Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Corpus annotation in service of intelligent narrative technologies 

      Finlayson, Mark Alan (© Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2011-10-09)
      Annotated corpora have stimulated great advances in the language sciences. The time is ripe to bring that same stimulation, and consequent benefits, to computational approaches to narrative. I describe an effort to construct ...
    • The prevalence of descriptive referring expressions in news and narrative 

      Hervaś, Raquel; Finlayson, Mark Alan (© Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010-07-11)
      Generating referring expressions is a key step in Natural Language Generation. Researchers have focused almost exclusively on generating distinctive referring expressions, that is, referring expressions that uniquely ...
    • Sets of signals, information flow, and folktales 

      Finlayson, Mark Alan (© Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012-06-01)
      I apply Barwise and Seligman’s theory of information flow to understand how sets of signals can carry information. More precisely I focus on the case where the information of interest is not present in any individual signal, ...
    • The Story workbench: An extensible semi-automatic text annotation tool 

      Finlayson, Mark Alan (© Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2011-10-09)
      Text annotations are of great use to researchers in the language sciences, and much effort has been invested in creating annotated corpora for an wide variety of purposes. Unfortunately, software support for these corpora ...