Now showing items 13-15 of 34

    • Direct imaging of exoEarths embedded in clumpy debris disks 

      Defrere, D.; Stark, C.; Cahoy, K.; Beerer, I. (SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2012)
      The inner solar system, where the terrestrial planets formed and evolve, is populated by small grains of dust produced by collisions of asteroids and outgassing comets. At visible and infrared wavelengths, this dust cloud ...
    • Combining laser frequency combs and iodine cell calibration techniques for Doppler detection of exoplanets 

      Cahoy, K.; Fischer, D.; Spronck, J.; Demille, D. (SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010)
      Exoplanets can be detected from a time series of stellar spectra by looking for small, periodic shifts in the absorption features that are consistent with Doppler shifts caused by the presence of an exoplanet, or multiple ...
    • CubeSat deformable mirror demonstration 

      Cahoy, K.; Marinan, A.; Kerr, C.; Cheng, K.; Jamil, S. (SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2012)
      The goal of the CubeSat Deformable Mirror Demonstration (DeMi) is to characterize the performance of a small deformable mirror over a year in low-Earth orbit. Small form factor deformable mirrors are a key technology needed ...