Computer systems that model new products can be overwhelmingly complex. The design of an automobile door, for example, can require the coordinated efforts of dozens (if not hundreds) of designers, engineers, and suppliers, each working simultaneously in distant locations and on radically different platforms. Project DOME integrates these efforts in a user-friendly Web-based environment that allows all developers to join in the modeling process at the same time. They can do this (1) without intermediary assistance from computer programmers, (2) without departing from their preferred set of product development tools, and (3) without losing control of proprietary information.

Recent Submissions

  • Integrated Simulation and Design Synthesis 

    Wallace, David; Yang, Elaine; Senin, Nicola (2001)
    The potential benefits of mathematically predicting and analyzing the integrated behavior of product concepts throughout the design synthesis cycle are widely recognized. Better up-front integrated design will not only ...
  • Integrated Design in a Service Marketplace 

    Abrahamson, Shaun; Wallace, David; Senin, Nicola; Sferro, Peter (2000)
    This paper presents a service marketplace vision for enterprise-wide integrated design modeling. In this environment, expert participants and product development organizations are empowered to publish their geometric ...