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Quantum Theory I

3D graph projected onto 2D graph showing two peaks.

Ground state of a 2D quantum system with two classical minima. (Image adapted from course content.)


MIT Course Number


As Taught In

Fall 2002



Course Description

Course Features

Course Description

8.321 is the first semester of a two-semester subject on quantum theory, stressing principles. Topics covered include: Hilbert spaces, observables, uncertainty relations, eigenvalue problems and methods for solution thereof, time-evolution in the Schrodinger, Heisenberg, and interaction pictures, connections between classical and quantum mechanics, path integrals, quantum mechanics in EM fields, angular momentum, time-independent perturbation theory, density operators, and quantum measurement.

Other Versions

Other OCW Versions

OCW has published multiple versions of this subject. Question_OVT logo

Related Content

Washington Taylor. 8.321 Quantum Theory I. Fall 2002. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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