Now showing items 1-3 of 9

    • A Taxonomy for Social Sustainability in Corporate Communication 

      Dogan, Amelia; Frye-Levine, Laura; Malysa, Ava (2025-02-07)
      Sustainability, or environmental, social, and governance (ESG), reports have become ubiquitous among major companies in recent years, often criticized as tools for greenwashing and met with significant backlash. While the ...
    • Global Bioenergy Availability 

      Katie Daehn; Coleman, Evan; Allrogen, Florian (2025-01-06)
      In efforts to decarbonize and mitigate climate change impacts, some sectors require unprecedented levels of technological innovation to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is especially true for air ...
    • MCSC Corporate Climate Finance Primer 

      Tripathy, Aneil (2024-05-14)
      This corporate climate finance primer reviews MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) climate finance work and provides context for current MCSC research. The primer provides context for a range of corporate climate ...