1-2 |
Power Plant Description
Integrated Approach
Design and Methods Viewpoint |
Percentage of Total Electricity Provided by the Nuclear Power - by Country (PDF)
Reactors Operating, Under Construction, Ordered or Planned - by Country (PDF)
3-11 |
Reactor Pressure Vessels
Stress Analysis
Design Limits and Margins
Brittle Fracture
ASME Code Limits |
Basic Relationships in Elasticity Theory (PDF)
Gill, S.S. The Stress Analysis of Pressure Vessels and Pressure Vessel Components . New York: Pergamon Press, 1970. ISBN: 0080067298.
Raske, D. T., and C. F. Cheng. "Fatigue Crack Propagation in Types 304 and 308 Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperatures." Nuclear Technology 34 (1977).
Ukai, S. Mizuta, S. Kaito, T. Okada, H. "In-Reactor Creep Rupture Properties of 20% CW Modified." Journal of Nuclear Materials 278, no.2, (2000): 320-327.
Fish, R. L. "High Fluence Nuetron Irradiation." Nuclear Technology 35 (1977).
——— . "Tensile Behavior of Neutron-Irradiation." Nuclear Technology 35 (1977).
Meyer, T. A., K. R. Balkay, and S. E. Yanishko. "The Evolution of Reactor Vessel PTS - A Catalyst to the Advancement of Technology." Mech. Eng . (Jun 1984).
Brown, S. "Methods to Counteract Radiation Effects on Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels." 22.314 Term Paper Report (May 2000).
"Regulations and Standards for Design of Nuclear Facilities." (Available in hard copy only.)
12 |
Near-Reaction Structures
Fusion Reactor First Walls / Elastic Behavior
1. Physical Description
2. Illustrative Problem
3. Stresses and Deformations
4. Design Use |
13-16 |
Oxide Fuel Rods / Plastic Behavior
1. Physical Description
2. Elastic Analysis
3. Creep and Plasticity
4. Other Features |
Olander, Donald R. "Appendix - Elasticity Theory." In Fundamental Aspects of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements. Springfield, VA: Technical Information Center, Office of Public Affairs, Energy Research, and Development Administration, 1976. ISBN: 0870790315.
———. "Modeling of the Structural Behavior of Fuel Elements and Assemblies." In Fundamental Aspects of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements. Springfield, VA: Technical Information Center, Office of Public Affairs, Energy Research, and Development Administration, 1976. ISBN: 0870790315.
"Extensive Programs Demonstrate ZIRLO Cladding performance Benefits." A Westinghouse Brochure. (Available in hard copy only.)
Wallin, H. "Fuel Rod Modelling in Reactivity-initiated Accidents at High Burnups: Transuranus Verses Frey." PSI Science Report 4 (2001).
"Focus XS and HTS - A New Generation of Higher Enrichemnt PWR Fuel Assemblies." A Brochure from Siemens Nuclear Power.
Wallin, H. "Fuel Rod Modelling in Reactivity-initiated Accidents at High Burnups: Transuranus Verses Frey." PSI Science Report 4 (2001).
17-19 |
Support Structure & Pipes
Core Mechanical Design
Beam Equations
Discussion of Terms
Fatigue Analysis |
Meyer, J. E. "Beam Theory." (PDF) |
20-22 |
Dynamic Analysis and Seismic Loads of Plant Components |
Au-Yang, M. K. Flow Induced Vibrations of Power and Process Plant Components: A Practical Workbooks. New York: ASME Press, 2001. ISBN: 0791801667.
Herron, R. "Summary of Important Flow-Induced Vibration Relations." 2002. (Available in hard copy only.)
23-27 |
Containment Structures |
Buyukozturk, O. "Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures." Computers and Structures 7 (1977).
———. "Imaging of Concrete Structures." NDT & E International 31 (1998).
General Topics
Ma, B. M. "Fundamental Radiation Effects on Materials." In Nuclear Reactor Materials and Applications. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983.