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dc.contributor.authorCohen-Tanugi, David
dc.contributor.authorDelaporte-Mathurin, Rémi
dc.contributor.authorHandley, Malcolm
dc.contributor.authorMeschini, Samuele
dc.contributor.authorMaris, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorMouratidis, Theodore
dc.contributor.authorMullen, Julianna
dc.contributor.authorSeltzman, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorStapelberg, Myles
dc.contributor.authorShort, Mike
dc.contributor.authorSegantin, Stefano
dc.contributor.authorWallace, Gregory
dc.contributor.authorZhou, Weiyue
dc.descriptionThis report is a collaboration between Proto Ventures and the Plasma Science & Fusion Center. It outlines the top opportunities for new R&D or entrepreneurial efforts in the commercial fusion energy sector.en_US
dc.description.abstractFor decades, the idea of fusion energy has captured our collective imaginations as the energy source of the future, providing firm electricity without operational carbon emissions. In recent years, possible fusion has come closer and closer to probable, with major breakthroughs by top research institutions complemented by billions of dollars of investments supporting a burgeoning private fusion sector, all racing to build the first fusion power plant in the next decade. Fusion is now entering the commercial era. Major technical and cost milestones remain, and success will also require a network of partners, vendors, and technology providers to form a robust industrial supply chain. We are in a moment that offers rich possibilities for new entrants who can offer unique products and services to fill critical gaps. This report offers a roadmap for navigating the exciting landscape of a potential future commercial fusion ecosystem, helping investors, entrepreneurs, researchers, and corporations alike capitalize on the immense potential of this transformative technology. All mature industries need a robust and sophisticated supply chain, and fusion will be no exception. Drawing from interviews with private fusion power plant companies, extensive research, and building upon the expertise of both the Plasma Science and Fusion Center and Proto Ventures, this reports outline some key opportunities for first movers to secure a valuable foothold in a future fusion industry as providers of materials; components and consumables; subsystems; and software, services, and facilities. We believe that fusion energy has the potential to revolutionize the way the world produces energy. Through this report, we invite you to join us on the journey towards a cleaner, brighter future powered by the stars.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMIT Proto Ventures, MIT Plasma Science & Fusion Centeren_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectmaterials scienceen_US
dc.subjectsupply chainen_US
dc.titleEnabling Commercial Fusion: Venture & Technology Opportunities for a Growing Fusion Industryen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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