Handler) (let ((Parameter nil) (Temp-Parameters Parameters) (Index 2) (setq Handler (Index-Parameters-And-Locals-1 Parameter Temp-Parameters Index Handler))) (let ((Local nil) (Temp-Locals Locals) (Index (lengthPararneters 2) (setq Handler (Index-Parameters-And-Locals-2 Local Temp-Locals Index Handler))) (setq Handler (Make-Handler :Name (Handler-Name Handler) :Instructions (Handler-instructions Handler) :Arity (length Parameters) :Number-of-Locals (Handler-Number-of-Locals Handler) :Bindings (Handler-Bindings Handler))) (setq Handler (Make-Handler :Name (Handler-Name Handler) :Instructions (Handler-instructions Handler) :Arity (Handler-Arity Handler) :Number-of-Locals (length Locals) :Bindings (Handler-Bindings Handler))) Handler) (defun Index-Parameters-And-Locals-I (Parameter Temp-Parameters index Handler) (cond ((null Temp-Parameters) Handler) (t (setq Parameter (car Temp-Parameters)) (setq Temp-Parameters (cdr Temp-Parameters)) (multiple-value-bind (Value New-Handler) (Insert-Binding Parameter Index Handler) (setq Handler Nw-Handler)) (setq index Index)) (Index-Parameters-And-Locals-1 Parameter Temp-Parameters Index Handler)))) (defun Index-Parameters-And-Locals-2 (Local Temp-Locals Index Handler) (cond ((null Temp-Locals) Handler) t (setq Local (car Temp-Locals)) (setq Temp-Locals (cdr Temp-Locals)) (multiple-value-bind (Value New-Handler) (Insert-Binding Local index Handler) (setq Handler New-Handler)) (setq index Index)) (Index-Parameters-And-Locals-2 Local Temp-Locals Index Handler)))) This function reads a handler from an expression. The resultant handler is stored on the property list of the handler name. (defun Read-Handler (Expression) (let ((Name (first Expression)) (Parameters (second Expression)) (Locals (third Expression)) (Statements (nthcdr 3 Expression)) (New-Handler (Make-Handler))) (setq New-Handler (make-Handler :Name Name :Instructions (Handler-Instructions New-Handler) :Arity (Handler-Arity New-Handler) :N=ber-of-Locals (Handler-Number-of-Locals New-Handler) :Bindings (Handler-Bindings New-Handler))) (setq New-Handler 270 Debugging This prints debug messages depending on the debug level. (defmacro Debug-Print (Level Format rest Arguments) ,(when <= Lvel *Debug-Level*) (format t Format Arguments))) This function sets the debug level. (defun Set-Debug-Level (New-Level) (setq *Debug-Level* New-Level)) Logging This predicate starts a new log, saving the current log. (defun Start-New-Log (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Old-Logs *Log*))) This is used in a counting profile. The category count is incremented, or created, if non-existent. (defun Collect-Profile (Category Profile) (cond ((Hash-Lookup Profile Category) (let ((New-Value (Hash-Lookup Profile Category)))) (setq Profile (Hash-Insert Profile Category New-Value)) (values New-value Profile))) (t (values 1 (Hash-Insert Profile Category 1))))) This predicate tests if logging is.enabled. If the log is nil, logging is on. (defun Logging? (not (or (null *log*) (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'None)))) This function logs the specified task. Presently, profiles of task types and status' are maintained. (defun Log-Task (Task) (when (Logging?) (multiple-value-bind (New-value New-Profile) (Collect-Profile (Task-Status Task) (Log-Task-status-Profile *Log*)) (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile New-Profile :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) :Instruction-Type-Profile (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*) :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*) :Old-Logs (Log-old-Logs *Log*))) (when (equal (Task-Status Task) 'New) (multiple-value-bind (New-Value New-Profile) (Collect-Profile (Handler-Name-Of Task) (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*)) (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile New-Profile :Instruction-Type-Profile (Log-instruction-Type-Profile *Log*) :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*) :Old-Logs (Log-old-Logs *Log*)))))))) This function collects statistics on instruction types. (defun Log-Instruction (Instruction) (when (Logging?) (cond ((not (equal (first instruction) 'Write)) (multiple-value-bind (New-value New-Profile) (Collect-Profile (first Instruction) (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*)) (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) (multiple-value-bind (Argument-List New-Nodes New-Task New-Event-Queue) (Evaluate-Arguments Arguments Active-Task) (setq *Nodes* New-Nodes Active-Task New-Task *Event-Queue* New-Event-Queue) (cond ((equal (Task-Status Active-Task) 'RUNNING) (Log-operation Operation) (multiple-value-bind (Result New-Nodes New-Task New-Event-Queue) (apply (Get-operation Operation) Argument-List *Nodes* Active-Task *Event-Queue*) (setq Active-Task New-Task *Nodes* New-Nodes *Event-Queue* New-Event-Queue) (values Result Active-Task))) (t (values nil Ative-Task))))) (defun Evaluate-Arguments (Arguments Active-Task) (let ((Argument nl)) (Evaluate-Arguments-1 Argument Arguments *Nodes* Active-Task *Event-Queue*))) (defun valuate-Arguments-1 (Argument Arguments Nodes Active-Task Event-Queue) (cond ((null Arguments) (values nil Nodes Active-Task Event-Queue)) (t (setq Argument (car Arguments)) (setq Arguments (cdr Arguments)) (multiple-value-bind (value New-Nodes New-Task New-Event-Queue) (Evaluate Active-Task Argument) (multiple-value-bind (Argument-List Newer-Nodes Newer-Task Newer-Event-Queue) (Evaluate-Arguments-1 Argument Arguments New-Nodes New-Task New-Event-Queue) (values (cons Value Argument-List) Newer-Nodes Newer-Task Newer-Event-Queue)))))) This function evaluates the expression and returns the results. This is an evaluator appropriate for the limited expressions in a Pi programs. Expressions are only evaluated if the task status is 'RUNNING. The following expression types are possible: A number or string returns the value of the number or string. A symbol is looked up in the handler bindings. If it is present, the corresponding value is returned. Otherwise, the symbol is returned. A nested expression (a list) in the form (symbol argl arg2..). In this case, Apply-operation is recursively called. (defun Evaluate (Active-Task Expression) (when (equal (Task-Status Active-Task) 'RUNNING) (values (typecase Expression Hor number string) Expression) (symbol (or (Lookup-Binding Expression (Task-Handler Active-Task)) Expression)) (list (multiple-value-bind (Value New-Task) (Apply-operation (Instruction-Op Expression) Active-Task (Instruction-Args Expression)) (setq Active-Task New-Task) Value)) (otherwise (break PiSim error: unknown expression,))) Active-Task))) This function returns the operation function for the operation name. If the operation does not exist, an error message is printed. (defun Get-operation (Name) (let ((Operation (get Name operation))) (if (null operation) (break PiSim error: unknown operation') Operation))) This is used to define processor operations. (defmacro Define-Operation (Name rest Rest) (setq *Global-Plist* I(Update-Plist Name 'Operation #'(lambda Rest)))) 271 Randoms This function estimates the delivery delay of a essage It should be better than it is now. (defun Delivery-Delay (source Destination Length) (when (or >= source (Number-of-Nodes)) (minusp Source) (>= Destination (Number-of-Nodes)) (minusp Destination)) (break PiSim error: illegal node number,)) (when (or (minusp Length) :Instruction-Type-Profile New-Profile :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-Operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (Log-concurrency-List *Log*) :Old-Logs (Log-old-Logs *Log*))))) ((not (listp (fourth Instruction))) (multiple-value-bind (New-Value New-Profile) (Collect-Profile 'Initialize (Log-instruction-Type-Profile *Log*)) (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) :Instruction-Type-Profile New-Profile :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*) :Old-Logs (Log-old-Logs *Log*))))) ((equal (first (fourth Instruction)) 'Read) (multiple-value-bind (New-value New-Profile) (Collect-Profile 'Move (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*)) (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) :Instruction-Type-Profile New-Profile :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*) :Old-Logs (Log-old-Logs *Log*))))) (t (multiple-value-bind (New-Value New-Profile) (collect-Profile (first (fourth instruction)) (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*)) (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) :Instruction-Type-Profile New-Profile :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*) :Old-Logs (Log-old-Logs *Log*)))))))) This function creates an operation profile. (defun Log-operation (operation) (when (Logging?) (multiple-value-bind (New-Value New-Profile) (Collect-Profile Operation (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*)) (setq *Log* (make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) :Instruction-Type-Profile New-Profile :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*) :Old-Logs (Log-Old-Logs *Log*)))))) This function searches down a sorted list of deltas looking for an entry at a specified time. If such an entry is found, its value is adjusted by Change. If no such value is found, a new delta is created an inserted at the correct position in the list. (defun Adjust-Concurrency-List (Time Change) (when (Logging?) (let ((Concurrency-List (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*))) (cond (or (null Concurrency-List) (< Time (Delta-Time (first Concurrency-List)))) (let ((New-Delta (make-Delta :Time Time :Value Change))) (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) :Instruction-Type-Profile (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*) :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (cons New-Delta (Log-Conourrency-List *Log*)) :Old-Logs (Log-Old-Logs *Log*))) New-Delta)) Time (Delta-Time (first oncurrency-List))) (let* ((First-Delta (first Concurrency-List)) (New-Delta (Make-Delta :Time (Delta-Time First-Delta) :Value (+ (Delta-Value First-Delta) Change)))) (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) :Instruction-Type-Profile (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*) :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (cons New-Delta (cdr (Log-Concurrency-List *Log*))) :Old-Logs (Log-Old-Logs *Log*))) (Delta-Value New-Delta))) (t (setq *Log* (Make-Log :Type (Log-Type *Log*) :Task-Status-Profile (Log-Task-Status-Profile *Log*) :Task-Type-Profile (Log-Task-Type-Profile *Log*) :Instruction-Type-Profile (Log-Instruction-Type-Profile *Log*) :Operation-Type-Profile (Log-operation-Type-Profile *Log*) :Concurrency-List (Adjust-Rest-Of-Concurrency-List Time Change Concurrency-List) :Old-Logs (Log-Old-Logs *Log*)))))))) This is the recursive part of Adjust-Concurrency-List. (defun Adjust-Rest-Of-Concurrency-List (Time Change Concurrency-List) (cond Hor (null (rest Concurrency-List)) (< Time (Delta-Time (second Concurrency-List)))) (cons (car Concurrency-List) (cons (Make-Delta :Time Time :Value Change) (rest Concurrency-List)))) Time (Delta-Time (second Concurrency-List))) (cons (car Concurrency-List) (cons (Make-Delta :Time (Delta-Time , (second Concurrency-List)) :Value (+ (Delta-value (second Concurrency-List)) Change)) (cdr (rest Concurrency-List))))) (t (cons (car Concurrency-List) (Adjust-Rest-of-Concurrency-List Time Change (rest Concurrency-List)))))) This function prints the information from the current log. (defun Print-Log-Information () (when (or (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'All) (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'Profile)) (Print-Profile-Data)) (when (or (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'All) (equal (Log-Type *Log*) 'Plot)) (Plot-Concurrency))) 272 (defun Execute-Bvents () (cond Hnull *Event-Queue*) (values *Event-Queue* *Nodes*)) (t (Execute-Next-Event) (Execute-Events)))) Hash Table Functions (defconstant MIN-HASH_TABLE_SIZE 11) (defstruct Entry (Key nil :type symbol) (Value nil :type any)) (defstruct HashTable (Num-Buckets nil :type integer) (Number-Entries nil :type integer) (Buckets nil :type array)) (defun Hash-Insert (Table Key Value) .(let* (Index (Hash-Function Key (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table))) (New-Table (multiple-value-bind (New-Bucket-List Number-Entries) (splice-in-Bucket Value Key (aref (HashTable-Buckets Table) Index) (HashTable-Number-Entries Table)) (Make-HashTable :Nurn-Buckets (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table) :Buckets (Copy-Replace-Elt New-Bucket-List Index (HashTable-Buckets Table)) :Number-Bntries Number-Entries)))) (if (HashTable-Nurnber-Entries New-Table) (HashTable-Nurn-Buckets New-Table)) (Hash-Resize New-Table) New-Table))) (defun Splice-In-Bucket (Value Key Bucket-List Number-Entries) (cond ((or (null Bucket-List) (string< Key (Entry-Key (car Bucket-List)))) (values (cons (Make-Entry :Key Key :Volue Value) Bucket-List) (1+ Number-Entries))) (t (let ((This-Entry.(car Bucket-List))) (cond ((string= Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) (format t -&Bashing older bucket entry -A., This-Entry) (values if Key = key of This-Entry, then overwrite the older bucket entry. (New bucket has same Key as older Bucket entry, but new entry value.) (cons (Make-Entry :Key Key :Value Value) (cdr Bucket-List)) Number-Entries)) (t (multiple-value-bind (New-Bucket-List Num-Entries) (splice-In-Bucket Value Key (cdr Bucket-List) Number-Entries) (values (cons This-Entry New-Bucket-List) Num-Entries)))))))) (defun Hash-Resize (Table) (let* ((Old-Buckets (HashTable-Buckets Table)) (old-Size (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table)) (New-Size (Determine-Hash-Table-Size (* (HashTable-Num-Buokets Table) 2M (New-Table (Make-HashTable :Num-Buckets New-Size :Number-Entries :Buckets (Make-Hash-Buckets New-Size)))) (Copy-Over-Buckets 0 Old-Size Old-Buckets New-Table))) (defun Copy-over-Buckets (Index Old-Size old-Buckets New-Table) (cond ((>= Index Old-Size) New-Table) (t (let ((Bucket-List (aref old-Buckets index))) (Copy-over-Buckets 1 Index) Old-Size Old-BLckets (Copy-Over-Bucket Bucket-List New-Table)))))) (defun Copy-over-Bucket (Bucket-List New-Table) (cond Hnull Bucket-List) New-Table) (t (let ((This-Entry (car Bucket-list))) (Copy-over-Bucket (dr Bucket-List) (Hash-Insert New-Table (Entry-Key This-Entry) (Entry-Value This-Entry))))))) ;;This function creates a hash table having the specified of buckets. (zerop Length) (break PiSim error: illegal message length,)) (let ((Dimension nil) (Temp-Dimensions *Machine-Dimensions*) (source-Components nil) (Destination-Components nil)) (Delivery-Delay-1 Dimension Temp-Dimensions Source-Components Destination-Components Source Destination Length))) (defun Delivery-Delay-1 (Dimension Temp-Dimensions Source-Components Destination-Components Source Destination Length) (cond ((null Temp-Dimensions) (let ((Source-Component nil) (Destination-Component nil) (Distance 0)) (Delivery-Delay-2 Source-Component Destination-Component Distance Length Source-Components Destination-Components))) (t (setq Dimension (car Temp-Dimensions)) (setq Temp-Dimensions (cdr Temp-Dimensions)) (setq Source-Components (Put-on-End (mod Source Dimension) Source-Components)) (setq source (floor Source Dimension)) (setq Destination-Components (Put-on-End (mod Destination Dimension) Destination-Components)) (setq Destination (floor Destination Dimension)) (Delivery-Delay-1 Dimension Temp-Dimensions Source-Components Destination-Cornponents Source Destination Length)))) (defun Put-on-End (X List) (cond ((null List) (list )) (t (cons (car List) (Put-on-End X (cdr List)))))) (defun Delivery-Delay-2 (source-Component Destination-Component Distance Length Source-Components Destination-Components) (cond null source-Components) (+ Distance (- Length 1))) (t (setq Source-Component (car Source-Components)) (setq Source-Components (cdr ource-Components)) (cond ((null Destination-Components) (+ Distance (- Length 1))) (t (setq Destination-Component (car Destination-Components)) (setq Destination-Components (cdr Destination-Components)) (setq Distance (+ (abs (- Source-Component Destination-Component)) Distance)Y (Delivdry-Delay-2 Source-Component Destination-Component Distance Length Source-Components Destination-Components)))))) This function injects a starting message into the machine. it starts calculating the message length and destination. The message is then enqueued, and events are executed until the event queue is epty. (defun Inject (Type &rest Arguments) (Make-Nodes) (Clear-Nodes) (Clear-Event-Queue) (let* ((Handler (Get-Handler Type)) (Length (Handler-Arity Handler) (Handler-Number-of-Locals Handler) 2)) (Destination (random (Number-of-Nodes))) (Arrival-Time (Node-Time (Translate-Node Destination))) (Message (Make-Message :Destination Destination :Length Length :Type Type :Arguments Arguments)) (Event (Make-Event :Time Arrival-Time :Object Message))) (Enqueue-Event Event) (Execute-Events))) 273 Since the size of a hash table must be a prime number, the specified number of buckets is rounded up to a nearby prime. The new table is then initialized. (defun Make-Hash-Table (&optional Num-Buckets) (let ((Size (Determine-Hash-Table-size (or Num-Buckets MIN _HASH__TABLE_SIZE)))) (Make-HashTable :Num-Buckets Size :Buckets (Make-Hash-Buckets Size) :Number-Entries 0))) ;;This function creates and initializes a bucket array. (defun Make-Hash-Buckets (size) (make-array Size)) This function looks up a key in the hash table. If it is found, the entry pointer is returned. otherwise, nil is returned. (defun Hash-Lookup (Table Key) (let* ((Index (Hash-Function Key (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table))) (Bucket-List (aref (HashTable-Buckets Table) Index))) (Hash-Lookup-1 Bucket-List Key))) (defun Hash-Lookup-1 (Bucket-List Key) (cond ((or (null Bucket-List) (string< Key (Entry-Key (car Bucket-List)))) nil) ((string= Key (Entry-Key (car Bucket-List))) (Entry-value (car Bucket-List))) (t (Hash-Lookup-1 (dr Bucket-List) Key)))) This function deletes an entry in the hash table. (defun Hash-Delete (Table Key) (let ((Index (Hash-Function Key (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table)))) (multiple-value-bind (New-Bucket-List Number-Entries) (Splice-Out-Bucket Key (aref (HashTable-Buckets Table) Index) (HashTable-Number-Entries Table)) (Make-HashTable :Num-Buckets (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table) :Buckets (Copy-Replace-Bucket New-Bucket-List Index (HashTable-Buckets Table)) :Number-Entries Number-EntriesM) (defun Splice-Out-Bucket (Key Bucket-List Nurnber-Entries) (if (null Bucket-List) (values nil Number-Entries) ;; fell off end of bucket list (let ((This-Entry (car Bucket-List))) (cond ((string> Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) (multiple-value-bind (New-Bucket-List Num-Entries) (Splice-Out-Bucket Key (cdr Bucket-List) Number-Entries) (values (cons This-Entry New-Bucket-List) Num-Entries))) ((string= Key (Entry-Key This-Entry)) (values (cdr Bucket-List) (1- Number-Entries))) (t Key string< Key of This-Entry => Key isn't found (values nil Number-Entries)))))) This function clears for all entries in the specified hash table. (defun Clear-Hash-Table (Table) (let ((Size (HashTable-Num-Buckets Table))) (Make-HashTable :Num-Buckets Size :Number-Entries :Buckets (Make-Hash-Buckets Size)))) This function picks the first prime number greater then or equal to the specified size estimate. The minimum hash table size is enforced here. (defun Determine-Hash-Table-Size (Size-Estimate &aux size) (if < Size-Estimate MINLHASK_TABLE_SIZE) (setq Size MIR_HASH__TABLE_SIZE) (setq Size Size-Estimate)) (if = (mod Size 2 (setq size Size))) (Determine-Hash-Table-size-1 Size)) (defun, Determine-Hash-Table-Size-1 (size) (if (null (Prime-Number-Test ize)) (Determine-Hash-Table-size-1 ( Size 2) Size)) (defun Prime-Number-Test (Number) (let ((Index 3) (cond Number 2 t) (mod Number 2 0) nil) (t (Prime-Number-Test-1 Index Number))))) (defun Prime-Number-Test-1 (Index Number) (cond ((<= (Square index) Number) (if = (mod Number Index) nil) (setq Index index 2) (Prime-Number-Test-1 index Number)) (t tM (defun Square (n) (* n n)) Thisfunction calculates a hash table index from a key (symbol->string) and the hash table size. (defun Hash-Function (Key Size) (let* ((Sum ) (Key-String (string Key)) (Length (1- (string-length Key-String)))) (setq Sum (Hash-Function-I Sum Key-string Length)) (mod Sum izeM (defun Hash-Function-1 (Sum Key-String Length) (cond ( < Length ) sum) (t (setq Sum (+ Sum (char-int (aref Key-string Length)))) (setq Length (1- Length)) (Hash-Function-1 Sum Key-String Length)))) 274 -*- Syntax: Common-lisp; Base: 10.; Package: USER CST simulator -- original version queue stuff (defvar *default-queue-size 16 'Initial Queue Size') (defstruct queue (head ) (tail (length ) (data-size *default-queue-size*) (data (make-array *default-queue-size*))) (defun queue-first (queue) (if > (queue-length queue) (aref (queue-data queue) (queue-head queue)))) (defun queue-empty? (queue) (zerop (queue-length queue))) (defun queue-list (queue) (if (queue-empty? queue) I ) (let (data (queue-data queue)) (head (queue-head queue)) (tail (queue-tail queue))) (if < head tail) (loop for index from head below tail collect (aref data index)) (nconc (loop for index from head below (ueue-data-size queue) collect (aref data index)) (loop for index from below tail collect (aref data indexM)))) (defun enqueue (queue obj) (let* ((tail (queue-tail queue)) (length (queue-length queue)) (data (queue-data queue)) (old-size (ueue-data-size queue))) (if < length (- old-size 2) (progn (setf (aref data tail) obj) (setf (queue-tail queue) (mod (queue-tail queue)) old-size)) (incf (queue-length queue))) (progn (adjust-array data (* old-size 2) (setf (ueue-data-size queue) (* old-size 2) (let ((head (queue-head queue))) (if > head tail) other case requires no copy (progn (loop for index from head below old-size do (setf (aref data (+ old-size index)) (aref data index))) (setf (queue-head queue) (+ old-size had))))) (enqueue queue obj))))) (defun dequeue (queue) (if (queue-empty? queue) (error '-&Attempt to dequeue from an'empty queue -SI queue) (progn (let ((elt (aref (queue-data queue) (queue-head queue)))) (setf (queue-head queue) (mod (queue-head queue)) (queue-data-size queue))) (decf (queue-length queue)) elt)))) code to access a node descriptor node = queue X objects X contexts X method-cache (defstruct node (queue (make-queue)) (objects (make-array 32)) (contexts (make-array 32)) (method-cache (make-array *method-cache-size*)) (busy-count 0) (defvar *nodes*) (defvar *contexts*) (defvar *nr-nodes* 256 'Must also change nrnodes in CST world') (defvar *step-queue*) holds messages awaiting deliver (defvar *step-nr*) (defvar *Profile*) profiling flag, statistics recorded wh( (defvar *Profile-list*) (defvar *log* I 'Message Logging Enable,) (defvar *trace* 0 'Whether or not we're tracing') (defvar *trace-selectors* 0 *list of selectors we're tracing') (defvar *method-cache* t) (defvar *method-cache-size* 10) (defvar *method-cache-trace I) 'Switch for method cache tracing') (defvar *method-cache-trace-list* 'Global MC Trace list') (defvar *eter-message-queues* 'Enable message queue size tracing') (defvar *message-queue-trace* M (defun get-node (node-nr) (aref *nodes* node-nr)) code to access a message msg is of the form (msg node-nr header selector obj-id args) (defun new-msg (node-nr header selector receiver args) (if (listp args) (append (sg nde-nr header selector receiver) args) 1(msg node-nr hader selector receiver args))) (defun msg-node (msg) (cadr msg)) (defun msg-header (msg) (caddr msg)) (defun msg-slotn (n sg) (nth ( n 3 msg)) (defun sg-selector (msg) (msg-slotn 0 msg)) (defun msg-receiver (msg) (msg-slotn 1 msg)) (defun msg-args (sg) (nthcdr 5 msg)) (defun msg-argn (n sg) (nth n. (msg-args sg))) (defun is-msg (msg) (eq (car sg) msg)) (defun msg-length (sg) (1- (length msg))) (defun deliver-msgs (do () ((queue-empty? *step-queue*)) (let* (msg (dequeue *tep-queue*)) (node-nr (,msg-node msg)) (node (get-node node-nr)) (q (node-queue node))) (enqueue q msg)))) step-nodes walks through the nodes and attempts to run a message on each node (defun step-nodes (when *Profile* (profile-step)) (when *log* (log-step)) (when *trace* (record-traced-selectors *trace-selectors*)) (deliver-msgs) (when *eter-message-queues* (record-message-queue-data)) (doti-mes (x *nr-nodes*) (step-node x)) (incf *step-nr*) ry Len true 275 ;; Run until no more work. (defun step-done (if (queue-empty? *step-queue*) (do Hi ( i 1M ((or = i *nr-nodes*) (not (queue-empty? (node-queue (get-node i))))) i *nr-nodes*))))) (de-fun step-node (node-nr) (let* ((node (get-node node-nr)) (q (node-queue node))) (if (not (queue-empty? q)) (let ((msg (dequeue q))) (incf (node-busy-count node)) (process-msg sg))))) (defun send-msg (sg) (enqueue *step-queue* sg)) (defun cst-start (init-msg) (send-msg init-msg) (shell-go)) (defun shell-go (cond ((step-done) nil) (t (step-nodes) (shell-go))))) (defun process-msg (msg) (if *profile* (setq *nr-msgs-received* ( 1 *nr-msgs-received*))) (let ((header (sg-header msg))) (case header (send (process-send msg)) (call (process-call msg)) (new (process-new msg)) (newco (process-newco msg)) (reply (process-reply msg))) nil)) new creates a new object on a node new is of the form (new class reply-context reply-slot) or if the object is distributed, a count may be appended for distributed objects, new-co messages are sent in a fanout tree to all constituents. (defun process-new (sg) (let* ((class-name (msg-slotn 0 msg)) (reply-context (msg-slotn 1 msg)) (reply-slot (msg-slotn 2 msg)) (dist (class-dist (get-class class-name))) (id (new-object class-name (msg-node msg)))) (if dist (let ((size (sg-slotn 3 msg))) (init-distributed-object id size (msg-node msg) reply-context rply-slot)) (reply-to-context reply-context reply-slot id)))) (defun init-distributed-object (id size node reply-context reply-slot) (let* Hsize (if size (min size *nr-nodes*) default-distobj-size*)) (did (new-did node sizeM (send-dist-init node id did size node reply-context reply-slot))) - (defun send-dist-init (node id did index size root reply-context reply-slot) (let ((msg (new-msg node send Inewco id (list index size root reply-context reply-slot)))) (set-object-did (get-object (ref-id id)) did) (send-msg msg))) the newco message is a hack to allow distributed object to be created. (defun process-newco (msg) (let* ((class-name (msg-slotn 0 msg)) (did (sg-slotn 1 msg)) (index (msg-slotn 2 msg)) (size (msg-slotn 3 msg)) (root (msg-slotn 4 sg)) (reply-context (sg-slotn 5 msg)) (reply-slot (msg-slotn 6 sg)) (id (new-object class-name (msg-node msg)))) (send-dist-init (msg-node msg) id did index size root reply-context reply-slot))) on a reply, stuff data into slot and resume context message is (reply context-nr slot-nr data) if value is a value, must allocate copy (defun process-reply (msg) (let* (context-nr (msg-slotn 0 msg)) (slot (msg-slotn 1 msg)) (data (msg-slotn 2 msg)) (context (get-context context-nr))) (if context (progn (set-slot slot context data) (resume-context context-nr)l))) code to send a reply (defun reply-to-context (context-nr slot value) (let ((msg (new-msg (context-to-node context-nr) 'reply context-nr slot (list value)))) (send-msg msg))) handle did receiver send creates a new context and executes the first statement if receiver is not atomic, look up class ids are referred to like (id 3 to distinguish them from the integer 3. (defun process-send (msg) (let.* receiver (msg-receiver msg)) (node (msg-node msg))) (cond His-did receiver) (let* ((id (did-on-node receiver node))) (if id (process-normal-send msg id) (forward-did-message node msg receiver)))) ((is-co receiver) (let id (did-on-node (did (second receiver)) node))) (process-normal-send msg id))) ((is-block receiver) (process-block-send msg)) (t (process-normal-send msg receiver))))) (defun. process-normal-send (msg receiver) (let* ((selector (msg-selector Tnsg)) (args (sg-args msg))) (if (is-id receiver) (let* ((id (second receiver)) (obj (get-object id)) (class-name (object-class obj)) (code (method-lookup selector class-name))) (start-code code msg receiver args)) (let* ((class-name (cond ((integerp receiver) integer) ((floatp receiver) float) ((symbolp receiver) symbol))) (code (method-lookup selector class-name))) (start-code code msg receiver args))))) (defun. forward-did-message (node msg receiver) (setf (second msg) (id-to-node receiver)) (send-msg sg)) (defun process-block-send (msg) (let ((block (get-block (blkid-get-id (msg-receiver msg)))) (selector (msg-selector msg)) (args (msg-args msg))) (if (eq selector value) (start-code block msg nil args) (cst-error '-&Block message other than value msg)))) (defun start-code (code msg receiver args) (if code (let ((nr-args (block-nr-args code))) (cond ((= nr-args 2) (length args)) (start-method (sg-node msg) code receiver args)) (t (progn (cst-error -&Wrong number of arguments in -SI msg) (cst-error -&-S actuals, to match -S formals, args nr-args))))))) create a context, copy args from message, execute to first send (defun start-method (node code receiver args) (let ((context-nr (ref-id (new-context node code receiverM) (copy-args args context-nr) (advance-context context.