Now showing items 1-3 of 16

    • BE.420J Biomolecular Kinetics and Cellular Dynamics, Fall 2004 

      Wittrup, K. Dane; Tidor, Bruce (2004-12)
      This subject deals primarily with kinetic and equilibrium mathematical models of biomolecular interactions, as well as the application of these quantitative analyses to biological problems across a wide range of levels of ...
    • BE.462J Molecular Principles of Biomaterials, Spring 2003 

      Irvine, Darrell J. (2003-06)
      Analysis and design at a molecular scale of materials used in contact with biological systems, including biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Topics include molecular interactions between bio- and synthetic molecules ...
    • BE.010J / 2.790J / 6.025J / 7.38J / 10.010J Introduction to Bioengineering, Spring 2005 

      Matsudaira, Paul T.; Belcher, Angela M.; Grodzinsky, Alan J. (2005-06)
      Designed as a freshmen seminar course, faculty from various School of Engineering departments describe the research and educational opportunities specific to and offered by their departments. Background lectures by the ...