Timestamp,"1. Have you used the Internet of Things (example: monitoring of crops with sensors connected to the internet) and sensors in any form in agriculture production, aquaculture, or dairy farming?","2. If yes, what applications did you use it for? Please include all applications ","3. What were you measuring in each application?","4. Why were you measuring this?",4a. In which country was this being used?,"5. What type of sensors and hardware did you use? [Eg: soil moisture sensor, ph sensor, temperature sensor, etc]","6. Which communication methods did you use in your implementation [select all that apply]","6.a If you selected other, please explain. If not, skip to the next section.",7. Why did you pick these communication/topologies ? ,8. Can you describe the overall connection from the sensor reading the data to how you viewed this data? Elaborate on all the stages involved [Eg: Data from a soil moisture sensor through a Zigbee communication layer onto a final gateway using a mesh topology],9. How did you read the data that was measured? ,10. Can you explain the value you received in incorporating sensors and IOT to your farming process?,11. Are there any challenges to implementation of sensors and IOT in measuring for your applications?,"12. If yes, what are the challenges? [Select all that apply]","12.a If you selected other please explain. If not, skip to next section.","13. In your opinion, what are areas of improvement for IoT in agriculture? ","14. Prior to using sensors and IOT for measurement in your farming practices, how were you measuring these data points? ",15. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Data security is a concern for me when using IOT for agriculture? ,"16. What change would you like to see to decrease your concern? ","17. On a scale of 1 to 5, how interested are you in adopting sensors for your farming practices?","18. If you selected (1) or (2), what would make you more interested in adopting sensors? Why? " 10/01/18 21:34,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/16/2018 11:56:15,Yes,Ground and aerial sensors to inform farmer sow time advisories,"Moisture, temperature",Inform farmer sow time advisories,India,"Soil moisture, ph & temperature ","WiFi, Other",VHF/UHF,Partnership with Microsoft Research's FarmBeats,FarmBeats research: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/farmbeats-iot-agriculture/#!publications,Tablet,Mostly just to better understand the raw conditions on farmers' fields; attempted to use the data to estimate crop yields and sow timing but still work-in-progress ,Yes,"Ease of Use, How to make sense of the data",,Making data simpler and easier to interpret/understand to inform decisions of smallholder farmers; increasing robustness and ease-of-setup/use of IoT devices,Sample physical surveys/assessments by ourselves and/or government,Neutral,,2,"Clearer cost-benefit impact analysis for small-scale farmers to invest in sensors for particular applications (e.g., sow timing)." 11/19/2018 9:33:16,Yes,"weather prediction, crop modeling, crop forecasting esp of yield, estimation of water requirements, estimation of nutrient dynamics, disease prediction, spray weather, genetic phenotyping",Various physical drivers of crop growth and various spectral and thermal measures of crop responses / performance.,To estimate crop state variables that would otherwise be hard to parameterize,>25 countries on 6 continents,Arable Mark,Other,Cellular!!,"Cellular is global, whereas the others are not","data collected by the mark, sent via cellular to cloud, processed in cloud for consumption by dashboard or API","Tablet, PC, Mobile Phone",Increase agronomic efficiencies (reduce yield gaps) and reduce postharvest food losses,Yes,"All the above, None of the above",Ruggedness; maintenance; connectivity; specificity of agronomic insights,Crop-and-locale specificity of advice and the medium of its presentation,Driving around taking notes; replicating what happened last year,Neutral,it is table stakes ,3, 11/19/2018 12:10:49,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/20/2018 0:42:48,Yes,"Prospectively, measuring produce quality and supply chain tracking",Milk Quality and Safety Parameters,To enable quality-based pricing and to disincentivize malpractices,India,Optical Milk Quality Sensors,Other,GSM based networks,Single instrument in a village,"Only proposed, not developed in detail",,"Quality, Traceability and Transparency",Yes,All the above,,"Better cellular networks, or hybrid multi-modal communication platforms for short and long range",Logged manually on computers and transported in pen drives,Neutral,,5, 11/20/2018 3:33:13,Yes,Fish farming,"temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ph",university study ,Thailand,"temperature sensor, dissolved oxygen sensor, turbidity sensor, ph sensor",WiFi,,Wifi was available at the University,Data was sent directly to a server running Thingspeak,"Tablet, PC, Mobile