-nrM (defun copy-args (args context-nr) (let ((context (get-context context-nr))) (loop for arg in args for i from do (set-context-slot context i arg)))) 276 ;;; advances context over next action (defun advance-context (context-nr) (let next (execute-instruction context-nrM (when *profile* (incf *nr-icodes-executed*)) (when *method-cache* (let* ((node-nr (context-node (get-context context-nr))) (node (get-node node-nr)) (block (context-code (get-context context-nr)))) (when *method-cache-trace* (let ((prev (first ethod-cache-trace-list*))) (if (not (and (equal (first prev) *step-nr*) (equal (second prev) node-nr))) (push (,*step-nr* node-nr (block-id block) ,(length (block-insts block))) *method-cache-trace-list*M) (when (not (method-cache-present-p block (node-method-cache nodeM (progn (incf *nr-blocks-loaded*) (method-cache-insert block (node-method-cache node)))))) (case next (suspend nil) (back-up (back-up-context context-nr)) (continue (advance-context context-nr)) (dispose (remove-context context-nr)) (otherwise (cst-error -&Illegal value in advance context:-SI next))))) other opcodes (defun execute-instruction (context-nr) (let* ((inst (fetch-instruction context-nr)) (opcode (car inst))) (if *Profile* (setq *nr-insts-executed* (+ (- (length inst) 1) *nr-insts-executed*M (execute-instruction-1 inst opcode context-nr))) (defun execute-instruction-1 (inst opcode context-nr) (case opcode (move (execute-move context-nr inst)) ((send csend forward) (execute-send context-nr inst)) ((falsejump jump) (execute-jump context-nr inst)) (label 'continue) (reply reply-x) (execute-reply context-nr inst)) Hreturn return-x) (execute-return context-nr inst)) ;; implement return icodes (reply-console (execute-reply-console context-nr inst)) (echo-console (execute-echo-console context-nr inst)) (newco (execute-newco context-nr inst)) (new (execute-new context-nr inst)) (touch (execute-touch context-nr inst)) (suspend ,suspend) exit ,disposeM (defun execute-touch (context-nr inst) (let* Hontext (get-context context-nr)) (ref (second inst))) (if (equal (get-slot ref context) c-fut) ,back-up 'continueM sends away for a new object (defun execute-new (context-nr inst) (let* context (get-context context-nr)) (class-name (caddr inst)) (dest (cadr inst)) (size (get-slot (cadddr inst) context))) (if (eq class-name array) (progn (set-slot dest context new-array (context-node context) size) 'continue) (progn (set-slot dest context c-fut) (cst-new class-name context-nr dest size) ,suspend)))) creates a onstitutent of a distributed object (defun execute-newco (context-nr inst) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (slot cadr inst)) (args (mapcar (I ambda x) (get-slot x context)) (cddr inst))) (object (get-object (ref-id (context-receiver context)))) (class (object-class object)) (did (object-did object)) (msg (new-msg (car args) Inewco class did (append (cdr args) (list context-nr slot))))) (set-slot slot context c-fut) (send-msg msg) 'continue)) (defun execute-jump (context-nr inst) Uet* Hopcode (car inst))) (case opcode (falsejump (if (eq (get-slot (cadr inst) (get-context context-nr)) 'false) (do-jump context-nr (caddr inst)) 'continue)) (jump (do-jump context-nr (adr inst)))))) (defun do-jump (context-nr target) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (code (block-insts (context-code context)))) (set-context-ip context (find-jump-target code target 0)) 'continue)) (defun find-jump-target (code target nr) (if code Uet* Ustat (car code) (type (car stat))) (if (and (eq type label) (= (cadr stat) target)) nr (find-jump-target (cdr code) target nr does a primop or sends a message (defun execute-send (context-nr inst) (let* Hopcode (first inst)) (context (get-context context-nr)) (operation (let ((oper (third inst))) (if (syinbolp oper) oper (get-slot oper (get-context context-nr))))) (rargs (cdddr inst)) (reply-to (case opcode ((send csend) (cons context-nr (second inst))) (forward (get-slot (second inst) cntext))))) (basic-send opcode context-nr operation rargs reply-to))) if the operation is primitive, and continue otherwise, actually do a message send (defun basic-send (opcode context-nr operation rargs reply-to) (let* ((context (get-context context-nr)) (all-args (mapcar #,(lambda x) (get-slot x context)) rargs)) (node (context-node context)) (dest (cdr reply-to) (op (is-primitive operation all-args))) (if (member 'c-fut all-args) ,back-up (if (and op (equal (car reply-to) context-nr)) (progn (set-slot dest context (apply op all-args)) 'continue) (progn (cst-send node (car all-args) operation (cdr all-args) (car reply-to) (cdr reply-to)) 277 (ivar (object-ivar (get-object (ref-id (context-receiver context))) index)) ((arg var temp) (let ((n (compute-slot slot context)) (context-slot context nM (block slot) (global (get-global index)) (const index))) (case slot (self (context-receiver context)). (group (object-did (get-object (ref-id (context-receiver context))))) (requester (cons (context-reply-context context) (context-reply-slot context)))))) sets a slot (defun set-slot (slot context value) (let ((type (car lot)) (index (cadr slot))) (case type ((arg var temp) (let ((n (compute-slot slot context))) (set-context-slot context n value))) (ivar (set-object-ivar (get-object (ref-id (context-receiver context))) index value)) (global (set-global index value)) P O 10) ;; do nothing if it's nil (otherwise (cst-error -&Slot error -SI slot))))) - temporary hack to implement globals need to generate code to send and receive (defun set-global (name value) (let* ((cell (assoc name *globals*))) (if cell (rplacd (cdr cell) value) (cst-error -&unknown global -SI name)))) (defun get-global (name) (let* Hcell (assoc name *globals*)I) (if cell (cddr cell) (cst-error -unknown global -SI name)))) (defun fetch-instruction (context-nr) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (ip (context-ip ontext)) (inst (blocking ip (context-code context)))) (set-context-ip context 1 ip)) inst)) (defun next-instruction (context) (let (ip (context-ip context))) (blocking ip (context-code ontext)))) (defun back-up-context (context-nr) (let* (context (get-context context-nr)) (ip (context-ip context))) (set-context-ip context (- ip 1)))) resumes a suspended context (defun resume-context (context-nr) (advance-context context-nr)) (defun init-nodes () (setq *step-queue* (make-queue)) (setq *nodes* (make-array *nr-nodes*)) (dotimes (x *nr-nodes*) (setf (aref *nodes* x) (make-node)))) (defun is-node (node) (node-p node)) (defun random-node (random *nr-nodes*)) (defun print-node (node-nr) (case opcode (send (set-slot dest context Ic-fut) suspend) (csend (set-slot dest context Ic-fut) 'continue) (forward 'continue)))M) (defun execute-move (context-nr inst) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (dest (second inst)) (src (third inst))) (set-slot dest context (get-slot src context)) 'continue)) Reply sends the result and exits the context (defun execute-reply (context-nr inst) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (reply-context (context-reply-context ontext)) (reply-slot (context-reply-slot context)) (value (get-slot (cadr inst) context))) (if reply-context (case reply-context (console (cst-display value)) (otherwise (when reply-slot (reply-to-context reply-context reply-slot value))))) ,dispose)) Return sends the result and continues to run in the context (defun execute-return (context-nr inst) Uet* Ucontext (get-context context-nr)) (reply-context (context-reply-context context)) (reply-slot (ontext-reply-slot context)) (value (get-slot (cadr inst) cntext))) (if reply-context (case reply-context (console (cst-display value)) (otherwise (when reply-slot (reply-to-context reply-context reply-slot value))))) 'continue)) (defun execute-reply-console (context-nr inst) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (value (get-slot (cadr inst) ontext))) (cst-display value) ,dispose)) (defun execute-echo-console (context-nr inst) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (val-list (loop for val in (rest inst) collecting (get-slot val context)))) (cst-display-list val-list)) 'continue) returns a numerical offset into a context's arg/var list (defun compute-slot (slot context) (let ((type (car slot)) (index (adr slot)) (code (context-code context))) (case type (var (+ index 2 (block-nr-args code))) (arg index) (temp (+ index 2 (block-nr-args code) (block-nr-vars odeM (otherwise (cst-error -Slot must be temp, var, or arg: -SI slot))M gets a slot e.g., (ivar 0) fix const and global (defun get-slot (slot context) (if (listp slot) (let ((type (car lot)) (index (cadr slot))) (case type 278 (let ((node (get-node node-nr))) (format *standard-output* '-&NODE -S QUEUE -S OBJECTS -S CONTEXTS -S' node-nr (node-queue node) (node-objects node) (node-contexts node)))) (defun init-contexts () (setf *contexts* (make-array *init-nr-contexts* :adjustable t)) (setf *nr-contexts* *init-nr-contexts*) (setf *next-context* (setf *free-contexts* (make-stack)) (setf *context-state-resource* (make-array-resourceM (defun initial-context (nr-slots) (get-array *context-state-resource* nr-slots)) (defun context-nr (context) (nth 1 context)) (defun context-node (context) (nth 2 context)) (defun context-code (context) (nth 3 context)) (defun context-ip (context) (nth 4 context)) (defun set-context-ip (context x) (setf (nth 4 context) x)) (defun context-state (context) (nth 5 context)) (defun context-receiver (context) (nth 6 context)) (defun context-slot (context n) (aref (context-state context) n)) (defun set-context-slot (context n x) (setf (aref (context-state context) n) x)) (defun context-reply-context (context) (context-slot context (block-nr-args (context-code context)))) (defun set-context-reply-context (context x) (set-oontext-slot context (block-nr-args (context-code context)) x)) (defun context-reply-slot (context) (context-slot context ( 1 (block-nr-args (context-code context))))) (defun set-context-reply-slot (context x) (set-context-slot context ( 1 (block-nr-args (context-code context))) x)) (defun get-context (context-nr) (aref *contexts*'context-nr)) (defun context-to-node (context-nr) (context-node (get-context context-nr))) (defun find-context (c-nr clist) (loop for context in -list until = -nr (context-nr context)) finally (return context))) (defun live-contexts (loop for index from below (length *contexts*) when (aref *contexts* index) collect (aref *contexts* index))) (defun context-method (context) (block-method (block-id (context-code contextM) A block identifier abstraction a block id is (block blksymbol) (defun make-blkid (gensym -BLOCK-)) (defun blkid-get-id (blkid) (cadr blkid)) (defun is-blkid (id) (equal (car id) block)) (defun block-method (blkid) (loop for method in *methods* when (eq (caddr method) blkid) return method)) (defvar *blocks* 1() 'Icode blocks') (defun get-block (block-tag) (assoc block-tag *blocks*)) (defun block-id (block) (car block)) (defun block-nr-args (block) (cadr block)) (defun block-nr-vars (block) (caddr block)) (defun block-nr-temps (block) (cadddr block)) (defun block-insts (block) (nth 4 block)) (defun blocking (n block) (nth n (block-insts block))) returns the code (defun method-lookup (selector class-name) (let method (method-lookupl selector class-name))) (if (null method) (progn (format *standard-output* '-&message -S not implemented for class -SI selector class-name) M method))) (defun method-lookupl (selector class-name) (let* ((class (get-class class-name))) (if class (let* ((supers (class-supers class)) (methods (class-methods class)) (method (assoc selector methods))) (if method (get-block (caddr mthod)) (if (or (not (listp supers)) (eq class-name object.) ('eq class-name nil)) (method-lookupl selector (car supers)))))))) (defvar *classes* 1() 'Class Structure and mthods') (defun get-class (class-name) (let ((class (assoc class-name *classes*))) (if class class (cst-error -Undefined Class -SI class-nameM) (defun class-name (class) (car class)) (defun class-supers (class) (cadr class)) (defun class-vars (class) (caddr class)) (defun class-methods (class) (cadddr class)) (defun class-dist cass) (fifth class)) (defvar *objects* nil) (defun get-object (id) (aref *objects* id)) (defun object-id (obj) (second obj)) (defun object-did (obj) (third obj)) (defun set-object-did (obj x) (setf (third obj) x)) 279 (defun object-node (obj) (fourth obj)) (defun object-class (obj) (fifth obj)) (defun object-state (obj) (sixth obj)) (defun object-ivar (obj n) (nth n (object-state obj))) (defun set-object-ivar (obj n x) (setf (nth n (object-state obj)) x)) (defun is-object (obj) (eq (car obj) object)) (defun is-id (ref) (and (listp ref) (eq (car ref) id))) (defun is-did (ref) (and (listp ref) (eq (car ref) did))) (defun is-co (ref) (and (listp ref) (eq (car ref) 'co))) (defun is-block (ref) (and (listp ref) (eq (car ref) block))) (defun ref-id (ref) (cadr ref)) (defun cst-error (string &rest args) (apply #,format *standard-output* string args) nil) (defun cst-display-list (alist) (format *standard-output* -&-3D I *step-nr*) (loop for val in alist do (st-display-1 val))) (defun cst-display (value) (format *standard-output* -&-3D I *step-nr*) (cst-display-l.value)) (defun cst-display-1 (value) (cond ((listp value) (let ((type (car value)) (index (cadr value))) (case type (id (format *standard-output* I -I (get-object index))) (otherwise (format *standard-output* I -SI value))))) ((arrayp value) (display-array value)) (t (format *standard-output* -SI value)))) (defun display-array (value) (let ((y nil)) (dotimes (x (length value)) (setq y (cons (aref value x) y))) (format *standard-output* I -SI (reverse y)))) statistics functions (defvar *log-list* 1() 'Log of Messages') log all messages this step (defun log-step (push (list *step-nr* (copy-list (queue-list *step-queue*))) *log-list*)) (defvar *trace-list* I 'Messages we've recorded') record traced messages'this step (defun record-traced-selectors (traced) (let ((new-msgs (selectively-copy-traced traced (queue-list *step-queue*)))) (when new-msgs (push (list *step-nr* new-msgs) *trace-list*)))) Filter out the traced selectors (defun selectively-copy-traced (sel-list msglist) (loop for msg in msglist when (member (msg-selector msg) sel-list) collect msg into result finally (return rsult))) (defvar *nr-msgs-received* 0 'Number of msgs received in the current time step') (defvar *nr-insts-executed* 0 'Insts executed, current time step') (defvar *nr-icodes-executed* 0 'Icodes, current time step') (defvar *nr-blocks-loaded* 0 'Number of Method Cache misses, current time step, (defun profile-step (push (make-profile-frame *step-nr* (queue-length *step-queue*) *nr-:msgs-received* *nr-insts-executed* *nr-icodes-executed* *nr-blocks-loaded* (avg-queue-length) (total-message-length)) *ptofile-list*) (setf *nr-insts-executed* 0) (setf *nr-icodes-executed* 0) (setf *nr-blocks-loaded* 0) (setf *nr-msgs-received* 0)) (defun make-profile-frame (time-step msgs-new msgs-done insts-exec icodes-exec blocks-loaded avg-q-length msgs-words) (list time-step msgs-new msgs-done insts-exec icodes-exec blocks-loaded avg-q-length msgs-words)) (defun record-message-queue-data (push (cons *step-nr* (loop for index from below *nr-nodes* with mqlen = unless (zerop (setf mqlen (loop for message in (queue-list (node-queue (get-node index))) sum (msg-length message)))) collect (list index mqlen))) *message-queue-trace*)) (defun avg-queue-length (let ((tql 0)) (dotimes (x *nr-nodes*) (setq tql (+ tql (queue-length (node-queue (get-node x)))))) tql *nr-nodes*))) (defun total-message-length (reduce #+ (mapcar #,message-length (queue-list *step-queue*)))) (defun message-length (message) (- (length message) 2) 280 -*- syntax: Common-lisp; Base: 10.; Package: USER CST simulator -- functional version queue stuff (defvar *default-queue-size* 16 'Initial Queue Size,) (defstruct queue (head ) (tail (length ) (data-size *default-queue-size*) (data (make-array *default-queue-size* :adjustable t))) (defun queue-first (queue) (if > (queue-length queue) (aref (queue-data queue) (queue-head'queue)))) (defun queue-empty? (queue) (= (queue-length queue) 0)) (defun queue-list (queue) (if (queue-empty? queue) I (let ((data (queue-data queue)) (head (queue-head queue)) (tail (queue-tail queue))) (if < head tail) (let Hindex head) (list nil) (end-index til)) (queue-list-1 index end-index data list)) (append (let Hindex head) (list nil) (end-index (queue-data-size queue))) (queue-list-1 index end-index list)) (let index ) (list nil) (end-index tail)) '(queue-list-1 index end-index list))))))) (defun queue-list-1 (index end-index data list) (cond ((not < index.end-index)) list) (t (setq list (cons (aref data index) list)) (setq index index)) (queue-list-1 index end-index data list)))) (defun enqueue (queue obj) (let* ((length (queue-length queue)) (old-size (queue-data-size queue)) (big-enough-queue (if < length (1- old-size)) queue (grow-queue queue)))) (enqueue-base big-enough-queue obj))) (defun enqueue-base (queue obj) (let ((old-size (queue-data-size queue))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (queue-head queue) (queue-tail queue) :length (queue-length queue) :data-size (queue-data-size queue) :data (copy-replace-elt obj (queue-tail queue) (queue-data queue)))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (queue-head queue) :tail (mod (queue-tail queue)) old-size) :length (queue-length queue) :data-size (queue-data-size queue) :data (queue-data queue))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (queue-head queue) :tail (queue-tail queue) :length (queue-length queue)) :data-size (queue-d'ata-size queue) :data (queue-data queue))) queue)) (defun grow-queue (queue) (let* ((old-size (queue-data-size queue)) (new-size (* old-size 2) (old-data (queue-data queue)) (new-data (make-array nw-size)) (head (queue-head queue)) (number-elements (queue-length queue))) (setq new-data (copy-over-elts old-data new-data head old-size number-elements)) (setq queue (make-queue :head :tail (queue-tail queue) :length (queue-length queue) :data-size (queue-data-size queue) :data (queue-data queue))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (queue-head queue) :tail number-elements :length (queue-length queue) :data-size (que me-data-size queue) :data. (queue-data queue))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (queue-head queue) :tail (queue-tail queue) :length number-elements :data-size (ueue-data-size queue) :data (queue-data queue))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (queue-head queue) :tail (queue-tail queue) :length (queue-length queue) :data-size (* old-size 2) :data (queue-data queue))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (queue-head queue) :tail (queue-tail queue) :length (queue-length queue) :data-size (queue-data-size queue) :data new-data)))) (defun copy-over-elts (old-data new-data from old-size number-elements) (copy-over-elts-I old-data new-data from old-size number-elements)) (defun copy-over-elts-1 (old-data new-data new-index from old-size number-elements) (cond H>= new-index number-elements) new-data) (t (copy-over-elts-1 old-data (copy-replace-elt (aref old-data (mod from new-index) old-size)) new-index new-data) (1+ new-index) from old-size number-elements)))) (defun dequeue (queue) (let ((elt (aref (queue-data queue) (queue-head queue)))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (mod (queue-head queue)) (queue-data-size queue)) :tail (queue-tail queue) :length (queue-length queue) :data-size (ueue-data-size queue) :data (queue-data queue))) (setq queue (make-queue :head (queue-head queue) :tail (queue-tail queue) :length (1- (queue-length queue)) :data-size (ueue-data-size queue) :data (queue-data queue))) (values elt queue))) code to access a node descriptor node = queue X objects X contexts X method-cache (defstruct node (queue (make-queue)) (objects (make-array 32)) (contexts (make-array 32)) (method-cache (make-array *ethod-cache-size*)) (busy-count 0) (defstruct sg (node nil) ;; a node number (header nil) (selector nil) (receiver nil) (args nil)) ;; a list (defstruct context (nr nil) (node nil) (code nil) (ip nil) (state nil) (receiver nil)) (defstruct block (id nil) 281 (nr-args nil) (nr-vars nil) (nr-temps nil) (insts il)) (defstruct class (name nil) (supers nil) (vars nil) (methods nil) (dist nil)) (defstruct object (id nil) (did nil) (node nil) (class nil) (state nil)) (defun object-ivar (obj n) (nth n (object-state obj))) (defun is-object (obj) (object-p obj)) (defun blocking (n block) (nth n (block-insts block))) (defvar *nodes*) (defvar *contexts*) (defvar *step-queue*) (defvar *step-nr*) (defvar *nr-nodes* 256 'Must also change nrnodes in CST world') (defvar *profile*);profi1ing flag, statistics recorded when true. (defvar *profile-list*) (defvar *log* 1()) message logging enable (defvar *trace* 0 'whether or not we're tracing,)) (defvar *trace-selectors* 1() IList of selectors we're tracing') (defvar *method-cache* t) (defvar *method-cache-size* 10) (defvar *method-cache-trace* 1() 'Switch for method cache tracing') (defvar *method-cache-trace-list* 'Global MC Trace listl) (defvar *meter-message-queues* 'Enable message queue size tracing') (defvar *message-queue-trace* (defvar *blocks* 'Icode blocks') (defvar *classes* 1() 'Class Structure and methods') (defvar *objects*) (defun get-node (node-nr) (aref *nodes* node-nr)) (defun get-block (block-tag) (assoc block-tag *blocks*)) (defun get-class (class-name) (let ((class (assoc class-name *lasses*))) (if class class (cst-error -Undefined Class -SI class-name)))) (defun get-object (id) (aref *objects* id)) (defun sg-argn (n msg) (nth n (msg-args msg))) (defun sg-length (msg) (if (listp (msg-args msg)) ( 4 (length (msg-args msg))) 5)) (defun deliver-msgs () (cond ((queue-empty? *step-queue*) nil) (t (multiple-value-bind (msg new-step-queue) (dequeue *step-queue*) (setq *step-queue* new-step-queue) (let* ((node-nr (msg-node msg)) (node (get-node node-nr)) (q (node-queue nde)) (new-q (enqueue q sg)) (new-node (make-node :queue new-q :objects (node-objects node) :contexts (node-contexts node) :method-cache (node-method-cache node) :busy-count (node-busy-count node)))) (setq *nodes* (copy-replace-elt new-node node-nr *nodes*)))) (deliver-msgs)))) step-nodes walks through the nodes and attempts to run a message on each node (defun step-nodes (when *profile* (profile-step)) (when *log* (log-step)) (when *trace* (record-traced-selectors *trace-splectors*)) (deliver-msgs) (when *meter-message-queues* (record-message-queue-data)) (iteratively-step-nodes 0) (setq *step-nr* 1 *step-nr*M (defun iteratively-step-nodes (x) (if >= x (array-total-size *nodes*)) nil (step-node x) (iteratively-step-nodes 1 x)))) Run until no more work. (defun step-done (if (queue-empty? *step-queue*) (nodes-unemployed? nil)) (defun nodes-unemployed? (i) (cond ((>= i (array-total-size *nodes*)) ((queue-empty? (node-queue (get-node i))) (nodes-unemployed? ( i 1))) (t nilM (defun step-node (node-nr) (let* ((node (get-node node-nr)) (q (node-queue node))) (if (queue-empty? q) nil (multiple-value-bind (msg new-queue) (dequeue q) (setq node (make-node :queue new-queue :objects (node-objects node) :contexts (node-contexts node) :busy-count (node-busy-count node)) :method-ca he (node-method-cache node))) (setq *nodes* (copy-replace-elt node node-nr *nodes*)) (multiple-value-bind (new-nodes new-step-queue) (process-msg msg *nodes* *step-queue*) (setq *nodes* new-nodes *step-queue* new-step-queue)))))) (defun send-msg,(msg) (setq *step-queue* (enqueue *step-queue* msg))) (defun cst-start (init-msg) (send-msg init-msg) (shell-go)) (defun shell-go (cond ((step-done) nil) (t (step-nodes) (shell-go))))) (defun process-msg (msg) (if *Profile* 282 (setq *nr-msgs-received* ( 1 *nr-msgs-received*))) (let (header (msg-header msg))) (case header (send (process-send msg)) (call (process-call msg)) (new (process-new msg)) (newco (process-newco msg)) (reply (process-reply msg))) nil)) new creates a new object on a node new is of the form (new class reply-context reply-slot) or if the object is distributed, a count may be appended for distributed objects, new-co messages are sent in a fanout tree to all constituents. (defun process-new (msg) (let* ((class-name (msg-selector msg)) (reply-context (msg-receiver msg)) (reply-slot (first (msg-args msg))) (dist (class-dist (get-class class-name))) (id (new-object class-name (msg-node msg)))) (if dist (let size (second (msg-args msg)))) (init-distributed-object id size (msg-node msg) reply-context reply-slot)) (reply-to-context reply-context reply-slot id)))) (defun init-distributed-object (id size node reply-context reply-slot) (let* Hsize (if size (min size *nr-nodes*) default-distobj-size*)) (did (new-did node size))) (send-dist-init node id did size node reply-context reply-slot))) (defun send-dist-init (node id did index size root reply-context reply-slot) (let ((msg (make-msg :node node :header send :selector Inewco :receiver id :args (list index size root reply-context reply-slot))) (object (get-object (ref-id id)))) (setq *objects* (copy-replace-elt (make-object :id (object-id object) :did did :node (object-node object) :class (object-class object) :state (object-state object) :ivar (object-ivar object)) (ref-id id) *objects*)) (send-msg msg))) the newco message is a hack to allow distributed object to be created. (defun process-newco (msg) (let* ((class-name (msg-selector msg)) (did (msg-receiver sg)) (index (first (msg-args msg))) (size (second (msg-args msg))) (root (third (msg-args msg))) (reply-context (fourth (msg-args msg))) (reply-slot (fifth (sg-args msg))) (id (new-object class-name (msg-node msg)))) (send-dist-init (msg-node sg) id did index size root reply-context rply-slot))) on a reply, stuff data into slot and resume context message is (reply context-nr slot-nr data) if value is a value, must allocate copy (defun process-reply (msg) (let* Hcontext-nr (msg-selector msg)) (slot (msg-receiver msg)) (data (first (msg-args msg))) (context (get-context context-nr))) (if context (progn (set-slot slot context data) (resume-context context-nrM)) code to send a reply (defun reply-to-context (context-nr slot value) (let (msg (make-msg :node (context-to-node context-nr) :header reply :selector context-nr :receiver slot :args (list value)))) (send-msg msg))) ;;; handle did receiver send creates a new context and executes the first statement if receiver is not atomic, look up class ids are referred to like (id 3 to distinguish them from the integer 3. (defun process-send (msg) (let* Hreceiver (msg-receiver msg)) (node (msg-node msg))) (cond His-did receiver) (let* (id (did-on-node receiver node))) (if id (process-normal-send msg id) (forward-did-message node msg receiver)))) ((is-co receiver) (let ((id (did-on-node (did (second receiver)) node))) (process-normal-send msg id))) ((is-block receiver) (process-block-send msg)) (t (process-normal-send msg receiver))))) (defun process-normal-send (msg receiver) (let* Hselector (msg-selector msg)) (args (msg-args msg))) (if (is-id receiver) (let* ((id (second receiver)) (obj (get-object id) (class-name (object-class obj))' (code (method-lookup selector class-name))) (start-code code sg receiver args)) (let* ((class-name (cond ((integers receiver) integer) ((floatp receiver) float) ((symbolp receiver) symbolM (code (method-lookup selector class-name))) (start-code code sg receiver args))))) (defun forward-did-message (node msg receiver) (setq sg (make-msg :node (id-to-node receiver) :header (msg-header msg) :selector (msg-selector msg) :receiver (msg-receiver msg) :args (sg-args sg))) (send-msg msg)) (defun process-block-send (sg) (let ((block (get-block (blkid-get-id (sg-receiver msg)))) (selector (msg-selector msg)) (args (sg-args msg))) (if (eq selector value) (start-code block msg nil args) (cst-error 0&Block message other than value -So msg)))) (defun start-code (code msg receiver args) (if code (let ((nr-args (block-nr-args cde))) (cond ((= (+ nr-args 2) (length args)) (start-method (msg-node msg) code receiver args)) (t (progn (cst-error -&Wrong number of arguments in -SI msg) (cst-error -&-S actuals, to match -S formals, args nr-args))))))) create a context, copy args. from message, execute to first send (defun start-method (node code receiver args) (let ((context-nr (ref-id (new-context node code receiverM) (copy-args args context-nr) (advance-context context-nrM (defun copy-args (args context-nr) (let ((context (get-context context-nr))) (let (arg nil) (i 0)) (copy-args-1 arg args i context)))) (defun copy-args-1 (arg args i context) (cond ((null args) nil) (t (setq arg (car args)) 283 (multiple-value-bind (value new-context) (set-context-slot context i arg) (setq context new-context)) (setq args (dr args)) (setq i 1 i)) (copy-args-1 arg args i ontext)))) advances context over next action (defun advance-context (context-nr) (let next 6xecute-instruction context-nrM (when *profile* (setq *nr-icodes-executed* (1+ *nr-icodes-executed*M (when *method-cache* (let* ((node-nr (context-node (get-context context-nr))) (node (get-node node-nr)) (block (context-code (get-context context-nr)))) (when *method-cache-trace* (let ((prev (first *ethod-cache-trace-list*))) (if (not (and (equal (first prev) *step-nr*) (equal (second prev) node-nrM (setq *method-cache-trace-list* (cons (list *step-nr* node-nr (block-id block) (length (block-insts block))) *method-cache-trace-list*)M) (when (not (method-cache-present-p block (node-method-cache node))) (progn (setq *nr-blocks-loaded* (1+ *nr-blocks-loaded*)) (method-cache-insert block (node-method-cache node)))))) (case next (suspend nil) (back-up (back-up-context context-nr)) (continue (advance-context context-nr)) (dispose (remove-context context-nr)) (otherwise (cst-error -&Illegal value in advance context:-SO next))))) other opcodes (defun. execute-instruction (context-nr) (let* Hinst (fetch-instruction context-nr)) (opcode (car inst))) (if *Profile* (setq *nr-insts-executed* (+ (- (length inst) 1) *nr-insts-executed*M (execute-instruction-1 inst opcode context-nr))) (defun. execute-instruction-1 (inst opcode context-nr) (case opcode (move (execute-move context-nr inst)) ((send csend forward) context-nr inst)) ((falsejump jump) (execute-jump context-nr inst)) (label 'continue) ((reply reply-x) (execute-reply context-nr inst)) Hreturn return-x) (execute-return context-nr inst)) ;; implement return icodes (reply-console (execute-reply-console context-nr inst)) (echo-console (execute-echo-console context-nr inst)) (newco (execute-newco context-nr inst)) (new (execute-new context-nr inst)) (touch (execute-touch context-nr inst)) (suspend ,suspend) (exit ,dispose))) (defun. execute-touch (context-nr inst) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (ref (second inst))) (if (equal (get-slot ref context) c-fut) ,back-up 'continueM ;;; sends away for a new object (defun execute-new (context-nr inst) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (class-name (caddr inst)) (dest (cadr inst)) (size (get-slot (cadddr inst) context))) (if (eq class-name array) (progn (set-slot dest context new-array (context-node context) size) 'continue) (progn (set-slot dest context c-fut) (cst-new class-name context-nr dest size) I suspend) ) ) ) creates a constitutent of a distributed object (defun execute-newco (context-nr inst) (let* context (get-context context-nr)) (slot (cadr inst)) (args (mapcar #,(lambda (x) (get-slot x context)) (cddr inst))) (object (get-object (ref-id (context-receiver contextM) (class (object-class object)) (did (object-did object)) (MSg (make-msg :node (car args) :header Inewco :selector class :receiver did :args (append (cdr args) (list context-nr slot))))) (set-slot slot context Ic-fut) (send-msg msg) 'continue)) (defun execute-jump (context-nr inst) (let* Hopcode (car inst))) (case opcode (falsejump (if (eq (get-slot (cadr inst) (get-context context-nr)) 'false) (do-jump context-nr (caddr inst)) 'continue)) (jump (do-jump context-nr (cadr inst)))))) (defun do-jump (ontext-nr target) (let* ((context (get-context context-nr)) (code (block-insts (context-code context)))) (setq *contexts* (copy-replace-elt (make-context :nr (context-nr context) :node (context-node context) :code (context-code context) :ip (find-jump-target code target :state (context-state context) :receiver (context-receiver context)) context-nr *contexts*)) 'continue)) (defun find-jump-target (code target nr) (if code (let* Hstat (car code)) (type (car stat))) (if (and (eq type label) = cadr stat) target)) nr (find-jump-target (dr code) target (+ nr 1)))))) does a primop or sends a message (defun execute-send (context-nr inst) (let* (opcode (first inst)) (context (get-context context-nr)) (operation (let (oper (third inst))) (if (symbolp oper) oper (get-slot oper (get-context context-nr))))) (rargs (cdddr inst)) (reply-to (case opcode Hsend csend) (cons context-nr (second inst))) (forward (get-slot (second inst) context))))) (basic-send opcode context-nr operation rargs rply-to))) 284 if the operation is primitive, do it and continue otherwise, actually do a message send (defun basic-send (opcode context-nr operation rargs reply-to) Uet.* context (get-context context-nr)) (all-args (mapcar (lambda (x) (get-slot x context)) rargs)) (node'(context-node context)) (dest (cdr reply-to)) (op (is-primitive operation all-args))) (if ember c-fut all-args) ,back-up (if (and op (equal (car reply-to) context-nr)) (progn (set-slot dest context (apply op, all-args)) 'continue) (progn (cst-send node (car all-args) operation (cdr all-args) (car reply-to) (dr reply-to)) (case opcode (send (set-slot dest context c-fut) ,suspend) (csend (set-slot dest context c-fut) 'continue) (forward continue)MM (defun execute-move (context-nr inst) Uet* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (dest (second inst)) (src tird inst))) (set-slot dest context (get-slot src context)) 'continue)) Reply sends the result and exits the context (defun execute-reply (context-nr inst) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (reply-context (context-reply-context context)) (reply-slot (context-reply-slot ontext)) (value (get-slot (cadr inst.) ontext))) (if reply-context (case reply-context (console (cst-display value)) (otherwise (when reply-slot (reply-to-context reply-context reply-slot value))M ,dispose)) Return sends the result and continues to run in the context (defun execute-return (context-nr inst) (let* context (get-context context-nr)) (reply-context (context-reply-context ontext)) (reply-slot (context-reply-slot context)) (value (get-slot (cadr inst) context))) (if reply-context (case reply-context (console (cst-display value)) (otherwise (when reply-slot (reply-to-context reply-context reply-slot value))))) 'continue)) (defun execute-reply-console (context-nr inst) (let* context (get-context context-nr)) (value (get-slot (adr inst) context))) (cst-display value) ,dispose)) (defun execute-echo-console (context-nr inst) (let* ((context (get-context context-nr)) (val-list (let (val nil)) (execute-echo-console-1 val (rest inst) context)))) (cst-display-list val-list)) 'continue) (defun execute-echo-console-1 (val vals context) (cond Hnull vals) nil) (t (setq val (car vals)) (setq vals (cdr vals)) (cons (get-slot val context) (execute-echo-console-1 val vals context))M returns a numerical offset into a context's arg/var list (defun compute-slot (slot context) (let ((type (car slot)) (index (cadr slot)) (code (context-code ontext))) (case type (var (+ index 2 (block-nr-args cde))) (arg index) (temp (+ index 2 (block-nr-args code) (block-nr-vars ode))) (otherwise (ost-error -Slot must be temp, var; or arg: -S. slot))))) gets a slot e.g., (ivar 0) fix const and global (defun get-slot (slot context) (if (listp slot) (let ((type (car slot)) (index (cadr slot))) (case type (ivar (object-ivar (get-object (ref-id (context-receiver context))) index)) ((arg var temp) (let ((n (compute-slot slot context)) (context-slot context n)))) (block slot) (global (get-global index)) (const index))) (case slot (self (context-receiver ontext)) (group (object-did (get-object (ref-id (context-receiver ontext))))) (requester (cons (context-reply-context context) (context-reply-slot context)))))) sets a slot (defun set-slot (slot context value) (let ((type (car slot)) (index (cadr slot))) (case type ((arg var temp) (let ((n (compute-slot slot ontext))) (multiple-value-bind (value new-context) (set-context-slot context n value) valueM (ivar (let* Hid (ref-id (context-receiver context))) (object (get-object id))) (setq *objects* (copy-replace-elt (make-object :id (object-id object) :did (object-did object) :node (object-node object) :class (object-class object) :state (replace-nth index (object-state object) value)) id *objects*)) value)) (global (set-global index value)) (I IM do nothing if it's nil (otherwise (cst-error -Slot error -S, slot))))) (defun replace-nth (n list value) (cond ((null list) nil) ((= n 0) 285 (cons value (cdr list))) (t (cons (car list) (replace-nth (1- n) (cdr list) value)M) - temporary hack to mplement globals need to generate code to send and receive (defun. set-global (name value) (let* ((cell. (assoc name *globals*))) (if cell (setq gloats (replace-global name (cons (car cell) value) *globals*)) (cst-error -&unknown global -SI name)))) (defun replace-global (name cell globals) (cond ((null globals) nil) ((eql name (car (car globals))) (cons (cons name cell) (cdr globals))) (t (cons (car globals) (replace-global name cell (cdr globals)))))) (defun get-global (name) Uet* cell (assoc name *globals*))) (if cell (cddr cell) (cst-error -&unknown. global -I name)))) (defun fetch-instruction (context-nr) Uet* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (ip (context-ip context)) (inst (blocking ip (context-code ontext)))) (setq *contexts* (copy-replace-elt (make-context :nr (context-nr context) :node (context-node context) :code (context-code context) :ip (+ p) :state (context-state context) :receiver (context-receiver context)) context-nr *contexts*)) inst)) (defun. next-instruction (context) (let ((ip (context-ip context))) (blocking ip (context-code context)))) (defun. back-up-context (context-nr) (let* Hcontext (get-context context-nr)) (ip, (context-ip context)) (new-ip (- ip 1))) (setq *contexts* (copy-replace-elt (make-context :nr (context-nr context) :node (context-node context) :code (context-code context) :ip new-ip :state (context-state context) :receiver (context-receiver ontext)) context-nr *contexts*)) new-ip)) resumes a suspended context (defun. resume-context (context-nr) (advance-context context-nr)) (defun. init-nodes (setq *step-queue* (make-queue)) (setq *nodes* (make-array *nr-nodes*)) (let Hx 0)) (init-nodes-1 x *nr-nodes*))) (defun init-nodes-1 (x n) (cond ((not < x n)) nil) (t (setq *nodes* (copy-replace-elt (make-node) x *nodes*)) (setq x 1 x)) (init-nodes-1 x n)))) (defun is-node (node) (node-p node)) (defun random-node (random *nr-nodes*)) (defun print-node (node-nr) (let ((node (get-node node-nrM (format *standard-output* '-&NODE -S QUEUE -S OBJECTS -S CONTEXTS -I node-nr (node-queue node) (node-objects node) (node-contexts node)))) (defun init-contexts () (setf *contexts* (make-array *init-nr-contexts* :adjustable t)) (setf *nr-contexts* *init.