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1.203J / 6.281J / 13.665J / 15.073J / 16.76J / ESD.216J Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods, Fall 2001

Illustration for Logistical and Tranportation Planning Methods.
Illustration for Logistical and Tranportation Planning Methods. (Image courtesy of Elaine Chew.)

Highlights of this Course

This course features a complete online textbook. The 500+ page textbook, Urban Operations Research, was written by Profs. Richard C. Larson and Amedeo R. Odoni. While it was published in 1981, most of the material is still current and is referenced in the course reading assignments. The lecture notes augment the book and to bring it up to date where necessary, including interactive color animations of the most interesting applied probability problems in Chapter Three of the book.

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Course Description

This course focuses on quantitative techniques of Operations Research, with an emphasis on applications in transportation systems analysis (urban, air, ocean, highway, pick-up and delivery systems) and in the planning and design of logistically oriented urban service systems (e.g., fire and police departments, emergency medical services, emergency repair services). Unified study of functions of random variables, geometrical probability, multi-server queueing theory, spatial location theory, network analysis and graph theory, and relevant methods of simulation. Discussion of implementation difficulties.



Prof. Arnold Barnett
Prof. Richard Larson
Prof. Amedeo Odoni

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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