Phone",Information that otherwise was not provided,Yes,"Cost, Other",Maintenance of the sensors in water,Vertical applications would bring to lower costs,,Neutral,,5, 11/26/2018 14:44:12,Yes,Soil moisture monitoring,"Dry, wet and saturated soil",To generate data to enable optimal distribution of water resources,USA,soil moisture sensing,Other,RFID based,"Prior experience, low-cost platform for pervasive sensing",Data from RFID tag-sensor communicated to reader and from there to a storage bank/ cloud. Sensor data piggybacks on exisiting UHF protocol and can be read by COTS reader,PC,N/A - lab study. ,Yes,"Ease of Use, How to make sense of the data, Other","Variability of soil type, compaction level etc on sensor performance",Gathering pervasive sensor data at sufficient spatial granularity,N/A,Agree,End user has a say in who can/ cannot use the data,3, 11/27/2018 11:00:25,Yes,"Seedling germination monitoring, temperature/humidity monitoring",Temperature and humidity,To ensure proper germination temperature,United States,DS18B20 and DHT22,WiFi,,It was easy for me to set it up myself and have full control over the data flow,Data from temperature and humidity sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi storing data locally and sending it to farmOS,"Tablet, PC, Mobile Phone",It saves time to check the temperature from my phone rather than physically being there,Yes,All the above,Internet connection availability can be limited on farms.,"Long distance, solar/battery powered, smart caching of data before sending it to the cloud.",Traditional thermometer read visually,Strongly agree,Distributed ownership of the open source software that stores and transmits the data,5, 11/28/2018 7:18:14,Yes,Row crop irrigation,"Soil temperature, soil moisture",Irrigation scheduling,South Africa,Soil Moisture probe,Other,Proprietary RF protocol,It was the only supported communication protocol provided by the manufacturer.,"Data from Soil Moisture Probe to handheld device in physical proximity, downloaded wireless and then connected the handheld device to a PC via USB to upload the data and view it in a software package.",PC,"Tedious, but valuable data",Yes,"Cost, Ease of Use, How to make sense of the data",,Low cost devices supporting open protocols.,Guessing and manual methods like inserting an iron rod in the soil. Also careful observation.,Agree,Choice,5, 11/30/2018 17:06:37,Yes,"e KASKASHI SENSOR, Visuality Open IOT platforms to measure environmental & soil variables",Soil & env data,To integrate crop performance,Colombia,"EC, PH, TEMP, MOISTURE, WIND SPEED , RAIN FALL","Zigbee, WiFi, LoRa, Ethernet",,EASY & SIMPLE,,"Tablet, PC, Mobile Phone",,Yes,"Cost, Ease of Use",,"VISUALIZATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, RAPIDITY",PHYSICAL SOIL SAMPLE,Neutral,,4, 12/03/18 11:07,Yes,Monitoring of nutritional deficiencies in oil palm using a mobile app.,"We measured deficiencies in N, P, and K.",It was part of a research project to evaluate new technologies for doing plant monitoring.,Colombia.,Built-in camera and GPS of a smartphone.,"WiFi, Other",4G,WiFi and 4G modules come integrated in the smartphone. ,"The system provides in-situ diagnosis and visualization on the smartphone screen. However, if an Internet connection is available, the app sends the telemetry to Azure's cloud (IoT Hub -> Stream Analytics - > SQL database -> Power BI), where the different observations are aggregated, geolocated and displayed. ",Mobile Phone,It provided objective feedback from the nutritional state of the oil palm. ,Yes,All the above,,The endurance and reliability of deployed solutions over long periods of time.,sensors + dataloggers,Agree,,5, 12/03/18 20:40,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/04/18 14:42,Yes,photosynthesis testing in-field (handheld device) pulling weather data for in-field use (both from weather.com-type api and from a self-installed local weather station. ,"photosynthesis, temperature, humidity, chlorophyll content","research applications for plant science, photosynthesis research, plant breeding mostly","Many countries - US, Malawi, Tanzania, some in Europe","soil moisture, temperature/rh/pressure, photosynthesis (spetrometry and fluorescence)","WiFi, Other",bluetooth,"these were mostly handheld measurements which included metadata, so bluetooth was the best fit (not continuous measurements in-field with no one there).","sensor measured fluorescence of leaf, sent data via bluetooth Serial to phone using JSON format, phone packaged up sensor data + human and machine inputted metadata, sent to central server.","Tablet, Mobile Phone","this was for research, primary actual application was for plant breeding.",Yes,All the above,,"stop focus on tech, start focusing on value to consumer.",didn't measure them! used intuition and simpler sources of data. ,Neutral,,4, 12/07/18 23:36,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/08/18 