
Term Project Guidelines

The term project in Intro Mod/Sim is typically an individual study carried out by a student on a topic related to the class lectures. This topic could be the simulation of a particular physical phenomenon, or an investigation of a particular aspect of a simulation method discussed in class. Selection of the topic is made by the student in consultation with a member of the teaching faculty, who then becomes the supervisor of the project.

The intent is to allow the student to expand on what is taught in class in a direction of his/her interest. Beyond some very general guidelines, any reasonable proposal that is endorsed by the Supervisor will be acceptable.

Each term project will be presented orally at the end of the semester, and also in the form of a written report due on Friday 5 PM the last week of classes.

Term Project Ideas

This document contains some suggestions for term project topics, based on the research interests of the course instructors.

Term Project Ideas (PDF)

Term Project Topics

The following topics were selected by students for their term projects.

  • Coalescent Simulations in Human Genetics
  • Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
  • Experimental Validation of Polycrystal Plasticity Models: Slip Systems Identification
  • Financial Derivative Pricing
  • Gravity Currents in Aquatic Canopy
  • Laminar Boundary Layer of Flow Over a Flat Surface
  • Lattice Simulations of Debye Layers
  • Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory: Visualizing Electron Densities of DNA Backbone Molecules
  • Modeling Drug Delivery through a Stent
  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Protein Folding
  • Pricing Options
  • Quantum Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
  • Simulating Art: Recreating the Fractal Nature of Pollock's Paintings
  • Simulation of Forced Flows in ICEO
  • Variations on DLA