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Practice Quiz 18 Answers

  1. __________ かどうか、ききましょうか。

    1. 近所かどうか、ききましょうか。
      Right! The translation is: "Shall I ask whether it is in the neighborhood or not?"

    2. いつ
      Sorry! A question word like いつ does not need どうか. It should be いつかききましょうか.

    3. 書きやすいかどうか、ききましょうか。
      Right! The translation is: "Shall I ask whether it is easy to write or not?"

    4. 写真をとりました
      Sorry! You must use the direct form with どうか. It should be 写真をとったかどうか…

    5. ご都合
      Sorry! It must be ご都合がいいかどうか… in this case.

    6. 中村さんが何時に着く
      Sorry! Again, a question word (何) cannot be followed by どうか.

  2. ざだんかいの時間が __________ 。

    1. 決めました
      Sorry! With 決める you must use :
      X を決めました。

      If you use you must use 決まる:
      X が決まりました。

    2. ざだんかいの時間がわからないんですが。
      Right! The translation is: "It's that I don't know how long the round-table discussion is..."

    3. 教えてもらいました
      Sorry! With 教える you must use :
      X を教えてもらいました。

  3. __________ か教えて。

    1. 何ていう か教えて。
      Right! The translation is: "Tell (teach) me how to say it."

    2. どういうか教えて。
      Right! The translation is: "Tell (teach) me what kind of person (who) that is."

    3. せいじかんけいのばんぐみだ
      Sorry! You must delete at the end of the phrase to put it in front of in this case. Note, however, that in the perfective, you must change to だった and retain it:

    4. どこにおいたっていったか教えて。
      Right! The translation is: "Tell me where he said he put it."

  4. かばんを __________ 。

    1. かばんをしめて
      Right! The translation is: "Close the bag."

    2. かばんをしまって
      Right! The translation is: "Put the bag away."

    3. あいて
      Sorry! In this case, it should be あけて.

  5. うちのいもうとが、先生にさしあげて、と __________ 。

    1. うちのいもうとが、先生にさしあげて、といいました
      Right! The translation is: "My sister said `Give it to the teacher.'"

    2. おっしゃっていました
      Sorry! おっしゃっていました is honorific and can never be used about one's own sister.

    3. 思います
      Sorry! Since the sentence before the quotative is imperative, …と思います does not make sense.

    4. うちのいもうとが、先生にさしあげて、とたのみました
      Right! The translation is: "My sister asked him/her to give it to the teacher."

  6. 弟に __________ 。

    1. 弟にごれんらくください。
      Right! The translation is: "Please contact my younger brother." Grammar 18A SP1 Polite Request: /o + verbal stem/ or /go + nominal referring to actions such as syookai, soodan, renraku/ with kudasai.

    2. 弟にしばらく会っていない。
      Right! The translation is: "I have not seen my younger brother for a while." Hisasiburi desu (Grammar 11B), Sibaraku desu (Grammar 18A: "It has been a while since our last meeting.").

    3. 手伝っていただいた
      Wrong. (Speaker or speakers in-group member ) X ni (V-gerund) itadaku → (I) humbly receive it from X. いただく is a humble-polite form of もらう. Examples of correct sentences:

      My younger brother helped me.

      My teacher helped me.

  7. 何度せつめいした __________ 。

    1. を聞いた
      Wrong. Do not forget particle  in embedded questions.

      何度せつめいしたか (を) 聞いた
      I asked how many times he had explained it".

    2. は、忘れちゃった。
      Wrong. Do not forget particle  in embedded questions.

      I completely forgot as for how many times I had explained it.

    3. かどうかわかりません。
      Wrong. X かどうか is used for the embedded alternate (yes-no) question ("I do not know whether it is X or not"). The correct sentence is:

      I do not know how many times I explained it.

  8. __________ とたのんだ。

    1. いみを教えてとたのんだ。
      Right! The translation is: "I asked him to tell me the meaning."

    2. けしきがいいかどうか
      Wrong. Note the difference in meaning between たのむ (ask a favor) and 聞く (ask a question, hear, listen to).

      けしきがいいかどうか (と) 聞いた
      I asked him if the view was good.

      I asked him to check if the view was good.

    3. 何枚も買ってきてとたのんだ。
      Right! The translation is: "I asked him to come back having bought many sheets."

    4. しょうごからざだん会に出た
      Wrong (refer to b above).

      I heard he had attended the round table discussions from noon.

      しょうごからざだん会に出たか (と) 聞いた 
      I asked if he had attended ~.

      I asked, `Did you attend ~?'


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