A collage relating money with information technology. (Photograph courtesy of Daniel Bersak.)
Course Highlights
The director of MIT Sloan's Center for Information Systems Research (CISR), Prof. Peter Weill, teaches this course, which features an extensive
reading list of books, articles, case studies, and CISR working papers. Topics for the term paper and group presentation are available, as well as sample
student presentations.
Course Description
Information Technology is pervasive in today's firms. For many firms IT is the single largest capital investment, often exceeding 50% of capital expenditure. As a result, in this course we take the strategic perspective of the general manager and study how these leading firms get more value from their IT investments. The course focuses on the business value that can be achieved rather than the details of the technology. Issues around IT governance will pervade the course.
An IT background is not required and this is not a "technical" course. This is, however, an integrative course, including issues of business strategy, finance, and the study of organizations and people, which are also covered in other parts of the Sloan MBA program. The creation of business value requires the successful integration of these issues with the potential of IT.
Spring 2003 was the last time that this course was taught as 15.568B. In the future, this course will be named 15.571, Generating Business Value from IT.
*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.