3.082 Materials Processing Laboratory

Spring 2003

Diagram of a typical injection molding process. (OSHA Technical Manual.)
Diagram of a typical injection molding process. (Image taken from the OSHA Technical Manual.)

Course Highlights

This project-based course includes detailed suggestions for potential projects and information about some of the tools used to create them.

Course Description

Student project teams design and fabricate a materials engineering prototype using appropriate processing technologies (injection molding, thermoforming, investment casting, powder processing, brazing, etc.). Emphasis on teamwork, project management, communications and computer skills, and hands-on work using student and MIT laboratory shops. Goals include developing an understanding of the practical applications of MSE; trade-offs between design, processing and performance; and fabrication of a deliverable prototype. Teams document their progress and final results by means of web pages and weekly oral presentations. Instruction and practice in oral communication provided.

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.

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Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang
Prof. David Roylance


