Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Auction design and favoritism 

      Laffont, Jean-Jacques; Tirole, Jean (MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, 1989)
      The theory of auctions has ignored the fact that often auction designers, not the principal, design auctions. In a multi attribute auction, the auction designer may bias his subjective evaluation of quality or distort the ...
    • Merchant transmission investment 

      Joskow, Paul L.; Tirole, Jean (MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, 2003)
      We examine the performance attributes of a merchant transmission investment framework that relies on "market driven" transmission investment to provide the infrastructure to support competitive wholesale markets for ...
    • The politics of government decision making : regulatory institutions 

      Laffont, Jean-Jacques; Tirole, Jean (MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, 1989)
      Public decision makers are given a vague mandate to regulate industries. Restrictions on their instruments or scope of regulation affect their incentives to identify with interest groups and the effectiveness ...
    • Reliability and competitive electricity markets 

      Joskow, Paul L.; Tirole, Jean (MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, 2004)
      Despite all of the talk about ₃deregulation₄ of the electricity sector, a large number of non-market mechanisms have been imposed on emerging competitive wholesale and retail markets. These mechanisms include spot market ...
    • Retail electricity competition 

      Joskow, Paul L.; Tirole, Jean (MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, 2004)
      We analyze a number of unstudied aspects of retail electricity competition. We first explore the implications of load profiling of consumers whose traditional meters do not allow for measurement of their real time consumption, ...
    • Transmission rights and market power on electric power networks. I, financial rights 

      Joskow, Paul L.; Tirole, Jean (MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, 1999)
    • Transmission rights and market power on electric power networks. I, physical rights 

      Joskow, Paul L.; Tirole, Jean (MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, 1999)
    • Verticle integration and market foreclosure 

      Hart, Oliver D.; Tirole, Jean (MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, 1990)
      Few people would disagree with the proposition that horizontal mergers have the potential to restrict output and raise consumer prices. In contrast, there is much less agreement about the anti-competitive effects of vertical ...