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20.462J / 3.962J Molecular Principles of Biomaterials (BE.462J), Spring 2003

An illustration of synthetic molecules assemble into fibers that coax minerals into growing on top, a structure that mirrors bone.
Synthetic molecules assemble into fibers that coax minerals into growing on top, a structure that mirrors bone. (Image by J. Hartgerink, Northwestern University; courtesy of the National Science Foundation.)

Highlights of this Course

This course offers a wealth of information and materials, including lecture notes, sample exams with model solutions, and problem sets with solutions.

Course Description

Analysis and design at a molecular scale of materials used in contact with biological systems, including biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Topics include molecular interactions between bio- and synthetic molecules and surfaces; design, synthesis, and processing approaches for materials that control cell functions; and application of state-of-the-art materials science to problems in tissue engineering, drug delivery, biosensors, and cell-guiding surfaces.

Technical Requirements

Microsoft® Excel software is recommended for viewing the .xls files found on this course site. Free Microsoft® Excel viewer software can also be used to view the .xls files.

Microsoft® is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.



Prof. Darrell Irvine

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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