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SP.772 Internet Technology in Local and Global Communities, Spring 2005

MIT students visit the University of Ghana.
MIT students standing at the entrance of the University of Ghana. (Image courtesy of Tamara Stern.)

Highlights of this Course

This course features complete lecture notes and exams sections.

Course Description

The MIT-Africa Internet Technology Initiative (MIT-AITI) is an innovative approach by MIT students to integrate computers and internet technology into the education of students in African schools. The program focuses upon programming principles, cutting-edge internet technology, free open-source systems, and even an entrepreneurship seminar to introduce students in Africa to the power of technology and to equip them with skills that will allow them to be creative, resourceful, and prosperous. The mission statement of the AITI program is based on the idea that information technology carries the potential to empower people around the globe with knowledge. The AITI program is implemented with emphasis on classroom teaching, community-oriented projects, and independent learning.

MIT-AITI achieves this goal by sending MIT students to three African nations in order to teach both students and teachers through intensive classroom and lab sessions for six weeks. Hence, MIT-AITI provides MIT students with an opportunity for community service where they can apply their extensive engineering skills. Moreover, MIT-AITI creates long-term cultural and technical relationships between MIT and African educational institutions.

Technical Requirements

Java® Virtual Machine software (automatically installed in most major web browsers) is required to run the .class files found on this course site. Any number of development tools can be used to compile and run the .java files found on this course site. Please refer to the course materials for any specific instructions or recommendations. File decompression software, such as Winzip® or StuffIt®, is required to open the .zip files found on this course site.



Prof. Paul Gray
Mr. Manish Gaudi

Course Meeting Times

Five sessions / week
2 hours / session

Five sessions / week
3 hours / session

Entrepreneurship Lectures:
Two sessions / week
1 hour / session




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