; A subset of ABC 1.6 in BNF format for 6.005 Project 2
; Author: Eunsuk Kang, Oct. 2008

abc-tune ::= abc-header abc-music

abc-header ::= field-number comment* field-title other-fields* field-key
field-number ::= "X:" DIGIT+ end-of-line
field-title ::= "T:" text end-of-line
other-fields ::= field-composer | field-default-length | field-meter 
	| field-tempo | field-voice | comment
field-composer ::= "C:" text end-of-line
field-default-length ::= "L:" note-length-strict end-of-line
field-meter ::= "M:" meter end-of-line
field-tempo ::= "Q:" tempo end-of-line
field-voice ::= "V:" text end-of-line
field-key ::= "K:" key end-of-line

key ::= keynote [mode-minor]
keynote ::= basenote [key-accidental]
key-accidental ::= "#" | "b"
mode-minor ::= "m"

meter ::= "C" | "C|" | meter-fraction
meter-fraction ::= DIGIT+ "/" DIGIT+ 

tempo ::= DIGIT+ 


abc-music ::= abc-line+
abc-line ::= (element+ linefeed) | mid-tune-field | comment
element ::= note-element | tuplet-element | barline | nth-repeat | space 

note-element ::= (note | multi-note)

// note is either a pitch or a rest
note ::= note-or-rest [note-length]
note-or-rest ::= pitch | rest
pitch ::= [accidental] basenote [octave]
octave ::= ("'"+) | (","+)
note-length ::= [DIGIT+] ["/" [DIGIT+]]
note-length-strict ::= DIGIT+ "/" DIGIT+

; "^" is sharp, "_" is flat, and "=" is neutral
accidental ::= "^" | "^^" | "_" | "__" | "="

basenote ::= "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "A" | "B"
        | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "a" | "b"

rest ::= "z"

// tuplets
tuplet-element ::= tuplet-spec note-element+
tuplet-spec ::= "(" DIGIT 

// chords
multi-note ::= "[" note+ "]"

barline ::= "|" | "||" | "[|" | "|]" | ":|" | "|:"
nth-repeat ::= "[1" | "[2"

; A voice field might reappear in the middle of a piece
; to indicate the change of a voice
mid-tune-field- ::= field-voice

comment ::= "%" text linefeed
end-of-line ::= comment | linefeed