Linguistics and Philosophy (24) - Archived: Recent submissions
Now showing items 7-9 of 70
24.401 Proseminar in Philosophy II, Spring 2020
(2020-06)This course is an advanced study of the basic problems of philosophy and is intended for first-year graduate students in philosophy. It is an intensive seminar on selected highlights of analytic philosophy from roughly ... -
24.400 Proseminar in Philosophy I, Fall 2013
(2013-12)This course is an intensive seminar on the foundations of analytic philosophy for first-year graduate students. A large selection of classic texts, such as Frege's Foundations of Arithmetic, Russell's Problems of Philosophy, ... -
24.500 Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Self-Knowledge, Spring 2005
(2005-06)This is a seminar on "self-knowledge" -- knowledge of one's own mental states. In addition to reading some of the classic papers on self-knowledge, we will look at some very recent work on the topic. There will ...