4. CyberPolitics & International Relations: Recent submissions
Now showing items 4-6 of 60
Cyberspace Operations Functional Capability Reference Architecture from Document Text
(© MIT Sloan School of Management, 2020-09)The COMET project applies structured text analysis, semantic similarity and ontology learning theory, along with NLP to investigate automated and semi-automated methods for extracting knowledge from text policy documents ... -
Social Contract for the AI Age
(© Artificial Intelligence World Society Initiative (AIWS), & Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation., 2020-09-09)Just as earlier social contracts helped shape societies for a common purpose, the Social Contract for the AI Age has a transformative vision, one that transcends the technological features of artificial intelligence and ... -
The concept of AI-government: Core concepts for the design of AI-government
(© Boston Global Forum, & Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation, 2018-06-25)E-Government is the use of communication and information technology for improving the performance of public sector agencies. AI-Government transcends E-Government by applying AI to assist decision making for all critical ...