Now showing items 13-15 of 70

    • 24.500 Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Mental Content, Spring 2015 

      Byrne, Alex; Rayo, Agustín (2015-06)
      Propositions are everywhere in the philosophy of mind. Believing, hoping, and intending (for example) are said to be "propositional attitudes", mental states that involve relations to propositions. The seminar ...
    • 24.221 Metaphysics, Spring 2015 

      Khoo, Justin (2015-06)
      This course is a study of basic metaphysical issues concerning existence, the mind-body problem, personal identity, and causation plus its implications for freedom. This class features classical as well as contemporary ...
    • 24.201 Topics in the History of Philosophy: Justice & Political Economy, Spring 2016 

      Haslanger, Sally; McKinney, Rachel (2016-06)
      This course will provide a selective historical survey of some philosophical approaches to questions of political economy and justice. Political economy is the integrated study of the relationships of government, political ...