Now showing items 1-3 of 8

    • Global Bioenergy Availability 

      Katie Daehn; Coleman, Evan; Allrogen, Florian (2025-01-06)
      In efforts to decarbonize and mitigate climate change impacts, some sectors require unprecedented levels of technological innovation to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is especially true for air ...
    • MCSC Corporate Climate Finance Primer 

      Tripathy, Aneil (2024-05-14)
      This corporate climate finance primer reviews MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) climate finance work and provides context for current MCSC research. The primer provides context for a range of corporate climate ...
    • Nature-Based Climate Solutions: Current Uncertainties and Data Gaps in the Assessment of Soil Carbon Sequestration Potentials 

      Macfarlane, Maria; Jia, Ruofei; Fricke, Evan; Vallicrosa, Helena; Yu, Jevan; e.a. (2024-04-16)
      Nature-based solutions (NBS) to climate change, which harness natural ecosystems to achieve diverse environmental objectives, are becoming increasingly central to climate action plans due in large part to their multifaceted ...