Now showing items 10-12 of 53

    • 14.454 Macroeconomic Theory IV, Fall 2004 

      Caballero, Ricardo (2004-12)
      This half-term course covers the macroeconomic implications of imperfections in labor markets, goods markets, credit and financial markets. The role of nominal rigidities is also an area of focus.
    • 22.251 / 22.351 Systems Analysis of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Fall 2005 

      Kazimi, Mujid S. (2005-12)
      This course provides an in-depth technical and policy analysis of various options for the nuclear fuel cycle. Topics include uranium supply, enrichment fuel fabrication, in-core physics and fuel management of uranium, ...
    • 22.611J / 6.651J / 8.613J Introduction To Plasma Physics I, Fall 2002 

      Molvig, Kim (2002-12)
      Introduces plasma phenomena relevant to energy generation by controlled thermonuclear fusion and to astrophysics. Basic plasma properties and collective behavior. Coulomb collisions and transport processes. Motion of charged ...