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dc.contributor.authorGoentzel, Jarrod
dc.contributor.authorBlair, Courtney
dc.contributor.authorDowning, Tristan
dc.descriptionSystem maps can be used to connect high-level outcomes to the technical details of interventions and show how a complex set of interventions and conditions are needed to achieve these high-level outcomes. This document outlines how to use a system map to examine high-level outcomes and their corresponding measures of success. This document focuses on the Karamoja Cluster, but the methods could be applied to other situations where we are trying to achieve specific goals within a complex system. The document is made up of three sections: 1. Finding the High-Level Outcomeson a system map: We show where the Karamoja Cluster’s high-level outcomes are located on a system map. 2. Examining the High-Level Outcomes on a system map: We take a closer look at one high-level outcome to examine what enables it. 3. Examining the Measures of Success on a system map: We take a closer look at two measures of success for the high-level outcome to examine what enables them and how to infer their status with limited informationen_US
dc.description.abstractThis document outlines how to use a system map to examine high-level outcomes and their corresponding measures of success. This document is focusing on the Karamoja Cluster, but the methods could be applied to other situations where we are trying to achieve specific goals within a complex system. The document is made up of three sections: finding the High-Level Outcomes on a system map, examining the High-Level Outcomeson a system map, and examining the Measures of Success on a system map.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectSystem Mappingen_US
dc.titleMapping Karamoja Cluster High-Level Outcomes: Applying System Mapping Techniques to Understanding Resilienceen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US

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