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Practice Quiz 19 Answers

  1. __________ アルバイトの学生です。

    1. きのう着きました
      Sorry! A sentence modifier must be in direct style. A possible sentence is:

    2. 目が大きいの
      Sorry! You must delete for this to work:

    3. 仕事をてつだってくれたアルバイトの学生です。
      Right! The translation is: "(It is) a part-time student who helped me with the job."

  2. 子どもがねた __________ 行きました。

    1. 子どもがねたから行きました。
      Right! The translation is: "Because the child fell asleep, I went."

    2. 前に
      Sorry! The sentence before 前に must be imperfective even if the described event occurred in the past.

    3. 子どもがねたあとで行きました。
      Right! The translation is: "After the child fell asleep, I went."

    4. 子どもがねたので行きました。
      Right! The translation is: "Because the child fell asleep, I went."

  3. このけいさんき、直して __________

    1. このけいさんき、直してから。
      Right! The translation is: "After I fix this calculator..."

    2. このけいさんき、直してみて。
      Right! The translation is: "Try to fix this calculator."

    3. 時はいつですか
      Sorry! To modify 時, 直して must be changed to 直した:

    4. に行ってください
      Sorry! For this construction you must use the Verb-stem + に行く pattern:

    5. このけいさんき、直してしまいましたか。
      Right! The translation is: "Did you finish fixing this calculator?"

  4. この手紙を書いた __________

    1. は、だれかわからない
      Sorry! The anticipatory must appear before the particle in this sentence. A correct version would be:

    2. の人と話してください
      Sorry! is modified by the preceding sentence. A cannot appear between the sentence modifier and the modified nominal.

    3. この手紙を書いたのは、先週だったと思う。
      Right! The translation is: "I think it was last week that I wrote this letter."

    4. この手紙を書いたのですか。
      Right! The translation is: "Is it that you wrote this letter?" What is this ? It is the extended predicate , for which you can also substitute .

    5. この手紙を書いたの?。
      Right! The translation is: "Is it that you wrote this letter?" This is an extended predicate. Remember that when the extended predicate is placed at the end of a sentence, substitution does not take place.

    6. だよ
      Sorry! cannot follow verbals or adjectivals. However, 書いたんだよ would be ok.

  5. 田中さん __________ あずかったにもつ

    1. 田中さんがあずかったにもつ
      Right! The translation is: "The luggage Tanaka accepted (to keep temporarily)". In a sentence modifier, the doer of the action verbal in the sentence modifier is marked by either or .

    2. 田中さんのあずかったにもつ
      Right! The translation is: "The luggage Tanaka accepted (to keep temporarily)". In a sentence modifier, the doer of the action verbal in the sentence modifier is marked by either or .

    3. Sorry! While not grammatically impossible, this is a very strange sentence - it would, literally, mean "the luggage which accepted Tanaka".

    4. 田中さんからあずかったにもつ
      Right! The translation is: "The luggage I accepted (to keep temporarily) from Tanaka". Note that, like かりる, あずかる can follow から with a similar meaning:

      I accepted (it) from Tanaka (to keep temporarily).

      I borrowed it from Tanaka.

      But, note that:

      I gave it to Tanaka (to keep temporarily).

      I borrowed from Tanaka.

  6. コンピューター __________ 入れたかばん

    1. Sorry! While not grammatically impossible, this sentence would not make much sense: "The bag in which the computer put something".

    2. コンピューターを入れたかばん
      Right! The translation is: "The bag in which I put the computer".

    3. Sorry! cannot go here. Remember, cannot be replaced by .

    4. Sorry! While not grammatically impossible, this results in the strange sentence: "The bag which was inserted into the computer".

  7. __________ みましょう。

    1. 三回みましょう。
      Right! The translation is: "Let's watch it three times." This -kai is a classifier for counting number of times.

    2. 川をわたってみましょう。
      Right! The translation is: "Let's cross the river and see what happens." In the structural pattern/Verbal gerund + miru/ (do X and see what happens, try ~ing), miru, is usually written in hiragana 三回見ましょう. See 6a above:

      Let's try watching three times.

    3. すわった
      Wrong. みる in "try ~ing" pattern must be preceded by verbal gerund.

      Let's have a seat and see what happens.

      Let's try putting it on the shelf.


  8. 両替した __________ でしたか。

    1. のきかい
      Wrong. When a verbal/adjectival sentence occurs as a modifier of a following nominal, connective should not be used in between.

      Was it the machine with which you exchanged money?

    2. Wrong. The verbal before must always be in imperfective.

      Was it before you exchanged money?

    3. 両替したのは、一万円さつでしたか。
      Right! The translation is: "As for what you exchanged, was it a 10,000 yen bill?"

  9. __________ 物ですね。

    1. めずらしいの
      Wrong. Refer to 8a above.

      It is a rare (amazing, unexpected, surprising) thing, isn't it?

    2. 当日までわたさない物ですね。
      Right! The translation is: "It is the thing that we will not hand over till the day in question, right?"

    3. じゃまだ
      Wrong. When /nominal + copula / occurs as a modifier of a following nominal, copula must be changed to :
      女性です + うんてん手 = 女性のうんてん手

      or in the case of nominal:
      元気です + 学生 = 元気な学生

      It is an object which is a nuisance, isn't it?

    4. 去年集めました
      Wrong. Sentence modifiers must be "direct-form".

      It is the thing that you collected last year, right?

  10. __________ のはだれですか。

    1. まだねむくないのはだれですか。
      Right! The translation is: "As for the one that is not sleepy yet, who is it?"

    2. あわてたのはだれですか。
      Right! The translation is: "As for the one that got disoriented, who is it?"

    3. いすをならべて
      Wrong. Anticipatory (Grammar 19A SP2) must be preceded by "direct-form" of predicates.

      As for the one that assembled chairs, who is it?

    4. ぐうぐうねてしまいました
      Wrong. Anticipatory (Grammar 19A SP2) must be preceded by "direct-form" of predicates.

      As for the one that ended up falling sound asleep, who is it?

    5. 病気だったのはだれですか。
      Right! The translation is: "As for the one that was sick, who is it?"

  11. おりた __________ 。

    1. おりた時、はっと気がついた。
      Right! The translation is: "When I got off, I became aware with a start."

    2. は、何という駅ですか
      Wrong. is required.

      As for the one (place, person, time, etc. not clear until the occurrence of its particular reference) that you got off, what is the name of the station (regarding where you got off, ~)?

    3. おりたあとで、電話を入れて。
      Right! The translation is: "After you get off, please call me." Note that a verbal which precedes あとで must be "perfective" form.

    4. おりたのは、十時着のとっきゅうでした。
      Right! The translation is: "As for the one that I got off, it was a super express which arrived at 10:00." Refer to 10b above.


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