-nr-context,s*) (setf *next-context* (setf *free-contexts* (make-stack)) (setf *context-state-resource* (make-array-resource))) (defun. initial-context (nr-slots) (get-array *context-state-resource* nr-slots)) (defun context-slot (context n) (aref (context-state context) n)) (defun set-context-slot (context n x) (let ((new-context (make-context :nr (context-nr context) :node (context-node context) :code (context-code context) :ip (context-ip context) :state (copy-replace-elt x n (context-state context)) :receiver (context-receiver contextM) (setq *contexts* (copy-replace-elt new-context (context-nr context) *contexts*)) (values x new-context))) (defun context-reply-context (context) (context-slot context (block-nr-args (context-code ontext)))) (defun set-context-reply-context (context x) (set-context-slot context (block-nr-args (context-code context)) x)) (defun context-reply-slot (context) (context-slot context ( 1 (block-nr-args (context-code context))))) (defun set-context-reply-slot (context x) (set-context-slot context ( 1 (block-nr-args (context-code context))) x)) (defun get-context (context-nr) (aref *ontexts* context-nr)) (defun context-to-node (context-nr) (context-node (get-context context-nr))) (defun find-context cnr clist) (let Hcontext nil)) (find-context-1 context c-nr c-list))) (defun find-context-1 (context c-nr clist) (cond (null clist) context) (t (setq context (car clist)) (cond = c-nr (context-nr context)) context) (t. (setq clist (r clist)) (find-context-1 context -nr c-list)))))) (defun live-contexts (let index (limit (length *contexts*))) (live-contexts-1 index limit))) (defun live-contexts-1 (index limit) (cond not < index limit)) nil) (t (setq index index)) (let ((rest-live-contexts (live-contexts-1 index limit))) (if (aref *contexts* index) 286 (cons (aref *contexts* index) rest-live-contexts) rest-live-contexts))))) (defun context-method (context) (block-method (block-id (context-code contextM) A block identifier abstraction a block id is (block blksymbol) (defun make-blkid. (gensym -BLOCK-)) (defun lkid-get-id (blkid) (cadr blkid)) (defun is-blkid (id) (equal (car id) block)) (defun block-method (blkid) (let Hmethod nil) (.methods *methods*)) (block-method-1 method methods blkid))) (defun block-method-1 (method methods blkid) (cond ((null methods) nil) (t,(setq method (car methods)) (setq methods (cdr methods)) (if (eq (caddr method) blkid) method (block-method-1 method methods blkid))))) returns the code (defun method-lookup (selector class-name) (let ((method (method-lookupl selector class-name))) (if (null.method) (progn (format *standard-output* '-&message -S not implemented for class -SI selector class-name) M method))) (defun. method-lookupl (selector class-name) (let* ((class (get-class class-name))) (if class (let* ((supers (class-supers class)) (methods (class-methods class)) (method (assoc selector methodsM (if method (get-block (addr method)) (if (or (not (listp supers)) (eq class-name object) (eq class-name nil)) U (method-lookupl selector (car supers)))))))) (defun is-id (ref) (and (listp ref) (eq (car ref) id))) (defun is-did (ref) (and (listp ref) (eq (car ref) did))) (defun is-co (ref) (and (listp ref) (eq (car ref) 'co))) (defun is-block (ref) (and (listp ref) (eq (car ref) block))) (defun ref-id (ref) (cadr ref)) (defun cst-error (string &rest args) (apply 4format *standard-output* string args) nil) (defun cst-display-list (alist) (format *standard-output* -&-3D I *step-nr*) (let ((val nil)) (cst-display-list-1 val alist))) (defun. cst-display-list-1 (val alist) (cond ((null alist) nil) t (setq val (car alist)) (setq alist (cdr alist)) (cst-display-1 val) (ost-display-list-1 val alist)))) (defun cst-display (value) (format *standard-output* -&-3D I *step-nr*) (cst-display-1 vlue)) (defun cst-display-1 (value) (cond ((listp value) (let ((type (car value)) (index (cadr value))) (case type (id (format *standard-output* I -SI (get-object index))) (otherwise (format *standard-output* I -SI value))))) ((arrayp value) (display-array value)) (t (format *standard-output* I -I value)))) (defun display-array (value) (let ((y nil) (x 0) (limit (length value))) (setq y (display-array-1 x limit y value)) (format *standard-output* I -SI (reverse y)))) (defun display-array-1 x limit y value) (cond Hnot < x limit)) Y) (t (setq y (cons (aref value x) y)) (setq x 1 x)) (display-array-1 x limit y value)))) statistics functions (defvar *log-list* 1() $Log of Messages') log all messages this step (defun log-step (setq *log-list* (cons (list *step-nr* (copy-list (queue-list *step-queue*))) *log-list*))) (defvar *trace-list* 0 'Messages we've recorded') record traced messages this step (defun record-traced-selectors (traced) (let ((new-msgs (selectively-copy-traced traced (queue-list *step-queue*)))) (when new-msgs (setq *trace-list* (cons (list *step-nr* new-msgs) *trace-list*))))) Filter out the traced selectors (defun selectively-copy-traced (sel-list msglist) (let ((msg nil)) (selectively-copy-traced-1 msg sel-list msglist))) (defun selectively-copy-traced-1 (sg sel-list msglist) (cond ((null msglist) nil) (t (setq msg (car msglist)) (setq msglist (cdr msglist)) (let ((rest-of-result (selectively-copy-traced-1 msg sel-list msglist))) (if (member (msg-selector msg) sel-list) (cons msg rest-of-result) rest-of-result))))) (defvar *nr-msgs-received* 0 'Number of msgs received in the current time step') (defvar *nr-insts-executed* 0 'Insts executed, current time step') (defvar *nr-icodes-executed* 0 'Icodes, current time tep') 287 (defun message-length (message) (if (listp (msg-args mssage)) ( 3 (length (msg-args mssage))) 4)) (defvar *nr-blocks-loaded* 0 'Number of Method Cache misses, current time step' (defun profile-step (setq *profile-list* (cons (make-profile-frame *step-nr* (queue-length *step-queue*) *nr-msgs-received* *nr-insts-executed* *nr-icodes-executed* *nr-blocks-loaded* (avg-- queue-length) (total-message-length)) *Profile-list*)) (setf *nr-insts-executed* 0) (setf *nr-icodes-executed* 0) (setf *nr-blocks-loaded* 0) (setf *nr-msgs-received* 0)) (defun make-profile-frame (time-step msgs-new sgs-done insts-exec icodes-exec blocks-loaded avg-q-length sgs-words) (list time-step msgs-new msgs-done insts-exec icodes-exec blocks-loaded avg-q-length msgs-words)) (defun record-message-queue-data (setq *essage-queue-trace* (cons (cons *step-nr* (let index ) (limit *nr-nodes*) (mqlen 0)) (record-message-queue-data-1 index limit mqlen))) *message-queue-trace*))) (defun record-message-queue-data-1 (index limit mqlen) (cond ((not < index limit)) nil) (t. (setq mqlen (let ((message nil) (messages (queue-list (node-queue (get-node index)))) (sum 0)) (record-message-queue-data-2 message messages sum))) (let (rest-queue-data (record-message-queue-data-1 (1+ index) limit 0))) (if (not (zerop mqlen) ) (cons (list index mqlen) rest-queue-data) rest-queue-data))))) (defun record-message-queue-data-2 (message messages sum) (cond ((null messages) sum) (t (setq message (car messages)) (setq messages.(cdr mssages)) (setq sum sum (msg-length message))) (record-message-queue-data-2 message messages sum)))) (defun avg-queue-length (let (tql 0)) (setq tql (sum-queue-lengths 0 tql)) (/ tql (array-total-size *nodes*)))) (defun sum-queue-lengths (x tq1) (if >= x (array-total-size *nodes*)) tql (sum-queue-lengths (1+ X) (+ tql (queue-length (node-queue (get-node x))))))) (defun total-message-length (let ((sum 0)) (total-message-length-1 sum (mapoar #'message-length (queue-list *tep-queue*))))) (defun total-message-length-1 (sum lengths) (cond ((null lengths) sum) (t (setq sum sum (car lengths))) (setq lengths (cdr lengths)) (total-message-length-1 sum lengths)))) 288 ,kppendix C I e xranarnar nco in e IC e 1 rar This appendix contains the grammar that encodes our cliche' library. It is an extraction of key parts of the grammar rules, showing their graph structure and the documentation asso- ciated with the cliche's they represent. Due to space limitations, non-structural constraints are not included. The syntax of a grammar rule is as follows: (Defrule lhs node type> :RHS-Node-Types :Edge-List :Input-Embedding :Output-Embedding :St-Thrus :L-R-Link :Doc ( . The keywords :RHS-Node-Types and :Edge-List specify the right-hand side flow graph. :RHS-Node-Types describes the rght-hand side nodes. The is a list of pairs of the form ( ), each of which specifies the label of a right-hand side node ad its type. :Edge-List indicates which ports are connected by a directed edge. The is a list of pairs of the form ( . ), where each port specification is of the form ( ). The keywords : Input-Embedding, Output-Embedding, and : St-Thrus specify the embed- ding relation of the rule. The lhs-to-rhs mappings> in the 'input and otput embeddings is a Est of mappings of the form (lhs port specification> [] ). The pair of port specifications describes the correspon- dence between a port on the left-hand side node and a port on a right-hand sde node. The is optional. It can name either a part of a cched ag- gregate data structure or a data overlay. For example, in the rule for CIS-Extract, there is the Ihs-to-rhs mapping ((CIS-Extract 1) (Access-Base 1) Base)'-. This maps the Base part of the CIS aggregate data structure represented by port of the left-hand side node CIS-Extract to port of the right-hand side node Access-Base. An example of a Ihs- to-rhs mapping tat includes a data overlay name is found in a rule for FIFO-Dequeue: ((FIFO-Dequeue 1) (Extract-CIS-First 1) Circnlar-Indexed-Sequence>FIFO). This maps the first ports of the left-hand sde and right-hand side nodes to each other and it specifies that they are related by a data overlay that views a Circular-Indexed-Seqnence as a FIFO queue. Similarly, the lhs-to-lhs mappings> following the :St-Thrus keyword is a Est of mappings of the form lhs input port specif ication> lhs output port specif ication> [] ). Such a mapping specifies that te two left-hand sde ports correspond, i.e., the rule contains a st-thru. The gven with the :L-R-Link keyword describes how te cched operation represented by the left-hand side node is related to the ccll-ed operation(s) rep- resented by the right-hand side node(s). This information is used in annotating the links of a design tree and 'in generating documentation. The explanation fragment associated with a cliche' 'is given in the :Doc keyword, whose value consists of a with slots that are filled in by the . The arguments are in the form of expressions that are evaluated in the context in which the right-hand side of the rule is reduced to the left-hand side during parsing. If a rule as been depicted 'in a figure in the document, then the figure's number is given in a comment preceding the rule. (There is an index of the list of figures following this appendix.) The grammar rules are followed by an alphabetical list of te non-terminal node types and the types of their ports. For example, a node of type ABC, having three ports of type Integer, Symbol, and Queue, respectively, is listed as: (ABC 1:Integer 2:Symbol 3:Queue). The number preceding each node type specifies the page on which the rules for the node type begin. 290 (Defrule SEQUENTIAL-SIMULATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSING-SYSTF24 'Sequential Simulation of Parallel Message-Passing System' :RHS-Node-Types ((SIMULATE-ASYNCHRONOUSLY . EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION)) :Input-Embedding (((SEQUEWIAL-SIMULATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSING-SYSTEM 1) (SIMULATE-ASYNCHRONOUSLY 3) ((SEQUENTIAL-SIMULATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSING-SYSTEM 2) (SIMULATE-ASYNCHRONOUSLY :Output-Embedding (((SEQUENTIAL-SIMULATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSING-SYSTEM 3) (SIMULATE-ASYNCHRONOUSLY 4) :L-R-Link IMPLEM ENT ATION :Doc (,sequentially simulates a parallel message-passing ystem.,)) (Defrule SEQU=IAL-SIMULATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSItTG-SYSTE24 'Sequential Simulation of Parallel Message-Passing System' :RHS-Node-Types ((SIMULATE-SYNCHRONOUSLY SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION)) :Input-Embedding (((SEQUENTIAL-SIMULATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSIIZG-SYSTEM 1) (SIMULATE-SYNCHRONOUSLY 1)) ((SEQUENTIAL-SIMEJLATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSING-SYSTEM 2) (SIMULATE-SYNCHRONOUSLY 2) :Output-Embedding (((SEQUENTIAL-SIMULATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSING-SYSTEM 3) (SIMULATE-SYNCHRONOUSLY 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,sequentially simulates a parallel message-passing system.,)) ;;; Figure 421. (Defrule EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION 'Event-Driven Simulation' :RHS-Node-Types ((INSERT-INITIAL-EVENT . P-INSERT) (GENERATE-EVQ+NODES . GENERATE-EV ENT -QUEUES-AND-NODES) (ED-FINISHED? . CO-EARLIEST-EDS-FINISHED)) :Edge-List (((INSERT-INITIAL-EVENT 3 . (GENERATE-EVQ+NODES 1)) ((GENERATE-EVQ+NODES 4 (ED-FINISHED? 2) ((GENERATE-EVQ+NODES 3 (ED-FINISHED? M :Input-Embedding (((EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION 1) (INSERT-INITIAL-EVENT 1)) ((EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION 2) (INSERT-INITIAL-EVENT 2) ((EVENT-DRTVEN-SIMULATION 3) (GENERATE-EVQ+NODES 2) :Output-Embedding (((EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION 4) (ED-FINISHED? 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,asynchronously simulates a collection of processing nodes - handling messages, using an event-driven algorithm. An - event queue -A of events is maintained. To start, an - initial event -A is inserted in the event-queue. On each - step, an event is pulled off and processed, which may - create new events to be added to the event-queue. - The asynchronous nodes (which represent processing nodes) - are collected in an address-map, called A.- (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION 2)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION 3)))) Figure 421. (Defrule GNERATE-EVENT-QUEUES-AND-NODES 'Generate Event Queues and Nodes, :RHS-Node-Types ((EVENT+NODE-GEN-F . DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-CENERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((GENERATE-EVENT-QUEUES-AND-NODES 1) (EVENT+NODE-GEN-F M ((GENERATE-EVENT-QUEUES-AND-NODES 2 (EVENT+NODE-GEN-F 2) :Output-Embedding (((GENERATE-EVENT-QUEUES-AND-NODES 3 (EVENT+NODE-GEN-F 3) ((GENERATE-EVMTr-QUEUES-AND-NODES 4 (EVENT+NODE-CEN-F 4M :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,generates event queues and address-maps by repeatedly - dequeuing the current event queue and processing the event dequeued. Processing an event causes new events to be added to the event queue and a new address-map to be - created. The initial event queue is -A and the initial address-map is A.-%- The outputs of this operation are 2 series:-%- one is the series of event queues and the other is the series of address-maps created., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (GENERATE-EVENT-QUEUES-AND-NODES 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENERATE-EVENT-QUEUES-AND-NODES 2)))) ;;; Figure 421. (Defrule DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-GENERATION 'Dequeue and Process Generation' :RHS-Node-Types ((DQ-EVENT . PQ-EXTRACT) (PROCESS-THE-EVENT . PROCESS-EVENT)) :Edge-List (((DQ-EvENT 3 (PROCESS-THE-EVENT 2) ((DQ-EVENT 2 (PROCESS-THE-EVENT 1))) :Tnput-Embedding (((DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-GENERATION 1) (DQ-EVENT 1)) ((DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-GENEPATION 2 (PROCBSS-THE-EVENT 3)) :St-Thrus (((DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-CENEPATION 2 (DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-GENERATION 4) ((DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-CENERATION 1) (DEQUEUB-AND-PROCESS-GENERATION 3M :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (Idequeues the event queue -A and processes the event dequeued,-%- using the address-map -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-CENERATION 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (DEQUEUB-AND-PROCESS-GENEPATION 2)))) Figure 422. (Defrule CO-EARLTEST-EDS-FINISHED 'Co-Earliest Event-Driven Simulation Finished, :RHS-Node-Types ((EDS-FINISHED? . CO-ITEPATIVE-EDS-FINISHED)) :Input-Embedding (((CO-EARLIEST-EDS-FINISHED 1) (EDS-FINISHED? 1)) ((CO-EARLIEST-EDS-FINISHED 2 (EDS-FINISHED 2) :Output-Embedding (((CO-EARLIEST-EDS-FINISHED 3 (EDS-FINISHED 3) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc ('takes a sequence of event-queues and a sequence of address-maps and returns the address-map in the sequence of address-maps that -- corresponds to the first empty event-queue in the sequence of -%- event-queues.,)) Figure 422. (Defrule CO-ITERATTVE-EDS-FTNISHED 'Co-Iterative Event-Driven Simulation Finished, :RHS-Node-Types ((TERMINATE-EDS? . PQ-EMPTY)) :Input-Embedding (((CO-ITEPATIVE-EDS-FINISHED 1) (TERMINATE-EDS? 1))) :St-Thrus (((CO-ITERATIVE-EDS-FINISHED 2 (CO-ITERATIVE-EDS-FINISHED 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,terminates the simulation when the current event-queue (-A)-%- is empty, returning the current value of the address-map (-A).-%- The event-queue is mplemented as a Priority Queue.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CO-ITERATIVE-EDS-FINISHED 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CO-ITERATIVE-EDS-FINISHED 2))) Figure 424. (Defrule PROCESS-EVENT 'Process Event' :RHS-Node-Types ((GET-DEST . LOOKUP-DESTINATION) (TIME-UPDATB UPDATE-NODE-TIME) (RECORD-DEST RECORD-AT-DESTINATION) (PROCESS-THE-MSG HANDLE-MESSAGE)) :Edge-List (((CET-DEST 3 (TIME-UPDATE 1)) ((TIME-UPDATE 3 (RECORD-DEST 1)) ((RECORD-DEST 4 (PROCESS-THE-MSG 2) :Input-Embedding (((PROCESS-EVENT 1) (PROCESS-THE-MSG 1) OBJECT) ((PROCESS-EVENT 1) (RECORD-DEST 2) OBJECT) ((PROCESS-EVENT 1) (GET-DEST 2) OBJECT) ((PROCESS-EVENT 1) (TIME-UPDATE 2) TIME) ((PROCESS-EVENT 2 (PROCESS-THE-MSG 3) ((PROCESS-EVENT 3 (RECORD-DEST 3) ((PROCESS-EVENT 3 (GET-DEST 1))) :Output-Embedding (((PROCESS-EVENT 4 (PROCESS-THE-MSG 5)) ((PROCESS-EVENT 5) (PROCESS-THE-MSG 4) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,processes the event -A whose object -A is a Message,-%- using the asynchronous node that is the destination of the message.-%- First the time of this node is updated with respect to the-%- time of the event's object -A. Then the node-%- 2 91 handles the message, creating a new address-map and event queue.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PROCESS-EVENT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PROCESS-EVENT 1) OBJECTH (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PROCESS-EVENT 1) TIME)))) Figure 426. (Defrule UPDATE-NODE-TIME 'Update Node Time' :RHS-Node-Types ((FIND-MAX . MAX)) :Input-Embedding (((UPDATE-NODE-TIME 1) (FIND-MAX ) TIME) ((UPDATE-NODE-TIME 2 (FIND-MAX 2) :Output-Embedding (((UPDATE-NODE-TIME 3 (FIND-MAX 3) TIME)) :St-Tbrus (((UPDATE-NODE-TIME 1) (UPDATE-NODE-TIME 3) MEMORY)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,updates the time of the asynchronous node A-%- to be the maximum of its current time A-%- and the input time -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UPDATE-NODE-TIME 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UPDATE-NODE-TIME 1) TIME)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UPDATE-NODE-TIME 2))) (Defrule LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 'Local Buffer Enqueuel :RHS-Node-Types ((BUFFER-MSO-LOCALLY . FIFO-ENQUEUE)) :Input-Embedding (((LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 1) (BUFFBR-MSC-LOCALLY 1)) ((LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 2 (BUFFER-MSG-LOCALLY 2) LOCAL-BUFFER)) :Output-Bmbedding (((LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 3 (BUFFER-MSG-LOCALLY 3) LOCAL-BUFFER)) :St-Thrus (((LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 2 (LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 3) MEMORY) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (lenqueues the Message -A on the local buffer of the synchronous node -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 2)))) Figure 5-5. (Defrule LOCAL-BUFFER-DQ 'Local Buffer Dequeuel :RHS-Node-Types ((EXTRACT-MSG . FIFO-DEQUEUE)) :Input-Embedding (((LOCAL-BUFFER-DQ 1) (EXTRACT-MSG LOCAL-BUFFER)) :Output-Embedding (((LOCAL-BUFFER-DQ 2 (EXTRACT-MSG 2) ((LOCAL-BUFFER-D 3 (EXTRACT-MSG 3) LOCAL-BUFFER)) :St-Thrus (((LOCAL-BUFFER-DQ 1) (LOCAL-BUFFER-D 3) MEMORY)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (Idequeues the first message (if any) from the local buffer of the Synch-Node -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOCAL-BUFFER-DQ 1))))) (Defrule LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 'Lookup Node, Enqueue Message, and Update Node Map' :RHS-Node-Types ((LOOKUP-DEST-NODE LOOKUP-DESTINATION) (NQ-MSG . LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ) (UPDATE-MAP . RECORD-AT-DESTINATION)) :Edge-List (((LOOKUP-DEST-NODE 3 . (NQ-MSG 2) ((NQ-MSG 3 (UPDATE-MAP 1))) :Input-Embedding (((LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 1) (UPDATE-MAP 2) ((LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 1) (NQ-MSG 1)) ((LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 1) (LOOKUP-DEST-NODE 2) ((LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 2) (UPDATE-MAP 3) ((LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 2) (LOOKUP-DEST-NODE 1))) :Output-Embedding (((LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 3) (UPDATE-MAP CH :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,looks up the synchronous node at the address in the Destination Address part of message -A in the global address-map - -A. It then creates a new node wl the message on the front of the new node's local buffer. The new node is added to the global address-map., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 2))) (Defrule DELIVER-MESSAGE 'Deliver Message' :RHS-Node-Types ((MAKE-DELIVERY . LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE)) :Input-Embedding (((DELIVER-MESSAGE 1) (MAKE-DELIVERY 1)) ((DELIVER-MESSAGE 2 (MAKE-DELIVERY 2) :St-Thrus (((DELIVER-MESSAGE 2 (DELIVER-MESSAGE 3M :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,iteratively delivers the message -A to the node addressed by the-%- message's Destination-Address part., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (DELIVER-MESSAGE 1))))) (Defrule DELIVER-MESSAGE-ACCUMULATE 'Deliver Message Accumulate' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-DELIVERY DELIVER-MESSAGE)) :Input-Embedding (((DELIVER-MESSAGE-ACCUMULATE 1) (THE-DELIVERY 1)) ((DELIVER-MESSAGE-ACCUMULATE 2 (THE-DELIVERY 2) :Output-Embedding (((DELIVER-MESSAGE-ACCUMULATE 3 (THE-DELIVERY 3)) :L-R-Link T4PORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,accumulates the new nodes created by delivering the message in the-%- series from -A into a new address-map -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DELIVER-MESSAGE-ACCUMULATE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DELIVER-MESSAGE-ACCUMULATE 2))) (Defrule ENUMERATE-AND-DELIVER-MESSAGES 'Enumerate and Deliver Messages' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-MESSAGES . DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION) (DELIVER-THE-MESSAGES . DELIVER-MESSAGE-ACCUMULATE)) :Edge-List (((ENUMERATE-MESSAGES 2 . (DELIVER-THE-MESSAGES :Input-Embedding (((ENUMERATE-AND-DELIVER-MESSAGES 1) (ENUMERATE-MESSAGES 1)) ((ENUMERATE-AND-DELTVER-MESSAGES 2 (DELIVER-THE-MESSAGES 2)) :Output-Embedding (((ENUMERATE-AND-DELIVER-MESSAGES ) (DELIVER-THE-MESSArES 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates the messages in the global message buffer -A - and delivers each one to the nodes addressed by the message's Destination Address part. The new nodes created during delivery are accumulated into a global address-map, implemented as a - sequence, whose initial value is A.-%- The new (accumulated) global address-map is returned., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FIRMERATE-AND-DELIVER-MESSAGES 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-AND-DELIVER-MESSAGES 2)))) (Defrule DELIVER-MESSAGES 'Deliver Messages' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-AND-DELIVER . NUMERATE-AND-DELTVER-MESSAGES)) :Input-Embedding (((DELIVER-MESSAGES 1) (ENUMERATE-AND-DELIVER 1)) ((DELIVER-MESSAGE 2 (NUMERATE-AND-DELTVER 2) :Output-Embedding (((DELIVER-MESSAGE 3 (ENUMERATE-AND-DELIVER 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,delivers the messages in the global message buffer -A, creating new nodes, which are accumulated into a global address-map -- whose initial value is -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DELIVER-MESSAGES (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-tP> (DELIVER-MESSAGES 2))) (Defrule LOCAL-BUFFER-EMPTY? 'Local Buffer Fpty Test' :RHS-Node-Types ((CHECK-BUFFER FIFO-EMPTY?)) :Input-Embedding (((LOCAL-BUFFER-EMPTY? 1) (CHECK-BUFFER 1) LOCAL-BUFFER)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,tests whether the local buffer of synchronous node -A is epty.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOCAL-BUFFER-EMPTY? (Defrule LOCAL-BUFFER-NONEMPTY? 'Local Buffer Nonempty Test' :RHS-Node-Types ((CHECK-BUFFER FIFO-EMPTY?)) 292 :Input-Embedding (((LOCAL-BUFFER-NONEMPTY? 1) (CHECK-BUFFER ) LOCAL-BUFFER)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('tests whether the local buffer of synchronous node -A is nonempty.1 (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOCAL-BUFFER-NONEMPTY? (Defrule LOCAL-BUFFERS-ALWAYS-EMPTY? 'Local Buffer Always Empty Test' :RHS-Node-Types ((CONTINUOUS-CHECK . LOCAL-BUFFER-NONEMPTY?)) :Input-Embedding (((LOCAL-BUFFERS-ALWAYS-EMPTY? 1) (CONTINUOUS-CHECK :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,continually checks that each node in the input series of nodes -A has an epty local buffer., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOCAL-BUFFERS-ALWAYS-EMPTY? 1))))) (Defrule ENUM-NODES+CHECK-BUFFERS 'Enumerate Nodes and check Buffers, :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-NODES SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION) (BUFFER-ALWAYS-EMPTY LOCAL-BUFFERS-ALWAYS-EMPTY?)) :Edge-List (((ENUMERATE-NODES 2 (BUFFER-ALWAYS-EMPTY :Input-Embedding (((ENUM-NODES+CHECK-BUFFERS 1) (ENUMERATE-NODES ) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('enumerates the sequence of nodes -A and checks that each node has an empty local buffer., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUM-NODES+CHECK-BUFFERS (Defrule LOCAL-BUFFERS-EMPTY? 'Local Buffers Fznptyl :RHS-Node-Types ((CHECK-ALL-NODE-BUFFERS . ENUM-NODES+CHECK-BUFFERS)) :Input-Embedding (((LOCAL-BUFFERS-EMPTY? 1) (CHECK-ALL-NODE-BUFFERS 1))) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,checks that all nodes in -A have an empty local buffer., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOCAL-BUFFERS-EMPTY? (Defrule GLOBAL-AND-LOCAL-BUFFERS-EMPTY? 'Global and Local Buffers Empty Test' :RHS-Node-Types ((CHECK-LOCAL-NODE-BUFFERS . LOCAL-BUFFERS-EMPTY?) (CHECK-GLOBAL-BUFFER . QUEUE-EMPTY?)) :Input-Embedding (t(GLOBAL-AND-LOCAL-BUFFERS-F24PTY? 1) (CHECK-LOCAL-NODE-BUFFERS 1)) ((GLOBAL-AND-LOCAL-BUFFERS-EMPTY? 2) (CHECK-OLOBAL-BUFFER :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('tests whether the local buffers of the synchronous nodes in are all empty and the global message buffer -A is also empty., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (GLOBAL-AND-LOCAL-BUFFERS-EMPTY? (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DCC-BP> (GLOBAL-AND-LOcAL-BUFFERS-EmPTY 2))) (Defrule SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-FINISHED? 'Synchronous simulation Finished?, :RHS-Node-Types ((CHECK-ALL-BUFFERS . GLOBAL-AND-LOCAL-BUFFERS-Fl4PTY?)) :Input-Embedding (((SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-FINISHED? 1) (CHECK-ALL-BUFFERS 1)) ((SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-FINISHED? 2 (CHECK-ALL-BUFFER 2) :St-Thrus (((SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-FINISHED? 1) (SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-FINISHED? 