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dc.contributor.authorSchmitt, D. P.
dc.contributor.authorCheng, C. H.
dc.contributor.otherMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laboratoryen_US
dc.description.abstractWe perform the analysis of the dispersion and attenuation of the modes generated both by a dipole and quadrupole source in a fluid filled borehole surrounded by a (multilayered) elastic formation. The displacement-stress vectors are propagated through the layers using the Thomson-Haskell method. Only the well bonded configuration is investigated. In the time domain, we investigate the effects of the source center frequency on synthetic full waveform microseismograms computed using the discrete wavenumber method. Whatever the formation (fast or slow) and the configuration, the low frequency part of both the flexural and screw modes follows the virgin formation shear wave characteristics. Their high frequency parts behave like that of the Stoneley wave excited by a monopole source. As a result, the fundamental modes are very sensitive to the properties of the inner layers at intermediate and high frequencies. In the presence of an invaded zone, the internal dynamics of the waveforms can be significantly modified, while the useful starting energy of the fundamental modes is shifted toward lower frequencies. The reverse phenomenon occurs when the borehole is cased. For this last configuration, it is only with low source center frequencies that multipole sources can log a slow formation shear wave due to the leaky character of the fundamental modes.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Full Waveform Acoustic Logging Consortiumen_US
dc.publisherMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laboratoryen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEarth Resources Laboratory Industry Consortia Annual Report;1987-08
dc.titleShear Wave Logging In (Multilayered) Elastic Formations: An Overviewen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorSchmitt, D. P.
dc.contributor.mitauthorCheng, C. H.
dspace.orderedauthorsSchmitt, D. P.; Cheng, C. H.en_US

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