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11.124 Introduction to Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science, Fall 2002

A photo of homemade light houses made from cardboard boxes, aluminum foil, and fluorescent lights.
A photo of homemade light houses made from cardboard boxes, aluminum foil, and fluorescent lights. (Photo courtesy of Prof. Eric Klopfer.)

Highlights of this Course

This course features a detailed reading list with links to articles on education and the life of a teacher. There is also a complete list of detailed assignments.

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to teaching and learning in a variety of K-12 settings. Through visits to schools, classroom discussions, selected readings, and hands-on activities, we explore the challenges and opportunities of teaching. Topics of study include educational technology, design and experimentation, student learning, and careers in education.

Technical Requirements

StarLogo software is required to run the .slogo files found on this course site.



Prof. Eric Klopfer

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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