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('tests whether a synchronous simulation is finished by - testing whether the global buffer and all of the nodes, local buffers are mpty.')) (Defrule EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSACE 'Extract and Handle First Message' :RHS-Node-Types ((HAS-WORK? . LOCAL-BUFFER-NONEMPTY?) (EXTRACT-FIRST-MSG . LOCAL-BUFFER-DQ) (RECORD-WORKING-NODE NEW-TERM) (HANDLE-THE-MESSAGE HANDLE-MESSAGE)) :Edge-List (((EXTRACT-FIRST-MS 2 (HANDLE-THE-MESSAGE 1)) ((EXTRACT-FIRST-MS 3 (RECORD-WORKING-NODE 1)) ((RECORD-WORKING-NODE 4 . (HANDLE-THE-MESSAGE 2) :Input-Embedding (((EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSAGE 1) (EXTRACT-FIRST-MSC 1)) ((EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MtSSAGE 1) (HAS-WORK? 1)) ((EXTRACT-AND-HANDLB-FIRST-MESSAGE 2) (RECORD-WORKING-NODE 2) ((BXTRACT-AND-EAN'DLE-FIRST-MES8AGB 3) (RECORD-WORKINC-NODE 3) ((EXTRACT-AND-BA14DLB-FIRST-MESgAGE 4) (HANDLE-THE-MESSAGE 3)) :Output-Embedding (((EXTRACT-Al4D-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSAr.E 5) (HANDLE-THE-MESSAGE 4) ((EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSAGE 6) (HANDLE-THE-MESSAGE 5))) :St-Thrus (((EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSAGE 4) (EXTRACT-AND-BANDLE-FIRST-MESSAGE 6)) ((EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSAGE 3) (EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSAGE :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,extracts the first message from the local buffer of synchronous node-%- -A if the node has work, i.e., messages queued up. The message is-%- then processed, which may generate new messages. The new messages -- are collected on the message queue., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSAGE 1))))) (Defrule DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 'Do Work Accumulation' :RHS-Node-Types ((EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE . EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE-FIRST-MESSAGE)) :Input-Embedding (((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 1) (TRACT-AND-HANDLE 1)) ((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 2) (EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE 2) ((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATioN 3) (EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE 3) ((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 4) (EXTRACT-AND-HANDLE 4)) :St-Thrus (((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 4) (DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 6) ((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 3) (DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 5))) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION -Doc (,iteratively receives a synchronous node -A, extracts and handles its- first message if it has one in its local buffer, and accumulates the- new messages that this generates in a global message buffer -A. This- also creates new nodes, which are accumulated in an address-map, whose- initial value is -A.. (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAMB> (DOC-BP> (DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 4) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> DWORK-ACCUMULATION 3)))) (Defrule DO-WORK-ACCUMULATE 'Do Work Accumulate- :RHS-Node-Types ((DW-ACCUMULATION . DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION)) :Input-Embedding (((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATE 1) (DW-ACCUMULATION 1)) ((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATE 2) (DW-ACCUMULATION 2)) ((DO-WORK-ACCLTMULATE 3) (DW-ACCUMULATION 3)) ((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATE 4) (DW-ACCUMULATION 4))) :Output-Embedding (((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATE 5) (DW-ACCUMULATION 5)) ((DO-WORK-ACCUMULATE 6) (DW-ACCUMULATION 6))) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,takes a series of nodes and simulates them taking one step ie.,- handling one message a piece from their local buffers). It - accumulates the new nodes that this creates in an address-map, which is given as output. It also accumulates all new messages generated during the node stepping in a global message buffer, which it also produces as output. The initial value of the address-map is -A and of the global message buffer is -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 3)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (OC-BP> (DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 4))) (Defrule POLL-NODES-AND-DO-WORK 'Poll Nodes and Do Work, :RHS-Node-Types ((POLL-NODES . SEQUENCE-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION) (WORK . DO-WORK-ACCUMULATE)) :Edge-List (((POLL-NODES 3 (WORK 2) ((POLL-NODES 2 (WORK 1))) :Input-Embedding (((POLL-NODES-AND-DO-WORK 1) (WORK 3) ((POLL-NODES-AND-DO-WORK 1) (POLL-NODES :Output-Embedding (((POLL-NODES-AND-DO-WORK 2 (WORK 5)) ((POLL-NODES-AND-DO-WOR 3 (WORK 6) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,polls all nodes in -A and for each node that has messages on its local queue, it handles one of the messages., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (POLL-NODES-AND-DO-WORK (Defrule ADVANCE-NODES 'Advance Nodes' :RHS-Node-Types ((STEP-NODES . POLL-NODES-AND-DO-WORK)) 2 93 :Input-Embedding (((ADVANCE-NODES 1) (STEP-NODES 1))) :Output-Embedding (((ADVANCE-NODES 2 (STEP-NODES 2) ((ADVANCE-NODES 3 (STEP-NODEs 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,steps each node in -A that has work by processing message each., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ADVANCE-NODES (Defrule EARLIEST-SIMULATION-FINISHED 'Earliest Simulation Finished, :RHS-Node-Types ((FINISHED-TEST . SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-FINISHED?)) :Input-Embedding (((EARLIEST-SIMULATION-FINISHED 1) (FINISHED-TEST 1)) ((EARLIEST-SIMULATION-FINISHED 2 (FINISHED-TEST 2) :Output-Embedding (((EARLIEST-SIMULATION-FINISHED 3 (FINISHED-TEST 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,takes two input sequences: a sequence of address-maps, - starting with -A, and a sequence of global message buffers, starting with -A. It outputs the first address-map in the input sequence of address-maps that satisfies the predicate that all nodes in the address-map have empty local buffers and the corresponding global message buffer is empty., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EARLIEST-SIMULATION-FINISHED 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EARLIEST-SIMULATION-FINISHED 2))) (Defrule DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 'Generate by Message Delivery and Node Stepping' :RHS-Node-Types ((DELIVER-ALL-MSCS DELIVER-MESSAGES) (STEP-ALL-NODES . ADVANCE-NODES)) :Edge-List (((DELIVER-ALL-MSGS 3 . (STEP-ALL-NODES 1))) :Input-Embedding (((DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 1) (DELIVER-ALL-MSGS 2) ((DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 2) (DELIVER-ALL-MSCS 1))) :St-Thrus (((DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 2) (DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 4)) ((DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 1) (DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 3))) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,generates address-maps and global message buffers by - repeatedly delivering all messages in the global message - buffer -A and advancing the nodes -A by one step each. - This causes more messages to be generated and added to the global message buffer and a new address-map to be created on each iteration. The outputs of this operation are 2 - series: one is the series of address-maps created and the other is the series of global message buffers., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 2)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES (Defrule ENERATE-GLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODES 'Generate Global Message Buffer and Nodes, :RHS-Node-Types ((GEN-BUFFER-AND-NODES . DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES)) :Input-Embedding (((GENERATE-CLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODES 1) (GEN-BUFFER-AND-NODES 1)) ((GENEPATE-CLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODES 2) (GEN-BUFFER-AND-NODE 2) :Output-Embedding (((GENERATE-GLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODES 3) (GEN-BUFFER-AND-NODES 3) ((GENERATE-GLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODE 4) (GEN-BUFFER-AND-NODES 4) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION -Doc (,generates address-maps and global message buffers by - repeatedly delivering all messages in the global message buffer -A and advancing the synchronous nodes in -A by one step each., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (GENERATE-GLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODES 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (GENERATE-CLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODES (Defrule SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-W-CLOBAL-MESSAGE-BUFFER 'Synchronous Simulation using Global Message Buffer, :RHS-Node-Types ((INITIAL-INSERT QUEUE-INSERT) (SIMULATION-STEP GENERATE-GLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODES) (SIMULATION-FINISHED? . ARLIEST-SIMULATION-FINISHED)) :Edge-List MINITIAL-INSERT 3 (SIMULATION-STEP 2) ((SIMULATION-STEP 4 (SIMULATION-FINISHED? 2) ((SIMULATION-STEP 3 (SIMULATION-FINISHED? M :Input-Embedding (((SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-W-CLOBAL-MESSACE-BUFFER 1) (SIMULATION-STEP t(SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-W-GLOBAL-MESSAGE-BUFFER 2 (INITIAL-INSERT :Output-Embedding (((SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-W-CLOBAL-MESSAGE-BUFFER 3) (SIMULATION-FINISHED? :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,iteratively advances each synchronous node in -A by handling one - message a piece. It uses a global message buffer to ensure that - nodes advance in lock-step. The global buffer's initial value is -A. The simulation tarts by adding an initial message -A to -A. The simulation ends when no node has work to do (i.e., no more messages to handle) and the global message buffer -A is empty. As messages are handled, new messages are created which are - buffered on the global message buffer., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-W-GLOBAL-MESSAGE-BUFFER 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INITIAL-INSERT 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-W-GLOBAL-MESSAGE-BUFFER 2M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INITIAL-TUSERT 2)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INITIAL-INSERT 2)))) (Defrule SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION 'Synchronous Simulation using Global Buffer, :RHS-Node-Types ((SIMULATE-W-BUFFER . SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-W-GLOBAL-MESSAGE-BUFFER)) :Input-Embedding (((SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION 1) (SIMULATE-W-BUFFER 1)) ((SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION 2 (SIMULATE-W-BUFFER 2) :Output-Embedding (((SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION 3 (SIMULATE-W-BUFFER 3) :L-R-Link IMPLF14ENTATION :Doc (,synchronously simulates a collection of processing nodes handling messages. The synchronous nodes (which represent the processing nodes) are collected in an address-map, called -A. Each node maintains a local buffer of pending messages to handle., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION 1))))) (Defrule ENUMERATE-NODES+COMPUTE-AVERAGE 'Enumerate Nodes and Compute Average' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-NODES . SEQUENCE-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION) (COMPUTE-BUFFER-SIZE . SUM) (SIZE-OF-SEQUENCE . SEQUENCE-SIZE) (COMPUTE-AVG DIVIDE)) :Bdge-List (((ENUM-NODE 2 . (COMPUTE-BUFFER-SIZE 1)) ((COMPUTE-BUFFER-SIZ 2 (COMPUTE-AVG 1)) ((SIZE-OF-SEQUENCE 2 (COMPUTE-AVG 2) :Input-Embedding (((ENUMERATE-NODES+COMPUTE-AVERACE 1) (SIZE-OF-SEQUENCE 1)) ((ENUMERATE-NODES+COMPUTE-AVERAGE 1) (ENUM-NODES 1))) :Output-Embedding (((ENUMERATE-NODES+COMPLTTE-AVERACE 2 (COMPUTE-AVG 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates all nodes in -A and computes the average of the sizes of their local buffers., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-NODES+COMPUTE-AVERACE 1))))) (Defrule AVERAGE-LOCAL-BUFFER-SIZE 'Average Local Buffer Size' :RHS-Node-Types ((AVG-LB-SIZE . ENUMEPATE-NODES+COMPUTE-AVERAGE)) :Input-Embedding (((AVERAGE-LOCAL-BUFFER-SIZE 1) (AVG-LB-SIZE 1))) :Output-Embedding (((AVERAGE-LOCAL-BUFFER-SIZE 2 (AVG-LB-SIZE 2)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,computes the average of the local buffer sizes of all nodes in (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (AVERAGE-LOCAL-BUFFER-SIZE (Defrule DSTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 'Destructive Queue Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-PQ . P-ENUMERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMBRATION 1) (NUM-PQ 1) PRIORITY-QUEUE>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 2 (ENUR-PQ 2) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,destructively enumerates the Queue -A, which is implemented-%- as a Priority Queue.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 1))))) 294 -Rolm! I (Defrule DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 'Destructive Queue Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-FIFO . FIFO-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUM-FIFO 1) FIFO>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 2 (NUM-FIFO 2) :L-R-Link IMPLEM ENT ATION :Doc (,destructively enumerates the Queue -A, which is - implemented as a FIFO.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION (Defrule DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 'Destructive Queue Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-STACK STACK-ENUMERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 1) ENUM-STACK 1) STACK>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 2 (ENUM-STACK 2)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,destructively enumerates the Queue -A, which is - implemented as a Stack., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DCC-BP> (DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION (Defrule STACK-ENUMERATION 'Stack Enumeration- :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-LL-DESTRUCTIVELY LE)) :Input-Embedding (((STACK-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUM-LL-DESTRUCTIVELY 1) LINKED-LIST>STACK)) :Output-Embedding (((STACK-ENUMERATION 2 (ENUM-LL-DESTRUCTIVELY 2) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,destructively enumerates the Stack -A, which is - implemented as a Linked-List.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-ENUMERATION (Defrule STACK-ENUMERATION 'Stack Enumeration- :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-IS-DESTRUCTIVELY . INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((STACK-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUM-IS-DESTRUCTIVELY 1) INDEXED-SEQUENCE>STACK)) :Output-Embedding (((STACK-ENUMERATION 2 (ENUM-IS-DESTRUCTIVELY 2) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,destructively enumerates the Stack -A, which is implemented as an indexed Sequence., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-ENUMERATION (Defrule QUEUE-EXTRACT 'Queue Extract' :RHS-Node-Types ((EXTRACT-FROM-PQ . PQ-EXTRACT)) :Input-Embedding (((QUEUE-EXTRACT 1) (EXTRACT-FROM-PQ 1) PRIORITY-QUEUB>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((QUEUE-EXTRACT 2 (EXTRACT-FROM-PQ 2) ((QUEUE-EXTRACT 3 (EXTRACT-FROM-PQ 3) PRIORITY-QUEUE>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,extracts an element from the queue -A, which is implemented as a Priority Queue., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-EXTRACT (Defrule QUEUE-EXTRACT 'Queue Extract' :RHS-Node-Types ((EXTRACT-FROM-FIFO . FIFO-DEQUEUE)) I nput -Embedd i ng (((QUEUE-EXTRACT 1) (EXTRACT-FROM-FIFO 1) FIFO>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((QUEUE-EXTRACT 2 (EXTRACT-FROM-FIFO 2) ((QUEUE-EXTRACT 3 (EXTRACT-FROM-FIF 3) FIFO>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,extracts an element from the queue -A, which is implemented as a FIFO.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-EXTRACT 1))))) (Defrule QUEUE-EXTRACT 'Queue Extract' :RHS-Node-T`ypes ((EXTRACT-FROM-STACK STACK-POP)) :Input-Embedding (((QUEUE-EXTRACT 1) (EXTRACT-FROM-STACK 1) STACK>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((QUEUE-EXTRACT 2 (EXTRACT-FROM-STACK 2) ((QUEUE-EXTRACT 3 (EXTRACT-FROM-STACK 3) STACK>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('extracts an element from the queue -A, which is implemented as a Stack.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-EXTRACT 1))))) (Defrule QUEUE-INSERT 'Queue Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((ADD-TO-Q3 . PQ-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((QUEUE-INSERT 1) (ADD-TO-Q3 1)) ((QUEUE-INSERT 2 (ADD-TO-Q3 2) PRIORITY-QUEUE>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((QUEUE-INSERT 3 (ADD-TO-Q3 3) PRIORITY-QUEUE>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (lenqueues -A on the Queue -A, which is implemented as a Priority-Queue.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-INSERT (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-INSERT 2))) (Defrule QUEUE-INSERT 'Queue Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((ADD-TO-Q2 . FIFO-ENQUEUE)) :Input-Embedding (((QUEUE-INSERT 1) (ADD-TO-Q2 1)) ((QUEUE-INSERT 2 (ADD-TO-Q2 2) FIFO>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((QUEUE-INSERT 3 (ADD-TO-Q2 3) FIFO>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION -Doc (lenqueues -A on the Queue -A, which is implemented as a FIFO.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-INSERT 2))) (Defrule QUEUE-INSERT 'Queue Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((ADD-TO-Q1 STACK-PUSH)) :Input-Embedding (((QUEUE-INSERT 1) (DD-TO-Ql 1)) ((QUEUE-INSERT 2 (ADD-TO-Ql 2) STACK>QUEUE)) :Output-Embedding (((QUEUE-INSERT 3 (ADD-TO-Ql 3) STACK>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (lenqueues -A on the Queue -A, which is implemented as a Stack., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-INSERT 2))) (Defrule QUEUE-EMPTY? 'Queue Empty?' :RHS-Node-Types ((EMPTY3? . PQ-EMPTY)) :Input-Embedding MQUEUE-EMPTY? 1) (EMPTY3? 1) PRIORITY-QUEUE>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('tests whether the ueue -A is empty.-%- The Queue is implemented as a Priority-Queue., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-EMPTY? 1))))) (Defrule QUEUE-EMPTY? 'Queue Epty?' :RHS-Node-Types ((EMPTY2? . FIFO-EMPTY?)) :Input-Embedding MQUEUE-EMPTY? 1) (EMPTY2? 1) FIFO>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION 295 :Doc (,tests whether the Queue -A is empty.-%- The Queue is implemented as a FIFO.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-EMPTY? (Defrule QUEUE-EMPTY? ,Queue Empty?, :RHS-Node-Types ((EMPTY1? STACK-EMPTY?)) :Input-Embedding (((QUEUE-ZMPTY? 1) EMPTY1? 1) STACK>QUEUE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,tests whether the Queue -A is empty.-%- The Queue is implemented as a stack., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (QUEUE-EMPTY? (Defrule STACK-BMPTY? 'Stack Empty?' :RHS-Node-Types ((LL-EMPTY? LIST-EMPTY)) :Input-Embedding (((STACK-EMPTY? 1) (LL-EMPTY? 1) LINKED-LIST>STACK)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,tests whether the Stack -A is mpty.-%- The Stack is implemented as a Linked List.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-EMPTY? 1))))) (Defrule STACK-EMPTY? 'Stack Empty?' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((IS-EMPTY? . INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EMPTY)) :Input-Embedding (((STACK-EMPTY? 1) (IS-EMPTY? INDEXED-SEQUENCE>STACK)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,tests whether the Stack -A is empty.-%- The Stack is implemented as an Indexed Sequence., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-EMPTY? 1))))) (Defrule STACK-PUSH 'Stack Push, :RHS-Node-Types ((ADD-TO-LL . LIST-PUSH)) :Input-Embedding (((STACK-PUSH 1) (ADD-TO-LL 1)) ((STACK-PUSH 2 (ADD-TO-LL 2) LINKED-LIST>STACK)) :Output-Embedding (((STACK-PUSH 3 (ADD-TO-LL 3) LINKED-LIST>STACK)) :L-R-Link IMPLF14ENTATION :Doc (,pushes -A onto the stack -A, which is iplemented as a Linked List.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-PUSH (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-PUSH 2))) (Defrule STACK-PUSH 'Stack Push' :RHS-Node-Types ((ADD-TO-IS . INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((STACK-PUSH 1) (ADD-TO-IS 1)) ((STACK-PUSH 2 (ADD-TO-TS 2) INDEXED-SEQUENCE>STACK)) :Output-Embedding (((STACK-PUSH 3 (ADD-TO-IS 3) INDEXED-SEQUENCE>STACK)) :L-R-Link IMPLF14ENTATION :Doc (,pushes -A onto the stack -A, which is implemented as an Indexed sequence., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-PUSH ) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-PUSH 2))) (Defrule STACK-POP 'Stack-Pop' :RHS-Node-Types ((EXTRACT-FROM-LL . LIST-POP)) :Tnput-Embedding (((STACK-POP 1) (EXTRACT-FROM-LL 1) LINKED-LIST>STACK)) :Output-Embedding (((STACK-POP 2 (EXTRACT-FROM-LL 2) ((STACK-POP 3 (EXTRACT-FROM-LL 3) LINKED-LIST>STACK)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,pops the stack -A, which is implemented as a Linked List.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-POP 1))))) (Defrule STACK-POP 'Stack-Pop' :RHS-Node-Types ((EXTRACT-FROM-IS . INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT)) :Input-Embedding (((STACK-POP 1) (EXTRACT-FROM-IS 1) INDEXED-SEQUENCE>STACK)) :Output-Embedding (((STACK-POP 2 (EXTRACT-FROM-1 2) ((STACK-POP 3 (EXTRACT-FROM-I 3) INDEXED-SEQUENCE>STACK)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,pops the stack -A, which is implemented as an indexed-sequence., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STACK-POP 1))))) (Defrule CIS-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 'Circular-Indexed-Sequence Destructive Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-FINISHED? CIS-EMPTY) (EXTRACT-NEXT CIS-EXTRACT)) :Input-Embedding (((CIS-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 1) (EXTRACT-NEXT 1)) ((CIS-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUM-FINISHED? 1))) :Output-Embedding (((CTS-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 2 (EXTRACT-NEXT 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION -Doc (,enumerates all of the elements in the Circular-indexed-Sequence -A, by destructively extracting them from the sequence. The sequence is filled in -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CIS-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 1))) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> CIS-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION)))) (Defrule FIFO-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 'FIFO Destructive Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-CIS-DESTRUCTIVELY . CIS-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((FIFO-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUM-CIS-DESTRUCTIVELY 1) CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE>FIFO)) :Output-Embedding (((FIFO-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 2 (ENUM-CIS-DESTRUCTIVELY 2M :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,destructively enumerates the FIFO queue -A, which is implemented as a Circular indexed Sequence., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FIFO-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 1))))) (Defrule CIS-EMPTY 'CIS Empty' :RHS-Node-Types ((ZERO-FILL-COUNT? . COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION) (TEST-EQUALITY NULL-TEST)) :Edge-List (((ZERO-FILL-COUNT 3 (TEST-EQUALITY 1))) :Input-Embedding (((CIS-EMPTY 1) (ZERO-FILL-COUNT? 1) FILL-COUNT)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,tests whether the Circular-Indexed-sequence -A is epty., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CIS-EMPTY 1))))) (Defrule FIFO-EMPTY? 'FIFO Epty' :RHS-Node-Types ((CIS-EMPTY? CIS-EMPTY)) :Input-Ernbedding (((FIFO-EMPTY? 1) (CIS-EMPTY 1) CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE>FIFO)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('tests whether the FIFO queue -A is empty. The FIFO is implemented as a Circular indexed sequence., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FIFO-EMPTY? 1))))) (Defrule CIS-FULL ,CIS Full, :RHS-Node-Types ((ONE-LESS DECREMENT) (MAX-FILL-COUNT? LT) (TEST-COMPARTSON NULL-TEST)) :Edge-List (((ONE-LESS 2 . (MAX-FILL-COUNT 2) ((MAX-FILL-COUNT 3 (TEST-COMPARISON 1))) :Input-Einbedding (((CIS-FULL 1) (ONE-LESS SIZE) ((CIS-FULL 1) (MAX-FILL-COUNT? 1) FILL-COUNT)) 2 9 6 ---------- :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('tests whether the Circular-Indexed-sequence -A is full., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CIS-FULL (Defrule GROW-CIS 'Grow Circular-Indexed-Sequence, :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-GROWER . INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS)) :Input-Embedding (((GROW-CIS 1) (THE-GROWER :Output-Embedding (((GROW-Cis 2 (THE-GROWER 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,makes a new Circular Indexed Sequence that is double the size of the Circular Indexed Sequence -A and then - transfers all of the elements of -A to the new CIS. The new CIS's First is at index and its Last is at index the number of elements in the equence.-%- The new sequence grows -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (THE-GROWER 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (THE-GROWER M (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> THE-GROWER)))) (Defrule INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 'Grow Circular-Indexed-Sequence (Intermediate), :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-WHOLE-CIS . BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION) (DOUBLE-SIZB DOUBLE) (MAKE-NEW-BASE . NEW-SEQUENCE) (SUCCESSIVE-INDICES COUNT) (ACCUMULATE-NEW-BASE SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE)) :Edge-List (((ENUMERATE-WHOLE-CIS 5) . (ACCUMULATE-NEW-BASE 1)) ((DOUBLE-SIZE 2 . (MAKE-NEW-BASE 1)) ((MAKE-NEW-BASE 2 . (ACCUMULATE-NEW-BASE 3) ((SUCCESSIVE-INDICES 2 . (ACCUMULATE-NEW-BASE 2)) :Input-Embedding (((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 1) (ENUMERATE-WHOLE-CIS 1) BASE) ((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 1) ( NUMERATE-WHOLE-CIS 2) FIRST) ((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 1) (ENUMERATE-WHOLE-CIS 3) FILL-COUNT) ((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 1) (DOUBLE-SIZE 1) SIZE) ((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 1) (ENUMERATE-WHOLE-CIS 4) SIZE) ((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 2 (SUCCESSIVE-INDICES 1))) :Output-Embedding (((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CI 3 (ACCUMULATE-NEW-BASE 4) BASE) ((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 3 (DOUBLE-SIZE 2) SIZE)) :St-Thrus (((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CI 2 (INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 3) ((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 1) (INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CI 3) FILL-COUNT) ((INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 1) (INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIs 3) FILL-COUNT)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,intermediate non-terminal: Grow-CIS.')) (Defrule COMBINATION-FUNCTION 'Combination Function' :RHS-Node-Types ((SUBTRACT-THEM MINUS)) :Input-Embedding (((COMBINATION-FUNCTION 1) (SUBTRACT-THEM 1)) ((COMBINATION-FUNCTION 2 (SUBTRACT-THEM 2)) :Output-Embedding (((COMBINATION-FUNCTION 3 (SUBTRACT-THEM 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,subtracts -A from -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (COMBINATION-FUNCTION 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (COMBINATION-FUNCTION 1))))) (Defrule COMBINATION-FUNCTION 'Combination Function' :RHS-Node-Types ((SUM-THEM . COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION)) :Input-Embedding (((COMBINATION-FUNCTION 1) (SUM-THEM 1)) ((COMBINATION-FUNCTION 2 (SUM-THEM 2)) :Output-Embedding (((COMBINATION-FUNCTION 3 (SUM-THEM 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,combines -A and -A by adding them to each other., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (COMBINATION-FUNCTION 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (COMBINATION-FUNCTION 2)))) (Defrule BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 'Bounded circular-indexed-Sequence Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((COUNT-N-TIMES . BOUNDED-COUNT) (COMBINE-COUNT-FIRST COMBINATION-FUNCTION) (WRAP-INDEX MOD) (MAP-ACCESS-CIS SELECT-TERM)) :Edge-List (((COUNT-N-TIMES 3 . (COMBINE-COUNT-FIRST 2) ((COMBINE-COUNT-FIRST 3 . WR.AP-INDEX 1)) ((WRAP-INDEX 3 . (MAP-ACCESS-CIS 2) :Input-Embedding (((BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 1) (MAP-ACCESS-CIS 1)) ((BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 2 (COMBINE-COUNT-FIRST 1)) ((BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 3) (COUNT-N-TIMES 2) ((BOUNDED-CIS-ENMERATION 4) (WRAP-INDEX 2M :Output-Embedding (((BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 5) (MAP-ACCESS-CIS 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates N elements of the Circular-Indexed-Sequence -A starting .from -A, where N = A. The sequence is filled in -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 3) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION)))) (Defrule CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMBRATION 'Circular-Indexed-Sequence Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-ENTIRE-CIS . BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUMERATE-ENTIRE-CIS 1) BASE) ((CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUMERATE-=IRE-CIS 2) FIRST) ((CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUMERATE-ENTIRE-CIS 3) FILL-COUNT) ((CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUMERATE-ENTIRE-Cis 4) SIZE)) :Output-Embedding (((CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 2 (ENUMERATE-ENTIRE-CIS 5))) :L-R-Link IMPLF14ENTATION :Doc (,enumerates all of the elements in the Circular-Indexed-Sequence -A. The sequence is filled in -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 1))) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION)))) (Defrule FIFO-ENUMERATION 'FIFO Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-CIS . CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((FIFO-ENUMERATION 1) (ENUMERATE-CIS CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE>FIFO)) :Output-Embedding (((FIFO-ENUMERATIO 2 (ENUMERATE-CIS 2)) :L-R-Link IPLEMENTATION :Doc ('enumerates the FIFO queue -A, which is implemented as a circular - Indexed Sequence. The queue is not changed. The queue grows -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FIFO-ENUMERATION 1))) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> FIFO-ENUMERATION)))) (Defrule CIS-ADD 'Circular-indexed-Sequence Add, :RHS-Node-Types ((FULL? CIS-FULL) (ROOMY-ADD ROOMY-CIS-ADD) (MAKE-ROOM GROW-CIS)) :Edge-List (((MAKE-ROOM 2 (ROOMY-ADD 2) :Tnput-Embedding (((CIS-ADD 1) (ROOMY-ADD 1)) ((CIS-ADD 2 (MAKE-ROOM 1)) ((CIS-ADD 2 (ROOMY-ADD 2) ((CIS-ADD 2 (FULL? 1))) :Output-Embedding (((CIS-ADD 3 (ROOMY-ADD 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,adds the element -A to the Circular-indexed-Sequence -,-%- making room for it if the Circular-indexed-Sequence is full.-%- The sequence is filled in -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CIS-ADD 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CIS-ADD 2) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> CIS-ADD)))) (Defrule ROOMY-CIS-ADD 'Roomy Circular-Indexed-sequence Add, :RHS-Node-Types ((ADD-TO-DATA NEW-TERM) 297 (BUMP-LAST . INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT) (WRAP-INDEX-AROUND MOD) (INCREMENT-FILL-COUNT INCREMENT)) :Edge-List (((BUMP-LAST 2 . (WRAP-INDEX-AROUND :Input-Embedding (((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 1) (ADD-TO-DATA 1)) ((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 2 (ADD-TO-DATA 3) BASE) ((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 2 (WRAP-INDEX-AROUND 2) SIZE) ((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 2 (INCREMENT-FILL-COUNT 1) FILL-COUNT) ((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 2 (BUMP-LAST 1) LAST) ((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 2 (ADD-TO-DATA 2) LAST)) :Output-Enbedding (((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 3 (WRAP-INDEX-AROUND 3) LAST) ((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 3 (INCREMENT-FILL-COUNT 2) FILL-COUNT) ((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 3 (ADD-TO-DATA 4) BASE)) :St-Thrus (((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 2 (ROOMY-CIS-ADD 3) SIZE) ((ROOMY-CIS-ADD 2 (ROOMY-CIS-ADD 3) FIRST)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,adds the element -A. to the Circular-Indexed-Sequence -A, (which has room for it).-%- The sequence is filled in -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ROOMY-CIS-ADD 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ROOMY-CIS-ADD 2M (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> ROOMY-CIS-ADD)))) (Defrule FIFO-ENQUEUE 'FIFO Enqueuel :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((ADD-TO-CIS-LAST CIS-ADD)) :Input-Embedding (((FIFO-ENQUEUE 1) (ADD-TO-CIS-LAST 1)) ((FIFO-ENQUEUE 2 (ADD-TO-CIS-LAST 2) CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE>FIFO)) :Output-Embedding (((FIFO-ENQUEUE 3 (ADD-TO-CIS-LAST 3) CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE>FIFO)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (lenqueues -A. on the FIFO queue -A., which is implemented as a Circular indexed equence.-%- The queue grows -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FIFO-ENQUEUE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FIFO-ENQUEUE 2)) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> FIFO-ENQUEUE)))) Figures 324, 411. (Defrule CIS-EXTRACT 'Circular-Indexed-Sequence Extract' :RHS-Node-Types ((ACCESS-BASE SELECT-TERM) (BUMP-FIRST INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT) (WRAP-AROUND-INDEX MOD) (DECREMENT-FILL-COUNT DECREMENT)) :Edge-List (((BUMP-FIRST 2 (WRAP-AROUND-INDEX 1))) :Input-Embedding (((CIS-EXTRACT 1) (BUMP-FIRST ) FIRST) ((CIS-EXTRACT 1) (ACCESS-BASE 2) FIRST) ((CIS-EXTRACT 1) (ACCESS-BASE BASE) ((CIS-EXTRACT 1) (WRAP-AROUND-INDEX 2) SIZE) ((CIS-EXTRACT 1) (DECREMENT-FILL-COUNT 1) FILL-COUNT)) :Output-Embedding (((CIS-EXTRACT 2 (ACCESS-BASE 3) ((CIS-EXTRACT 3 (WRAP-AROUND-INDEX 3) FIRST) ((CIS-EXTRACT 3 (DECREMENT-FILL-COUNT 2) FILL-COUNT)) :St-Thrus (((CIS-EXTRACT 1) (CIS-EXTRACT 3) LAST) ((CIS-EXTRACT 1) (CIS-EXTRACT 3) SIZE) ((CIS-EXTRACT 1) (CIS-EXTRACT 3) BASE)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,extracts the First element from the Circular Indexed-Sequence A.-%- The sequence is filled in -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CIS-EXTRACT 1))) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> CIS-EXTRACT)))) Figure 412. (Defrule FIFO-DEQUEUE 'FIFO Dequeuel :RHS-Node-Types ((EXTRACT-CIS-FIRST CIS-EXTRACT)) :Input-Embedding (((FIFO-DEQUEUE 1) (EXTRACT-CIS-FIRST 1) CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE>FIFO)) :Output-Embedding (((FIFO-DEQUEUE 2 (TRACT-CIS-FIRST 2) ((FIFO-DEQUEUE 3 (EXTRACT-CIS-FIRST 3) CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE>FIFC)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION -- (Idequeues the FIFO queue -A, which is implemented as a Circular Indexed-Sequence.-%- The queue grows -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FIFO-DEQUEUE 1))) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> FIFO-DEQUEUEM) (Defrule EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 'Evaluate-Arguments' :RHS-Node-Types ((EVAL-EXPS . ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT)) :Input-Embedding (((EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 1) (EVAL-EXPS 1)) ((EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 2) (EVAL-EXPS 2)) ((EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 3) (EVAL-EXPS 3)) ((EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 4) (EVAL-EXPS 4))) :Output-Embedding (((EVALTJATE-ARGUMENTS 5) (EVAL-EXPS 5)) ((EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 6) (EVAL-EXPS 6)) ((EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 7) (EVAL-EXPS 7)) ((EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 8) (EVAL-EXPS 8))) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,evaluates the arguments -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EVAL-EXPS 1))))) (Defrule ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 'Enumerate, Evaluate, and Collect' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-ARGS LE) (EVALUATE-THEM EVALUATE-MAP) (COLLECT-RESULTS . CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP)) :Edge-List (((ENUMERATE-ARGS 2 (EVALUATE-MAP 1))) :Input-Embedding (((ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 1) (ENUMERATE-ARGS 1)) ((ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 2) (EVALUATE-MAP 2) ((ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 3) (EVALUATE-MAP 3) ((ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 4) (EVALUATE-MAP 4) :Output-Embedding (((ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 5) (COLLECT-RESULTS 2) ((ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 6) (EVALUATE-MAP 6) t(ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 7) (EVALUATE-MAP 7) ((ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 8) (EVALUATE-MAP 8))) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates the arguments -A, evaluates each one, and collects-%- the evaluated arguments in a list, which it returns.