Magnetic resonances of protons in various substances are studied by the techniques of pulsed NMR and the measurement of spin echoes. Various substances containing protons (water, glycerine, etc.) are placed in a uniform magnetic field and subjected to pulses of a transverse 5 MHz rf magnetic field in near resonance with the Larmor precession frequency of the protons. The spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation time constants are determined from measurements of the free-induction signals and the spin echoes produced by various combinations of rf pulses. Temperature effects are observed in glycerine, and the effects of paramagnetic ions on the relaxation time constants in water are measured. The magnetic moments of the proton and of the fluorine nucleus are derived from the data.
PDF Lab Guide
An article describing the construction of the experimental apparatus has been submitted to the American Journal of Physics. It is available in PDF format.
![Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Spin Echoes lab.](../../../../../NR/rdonlyres/Physics/8-13Experimental-Physics-I---II--Junior-Lab-Fall2002/20384FE1-CC17-4101-9AA0-C0858600FFB5/0/JLExp_12.jpg)
Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Spin Echoes lab.