Recent Submissions

  • Steam generator tube rupture study 

    Free, Scott Thomas; Schor, Andrei L. (Cambridge, Mass. : Energy Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986, 1986)
    This report describes our investigation of steam generator behavior during a postulated tube rupture accident. Our study was performed using the steam generator, thermal-hydraulic analysis code THERMIT-UTSG. The purpose ...
  • Final report on Canadian-U.S. natural gas trade 

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. International Natural Gas Trade Project. Center for Energy Policy Research. ([Cambridge, Mass.] : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Energy Policy Research, Energy Laboratory, 1985, 1985)
  • Economic predictions for heat mining : a review and analysis of hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal energy technology 

    Tester, Jefferson W.; Herzog, Howard J. ([Cambridge, Mass.] : Energy Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990, 1990)
    The main objectives of this study were first, to review and analyze several economic assessments of Hot Dry Rock (HDR) geothermal energy systems, and second, to reformulate an economic model for HDR with revised cost components.

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