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-ARGS 1))))) (Defrule EVALUATE-MAP 'Evaluate Map' :RHS-Node-Types ((ITER-EVAL ITERATIVE-EVALUATION)) :Input-Embedding (((EVALUATE-MAP 1) (ITER-EVAL 1)) ((EVALUATE-MAP 2 (ITER-EVAL 2)) ((EVALUATE-MAP 3 (ITER-EVAL 3)) ((EVALUATE-MAP 4 (ITER-EVAL 4))) :Output-Embedding (((EVALUATE-MAP 5) (ITER-EVAL 5)) ((EVALUATE-mA 6 (ITER-EVAL 6)) ((EVALUATE-MAP 7 (ITER-EVAL 7)) ((EVALUATE-MAP 8) (ITER-EVAL 8))) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,applies the function EVALUATE to each expression in the input series of expressions.,)) (Defrule ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 'Iterative Evaluation, :RHS-Node-Types 298 - - --- - 11 - - ((MAP-EVAL . EVALUATE)) :Input-Embedding (((ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 1) (MAP-EVAL 1)) ((ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 2) (MAP-EVAL 2) ((ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 3) (MAP-EVAL 3) ((ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 4) (MAP-EVAL 4) :Output-Embedding (((ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 5) (MAP-EVAL 5))) :St-Thrus (((ITERATIVE-EVALTJATION 4) (ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 8)) ((ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 3) (ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 7) ((ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 2) (ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 6) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,iteratively applies the function Evaluate.,)) (Defrule RUNNING-STATUS? 'Execution Still Running Predicate, :RHS-Node-Types ((STATUS-RUNNING? RUNNING-TEST)) :Input-Embedding (((RUNNING-STATUS? 1) (STATUS-RUNNING? 1) STATUS)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,checks whether the execution context -A is still running by looking at its STATUS part., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (STATUS-RUNNING? (Defrule RUNNING-TEST 'Running Test' :RHS-Node-Types ((RUNNING? COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION) (RUN-SPLIT NULL-TEST)) :Edge-List (((RUNNING? 3 . (RUN-SPLIT 1))) :Input-Embedding (((RUNNING-TEST 1) (RUNNING? :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,checks whether -A -A -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (RUNNING? 1))) (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> RUNNING?))) (SOURCE-TYPE (DOC-BP> RNING 2))) (Defrule HANDLE-MESSAGE 'Handle Message' :RHS-Node-Types ((PROCESS . LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER)) :Input-Embedding (((HANDLE-MESSAGE 1) (PROCESS ((HANDLE-MESSAGE 2) (PROCESS 2) ((HANDLE-MESSAGE 3) (PROCESS 3) :Output-Embedding (((HANDLE-MESSAGE 4) (PROCESS 6) ((HANDLE-MESSAGE 5) (PROCESS 7) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,handles the message -A by looking up its handler code and executing it.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (HANDLE-MESSAGE (Defrule LOOKUP-HANDLER-FOR-MESSAGE 'Lookup Message Handler' :RHS-Node-Types ((LOOKUP-HANDLER-OF-TYPE LOOKUP-HANDLER)) :Input-Embedding (((LOOKUP-HANDLER-FOR-MESSAGE 1) (LOOKUP-HANDLER-OF-TYPE 1) TYPE)) :Output-Embedding (((LOOKUP-HANDLER-FOR-MESSAGE 2 LKUP-HANDLER-OF-TYPE 2)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up the handler for message -A's type -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-HANDLER-FOR-MESSAGE (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-HANDLER-FOR-MESSAGE 1) TYPE)))) (Defrule LOOKUP-HANDLER 'Lookup Handler' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((ASSOCIATE-HANDLER-NAME . ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOCKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((LOOKUP-HANDLER 1) (ASSOCIATE-HANDLER-NAME :Output-Embedding (((LOOKUP-HANDLER 2 (ASSOCIATE-HANDLER-NAME 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('looks up the handler named A.-%- The global associative set of operators is -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-HANDLER 1))) (SOURCE-TYPE (P> (ASSOCIATE-HANDLER-NAM 2)))) (Defrule LOOKUP-HANDLER 'Lookup Handler' :RHS-Node-Types ((LOOKUP-HANDLER-PROPERTY . PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((LOOKUP-HANDLER 1) (LOOKUP-HANDLER-PROPERTY 1))) :Output-Embedding (((LOOKUP-HANDLER 2 (LOOKUP-HANDLER-PROPERTY 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up the handler named -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-HANDLER 1))))) (Defrule FETCH-OP 'Fetch Operator' :RHS-Node-Types ((LOOKUP-OP . ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((FETCH-OP 1) (LOOKUP-OP :Output-Embedding (((FETCH-OP 2 (LOOKUP-OP 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up the operator named A.-%- The global associative set of operators is -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH-OP 1))) (SOURCE-TYPE (P> (LOOKUP-OP 2)))) (Defrule FETCH-OP 'Fetch Operator' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-PLIST-LOOKUP . PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((FETCH-OP 1) (THE-PLIST-LOOKUP 1))) :Output-Embedding (((FETCH-OP 2 (THE-PLIST-LOOKUP 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up the operator named -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH-OP 1))))) (Defrule FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 'Fetch and Apply Operator' :RHS-Node-Types ((CET-OPERATOR . FETCH-OP) (APPLY-OPERATOR APPLY)) :Edge-List (((GET-OPERATOR 2 (APPLY-OPERATOR :Input-Embedding (((FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 1) (GET-OPERATOR 1)) ((FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 2) (APPLY-OPERATOR 2) ((FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 3) (APPLY-OPERATOR 3)) ((FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 4) (APPLY-OPERATOR 4)) ( FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 5) (APPLY-OPERATOR 5))) :Output-Embedding (((FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 6) (APPLY-OPERATOR 6)) ((FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 7) (APPLY-OPERATOR 7)) ((FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 8) (APPLY-OPERATOR 8)) ((FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 9) (APPLY-OPERATOR 9))) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,fetches the operator associated w/ -A and applies it to the-%- evaluated arguments -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 2))) (Defrule EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 'Evaluate Arguments and Apply Operator' :RHS-Node-Types ((EVAL-ARGS EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS) (APPLY-OP . FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR)) :Edge-List (((EVAL-ARGS 8) (APPLY-OP 5)) ((EVAL-ARGS 7 (APPLY-OP 4) ((EVAL-ARGS ) (APPLY-OP 3) ((EVAL-ARGS 5) (APPLY-OP 2)) :Input-Embedding (((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 1) (APPLY-OP 1)) ((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 2) (EVAL-ARGS 1)) ((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 3) (EVAL-ARGS 2) ((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 4) (EVAL-ARGS 3) ((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 5) (EVAL-ARGS 4) :Output-Embedding (((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 6) (APPLY-OP 6) ((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 7) (APPLY-OP 7) ((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 8) (APPLY-OP 8)) ((EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 9) (APPLY-OP 9) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION -Doc (,evaluates the arguments -A, fetches the operation -A and applies-%- it to the evaluated arguments.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (VALUATE-AND-APPLY 1))))) 299 (Defrule INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 'Interpret Instruction' :RHS-Node-Types ((EVAL-APPLY . EVALUATE-AND-APPLY)) -Input-Embedding (((INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 1) (EVAL-APPLY 1) OP) ((INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 1) (EVAL-APPLY 2) ARGS) ((INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 2) (EVAL-APPLY 3)) ((INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 3) (EVAL-APPLY 4)) ((INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 4) (EVAL-APPLY 5))) :Output-Embedding (((INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 5) (EVAL-APPLY 7)) ((INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 6) (EVAL-APPLY 8)) ((INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 7) (EVAL-APPLY 9))) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,interprets the instruction -A by evaluating its arguments -A and applying its operator -A to them., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION ) INST-ARGS)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION ) INST-OP)))) (Defrule LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 'Lookup and Execute Message Handler' :RHS-Node-Types ((GET-DESTINATION-NODE . LOOKUP-DESTINATION) (LOAD-ARGS . LOAD-ARGUMENTS) (RECORD-NEW-NODE RECORD-AT-DESTINATION) (GET-HANDLER-CODE LOOKUP-HANDLER-FOR-MESSAGE) (GET-NEXT-INSTRUCTION FETCH-INSTRUCTION) (INTERPRET INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION) (STILL-RUNNING? RUNNING-STATUS?)) :Edge-List (((GET-DESTINATION-NODE 3 . (LOAD-ARGS 2) ((LOAD-ARGS 3 (INTERPRET 3) ((LOAD-ARGS 3 (RECORD-NEW-NODE 1)) ((RECORD-NEW-NODE 4 (INTERPRET 2) ((GET-HANDLER-CODE 2 (INTERPRET 3) ((GET-HANDLER-CODE 2 (GET-NEXT-INSTRUCTION 2) ((GET-NEXT-INSTRUCTION 4 (INTERPRET 3) ((GET-NEXT-INSTRUCTION 3 (INTERPRET 1)) ((INTERPRET 6 (STILL-RUNNING? :Input-Embedding (((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 1) (RECORD-NEW-NODE 2) ((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 1) (LOAD-ARGS 1)) ((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 1) (GET-DESTINATION-NODE 2) ((LOOKUP-AND-EXE=E-HANDLER 1) (CET-HANDLER-CODE 1)) ((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 2) (RECORD-NEW-NODE 3) ((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 2) (GET-DESTINATION-NODE 1)) ((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 3) (INTERPRET 4) ((LCOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 4) (GET-NEXT-INSTRUCTION 1)) ((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 5) (INTERPRET 3)) :Output-Embedding (((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 6) (INTERPRET 5)) ((LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 7) (INTERPRET 7)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,looks up the handler for the message -A, loads the - arguments of the message into the message's destination - node, and then executes the handler instructions, starting with the one pointed to by -A. As long as the execution - context's status is -A, the next instruction (pointed to - by -A) is executed., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 4) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 5))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 4))) (Defrule FETCH-INSTRUCTION 'Fetch Next Instruction' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((FETCH-Il . INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT)) :Output-Embedding (((FETCH-INSTR-UCTION 3 (FETCH-Il 2) ((FETCH-INSTRUCTION 4 (FETCH-Il 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,fetches the next instruction (pointed to by -A) in the sequence -Al (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH-INSTRUCTION 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH-INSTRUCTION 2)))) (Defrule LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-MEMORY 'Load Arguments into Memory' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((TRANSFER-ARG-LIST . LIST-TO-SEQUENCE) (ADD-TO-MEMORY . ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD)) :Edge-List (((TRANSFER-ARG-LIST 3 . (ADD-TO-MEMORY :Input-Embedding (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-MEMORY 1) (TRANSFER-ARG-LIST 1) ARGUMENTS) ((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-MFMORY 1) (TRANSFER-ARG-LIST 2) STORAGE-REQUIREMENTS) ((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-MEMORY 2 (ADD-TO-MEMORY 3)) :Output-Embedding (((LOAD-ARG-UMENTS-INTO-MEMORY 3 (ADD-TO-MEMORY 4) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION .Doc Makes the list of arguments in the message -A and converts it to - an indexed-sequence of size -A, which it then stores in the memory -A, at key -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-MEMORY 1) ARGUMENTS)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARCUMENTS-INTO-MEMORY 1) STORAGE-REQUIREMENTS)) INPUT-PORT-NAME> tDOC-BP> (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-MEMORY 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ADD-TO-MEMORY 2))) (Defrule LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-SN 'Load Arguments into Synch-Node' :RHS-Node-Types (tBASE-LOAD-ARGUMENTS . OAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-MEMORY)) :Input-Embedding (((LOAD-ARCUMENTS-INTO-SN 1) (BASE-LOAD-ARGUMENTS 1)) t(LOAD-ARCUMENTS-INTO-SN 2 (BASE-LOAD-ARGUMENTS 2) MEMORY)) :Output-Embedding (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-SN 3 (BASE-LOAD-ARGUMENTS 3) MEMORY)) :St-Thrus (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-SN 2 (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-SN 3) LOCAL-BUFFER)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,loads the arguments of the Message -A into the Memory part of the Node A- which is mplemented as a Synch-Node., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-SN M) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-SN 2))) (Defrule LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-AN 'Load Arguments into Asynch-Nodel :RHS-Node-Types ((BASE-LOAD-ARGUMENTS . LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTC-MEMORY)) :Input-Embedding (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-AN 1) (BASE-LOAD-ARGUMENTS 1)) ((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-AN 2 (BASE-LOAD-ARCUMM,7T 2 MEMORY)) :Output-Embedding (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-AN 3 (BASE-LOAD-ARGUMENTS 3 MEMORY)) :St-Thrus (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-AN 2 (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-AN 3) TIME)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION .Doc (,loads the arguments of the Message -A into the Memory part of the Node.-A which is implemented as an Asynch-Node., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARCUMENTS-INTO-AN (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARCUMENTS-INTO-AN 2))) (Defrule LOAD-ARGUMENTS 'Load Arguments' :RHS-Node-Types ((LOAD-AN . LOAD-ARCUMENTS-INTO-AN)) :Input-Embedding (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS 1) (LOAD-AN 1)) ((LOAD-ARGUMENTS 2 (LOAD-AN 2) ASYNCH-NODE>NODE)) :Output-Embedding (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS 3 (LOAD-AN 3) ASYNCH-NODE>NODE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION .Doc (,loads the arguments of Message -A into the memory of node -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARGUMENTS 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARGUMENTS 2))) (Defrule LOAD-ARGUMENTS 'Load Arguments' :RHS-Node-Types ((LOAD-SN . LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-SN)) :Input-Embedding (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS 1) (LOAD-SN 1)) ((LoAD-ARcumENTs 2 (LOAD-SN 2) SYNCH-NODE>NODE)) :Output-Embedding (((LOAD-ARGUMENTS 3 (LOAD-SN 3) SYNCH-NODE>NODE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,loads the arguments of Message -A into the memory of node (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARGUMENTS 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOAD-ARGUMENTS 2))) 3 0 (Defrule FETCH+UPDATE 'Fetch and Update' :RHS-Node-Types ((FETCH-FROM-BASE SELECT-TERM) (BACKUP-INDEX . INCREM ENT -OR-DECREMENT)) :Input-Embedding (((FETCH+UPDATE 1) (FETCH-FROM-BASE 2 INDEX) ((FETCH+UPDATE 1) (BACKUP-INDEX 1) INDEX) ((FETCH+UPDATE 1) (FETCH-FROM-BASE 1) BASE)) :Output-Embedding (((FETCH+UPDATE 2 (FETCH-FROM-BASE 3)) ((FETCH+UPDAT 3 (BACKUP-INDEX 2 INDEX)) :St-Thrus (((FETCH+UPDATE 1) (FETCH+UPDATE 3 BASEH :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,extracts an element from an indexed-Sequence, which has parts:-%- Base (an sequence) and an Index -A into the sequence.-%- The sequence is filled in -A. The Index is updated after the output is fetched from the Base., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+UPDATE 1) BASE)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+UPDATE 1) INDEX)) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> FTCH+UPDATE)))) (Defrule UPDATE+FETCH 'Update and Fetch' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((FETCH-FROM-BASE2 SELECT-TERM) (BACKUP-INDEX2 . INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT)) :Edge-List (((BACKUP-INDEX2 2 . (FETCH-FROM-BASE2 2) :Input-Embedding (((UPDATE+FETCH 1) (BACKUP-INDEX2 1) INDEX) ((UPDATE+FETCH 1) (FETCH-FROM-BASE2 1) BASE)) :Output-Embedding (((UPDATE+FETCH 2 (FETCH-FROM-BASE2 3) ((UPDATE+FETCH 3 (BACKUP-INDEX2 2 INDEX)) :St-Thrus (((UPDATE+FETCH 1) (UPDATE+FETCH 3 BASE)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,extracts an element from an Indexed-Sequence, which has parts:-%- Base (an sequence) and an Index -A into the sequence.-%- The sequence is filled in -A. The index is updated before the output is fetched from the Base., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UPDATE+FETCH 1) BASE)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UPDATE+FETCH 1) INDEX)) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> UPDATE+FETCH)))) (Defrule UPDATE+BUMP 'Update and Bump' :RHS-Node-Types ((BUMP-INDEX INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT) (ADD-TO-BASE NEW-TERM)) :Edge-List (((BUMP-INDEX 2 . (ADD-TO-BASE 2)) :Input-Embedding MUPDATE+BUMP 2 (BUMP-INDEX 1) INDEX) ((UPDATE+BUMP 2 (ADD-TO-BASE 3 BASE) ((UPDATE+BUMP 1) (ADD-TO-BASE 1))) :Output-Embedding MUPDATE+BUMP 3 (BUMP-INDEX 2 INDEX) ((UPDATE+BUMP 3 (ADD-TO-BASE 4 BASEH :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,adds -A to an indexed-sequence, which has parts:-%- Base (an sequence) A- and an index -A into the sequence.-%- The sequence is filled in A.-%- The Index is updated before the input is added to the Base., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UPDATE+BUMP M) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UPDATE+BUMP 2 BASEH (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UPDATE+BUM 2 INDEX)) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> UPDATE+BUMP)))) (Defrule BUMP+UPDATE 'Bump and Update' :RHS-Node-Types ((BUMP-INDEX2 INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT) (ADD-TO-BASE2 NEW-TERM)) :Input-Embedding (((BUMP+UPDATE 2 (ADD-TO-BASE2 2 INDEX) ((BUMP+UPDATE 2 (BUMP-INDEX2 1) INDEX) ((BUMP+UPDATE 2 (ADD-TO-BASE2 3 BASE) ((BUMP+UPDATE 1) (ADD-TO-BASE2 1))) :Output-Embedding (((BUMP+UPDAT 3 (BUMP-INDEX2 2 INDEX) ((BUMP+UPDATE 3 (ADD-TO-BASE2 4 BASE)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION : Doc (,adds -A to an indexed-sequence, which has parts:-%- Base (an sequence) A- and an index -A into the sequence.-%- The sequence is filled in A.-%- The Index is updated after the input is added to the Base., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BUMP+UPDATE 1M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BUMP+UPDATE 2 BASEH (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BUMP+UPDATE 2 INDEX)) (GROWTH-DIRECTION (N> BUMP+UPDATE)))) (Defrule INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 'Indexed-Sequence Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((I-S-INSERT2 . UPDATE+BUMP)) :Input-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 1) (I-S-INSERT2 1)) ((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 2 (I-S-INSERT2 2) :Output-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSEPT 3 (I-S-INSERT2 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLF14ENTATION :Doc (,inserts -a into the Indexed Sequence -A.' (INPLJT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 2))) (Defrule INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 'Indexed-Sequence Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((I-S-INSERT1 . BUMP+UPDATE)) :Input-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 1) (I-S-INSERT1 1)) ((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 2 (I-S-INSERT1 2M :Output-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 3 (I-S-INSERT1 3M :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION .Doc (,inserts -a into the indexed Sequence -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 2))) (Defrule INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 'Indexed-Sequence Extract' :RHS-Node-Types ((I-S-EXTRACT2 . UPDATE+FETCH)) :Input-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 1) (I-S-EXTRACT2 1))) :Output-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 2 (I-S-EXTRACT2 2) ((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 3 (-S-EXTRACT2 3) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('extracts the current element from the Indexed sequence -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 1))))) (Defrule INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 'Indexed-Sequence Extract' :RHS-Node-Types ((I-S-EXTRACT1 . FETCH+UPDATE)) :Input-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 1) (I-S-EXTRACT1 1))) :Output-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 2 (I-S-EXTRACT1 2) ((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 3 (I-S-EXTRACT1 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('extracts the current element from the Indexed Sequence -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 1))))) (Defrule INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 'Indexed-Sequence Accumulation, :RHS-Node-Types ((INSERT-INTO-1-S . INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 1) (INSERT-INTO-1-S 1)) ((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 2 (INSERT-INTO-I-S 2) :St-Thrus (((INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 2 (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,accumulates the elements in the series into a new indexed-sequence., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ACCLNULATION 1))))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 'Associative Set Add, :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-ALIST-INSERT . ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 1) (THE-ALIST-INSERT 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 2 (THE-ALIST-INSERT 2) ((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 3 (THE-ALIST-INSERT 3)) :Output-Einbedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 4 (THE-ALIST-INSERT 4) 3 1 :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,inserts -A (associated w/ key -A) in the associative set A.- An element X occurs before another Y if X's key -A Y's key. An element X replaces another Y if X's key -A Y's ky.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 2M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 3M tFUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> THE-ALIST-INSERT)))) (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> THE-ALIST-INSERT)))))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 'Associative Set Add' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-HT-INSERT HASH-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding ((tASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 1) (THE-HT-INSERT 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 2 (THE-HT-INSERT 2) ((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 3 (THE-HT-INSERT 3)) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 4 (THE-HT-INSERT 4)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,inserts -A (associated w/ key -A) in the associative set A.- An element X occurs before another Y if X's key -A Y's key.- An element X replaces another Y if X's key -A Y's key.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 1))) (INPLJT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 2M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 3)) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> THE-HT-INSERT)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> THE-HT-INSERT)))))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 'Associative Set Remove' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-ALIST-DELETE . ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 1) (THE-ALIST-DELETE 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 2 (THE-ALIST-DELETE 2)) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 3 (THE-ALIST-DELETE 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,deletes an element associated w/ key -A in the associative set -A. An element X occurs before another Y if xs key -A Y's key. Keys are compared using -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> THE-ALIST-DELETE)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> THE-ALIST-DELETE)))))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 'Associative Set Remove' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-HT-DELETE HASH-DELETE)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-RF14OVE 1) (THE-ET-DELETE 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 2 (THE-HT-DELETE 2) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 3 (THE-HT-DELBTE 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,deletes an element associated w/ key -A in the associative set -A. An element X occurs before another Y if X's key -A Y's key. Keys are compared for equality using -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> THE-HT-DELETE)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> THE-HT-DELETE)))))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 'Associative Set Lookup' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-ALIST-LOOKUP . ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 1) (THE-ALIST-LOOKUP 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 2 (THE-ALIST-LOOKUP 2)) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 3 (THE-ALIST-LOOKUP 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up an element associated w/ key -A in the associative - set -A. An element X occurs before another Y if X's key -A - Y's key. Keys are compared using -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> tDOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 2)) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> THE-ALIST-LOOKUP)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> THE-ALIST-LOOKUP)))))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 'Associative Set Lookup' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-HT-LOOKUP . HASH-LOOKUP)) input -Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 1) (THE-HT-LOOKUP 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 2 (THE-HT-LOOKUP 2) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 3 (THE-HT-LOOKUP 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up an element associated wl key -A in the associative set -A. An element X occurs before another Y if X's key -A Y's key. An element X is retrieved if X's key -A -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DO-C-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-COMPARATOR-TNFO (N> THE-HT-LOOKUP)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> THE-HT-LOOKUP)))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 1))))) (Defrule PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP 'Property List Lookup, :RHS-Node-Types ((GET-AT-INDICATOR GET)) :Input-Embedding (((PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP 1) (GET-AT-INDICATOR 1)) ((PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP 2 (GET-AT-INDICATOR 2) :Output-Embedding (((PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP 3 (GET-AT-INDICATOR 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up the value associated w/ the indicator -A in the property-list of the symbol -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP 2)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP 1))))) (Defrule HASH-LOOKUP 'Hash Table Lookup, :RHS-Node-Types ((CHT-LOOKUP . CHAINING-HT-LOOKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((HASH-LOOKUP 1) (HT-LOOKUP 1)) ((HASH-LOOKUP 2 (CHT-LOOKUP 2) :Output-Embedding (((HASH-LOOKUP 3 (CHT-LOOKUP 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up an element with key -A from the Hash-Table -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (HASH-LOOKUP M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (HASH-LOOKUP 2))) (Defrule HASH-DELETE 'Hash Table Delete- :RHS-Node-Types ((CHT-DELETE . CHAINING-HT-DELETE)) :Input-Embedding (((HASH-DELETE 1) (CRT-DELETE 1)) ((HASH-DELETE 2 (CHT-DELETE 2) :Output-Embedding (((HASH-DELETE 3 (CHT-DELETE 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,deletes an element with key -A from the Hash-Table -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (HASH-DELETE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (HASH-DELETE 2)))) (Defrule HASH-INSERT 'Hash Table Insert- :RHS-Node-Types ((CHT-INSERT . CHAINING-HT-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((HASH-INSERT 1) (CHT-INSERT 1)) ((HASH-INSERT 2 (CHT-INSERT 2) ((HASH-INSERT 3 (CHT-INSERT 3M :Output-Embedding (((HASH-INSERT 4 (CRT-INSERT 4) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,inserts -A with key -A into the Hash-Table -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (OC-BP> (HASH-INSERT M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (HASH-INSERT 2M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (HASH-INSERT 3)))) (Defrule CAINING-HT-LOOKUP 'Chaining Hash Table Lookup, 3 02 :RHS-Node-Types ((RETRIEVE-AND-SEARCH FETCH+LOOKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-LOOKUP (RETRIEVE-AND-SEARCH 1)) ((CHAINING-HT-LOOKUP 2 (RETRIEVE-AND-SEARCH 2)) :Output-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-LOOKUP 3 (RETRIEVE-AND-SEARCH 3M :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up an element with key -A from the chaining - hash-table -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CHAINING-HT-LOOKUP 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (CHAINING-HT-LOOKu 2)))) (Defrule CHAINING-HT-DELETE 'Chaining Hash Table Delete, :RHS-Node-Types ((RETRIEVE-AND-DELETE CHAINING-HT-FTLL-COUNT-DELETE)) :Input-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-DELETE (RETRIEVE-AND-DELETE 1)) ((CHAINING-HT-DELETE 2 (RETRIEVE-AND-DELETE 2)) :Output-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-DELETE 3 (RETRIEVE-AND-DELETE 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,deletes an element with key -A from the chaining - hash-table -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CHAINING-HT-DELETE 1M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (CHAINING-HT-DELETE 2))) (Defrule CHAINING-HT-INSERT 'Chaining Hash Table Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((RETRIEVE-AND-INSERT . CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-INSERT 1) (RETRIEVE-AND-INSERT 1)) ((CHAINING-HT-INSERT 2 (RETRIEVE-AND-INSERT 2) ((CHAINING-HT-INSERT 3 (RETRIEVE-AND-INSERT 3)) :Output-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-INSERT 4 (RETRIEVE-AND-INSERT 4) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,inserts -A with key -A into the chaining Hash-Table -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CHAINING-HT-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CHAINING-HT-INSERT 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (CHAINING-HT-INSERT 3)))) (Defrule FETCH+LOOKUP 'Fetch Bucket and Lookup Element' :RHS-Node-Types ((HASH-KEY-AND-SIZE HASH-FUNCTION) (GET-BUCKET SELECT-TERM) (LOOKUP . ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP)) :Edge-List (((HASH-KEY-AND-SIZE 3 (GET-BUCKET 2) ((GET-BUCKET 3 (LOOKUP 2)) :Input-Embedding (((FETCH+LOOKUP 1) (LOOKUP 1)) ((FETCH+LOOKUP 1) (HASH-KEY-AND-SIZE 1)) ((FETCH+LOOKUP 2 (HASH-KEY-AND-SIZE 2) NUMBER-BUCKETS) ((FETCH+LOOKUP 2 (GET-BUCKET ) BUCKETS)) :Output-Ernbedding (((FETCH+LOOKUP 3 (LOOKUP 3M :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,looks up an element with key -A from the hash-table -A, - which is iplemented as an sequence -A of buckets. The - bucket is fetched indexing into the sequence using an - index computed by applying a hash function to the key - -A and the number of buckets in the hash table A.-%- Each bucket is implemented as an associative list.-%- Collision resolution is performed using a chaining strategy., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+LOOKUP 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> ALL-BP> (FETCH+LOOKUP 2))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+LOOKUP 2) BUCKETS)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+LOOKUP 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+LOOKUP 2) NUMBER-BUCKETS)))) (Defrule FETCH+DELETE 'Fetch Bucket and Delete Element' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((HASH-THE-KEY HASH-FUNCTION) (FETCH-BUCKET SELECT-TERM) (REMOVE . ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE) (UPDATE-BUCKETS NEW-TERM)) :Edge-List (((HASH-THE-KEY 3 (UPDATE-BUCKETS 2) ((HASH-THE-KEY 3 (FETCH-BUCKET 2) ((FETCH-BUCKET 3 (REMOVE 2) ((REMOVE 3 (UPDATE-BUCKETS 1))) :Input-Embedding (((FETCH+DELETE 1) (REMOVE 1)) ((FETCH+DELETE 1) (HASH-THE-KEY ((FETCH+DELETE 2 (HASH-THE-KEY 2) NUMBER-BUCKETS) ((FETCH+DELET 2 (UPDATE-BUCKETS 3) BUCKETS) ((FETCH+DELET 2 (FETCH-BUCKET ) BUCKETS)) :Output-Embedding (((FETCH+DELETE 3 (UPDATE-BUCKETS 4) BUCKETS)) :St-Thrus (((FETCH+DELETE 2 (FETCH+DELET 3) NUMBER-BUCKETS)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,deletes an element with key -A from the hash-table -A, which is implemented as a sequence -A of buckets. The bucket is fetched by indexing into the sequence using an index computed by applying a hash function to the key -A and the number of buckets in the hash table -A.-% - - 11 : - Each bucket is implemented as an associative list.-%- collision resolution is performed using a chaining strategy.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DC-BP> (FETCH+DELETE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (FETCH+DELETE 2))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (FETCH+DELETE 2) BUCKETS)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (FETCH+DELETE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+DELETE 2) NUMBER-BUCKETS)))) (Defrule FETCH+INSERT 'Fetch Bucket and Insert Element' :RHS-Node-Types ((COMPUTE-HASH HASH-FUNCTION) tFETCH SELECT-TERM) (INSERT ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT) (UPDATE NEW-TERM)) :Edge-List ((tCOMPUTE-HASH 3 (UPDATE 2) ((COMPUTE-HASH 3 (FETCH 2) ((FETCH 3 (INSERT 3) ((INSERT 4 (UPDATE 1))) :Input-Embedding (((FETCH+INSERT 1) (INSERT 1)) ((FETCH+INSERT 2 (INSERT 2) ((FETCH+INSERT 2 (COMPUTE-HASH ((FETCH+INSERT 3 (COMPUTE-HASH 2) NUMBER-BUCKETS) ((FETCH+INSERT 3 (UPDATE 3) BUCKETS) ((FETCH+INSERT 3 (FETCH BUCKETS)) :Output-Embedding (((FETCH+INSERT 4 (UPDATE 4) BUCKETS)) :St-Thrus (((FETCH+INSERT 3 (FETCH+INSERT 4) NUMBER-BUCKETS)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,inserts -A into the hash-table -A, which is implemented as a sequence -A of buckets. The bucket is fetched by indexing into the sequence using an index computed by applying a hash function to the key -A and the number of buckets in the hash table A.-%- Each bucket is implemented as an associative list.-%- Collision resolution is performed using a chaining strategy., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (FETCH+INSERT 3))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+INSERT 3) BUCKETSH (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+INSERT 2))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FETCH+INSERT 3) NUMBER-BUCKETS)))) (Defrule CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 'Hash Table with Fill Count Delete' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((DELETE-ELEMENT . FETCH+DELETE) (DECREMENT-ELT-COUNT DECREMENT)) :Input-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 1) (DELETE-ELEMENT 1)) ((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 2 (DELETE-ELEMENT 2) HASH-TABLE) ((CHAINING-HT-FTLL-COUNT-DELETE 2 (DECREMENT-ELT-COuNT 1) FTLL-COUNT)) :Output-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELET 3 (DELETE-ELEMENT 3) HASH-TABLE) ((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 3 (DECREMENT-ELT-COUNT 2) FILL-COUNT) :St-Thrus (((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 2 (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 3) FILL-COUNT)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION 3 03 :Doc (,deletes an element with key -A from the chaining - Hash-Table+Fill-Count -A. This is a hash-table which - contains a fill count -A, keeping track of the number of - elements in the hash table., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 2)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 2) FILL-COUNT)))) (Defrule CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 'Hash Table with Fill Count Insert' :RHS-Node-Types HADD-ELEMENT . FETCH+INSERT) (INCREMENT-ELT-COUNT INCREMENT)) :Input-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 1) (ADD-ELEMENT 1)) ((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 2 (ADD-ELEMENT 2) ((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 3 (ADD-ELEMENT 3) HASH-TABLE) ((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 3 (INCREMENT-ELT-COUNT 1) FILL-COUNT)) :Output-Embedding (((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 4 (ADD-ELEMENT 4) HASH-TABLE) ((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 4 (INCREMENT-ELT-COUNT 2) FILL-COUNT)) :St-Thrus (((CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 3) (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 4) FILL-COUNT)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,inserts -A with key -A into the chaining - Hash-Table+Fill-Count -A. This is a hash-table which - contains a fill count -A, keeping track of the number of - elements in the hash table., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> tCHAINING-HT-FTLL-COUNT-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (HAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (ALL-BP> (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 3) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 3) FILL-COUNT)))) Figure 424. (Defrule LOOKUP-DESTINATION 'Lookup Destination Node' :RHS-Node-Types ((COMPUTE-DEST SELECT-TERM)) :Input-Embedding (((LOOKUP-DESTINATION 1) (COMPUTE-DEST 1)) ((LOOKUP-DESTINATION 2 (COMPUTE-DEST 2) DEST-ADDR)) :Output-Embedding (((LOOKUP-DESTINATIO 3 (COMPUrE-DEST 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,looks up the node whose address is in the Dest-Addr part of message -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LOOKUP-DESTINATION 2)))) Figure 424. (Defrule RECORD-AT-DESTINATION 'Record Node at Message Destination' :RHS-Node-Types ((RECORD NEW-TERM)) :Input-Embedding (((RECORD-AT-DESTINATION 1) (RECORD 1)) ((RECORD-AT-DESTINATION 2 (RECORD 2) DEST-ADDR) ((RECORD-AT-DESTINATION 3 (RECORD 3)) :Output-Embedding (((RECORD-AT-DESTINATION 4 (RECORD 4) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,records node -A at the address in the Dest-Addr part of message -A in the address map -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (RECORD-AT-DESTINATION (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DCC-BP> (RECORD-AT-DESTINATION 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (RECORD-AT-DESTINATIO 3)))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 'Associative Linked List Lookup, :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((THE-UOAL-LOOKUP . UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 1) (THE-UOAL-LOOKUP 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 2 (THE-UOAL-LOOKUP 2) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 3 (THE-UOAL-LOOKUP 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up the element associated w/ key -A -A in the associative list -A.' (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP)))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 2)))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 'Associative Linked List Lookup, :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-OAL-LOOKUP . ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 1) (THE-OAL-LOOKUP 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 2 (THE-OAL-LOOKUP 2)) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 3 (THE-OAL-LOOKUP 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,looks up the element associated w/ key -A -A in the associative list -A.' (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP)))) (INPUT-PCRT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 2)))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 'Associative Linked List Delete' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-UOAL-DELETE . NORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 1) (THE-UOAL-DELETE 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 2 (THE-UOAL-DELETE 2)) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 3 (THE-UOAL-DELETE 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEM ENT ATION :Doc (,deletes the element associated wl key -A -A in the associative list -A.' (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTICN-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DtLETE)))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 2)))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 'Associative Linked List Delete' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-OAL-DELET . ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 1) (THE-OAL-DELETE 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 2 (THE-OAL-DELETE 2)) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 3 (THE-OAL-DELETE 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,deletes the element associated w/ key -A -A in the associative list -A.' (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE)))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 2))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 'Associative Linked List Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-UNORDERED-AL-INSERT . UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 1) (THE-UNORDERED-AL-INSERT 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-LTST-TNSERT 2 (THE-UNORDERED-AL-INSERT 2) ((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 3 (THE-UNORDERED-AL-INSERT 3)) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 4 (THE-UNORDERED-AL-INSERT 4)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('inserts -A (associated w/ key -A) in the associative list A%- An element X replaces another Y if X's key -A Y's key.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NA14E> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCTATIVE-LTST-INSERT 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 3)) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> THE-UNORDERED-AL-INSERT)))))) (Defrule ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 'Associative Linked List Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-OAL-INSERT . ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-TNSERT 1) (THE-OAL-INSERT 1)) ((ASSOCIATIVE-LTST-INSERT 2 (THE-OAL-INSERT 2) ((ASSOCTATIVE-LTST-INSERT 3 (THE-OAL-INSERT 3)) :Output-Embedding (((ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 4 (THE-OAL-INSERT 4) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION 3 04 : Doc (,inserts -A (associated w/ key -A) in the associative list A.-%- An element X replaces another Y if X's key -A Y's key., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 2)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 3M (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT)))))) (Defrule UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 'Unordered Associative Linked List Lookup, :RHS-Node-Types ((UOAL-ENUM LE) (FIND-ELT EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY)) :Edge-List (((UOAL-ENUM 2 . (FIND-ELT 1))) :Input-Embedding (((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 1) (FIND-ELT 2) ((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 2 (UOAL-ENUM 1))) :Output-Embedding (((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 3 (FIND-ELT 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,searches the elements of the unordered associative list -A for an element with key -A -A. If no such element is - found, NIL is returned.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP)))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 1))))) (Defrule UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT ,unordered Associative Linked List Insert, :RHS-Node-Types ((UOAL-PUSH LIST-PUSH)) :Input-Embedding (((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 1) (UOAL-PUSH 1)) ((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 2 (UOAL-PUSH 2) :Output-Embedding (((UNORDERBD-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 3 (U0AL-PUSH 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('inserts -A into the unordered associative list -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 2))) (Defrule UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EMPTY? 'Unordered Associative List Empty' :RHS-Node-Types ((UOAL-EMPTY? . LIST-EMPTY)) :Input-Embedding (((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EMPTY? 1) (UOAL-EMPTY? 1))) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,tests whether the unordered associative list -A is epty.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNORDERED-ASSOC!-LIST-EMPTY? 1))))) (Defrule INTERMEDIATE-UOAL-DELETE 'Unordered Associative Linked List Delete (Intermediate), :RHS-Node-Types ((GENERATE-CURRENT+NEXT-SUBLIST TRAILING-GENERATE) (LIST-EXHAUSTED TRUNCATE) (ELTS-BEFORE-P TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD) (COLLECT-REMAINING . CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SUBLIST)) :Edge-List (((GENERATE-CURRENT+NEXT-SUBLIST 3 (COLLECT-REMAININ 2) ((GENERATE-CURRENT+NEXT-SUBLIST 2 (LIST-EXHAUSTED 1)) ((LIST-EXHAUSTED 2 (ELTS-BEFORE-P 1)) ((ELTS-BEFORE-P 3 (COLLECT-REMAINING 1))) :Input-Embedding (((INTERMEDIATE-UOAL-DELETE 1) (ELTS-BEFORE-P 2) ((INTERMEDIATE-UOAL-DELETE 2) (GENERATE-CURRENT+NEXT-SUBLIST 1)) ((INTERMEDIATE-UOAL-DELETE 3 (COLLECT-REMAINING 2) :Output-Embedding (((INTERMEDIATE-UOAL-DELETE 4 (COLLECT-REMAINING 3) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,intermediate nonterminal: Unordered-Assoc-List-Delete.1)) (Defrule UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 'Unordered Associative Linked List Delete' :RHS-Node-Types ((SPLICE-OUT-ELT . INTERMEDIATE-UOAL-DELETE)) :Input-Embedding (((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 1) (SPLICE-OUT-ELT 1)) ((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 2 (SPLICE-OUT-ELT 2)) :Output-Embedding (((UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 3 (SPLICE-OUT-ELT 4) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,splices out the element of the unordered associative list -A whose key is -A -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 2)) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (KEY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> T3NORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELBTE)))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE (Defrule PQ-ENUMERATION 'Priority Queue Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((PQ-ENUM-FINISHED? . PQ-EMPTY) (PQ-EXTRACT-NEXT PQ-EXTRACT)) :Tnput-Embedding (((PQ-ENUMERATION (PQ-EXTRACT-NEXT 1)) ((PQ-ENUMERATION 1) (PQ-ENUM-FINISHED? 1))) :Output-Embedding (((PQ-ENUMERATION 2 (PQ-EXTRACT-NEXT 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates all of the elements in the Priority-Queue A%- by destructively extracting them from the queue., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PQ-ENUMERATION (Defrule PQ-EMPTY 'Priority Queue Empty* :RHS-Node-Types ((EMPTY-LIST? TEST-PREDICATE)) :Input-Embedding (((PQ-EMPTY 1) EMPTY-LTST? 1)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,tests whether the Priority Queue -A is epty.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PQ-EMPTY 1))))) (Defrule PQ-EXTRACT 'Priority Queue Extract, :RHS-Node-Types ((EXTRACT-FROM-OAL . ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EXTRACT)) :Tnput-Embedding (((PQ-EXTRACT 1) (EXTRACT-FROM-OAL 1))) :Output-Embedding (((PQ-EXTRACT 2 (EXTRACT-FROM-OAL 2) ((PQ-EXTRACT 3 (EXTPACT-FROM-OAL 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLF14ENTATION :Doc (,extracts the highest priority element in the Priority Queue A- The priority queue is implemented as an ordered associative list., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EXTRACT-FROM-OAL (Defrule PQ-INSERT 'Priority Queue Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((ORDERED-SPLTCE-IN . ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT)) :Input-Embedding (((PQ-INSERT 1) (ORDERED-SPLICE-TN 1)) ((PQ-INSERT 2 (ORDERED-SPLICE-IN 2) ((PQ-INSERT 3 (ORDERED-SPLICE-I 3)) :Output-Embedding (((PQ-INSERT 4 (ORDERED-SPLICE-IN W) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,inserts -A in the priority queue A%- An element's priority P is higher than another's Q if P -A Q-%- If an element already exists in the priority queue with the same priority, then the new element is inserted into the queue after the existing element., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-SPLICE-IN 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAMt> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-SPLICE-I 3)) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> ORDERED-SPLICE-IN)))))) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT ,ordered Associative List Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-UNSAFE-INSERT . ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-Ut4SAFE)) :Tnput-Embedding I (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 1) (THE-UNSAFE-INSERT 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 2 (THE-UNSAFE-INSERT 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LTST-INSERT 3 (THE-UNSAFE-INSERT 3)) :Output-Ernbedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 4 (THE-UNSAFE-INSERT 4) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,inserts -A in the ordered associative list -A, associated with priority -A. An element X occurs before another Y if X's priority -A Y's priority.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 3)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> THE-UNSAFE-INSERT)))))) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-TNSERT 'Ordered Associative List Insert- 3 ---- -- IN M :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((THE-SAFE-INSERT . ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE)) :Input-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 1) (THE-SAFE-INSERT 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 2 (THE-SAFE-INSERT 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 3 (THE-SAFE-INSERT 3)) :Output-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LTST-INSERT 4 (THE-SAFE-INSERT 4)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,inserts -A in the ordered associative list -A, associated with priority -A. An element X occurs before another Y if X's priority -A Y's priority., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 3)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> THE-SAFE-INSERT)))))) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE 'Ordered Associative List Insert Safe' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-FRONT . ENUM-OAL-FRONT) (FIND-TAIL FIND-OAL-TAIL) (DO-INSERT OAL-SPLICE-IN)) :Edge-List (((ENUMERATE-FRONT 3 (DO-INSERT 1)) ((FIND-TAIL 3 (DO-INSERT 3)) :Input-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE 1) (DO-INSERT 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE 2) (FIND-TAIL 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE 2) (ENUMERATE-FRONT 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE 3) (FIND-TAIL 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE 3) (ENUMERATE-FRONT 1))) :Output-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE 4) (DO-INSERT 4) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,inserts -A (associated w/ priority -A) in the ordered - associative list -A. An element X occurs before another Y if X's priority -A Y's priority.-%- If an element already exists in the list with priority -A, then the new element is inserted into the list after the existing element., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DO-INSERT 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-FRONT 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-FRONT ) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE)))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-FRONT 2))) (Defrule ENUM-OAL-FRONT 'Enumerate Ordered Associative List Front, :RHS-Node-Types ((CDR-DOWN GENERATE) (HEAD-IN-FRONT? . TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION) (THE-HEAD-MAP CAR-MAP)) :Edge-List (((CDR-DOWN 2 (HEAD-IN-FRONT? 1)) ((HEAD-IN-FRONT 3 . (THE-HEAD-MAP 1))) :Input-Embedding (((ENUM-OAL-FRONT 1) (CDR-DOWN 1)) ((ENUM-OAL-FRONT 2 (HEAD-IN-FRONT 2) :Output-Embedding (((ENUM-OAL-FRONT 3 (THE-HEAD-MAP 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates the elements of the Ordered Associative list -A up to, but not including, the element (if any) that has - lower priority than -A. If there is no such element, all elements of the list are enumerated., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CDR-DOWN 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (HEAD-IN-FRONT 2))) (Defrule FIND-OAL-TAIL 'Find Ordered Associative List Tail. :RHS-Node-Types ((CDR-DOWN2 GENERATE) (HEAD-OF-TAIL? EARLIEST-OAL-POSITION)) :Edge-List (((CDR-DOWN2 2 (HEAD-OF-TAIL? :Input-Embedding (((FIND-OAL-TAIL 1) (CDR-DOWN2 1)) ((FIND-OAL-TAIL 2 (HEAD-OF-TAIL 2) :Output-Embedding (((FIND-OAL-TAIL 3 (HEAD-OF-TAIL 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,finds the tail of -A (if any) whose head has lower priority than -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CDR-DOWN2 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (HEAD-OF-TAIL 2))) (Defrule ENUM-OAL-FRONT-UNSAFE 'Unsafe Enumerate Ordered Associative List Front' :RHS-Node-Types ((CDR-DOWN-FRONT GENERATE) (HEAD-BELONG-IN-FRONT? . TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION-UNSAFE) (EXTRACT-HEAD CAR-MAP)) :Edge-List (((CDR-DOWN-FRONT 2 (EXTRACT-HEAD 1)) ((CDR-DOWN-FRONT 2 (HEAD-BELONC-IN-FRONT? 1))) :Tnput-Embedding (((ENUM-OAL-FRONT-UNSAFE 1) (CDR-DOWN-FRONT 1)) ((ENUM-OAL-FRONT-UNSAFE 2 (HEAD-BELONG-IN-FRONT 2) :Output-Embedding (((ENUM-0AL-FRONT-UNSAFE 3 (EXTRACT-HEAD 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates the elements of the Ordered Associative list -A up to,--%- but not including, the element (if any) that has equal or lower - priority than -A. If there is no such element, all elements of the list are enumerated. Priority equality is tested using -A and the priorities are ordered by -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CDR-DOWN-FRONT (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (HEAD-BELONG-IN-FRONT 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ENUM-OAL-FRONT-UNSAFE)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> ENUM-OAL-FRONT-UNSAFE)))))) (Defrule FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE 'Unsafe Find Ordered Associative List Tail' :RHS-Node-Types ((PREV-CURRENT-SUBLISTS . TRAILING-GENERATE) (THE-SAFE-EARLIEST . EARLIEST-OAL-POSITION) (THE-UNSAFE-EARLIEST . .ARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD)) :Edge-List (((PREV-CURRENT-SUBLISTs 2 (THE-UNSAFE-EARLIEST 1)) ((PREV-CURREW-SUBLISTS 2 (THE-SAFE-EARLIEST 1))) :Input-Embedding (((FIND-OAL-TATL-UNSAFE 1) (PREV-CURRENT-SUBLTSTS 1)) ((FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE 2 (THE-UNSAFE-EARLIEST 2) ((FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE 2 (THE-SAFE-EARLIEST 2)) :Output-Embedding (((FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE 3 (PREV-CURRENT-SUBLISTS 3) ((FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE 3 (THE-SAFE-EARLIEST 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,finds the tail of -A (if any) whose head has equal or lower priority than -A. Priority equality is tested using -A and the priorities are ordered by -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PREV-CURRENT-SUBLISTS 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (THE-SAFE-EARLIEST 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRTORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE)))))) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 'Ordered Associative List Delete' :RHS-Node-Types ((UNSAFE-FRONT-ENUMERATION . ENUM-OAL-FRONT-UNSAFE) (UNSAFE-TAIL-SEARCH FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE) (CONS-UP-REMAINING CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SU13LIST)) :Edge-List (((UNSAFE-FRONT-ENUMERATION 3 . (CONS-UP-REMAINING 1)) ((UNSAFE-TAIL-SZARCH 3 . (CONS-UP-REMAINING 2) :Input-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 2 (UNSAFE-TAIL-SEARCH 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELET 2 (UNSAFE-FRONT-ENUMERATION 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 1) (UNSAFE-TAIL-SEARCH 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 1) (UNSAFE-FRONT-ENUMERATION 2) :Output-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 3 (CONS-UP-REMAININ 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,deletes the element associated w/ priority -A from the ordered associative list A%- The predicate used to test for priority equality is A%- if there is more than element with this priority, only the first is removed. An element X occurs before another Y if X's priority -A Y's priority.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNSAFE-FRONT-ENUMERATION 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (UNSAFE-FRONT-ENUMERATION 1))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETEM) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE)))))) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-UNSAFE 'Unsafe Ordered Associative List Insert' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-FRONT-UNSAFELY . ENUM-OAL-FRONT-UNSAFE) (FIND-TAIL-UNSAFELY . FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAVE) (THE-INSERTION . OAL-SPLICE-IN)) 3 , i . :Edge-List (((ENUMERATE-FRONT-UNSAFELY 3 (THE-INSERTION 1)) ((FIND-TAIL-UNSAFELY 3 (THE-INSERTION 3)) :Input-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT--UNSAFE 1) (THE-INSERTION 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-UNSAFE 2 (FIND-TAIL-UNSAFELY 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-TJNSAFE 2) (ENUMERATE-FRONT-UNSAFELY 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-UNSAFE 3) (FIND-TATL-UNSAFELY 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-UNSAFE 3) (ENUMERATE-FRONT-UNSAFELY :Output-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-UNSAFE 4 (THE-INSERTION 4)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,inserts -A (associated w/ priority -A) in the ordered - associative list -A. The insertion is unsafe in that if - there is an existing element in the list that has priority -A -A, then that existing element is replaced by A.-%- An element X occurs before another Y if X's priority -A Y's priority., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (THE-INSERTION 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-FRONT-UNSAFELY 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-FRONT-UNSAFELY (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-TNSERT-UNSAFE)))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ENUMERATE-FRONT-UNSAFELY 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (THE-INSERTION 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-UNSAFE)))))) (Defrule OAL-RETRIEVE-IF-EXISTS ,ordered-Associative List Retrieve (If Exists)' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUM-OAL . ORDERED-ASSOC-LE) (EARLIEST-ELEMENT . ERLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY)) :Edge-List (((ENUM-OAL 3 (EARLIEST-ELEMENT :Input-Embedding (((OAL-RETRIEVE-IF-EXISTS 1) (EARLIEST-ELEMENT 2) ((OAL-RETRTEVE-IF-EXISTS 1) (ENUM-OAL 2) ((OAL-RETRIEVE-IF-EXISTS 2 (ENUM-OAL 1))) :Output-Embedding (((OAL-RETRIEVE-IF-EXISTS 4 (EARLIEST-ELEMENT 3)) :St-Thrus (((OAL-RETRIEVE-IF-EXISTS 3 (OAL-RETRIEVE-IF-EXIST 4) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,intermediate non-terminal: Ordered-Assoc-List-Lookup.1)) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 'Ordered Associative List Lookup, :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-RETRIEVAL . OAL-RETRIEVE-IF-EXISTS)) :Input-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 1) (THE-RETRIEVAL 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 2 (THE-RETRTEVAL 2) :Output-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 3 (THE-RETRIEVAL 4) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,finds and returns the element associated w/ priority -A in the ordered associative list A.-%- If no element with priority -A is found, NIL is returned.-%- The predicate used to test for priority equality is A.-%- If there is more than element with this priority, only - the first is retrieved. An element X occurs before another Y if X's priority -A Y's priority.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORD-RED-ASSOC-LTST-LOOKUP (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 1M (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE tPRIORITY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP)))))) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-LE 'Ordered Associative List Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE . ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE) (EACH-ELEMENT CAR-MAP)) :Edge-List (((THE-ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 3 . (EACH-ELEMENT :Input-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LE 1) (THE-ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LE 2 (THE-ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 2)) :Output-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LE 3 (EACH-ELEmENT 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION Doc (,enumerates the elements of -A, up to, but not including,-%- the element that has lower priority than -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-LE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-L 2)))) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 'Ordered Associative Sublist Enumeration, :RHS-Node-Types ((OAL-GENERATE GENERATE) (OAL-TRUNCATE TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION)) :Edge-List ((t0AL-GENERATE 2 . (OAL-TRUNCATE 1))) :Input-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 1) (OAL-GENERATE 1)) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-SL 2 (OAL-TRUNCATE 2)) :Output-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 3 (OAL-TRUNCATE 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('enumerates the successive sublists of -A, up to, but not including,-%- , the sublist with a head that has lower priority than -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 1M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 2))) (Defrule LIST-PUSH 'List Push' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-CONS CONS)) :Input-Embedding (((LIST-PUSH 1) (THE-CONS 1)) ((LIST-PUSH 2 (THE-CONS 2) :Output-Embedding (((LIST-PUSH 3 (THE-CONS 3)) :L-R-Link MPLEMENTATION :Doc (,pushes -A onto the list -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LIST-PUSH 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LIST-PUSH 2))) (Defrule OAL-SPLICE-OUT 'Splice out of Ordered Associative List' :RHS-Node-Types ((POP-TAIL CDR) (ADD-FRONT CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SUBLIST)) :Edge-List (((POP-TAIL 2 (ADD-FRONT 2) :Input-Embedding (((OAL-SPLICE-OUT 1) (ADD-FRONT 1)) ((OAL-SPLICE-OUT 2 (POP-TAIL 1))) :Output-Embedding (((OAL-SPLICE-OUT 3 (ADD-FRONT 3) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,splices the head of the -A out of the ordered associative list-%- that contains it as a tail.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (POP-TAIL 1))))) (Defrule OAL-SPLTCE-IN 'Ordered Associative List Splice In' :RHS-Node-Types ((PUSH-ONTO-TAIL LIST-PUSH) (CONS-UP-FRONT CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SUBLIST)) :Edge-List (((PUSH-ONTO-TAIL 3 . (CONS-UP-FRONT 2)) :Input-Embedding (((OAL-SPLICE-IN 1) (CONS-UP-FRONT 1)) ((OAL-SPLICE-IN 2 (PUSH-ONTO-TAIL 1)) ((OAL-SPLICE-I 3 (PUSH-ONTO-TAIL 2M :Output-Embedding (((OAL-SPLICE-IN 4 (CONS-UP-FRONT 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,splices -A in between the front of the list -A and the tail -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PUSH-ONTO-TAIL 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CONS-UP-FRONT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PUSH-ONTO-TAIL 2))) (Defrule TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION-UNSAFE 'Unsafe Truncate at Priority Position' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-SAFE-TRUNCATE . TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION) (THE-UNSAFE-TRUNCATE . TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRICRITY-HEAD)) :Edge-List (((THE-SAFE-TRUNCATE 3 . (THE-UNSAFE-TRUNCATE 1))) :Input-Embedding (((TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION-UNSAFE 1) (THE-SAFE-TRUNCATE 1)) ((TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION-UNSAFE 2 (THE-UNSAFE-TRUNCATE 2) ((TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION-UNSAFE 2 (THE-SAFE-TRUNCATE 2) :Output-Embedding (((TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION-UNSAFE 3 (THE-UNSAFE-TRUNCATE 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc 3 07 --- --- ---- - - I--- --- -1-- - -- A ('outputs the elements of the input series (each elt. is an - ordered associative list), - up to but not including the one that is empty or has a head with priority less than or equal to A.- ? priority P is less than another Q if P -A .- ? priority P is equal to another Q if P -A Q.