13:43,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/09/18 16:45,Yes,Tomatoes and onion crops monitoring,"Soil humidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, ambiant humidity ",In response to MVP (minimal viable product) survey,"Senegal, ghana, togo, burkina ","Arduino, raspberry pi, and compatible sensors ","WiFi, LoRa, Ethernet",,"Recommandations, design choices based on low poser, long range, internet stability","Star based topology with IoT devices reading and sending data regularly to gateways through LoRa links, and gateways uploading data on Cloud platforms ","Tablet, PC, Mobile Phone",Yes ,Yes,"Ease of Use, Battery Life",,"Sensors calibration, internet connectivity in rural areas, phone network to enable notifications in case internet is not accessible, battery duration, device purchasing...",Manually or qualitatively,Neutral,,5, 12/10/18 3:39,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/11/18 1:12,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/11/18 15:27,Yes,Soil moisture determination (was a small demo project),Measuring the moisture in a vegetable screen house ,Understand the watering needs of the crops in the screen house,Kenya,ARM Soil moisture sensor,"WiFi, LoRa",,LoRa for the long range communication between the screen house and the lab,Data from the sensor in the screen house to an attached sensor board to an intermediate access point then to the cloud,PC,Early/Timely and quick monitoring of moisture,Yes,"Cost, Ease of Use, Battery Life, Other",Packaging all the components together as a unit was messy,Robustness,Estimation from texture of soil and historical best practices,Neutral,Negative change? (not sure how to decrease from neutral :),5, 12/14/2018 7:39:17,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/19/2018 19:12:44,Yes,"Climate Control Monitoring, Soil and atmospheric conditions","temperature, humidity, voltage, moisture levels, other atmospheric conditions ","greenhouse alerts (High and low temp), cold storage and germination chamber conditions and alerts, field conditions for management decision making ",USA,"Temperature, humidity, voltage divider, soil moisture etc. ","WiFi, LoRa, Ethernet",,"Easy to configure, well supported, and in the case of lora it is low power and works for a lighter footprint on the edge. ","Sensors are either directly connected to a wifi connected RaspberryPi gateway that pushes the data to FarmOS through a NodeRed flow or a simple micro controller that is either on the network or connected through lora and then pushes the data to FarmOS where it is datalogged and viewed, and where alerts are controlled. Basic automation is controlled through NodeRed.","PC, Mobile Phone",Remote monitoring and access to reduce risk and stress. ,Yes,"Ease of Use, How to make sense of the data",complexity of initial setup and quality of components including connectors and enclosures,"standard setup and UI, interoperable components including connectors, and enclosures, more node.js support for wider variety of sensors, and P2P file handling and geodata explorers.",In general no data was collected without IOT. ,Neutral,not a major concern in rural conditions and data does not have a great deal to do with privacy,5, 12/23/2018 11:20:32,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 01/07/19 1:59,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 01/07/19 17:29,Yes,Checking the PH of the soil,Test Acid and alkaline in the experiments,To determine which the level to toxicity in the soil,Uganda,ph sensor,Other,Bluetooth,It sends the data collected from the sample unit to the smartphone.,"I was testing my friend's innovation, just a few hours to the competitions which were organized. Am not well conversed with the overall connection but I will ask him tomorrow morning",Sensing device screen,"Data can be shared among different people and in the end, the use gets information from more than one person which give him/her options and suggestions rather relying on only on single source of information.",Yes,"Cost, Battery Life, How to make sense of the data",,"Sharing data, for example. If a person has collected data on the temperature, moisture and other conditions required in agriculture such as greenhouse where chilly and flowers are grown. There should be ability for a successful farmer share the degrees of temperature and other conditions so that others in the same field do not come from scratch and make losses before arriving to the correct required conditions necessary for agriculture.",Using experience from elderly farmers and there data points would be true but they could not transfer the skills because it needed a lot of time to get experience.,Strongly disagree,"Basing on the experience that I was hacked into my gmail, I believe if people are taught how it is done and how they can take on safety precautions, data security will be as safe as my gmail right now because I learnt almost all ways I can be hacked into my gmail account",5,