Now showing items 4-6 of 39

    • 21F.501 Beginning Japanese I, Fall 2004 

      Shingu, Ikue; Nagaya, Yoshimi; Nagatomi, Ayumi (2004-12)
      This course covers Lessons 1 through 6 from Japanese: the Spoken Language, Part 1 (by Eleanor H. Jorden with Mari Noda, Yale University Press, 1987), providing opportunities to acquire basic skills for conversation, ...
    • 21F.405 Germany Today: Intensive Study of German Language & Culture, January (IAP) 2003 

      Crocker, Ellen W.; Fendt, Kurt E. (2003-01)
      Prepares students for working and living in German-speaking countries. Focus on current political, social, and cultural issues, using newspapers, journals, TV, radio broadcasts, and Web sources from Germany, Austria, and ...
    • 21F.401 German I, Fall 2003 

      Jaeger, Dagmar (2003-12)
      Introduction to German language and culture. Acquisition of vocabulary and grammatical concepts through active communication. Audio, video, and printed materials provide direct exposure to authentic German language and ...