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (THE-SAFE-TRUNCATE 2) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORITY-COMPARATOR-INFO (N> THE-SAFE-TRUNCATE)))) (FUNCTION-NAME (FUNCTION-TYPE (PRIORTTY-EQUALITY-INFO (N> THE-UNSAFE-TRUNCATE)))))) (Defrule TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 'Truncate Equal Priority Head, :RHS-Node-Types ((PH-EQUALITY-TEST . EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD)) :Input-Embedding (((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 1) (PH-EQUALITY-TEST 1)) ((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 2 (PH-EQUALITY-TEST 2)) :St-Thrus (((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 1) (TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 3) :L-R-Link T4PORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc ('outputs the elements of the input series (each elt. is an associative list), up to but not including the one that is empty or has a head with lower priority than -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PH-EQUALITY-TEST 2))) (Defrule EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 'Earliest Equal Priority Head, :RHS-Node-Types ((EQUAL-PH-SEARCH . EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD)) :Input-Embedding (((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 1) (EQUAL-PH-SEARCH 1)) ((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 2).(EQUAL-PH-SEARCH 2) :St-Thrus (((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY-BEAD 1) (EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the first element of the input series (each elt is an ordered associative list), that has a head with - priority -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 2))) (Defrule EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 'Equal Priority Head' :RHS-Node-Types ((ACCESS-HEAD CAR) (CHECK-PRIORITIES EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST)) :Edge-List (((ACCESS-HEAD 2 (CHECK-PRIORITIES 2)) :Input-Embedding (((EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 1) (ACCESS-HEAD 1)) ((EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 2 (CHECK-PRIORITIES 1))) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('tests whether the head of the input associative list -A has priority -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ACCESS-HEAD 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CHECK-PRIORITIES (Defrule TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 'Truncate Equal Priority' :RHS-Node-Types ((PRIORITY-EQUALITY-TEST . EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST)) :Input-Embedding (((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1) (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-TEST 2) ((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 2 (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-TEST 1))) :St-Thrus (((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1) (TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the elements of the input series,- up to but not including the one that has lower priority than -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-TEST (Defrule TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 'Truncate Equal Priority, :RHS-Node-Types ((PRIORITY-EQUALITY-TEST . EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST)) :Input-Embedding (((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1) (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-TEST 1)) ((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 2 (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-TEST 2) :St-Thrus (((TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1) (TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the elements of the input series, up to but not - including the one that has lower priority than -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (PRIORITY-EQUALITY-TEST 2)))) (Defrule EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 'Earliest Equal Priority' :RHS-Node-Types ((EQUAL-P-SEARCH . EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST)) :Input-Embedding (((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1) (EQUAL-P-SEARCH 2) ((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 2 (EQUAL-P-SEARCH :St-Thrus (((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1) (EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the first element of the input series- -&that has priority -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EQUAL-P-SEARCH (Defrule EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 'Earliest Equal Priority' :RHS-Node-Types ((EQUAL-P-SEARCH . EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST)) :Input-Embedding (((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1) (EQUAL-P-SEARCH 1)) ((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 2 (EQUAL-P-SEARC 2)) :St-Thrus (((EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1) (EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 3)) :L-R-Link T4PORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the first element of the input series- -&that has priority -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EQUAL-P-SEARCH 2))) (Defrule EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST 'Equal Priority Test' :RHS-Node-Types ((EQUAL-PRIORITIES . COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION) (THE-TEST NULL-TEST)) :Edge-List (((EQUAL-PRIORITIES 3 (THE-TEST 1))) :Input-Embedding (((EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST 1) (EQUAL-PRIORITIES 1)) ((EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST 2 (EQUAL-PRIORITIES 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('tests whether -A and -A have -A priorities., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST 2) (EQUALITY-PRBDTCATE? (N> EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST)))) (Defrule TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION 'Truncate at Priority Position' :RHS-Node-Types ((POSITION-TEST . EMPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-HEAD)) :Input-Embedding (((TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION 1) (POSITION-TEST 1)) ((TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION 2 (POSITION-TEST 2) :St-Thrus (((TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION 1) (TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITIO 3)) :L-R-Link TMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the elements of the input series (each elt. is an ordered associative list), - -&up to but not including the one that is empty or has a head -&with lower priority than -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (POSITION-TEST 2)))) (Defrule EARLIEST-OAL-POSITION 'Earliest Priority Position' :RHS-Node-Types ((OAL-POSITION-SEARCH . EMPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-HEAD)) :Input-Embedding (((EARLIEST-OAL-POSITION 1) (OAL-POSITION-SEARCH 1)) ((EARLTEST-OAL-POSITION 2 (OAL-POSITION-SEARCH 2) :St-Thrus (( EARLIEST-OAL-POSITION 1) (EARLIEST-OAL-POSITION 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the first element of the input series (each elt. is an ordered associative list),- -&that is either epty or has a head with lower priority than -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EARLIEST-OAL-POSITION 2)))) (Defrule EMPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-HEAD 'Empty or Low Priority Head, :RHS-Node-Types ((EMPTY? NULL) (CONTROL-COMPARISON NULL-TEST) (GET-HEAD CAR) (COMPARE-PRIORITIES ANY-COMPARATOR) (OR-TEST NULL-TEST)) :Edge-List MEMPTY? 2 (OR-TEST 1)) ((EMPTY? 2 (CONTROL-COMPARISON 1)) ((GET-HEAD 2 (COMPARE-PRIORITIES 2) ((COMPARE-PRIORITIES 3 (OR-TEST 1))) 3 :Input-Embedding (((EMPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-HEAD 1) (GET-HEAD 1)) ((EMPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-HEAD 1) (EMPTY? 1)) ((EMPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-HEAD 2 (COMPARE-PRIORITIES 1))) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,tests whether the list -A is either empty or has a first - element that has a lower priority than -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EMPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-HEAD 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (MPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-HEAD 2)))) (Defrule ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EXTRACT 'Ordered Associative List Extract' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-POP LIST-POP)) :Input-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EXTRACT 1) (THE-POP 1))) :Output-Embedding (((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EXTRACT 2 (THE-POP 2) ((ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EXTRACT 3 (THE-POP 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,extracts the highest priority element from the ordered associative list -A by popping the first element.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (THE-POP 1))))) (Defrule LIST-POP 'List Pop' :RHS-Node-Types ((PULL-OFF-HEAD CAR) (GET-TAIL CDR)) :Input-Embedding (((LIST-POP 1) (GET-TAIL 1)) ((LIST-POP 1) (PULL-OFF-HEAD 1))) :Output-Embedding (((LIST-POP 2 (PULL-OFF-HEAD 2) ((LIST-POP 3 (GET-TAIL 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,pops the first element off of the list -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (GET-TAIL 1))))) (Defrule ACCUMULATION-UP 'Accumulation Up' :RHS-Node-Types ((ACCUM-FUNCTION . ANY-BIN-F)) :Input-Embedding (((ACCUMULATION-UP 2 (ACCUM-FUNCTION :Output-Embedding (((ACCUMULATION-UP 3 (ACCUM-FUNCTION 3) :St-Thrus (((ACCUMULATION-UP 1) (ACCUMULATION-UP 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,iteratively applies the function -A to the result of the recursive call and a new value. The result of the application is returned as the result of the recursive call., (FUNCTION-TYPB (FUNCTION-INFO (N> ACCUM-FUNCTION))))) (Defrule ACCUMULATE-UP 'Accumulate on the way up' :RHS-Node-Types ((ITER-ACCUM-UP ACCUMULATION-UP)) :Input-Embedding (((ACCUMULATE-UP 1) (ITER-ACCUM-UP 1)) ((ACCUMULATE-UP 2 (ITER-ACCUM-UP 2) :Output-Embedding (((ACCUMULATE-UP 3 (ITER-ACCUM-UP 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,accumulates the values of the input series 'on the way up, using the function -A. The initial value of the accumulation is -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> ITER-ACCUM-UP))) (INIT-VALUE (N> ITER-ACCUM-UP)))) (Defrule CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP 'Cons Accumulate on the way up' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-UP-ACCUM ACCUMULATE-UP)) :Input-Embedding (((CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP 1) (THE-UP-ACCUM 2M :Output-Embedding (((CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP 2 (THE-UP-ACCUM 3) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,accumulates the elements of -A into a list using cons., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP 1))))) (Defrule CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SUBLIST 'Cons Accumulate on the way up from Sublist, :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-UP-ACCUM ACCUMULATE-UPH :Input-Embedding (((CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SUBLIST 1) (THE-UP-ACCUM 2) ((CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SUBLTST 2 (THE-UP-ACCUM 1))) :Output-Embedding (((CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SUBLIST 3 (THE-UP-ACCUM 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,accumulates the elements of -A into a list whose tail is -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CONS-ACCUMULATE-TJP-FROM-SUBLIST 1M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP-FROM-SUBLIST 2))) (Defrule LIST-EMPTY 'List Epty' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-NULL . TEST-PREDICATE)) :Input-Embedding (((LIST-EMPTY 1) (THE-NULL 1))) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,checks whether the list -A is empty.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> LIST-EMPTY 1))))) Figure 414. (Defrule GENERATION 'Generation' :RHS-Node-Types ((GEN-FUNCTION . ANY-GEN-F)) :Input-Embedding (((GENERATION 1) (GEN-FUNCTION 1))) :St-Thrus (((GENERATION 1) ENERATION 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,generates the successive elements of -A by repeatedly applying the function -A to the result of its preceding application., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (GENERATION 1))) (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> GEN-FUNCTION)M) (Defrule GENERATE 'Generate' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-COUNT COUNT)) :Input-Embedding (((GENERATE 1) (THE-COUNT 1))) :Output-Embedding (((GENERATE 2 (THE-COUNT 2) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,generates the elements of -A by counting them., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (OC-BP> (GENERATE 1))))) (Defrule GENERATE 'Generate' :RHS-Node-Types ((ITER-GEN GENERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((GENERATE 1) (ITER-CEN 1))) :Output-Embedding (((GENERATE 2 (ITER-GEN 2) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTPACTION :Doc (,generates a series of elements of -A by repeatedly applying the function -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (GENERATE 1))) (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> ITER-GEN))))) (Defrule COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION 'Commutative Binary Function' :RHS-Node-Types ((COMM-BIN-FUNCTION . ANY-COMM-BIN-F)) :Input-Embedding (((COMMUTATIVE-BTNARY-FUNCTION 1) (COMM-BIN-FUNCTION 2) ((COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION 2 (COMM-BIN-FUNCTION 1))) :Output-Embedding (((COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION 3 (COMM-BIN-FUNCTION 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,applies the commutative binary function -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> COMM-DIN-FUNCTION))))) (Defrule COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION 'Commutative Binary Function' :RHS-Node-Types ((COMM-BIN-FUNCTION . ANY-COMM-BIN-F)) :Input-Embedding (((COMMUTATIVE-B-INARY-FUNCTION 1) (COMM-BIN-FUNCTION 1)) ((COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-F'UNCTION 2 (COMM-BIN-FUNCTION 2) :Output-Embedding (((COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION 3 (COMM-BIN-FUNCTION 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc 3 9 (,applies the commutative binary function -A., (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> COMM-BIN-FUNCTION))))) (Defrule INCREMENT 'Increment' :RHS-Node-Types ((COMM-INC . COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION)) :Input-Ernbedding (((INCREMENT 1) (COMM-INC 1))) :Output-Embedding (((INCREMENT 2 (COMM-INC 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,increments -A by 1.1 (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (INCREMENT Figure 45. (Defrule COUNTING-UP 'Counting Up' :RHS-Node-Types ((COUNTER INCREMENT)) :Input-Embedding (((COUNTING-UP 1) (COUNTER :St-Thrus (((COUNTING-UP 1) (COUNTING 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,repeatedly increments -A by 1.1 (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (COUNTING-UP (Defrule COUNT 'Count, :RHS-Node-Types ((ITER.-COUNTING COUNTING-UP)) :Input-Embedding (((COUNT 1) (ITER-COUNTING 1))) :Output-Embedding (((COUNT 2 (ITER-COUNTIN 2) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,generate a series of successive integers starting with -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (COUNT (Defrule BOUNDED-COUNT 'Bounded Count' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-COUNTER COUNT) (STOP-AT-LIMIT BINARY-TRUNCATE)) :Edge-List (((THE-COUNTER 2 (STOP-AT-LIMIT :Input-Embedding (((BOUNDED-COUNT (THE-COUNTER 1)) ((BOUNDED-COUNT 2 (STOP-AT-LIMIT 2)) :Output-Embedding (((BOUNDED-couNT 3 (STOP-AT-LIMIT 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,generates a series of successive integers from -A up to, but not including -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BOUNDED-COUNT 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BOUNDED-COUNT 2))) (Defrule DECREMENT 'Decrement' :RHS-Node-Types ((SUBTRACT MINUS)) :Input-Embedding (((DECREMENT 1) (SUBTRACT :Output-Embedding (((DECREMENT 2 (SUBTRACT 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLF14ENTATION :Doc (,decrements -A by 1.1 (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DECREMENT (Defrule INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT 'Increment or Decrement' :RHS-Node-Types ((DECREMENTER DECREMENT)) :Input-Embedding (((INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT 1) (DECREMENTER :Output-Embedding (((INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT 2 (DECREMENTER 2) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,Increments or decrements -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME (DOC-BP> (DECREM ENT ER (Defrule INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT 'Increment or Decrement' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((COUNTER INCREMENT)) :Input-Embedding (((INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT 1) (COUNTER 1))) :Output-Embedding (((INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT 2 COUNTER 2) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,increments or decrements -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME (DOC-BP> (COUNTER (Defrule DOUBLE 'Double' :RHS-Node-Types ((COMM-TIMES . COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION)) :Input-Embedding (((DOUBLE 1) (COMM-TIMES :Output-Embedding (((DOUBLE 2 (COMM-TIMES 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION .Doc (,multiplies -A y 21 (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (DOUBLE (Defrule CAR-MAP 'Car Map' :RHS-Node-Types ((MAP-HFAD . AR)) :Input-Embedding (((CAR-MAP 1) (MAP-HEAD 1))) :Output-Embedding (((CAR-MAP 2 (MAP-HEAD 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,applies the function CAR to each element of the input series.,)) (Defrule SELECT-TERM 'Select Term' :RHS-Node-Types ((ACCESS-ARRAY . REF)) :Input-Embedding (((SELECT-TERM 1) (ACCESS-ARRAY ARRAY>SEQUENCE) ((SELECT-TERM 2 (ACCESS-ARRAY 2) :Output-Embedding (((SELECT-TERM 3 (ACCESS-ARRAY 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,selects the element at index -A from the sequence -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (SELECT-TERM 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SELECT-TERM (Defrule SELECT-TERM-MAP 'Select-Term Map' :RHS-Node-Types ((MAP-SEQUENCE-REF SELECT-TERM)) :Input-Embedding (((SELECT-TERM-MAP (MAP-SEQUENCE-REF 1)) ((SELECT-TERM-MAP 2 (MAP-SEQUENCE-REF 2) :Output-Embedding (((SELECT-TERM-MAP 3 (MAP-SEQUENCE-REF 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,references the sequence -A at each index in the input series -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SELECT-TERM-MAP 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SELECT-TERM-MAP 2))) (Defrule FILTERING 'Filtering' :RHS-Node-Types ((FILTER-PREDICATE . TEST-PREDTCATE)) :Input-Embedding (((FILTERING 1) (FILTER-PREDICATE :St-Thrus (((FILTERING 1) (FILTERING 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,repeatedly applies the predicate -A to -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> FILTER-PREDICATE))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (FILTER-PREDICATE (Defrule FLTER 'Filter' :RHS-Node-Types ((FILTER-ELTS FILTERING)) :Input-Embedding (((FILTER 1) (FILTER-ELTS :Output-Embedding (((FILTER 2 (FILTER-ELT 2) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,filters the elements of the input series using the predicate -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> FILTER-ELTS))))) 3 (Defrule ACCUMULATION-DOWN 'Accumulation Down' :RHS-Node-Types ((ACCUM-F . ANY-BIN-F)) :Input-Embedding (((ACCUMULATION-DOWN 1) (ACCUM-F 1)) ((ACCUMULATION-DOWN 2 (ACCUM-F 2)) :St-Thrus (((ACCUMULATION-DOWN 2 (ACCUMULATION-DOWN 3M :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,repeatedly applies the function -A to the result of its - previous application and a new value. When the iteration - terminates, the result of the last application is returned., (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> ACUM-F))))) (Defrule ACCUMULATE-DOWN 'Accumulate Down' :RHS-Node-Types ((ITER-ACCUM ACUMULATION-DOWN)) :Input-Embedding (((ACCUMULATE-DOWN 1) (ITER-ACCUM 1)) ((ACCUMULATE-Dow 2 (ITER-ACcum 2) :Output-Embedding (((ACCUMULATE-DOWN 3 (ITER-ACCUM 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,accumulates the values of the input series on the way down, using the function -A., (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> ITER-ACCUM))))) (Defrule TRUNCATION 'Truncation' :RHS-Node-Types ((STOP? TEST-PREDICATE)) :Input-Embedding (((TRUNCATION 1) (STOP? 1))) :St-Thrus (((TRUNCATION 1) TRUNCATION 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,repeatedly applies the exit test -A to a value, terminating the iteration if the test succeeds., (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> TOP?))))) (Defrule TRUNCATE 'Truncate' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((ITER-TRUNCATION TRUNCATION)) :Input-Embedding (((TRUNCATE 1) (ITER-TRUNCATION :Output-Embedding (((TRUNCATE 2 (ITER-TRUNCATION 2)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the elements of the input series up to but not including the one that passes the predicate -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> ITER-TRUNCATION))))) (Defrule BINARY-TRUNCATION 'Binary Truncation' :RHS-Node-Types ((BINARY-STOP? . BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE)) :Input-Embedding (((BINARY-TRUNCATION 1) (BINARY-STOP? 1)) ((BINARY-TRUNCATION 2 (BINARY-STOP? 2) :St-Thrus (((BINARY-TRUNCATION 1) (BINARY-TRUNCATION 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,repeatedly applies the binary exit test -A to a value, terminating the iteration if the test succeeds.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> BINARY-TRUNCATION))))) (Defrule BINARY-TRUNCATE 'Binary Truncate' :RHS-Node-Types ((ITER-BIN-TRUNCATION . BINARY-TRUNCATION)) :Input-Embedding (((BINARY-TRUNCATE 1) (ITER-BIN-TRUNCATION 1)) ((BINARY-TRUNCATE 2 (ITER-BIN-TRUNCATION 2)) :Output-Embedding (((BINARY-TRUNCATE 3 (ITER-BIN-TRUNCATION 3))) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the elements of the input series up to but not including the one that passes the binary predicate -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> INARY-TRUNCATE))))) (Defrule SLE 'Sublist Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-GENERATE GENERATE) (THE-TRUNCATE TRUNCATE)) :Edge-List (((THE-GENERATE 2 (THE-TRUNCATE M :Input-Embedding (((SLE 1) (THE-GENERATE 1))) :Output-Embedding (((SL 2 (THE-TRUNCATE 2M :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates the successive sublists of -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAMB> (DOC-BP> (SLE 1))))) (Defrule LE 'List Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-SLE . SLE) (THE-CAR-MAP CAR-MAP)) :Edge-List (((THE-SLE 2 (THE-CAR-MAP 1))) :Input-Embedding (((LE 1) (THE-SLE 1))) :Output-Embedding (((LE 2 (THE-CAR-MAP 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates the elements of -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LE 1))))) Figure 416. (Defrule ITERATIVE-SEARCH 'Iterative Search- :RHS-Node-Types ((SEARCH-P TEST-PREDICATE)) :Tnput-Embedding (((ITERATIVE-SEARCH 1) (SEARCH-P 1))) :St-Thrus (((ITERATIVE-SEARCH 1) (ITERATIVE-SEARCH 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,repeatedly applies the search predicate -A to a value, terminating if an element is found that satisfies it., (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> SEARCH-P))))) Figure 417. (Defrule EARLIEST 'Earliest' :RHS-Node-Types ((EARLIEST? . ITERATIVE-SEARCH)) :Input-Ernbedding (((EARLIEST 1) (EARLIEST? 1))) :Output-Embedding (((EARLIEST 2 ARLIEST 2) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,outputs the first element of the input series which passes the predicate -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> EARLIEST?)m) (Defrule SEQUENTIAL-SEARCH 'Sequential Search, :RHS-Node-Types ((EXIT TEST-PREDICATE) (SEARCH EARLIEST)) :Input-Embedding (((SEQUENTIAL-SEARCH 1) SARCH 1))) :Output-Ernbedding (((SEQUENTIAL-SEARCH 2 (SEARCH 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,finds the first element of -A satisfying the predicate A- unless -A is satisfied first., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENTIAL-SEARCH 1))) (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> EARCHM (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> EXIT))))) (Defrule SEQ-LIST-SEARCH 'Sequential List Search' :RHS-Node-Types ((LIST-ENUM LE) (SEQ-SEARCH SEQUENTIAL-SEARCH)) :Edge-List (((LIST-ENUM 2 . (SEQ-SEARCH 1))) :Input-Embedding (((SEQ-LIST-SEARCH 1) (LIST-ENUM 1))) :Output-Ernbedding (((SEQ-LIST-SEARCH 2 (SEQ-SEARCH 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,sequentially searches the elements of the list -A until either the list is exhausted or an element is found that satisfies the test -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQ-LIST-SEARCH 1))) 3 (FUNCTION-TYPE (PREDICATE-INFO (N> SEQ-SEARCH))))) (Defrule CONS-ACCUMULATE-DOWN 'Cons Accumulate on the way down, :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-ACCUM ACCUMULATE-DOWN)) :Input-Embedding (((CONS-ACCUMULATE-DOWN 1) (THE-ACCUM ))) :Output-Embedding (((CONS-ACCUMULATE-DOWN 2 (THE-ACCUM 3M :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,accumulates the elements of the input series -A into a list using cons., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (CONS-ACCUMULATE-DOWN (Defrule REVERSE-LTST 'Reverse List' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-LIST LE) (ACCUM-LIST . CONS-ACCUMULATE-DOWN)) :Edge-List (((ENUMERATE-LIST 2 . (ACCUM-LIST 1))) :Input-Embedding (((REVERSE-LIST 1) (ENUMERATE-LIST 1))) :Output-Embedding (((REVERSE-LIST 2 (ACCUM-LIST 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,constructs a list containing the elements of -A in rverse.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (REVERSE-LIST (Defrule TRAILING-GENERATION 'Trailing Generation' :RHS-Node-Types ((TR-GEN-FUNCTION . ANY-GEN-F)) :Input-Embedding (((TRAILING-GENERATION 1) (TR-GEN-FUNCTION 1))) :Output-Embedding (((TRAILINO-GENERATION 3 (TR-GEN-FUNCTION 2) :St-Thrus (((TRAILING-GENERATION 1) (TRAILING-GENERATION 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,generates the successive previous and current elements of -A by repeatedly applying the function -A to the result of the preceding application of that function.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (TRAILING-GENERATION 1))) (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> TR-GEN-FUNCTION))))) (Defrule TRAILING-GENERATE 'Trailing Generate' :RHS-Node-Types ((ITER-TRAILING-GEN TRAILING-GENERATION)) :Input-Embedding (((TRAILING-GENERATE 1) (ITER-TRAILING-GEN :Output-Embedding (((TRAILING-GENERATE 2 (ITER-TRAILING-GEN 2) ((TRAILING-GENERATE 3 (ITER-TRAILING-GEN 3)) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,generates a series of the elements of -A and a series of the elements immediately preceding each of the elements in that series., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (TRAILING-GENERATE 1))))) (Defrule TRAILING-PTR-LE 'Trailing Pointer List Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((TR-GEN TRAILING-GENERATE) (PREVIOUS-CAR-MAP CAR-MAP) (CURRENT-CAR-MAP CAR-MAP) (NULL-TRUNC TRUNCATE)) :Edge-List (((TR-GEN 3 (CURRENT-CAR-MAP 1)) ((TR-GEN 3 (NULL-TRUNC 1)) ((TR-GEN 2 (PREVIOUS-CAR-MAP 1))) :Input-Ernbedding (((TRAILING-PTR-LE 1) (TR-GEN 1))) :Output-Embedding (((TRAILING-PTR-L 2 (PREVIOUS-CAR-MAP 2) ((TRAILING-PTR-LE 3 (CURRENT-CAR-MAP 2) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION .Doc ('enumerates the elements of the list -A, along with their immediately preceding elements., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (TRAILING-PTR-LE 1))))) (Defrule NEW-SEQUENCE 'New Sequence' :RHS-Node-Types ((MAKE-SEQ MAKE-ARRAY)) :Input-Embedding (((NEW-SEQUENCE 1) (MAKE-SEQ :Output-Ernbedding (((NEW-SEQUENCE 2 (MAKE-SEQ 2) ARRAY>SEQUENCE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('creates a new sequence of size (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (NEW-SEQUENCE (Defrule SEQUENCE-SIZE 'Sequence Size' :RHS-Node-Types ((MEASURE-SEQUENCE . ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE)) Input -Embeddi ng (((SEQUENCE-SIZE 1) (MEASURE-SEQUENCE ARRAY>SEQUENCE)) :Output-Embedding (((SEQUENCE-SIZE 2 (MEASURE-SEQUENCE 2) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,computes the size of the sequence -A., (TNPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-SIZE (Defrule NEW-TERM 'New Term' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-CR . COPY-REPLACE-ELT)) :Input-Embedding (((NEW-TERM 1) (THE-CR 3) ARRAY>SEQUENCE) ((NEW-TERM 2 (THE-CR 2) ((NEW-TERM 3 (THE-CR 1))) :Output-Fmbedding (((NEW-TERM 4 (THE-CR 4) ARRAY>SEQUENCE)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('creates a new sequence with the same elements as the input sequence -A at the same locations, except that the element -A is at the index -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (NEW-TERM (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (NEW-TERM 3) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (NEW-TERM 2))) (Defrule SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 'Sequence Accumulation' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-NT NEW-TERM)) :Input-Embedding (((SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 1) (THE-NT 3) ((SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 2 (THE-NT 2) ((SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATIO 3 (THE-NT 1))) :St-Thrus (((SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 3 (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 4) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION .Doc (,repeatedly inserts an element -A (a new element on each iteration) in the sequence -A at the location -A (which is a different index on each iteration). when the iteration terminates, the sequence resulting from the last insertion is returned., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 3)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 2))) (Defrule SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE 'Sequence Accumulate' :RHS-Node-Types ((ARRAY-ACCUM . SEQUENCE-ACC UMU LATION)) :Input-Embedding (((SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE 1) (ARRAY-ACCUM 1)) ((SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE 2 (ARRAY-ACCUM 2) ((SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE 3 (ARRAY-ACCUM 3)) :Output-Embedding (((SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE 4 (ARRAY-ACCUM 4) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION :Doc (,accumulates the values of the input series -A into a sequence -A at the series of indices A- (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE 3)) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE 2)))) (Defrule SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 'Sequence Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((GENERATE-INDICES BOUNDED-COUNT) (COMPUTE-INDEX-LIMIT SEQUENCE-SIZE) (ACCESS-SEQUENCE SELECT-TERM-MAP)) :Edge-List (((GENERATE-INDICE 3 (ACCESS-SEQUENCE 2) ((COMPUTE-INDEX-LIMIT 2 (GENERATE-INDICES 2)) :Tnput-Embedding (((SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 1) (ACCESS-SEQUENCE 1)) ((SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 1) (COMPUTE-INDEX-LIMIT 1))) 312 : Doc (,applies the binary predicate -A to -A and -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> ANY-BIN-PRED))) INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ANY-BIN-PRED 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ANY-BIN-PRED 2))) (Defrule BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE 'Binary Test Predicate' :RHS-Node-Types ((TP-BINARY-P BINARY-PREDICATE) (NULL-CHECK NULL-TEST)) :Edge-List (((TP-BINARY-P 3 (NULL-CHECK 1))) :Input-Embedding (((BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE 1) (TP-BINARY-P 1)) ((BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE 2 (TP-BINARY-P 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('tests -A and -A using the binary predicate -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE 2M (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> NULL-CHECK))))) (Defrule SUMMING 'Summing' :RHS-Node-Types ((THE-TALLY . COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION)) :Input-Embedding (((SUMMING 1) (THE-TALLY 1)) ((SUMMING 2 (THE-TALLY 2) :St-Thrus (((SUMMING 2 (SUMMING 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,keeps a running total of the numbers -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SUMMING 1))))) (Defrule SUM .Sum. :RHS-Node-Types ((TALLYING . SUMMING)) :Input-Embedding (((SUM 1) TALLYING 1))) :Output-Embedding MSUM 2 (TALLYING 3) :L-R-Link TEMPORAL-ABSTRACTION -Doc (,returns the sum of the numbers in the input series -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SUM 1))))) (Defrule MAX 'Maximum' :RHS-Node-Types ((COMPUTE-MAX . BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE)) :Input-Embedding (((MAX 1) (COMPUTE-MAX 1)) HMAX 2 (COMPUTE-MAX 2) :St-Thrus (((MAX 2 (MAX 3) ((M.AX 1) (MAX 3) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc ('computes the maximum of -A and -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (MAX 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (MAX 2))) (Defrule MIN 'Minimum' :RHS-Node-Types ((COMPUTE-MIN . BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE)) :Input-Embedding (((MIN 1) (COMPUTE-MIN 1)) ((MIN 2 (COMPUTE-MIN 2) :St-Thrus MMIN 2 (MIN 3) ((MIN 1) (MIN 3)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,computes the minimum of -A and -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (MAX 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (MAX 2))) Figure 39. (Defrule SQUARE-ROOT-OF-SQUARE 'Square-Root of Square, :RHS-Node-Types ((SQ SQUARE) (TAKE-ROOT . SQRT)) :Edge-List (((SQ 2 . (TAKE-ROOT 1))) :Input-Embedding (((SQUARE-ROOT-OF-SQUARE 1) (SQ 1))) :Output-Embedding :Output-Embedding (((SEQUENCE-ENUMERATIO 2 (ACCESS-SEQUENCE 3M :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates the elements of the sequence -A.