Recent Submissions

  • Momentum Budget Evaluation in ASTE Release 1 Part I: Full momentum budget 

    Pillar, Helen; Nguyen, An; Campin, Jean-Michel; Heimbach, Patrick (2021-06-15)
    The purpose of these notes is to describe how to perform accurate momentum budget analyses using output from the first release of the Arctic and Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate [ASTE R1 Nguyen et al., JAMES, 2021]. The goal ...
  • Data sets used in ECCO Version 4 Release 3 

    Fukumori, Ichiro; Fenty, Ian; Forget, Gael; Heimbach, Patrick; King, Charmaine; e.a. (2019-02-18)
    The latest state estimate produced by the consortium for Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO Version 4 Release 3 or V4R3 for short) is constrained by a variety of satellite and in situ ocean observations. ...
  • Cloud-based solutions for distributed climate modeling 

    Vinogradova, Nadya; Shiffer, Mark; Forget, Gael; Hill, Christopher N. (2017-09-19)
    A new, cloud-based framework for climate modeling is introduced allowing to run climate models at the “click of a button”. The framework aims to simplify dissemination of climate models, increase transparency of modeling ...

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