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Atomic and Optical Physics II

A diagram for the Hanbury-Bronw and Twiss experiment.

A diagram for the Hanbury-Brown and Twiss experiment, which measures the probability P that two free particles are measured simultaneously at point 1 and point 2.  From Assignment 4, Problem 1.  (Image Courtesy of Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle.)


MIT Course Number


As Taught In

Spring 2005



Course Description

This is the second of a two-semester subject sequence beginning with Atomic and Optical Physics I (8.421) that provides the foundations for contemporary research in selected areas of atomic and optical physics. Topics covered include non-classical states of light, multi-photon processes, coherence, trapping and cooling, atomic interactions, and experimental methods.

Chuang, Isaac, and Wolfgang Ketterle. 8.422 Atomic and Optical Physics II, Spring 2005. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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