Recent Submissions

  • Data for "Optimality of spherical codes via exact semidefinite programming bounds" 

    Cohn, Henry; de Laat, David; Leijenhorst, Nando (2024-03-25)
    This data set includes all the code and data from the paper "Optimality of spherical codes via exact semidefinite programming bounds" by Cohn, de Laat, and Leijenhorst.
  • Table of spherical codes 

    Cohn, Henry (2024-02-18)
    This table lists the best spherical codes I am aware of with up to 1024 points in up to 32 dimensions. It archives the data from in a form more suitable for citation, since it is likely to be ...
  • Table of kissing number bounds 

    Cohn, Henry (2024-01-16)
    This table shows the best lower and upper bounds known for the kissing number in Euclidean spaces of dimensions 1 through 48 and 72.

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