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION (Defrule SEQUENCE-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION 'Sequence and Index Enumeration' :RHS-Node-Types ((GENERATE-INDICES BOUNDED-COUNT) (COMPUTE-INDEX-LIMIT SEQUENCE-SIZE) (ACCESS-SEQUENCE . SELECT-TERM-RAP)) :Edge-List (((GENERATE-INDICES 3 (ACCESS-SEQUENCE 2) ((COMPUTE-INDEX-LIMIT 2 (GENERATE-INDICES 2)) :Input-Embedding (((SEQUENCE-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION 1) (ACCESS-SEQUENCE 1)) ((SEQUENCB-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION 1) (COMPUTE-INDEX-LTMIT 1))) :Output-Embedding (((SEQUENCE-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION 2 (ACCESS-SEQUENCE 3) ((SEQUENCE-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION 3 (GENERATE-INDICES 3)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,enumerates the elements of the sequence -A and their indices., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SEQUENCE-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION (Defrule LIST-TO-SEQUENCE 'Transfer List to Sequence' :RHS-Node-Types ((ENUMERATE-LIST-ELTS LE) (NEW-BASE NEW-SEQUENCE) (COUNT-INDICES COUNT) (ACCUMULATE-SEQUENCE SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE)) :Edge-List (((ENUMERATE-LIST-ELTS 2 (ACCUMULATE-SEQUENCE 1)) ((NEW-BASE 2 (ACCUMULATE-SEQUENCE 3) ((COUNT-INDICES 2 (ACCUMULATE-SEQUENCE 2)) :Input-Embedding t((LIST-TO-SEQUENCE 1) (ENUMERATE-LIST-ELTS 1)) ((LIST-TO-SEQUENCE 2 (NEW-BASE 1))) :Output-Embedding (((LIST-TO-SEQUENCE 3 (ACCUMULATE-SEQUENCE 4) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,transfers the elements in the list -A into a sequence-1- of size -A, by enumerating the elements of the list -%- and accumulating them in the sequence at successive indices,-%- starting with index -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LIST-TO-SEQUENCE 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (LIST-TO-SEQUENCE 2) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (COUNT-INDICES 1))))) (Defrule UNARY-PREDICATE 'Unary Predicate, :RHS-Node-Types ((ANY-PRED . ANY-P)) :Input-Embedding (((UNARY-PREDICATE 1) (ANY-PRED :Output-Embedding (((UNARY-PREDICATE 2 (ANY-PRED 2)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,applies the unary predicate -A to -A.' (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> ANY-PRED))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ANY-PRED (Defrule TEST-PREDICATE 'Test Predicate' :RHS-Node-Types ((TP-UNARY-P . UNARY-PREDICATE) (CHECK-IT NULL-TEST)) :Edge-List (((TP-UNARY-P 2 (CHECK-IT 1))) :Input-Embedding (((TEST-PREDICATE 1) (TP-UNARY-P :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('tests -A using the unary predicate -A., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (TEST-PREDICATE 1))) (FUNCTION-TYPE (FUNCTION-INFO (N> CHECK-IT))))) (Defrule BINARY-PREDICATE 'Binary Predicate' :RHS-Node-Tlypes ((ANY-BIN-PRED . ANY-BINARY-P)) :Input-Embedding (((BINARY-PREDICATE 1) (ANY-BIN-PRED 1)) ((BINARY-PREDICATE 2 (ANY-BIN-PRED 2) :Output-Embedding (((BINARY-PREDICATE 3 (ANY-BIN-PRED 3) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION 3 13 (((SQUARE-ROOT-OF-SQUARE 2 (TAKE-ROOT 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc ('computes the square root of the square of -Al (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (SQUARE-ROOT-OF-SQUARE 1))))) Figures 39, 44. (Defrule NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE 'Negate if Negative' :RHS-Node-Types ((NEGATIVE? . LT) (CONTROL-NEGATION NULL-TEST) (THE-NEGATE NEGATE)) :Edge-List (((NEGATIVE? 3 (CONTROL-NEGATION 1))) :Input-Embedding (((NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE 1) (THE-NEGATE 1)) ((NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE 1) (NEGATIVE? 1))) :Output-Embedding (((NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE 2 (THE-NECATE 2)) :St-Thrus (((NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE 1) (NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,negates -A if its negative.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE 1))))) Figure 39. (Defrule ABSOLUTE-VALUE 'Absolute Value' :RHS-Node-Types ((SQRT-OF-SQ . SQUARE-ROCT-OF-SQUARE)) :Input-Embedding (((ABSOLUTE-VALUE 1) (SQRT-OF-SQ 1))) :Output-Embedding (((ABSOLUTE-VALUE 2 (SQRT-OF-SQ 2M :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,computes the absolute value of -A by taking the square root of its square.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (ABSOLUTE-VALUE Figure 39. (Defrule ABSOLUTE-VALUE 'Absolute Value' :RHS-Node-Types ((NIN . NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE)) :Input-Embedding (((ABSOLUTE-VALUE 1) (NIN 1))) :Output-Embedding (((ABSOLUTE-VALUE 2 (NIN 2)) :L-R-Link IMPLEMENTATION :Doc (,computes the absolute value of -A by negating it if it is negative., (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (ABSOLUTE-VALUE 1))))) Figure 39. (Defrule EQUALITY-WITHIN-EPSILON *Equality Within an Epsilon, :RHS-Node-Types ((DIFF MINUS) (TAKE-ABS ABSOLUTE-VALUE) (WITHIN-EPSILON . LTE) (TEST-EWE NULL-TEST)) :Edge-List (((DIFF 3 (ABSOLUTE-VALUE 1)) ((WITHIN-EPSILON 3 (TEST-EWE 1))) :Input-Embedding (((EQUALITY-WITHIN-EPSILON 1) (DIFF 1)) ((EQUALITY-WITHIN-EPSILON 2 (DIFF 2)) :L-R-Link COMPOSITION :Doc (,determines whether -A and -A are within an epsilon -A of each other.' (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EQUALITY-WITHIN-EPSILON 1))) (INPUT-PORT-NAME> DOC-BP> (EQUALTTY-WITHIN-EPSILON 2M (INPUT-PORT-NAME> (DOC-BP> (EQUALITY-WITHIN-EPSILON 3)))) 3 14 Index of Non-Terminal Node Types 314 (ABSOLUTE-VALUE 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 311 (ACCUMULATE-DOWN 1:SERIES 2:ANY 3:ANY) 309 (ACCUMULATE-UP 1SERTES 2:ANY 3:ANY) 311 (ACCUMULATION-DOWN 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ANY) 309 (ACCUMULATION-UP 1:ANY 2:ANY 3ANY) 293 (ADVANCE-NODES 1SEQUENCE 2:SEQUENCE 3:QUEUE) 304 (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-DELETE 1:ANY 2:ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 3:ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 304 (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-INSERT 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 4:ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 304 (ASSOCIATIVE-LIST-LOOKUP 1:ANY 2:ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 3:ANY) 301 (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-ADD 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ASSOCIATIVE-SET 4:ASSOCIATIVE-SET) 302 (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-LOOKUP 1:ANY 2:ASSOCIATIVE-SET 3:ANY) 302 (ASSOCIATIVE-SET-REMOVE 1:ANY 2:ASSOCIATIVE-SET 3:ASSOCIATIVE-SET) 294 (AVERAGE-LOCAL-BUFFER-SIZE 1:SEQUENCE 2:INTEGER) 313 (BINARY-PREDICATE 1:ANY 2ANY 3:ANY) 313 (BINARY-TEST-PREDICATE 1:ANY 2:ANY) 311 (BINARY-TRUNCATE 1:SERIEs 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 311 (BINARY-TRUNCATION 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ANY) 297 (BOUNDED-CIS-ENUMERATION 1:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE 2:INTEGER 3:INTEGER 4:INTEGER 5:SERIES) 310 (BOUNDED-COUNT 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER 3:SERIES) 301 (BUMP+UPDATE 1:ANY 2:INDEXED-SEQUENCE 3:INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 310 (CAR-MAP 1:SERIES 2:SERIES) 303 (CHAINING-HT-DELETE 1:ANY 2:HASH-TABLE 3:HASH-TABLE) 303 (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-DELETE 1ANY 2:HASH-TABLE 3:HASH-TABLE) 304 (CHAINING-HT-FILL-COUNT-INSERT 1:ANY 2:ANY 3HASH-TABLE 4:HASH-TABLE) 303 (CHAINING-HT-INSERT 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:HASH-TABLE 4:HASH-TABLE) 302 (CHAINING-HT-LOOKUP 1:ANY 2:HASH-TABLE 3:ANY) 297 (CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EMMERATION 1:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE 2:SERIES) 297 (CIS-ADD 1:ANY 2:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE 3:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 296 (CIS-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 1:CIRCULAR-IIMBXED-SEQUENCE 2:SERIES) 296 (CIS-EMPTY 1:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 298 (CIS-EXTRACT 1:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE 2:ANY 3:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 296 (CIS-FULL 1:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 291 (CO-EARLIEST-EDS-FINISHED 1:SERIES 2:SERIES 3:SEQUENCE) 291 (CO-ITERATIVE-EDS-FINISHED 1:PRIORITY-QUEUE 2:SEQUENCE 3:ANY) 297 (COMBINATION-FUNCTION 1:INTECER 2:INTEGER 3:INTEGER) 309 (COMMUTATIVE-BINARY-FUNCTION 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ANY) 312 (CONS-ACCUMULATE-DOWN 1:SERIES 2:LINKED-LIST) 309 (CONS-ACCUMULATE-UP 1:SERIES 2:LINKED-LIST) 309 (CONS-ACCUMIJLATE-UP-FROM-SUBLIST 1:SERIES 2:LINKED-LIST 3: LINKED-LIST) 310 (COUNT 1:INTEGER 2:SERIES) 310 (COUNTING-UP 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 310 (DECREMENT 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 292 (DELIVER-MESSAGE 1:MESSAGE 2:SEQUENCE 3:SEQUENCE) 292 (DELIVER-MESSAGE-ACCUMULATE 1:SERIES 2:SEQUENCE 3SEQUENCE) 292 (DELIVER-MESSAGES 1:QUEUE 2:SEQUENCE 3:SEQUENCE) 294 (DELIVER-MESSAGES-AND-STEP-NODES 1:SEQUENCE 2:QUEUE 3:SEQUENCE 4:QUEUE) 291 (DEQUEUE-AND-PROCESS-GENERATION 1:PRIORITY-QUEUE 2:SEQUENCE 3:PRIORITY-QUEUE 4:SEQUENCE) 294 (DESTRUCTIVE-QUEUE-ENUMERATION 1:QUEUE 2:SERTES) 293 (DO-WORK-ACCUMULATE 1:SERIES 2:INTEGER 3:SEQUENCE 4:QUEUE 5:SEQUENCE 6:QUEUE) 293 (DO-WORK-ACCUMULATION 1:SYNCH-NODE 2:INTEGER 3:SEQUENCE 4:QUEUE 5:SEQUENCE 6:QUEUE) 310 (DOUBLE :INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 311 (EARLIEST 1:SERIES 2:ANY) 308 (EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1:SERIES 2:ANY 3:ANY) 308 (EARLIEST-EQUAL-PRTORITY-HEAD 1:SERIES 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LTST) 308 (EARLIEST-OAL-POSITION 1:SERIES 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 294 (EARLIEST-SIMULATION-FINISHED 1:SEQUENCE 2:QUEUE 3SEQUENCE) 308 (EMPTY-OR-LOW-PRIORITY-EEAD 1:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY) 298 (ENUM-EVAL-COLLECT 1:LINKED-LIST 2:SEQUENCE 3:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 4:QUEUE 5:LTNKED-LIST 6:SEQUENCE 7:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 8:QUEUE) 293 (ENUM-NODES+CHECK-BUFFERS 1:SEQUENCE) 306 (ENUM-OAL-FRONT 1:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 306 (ENUM-OAL-FRONT-UNSAFE 1:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 292 (ENUMERATE-AND-DELIVER-MESSAGES 1:QUEUE 2:SEQUENCE 3:SEQUENCE) 294 (ENUMERATE-NODES+COMPLTTE-AVERAGE 1:SEQUENCE 2:INTEGER) 308 (EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 1:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY) 308 (EQUAL-PRIORITY-TEST 1:ANY 2:ANY) 314 (EQUALITY-WITHIN-EPSILON 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 299 (EVALUATE-AND-APPLY 1:SYMBOL 2:LINKED-LIST 3:SEQUENCE 4:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 5:QUEUE 6:ANY 7:SEQUENCE 8:BXECUTION-CONTEXT 9:QUEUE) 298 (EVALUATE-ARGUMENTS 1:LINKED-LIST 2:SEQUENCE 3:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 4:QUEUE 5:LINKED-LIST 6:SEQUENCE 7:EXEC'UTION-CONTEXT 8:QUEUE) 298 (EVALUATE-MAP 1:SERIES 2:SEQUENCE 3:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 4 :QUEUE 5:SERIES 6:SEQUENCE 7EXECUTION-CONTEXT 8:QUEUE) 291 (EVENT-DRIVEN-SIMULATION 1:EVENT 2:PRIORITY-QUEUE 3:SEQUENCE 4:SEQUENCE) 293 (EXTRACT-AND-H.ANDLE-FIRST-MESSAC;E 1:SYNCH-NODE 2:INTEGER 3:SEQUENCE 4:QUEUE 5:SEQUENCE 6:QUEUE) 303 (FETCH+DELETE 1:ANY 2:HASH-TABLE 3:HASH-TABLE) 303 (FETCH+INSERT 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:HASH-TABLE 4:HASH-TABLE) 303 (FETCH+LOOKUP 1:ANY 2RASH-TABLE 3:ANY) 301 (FETCH+UPDATE 1:INDEXED-SEQUENCE 2:ANY 3:INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 299 (FETCH-AND-APPLY-OPERATOR 1:SYMBOL 2:LINKED-LIST 3:SEQUENCE 4:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 5:QUEUE G:ANY 7:SEQUENCE 8:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 9:QUEUE) 300 (FETCH-INSTRUCTION 1INTEGER 2:SEQUENCE 3:INSTRUCTION 4:INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 299 (FETCH-OP 1:SYMBOL 2:OPERATOR) 298 (FIFO-DEQUEUE 1FIFo 2:ANY 3:FIFO) 296 (FIFO-DESTRUCTIVE-ENUMERATION 1:FIFO 2:SERIES) 296 (FIFO-EMPTY? 1FIFO) 298 (FIFO-ENQUEUE 1ANY 2:FIFO 3:FIFO) 297 (FIFO-ENUMERATION :FIFO 2:SERIES) 310 (FILTER 1:SERIES 2:SERIES) 310 (FILTERING 1:ANY 2:ANY) 306 (FIND-OAL-TAIL 1ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 306 (FIND-OAL-TAIL-UNSAFE 1:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 309 (GENERATE 1:ANY 2:SERIES) 291 (GENERATE-EVENT-QUEUES-AND-NODES 1:PRIORITY-QUEUE 2:SEQUENCE 3:SERIES 4SERIES) 294 (GENERATE-CLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-NODES 1SEQUENCE 2:QUEUE 3:SERIES 4:SERIES) 309 (GENERATION 1:ANY 2:ANY) 293 (CLOBAL-AND-LOCAL-BUFFERS-F24PTY? 1:SEQUENCE 2:QUEUE) 297 (GROW-CIS 1:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE 2:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 299 (HANDLE-MESSAGE 1MESSAGE 2:SEQUENCE 3:QUEUE 4:SEQUENCE 5:QUEUE) 302 (HASH-DELETE 1ANY 2:HASH-TABLE 3:HASH-TABLE) 302 (HASH-INSERT 1ANY 2:ANY 3:HASH-TABLE 4:HASH-TABLE) 302 (HASH-LOOKUP 1:ANY 2:HASH-TABLE 3:ANY) 310 (INCREMENT 1INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 310 (INCREMENT-OR-DECREMENT 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 301 (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 1:SERTES 2:INDEXED-SEQUENCE 3:INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 301 (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-EXTRACT 1INDEXED-SEQUENCE 2:ANY 3:INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 301 (INDEXED-SEQUENCE-INSERT 1:ANY 2:INDEXED-SEQUENCE 3:INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 297 (INTERMEDIATE-GROW-CIS 1:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE 2:INTEGER 3:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 305 (INTERMEDIATE-UOAL-DELETE 1:ANY 2:UNORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LTST 3:LINKED-LIST 4:UNORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 300 (INTERPRET-INSTRUCTION 1:INSTRUCTION 2:SEQUENCE 3:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 4:QUEUE 5:SEQUENCE 6:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 7QUEUE) 298 (ITERATIVE-EVALUATION 1:ANY 2:SEQUENCE 3:EXECUTION-CONTEXT 4:QUEUE 5:ANY 6:SEQUENCE 7:EXECLTTION-CONTEXT 8:QUEUE) 311 (ITERATIVE-SEARCH 1:ANY 2:ANY) 311 (LE 1:LINKED-LIST 2:SERIES) 309 (LIST-EMPTY 1:LINKED-LIST) 309 (LIST-POP :LINKED-LIST 2:ANY 3:LINKED-LISt) 307 (LIST-PUSH 1:ANY 2:LINKED-LIST 3:LINKED-LIST) 313 (LIST-TO-SEQUENCE 1:LINKED-LIST 2:INTEGER 3:SEQUENCE) 300 (LOAD-ARGUMENTS 1:MESSAGE 2:NODE 3:NODE) 300 (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-AN 1:MESSAGE 2:ASYNCH-NODE 3:ASYNCH-NODE) 300 (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-MEMORY 1:MESSAGE 2:ASSOCIATIVE-SET 3:ASSOCIATIVE-SET) 300 (LOAD-ARGUMENTS-INTO-SN 1:MESsAGE 2SYNCH-NODE 3:SYNCH-NODE) 292 (LOCAL-BUFFER-DQ 1:SYNCH-NODE 2:MESSAGE 3:SYNCH-NODE) 292 (LOCAL-BUFFER-EMPTY? 1:SYNCH-NODE) 292 (LOCAL-BUFFER-NONEMPTY? 1:SYNCH-NODE) 292 (LOCAL-BUFFER-NQ 1:MESSAGE 2:SYNCH-NODE 3:SYNCH-NODE) 293 (LOCAL-BUFFERS-ALWAYS-EMPTY? 1:SERIES) 293 (LOCAL-BUFFERS-EMPTY? 1:SEOUENCE) 300 (LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE-HANDLER 1:MESSAGE 2:SEQUENCE 3:QUEUE 4:INTEGER 5:SYMBOL 6:SEQUENCE 7:QUEUE) 304 (LOOKUP-DESTINATION 1:SEQUENCE 2:MESSAGE 3:ANY) 299 (LOOKUP-HANDLER 1:SYMBOL 2:HANDLER) 299 (LOOKUP-HANDLER-FOR-MESSAGE 1:MESSAGE 2:HANDLER) 292 (LOOKUP-NODE+NQ+UPDATE 1:MESSAGE 2:SEQUENCE 3:SEQUENCE) 313 (MAX 1INTEGER 2:INTEGER 3:INTEGER) 313 (MIN 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER 3:INTEGER) 314 (NEGATE-IF-NEGATIVE 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 312 (NEW-SEQUENCE 1:INTEGER 2:SEQUENCE) 312 (NEW-TERM 1SEQUENCE 2INTEGER 3:ANY 4:SEQUENCE) 307 (OAL-RETRTEVE-IF-EXISTS 1ANY 2:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 3:ANY 4:ANY) 307 (OAL-SPLICE-IN 1:SERIES 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LTST 4:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 3 5 307 (OAL-SPLICE-OUT 1:SERIES 2:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 307 (ORDERED-ASSOC-LE 1:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 306 (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 1:ANY 2:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 309 (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EXTRACT 1ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 305 (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 4:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 306 (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT-SAFE 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 4:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 306 (ORDERED-ASSOC-LTST-INSERT-LTNSAFE 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 4:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 307 (ORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 1:ANY 2:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 3:ANY) 307 (ORDERED-ASSOC-SLE 1:ORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 293 (POLL-NODES-AND-DO-WORK 1:SEQUENCE 2:SEQUENCE 3:QUEUE) 305 (PQ-EMPTY 1:PRIORITY-QUEUE) 305 (PQ-ENUMERATION 1:PRIORITY-QUEUE 2:ANY) 305 (PQ-EXTRACT 1:PRIORITY-QUEUE 2:ANY 3:PRTORITY-QUEUE) 305 (PQ-INSERT 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:PRIORITY-QUEUE 4:PRIORITY-QUEUE) 291 (PROCESS-EVENT 1:EVENT 2:PRIORITY-QUEUE 3SEQUENCE 4:PRIORITY-QUEUE 5:SEQUENCE) 302 (PROPERTY-LIST-LOOKUP 1:SYMBOL 2:SYMBOL 3:ANY) 295 (QUEUE-EMPTY? 1:QUEUE) 295 (QUEUE-EXTRACT 1:QUEUE 2:ANY 3:QUEUE) 295 (QUEUE-INSERT 1:ANY 2:QUEUE 3QUEUE) 304 (RECORD-AT-DESTINATION 1:ANY 2:MESSAGE 3:SEQUENCE 4:SEQUENCE) 312 (REVERSE-LIST 1:LINKED-LIST 2:LINKED-LIST) 297 (ROOMY-CIS-ADD 1:ANY 2:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE 3:CIRCULAR-INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 299 (RUNNING-STATUS? 1:EXECUTION-CONTEXT) 299 (RUNNING-TEST 1:SYMBOL) 310 (SELECT-TERM 1:SEQUENCE 2:INTEGER 3:ANY) 310 (SELECT-TERM-MAP 1:SEQUENCE 2:SERIES 3:SERIES) 311 (SEQ-LIST-SEARCH 1:LINKED-LIST 2:ANY) 312 (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATE 1:SERIES 2:SERIES 3:SEQUENCE 4:SEQUENCE) 312 (SEQUENCE-ACCUMULATION 1:ANY 2:INTEGER 3:SEQUENCE 4:SEQUENCE) 313 (SEQUENCE-AND-INDEX-ENUMERATION 1:SEQUENCE 2:SERIES 3:SERIES) 312 (SEQUENCE-ENUMERATION 1:SEQUENCE 2:SERIES) 312 (SEQUENCE-SIZE 1:SEQUENCE 2:INTEGER) 311 (SEQUENTIAL-SEARCH 1:SERIES 2:ANY) 291 (SEQUENTIAL-SIMULATION-OF-MESSAGE-PASSING-SYSTEM 1:SEQUENCE 2:ANY 3:SEQUENCE) 311 (SLE 1:LINKED-LIST 2:SERIES) 313 (SQUARE-ROOT-OF-SQUARB 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER) 296 (STACK-EMPTY? 1:STACK) 295 (STACK-ENUMERATION 1:STACK 2:SERIES) 296 (STACK-POP 1:STACK 2:ANY 3:STACK) 296 (STACK-PUSH 1:ANY 2:STACK 3:STACK) 313 (SUM 1:SERIES 2:INTEGER) 313 (SUMMING 1:INTEGER 2:INTEGER 3:INTEGER) 294 (SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION 1:SEQUENCE 2:MESSAGE 3:SEQUENCE) 293 (SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-FINISHED? 1:SEQUENCE 2:QUEUE 3:SEQUENCE) 294 (SYNCHRONOUS-SIMULATION-W-GLOBAL-MESSAGE-BUFFER 1:SEQUENCE 2:MESSAGE 3:SEQUENCE) 313 (TEST-PREDICATE 1:ANY) 312 (TRAILING-GENERATE 1:ANY 2:SERIES 3:SERIES) 312 (TRAILING-GENERATION 1:ANY 2:ANY 3:ANY) 312 (TRAILING-PTR-LE 1:LINKED-LIST 2:SERIES 3:SERIES) 311 (TRUNCATE 1:SERIES 2:SERIES) 308 (TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY 1:SERIES 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 308 (TRUNCATE-EQUAL-PRIORITY-HEAD 1:SERIES 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 308 (TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION 1:SERIES' 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 307 (TRUNCATE-OAL-POSITION-UNSAFB 1:SERIES 2:ANY 3:SERIES) 311 (TRUNCATION 1:ANY 2:ANY) 313 (UNARY-PREDICATE 1:ANY 2:ANY) 305 (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-DELETE 1:ANY 2:UNORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 3:UNORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LTST) 305 (TJNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-EMPTY? 1:LTNORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 305 (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-INSERT 1:ANY 2:UNORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST 3:UNORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LIST) 305 (UNORDERED-ASSOC-LIST-LOOKUP 1:ANY 2:UNORDERED-ASSOCIATIVE-LTST 3:ANY) 301 (UPDATE+BUMP 1:ANY 2:INDEXED-SEQUENCE 3:INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 301 (UPDATE+FETCH 1:INDEXED-SEQUENCE 2:ANY 3:INDEXED-SEQUENCE) 292 (UPDATE-NODE-TIME 1:ASYNCH-NODE 2:INTEGER 3:ASYNCH-NODE) 3 6 is 0 1 ures 1-1 A hybrid program uderstanding system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1-2 GRASPR's architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 13 2-1 Synchronous simulation cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2-2 Aggregate data cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2-3 Event-driven simulation cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2-4 Node action simulation cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2-5 General-purpose cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 21-6 A message handler for Factorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2-7 The definition of two Machine Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2-8 Design tree for Pisim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2-9 Some of the documentation generated for Pisim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2-10 Top-level portion of Pisim code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2-11 A syntactic variation of t1te portion of Pisim shown in Figure 210. 44 2-12 An organizational variation of the top-level portion of Pisim. 45 2-13 Top-level portion of CST. Question marks indicate unfamiliar code . . . . . . 47 2-14 A portion of design tree produced in recognizing CST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2-15 A portion of the documentation generated for CST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 2-16 Buffer qeue 'Implemented as a FIFO, which in turn is implemented as a CIS. 52 2-17 Buffer queue implemented as a stack (LIFO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2-18 Design tree for implementational variation in which the buffer 'is a stack. . . 54 2-19 Portion of CST that averages node queue lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2-20 Design tree for qeue length averaging computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2-21 Optimization in which averagingis performed while advancing nodes. . . . 56 2-22 Design tree for optimized code, with shared sub-tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 2-23 Code containing a redundant CAR computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 2-24 Code in which the result of CAR is cached and reused . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3-1 An example attributed flow graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3-2 An example flow graph grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3-3 An example derivation sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3-4 An example derivation tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 317 3-5 An example attributed flow graph grammar .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 3-6 An attributed derivation tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3-7 Testing whether the three input sides form a right triangle. 70 3-8 Attributed flow graph for RIGHTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3-9 Flow graph grammar encoding cliche's found in RIGHTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3-10 Cliche's recognized in RIGHTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3-11 These flow graphs should a be seen as euivalent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3-12 a) A grammar. b) Its core language. c) Some flow graphs in its expanded language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 3-13 a) A grammar. b A derivation sequence. c A derivation graph representing the derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 3-14 (a) A grammar. (b) Two derivations of same flow graph. (c) Two derivation graphs representing the derivations .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 3-15 A grammar representing aggregation, using Spread and Make nodes. 82 3-16 F, is the flow graph in the language of the grammar in Figure 315. The rest are flow graphs aggregation-equivalent to it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 3-17 F3and F can be transformed to this flow graph by flattening nested Makes and Spreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3-18 Two programs each performing two consecutive Stack Pops. 88 3-19 The flow graph for the programs POP-TWICE and POP-TWICE2 . . . . . . . . . . 89 3-20 Flow graph with a node whose output port is of type Any . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3-21 (a) A rule which aggregates port types. (b) The same rule with aggregation information moved to the embedding relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 3-22 (a) An edge connects a Spread and Make. (b) This edge becomes a st-thru when aggregation information 'is moved to the embedding relation. 92 3-23 Circular Indexed Sequence data structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 3-24 The rule for Circular Idexed Sequence Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 3-25 The grammar of Fgure 315 with aggregation encoded in the embedding relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3-26 A reduction sequence using the grammar of Figure 325 . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 3-27 The reduction of a sub-flow graph using the rule for D from Figure 325. . . 97 3-28 (a) A flow graph only partially recognizable as the non-terminal S, whose rule is 'in (b). (c) Result of reduction. (d) Breaking up residual Spreads and Makes to facilitate partial recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 3-29 Flow graph parser evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 3-30 Graph chart parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3-31 (a) Adding a complete item to the chart. (b) Adding a partial item to the chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 3-32 A bottom-up rule invocation strategy affects adding a complete item to chart. 05 3-33 Search strategy as input to parser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 318 3-34 Additional monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 3-35 Saring a snb-derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . log 3-36 (a) A graph grammar that maximally shares the non-terminal A. (b) Ala input flow graph containing two redundant instances of A. (c) An alternative view created by "zipping up" the iput graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37 (a) A flow graph with location pointers. (b) Items created dring parsing. 112 3-38 Simulating the break up of residual Spreads and Makes . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 3-39 Grammar containing a rule with a st-thru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 3-40 Constraint on combination imposed by st-thrus .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 3-41 Constrained and unconstrained st-thrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 3-42 Propagating matches of st-thrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 4-1 A recursive function with multiple exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 4-2 Flow graph representing HT-Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 4-3 Annotated partial order grapti representing the relationships between the control environments of HT-Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 4-4 Flow graph grammar rule for Negate-if-Negative, with actual attribute con- ditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 4-5 Grammar rule for counting-up cliche .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 4-6 The plan diagram for a code fragment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 4-7 A recursively defined plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 4-8 Data plan for Circular Indexed Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 4-9 Plan for extracting an element from a Crcular Indexed Sequence . . . . . . . 134 4-10 Implementation overlay showing how FIFO-Dequeue can be implemented by CIS-Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 4-11 Rule encoding plan for CIS-Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 4-12 Rule encoding the CIS-Extract-as-FIFO-Dequeue overlay . . . . . . . . . . . 138 4-13 Temporal overlay showing the view of Generation as a Generate operation. 139 4-14 Grammar rule encoding the plan for Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 4-15 Temporal overlay relating the plan for Iterative Search and te operation E arliest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 4-16 Grammar rule for Iterative Search cliche .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14122 4-17 Grammar rule encoding the temporal overlay Iterative-Search-as-Earliest. . 143 4-18 Plan definition for Event-Driven Simulation cliche .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 4-19 Overlay showing the temporal abstraction of the iteration cliche' Dequeue- and-Process-Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 4-20 Overlay showing the temporal abstraction of the iteration cliche' Co-Iterative- ED S-Finished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 4-21 Grammar rules for some Event-Driven Simulation cliche's . . . . . . . . . . . 148 4-22 Grammar rules for cliche's used by Event-Driven Simulation cliche .. . . . . . 149 319 "I -- -- 1 I 1-1-1- i 4-23 Plan definition for the Process-Event cliche .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 4-24 Rules for Process-Event cliche .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 4-25 Plan definition for the Update-Node-Time cliche .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 4-26 Grammar rule encoding the Update-Node-Time plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 4-27 Code that side effects the mutable data structure *Event-Queue*. 156 4-28 Functional version of Insert-Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 4-29 Version of Insert-Queue-Pure in which recursion is folded up . . . . . . . . . 157 4-30 Flow graph representing Insert-Queue-Pure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 4-31 Partial ordering relationships between the control environments of Insert- Queue-Pure's flow graph . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 4-32 Documentation containing a cliche'd-to-user-defined name mapping . . . . . . 162 5-1 Flow graph representing the code in Figures 210 211, and 212 . . . . . . . 165 5-2 Attribute values for accessor ad constructor attributes annotating the flow graphs representing the programs in Figures 210 column a), 211 (column b), and 2-12 (column c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 5-3 Flow graph representing the CST code of Figure 213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 5-41 a) Average cliche'. b-c) Some cases in which a program can be partially recognized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 5-5 Rules for Extract-Message and Local-Buffer-Dequeue cliche'. 172 5-6 Code containing a partially recognized data structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 5-7 Flow graph representation for step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 5-8 Some valid variations of Synchronous Simulation algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 182 6-1 Two series of extensions resulting in duplicate items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 6-2 Partitions of the total item set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 6-3 Grammar and input graph leading to an illegal, cyclic reduction . . . . . . . 199 6-4 The plan for extracting from a Circular-Indexed Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . 201 6-5 Bushy item tree produced in recognizing CIS-Extract with weak match- interleaved constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 6-6 The restriction on legal instances imposed by the precedence relation constraint. 203 6-7 Skinny item tree produced 'in recognizing CIS-Extract with strong match- interleaved constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 6-8 Results of running CST example with constraints parse-interleaved versus m atch-interleaved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 6-9 Relationship of the sets of successful, killed, and extendable item sets to the sets of complete and partial items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 6-10 Results of running PISIM example with constraints parse-interleaved versus m atch-interleaved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 6-11 The sapes of item trees aving maximum maximum width . . . . . . . . . . 210 320 7-1 Four ways of implementing Stack-Push and Stack-Pop with the Stack imple- mented as an Indexed-Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 A-1 Reducing fixed-UCFG recognition to flow graph recognition . . . . . . . . . .257 321 0 0 1 10 ra [1] H. 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