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dc.contributor.authorLiu, Xinwei
dc.contributor.authorSun, Jie
dc.description.abstractMathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC)has extensive applications in practical areas such as traffic control, engineering design, and economic modeling. Some generalized stationary points of MPEC are studied to better describe the limiting points produced by interior point methods for MPEC.A primal-dual interior point method is then proposed, which solves a sequence of relaxed barrier problems derived from MPEC. Global convergence results are deduced without assuming strict complementarity or linear independence constraint qualification. Under very general assumptions, the algorithm can always find some point with strong or weak stationarity. In particular, it is shown that every limiting point of the generated sequence is a piece-wise stationary point of MPEC if the penalty parameter of the merit function is bounded. Otherwise, a certain point with weak stationarity can be obtained. Preliminary numerical results are satisfactory, which include a case analyzed by Leyffer for which the penalty interior point algorithm failed to find a stationary solution.en
dc.description.sponsorshipSingapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)en
dc.format.extent183424 bytes
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHigh Performance Computation for Engineered Systems (HPCES);
dc.subjectequilibrium constraintsen
dc.subjectglobal convergenceen
dc.subjectinterior point methodsen
dc.subjectstrict complementarityen
dc.subjectvariational inequality problemsen
dc.titleGeneralized Stationary Points and an Interior Point Method for MPECen

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