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dc.contributor.advisorRyan, Brent D.
dc.contributor.authorKim, MinJi
dc.description.abstractThis thesis investigates the intricate dynamics between aging Korean populations and foreign migrant workers in South Korea’s shrinking regions. By conducting an in-depth analysis of four cities, each representing a unique aspect of the nation's projected demographic shifts, this study evaluates how urban planning and policy can foster resilient communities amidst significant societal changes. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, which includes quantitative data alongside interviews and surveys with 81 stakeholders—from local officials to migrants and elderly residents—the research uncovers complex relationships and systemic barriers that impact community cohesion and demographic stability. The findings provide a nuanced perspective on how strategic urban design and innovative policy initiatives can drive transformative growth in these areas, turning demographic challenges into opportunities for development. The analysis highlights the untapped potential within vulnerable populations and recommends a series of interventions, including integrating educational elements into urban infrastructure and promoting cultural inclusivity through diverse partnerships. This approach seeks to reinvigorate shrinking regions, transforming them into vibrant, sustainable communities. Ultimately, the study underscores the critical role of inclusive urban development in revitalizing areas facing demographic and economic decline.
dc.publisherMassachusetts Institute of Technology
dc.rightsIn Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
dc.rightsCopyright retained by author(s)
dc.titleShaping the Future Amid Decline: Integrative Strategies for Aging Koreans and Migrant Workers in South Korea’s Shrinking Regions
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Urban Studies and Planning
mit.thesis.degreeMaster in City Planning

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