Health Sciences and Technology (HST) - Archived: Recent submissions
Now showing items 4-6 of 24
HST.723 Neural Coding and Perception of Sound, Spring 2003
(2003-06)Neural structures and mechanisms mediating the detection, localization, and recognition of sounds. Discussion of how acoustic signals are coded by auditory neurons, the impact of these codes on behavorial performance, and ... -
HST.921 / HST.923 Information Technology in the Health Care System of the Future, Spring 2003
(2003-06)The healthcare system in the US has been in the midst of a rapid transition in response to changing trends and patterns of care. The growing emphasis on evidence-based medical practice, continuous quality improvement, ... -
HST.176 Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Fall 2002
(2002-12)Covers cells and tissues of the immune system, lymphocyte development, the structure and function of antigen receptors, the cell biology of antigen processing and presentation including molecular structure and assembly of ...