This is Russell's flat tire domain. (operator open (params ( Container)) (preconds (unlocked ) (closed )) (effects (del closed ) (open ))) (operator close (params ( Container)) (preconds (open )) (effects (del open ) (closed ))) (operator fetch (params ( Object) ( Container)) (preconds (in ) (open )) (effects (del in ) (have ))) (operator put-away (params ( Object) ( Container)) (preconds (have ) (open )) (effects (in ) (del have ))) (operator loosen (params ( Nut) ( Hub)) (preconds (have wrench) (tight ) (on-ground )) (effects (loose ) (del tight ))) (operator tighten (params ( Nut) ( Hub)) (preconds (have wrench) (loose ) (on-ground )) (effects (tight ) (del loose ))) (operator jack-up (params ( Hub)) (preconds (on-ground ) (have jack)) (effects (not-on-ground ) (del on-ground ) (del have jack))) (operator jack-down (params ( Hub)) (preconds (not-on-ground )) (effects (del not-on-ground ) (on-ground ) (have jack))) (operator undo (params ( Nut) ( Hub)) (preconds (not-on-ground ) (fastened ) (have wrench) (loose )) (effects (have ) (unfastened ) (del fastened ) (del loose ))) (operator do-up (params ( Nut) ( Hub)) (preconds (have wrench) (unfastened ) (not-on-ground ) (have )) (effects (loose ) (fastened ) (del unfastened ) (del have ))) (operator remove-wheel (params ( Wheel) ( Hub)) (preconds (not-on-ground ) (on ) (unfastened )) (effects (have ) (free ) (del on ))) (operator put-on-wheel (params ( Wheel) ( Hub)) (preconds (have ) (free ) (unfastened ) (not-on-ground )) (effects (on ) (del free ) (del have ))) (operator inflate (params ( Wheel)) (preconds (have pump) (not-inflated ) (intact )) (effects (del not-inflated ) (inflated ))) (operator cuss (params) (preconds) (effects (del annoyed)))