Now showing items 1-3 of 45

    • Assessment of Potential Opportunities for Use of Digital Payments for Smallholder Farmers in Northern and Central Senegal 

      Cardoso, Cauam; Spielberg, Jonars (2020-08-31)
      The project Assessment of Potential Opportunities for Use of Digital Payments for Smallholder Farmers in Resource-Constrained Settings began in 2018 through a partnership with USAID’s Feed the Future Program (D2FTF). The ...
    • Wheelchair Evaluation 

      Gandhi, Amit; Heyman, Julia (MIT D-Lab Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation, 2019-09-23)
      Wheelchairs are an assistive technology that play an essential role in providing people living with disabilities the opportunity to be productive members of their society. In low-resource settings, a lack of access to ...
    • Seeds of Silicon: Internet of Things for Smallholder Agriculture 

      Paul Antony, Anish; Sweeney, Daniel; Lu, Jennifer (2019-12-19)
      MIT D-Lab, in partnership with USAID, the Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation (CITE) at MIT, and Feed the Future, conducted an evaluation of the current state of IoT technology in smallholder agriculture in ...