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Affective Computing

Humanoid robot holding a sign that reads 'Caution: robot operation area. Do not enter.'

With the ability to sense and respond to human emotions, robots will become more effective at many tasks. (Image courtesy of NASA.)


MIT Course Number


As Taught In

Spring 2008



Translated Versions


Course Description

Course Description

This class explores computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotion. Topics include the interaction of emotion with cognition and perception; the role of emotion in human-computer interaction; the communication of human emotion via face, voice, physiology, and behavior; construction of computers that have skills of emotional intelligence; the development of computers that "have" emotion; affective technologies for autism; and other areas of current research interest. Weekly reading, discussion, and a term project are required.

Other Versions

Other OCW Versions

OCW has published multiple versions of this subject. Question_OVT logo

Archived versions: Question_avt logo

Related Content

Rosalind Picard. MAS.630 Affective Computing. Spring 2008. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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