1.133 Masters of Engineering Concepts of Engineering Practice

Fall 2003

Steel arch bridge.
Steel arch bridge. (Photo © openphoto.net.)

Course Highlights

This course site features lecture notes and assignments.

Course Description

1.133 is a core requirement for the Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) program. It features lectures presented by a variety of industry and academic speakers. The course is designed to teach students about the roles of today's professional engineer and to expose them to team-building skills through lectures, team workshops, and seminars. Topics include: written and oral communications, job placement skills, trends in the engineering and construction industry, proposal preparation, project evaluation, project management, professional ethics, and negotiation. The course draws on relevent large scale projects to illustrate each component of the subject. Course lectures are integrated with a weekly seminar series and the MEng group project subjects which are mentioned herein. 

Technical Requirements

Microsoft® Powerpoint® software is recommended for viewing the .ppt files found on this course site. Free  Microsoft® Powerpoint® viewer software can also be used to view the .ppt files. Microsoft® Excel software is recommended for viewing the .xls files found on this course site. Free Microsoft® Excel viewer software can also be used to view the .xls files.

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Dr. Eric Adams

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session

One session / week
1 hour / session

Project Meetings:
One session / week
2 hours / session

