Now showing items 4-6 of 53

    • 14.581 International Economics I, Spring 2007 

      Antràs, Pol (2007-06)
      This course provides a graduate-level introduction to the field of international trade. It examines the theory of international trade and foreign investment with applications in commercial policy. Topics include gains from ...
    • 4.651 20th Century Art, Fall 2002 

      Jones, Caroline (2002-12)
      Critical examination of major developments in European and American art during the past century. Surveys art's engagements with modernization, radical politics, utopianism, mass culture, changing conceptions of mind and ...
    • 12.001 Introduction to Geology, Spring 2008 

      Elkins-Tanton, Lindy (2008-06)
      This undergraduate level course presents a basic study in geology. It introduces major minerals and rock types, rock-forming processes, and time scales; temperatures, pressures, compositions, structure of the Earth, and ...